KUSUM Tender

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Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development

Agency (UPNEDA)
(Deptt. of Additional Sources of Energy, Govt. of U.P.)
Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & 5 Years Comprehensive Maintenance
of Distributed Grid Connected Solar PV Systems along with VFD for Solarization of
10000 Nos Grid Connected Agriculture Pumps under KUSUM Component C-1 Scheme
in the state of Uttar Pradesh as per specification given in Scope of Work of Bid

Bid No: - 01//UPNEDA-PM KUSUM-C1/GCPS/2024-2025 Dated 29.08.2024

Issued by
Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency
(Deptt. of Additional Sources of Energy, Govt. of U.P.)
VibhutiKhand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, U.P. - 226010
Website: www.upneda.org.in E-mail : [email protected]

Table of Contents

1 Abbreviation & Definitions .............................................................................. 5

2 Disclaimer ............................................................................................................... 9

3 Bid Details ............................................................................................................. 11

4 Brief Description of the Proposal & its Submission............................. 13

4.1 Part I: Technical Bid (Online Submission Only) ............................................................. 13
4.2 Part II: Price Bid (Online Mode Submission only) ......................................................... 14
4.3 Language of Bid & Measure ............................................................................................ 14
4.4 Proposal Submission ...................................................................................................... 14
4.5 Format and Signing of Bid: ............................................................................................. 15
4.6 Deadline for Submission of Bids:.................................................................................... 15
4.7 UPNEDA's Right to Reject Tender: ................................................................................. 16
4.8 Bid Validity Period.......................................................................................................... 16
4.9 Opening of Bids............................................................................................................... 16
4.10 Clarification of Bids & Pre-Bid Conference .................................................................... 17
4.11 Amendment to Bid Documents ...................................................................................... 17
4.12 Local Conditions ............................................................................................................. 17

5 Pre-Bid Eligibility Criteria .............................................................................. 18

6 Technical Evaluation Criteria ....................................................................... 20

6.1 Clarification of Bid ............................................................................................................ 20

7 Evaluation of Bids .............................................................................................. 21

7.1 Finalization of BID: ......................................................................................................... 21
7.2 Finalization of Empanelment: ........................................................................................ 21

8 General Conditions of the contract ............................................................. 22

8.1 Definitions ...................................................................................................................... 22
8.2 Liquidated Damages ....................................................................................................... 22
8.3 Force Majeure ................................................................................................................. 23
8.4 Settlement of Disputes and Provisions for Arbitration.................................................. 23
8.5 Confidentiality ................................................................................................................ 24
8.6 Subletting or Transfer of Contract ................................................................................. 24

8.7 Taxes Duties and Insurance: .......................................................................................... 24
8.8 Inspections and Tests: .................................................................................................... 24
8.9 Inspection at Works: ...................................................................................................... 24
8.10 Warranty:........................................................................................................................ 25
8.11 Patent Right and Royalties: ............................................................................................ 26
8.12 Packing & Forwarding: ................................................................................................... 26
8.13 Demurrage WHARF AGE ETC: ....................................................................................... 26
8.14 Insurance: ....................................................................................................................... 26
8.15 Transportation: .............................................................................................................. 26
8.16 POST COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES .............................................................................. 27
8.17 Project Inspection........................................................................................................... 27
8.18 Applicable Law: .............................................................................................................. 27
8.19 Notice: ............................................................................................................................. 27
8.20 Timeline, Payment Terms .............................................................................................. 27
8.21 Others: ............................................................................................................................ 28

9 Contracting Arrangements............................................................................. 30
9.1 Signing of the Contract Agreement ................................................................................ 30
9.2 Performance Security ..................................................................................................... 31
9.3 Termination of Contract ................................................................................................. 31

10 Scope of Work and Technical Specifications .......................................... 33

11 Forms – Part I: Technical ................................................................................ 56

11.1 Form A: Covering Letter ................................................................................................. 56
11.2 Form B: General Particulars of the Bidder ..................................................................... 58
11.3 Form C: Checklist ............................................................................................................ 59
11.4 Form D: Proof of payment or demand draft for cost of payment of the tender
document.................................................................................................................................... 63
11.5 Form E: Earnest Money Deposit to be submitted as DD or BG from any nationalized or
scheduled bank in the specified format ..................................................................................... 64
11.6 Form F: Bidder documentary evidence in support of the Pre-Bid Eligibility Criteria ... 66
11.7 Form G: Schedule of Experience (Supply & Installation) ............................................... 68
11.8 Form I: Declaration on Notarized Affidavit that the information provided by the Bidder
is true to the best of its knowledge, specifically pertaining to the experience furnished &
conflict check ............................................................................................................................. 69
11.9 Form J: Format of Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) ................................................ 70

11.10 Form L: Format for Bid Security Declaration ............................................................. 72
11.11 Form M: Format for Power of Attorney ..................................................................... 73
11.13 Form P: Technical Bid: To be submitted with Technical bid ..................................... 77

1 Abbreviation & Definitions

Sr. Particulars Definition

1 UPNEDA Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency
2 Govt. of UP Government of Uttar Pradesh
3 PM KUSUM Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Uthan Mahabhiyan
4 GoI Government of India
5 DD Demand Draft
6 EMD Earnest Money Deposit
7 BG Bank Guarantee
8 RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
9 NEFT National Electronic Fund Transfer
10 PV Photovoltaic
11 GST Goods & Services Tax
12 GSTIN GST Identification Number
13 MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
14 NABL National Accreditation Board for Testing & Collaboration Limited
15 CA Chartered Accountant
16 LoA Letter of Award
17 LoI Letter of Intent
18 BOQ Bill of Quantity
19 MSME Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
20 RESIMS Renewable Energy Solar Installation Monitoring Software
21 AMC Annual Maintenance Contract
22 BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
23 STC Standard Test Conditions
24 IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
25 MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracking
26 PWM Pulse Width Modulation
27 GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
28 GPRS General Packet Radio Service
29 SMS Short Message Service
30 SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
31 UID Unique ID
32 IVRS Interactive Voice Response System
33 RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
34 DC Direct Current

In this “Bid / Tender document” the following words and expression will have the
meaning as herein defined where the context so admits:

1.1 “Affiliate” shall mean a company that either directly or indirectly

a. controls or
b. is controlled by or
c. is under common control with a Bidding Company and “control” means
ownership by one company of at least twenty six percent (26%) of the
voting rights of the other company.

1.2 "B.I.S." shall mean specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).

1.3 “Bid/Tender” shall mean the Techno Commercial and Price Bid submitted by
the Bidder along with all documents/ credentials/ attachments/ annexure etc.,
in response to this bid, in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof.

1.4 “Bidder/Bidding Company” shall mean Bidding Company submitting the Bid.
Any reference to the Bidder includes Bidding Company/ including its
successors, executors and permitted assigns as the context may require”

1.5 “Bid Bond” shall mean the unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee to be
submitted along with the Bid by the Bidder under this Tender, in the prescribed

1.6 “CEA” shall mean Central Electricity Authority.

1.7 “Chartered Accountant” shall mean a person practicing in India or a firm

whereof all the partners practicing in India as a Chartered Accountant(s) within
the meaning of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

1.8 “Competent Authority’’ shall mean Director of Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable
Energy Development Agency himself and/or a person or group of persons
nominated by Director for the mentioned purpose herein.

1.9 “Commissioning” means Successful operation of the Project / Works by the

Contractor, for the purpose of carrying out Performance Test(s) as defined in

1.10 “Company” shall mean a body incorporated in India under the Companies Act,
1956 or Companies Act, 2013 including any amendment thereto.

1.11 “Eligibility Criteria” shall mean the Eligibility Criteria as setforth in this Tender.

1.12 “Eligible Bidder(s)” shall mean a Bidder who is qualified as per the eligibility
requirement pursuant to this RfP;

1.13 “Financially Evaluated Entity” shall mean the company which has been
evaluated for the satisfaction of the Financial Eligibility Criteria setforth hereof.

1.14 "IEC" shall mean specifications of International Electro-Technical Commission.

1.15 "kWp" shall mean Kilo-Watt Peak as defined in Company Act 2013 and
Amendment, if any.

1.16 "O&M" shall mean Operation & Maintenance for 5years of Solar PV system.

1.17 “Project capacity” means Capacity in kW allocated to the Bidder. The project
capacity specified is on “AC” output Side only.

1.18 “Price Bid” shall mean Envelope II of the Bid, containing the Bidder’s quoted
Price as per the BOQ of this TENDER;

1.19 “Qualified Bidder” shall mean the Bidder(s) who, after evaluation of their
Techno Commercial Bid stand qualified for opening and evaluation of their
Price Bid;

1.20 “Solar PV” means the grid interactive solar photo voltaic power system that
uses sunlight for direct conversion into electricity through photo voltaic

1.21 “Solarization” shall mean to connect the existing grid connected Agriculture
Consumer pump-sets of farmer to the distributed, renewable energy source of
Solar by installing Grid connected SPV system of the required capacity in the
farmer’s premises as per the Tender Document terms and condition.

1.22 “Statutory Auditor” shall mean the auditor of a Company appointed under the
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 /2013 or under the provisions of any
other applicable governing law.

1.23 “Successful Bidder(s) / Contractor(s)” “Successful Bidder(s)” shall mean the

Eligible Bidder(s) who quoted the lowest price for bid pursuant to this RFP for
implementation of Projects as per the terms and condition of the RFP and to
whom LoA has been awarded.

1.24 “UPNEDA” shall mean Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development

Agency, Lucknow (State Nodal Agency) under MNRE.

1.25 “SNA” shall mean State Nodal Agency.

1.26 “Wp” shall mean Watt Peak

2 Disclaimer

1. The information contained in this Bid document (hereafter referred to as “Bid” or

subsequently provided to Bidder(s), whether verbally or in documentary or any other
form, by or on behalf of the UPNEDA, or any of its subsidiary or employees or advisors,
is provided to Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this Bid and such other
terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.
2. This Bid is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by the UPNEDA to
the prospective Bidder or any other person. The purpose of this Bid is to provide
interested parties with information that may be useful to them in the formulation of
their application for qualification and thus selection pursuant to this Bid. This Bid may
not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the UPNEDA, its employees
or advisors to consider the objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each
party who reads or uses this Bid. The assumptions, assessments, statements and
information contained in this Bid may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct.
Each Bidder should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should
check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the
assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this Bid and
obtain independent advice from appropriate sources.
3. Information provided in this Bid to the Bidder(s) is on a wide range of matters, some
of which may depend upon interpretation of law. UPNEDA accepts no responsibility
for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law expressed
4. UPNEDA, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall
have no liability to any person, including any Applicant or Bidder, under any law,
statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or
otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred
or suffered on account of anything contained in this Bid or otherwise, including the
accuracy, adequacy, correctness, completeness or reliability of the Bid and any
assessment, assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to
form part of this Bid or arising in any way with selection of Bidder for participation in
the Bidding Process.
5. UPNEDA also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or
otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the statements
contained in this Bid.
6. UPNEDA may, in its absolute discretion but without being under any obligation to do
so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumptions
contained in this Bid. The issue of this Bid does not imply that the UPNEDA is bound
to select and shortlist Bidders and the UPNEDA reserves the right to reject all or any
of the Bidders or Bids without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

7. The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and
submission of its Application including but not limited to preparation, copying,
postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations
which may be required by the UPNEDA or any other costs incurred in connection with
or relating to its Bidder. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Bidder and
the UPNEDA shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any
other costs or other expenses incurred by a Bidder in preparation or submission of
the Bid, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process.

10 | P a g e
3 Bid Details

Sr. Particulars Details

1 Bid no: 01/UPNEDA-PM KUSUM-C1/GCPS/2024-2025 Dated
2 Particulars of the work: Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & 5 Years
Comprehensive Maintenance of Distributed Grid
Connected Solar PV Systems along with VFD for
Solarization of 10000 Nos Grid Connected Agriculture
Pumps under KUSUM Component C-1 Scheme in the
state of Uttar Pradesh as per specification given in
Scope of Work of Bid Document.
3 Tentative Quantity (Nos) 10000 Nos
The above said quantity is dependent on availability of
4 Estimated Cost including GST (Rs) Rs 407.41 Crores
5 Period of Work Within 4 months from the date of issuance of Work
Order or as specified by UPNEDA
6 E-Bid Portal (website): etender.up.nic.in
7 E-Tender Cost: Tender Fee of Rs 11800/- (inclusive of GST) in the form
of DD or RTGS/NEFT or any other online mode.
8 Earnest money deposit (EMD): The bidder should submit EMD in the form of BG or DD
of 2 % of Estimated Cost.
9 Performance Security 5% of Work Order Value
10 Availability of tender document on From: 30.08.2024
e-tender Portal
11 Pre-Bid Meeting On:06.09.2024 at 12:30 pm
12 Bid submission end date & Time On: 23.09.2024 upto 6:00 pm
13 Online technical Bid Opening date On: 24.09.2024 at 12:30 pm
& time
14 Financial Bid Opening date & time Shall be intimated later
(Only of technically qualified
15 Consortium/JV Allowed: No
16 Sub-Contracting Allowed: No
17 Proposal Language: English
18 Proposal Currency: INR
19 Venue of opening of technical & UPNEDA Head Office,
financial Bids Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010
20 Enquiries/clarifications may be Director,
sought by the Bidder from Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development
Agency, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
Fax: 0522-2720779, 2720829
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://upneda.org.in
21 Period of validity of rates for 3 months from opening of financial bid


a. Bidders are advised to study the tender Document carefully. Submission of Bid against
this tender shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the
procedures, terms and conditions of the tender Document with full understanding of its

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b. Director, UPNEDA reserves the right to extend the date of opening of Financial Bid in
unavoidable circumstances.
c. All the required documents including Price Schedule/BOQ should be uploaded by the
Bidder electronically in the PDF/XLS format. The required electronic documents for each
document label of Technical (Qualification details, Bid Form and Technical Specification
details) schedules/packets can be clubbed together to make single different files for each
label. All the enclosures should be scanned and uploaded with bid.

(Signature of Bidder)
With Seal

12 | P a g e
4 Brief Description of the Proposal & its Submission

The Bid proposal shall be made in TWO PARTS i.e., PART-I and PART-II. PART-I shall
contain the ‘Technical Bid' and PART-II shall contain the ‘Price Bid', which shall be
prepared in the manner described below:

4.1 Part I: Technical Bid (Online Submission Only)

1. The following documents (forms) duly filled in and signed by the Bidder shall be
submitted as PART-I of the Bid Proposal:
a. Form A: Covering Letter
b. Form B: General Particulars of the Bidder
c. Form C: Checklist
d. Proof D: Proof of payment or demand draft for cost of payment of the tender
e. Form E: Earnest Money Deposit to be submitted as DD or BG from any
nationalized or scheduled bank in the specified format
f. Form F: Bidder documentary evidence in support of the Pre-Bid Eligibility
g. Form G: Schedule of Experience (Supply & Installation)
h. Form H: Declaration on Notarized Affidavit that the information provided by
the Bidder is true to the best of its knowledge, specifically pertaining to the
experience furnished & conflict check.
i. Form I: Format of Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)
j. Form J: Format for bid security declaration
k. Form K: Format for power of attorney
l. Form L: Format for Joint Commissioning and Handing over certificate
/Warrantee Card.
m. Form M: Certificate of UPNEDA Project Officer
n. Form N: Format: Technical Bid
o. The Bid document issued by UPNEDA, amendments / corrigendum /
interpretations/ addendum/clarifications etc. for the work, if any, duly signed
by the Bidder as a token of unconditional acceptance.
p. Audited Profit and Loss Account and Balance sheet along with CA certificate
(Turnover and net worth) for the last five financial years are to be enclosed.
q. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation.
r. Copy of the GST number of the firm.
s. Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by IT department.
t. Information regarding ex-employees of UPNEDA or its subsidiary companies
working in the bidder organization if any. The bidder can use its own format
regarding the same.
u. Memorandum and Article of Association

13 | P a g e
v. Any other information, the Bidder desires to furnish in connection with this

4.2 Part II: Price Bid (Online Mode Submission only)

1. The Bidder shall indicate prices on the appropriate financial bid schedule on e-tender
Portal online only. The price quoted should include all taxes including GST.
2. Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees (INR) only.

4.3 Language of Bid & Measure

The Bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to the bid
exchanged by the Bidder and UPNEDA shall be written in the English provided that any
printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in another language so long as
accompanied by an English translation of its pertinent passages in which case, for purpose of
interpretation units of measurement shall be MKS system.

4.4 Proposal Submission

a. STEP I: Tender Fee and Bid Security (Earnest Money):

i. Prospective Bidders interested to participate in the bidding process are required to submit
their Project proposals in response to this Bid document along with Tender Fee. Tender fee
INR 11,800/- inclusive of GST, The tender Fee is to be furnished through Demand Draft
(DD) drawn in favour of “Director UPNEDA”, payable at Lucknow. A bidder will be eligible
to participate in the bidding process only on submission of entire financial amounts as per
the Bid. In case the Bidder chooses to submit the amounts pertaining to Tender Fee through
NEFT/RTGS (electronic transfer), the Bidder shall submit the transaction receipt instead of
the corresponding DD, as part of the offline bid submission.
The bank details of UPNEDA have been mentioned below. Bids submitted without Tender Fee,
may be liable for rejection by UPNEDA

Name & Address of Account Holder Uttar Pradesh and Renewable Energy Development Agency

Bank Name Central Bank of India

Email [email protected]

Account No 2185286335

IFSC Code CBIN0283946

MICR Code 226016035

ii. The bidder should submit EMD in the form of BG or DD of 2 % of Estimated Cost. The Bidder shall furnish
Interest free EMD in the form of Bank Guarantee (BG)/ Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Director,
UPNEDA”, payable at Lucknow. The validity of EMD shall be for a period of 6 months from the Bid
MSMEs having unit in state of Uttar Pradesh are exempted from submission of Bid Security/EMD,
however required to submit a "Bid Security Declaration" Letter on non-Judicial stamp of appropriate

14 | P a g e
value as per prescribed format (Form-J). Form E: Earnest Money Deposit to be submitted as DD or
BG from any nationalized or scheduled bank in the specified format. On furnishing the performance
security and execution of contract agreement by successful bidders, UPNEDA will notify the unsuccessful
bidders and their earnest money deposit will be refunded thereafter.
The Bid Bond/EMD shall be forfeited without prejudice to the Bidder being liable for any further
consequential loss or damage incurred to the Solar PV System under following circumstances:
a. Hundred percent (100%) of Bid Bond/EMD amount of the proposed capacity, if Bidder
withdraws/revokes or cancels or unilaterally varies their bid in any manner during the
period of Bid Validity specified in the document.
b. Hundred percent (100%) of Bid Bond/EMD amount of the proposed capacity, if the
Empanelled Vendor fails to unconditionally accept the Letter of Intent (LOI)/LOA/Work
Order, whoever is issued first, within 15 days from the date of its issue.
c. Hundred percent (100%) of Bid Bond/EMD amount of the proposed capacity, if the
Empanelled Vendor fails to furnish the "Performance Bank Guarantee" within 30 days of
issuance of Letter of Intent (LoI)/LOA/Work order, whichever is issued first.
d. Any bid not secured with the Notarized bid security declaration as stipulated in bid will be
liable for action before opening of financial bid.

b. STEP II: All the documents mentioned above along with technical format duly filled in should be
submitted in e-form only as “Part-I – Technical Bid”.

c. STEP III: "PART-II - Price Bid" shall also be submitted in e-form only in prescribed format duly
filled in.

4.5 Format and Signing of Bid:

1. The bid must contain the name, residence and places of business of the persons making
the Bid and must be signed and sealed by the Bidder with his usual signature. The
name and designations of all persons signing should be typed or printed below the
2. Bid by corporation/ company must be signed with the legal name of the corporation/
company/firm by the ‘President’, Managing director or by the ‘Secretary’ or other
designation or a person duly authorized.
3. The original copy of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be
signed by the Bidder or a person duly authorized to bid and bidder to the contract. The
letter of authorization shall be submitted along with power-of-attorney. All the pages
of the bid shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the Bid and submitted at
the time of signing of agreement/contract.
4. The bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting except as necessary
to correct errors made by the Bidder in which case such corrections shall be initialed
by the person or persons signing the Bid.

4.6 Deadline for Submission of Bids:

Bids must be uploaded by the Bidder in the date; time on e-tender Portal as specified
in the Bid notice/ Bid documents.

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4.7 UPNEDA's Right to Reject Tender:

1. UPNEDA reserves the right to reject any or all tenders received at any stage without
assigning any reason thereof and the Tenderer shall not be entitled to any costs,
charges or expenses in this regard.
a. In case Tender/bid is not received within the stipulated time and date as indicated
b. If the Tender/bid is not accompanied with the requisite tender fee, earnest money
deposit, requisite documents and schedules.
c. If proposal is not a firm proposal.
d. If Tender/bid is not on the prescribed lines, form and pattern described in the tender
e. If each page of the proposal (technical) is not duly signed and stamped by the
authorized signatory.
f. If a material misrepresentation is made or discovered.
g. In case of non-furnishing of any requisite document with the bid, UPNEDA may issue
queries for submission of such required document. If the bidder still fails to submit
the required document, the bid will be considered as non-responsive, and bid may be
summarily rejected.
h. If it is found that the rate quoted by the Bidder is unusually high or unusually low
unless UPNEDA is convinced about the reasonableness of the rate on analysis of such
i. If canvassing is found in connection with tenders and/or with uncalled for remarks.
j. If the offer is accompanied with any modification(s) and/or special condition(s).
k. If the proposal is found with erasing action or overwriting unless the corrections
and/or alterations are not accompanied with initials and attestations of the
authorized person(s).

4.8 Bid Validity Period

1. Validity of the offer should be 3 months from the date of opening of the financial
bid of the e-tenders.
2. In exceptional circumstances, the UPNEDA will solicit the Bidder’s consent to an
extension of the period of validity. The request and the response there of, shall be
made in writing. The contract performance security provided under Form I shall
also be suitably extended.

4.9 Opening of Bids

The procedure of opening of the e-tender shall be as under:

1. First part (PART-A) uploaded having Bid specification and super scribed as
“Technical bid” shall be opened at the time and date mentioned in the Bid notice

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by UPNEDA’s representatives in the presence of Bidders, who choose to be
2. Second part (PART-B) containing Financial Bid shall be opened (after establishing
technical suitability of the offer) as per schedule. Second part of only those Bidders
shall be opened whose first part (PART-A) shall be found commercially clear and
technically suitable.

4.10 Clarification of Bids & Pre-Bid Conference

1. A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bid Documents shall submit
their request in writing to UPNEDA by Email at the UPNEDA's mailing address
indicated in the Bid. The request must reach on or before pre bid meeting if any.
The UPNEDA will upload the changes/modifications/amendment based on
clarification request if any on the e- tender portal.
2. All are requested to remain updated with the e-tender Portal. No separate reply/
intimation will be given elsewhere. Verbal clarifications and information's given
by the UPNEDA or its employees or its representatives shall not be in any way
3. Enquiries/clarifications may be sought by the Bidder from:
Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency, Vibhuti Khand,
Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
Fax: 0522-2720779, 2720829
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://upneda.org.in

4.11 Amendment to Bid Documents

At any time prior to the submission of the Bid the UPNEDA may for any reason, whether
at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by the Bidder, modify the
e-tender documents by amendments. Such document shall be made available on e-tender
Portal. No separate reply/ intimation will be given elsewhere.
Therefore, all concerned are required to remain updated with the e-tender Portal.
4.12 Local Conditions
It shall be imperative on each bidder to fully inform him of all local conditions and factors,
which may have any effect on the execution of the works covered under these documents
and specifications. UPNEDA shall not entertain any request for clarifications from the
Bidder, regarding such local conditions.

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5 Pre-Bid Eligibility Criteria

In this tender, single bidder allowed for participation. Any bid not found to be in
conformance with any of the pre-qualifying conditions may be summarily rejected and
not be considered for further evaluation. The invitation to online bid is open to all the
agencies, firms, companies, LLPs, State Government and Central Government agencies,
who meet the requisite qualifying requirements stipulated herein under and the bidder
shall provide satisfactory evidence that qualifies under the following:

Sr. Particulars Details


1 The bidder should be a firm Duly attested copies of:

registered/incorporated under Companies Act, a. Certificate of Incorporation issued
1956 or Companies Act, 2013/ and further by the Registrar of Companies
amendment (s), or a registered partnership firm b. Authorization Letter in the name of
(registered under section 59 of the Partnership Bidder issued from OEM.
Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership (under
the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2002)/
Proprietorship or under Society act.

(System integrators are also allowed to

participate in the bid.)

2 Bidder should have valid Test report of complete a. Test report of MNRE/NABL
system/various components (PV module, PCU accredited lab.
cum inverter, etc) issued from MNRE authorized
testing center or NABL accredited test lab.

3 Past Performance: The Bidder should have a. Work order copies/

continuously supplied and installed same or similar LoA’s/Completion Certificates from
Category Products (i.e. Grid Connected / Off-Grid registered central/state (including
Solar Photovoltaic Systems (SPV) (SPV Pumps / local body or autonomous
Rooftop SPV / Ground mounted SPV) in last five institutions working under it.) /
years i.e.2019-2020, 2020-2021,2021-2022, 2022- Company.
2023 and 2023-2024 to any Central/State Govt.
Organization (including local body or autonomous
institutions working under it.) /Company.
Required experience capacity from the Bidders for
each Part of tendered capacity separately.
Part A- For Pump Capacity (3HP)- 4725 kW
Part B- For Pump Capacity (5HP)- 5625 kW
Part C- For Pump Capacity (7.5HP)- 11760 kW
Part D- For Pump Capacity (10 HP)- 2235 kW

18 | P a g e
Sr. Particulars Details

If a bidder is interested in participating in two or more

parts, the bidder must fulfill the cumulative
experience requirements of each respective part.
4 The Bidder should have valid GSTIN registration Valid GSTIN Registration Certificate
certificate. A copy of which should be enclosed.

5 Bidder Turn over Criteria: Bidders should have Duly authorized copy of audited
Overall Average Annual Turnover (ATO) in the annual report/Balance Sheet for last
last five financial year i.e, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, five years is to be submitted by
2021- 2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 must be respondent along with CA certificate.
as per following:-
Required Average Annual Turnover from the Bidders
for each Part of tendered capacity separately.
Part A- For Pump Capacity (3HP)- 24.04 Crore
Part B- For Pump Capacity (5HP)- 28.15 Crore
Part C- For Pump Capacity (7.5HP)- 58.85 Crore
Part D- For Pump Capacity (10 HP)- 11.18 Crore

If a bidder is interested in participating in two or more

parts, the bidder must fulfill the cumulative Average
Annual Turnover of each respective part.

(For FY 2023-24, provisional Balance sheet

applicable if not audited.) This must be the
individual Company's turnover.
(A summarized sheet of average turnover
certified by registered CA should be submitted
along with audited Balance Sheet).
6 The bidder’s Net worth as on the last day of Duly authorized copy of audited
preceding financial year must be positive. annual report is to be submitted
along with a practicing CA’s
Note: In response to above all points the document is to be submitted.

Past Performance Experience Format (Bidders must submit completion certificate and fill the format
as below: -

Ref. No. & Certificates/PO/W

Date of ork Completion
S. Work Order Value Deptt/Agency/ Descript Supply/Comp
Material Certificates.
N Order Date of Beneficiary for ion of letion Period
o No Work which work Project (with from/ to
carried out dates)

19 | P a g e
6 Technical Evaluation Criteria

The UPNEDA will carry out a detailed evaluation of the bids previously determined to be
substantially responsive in order to determine whether the technical aspects are in
accordance with the requirements set forth in the bidding documents. In order to reach
such a determination, the UPNEDA will examine and compare the technical aspects of the
bids on the basis of the information supplied by the bidders, taking into account the
following factors:

i. Overall completeness and compliance with the technical specifications as

stipulated in this bid. The bid that does not meet minimum acceptable standards
of completeness, consistency and detail will be rejected for non-responsiveness.
ii. Achievement of specified performance criteria by the facilities as per scope of
iii. Type, quantity and long-term availability warranty and maintenance services.
iv. Any other relevant factors, if any, listed in the tender document, or that the
UPNEDA deems necessary or prudent to take into consideration.

6.1 Clarification of Bid

i. To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids the UPNEDA may
at its discretion ask the bidder for a clarification of its bid. The request for
clarification and the response will be through E-mail ([email protected])
within stipulated time period, Response through other mode other than above e-
mail in stipulated time will not be entertained.
ii. UPNEDA reserves the right to interpret the Bid submitted by the Bidder in
accordance with the provisions of this document and make its own judgment
regarding the interpretation of the same. In this regard UPNEDA shall have no
liability towards any Bidder and no Bidder shall have any recourse to UPNEDA
with respect to the selection process. UPNEDA shall evaluate the Bids using the
evaluation process specified in this document or as amended, at its sole discretion.
UPNEDA’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the Bidders.

20 | P a g e
7 Evaluation of Bids
The Procedure for Finalization of BID would be as follows:

7.1 Finalization of BID:

a. First the Technical bids shall be opened and evaluated.
b. Then the price bid of technically qualified bidders shall be opened

7.2 Finalization of Empanelment:

a. First the Technical Bids shall be opened and evaluated. Then the price bid of technically
qualified parties shall be opened.
b. The lowest rate (i.e. L-1) received (and in turn approved by the competent authority) would
be the “Approved Rate”.
c. Approved lowest rate would be offered to other lowest bidders subject to their rate fall
within 25 % of L1.
d. L1 may be awarded 50% of total bid quantity for each capacity of pump (i.e
3HP/5HP/7.5HP/10HP) subject to performance, speedy work completion and on
availability of fund. The remaining of Bid quantity shall be awarded among others qualified
MSE /Non MSME firms. Allocation will depend on performance. There will be additional
allocation provision on early completion of project with respect to allocation of quantity.
e. Minimum 25% of the total order quantity for each capacity of pump (i.e
3HP/5HP/7.5HP/10HP) may be awarded amongst the micro and small industries qualified
firm/firms at the lowest approved rate subject to their consent at to work on lowest rate
and their capacity subject to availability of fund. If no MSE bidder will be qualified in the
bid then 25% MSE target quantity shall be awarded to other than MSE bidders as per Bid.
f. Director, Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency, (UPNEDA)
reserves the right to allocate additional capacity to the Firms based on the performance
and speedy work execution.
g. UPNEDA may allocate work district/division wise to the successful bidders. The successful
bidders can survey & identify the work sites themselves and UPNEDA will also allot work
against the application received on KUSUM C1 Portal (https://upnedakusumc1.in). The
successful bidders will have the opportunity to execute projects at sites they have identified
as well as those allocated by UPNEDA.
h. The Successful Bidder can open a service center at the allotted respective districts.
i. Training of the users and entrepreneurs/ operators will be arranged by the contractor/
j. If required UPNEDA reserves the right to negotiate with (lowest) L-1 bidder before
finalization of the tender.
k. UPNEDA reserves the right to accept any bid and to reject any or all bids.
l. UPNEDA reserves the right at the time of awarding the contract to increase or decrease the
quantity of works as per terms and conditions.
List of successful Bidder(s) for contract shall be displayed on UPNEDA's website and shall
be intimated in writing to the contractor.

21 | P a g e
8 General Conditions of the contract

8.1 Definitions

1. “UPNEDA’ shall mean The Director of UPNEDA or his representative and shall also
include its successors in interest and assignees. The “Contractor” shall mean
(successful bidder) i.e. the person whose Bid has been accepted by UPNEDA and
shall include his legal representatives and successors in interest.
2. The contract/agreement will be based on rate contract for 12 month. The work
must be completed within 4 months from the date of issuance of work order on
turnkey basis.
3. That on the request of the contractor/ bidder and also in the interest of the
organization the “UPNEDA” is authorized to extend the validity of the agreement,
subject to that the request of the contractor/ bidder is received before the expiry
of the agreement period. Maximum period of extension shall be 6 months on the
same terms and conditions as contained in this agreement.
4. The agreement shall be deemed to be extended till the date of completion of last
work order including 5 years comprehensive O&M subject to the completion
period as provided in the above sub clause 2 of clause 8.1.
5. In the interest of the work and the programme, agreement executed between the
contractor/bidder and the “UPNEDA” may be extended to a mutually agreed period, if
the need so arises. It shall be sole responsibility of the contractor/ bidder to get verified
the quality & quantity of the supplied material at the site of delivery.
6. Director, Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency,
(UPNEDA) reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of Bid to any extent.
The decision of Director will be final and binding.

8.2 Liquidated Damages

1. If the contractor/bidder fails to perform the services/work within the time
periods specified in the contract (In case of delay for any reason other than due to
Force Majeure conditions or any extension thereof granted to him by UPNEDA)
the “UPNEDA” shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the contract
deduct from the contract price as liquidated damage, a sum equivalent to 0.5% of
the contract price for each week (For the purposes of calculation of delay, part of
week shall be treated as a week) of delay until actual performance up to a
maximum deduction of 5% of the contract price. Once the maximum is reached,
the “UPNEDA” may assess the progress of work and take decision where the work
order is to be cancelled, forfeit the performance security and debar/blacklist the
firm along with its Officers (Director/ Partner/Proprietor as the case may
be)by way of mentioning the Aadhar/DIN number as the case may be in the
Black list or to continue with time extension with further penalty .In case the
liability of the firm is still not recovered the remaining amount would be
liable to recovered from the movable /immovable assets of the firm. The

22 | P a g e
contractor /bidder in “UPNEDA” may consider termination of the contract. In the
case of violation of contract, UPNEDA may confiscate pending payment/ dues of
the contractor/bidder assigning specific reasons and shall also have the power to
debar/blacklist the contractor/ bidder along with its Officers (Director/
Partner/ Proprietor as the case may be) in similar circumstances. UPNEDA may
also invoke performance /security.”
2. The contractor/ bidder shall have to comply with all the rules, regulations, laws
and by-laws for the time being in force and the instructions if any, of the
organization, in whose premises the work has to be done. “UPNEDA” shall have no
liability in this regard.

8.3 Force Majeure

1. Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses contained in this deed; the contractor/

bidder shall not be liable for forfeiture of its performance security, liquidated
damages, termination for default, if he is unable to fulfill his obligation under this
deed due to event of force majeure circumstances.
2. For purpose of this clause, "Force majeure" means an event beyond the control of
the contractor/ bidder and not involving the contractor/ bidder's fault or
negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to,
acts of Government either its sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or
revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and fright embargoes.
3. However, If a force majeure situation arises, the contractor/ bidder shall
immediately notify the “UPNEDA” in writing. The decision of the competent
authority of UPNEDA in above conditions shall be final.

8.4 Settlement of Disputes and Provisions for Arbitration

1. The High court of Judicature at Allahabad and Courts subordinate thereto, at
Lucknow, shall alone have jurisdictions to the exclusion of all other courts.
2. UPNEDA shall have at all reasonable time access to the works being carried out by
the contractor/ bidder under the contract. All the work shall be carried out by the
contractor/bidder to the satisfaction of “UPNEDA”.
3. If any question, dispute or difference what so ever shall arises between “UPNEDA”
and the contractor/ bidder, in the connection with the agreement except as to
matters, the decisions for which have been specifically provided, either party may
forthwith give to the other notice in writing of existence of such question, dispute
or difference and the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Principal
Secretary/Secretary of the Uttar Pradesh or a person nominated by him not below
the rank of Secretary. This reference shall be governed by the Indian Arbitration
and Conciliation Act 1996, and the rules made there under. The award in such
arbitration shall be final and binding on both the parties. Work under the
agreement shall be continuing during the arbitration proceedings unless the
“UPNEDA” or the arbitrator directs otherwise.

23 | P a g e
8.5 Confidentiality
1. The successful Bidder shall maintain strict confidentiality of all documents, record
notes of discussion, drawings, designs and other technical information supplied to
them by UPNEDA or prepared by them in respect of the works under this contract
and shall not pass on any information to any other agencies/organizations
without the written permission of the UPNEDA.
2. After completion of works, the successful Bidder should return all relevant
documents to UPNEDA.

8.6 Subletting or Transfer of Contract

The contractor/ bidder shall not, without the consent in writing of “UPNEDA”,
transfer, assign or sublet the work under the contract or any substantial part
thereof to any other party.
contractor any part of the same to any party without the previous written consent
of the other party.

8.7 Taxes Duties and Insurance:

1. The price quoted should include all taxes including GST, duties and Insurance
expenditure etc. whatsoever. Supplier/contractor/bidder shall be entirely
responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, etc. All taxes payable as per
Government income tax & GST or any other tax State or Central Government
norms will be payable by the contractor/ bidder whatsoever. If any new tax/duty
is levied during the contract period, the same will be borne by the contractor
exclusively. CGST, SGST and TDS will be deducted from the payment of the
contractor/ bidder as per the prevalent laws and rules of Government of India and
Government of the Uttar Pradesh in this regard.

8.8 Inspections and Tests:

1. The following inspection procedures and tests are required by the “UPNEDA” in
the presence of “UPNEDA”’s representative if so desired by “UPNEDA”.
2. The “UPNEDA” or its representative shall have the right to inspect and / or to test
the goods to confirm their conformity to the contract. The special conditions of
contract and/ or the Technical specifications shall specify what inspections and
test the “UPNEDA” required.

8.9 Inspection at Works:

1. The “UPNEDA”, his duly authorized representative shall have at all reasonable
times access to the contractor/bidders premises or works and shall have the
power at all reasonable time to inspect and examine the materials and
workmanship of the works during its manufacture.
2. The contractor/ bidder shall give the “UPNEDA”, 7 day's written notice of any
material being ready for testing. It shall be mandatory that such notice should
reach “UPNEDA” within 30 days of placement of work order. Such tests shall be on
the contractor/ bidder's accounts/expenses except for the expenses of the
inspector. “UPNEDA” reserves the fullrights, to waive off inspection of material.
24 | P a g e
3. The contractor/ bidder are required to get the entire lot of the ordered material
inspected at one time, before the supply of the materials. In case the contractor/
bidder fails to get the entire lot inspected at one time, the total expenses of the
further inspection will be borne by the supplier/contractor/ bidder.
4. UPNEDA will bear the inspector cost at only one manufacturing plant. If a
component is produced in more than one location, then the cost of positioning the
inspection in the second and subsequent plants would be borne by the successful
Bidder at their cost.
5. The inspection by “UPNEDA” and issue of dispatch instruction there on shall in no
way limit the liabilities and responsibilities of the contractor/ bidder in respect of
the agreed quality assurance programme forming a part of the contract.

8.10 Warranty:
1. The Contractor/ Bidder shall be solely responsible for commencement to completion of
the work. It shall be responsible for any loss or damage happens at the work place or
during the erection of the plant, not already approved by the UPNEDA, and shall, at its
own cost, arrange for repair or compensation.
2. The Contractor/ Bidder shall warranty that the equipment used in installing the plant
are new and unused.
3. The Contractor/ Bidder shall provide warranty, of the complete power plant towards
any defect in design of the plant, equipment used including spare parts for a period of
five (5) years from the date of Commissioning of the plant. The Warranty period shall
be 25 Years for the PV modules.
4. Any defect noticed in the power plant during the period of five (5) years from the date
of Commissioning of the power plant shall be rectified/replaced by the Contractor/
Bidder on its own motion or on due intimation by the UPNEDA or by the owner of the
plant, as the case may be, free of charges.
5. The replacement of the defective component at the cost of Contractor/ Bidder shall be
made with similar and/or equivalent make. The replaced component shall not, in any
situation, reduce the performance of the plant.
6. The Contractor/ Bidder shall commence the replacement/rectification of the defect
within seven (7) days from the date of identification of such defect and shall rectify the
defect within mutually agreed time, failure in doing so shall enable the UPNEDA to
rectify the defect at the expense of Contractor/ Bidder.
7. The Contractor/ Bidder shall provide warranty certificate along with the
Commissioning report to the Beneficiaries/UPNEDA.
8. Since the maintenance of the system may also be taken up by the contractor/ bidder
after expiry of 05 years of warranty period if the end user/”UPNEDA” so desires, the
contractor/bidder shall take up annual maintenance of the installed system.
9. The contractor/ bidder shall maintain the system under annual maintenance contract
with the end user.
10. The contractor/ bidder shall furnish to the Primary Beneficiary at the instruction
manuals at the time of submission of commissioning certificate for the plant at each

25 | P a g e
site. The manual so prepared shall include the all diagrams and instructions to operate
and maintain the whole plant.
11. Individual copies of the approval of the Electrical Inspectorate or concerned officer of
the respective distribution licensee for interconnection of each plant with the
distribution system (for the system above 10KW).
12. Hand-Over Agreement: The Contractor/ bidder shall hand-over the respective plant to
the UPNEDA after its successful commissioning in excellent condition. Then
concerned PO of UPNEDA handover to the end-user of plant. At the time of handing
over all the performance tests of the major equipment shall be demonstrated to the user
by Contractor and UPNEDA to ensure Generation from the solar photovoltaic power
plant. While handing over the plant the Contractor/ bidder shall also hand over all
technical documents, literature, instruction manuals, lists of spare part & tools &

8.11 Patent Right and Royalties:

1. The Contractor/ bidder shall indemnify the “UPNEDA” against all third-party
claims of Infringement of patent, royalty's trademark or industrial design rights
arising from use to the goods or any part thereof.

8.12 Packing & Forwarding:

1. Contractor/ bidders, wherever applicable, shall after proper painting, pack and
crate all the equipment in such manner as to protect them from deterioration and
damage during rail and road transportation to the site and storage at the site till
time of installation. Contractor/bidder shall be held responsible for all damage
due to improper packing.
2. The contractor/ bidder shall inform the “UPNEDA” of the date of each shipment
from his works, and the expected date of arrival at the site for the information of
the “UPNEDA” project offices at least 7 days in advance.

8.13 Demurrage WHARF AGE ETC:

1. All demurrage, wharf age and other expenses incurred due to delayed clearance
of the material or any other reason shall be to the account of the contractor/

8.14 Insurance:
1. The goods supplied under the contract shall be fully insured against loss or
damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage during
transportation shall be included in the bid price.

8.15 Transportation:
1. The contractor/ bidder is required under the contract to deliver the goods to the
site. Transportation, storage, safety and security of the supplied material,
issuance of road permit etc. shall be the sole responsibility of the

26 | P a g e
On completion of work, the contractor/ bidder shall submit all the documents related to
the execution of contract and implementation of solar photovoltaic power plants
• All the consent, clearance and approvals
• Testing Certificate of solar module and PCU/Inverter from MNRE authorized test
• Plant charging/ commissioning certificate
• Photograph of site before installation and after installation

8.17 Project Inspection

Project(s) shall be got inspected by the bidder from the list of empanelled
experts/UPNEDA . All the expenses for third party expert inspection in this regard shall
be borne be the Bidder only.
UPNEDA reserves the right to do sample inspection checks for the projects commissioned
by the Bidder.
Uploading of Quarterly inspection report online on RESIMS website is mandatory.

8.18 Applicable Law:

1. The contractor/ bidder shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the
purchaser’ country i.e. India. The station of “UPNEDA” Headquarter shall have
exclusive jurisdiction in all matters arising under this contract.

8.19 Notice:
1. Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the contract shall be sent
in writing or by telegram or telex/ cable or Email and confirmed in writing to the
address specified for that purpose in the special condition of contract.
2. A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice’s effective date,
whichever is later.

8.20 Timeline, Payment Terms

1. The work completion time for all the above work is 4 (four) month from the date
of issuance of work order.
2. The payments shall be made as per the following terms and conditions:
a. 70% of the ordered value after the supply, installation of the system and
submission of fees for netmetering.
b. 15% of the ordered value after installation of netmetering and
commissioning of the system along with the Joint Commissioning &
handing over certificate, indicating bill of material and successful
commissioning duly countersigned by the designated officer and end user.
c. The balance 15% payment shall be billed as AMC charges on annual basis
kept as security deposit and to be released @ 3% at the end of each year
for 5 years, on satisfactory performance and timely submission of quarterly
performance report. The Bidder must upload quarterly inspection report

27 | P a g e
on RESIMS within 10 days of expiry of each quarter otherwise AMC of
respective quarter elapsed.
d. In case of any ambiguity in interpretation of any of the provisions of the
tender, the decision of “UPNEDA” shall be final.
e. The Firm must collect AMC charges in the first quarter after the completion
of each respective year. If not claimed by the firm within three month after
expiry of respective year, the firm will be not eligible to claim same amount.

1. The payments shall only be processed after uploading of the work
details, bill details and photos etc on the UPNEDA, RESIMS website.
2. Uploading of Quarterly inspection report online on RESIMS website is
mandatory for CMC Payment.

8.21 Others:
1. I-V curve of the each module technical details such as Voc, Isc, FF, cell efficiency
and Pmax etc. shall be supplied along-with each consignment and copy should be
handed over to Beneficiaries/UPNEDA.
2. The Contractor/ bidder in consultation with concerned Project Officer of
“UPNEDA” will conduct training programme for users, focusing on main features,
operation and maintenance of the systems.
3. The Contractor/ bidder shall continue to provide spare parts after the expiry of
warranty period at the users cost. If the contractor/ bidder fail to continue to
supply spare parts and services to users “UPNEDA” shall take appropriate action
against the Contractor/ bidder.
4. After successful supply/commissioning of the system and training, the system will
be handed over to the Beneficiaries /person designated by the UPNEDA.
5. It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor/ bidder to get verified the
quality & quantity of the supplied material at the site of delivery.
6. The UPNEDA has the right to pick any sample in working condition from field, for
random testing of any of the component of the system or complete system from
MNRE authorized test center or own. The expenditure on the tests (for maximum
2 systems) will be borne by the supplier. If more system(s) are taken for testing,
the cost of testing shall be borne by the UPNEDA.
7. Notice statement and other communication send by “UPNEDA” through
registered post or fax or Email to the contractor/ bidder at his specified
addresses shall be deemed to have been delivered to the contractor/ bidder.
8. The work shall be carried out by the contractor/ bidder as per design and
drawings approved by “UPNEDA”, wherever, necessary, the contractor/ bidder
shall submit relevant designs and drawings for approval of “UPNEDA”, well in
advance. Work carried out without “UPNEDA”’s approval shall not be accepted
and the “UPNEDA” shall have right to get it removed and to recover the cost so
incurred from the contractor/ bidder.

28 | P a g e
9. The contractor/ bidder shall provide one copy with each system instruction
manual/ routine maintenance manual both in English and Hindi language. The
following minimum details must be provided with manual:
• About the complete photovoltaic system including PV modules, battery and
• Do’s and Don’ts
• Clear instructions on regular maintenance and troubleshooting of the
• Name & address of the contact person in case of non-functioning of the
10. The contractor/ bidder shall not display the photographs of the work and not take
advantage through publicity of the work without written permission of “UPNEDA”.
The contractor shall distribute and fix a calendar at site, showing instructions,
Do's, Don'ts with each unit. (The format of calendar should be approved by
11. The Bidder shall enclose a declaration along with the Bid if any of the UPNEDA
employees or his / her relatives, which term includes wife / husband, parents,
grandparents, children, grand-children, brothers, uncles, aunts, cousins and their
corresponding in-laws is/are partner(s) with them.
12. The Bidders and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall
observe the highest standard of ethics during the Selection Process.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Bid, UPNEDA shall
reject a proposal without being liable in any manner whatsoever to the bidder, if
it determines that the bidder has, directly or indirectly or through an agent,
engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable
practice or restrictive practice (collectively the “Prohibited practices”) in the
selection process. In such an event, the UPNEDA shall, without prejudice to its any
other rights or remedies, forfeit and appropriate the performance security, if
available, as mutually agreed genuine pre-estimated compensation and damages
payable to UPNEDA for, inter alia, time, cost and effort of UPNEDA, in regard to the
work, including consideration and evaluation of such applicant’s proposal.
13. Without prejudice to the rights of UPNEDA under the rights and remedies which
UPNEDA may have under the LoA (Letter of Award) or the agreement, if an Bidder,
as the case may be, is found by UPNEDA to have directly or indirectly or through
an agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice,
coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the Selection
Process, or after the issue of the LoA or the execution of the agreement, such
bidder shall not be eligible to participate in any Bid or TENDER issued by UPNEDA
during a period of 2 (two) years from the date of such finding for the Bidder (as
the case may be) has been engaged by UPNEDA.
14. For the purposes of this Clause, the following terms shall have the meaning here
in after respectively assigned to them:

29 | P a g e
a. “Corrupt practice” means (i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting,
directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of any
person connected with the Selection Process (for avoidance of doubt,
offering of employment to or employing or engaging in any manner
whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of the UPNEDA who is or has
been associated in any manner, directly or indirectly with the Selection
Process or the LOA or has dealt with matters concerning the agreement or
arising there from, before or after the execution thereof, at any time prior
to the expiry of one year from the date such official resigns or retires from
or otherwise ceases to be in the service of the UPNEDA, shall be deemed to
constitute influencing the actions of a person connected with the Selection
Process; or (ii) save as provided herein, engaging in any manner
whatsoever, whether during the Selection Process or after the issue of the
LOA or after the execution of the Agreement, as the case may be, any person
in respect of any matter relating to the Project or the LOA or the agreement,
who at any time has been or is a legal, financial or technical consultant/
adviser of the UPNEDA in relation to any matter concerning the Project;
b. “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or
disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the Selection Process;
c. “Coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair
or harm, directly or indirectly, any persons or property to influence any
person's participation or action in the Selection Process;
d. “Undesirable practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person
connected with or employed or engaged by the UPNEDA with the objective
of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to
influence the Selection Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest; and
e. “Restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any
understanding, or arrangement among applicants with the objective of
restricting or manipulating full and fair competition in the Selection
15. Conflict of Interest- Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest that may affect the
Selection Process (the “Conflict of Interest”). Any Bidder found to have a Conflict
of Interest shall be disqualified. In the event of disqualification, the Authority shall
forfeit and appropriate the Performance Security, if available, as mutually agreed
genuine pre-estimated compensation and damages payable to the Authority for,
inter alia, the time, cost and effort of the Authority including consideration of such
Bidder’s Proposal, without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be
available to the Authority hereunder or otherwise.

9 Contracting Arrangements
9.1 Signing of the Contract Agreement
1. Before execution of the work, a contract agreement for execution of the work shall
be signed by the Bidder with UPNEDA within 7 days of communication from
UPNEDA. In case agreement is not executed within the stipulated time, then bidder
30 | P a g e
will be suspended for participating in the tendering process, for a period of one
(01) year from bid due date of above referred tender.
2. A formal agreement for a period of 01 (one) year shall be entered into between
UPNEDA and the contractor/ bidder for the proper fulfillment of the contract. The
expenses of completing and stamping of the agreement shall be paid by the
successful bidder.
3. Issue of Letter of Empanelment
After execution of the Agreement and Performance Security Deposit, the name of
successful bidder(s) will be displayed in website of UPNEDA and a letter of
empanelment will be sent to the qualified tenderer. Additional Work Order will be
allocated on the performance & speedy work completion.

9.2 Performance Security

1. Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) will have to be deposited by the successful
Bidder in following manner:
a. The successful Bidders, who execute the agreement with UPNEDA for the
work, shall have to furnish a security amount equivalent to 5% of total value
of the work order in the form of Bank Guarantee valid for a period of 18 months
from the date of work order. The bank guarantee may be issued by a
nationalized bank or scheduled bank of RBI. Bank Guarantee shall be in favour
of "Director, UPNEDA". The aforesaid Bank Guarantee shall be furnished prior
to the execution of agreement. The performance Bank Guarantee shall be
released after completion of installation and commissioning of all systems
mentioned in the particular work order. The format of BG is attached with Bid
as Form J: Format of Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG).
b. The selected bidder shall have to extend the validity period of the Bank
Guarantee beyond the initial date in case, the actual date of completion of the
work is delayed due to any reason.
c. No Bank charges or interest shall be payable against the Bank Guarantees;

9.3 Termination of Contract

1. Termination for insolvency: “UPNEDA” may at any time terminate the contract
by giving written notice to the contractor/bidder without compensation to the
contractor/ bidder, if it becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, provided that
such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy, which
has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the “UPNEDA”.
2. Termination for Convenience: The “UPNEDA”, may by written notice sent to the
contractor/ bidder, terminate the contract, in whole or in part at any time for its
convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for the
purchaser’s convenience in the interest of “UPNEDA”.
3. “UPNEDA” may at any time by notice in writing to the contractor/ bidder either
stops the work all together or reduces or cut it down. If the work is stopped all
together, the contractor/bidder will only be paid for work done and expenses
distinctly incurred by him as on preparation or the execution of the work up to the

31 | P a g e
date on which such notice is received by him. Such expenses shall be assessed by
“UPNEDA”, whose decision shall be final and bidding on the contractor/ bidder. If
the work is cut down the contractor/ bidder will not be paid any compensation
what so ever for the loss or profit which he might have made if he had been
allowed to complete all the work included in the contract.

32 | P a g e
10 Scope of Work and Technical Specifications
The scope covers the Solarisation of existing Grid Connected Agricultural Pumps in the State under
Component C-1 of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthan Mahabhiyan (PM KUSUM)
scheme. This includes the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of SPV Power Plants with Grid
connectivity for solarising the following capacity of Agricultural pumps:

Pump Capacity of SPV Tentative Total Quantity

Capacity Plant (kW) Quantity of Pumps
(Nos) (Nos)
3 HP 4.5 kW 3500
5 HP 7.5 kW 2500 10000 Nos
7.5 HP 11.2 kW 3500
10 HP 14.9 kW 500

a. Design, Survey, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & 5 Years Comprehensive

Maintenance of Distributed Grid Connected Solar PV Systems for Solarization of 10000 Nos Grid
Connected Agriculture Pumps under KUSUM Component C-1 Scheme in the state of Uttar Pradesh
b. Wiring up to Distribution Board from the SPV Power system will be in the scope of the
Successful bidder(s).
c. Performance testing of the complete system.
d. Remote Monitoring System: It will be mandatory for Contractor to create remote monitoring
system to monitor performance of the system post-installation. It will be mandatory to submit
quarterly maintenance report along with performance data of solar power plant online to MNRE
and/ or UPNEDA in a manner and format prescribed by MNRE and/ or UPNEDA.

All the necessary approvals from UPPCL/DISCOM (Electrical Utility)/Electrical Inspectorate,

feasibility study, necessary civil work, Mounting of Module Structures, PV Module Installation,
Inverter Installation, DC/AC Cabling and interconnections, Installation of Lightning Arresters
and Earthing System as per the standards, Net Metering, arranging all the necessary inspections
from UPNEDA/UPPCL/Electrical Inspectorate/ UPNEDA District Office as part of Pre
Commissioning, if any, Commissioning of the PV Power Plant, are coming under the scope of the

Note: - During a power supply outage, grid failure, or mains failure, the plant shall
operate in off-grid mode through a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) during daytime.
The switching between the grid-tied inverter (on-grid mode) and the VFD (off-grid
mode) shall be automatic via an automatic changeover mechanism. All necessary
arrangements for the plant's switching mechanism between on-grid and off-grid mode,
including the VFD, shall be in scope of the bidder. A single line diagram (SLD) for
reference is enclosed as Annexure-I.

Make of Items must be as per the BIS/ MNRE technical specification and equivalent make
offered by the bidders in the Bid. The Bidders may change the make of items with the
permission of competent authority of UPNEDA as and when required on valid circumstantial
conditions. The bidder shall provide Test Certificate of the proposed make of items issued
from MNRE authorized testing center or NABL accredited test lab.

The list of agriculture consumers where such solar systems are to be installed will be made
available to the bidders after award of contract.

33 | P a g e


Solar PV modules should be of the crystalline solar Photovoltaic Technology, manufactured in
India. Detailed specifications of the solar PV modules are given below:-

Must have test certificate as per MNRE guide lines and specified
in this tender
Origin Made in India
Efficiency module >= 16%
Fill factor >= 70%
warranty Panel output (Wp) capacity to be >=90% at the end of 12 years and
of at the end of 25 years.
Module frame Non-corrosive and electrically compatible with the mounting
structure material
Termination box Thermo-plastic, IP 65, UV resistant
Blocking diodes Schottky type
Module minimum The nominal power of a single PV module shall not be less than 300Wp.
rated power
Identification tag for Shall be provided inside the module and must be able to withstand
each solar module environmental conditions and last the lifetime of the solar module.

Identification tag data Name of the manufacturer with logo Month and year of manufacture
Model No ( Should consists of the voltage and rate wattage)
Module serial number

Power output rating To be given for standard test conditions (STC). I- V curve of the each
module shall be submitted

Compliance with IEC 61215 / IS 14286

standards and codes IEC 61730 Part 1 and 2

Salt Mist Corrosion As per IEC 61701


The bidder shall carefully design & accommodate requisite numbers of the modules to achieve
the rated power output and overall performance of plant.

The rated output power of any supplied module shall have maximum tolerance of +/- 3%.

The peak-power point voltage and the peak-power point current of any supplied module and/or
any module string (series connected modules) shall not vary by more than 2 (two) per cent from
the respective arithmetic means for all modules and/or for all module strings, as the case may be.

The Modules and Cells should be manufactured in India and should be complied with the
prevailing MNRE Approved List of Models and Manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic
Modules and subsequent amendments and clarifications issued until the bid submission
deadline, shall be applicable for this Bid. The Successful Bidder must procure Solar PV
Modules from MNRE ALMM List as per the UPNEDA office order no 144 dated 08.04.2024.

34 | P a g e

a) Material Warranty:

i. Material Warranty is defined as: The manufacturer should warrant the Solar Module(s)
to be free from the defects and/or failures specified below for a period not less than twenty five
(25) years from the date of sale to the original customer.
ii. Defects and/or failures due to manufacturing
iii. Defects and/or failures due to quality of materials

Non conformity to specifications due to faulty manufacturing and/or inspection processes. If the
solar Module(s) fails to conform to this warranty, the manufacturer will replace the solar
module(s), at the Owners sole option.

PV modules used in solar power plants/ systems must be warranted for their output peak watt
capacity, which should not be less than 90% at the end of 10 years and 80% at the end of 25

Test reports/ certificate from IEC/NABL/MNRE accredited laboratory to be mandatorily

enclosed for relevant IEC/equivalent BIS Standards.


Technical data sheet of the inverter proposed or the project indicating operating modes,
protection, efficiency etc. should be provided by the bidder.

Common Technical Specification:

Output voltage 1 phase, 240 VAC; 3 phase, 415 VAC

Inverter/ PCU should be capable of
synchronising with grid voltage between
110% and 80% of the rated output. Beyond
this system has to stop generating.

Over Voltage / Under Voltage trip When Voltages reaches above 110% or
below 80% respectively, with clearing time
up to two seconds for reconnection.
Frequency 50 Hz. Inverter/ PCU should be capable to
synchronise with grid for a variation of
frequency between 50.5 Hz and 47.5 Hz.
Beyond this system has to stop generating.
Over and Under frequency Trip High frequency at 50.5 Hz and low frequency
at 47.5 Hz clearing time up to 0.2 seconds.
Continuous rating Rated capacity of the configuration.
Nominal Power Rated power should not be less than the
rated capacity of the SPV array at STC.
Communication capability Should have RS 485 Communication mode so
as to integrate with Remote Monitoring
IS16221(Part 1,2)
Standard conformation

35 | P a g e
IS16169:2014 (Procedure for Islanding
prevention measures for Utility Connected
PV Inverters)
Total Harmonic Distortion Less than 5%
Operating temperature Range -50 to 600 C
Housing cabinet PCU to be housed in suitable switch cabinet,
Within IP 21 (Indoor)/ IP 54 (Outdoor)
Efficiency 95% and above at full load.
Power Control MPPT
Harmonic Current Injections Shall not exceed the limits specified in
Direct Current Injection Less than 0.5 % of the full rated output at the
interconnection point.
Flicker Should be within the limits specified in IEC
Synchronisation Automatic (Built into the inverter)
Hysteresis required for reenergizing Sixty seconds at stabilized condition.
Power Factor The PCU power factor at the point of
distribution Licensee service connection
shall be 0.95 lagging or leading when
operating at above 25 percent of the rated
Maximum time for cease to Energise in the case 2 Seconds
of formation of an unintended Island

The PCU shall not produce Electromagnetic interference (EMI) which may cause malfunctioning
of electronic and electrical instruments including communication equipment, which are located
within the facility in which the PCU is housed.

The PCU shall have an appropriate display on the front panel to display the instantaneous AC
power output and the DC voltage, current and power input. Each of these measurement displays
shall have an accuracy of 1 percent of full scale or better. The display shall be visible from outside
the PCU enclosure. Operational status of the PCU, alarms, trouble indicators and AC and DC
disconnect switch positions shall also be communicated by appropriate messages or indicator
lights on the front of the PCU enclosure.

The PCU shall include an easily accessible emergency OFF button located at an appropriate
position on the unit.
The PCU shall include ground lugs for equipment and PV array grounding

All exposed surfaces of ferrous parts shall be thoroughly cleaned, primed, and painted or
otherwise suitably protected to survive a nominal 30 years’ design life of the unit.

The PCU enclosure shall be weather proof and capable of surviving climatic changes and should
keep the PCU intact under all conditions in the room where it will be housed. The inverter shall
be located indoor and should be either wall/ pad mounted. Moisture condensation and entry of
rodents and insects shall be prevented in the PCC enclosure.

Components and circuit boards mounted inside the enclosures shall be clearly identified with
appropriate permanent designations, which shall also serve to identify the items on the supplied

36 | P a g e
Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) - MPPT shall be integrated in the PCU to maximize the
energy drawn from the array. The MPPT should be microprocessor based to minimize the power


Bidders have to supply VFD with the system. It is to be supplied along with ON grid inverter.
Bidder has to ensure that the solar AC Pump will also run during the absence of the grid

VFD should work in off-grid condition and should not depend on the grid power and can operate
load independently.

HP Rating – 3 HP - 10 HP
MPPT Efficiency – >96%
Maximum Power Voltage
(Vmp) – 160 V – 800 VDC
240 VAC-1 Phase (For 3 HP)
Output –
415 VAC-3 Phase (For 3 HP, 5 HP, 7.5 HP & 10 HP)
Working Temperature
– 10º C – 70º C
Cooling Fan – 12 VDC 0.35 amp, start at 70º C and stops at 60º C

• Total KWH
• Panel volt
Display Information – • Panel Current
• Power
• Frequency
• AC Voltage.

Remote Monitoring Remote Monitoring System through GSM


StartingCurrent – 1.5 times motor full-load current till pump rotates slowly
and picks up to the maximum RPM.
Working Duration
– 7 – 8 Hours in a day depending upon sunlight.

No specific design, any type of new and old pumps can be

Pump Type used (specifically induction motors)

a) Dry run protection

b) Reverse polarity protection

c) Open circuit and short circuit protection

d) Higher temperature protection

– e) Over voltage and under voltage protection

f) Overload protection

37 | P a g e
Cable Entry: Bottom


a) Transformer less design and compact in size

b) DSP based intelligent Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
c) Equipped with remote monitoring facility & Remote accessibility for On/Off possible with
mobile phone
d) LCD Display for easy viewing
e) Multiple built-in protections
f) VF drive shall give constant torque for wide range of intensity of sunlight - morning till
evening. Water to be continuously pumped from morning till evening.
g) IGBT based power stage
h) PWM frequency, Pure sine wave three phase current to motor
i) Remote Monitoring System: Remote Monitoring System through GSM


Input Terminal : Solar PV input supply is given to the Solar Pump Controller system from this
terminal strip it has + ve & - ve terminals.

Output Terminal : When Solar Pump Controller is ON 240 VAC-1 Phase (For 3 HP) 415 VAC-3
Phase (For 3 , 7.5 HP & 10 HP) voltage is given to motor from RYB terminal.


A Relay Contactor based controller shall be provided by the successful bidder. The Bidder shall
be responsible for the providing an Auto changeover. The auto changeover of the Solar PV
system will allow the system to work from ON-Grid to Off-Grid and vice-versa.

In case the Grid is available, the auto change over switch will connect the system to the Grid Tied
inverter and thus allow the system to generate the power and excess power shall be fed into the
grid. The Solar DC Power being generated will first cater to the Solar Pump requirement and
excess power, if any, shall be exported to the Grid through net metering.

In case of absence of the grid power, the auto changeover switch will connect the system to the
solar voltage frequency drive (VFD) and thus allow the system to shift on the VFD and it will work
on the off-grid mode.

Both relay based and contactor logic shall be allowed.

The Auto-changeover shall be connected with the RMS supplied with the system. It should be
operable from the remote server.

Auto-changeover box shall be IP 65 and shall be corrosion free. All the contacts shall be copper
material only. Bidder will ensure use of bimetallic strips/lugs when aluminum cables are

38 | P a g e

Internal Faults: In built protection for internal faults including excess temperature, commutation
failure, over load and cooling fan failure (if fitted) is obligatory.

Over Voltage Protection: Over Voltage Protection against atmospheric lightning discharge to the
PV array is required. Protection is to be provided against voltage fluctuations in the grid itself and
internal faults in the power conditioner, operational errors and switching transients.

Earth fault supervision: An integrated earth fault device shall have to be provided to detect
eventual earth fault on DC side and shall send message to the supervisory system.


Cable connections must be made using PVC Cu cables, as per BIS standards. All cable connections
must be made using suitable terminations for effective contact. The PVC Cu cables must be run in
GL trays with covers for protection.


PCU shall be tested prior to shipment and factory test certificate for relevant parameters should
be provided with the PCU supplied. UPNEDA or authorised representative of UPNEDA may be
allowed to witness the tests if required.

Factory testing shall not only be limited to measurement of phase currents, efficiencies, harmonic
content and power factor, but shall also include all other necessary tests/simulation required and
requested by the Purchasers Engineers. Tests may be performed at 25, 50, 75 and 100 percent of
the rated nominal power.


Net meter as per CEA standards approved by the utility as per accuracy class has to be supplied
and installed.
A separate Energy Meter shall be provided at the output of PCU to record the energy generation
from the solar system. (This energy meter should not be integrated with PCU). This has to
calibrate and installed nearer to the Consumer meter board so that meter reader from Electrical
utility could access while.
All major parameters should be available on the digital bus and logging facility for energy auditing
through the internal microprocessor and can be read on the digital front panel at any time the
current values, previous values for up to a month and the average values.


State Implementing Agency (SIA) will have a common SWPS (Solar Water Pumping System)
Management platform for monitoring of operation and performance of SWPS installed under PM
KUSUM Scheme.

Remote Monitoring System (RMS) of SWPS should have following minimum features or modules:

a) Solar System Performance: DC Voltage, DC current, AC output Current, Power, Drive

frequency, Energy, etc.
b) Pump Performance: Running Hours, Water Discharge (Output), etc
c) RMS Performance: %Device Connectivity, %Data Availability, etc.

39 | P a g e
d) Geo Location: Real time latitude and longitude should be captured. This is required to
ensure that system is not moved from its original location.
e) Events and Notifications: Faults related to Pump Operation, Solar generation,
Controller/Drive faults like overload, dry run, short circuit, etc.
f) Consumer Management: Name, Agriculture details, Service No. Contact Details, etc.
g) Asset Management: Ratings, Serial Number, Make, Model Number of Pump, Panel and
Controller, Geo Location, IMEI number (of communication module) and ICCID (of SIM).
h) Complaint and Ticket Management: Complaint management system is a part of centralized
monitoring software platform State Level Solar Energy Management Platform to be
operated and maintained by the State implementing agency (SIA).
i) Consumer Mobile Application: Generation, Running Hours, Water Discharge, Complaint
logging, etc.

RMS provided by all bidder’s should connect to State Level Solar Energy Data Management
platform, which will have interface with National Level Solar Energy Data Management platform
i.e. SIA will provide server infrastructure as well as software. SIA will maintain the same. All
vendors should provide SIM card of suitable ISP having maximum Signal Strength in the
respective location of SWPS and ensure connectivity as well as pushing of data to centralized
platform as mentioned in specifications. Communication Architecture should be as per following:

Communication Connectivity:

i. Pump Controller Connectivity: Communication between RMS and Pump Controller should be
on UART/RS485/RS232 MODBUS RTU protocol to ensure interoperability irrespective of make
and manufacturer

ii. Remote Connectivity: RMS of SWPS should be using GSM/GPRS/2G/3G/4G cellular


iii. Local Connectivity: Ethernet/Bluetooth/Wi-Fi connectivity to configure parameters,

notifications, communication interval, set points etc. or to retrieve locally stored data.

iv. Sensor Connectivity: RMS should have provision for at least two Analog/Digital inputs with
0.1% accuracy to address the requirement of local sensors connectivity if required by
SIA/Consumer for applications such as irradiation, flow meter for water discharge, moisture
sensor for micro irrigation, etc. Analog/digital sensor inputs will be required for integration of
flow meter for water discharge, moisture sensor for micro irrigation, level sensor for overhead
tank water storage etc. Only provision for Analog/digital inputs with 0.1% accuracy of Full Scale
Range is required. Sensors will not be in scope of bidder.

v. RMS should have provision to give remote On/Off command to pump through farmer mobile
app. to save ground water.

b) Communication Modes:

i. Push Data on Event/Notification: such as pump on, pump off, protection operated, etc.

ii. Push Data Periodically: important parameters of solar pump (as mentioned above) should be
pushed to central server on configurable interval. Interval should be configurable for 15 mins.
However, if required, it should be possible to configure the periodic interval in multiple of 1

40 | P a g e
minute starting from 1 minute and up to 15 minutes. Further, in case of any abnormalities or
event, RMS should push on event immediately.

iii. Command On Demand : It should be possible to send commands via GSM or GPRS to RMS
either to control pump operations or to update configuration

c) Communication Protocol: RMS should provide data on MQTT protocol to establish

communication with thousands of systems.

d) Security: i. Communication between RMS and Server should be secured and encrypted using
TLS/SSL/X.509 certificate etc.

ii. As a part of IoT protocol, Authentication and Authorization should be implemented using
token/password mechanism.

e) Message Format: RMS should provide data in a JSON message format as required by respective

f) Data Storage: In case of unavailability of cellular network, RMS should store data locally and
on availability of network it should push data to central Server. Local data storage should be
possible for at least one year in case of unavailability of cellular network.

g) Configuration update over the Air of multiple parameters such as IP, APN, Data logging Interval,
Set Points etc. is essential. Software updating should be possible with 2G and even without the
presence of SD card. Software updating process and/or failure to update software shouldn’t
disrupt pumping operations

Remote ON/OFF feature

There shall be a Remote ON/OFF Feature of pump integrated with system.

Necessary switch gear as well as communication structures should be done by the bidder so as
the user can switch off/on the pump remotely.

The remote working system should be integrated with RMS.

All solar Agriculture pumps/systems sanctioned under the Programme shall be provided
with remote monitoring system by the vendor. It will be mandatory to submit performance
data of solar power plant online to MNRE in the manner and format prescribed by MNRE.
The remote monitoring system may consist of smart meters, communication hardware/
IoT devices, software interface, web and mobile application and internet connection.


Specification of module mounting structure shall be in line with specifications for SPV water
pumping systems of MNRE vide Circular No. F. No. 41/3/2018-SPV Division dated17.7.2019 and
any further amendment(s) issued by MNRE.

Supply, installation, erection and acceptance of module mounting structure (MMS) with all
necessary accessories, auxiliaries and spare part shall be in the scope of the Contractor.

41 | P a g e
The PV modules shall be mounted on fixed metallic structures having adequate strength and
appropriate design, which can withstand the load of the modules and high wind velocities as per
the wind zone and IS of the location of installation.

The MMS shall be designed and constructed such that it complies with the necessary mounting
requirements of PV modules in order to maintain the PV module’s warranty.

MMS and its foundation shall be designed considering life span of 25 years and withstand wind
speeds of 200 kmph.

Design of the MMS shall take into consideration site conditions, soil report, loading data, wind
data and design standards as per latest applicable IS standard.

The structure shall be designed for simple mechanical and electrical installation. It shall support
SPV modules at a given orientation and tilt, absorb and transfer the mechanical loads to the
ground properly.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damages caused by high wind velocity within
guarantee period. The parameters of prevailing wind speed, soil conditions, load, and upward lift
shall be taken care of while preparing the design and the same is required to be mentioned on

MMS shall be made of hot dip Galvanized steel per ASTM A123. Minimum thickness of HDGI zinc
coating shall be 80 microns at any point when measured. No averaging is allowed in the
measurement of coating thickness. Necessary testing provision for MMS to be made available by
Contractor at site.

All bolts, nuts, panel mounting clamps fasteners shall be of stainless steel of grade SS304 and
must sustain the adverse climatic conditions.

MMS shall be designed and positioned such that the PV modules are completely shadow-free
solar during generation hours.

All solar panels shall be easily accessible for cleaning and the beneficiaries shall not be inclined
to climb on the MMS or PV modules for cleaning the PV modules.

Junction boxes shall be mounted on the MMS such that they are easily accessible and are
protected from direct sunlight and harsh weather.

Civil foundation design for MMS shall be made in accordance with the IS and prevailing soil
conditions with the help of Chartered Structural Designer having substantial experience in similar

All the cables shall be aesthetically tied to module mounting structure

Cutting, Welding, drilling etc. at site is not allowed for MMS. Contractor shall carry out all
correction in structure (if required) at his works. If any cutting, welding, drilling is required to be
done after material arrived at site then material shall be again sent for hot dip galvanization. No
zinc spray shall be allowed on the MMS.

Contractor shall submit the all the quality test documents and test certificates complying with the
requirement of the structure.

42 | P a g e
Contractor shall submit detailed drawings of the MMS and its civil foundations, results of design
computations and stability calculations for foundations, and structural fitness of PV module
mounting structures as per STADD Pro analysis. Such details shall include, but not limited to, the

a) Determination of true south at the site

b) Array tilt angle to the horizontal, with permitted tolerance

c) Details with drawings for fixing the modules

d) Details with drawings for fixing the junction/ terminal boxes

e) Interconnection details inside the junction/ terminal boxes

f) Structure installation details and drawings

g) Electrical grounding (earthling as per BIS specifications) and surge protections.

h) Inter-panel/ inter-row distances with allowed tolerances; and

i) Lightning protection for PV array.

j) Safety precautions to be taken

Structures shall be supplied complete with all members to be compatible for allowing easy
installation at the site. Additional Structures/Frames for required for the installation of modules
if any need to be provided by the bidder.

The structures shall be designed to allow easy replacement of any module.

Each structure shall have a provision to adjust its angle of inclination to the horizontal as per the
site conditions. Solar module should be inclined towards south direction and the module
mounting structures should have angle of inclination as per the site conditions to take maximum
insolation and complete shadow-free operation during generation hours. However, to
accommodate more capacity the angle of inclination may be reduced until the plant meets the
specified performance ratio requirements.


The system should have installed with Surge Protection Device (SPD) for higher withstand of the
continuous PV-DC voltage during earth fault condition. SPD shall have safe disconnection and
short circuit interruption arrangements through integrated DC in-built bypass fuse (parallel)
which should get tripped driving failure mode of MOV, extinguishing DC arc safely in order to
protect the installation against fire hazards. The SPD should be provided in the AC Distribution
Box as well.

Earthing for PV Array:

The PV module, BOS and other components of power plants require adequate Earthing for
protecting against any serious fault.

• The Earthing for array and LT power shall be made as per the provisions of IS:3043.

43 | P a g e
• Necessary provision shall be made for bolted isolating joints of each Earthing pit for periodic
checking of earth resistance.

• Each String/Array and MMS of the plant shall be grounded properly. The array structure has to
be connected to earth pit as per IS standards. Necessary provisions shall be made for bolted
isolating joins of each earthing pit for periodic checking or earth resistance.

• The complete earthing system shall be mechanically & electrically connected to provide
independent return to earth.

• For each earth pit, a necessary test point shall be provided.

• The bidder shall submit the detailed specification for the Earthing arrangements.


The SPV power plant should be provided with lightning and over voltage protection. The source
of over voltage can be lightning or other atmospheric disturbance. The lightning conductors
shall be made as per applicable Indian Standards in order to protect the entire array yard from
lightning stroke. The design and specification shall conform to IS/IEC 62305, “Protection against
lightning” govern all lightning protection-related practices of a PV system.

The entire space occupying SPV array shall be suitably protected against lightning by deploying
required number of lightning arresters. Lightning protection should be provided as per IS/ IEC

Lightning system shall comprise of air terminations, down conductors, test links, earth
electrode etc. as per approved drawings.

The protection against induced high voltages shall be provided by the use of surge protection
devices (SPDs) and the earthing terminal of the SPD shall be connected to the earth through the
earthing system.

The EPC Contractor / Company shall submit the drawings and detailed specifications of the PV
array lightning protection equipment to Employer for approval before installation of system.


AC Distribution Panel Board (DPB) shall control the AC power from inverter and should have
necessary surge arrestors.

An ACDB panel shall be provided in between PCU and Utility grid. It shall have MCB/MCCB/ACB
or circuit breaker of suitable rating for connection and disconnection of PCU from grid.

The connection between ACDB and Utility grid shall be of standard cable/ Conductor with
suitable termination. It shall have provision to measure grid voltage, current and power.

The ACDB incomer shall be four (4) pole MCCB with thermal over current and earth fault releases.
The incomer shall be selected at required rating.


44 | P a g e
DC bus/ cable which can handle the current and the voltage of inverter output safely with
necessary surge arrester as per the relevant IS standards.

DC panel should be equipped with an adequate capacity indoor DC circuit breaker along with
control circuit, protection relays, fuses, annunciations and remote operating and controlling
facility from the main control facility.

DCDB shall have sheet from enclosure of dust and vermin proof, the busbar/ cables are to be made
of copper of desired size. DCDB shall be fabricated to comply with IP 65 protection.


Switches/ circuit breakers/ connectors meeting general requirements and safety measurements
as per IS 60947 Part I, II, III and EN 50521 for AC/DC.

Junction boxes, enclosures for inverters/ charge controllers and meters shall meet IP 54 (for
outdoor)/ IP 21 (for indoor) as per IEC 529.


Cabling is required for wiring from AC output of inverter/PCU to the Grid Interconnection point.
It includes the DC cabling from Solar Array to AJB and from AJB to inverter input.

All cables of appropriate size to be used in the system shall have the following characteristic:

a. Shall conform to IEC 60227 / IS 694 & IEC 60502 / IS 1554 standards.
b. Temperature Range: -10 degree Celsius to +80 degree Celsius
c. Voltage rating: 660/1000V
d. Excellent resistance to heat, cold, water, oil, abrasion, UV radiation
e. Flexible

Sizes of cables between any array interconnections, array to junction boxes, junction boxes to
inverter etc. shall be so selected to keep the voltage drop (power loss) of the entire solar system
to the minimum (2%).

The length of exceeding 50 m of AC cable from Inverter to ACDB and to the Grid connection point
shall be borne by the customer.

For the DC cabling, XLPE or XLPO insulated and sheathed, UV stabilized single core flexible copper
cables shall be used; Multi-core cables shall not be used.

For the AC cabling, PVC or XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed single or, multi-core flexible copper
cables shall be used. However, for above 25kWpsystems, XLPE insulated Aluminum cable of
suitable area of cross section can be used in the AC side subject to a minimum area of cross section
of 10 sq.mm. Outdoor AC cables shall have a UV -stabilized outer sheath IS/IEC 69947.

All LT XLPE cables shall conform to IS:7098 part I&II.

The total voltage drop on the cable segments from the solar PV modules to the solar grid inverter
shall not exceed 2.0% .

45 | P a g e
The total voltage drop on the cable segments from the solar grid inverter to the building
distribution board shall not exceed 2.0%

The DC cables from the SPV module array shall run through a UV stabilized PVC conduit pipe of
adequate diameter with a minimum wall thickness of 1.5mm

Cables and wires used for the interconnection of solar PV modules shall be provided with solar
PV connectors (MC4) and couplers.

All cables and conduit pipes shall be clamped with thermo-plastic clamps at intervals not
exceeding 50cm; the minimum DC cables size shall be 4.0mm2 copper; the minimum AC cable
size shall be 4.0mm2 copper. In three phase systems, the size of the neutral wire size shall be
equal to the size of the phase wires.

Cable Marking: All cable/wires are to be marked in proper manner by good quality ferule or by
other means so that the cable can be easily identified. The following color code shall be used for
cable wires a) DC positive: red (the outer PVC sheath can be black with a red line marking DC
negative: black c) AC single phase: Phase: red; Neutral: black d) AC three phase: phases: red,
yellow, blue; neutral: black e) Earth wires: green

Cables and conduits that have to pass through walls or ceilings shall be taken through PVC pipe

Cable conductors shall be terminated with tinned copper end ferrules to prevent fraying and
breaking of individual wire strands. The termination of the DC and AC cables at the Solar Grid
Inverter shall be done as per instructions of the manufacturer, which in most cases will include
the use of special connectors.

All cables and connectors used for installation of solar field must be of solar grade which can
withstand harsh environment conditions including high temperatures, UV radiation, rain,
humidity, dirt, salt, burial and attack by moss and microbes’ for 25 years and voltages as per latest
IEC standards. DC cables used from solar modules to array junction box shall solar grade copper
(Cu) with XLPO insulation and rated for 1.1 kV as per relevant standards only.

Bending radii for cables shall be as per manufactures recommendations and IS: 1255.

For laying/termination of cables latest BIS/IEC Codes/ standards shall be followed.



UPERC RSPV Regulation 2019 has kept provision of net-metering for agriculture consumers.
Contractor going for installation of SPV Power units under this scheme will also be governed by the
rules & regulations of Net Metering scheme as notified by UPERC and amended time to time.

Net metering is the concept which records difference between exports of generated energy and
import of energy from Discom grid during billing cycle.
The Contractor shall bear the entire cost of metering arrangement (including meter testing-fee)
and its accessories. The Contractor will procure the net meter and get it standardized and tested
from the UPPCL accredited Lab. The fee and other charges, if applicable, such as security deposit

46 | P a g e
payable to office of UPNEDA/Discom & Electrical inspector will be payable by the successful
bidder separately prior to the system installation.

The installation of meters including CTs & PTs, wherever applicable, shall be carried out by the
supplier as per the procedures in line with Discom(s) guidelines and with their permission.

Old meter of the existing Agriculture consumer shall be replaced by the Contractor after issue of
Meter Change Order by concerned incharge of Discom on the same day of installation of net-meter.
The old meter is to be deposited by the Contractor on behalf of UPNEDA in the concerned Office of

Net-meter shall be installed in the presence of the Contractor, DISCOM representative, the
Agriculture Consumer, concerned Nodal Officer jointly with preparation of “Joint Inspection
Report”(JIR) in prescribed format.

In this case the agriculture pump will be continue to run at rated capacity taking power from solar
panel and balance power from grid , if required and incase solar power generation is higher than
the required by the pump, the additional solar power would be fed to the grid. Farmer would be
able to import and export to the grid as the UPERC Regulation and its amendment.

Caution Signs

In addition to the standard caution and danger boards or labels as per Indian Electricity Rules,
the AC distribution box near the solar grid inverter and the distribution board to which the AC
output of the solar PV system is connected shall be provided with a noncorrosive caution label

The size of the caution label shall be 105mm (width) x 20mm (height) with white letters on a
red background.

Sign Boards

The sign board containing brief description of various components of the power plant as well
as the complete power plant in general shall be installed at appropriate location near the PV

The Signboard shall be made of MS angle or pipe for vertical post with ACP (Aluminium
Composite Panel) sheet of not less than 3 mm. The Contractor shall provide detailed
specifications of the sign boards as per requirement of the UPNEDA/Discom.

Name Plate: Name Plate in Hindi language of size 600 mm x 600 mm x 2 mm on iron plate is
required to be prepared (format shall be provided by UPNEDA after award of contract)
separately and required to be fixed on the system for every installation.

Drawings & Manuals

Two sets of engineering, electrical drawings and Installation and O&M manuals are to be
supplied. Bidder shall provide complete technical data sheets for each equipment giving details
of the specifications along with make/makes in their bid along with basic design of the PV
Installation setup and power evacuation, synchronization along with protection equipment.

47 | P a g e
The Contractor shall furnish the following drawings (in line with MNRE specifications) after PO
and obtain approval:

(a) General arrangement and dimensioned layout.

(b) Schematic drawing showing the requirement of PV panel, Power conditioning Unit(s)/
inverter, Junction Boxes, AC and DC Distribution Boards, meters etc.
(c) Routing diagram of cables and wires.
(d) Data sheets and user manuals of the solar PV panels and the solar grid inverter.
(e) Structural drawing along with foundation details for the structure.
(f) Itemized bill of material for complete SV plant covering all the components and
associated accessories.
(g) Layout of solar Power Array
(h) Shadow analysis of the site
(i) Maintenance register.
Approved ISI and reputed makes for equipment be used

For complete electromechanical works, Contractor shall supply complete design, details and
drawings for approval to UPNEDA, DISCOM and TPIA before progressing with the installation

Planning & Designing

UPNEDA reserves the right to modify the layout and specification of sub- systems and
components at any stage as per local site conditions/requirements.

The Contractor shall submit preliminary drawing for approval and based on any modification
or recommendation, if any. The Contractor shall submit three sets and soft copy in CD of final
drawing for formal approval to proceed with construction work.

Safety Measures

The Contractor shall take entire responsibility for electrical safety of the installation(s)
including connectivity with the grid and follow all the safety rules & regulations applicable as
per Electricity Act, 2003 and CEA guidelines, as well as applicable rules & regulations of
Rajasthan State, etc.
Maintenance & Generation Guarantee

Comprehensive Maintenance (CMC)

a) The Contractor shall undertake comprehensive maintenance of the PV system including

all its equipment and subsystems for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of
commissioning of the last system of total awarded work.
b) This shall also include free replacement warranty on spare parts against manufacturing
defects for five years from the date installation.
c) The Contractor shall attend to any complaint from the Agriculture Consumer and rectify
any faults or breakdown within a timeframe of 72 (seventy two) hours from such
complaint. In case of theft, the complaint is to be resolved within 15 calendar days
provided theft is duly certified by the nodal officer. The loss in generation shall be
decided on daily basis.
d) CMC will include submission of monthly /quarterly inspection report of the installation
as per prescribed format of UPNEDA & DISCOM. Quarterly report as per UPNEDA

48 | P a g e
format shall be prepared and submitted to UPNEDA after providing necessary services.
e) To ensure timely maintenance of the systems the vendor shall have one Office-cum-
service center in each operational district and a helpline in local language in each
operational State.
f) UPNEDA/Discom gives great importance to maintenance of the systems & it is felt that
without proper maintenance after installation of system, consumers may be deprived of
the benefits of this Scheme. To achieve this objective, Contractor shall proceed to first
establish office-cum-service center in each operational district for installation of
systems. Contractor shall be bound to provide after sales service to the beneficiaries in
the vicinity of the area of the installed systems or at least at tehsil level /at district to
facilitate CMC services. The beneficiaries shall be well informed about the CMC center
of the Contractor, call center/toll free numbers. This may consist of office cum service
center at a convenient place to be reached by a beneficiary. Such office cum service
centers shall have spares for the system and repair facility. The UPNEDA & Concerned
Nodal officer of Discom shall verify this fact and only then Contractor shall be allowed
to install the systems.
g) The Contractor will educate the Beneficiaries on the process for registering the
complaints on Call Center/toll free nos. The details of office cum after sales service
centers along with telephone numbers & contact persons of firm & details of UPNEDA
&Discom offices, address and telephone numbers must be provided to each beneficiary.
Beneficiaries shall also be educated through brochures about dos & don’ts on the
system. Contractor will update the status of fault rectification to UPNEDA /call center
for online monitoring of the complaints registered and services being provided by the
h) It may be carefully noted that maintenance of SPV Systems includes maintenance of
all items including all accessories.

Project Management

Testing and Third-Party Inspection

a) The Contractor shall provide all relevant plant and equipment specifications, data sheets,
certificates, designs, drawings, etc. to the UPNEDA, Discom and TPIA for approval prior to
commencement of installation. Structural designs shall be provided to the TPIA & UPNEDA
in STAAD Pro format for verification and approval.

b) The UPNEDA /Discom and the TPIA shall have , at all times, access to the Contractor’s
premises and also shall have the power to inspect and examine the materials and workmanship
of project work during its manufacturing, shop assembly and testing. If part of the equipment
is required to be manufactured in the premises other than the Contractor on behalf of the
UPNEDA, Discom and the TPIA.
c) The UPNEDA, Discom and the TPIA shall have the right to serve notice in writing to the
Contractor on any grounds of objections, which they may have in respect of the work. The
Contractor shall have to satisfy the objection, otherwise, the UPNEDA, Discom at its liberty
may reject any or all components of equipment or workmanship connected with such work.

d) The Contractor shall issue request letter to UPNEDA for testing of any component of the
plant, which is ready for testing at least 15 (fifteen) days in advance from the date of actual
date of testing at the premises of the Contractor or elsewhere. When the inspection and the
tests have been satisfactorily completed at the Contractor’s works.

49 | P a g e
UPNEDA/Discom or the TPIA shall issue a certificate to that effect. However, UPNEDA at its own
discretion may waive the inspection and testing in writing. In such case, the Contractor may proceed
with the tests which shall be deemed to have been made in the UPNEDA& Discom or the TPIA’s
presence, and it shall forth with forward 6(Six)sets of duly certified copies of test results and
certificates to the UPNEDA, Discom and theTPIA for approval of UPNEDA, Discom. The
Contractor, on receipt of written acceptance from UPNEDA, may dispatch the equipment for
erection and installation.
e) For all tests to be carried out, whether in the premises of the Contractor or any subcontractor
or the supplier, the Contractor shall provide labour, materials, electricity, fuel, water, stores,
apparatus and instruments etc. free of charge as may reasonably be demanded to carry out such
tests of the equipment. The Contract or shall provide all facilities to UPNEDA, Discom and
the TPIA to accomplish such testing.
f) The UPNEDA, Discom or the TPIA shall have the right to carry out inward inspection of the
items on delivery at the Site and if the items have been found to be not in line with the approved
specifications, shall have the liberty to reject the same.
g) Neither the waiving of inspection nor acceptance after inspection by the UPNEDA & DISCOM
or the TPIA shall, in anyway, absolve the Contractor of the responsibility of supplying the
equipment strictly in accordance with requisite standards and specifications.
h) UPNEDA and Discom and/ or the TPIA shall undertake final commissioning test of the
PVsystem including its design, specification, safety and performance.

Other Key Responsibilities

MNRE/UPNEDA Discom Inspection & Reporting

The Ministry officials or designated agency may inspect the ongoing installation or installed
plants. In case the installed systems are not as per standards, non-functional on account of poor
quality of installation, or non-compliance of AMC, the Ministry reserves the right to blacklist
the Contractor. Blacklisting may inter-alia include the following:
(a) The Contractor will not be eligible to participate in tenders for Government supported
(b) In case, the concerned Director(s) of the Contractor joins another existing or starts/joins
a new firm/company, the company will automatically be blacklisted.
b) The Contractor shall be responsible for providing daily/weekly/monthly or customized
information regarding progress of projects required by UPNEDA/Discom /MNRE,
online or in hard copy. For which the Contractor is also responsible for maintaining
online & off-line records.
c) Assist Discom & UPNEDA with a real-time monitoring dedicated web-portal.
d) Providing training to the locals.

50 | P a g e
Standards and Limits

Following specifications shall be applicable for the activities related to meters and grid

Standards and Limits


Service Relevant regulation/order byUttar
conditions Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Compliance
Overall Grid Central Electricity Authority (Grid Compliance
Standards Standard) regulations2010
Equipment BIS / IEEE / IEC Compliance
Meters Central Electricity Authority (Installation Compliance
and Operation of Meters) Regulation
2013 & relevant regulations by Uttar
Pradesh Electricity Regulatory
Safety and Central Electricity Authority (Measures Compliance
Supply of Safety and Electricity
Supply) Regulation 2010
Harmonic IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Standards Harmonic current injections from a
Current for Connectivity of the Distributed generating station shall not exceed
Generation Resources) the limits specified in IEEE 519
Regulations 2013
Synchronization IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Standards Photovoltaic system must be
for Connectivity of the Distributed equipped with a grid frequency
Generation Resources) Regulations2013 synchronization device. Every
time the generating station is
synchronized to the electricity
system. It shall not cause voltage
fluctuation greater than +/-5% at
point of connection.
Voltage IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Standards The voltage-operating window
for Connectivity of the Distributed should minimize nuisance tripping
Generation Resources) Regulations 2013 and should be under operating
range of 80% to110% of the
nominal connected voltage.
Beyond a clearing time of 2
second, the photovoltaic system
must isolate itself from the grid.
Flicker IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Standards Operation of Photovoltaic system
for Connectivity of the Distributed should not cause voltage flicker in
Generation Regulations 2013 Resources) excess of the limits stated in IEC
61000 standards or other
equivalent Indian standards, if any.
Frequency IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical When the Distribution system
Standards for Connectivity of the frequency deviates outside the
Distributed Generation Resources). specified conditions (50.5 Hz on
Regulations 2013 upper side and 47.5 Hz on lower
side), There should be over and
under frequency trip functions
with a clearing time of 0.2

51 | P a g e
DC injection IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Photovoltaic system should not
Standards for Connectivity of the inject DC power more than0.5%
Distributed Generation Resources). of full rated output at the
Regulations 2013 interconnection point under any
operating conditions
Power IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical While the output of the inverter is
Factor Standards for Connectivity of t h e greater than 50%, a lagging
Distributed Generation Resources). power factor of greater than 0.9
Regulations 2013 should operate.
Islanding and IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical The photovoltaic system in the
Disconnection Standards for Connectivity of the event of fault, voltage or
Distributed Generation Resources). frequency variations must island /
Regulations 2013 disconnect itself within IEC
standard on stipulated period
Overload IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical The inverter should have the
and Standards for Connectivity of the facility to automatically switch
Overheat Distributed Generation Resources). off in case of overload or
Regulations 2013 overheating and should restart
when normal conditions
are restored
Paralleling IEEE 519 and CEA (Technical Paralleling device of
Device Standards for Connectivity of the photovoltaic system shall be
Distributed Generation Resources). capable of withstanding 220% of
Regulations 2013 the normal voltage at the
interconnection point.


Quality certification and standards for grid-connected solar PV systems are essential for the successful
mass-scale implementation of this technology. It is also imperative to put in place an efficient and
rigorous monitoring mechanism, adherence to these standards. Hence, all components of grid-
connected solar PV system/ plant must conform to the relevant standards and certifications given

Solar PV Modules/Panels
IEC 61215/IS 14286 Design Qualification and Type Approval for
Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV)
IEC 61701 Salt Mist Corrosion Testing of Photovoltaic (PV)
IEC 61853-Part 1/IS 16170: Part 1 Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing
and energy rating:- Irradiance and temperature
performance measurements and power rating.
IEC 62716 Photovoltaic (PV) modules Ammonia (NH3)
Corrosion Testing, (As per site condition like
dairies, toilets)
IEC 61730-1,2 Photovoltaic (PV) module Safety Qualification-
Part 1: Requirements for Construction
Part 2:- Requirements for Testing

52 | P a g e
Solar PV Inverters
IEC 62109-1, IEC 62109-2 Safety of power converters for use in
photovoltaic power systems
Part 1: General requirements, and Safety of
power converters for use in photovoltaic
power systems
Part 2: Particular requirements for inverters.
Safety compliance (Protection degree IP
65 for outdoor mounting, IP 54 for indoor

IEC/IS61683 Photovoltaic Systems – Power

Procedure for Measuring Efficiency
(10%,25%, 50%, 75% & 90-100%
Loading Conditions)

IEC 62116/ UL 1741/ IEEE 1547 Utility-interconnected Photovoltaic Inverters

(as applicable) –
Test Procedure of Islanding Prevention
IEC 60255-27 Measuring relays and protection equipment
Part 27: Product safety requirements

IEC 60068-2 / IEC 62093 Environmental Testing of PV System –

(as applicable) Power Conditioners and Inverters
IS/IEC 60947 (Part 1, 2 & 3), EN General safety requirements for
connectors, switches, circuit breakers
50521 (AC/DC):
Low-voltage Switchgear and Control


1. The PV modules will be warranted for a minimum period of 25 years from the date of
supply. (Output wattage should not be less than 90% at the end of 12 years and 80% at the end of
25 years).

2. The mechanical structures, electrical components including evacuation infrastructure and

overall workmanship of the solar plant system must be warranted for a minimum of 5years from
the date of commissioning and handing over of the system.

3. The Comprehensive Maintenance (within warranty period) may be executed by the firm
themselves or through the service center of the firm in the concerned district/Division.

4. The contractor/ bidder shall be responsible to replace free of cost (including transportation
and insurance expenses) to the purchaser whole or any part of supply which under normal and
proper use become dysfunctional within 7 days of issue of any such complaint by the purchaser.

53 | P a g e
5. The service personnel of the Successful Bidder will make routine quarterly maintenance
visits. The maintenance shall include thorough testing & replacement of any damaged parts Apart
from the any complaint registered/ service calls received / faults notified in the report generated
by the IVRS should be attended to and the system should be repaired/ restored/ replaced within 7

6. Normal and preventive maintenance of the systems will also be the duties of the deputed
personnel during quarterly maintenance visits.

7. During operation and maintenance period of the systems, if there is any loss or damage of
any component due to miss management/miss handling or due to any other reasons pertaining to
the deputed personnel, what-so-ever, the supplier shall be responsible for immediate
replacement/rectification. The damaged component may be repaired or replaced by new

54 | P a g e

55 | P a g e
11 Forms – Part I: Technical
11.1 Form A: Covering Letter

FROM :-(Full name and address of the Bidder)


The Director,
Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy
Development Agency (UPNEDA)
Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow- 226010, U. P.

Subject: - Offer in response to Bid No: 01//UPNEDA-PM KUSUM-C1/GCPS/2024-2025

Dated 29.08.2024


We hereby submit our offer in full compliance with terms & conditions of the above Bid
without any deviations.
We confirm that, we have the capability to supply, install and carryout 5 years
Comprehensive warranty & maintenance of Grid Connected Solar PV Systems under
KUSUM Component C-1 Scheme at various districts of Uttar Pradesh.

We are fully agreed with Terms &Conditions, Technical Specifications, and Warranty with
5 years of comprehensive maintenance and Payments Conditions etc laid down in this bid

In line with the requirement of the Bid Documents, we have uploaded the following
documents to the Bid Form:

a. Form A: Covering Letter

b. Form B: General Particulars of the Bidder
c. Form C: Checklist
d. Proof D: Proof of payment or demand draft for cost of payment of the tender
e. Form E: Earnest Money Deposit to be submitted as DD or BG from any
nationalized or scheduled bank in the specified format
f. Form F: Bidder documentary evidence in support of the Pre-Bid Eligibility
g. Form G: Schedule of Experience (Supply & Installation)

56 | P a g e
h. Form H: Declaration on Notarized Affidavit that the information provided by
the Bidder is true to the best of its knowledge, specifically pertaining to the
experience furnished & conflict check
i. Form I: Format of Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)
j. Form J: Format for bid security declaration
k. Form K: Format for power of attorney
l. Form L: Format for Joint Commissioning and Handing over certificate
/Warrantee Card.
m. Form M: Certificate of UPNEDA Project Officer
n. Form N: Format: Technical Bid
o. The Bid document issued by UPNEDA, amendments / corrigendum /
interpretations/ addendum/clarifications etc. for the work, if any, duly signed
by the Bidder as a token of unconditional acceptance.
p. Audited Profit and Loss Account and Balance sheet along with CA certificate
(Turnover and net worth) for the last three financial years are to be enclosed.
q. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation.
r. Copy of the GST number of the firm.
s. Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by IT department.
t. Information regarding ex-employees of UPNEDA or its subsidiary companies
working in the bidder organization if any. The bidder can use its own format
regarding the same.
u. Memorandum and Article of Association
v. Any other information, the Bidder desires to furnish in connection with this

Until a formal / legally binding Contract is prepared and executed between us, this bid,
together with your written acceptance thereof in the form of your Notifications of Award shall
constitute a Bid Contract between us for all legal purpose.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid that you may
receive or might have received.
We, hereby, declare that the persons or firms interested in this proposal are named
herein and that no person or firm other than mentioned herein have any interest in this
proposal or in the Contract to be entered into, if the award is made on us. This proposal is
made without any connection with any other person, firm or party likewise submitting a
proposal of their own, and without any collusion or fraud.

Thanking You.
Signature of the Authorized Representative:
Full Name of the Authorized Representative & Address of the Firm

Date with Seal:

57 | P a g e
11.2 Form B: General Particulars of the Bidder

Key Information

1 Name of Bidder

2 Postal Address

3 Mobile no.

4 Telephone, Telex, Fax No

5 E-mail

6 Web site

Name, designation and Mobile Phone

No. of the representative of the Bidder
7 to whom all references shall be made

Name and address of the

Indian/foreign Collaboration if any

Have anything/extra other than price of

9 items (as mentioned in price Schedule)
been written in the price schedule.

Have the Bidder to pay arrears of

income tax. If yes up to what amount?

Have the Bidder ever been debarred By

11 any Govt. Deptt./ Undertaking for
undertaking any work?

Details of offer (please mention number

12 of pages and number of Drawings in the
hard copy if any)

Reference of any other information

13 attached by the tenderer (please
Mention no. of pages & no. of drawings)

Signature of the Authorized Representative:

Full Name of the Authorized Representative & Address of the Firm

Date with Seal:

58 | P a g e
11.3 Form C: Checklist
Particulars in
Eligibility brief of the
Sr. Documents to be
Particulars Documents to
No. Criteria submitted
be submitted
by the Bidder.

1 Tender Fee Tender Fee of Rs 11800/- (inclusive Bank Guarantee As Annexure-1

&Earnest of GST) in the form of DD or
Money RTGS/NEFT or any other online

The bidder should submit EMD in the

form of BG or DD of 2 % of Estimated

2 Company The bidder should be a firm Certificate of Relevant

Eligibility registered/incorporated under Incorporation issued certification
Companies Act, 1956 or Companies by the Registrar of proof showing
Act, 2013/ and further amendment Companies and the
(s), or a registered partnership firm establishment of
(registered under section 59 of the firm in
Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited respective
liability partnership (under the category.
Limited Liability Partnership Act,
2002)/ Proprietorship or under
Society act.

(System integrators are also allowed

to participate in the bid.)

3 Test Report Bidder should have valid Test report Test report of • Test report
of complete system/various MNRE/NABL no:
components (PV module, PCU cum accredited lab----------- • Issuing
inverter, etc) issued from MNRE
----------------- date:
authorized testing center or NABL
accredited test lab. • Name of
Authorization Letter in the name of Authorization
Bidder issued from OEM. Certificate of Main
components (i.e. PV
Module, PCU cum
Inverter) of Solar
Power Plant.

4 GSTIN A copy of valid GSTIN registration Valid GSTIN Issuing date:

certificate Registration Certificate

5 Financial Bidders should have Overall Average Duly authorized copy M/s ________
Turnover Annual Turnover (ATO) in the last of audited annual
five financial year i.e, 2019-2020, report/Balance Sheet 2019-2020:…..
2020-2021, 2021- 2022, 2022-2023
for last five years is to
and 2023-2024 must be as per 2020-2021:…..
following:- be submitted by

59 | P a g e
Particulars in
Eligibility brief of the
Sr. Documents to be
Particulars Documents to
No. Criteria submitted
be submitted
by the Bidder.

Required Average Annual Turnover respondent along with 2021-2022:…..

from the Bidders for each Part of CA certificate.
tendered capacity separately. 2022-2023:…..
Part A- For Pump Capacity (3HP)-
24.04 Crore 2023-2024:…..
Part B- For Pump Capacity (5HP)-
28.15 Crore Average
Part C- For Pump Capacity turnover Rs……..
(7.5HP)- 58.85 Crore
Part D- For Pump Capacity (10
HP)- 11.18 Crore

If a bidder is interested in
participating in two or more parts,
the bidder must fulfill the
cumulative Average Annual
Turnover of each respective part.

(For FY 2023-24, provisional

Balance sheet applicable if not
audited.) This must be the individual
Company's turnover.
(A summarized sheet of average
turnover certified by registered CA
should be submitted along with
audited Balance Sheet).

6 Technical Past Performance: The Bidder Work order copies/ As per Format
Experience should have continuously supplied LoA’s/Completion
and installed same or similar Certificates from
Category Products (i.e. Grid
Connected / Off-Grid Solar (including local body
Photovoltaic Systems (SPV) (SPV or autonomous
Pumps / Rooftop SPV / Ground institutions working
mounted SPV) in last five years i.e. under it.) / Company.
2019-2020, 2020-2021,2021-2022,
2022-2023 and 2023-2024 to any
Central/State Govt. Organization
(including local body or autonomous
institutions working under it.)
Required experience capacity from
the Bidders for each Part of tendered
capacity separately.
Part A- For Pump Capacity (3HP)-
4725 kW
Part B- For Pump Capacity (5HP)-
5625 kW
Part C- For Pump Capacity
(7.5HP)- 11760 kW

60 | P a g e
Particulars in
Eligibility brief of the
Sr. Documents to be
Particulars Documents to
No. Criteria submitted
be submitted
by the Bidder.

Part D- For Pump Capacity (10

HP)- 2235 kW
If a bidder is interested in
participating in two or more parts,
the bidder must fulfill the
cumulative experience
requirements of each respective

7 Net worth The bidder’s Net worth as on the last Duly authorized copy
day of preceding financial year must of audited annual
be positive. report is to be
submitted along with a
practicing CA’s

8 Notarized 1. An undertaking that the service

Affidavit by centers will be opened in allotted
the Bidder district and list will be submitted A notarized affidavit
before supply and installation for Should be submitted
verification on non-judicial stamp
2.Bidder should not have been
Debarred/blacklisted by any of the
State/Central Government or
organizations of the State/Central
Government. (A notarized affidavit
Should be submitted on non-
judicial stamp paper )

3. Bidder should not have any dues

of income tax and GST of the State/
Central Government. (A notarized
affidavit Should be submitted on
non-judicial stamp paper)

4. All the information and

documents submitted in the Bid are

5. General and specific/Technical

terms of contract are acceptable to
Bidder in to without any deviation.

9. Technical Part-6

61 | P a g e
• Bids received without supporting documents for the various requirements mentioned
in the Bid document may be rejected.
• No extra paper Other than required as above should be submitted in Bid.

Signature of the Authorized Representative:

Full Name of the Authorized Representative & Address of the Firm

Date with Seal:

62 | P a g e
11.4 Form D: Proof of payment or demand draft for cost of payment of the tender

Signature of the Authorized Representative:

Full Name of the Authorized Representative & Address of the Firm

Date with Seal:

63 | P a g e
11.5 Form E: Earnest Money Deposit to be submitted as DD or BG from any
nationalized or scheduled bank in the specified format
[Duly Notarized on Rs. 100/- Stamp Paper]

(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act relevant to place of

In consideration of the ……………. (Insert name of the Bidder) submitting the Bid inter alia for
Response to Bid for “Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & 5 Years Comprehensive
Maintenance of Distributed Grid Connected Solar PV Systems along with VFD for
Solarization of 10000 Nos Grid Connected Agriculture Pumps under KUSUM Component C-
1 Scheme in the state of Uttar Pradesh as per specification given in Scope of Work of Bid
Document.” for meeting the requirements of UPNEDA in response to the Bid dated ……..[Insert
date of Bid] issued by UPNEDA, (hereinafter referred to as UPNEDA) and such UPNEDA /
Procurer(s) agreeing to consider the Bid of ……… [Insert the name of the Bidder] as per the terms
of the Bid, the ………………………(Insert name and address of the bank issuing the EMD, and address
of the head office) (here in after referred to as “Guarantor Bank”) hereby agrees unequivocally,
irrevocably and unconditionally to pay to UPNEDA or its authorized representative at Uttar
Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency, VibhutiKhand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
forthwith on demand in writing from UPNEDA or any representative authorized by it in this
behalf an amount not exceeding Rupees ……………… (Rs………….…….) only [Insert amount not less
than as calculated as per Clause of Earnest Money Deposit of Bid] on behalf of M/s.
………………………..[Insert name of the Bidder].

This guarantee shall be valid and binding on the Guarantor Bank up to and including ………………
(Insert date of validity of EMD in accordance with Section 3 Clause 3.7 Earnest Money Deposit of
this RfS) and shall not be terminable by notice or any change in the constitution of the Guarantor
Bank or by any other reasons whatsoever and our liability hereunder shall not be impaired or
discharged by any extension of time or variations or alternations made, given, or agreed with or
without our knowledge or consent, by or between concerned parties.
Our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to Rupees …………………….. (Rs…………….) only. Our
Guarantee shall remain in force until …………………….. [Date to be inserted as per validity
mentioned in Clause of Earnest Money Deposit] UPNEDA / Procurer(s) or its authorized
representative shall be entitled to invoke this Guarantee until ……………………….. [Insert Date
validity mentioned in Section 3 Clause 3.7 Earnest Money Deposit,].

The Guarantor Bank hereby expressly agrees that it shall not require any proof in addition to the
written demand from UPNEDA / Procurer(s) or its authorized representative, made in any
format, raised at the above mentioned address of the Guarantor Bank, in order to make the said
payment to UPNEDA / Procurer(s) or its authorized representative.
The Guarantor Bank shall make payment hereunder on first demand without restriction or
conditions and notwithstanding any objection, disputes, or disparities raised by the Bidder or any
other person. The Guarantor Bank shall not require UPNEDA / Procurer(s) or its authorized
representative to justify the invocation of this BANK GUARANTEE, nor shall the Guarantor Bank
have any recourse against UPNEDA / Procurer(s) or its authorized representative in respect of
any payment made hereunder.
This BANK GUARANTEE shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the courts
at Lucknow shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

The Guarantor Bank represents that this BANK GUARANTEE has been established in such form
and with such content that it is fully enforceable in accordance with its terms as against the
Guarantor Bank in the manner provided herein.

64 | P a g e
This BANK GUARANTEE shall not be affected in any manner by reason of merger, amalgamation,
restructuring, liquidation, winding up, dissolution or any other change in the constitution of the
Guarantor Bank. This BANK GUARANTEE shall be a primary obligation of the Guarantor Bank
and accordingly, UPNEDA / Procurer(s) or its authorized representative shall not be obliged
before enforcing this BANK GUARANTEE to take any action in any court or arbitral proceedings
against the Bidder, to make any claim against or any demand on the Bidder or to give any notice
to the Bidder to enforce any security held by UPNEDA / Procurer(s) or its authorized
representative or to exercise, levy or enforce any distress, diligence or other process against the

The Guarantor Bank hereby agrees and acknowledges that UPNEDA / Procurer(s) shall have a
right to invoke this Bank Guarantee either in part or in full, as it may deem fit. Notwithstanding
anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to Rs
.……………………………….. (Rs……………… only) and it shall remain in force until ………………………..
[Date to be inserted on the basis of Clause of Earnest Money Deposit of Bid],

We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this BANK GUARANTEE
only if UPNEDA / Procurer(s) or its authorized representative serves upon us a written claim or

In witness whereof the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand and stamp on this
…………….. day of ……………………… at …………………….

Witness: Signature Name:

1. …………………………………….
Signature Name and address. Designation with Bank Stamp

2. …………………………………..
Signature Name and address

Attorney as per power of attorney No. …………………

For: ……………………………………………. [Insert Name of the Bank]

Banker’s Stamp and Full Address:

Dated this ………………… day of …………… 20…..

65 | P a g e
11.6 Form F: Bidder documentary evidence in support of the Pre-Bid Eligibility
Sr. Particulars Details Furnished by Documentary
No. the Bidder Evidence
Provided (Y/N)
1 The bidder should be a firm registered/incorporated under
Companies Act, 1956 or Companies Act, 2013/ and further
amendment (s), or a registered partnership firm (registered under
section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability
partnership (under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2002)/
Proprietorship or under Society act.

(System integrators are also allowed to participate in the bid.)

2 Bidder should have valid Test report of complete system/various

components (PV module, PCU cum inverter, etc) issued from MNRE
authorized testing center or NABL accredited test lab.

Authorization Letter in the name of Bidder issued from OEM.

3 Past Performance: The Bidder should have continuously supplied

and installed same or similar Category Products (i.e. Grid Connected /
Off-Grid Solar Photovoltaic Systems (SPV) (SPV Pumps / Rooftop SPV
/ Ground mounted SPV) in last five years i.e. 2019-2020, 2020-
2021,2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 to any Central/State
Govt. Organization (including local body or autonomous institutions
working under it.) /Company.
Required experience capacity from the Bidders for each Part of
tendered capacity separately.
Part A- For Pump Capacity (3HP)- 4725 kW
Part B- For Pump Capacity (5HP)- 5625 kW
Part C- For Pump Capacity (7.5HP)- 11760 kW
Part D- For Pump Capacity (10 HP)- 2235 kW
If a bidder is interested in participating in two or more parts, the
bidder must fulfill the cumulative experience requirements of each
respective part.

4 The Bidder should have valid GSTIN registration certificate. A copy of

which should be enclosed.

5 Financial Turnover : Bidders should have Overall Average Annual

Turnover (ATO) in the last five financial year i.e, 2019-2020, 2020-
2021, 2021- 2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 must be as per
Required Average Annual Turnover from the Bidders for each Part of
tendered capacity separately.
Part A- For Pump Capacity (3HP)- 24.04 Crore
Part B- For Pump Capacity (5HP)- 28.15 Crore
Part C- For Pump Capacity (7.5HP)- 58.85 Crore
Part D- For Pump Capacity (10 HP)- 11.18 Crore

If a bidder is interested in participating in two or more parts, the

bidder must fulfill the cumulative Average Annual Turnover of
each respective part.

66 | P a g e
Sr. Particulars Details Furnished by Documentary
No. the Bidder Evidence
Provided (Y/N)
(For FY 2023-24, provisional Balance sheet applicable if not audited.)
This must be the individual Company's turnover.
(A summarized sheet of average turnover certified by registered CA
should be submitted along with audited Balance Sheet).

6 The bidder’s Net worth as on the last day of preceding financial year
must be positive.
Signature of the Authorized Representative:
Full Name of the Authorized Representative & Address of the Firm
Date with Seal

67 | P a g e
11.7 Form G: Schedule of Experience (Supply & Installation)
(Please attach certificates in support from the concerned nodal agency /Govt.
Organization/ MNRE authorized Agency /Project owner for work executed in case
of private owner the joint commissioning report along with officer of Nodal
agency/govt organization)

Ref. No. & Certificates/

Date of PO/Work
S. Work Order Value Deptt/Agency/ Descript Supply/Compl
Material Completion
N Order Date of Beneficiary for ion of etion Period
Receipt Certificates.
o No Work which work Project (with from/ to
carried out dates)

Signature of the Authorized Representative:

Full Name of the Authorized Representative & Address of the Firm

Date with Seal:

68 | P a g e
11.8 Form I: Declaration on Notarized Affidavit that the information provided by
the Bidder is true to the best of its knowledge, specifically pertaining to the
experience furnished & conflict check

(To be submitted by the Bidder along with the Bid)

(To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of suitable value)

We______________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the

Bidder) being desirous of Bid for the work under the above mentioned Bid and
having fully understood the nature of the work and having carefully noted all the
terms and conditions, specifications etc. as mentioned in the Bid document,


1. The Bidder is fully aware of all the requirements of the Bid document and
agrees with all provisions of the Bid document.
2. The Bidder is capable of executing and completing the work as required in the
3. The Bidder accepts all risks and responsibilities directly or indirectly
connected with the performance of the Bid.
4. The Bidder has no collusion with other Bidders, any employee of UPNEDA or
with any other person or firm in the preparation of the bid.
5. The Bidder has not been influenced by any statement or promises of UPNEDA
or any of its employees, but only by the Bid document.
6. The Bidder is financially solvent and sound to execute the work.
7. The Bidder is sufficiently experienced and competent to perform the contract
to the satisfaction of UPNEDA.
8. The information and the statements submitted with the Bid are true.
9. The Bidder is familiar with all general and special laws, acts, ordinances, rules
and regulations of the Municipal, District, State and Central Government that
may affect the work, its performance or personnel employed therein.
10. The Bidder has not been debarred from any type of work by UPNEDA and or
Government undertaking/ Department.
11. This offer shall remain valid for acceptance for 3 Months from the date of
opening of financial part of Bid.
12. The Bidder gives the assurance to execute the e-tendered work as per
specifications terms and conditions.

Signature of the Authorized Representative:

Full Name of the Authorized Representative & Address of the Firm
Date with Seal:
Witness Signature---------------------------

Name & Address of the witness---------------------------

69 | P a g e
11.9 Form J: Format of Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)
(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act relevant to
place of execution.)

In consideration of the ----- [Insert name of the Bidder] (hereinafter referred to as

selected Successful Bidder (SB)) submitting the response to Tender document inter alia
for selection of the Project for the capacity of ……….. Nos in response to the Bid No________
dated………… issued by UPNEDA and UPNEDA considering such response to the Tender
document of ………[insert the name of the Successful Bidder] (which expression shall
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its executers, administrators,
successors and assignees) and issuing Letter of allocation No ------------- to------------
(insert the name of the Successful Bidder(SB)) as per terms of Tender document and the
same having been accepted by the selected SB or a Project Company, M/s ------------- {a
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) formed for this purpose}, if applicable ]. As per the terms
of the Bid document, the _______________ [insert name & address of bank] hereby agrees
unequivocally, irrevocably and unconditionally to pay to UPNEDA at_______________ [Insert
Name of the Place from the address of the UPNEDA] forthwith on demand in writing from
UPNEDA or any Officer authorized by it in this behalf, any amount upto and not exceeding
Rupees------ [Total Value] only, on behalf of M/s __________ [Insert name of the selected
Successful Bidder(SB)/ Project Company]

This guarantee shall be valid and binding on this Bank up to and

including……….[insert date of validity in accordance with Bid document].and shall not be
terminable by notice or any change in the constitution of the Bank or the term of contract
or by any other reasons whatsoever and our liability hereunder shall not be impaired or
discharged by any extension of time or variations or alternations made, given, or agreed
with or without our knowledge or consent, by or between parties to the respective

Our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to Rs.________________________

(Rs.___________ only).

Our Guarantee shall remain in force until……………. UPNEDA shall be entitled to

invoke this Guarantee till ……….

The Guarantor Bank hereby agrees and acknowledges that UPNEDA shall have a right to
invoke this BANK GUARANTEE in part or in full, as it may deem fit.

The Guarantor Bank hereby expressly agrees that it shall not require any proof in
addition to the written demand by UPNEDA, made in any format, raised at the above
mentioned address of the Guarantor Bank, in order to make the said payment to UPNEDA.
The Guarantor Bank shall make payment hereunder on first demand without restriction
or conditions and notwithstanding any objection by ------------[Insert name of the
Successful Bidder(SB)/ Project Company as applicable] and/or any other person. The
Guarantor Bank shall not require UPNEDA to justify the invocation of this BANK

70 | P a g e
GUARANTEE, nor shall the Guarantor Bank have any recourse against UPNEDA in respect
of any payment made hereunder.

This BANK GUARANTEE shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the
courts at Lucknow shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

The Guarantor Bank represents that this BANK GUARANTEE has been established in such
form and with such content that it is fully enforceable in accordance with its terms as
against the Guarantor Bank in the manner provided herein.

This BANK GUARANTEE shall not be affected in any manner by reason of merger,
amalgamation, restructuring or any other change in the constitution of the Guarantor

This BANK GUARANTEE shall be a primary obligation of the Guarantor Bank and
accordingly UPNEDA shall not be obliged before enforcing this BANK GUARANTEE to
take any action in any court or arbitral proceedings against the Successful Bidder(SB) /
Project Company , to make any claim against or any demand on the Successful
Bidder(SB)/ Project Company or to give any notice to the Successful Bidder(SB)/ Project
Company or to enforce any security held by UPNEDA or to exercise, levy or enforce any
distress, diligence or other process against the Successful Bidder(SB)/ Project Company.

Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, our liability under this Guarantee is

restricted to Rs. ___________ (Rs. ______________ only) and it shall remain in force until
…………….. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee only if UPNEDA serves upon us a written claim or demand.

Signature ____________________
Power of Attorney No._______________
Email ID____________________
For ______[Insert Name of the Bank]__
Banker's Stamp and Full Address.
Dated this ____ day of ____, 20__

1. …………………………………….
Name and Address
Notes: The Stamp Paper should be in the name of the Executing Bank and of appropriate

71 | P a g e
11.10 Form L: Format for Bid Security Declaration

(To be stamped on non – judicial stamp paper as per the stamp act of the state where the
document is made)

Ref: ______________

Date: ___________

Subject: Declaration of bid security requirement.

We, _______(insert name of the Bidder) hereby provide this undertaking to UPNEDA, in
respect to our response to Bid vide Bid No.____________dated___________. We undertake that
we will abide by the provisions of the Bid for the activities pertaining to submission of
response to
Tender, during the bid validity period. We undertake not to withdraw or modify our bid
during the bid validity period, in line with provisions of the Tender.
Incase we withdraw or modify our response to the Bid during the bid validity period, or
violate other provisions of the Tender which make the bid non responsive, we, ___________
(insert name of the bidder) including our Parent, Ultimate Parent, and our Affiliates shall
be suspended/debarred from participating in upcoming tenders issued by any
department of Uttar Pradesh Government for a period of 5 years from the date of default
as notified by UPNEDA.

(Name and Signature of the Authorized Signatory

72 | P a g e
11.11 Form M: Format for Power of Attorney

(To be on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Stamp Act relevant to
place of execution.)

Power of Attorney to be provided by the Bidding Company in favour of its representative

as evidence of authorized signatory’s authority.

Know all men by these presents, We ……………………………………………………. (name and address

of the registered office of the Bidding Company as applicable) do hereby constitute, appoint
and authorize Mr./Ms. …………………………….. (name & residential address) who is presently
employed with us and holding the position of……………………………………… as our true and lawful
attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in
connection with or incidental to submission of our Bid for implementation of system in
response to the BID DOCUMENT. No……………………………… dated ………….. issued by UPNEDA,
Lucknow including signing and submission of the Bid and all other documents related to the
Bid, including but not limited to undertakings, letters, certificates, acceptances, clarifications,
guarantees or any other document which the UPNEDA may require us to submit. The aforesaid
Attorney is further authorized for making representations to the UPNEDA, Lucknow and
providing information / responses to UPNEDA, Lucknow representing us in all matters before
UPNEDA, Lucknow and generally dealing with UPNEDA, Lucknow in all matters in connection
with this Bid till the completion of the bidding process as per the terms of the above mentioned

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things done by our said attorney pursuant to this
Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall be
binding on us and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

All the terms used herein but not defined shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms under

Signed by the within named

……………………………………………….. (Insert the name of the executants company)

through the hand of Mr. …………………………………………………duly authorized by the

Board(vide Board resolution No______) to issue such Power of Attorney

Dated this ………………………………… day of …………………


Signature of Attorney

(Name, designation and address of the Attorney)

73 | P a g e

(Signature of the executant)

(Name, designation and address of the executant)


Signature and stamp of Notary of the place of execution

Common seal of ……………………… has been affixed in my/our presencePursuant to

Board ofDirector’sResolutiondated…………….(BoardofDirector’s Resolution is also


i) …………………………………………………………..


Designation ………………………………………

ii) ………………………………………………………….


Designation ………………………………………

Notes: The mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
executant(s) and the same should be under common seal of the executant affixed in accordance
with the applicable procedure. Further, the person whose signatures are to be provided on the
power of attorney shall be duly authorized by the executant(s) in this regard.

74 | P a g e

Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency



(To be submitted in 3 copies )

It is hereby certified that following system has been supplied, installed, commissioned and handed
over to the beneficiary as per following details:-

Sr. No Items Details

Name of system

Agreement Number and date

Work Order Number Date

UID number (14 digit)

Name of Beneficiary.



Village/Gram Panchayat

Date of installation

Warrantee expire on

Name & Address of the Manufacturer/ Supplier of the

system with mobile no for maintenance contact
SPV Modules Installed
Sr. No
Sr. No
Others/ BOS Items
Sr. No

75 | P a g e
Training for operation & maintenance of the systems
Provided/Not Provided
Technical literature, operation & maintenance manual in
English & Hindi Provided/Not Provided

(Signature) (Signature)

Authorized Signatory of firm Sr./Project Officer/Incharge-Project

(with seal) (with seal)

76 | P a g e
11.13 Form P: Technical Bid: To be submitted with Technical bid

Description To be furnished by the Contractor/Bidder

A Solar PV Module
Type of Module:
Manufacturer of cell
Manufacturer of Module
Max power at STC Pmax (W)
Voltage at Max power Vmp(V)
Current at Max power Imp(A)
Open circuit voltage Voc (V)
Short circuit current Isc (A)
Module efficiency
Cell efficiency
Fill factor
B Solar Power Conditioning Unit/
Manufacturer :
Type String type/central
Operating voltage (DC)
Operating voltage AC (pure sine wave)
Details of Indicators provided
Manufacturer :
Type String type/central
Operating voltage (DC)
Operating voltage AC (pure sine wave)
Details of Indicators provided

Note: - Makes /Manufactures name should only be mention in the format (equivalent/ other MNRE
approved etc such thing are not acceptable)

77 | P a g e

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