Pests Diseases

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pests and diseases


A Guide for Beginning Specialty Crop Growers

General Management Strategies

T his brief guide to Effective ecological arthropod and disease management begins with design and
management of a farming system that avoids or suppresses pests and diseases. Such
organic pest and a system requires few external inputs. Knowing which pests and diseases are prevalent
in your area allows you to implement strategies to manage them before they occur.
disease management reviews By anticipating likely pest and disease species for crops you intend to grow, you can
identify them correctly when they do appear.
general management
Before you select varieties and plant your crop, look up common pests that affect
strategies, then describes the crop in your area. Learn about pest and disease life cycles, preventive practices,
and possible treatments using resources such as the UC IPM website (,
options for reducing the your county Cooperative Extension offices, ATTRA’s Biorationals: Ecological Pest
Management Database (, local growers, and other
occurrence and impacts knowledgeable professionals. The information in this guide is not intended to take
of the most common pests the place of advice provided by professional pest and disease management experts
or organic certification personnel.
and diseases affecting dry- Note that if using material inputs, include all materials you plan to use in your organic
system plan (OSP); apply only after the material is approved for your intended use by
farmed tomatoes, potatoes, your certifier. If you decide during the season to use a material that was not included
winter squash, peppers, and in your OSP, check with your certifier first. Use material inputs only when preventive
practices, including natural enemies, are insufficient to prevent economic damage.
bush beans on California’s Select pesticide materials for minimal toxicity to beneficial insects (see ATTRA’s
Biorationals: Ecological Pest Management Database).
Central Coast. Much of the
information provided here is • Use resistant varieties when available.
based on the UC IPM website • Exclude pests. Use certified seed and pest-free planting materials; certified seed
means the planting stock is certified to be free of certain pests and diseases. Seed
( certification is distinct from, but complimentary to organic certification. Organic
producers should seek both, as well as varieties that are well adapted to local
growing conditions.
pests and diseases

• Create habitat for biological control organisms (e.g., • Design fields and rows with aspect and airflow in mind.
insect predators and parasites, birds, bats, soil and foliar South slopes get more sun and dry more quickly. Orienting
microorganisms). This usually involves increasing in- and rows N-S prevents rows in multi-row beds from getting less
around-field plant diversity to enhance biological control sun and more humidity than others. N-S rows also improve
organisms: airflow, reducing pockets of high humidity.
• Insectary plants as rows within the crop (normally 1 • Build your soil, e.g., by adding compost, growing cover
bed/12 beds of crop), or as individual plants (one plant crops, and reducing tillage. Manage nutrients, balance
every 50 sq. ft.): e.g., white alyssum, regular cilantro, cations, and match nitrogen with crop need. These practices
and green and white dill. Insectary plant species vary increase soil organic matter and augment biological activity
with crop and time of year to match insectary flowering with microorganisms that suppress damping-off diseases,
with crop life cycle. while reducing excessive growth that makes some crops
• Hedgerows: native woody perennial shrubs and small more susceptible to some diseases.
trees planted along roads, pruned as necessary to • Practice temporal crop rotation (timing). Avoid growing
discourage vertebrate pests. crop during times of the season when diseases may be
• Summer and winter cover crops. unmanageable.
• Control host vegetation, manage weeds. Mow field margins • Practice spatial crop rotation/isolation. Put serial plantings
to reduce alternate hosts for pest arthropods. of the same crop upwind. Isolate serial plantings from each
• Reduce tillage to destroy fewer soil-dwelling biological other as much as possible to minimize foliar diseases that
control organisms. spread with wind and/or rain.
• Practice temporal crop rotation (timing). Avoid growing • Practice genetic crop rotation. Rotate crops such that those
crops during times of the season when pests may be that share the same important soilborne diseases (or foliar
unmanageable. diseases that overwinter in soil) are grown on the same
• Practice spatial crop rotation/isolation. Put serial plantings ground as infrequently as possible (never sequentially;
upwind (especially for weak fliers such as aphids). Isolate sometimes separated by several years’ time). Best rotations
serial plantings from each other as much as possible (for include pasture, livestock, trees, broad-leaved species after
strong fliers, such as cucumber beetles). or before grass family species, and different plant families.
• Use row covers. • Irrigate to minimize foliar/fruit wetting (for non-powdery
• Use insect vacuums (bug vacuums). Four bed and larger are mildew foliar diseases) and to minimize periods of soil
most effective. Fields should always be vacuumed at least saturation (for soilborne diseases).
twice during each treatment. Vacuums are a little dangerous • Supplement drip irrigation with sprinkler irrigations (for some
if used early in the season because natural enemies of powdery mildews).
pests may also be removed before they can control the • Reduce crop residue (for damping-off diseases and other
infestation. Begin vacuuming a few weeks before harvest diseases that survive on crop residue). Time, tillage, and
when it is clear that natural enemies won’t provide control irrigation facilitate breakdown of crop residue.
and there won’t be time for another pest to build up. • Maximize airflow (for foliar diseases). Generous plant
• Scout fields regularly and use farm-developed action spacing, staking, and pruning can reduce the canopy’s
thresholds for insecticide applications. Effective field relative humidity.
scouting is 1–3 times per week. Frequency should increase
• Reduce soil/fruit contact by using drip irrigation, staking,
with temperature. As you gain experience, you will learn
mulch (for fruitrot; soilborne diseases that affect fruit).
what level of uncontrolled infestation leads to crop loss and
therefore triggers insecticides application(s). • Provide covered growing areas, such as high tunnels or
plastic covered hoops (for foliar diseases that spread with
• Use insecticides only when necessary and choose materials
abundant free moisture and/or water splashing).
with little to no impact on biological control organisms
when possible. Cooperative Extension, other farmers, and • Scout fields regularly, and use farm-developed action are the best sources for information on specific thresholds for disease-suppressive materials applications.
materials. Be sure that registrations and inclusion on lists of Effective field scouting is 1–3 times per week. Frequency
products allowed for use in organic production are current. should increase with temperature.
Always follow the label. • Apply disease-suppressive materials before disease is seen.
• Rogue (remove) affected plants. E.g., apply dusting sulfur to prevent powdery mildew in late
season cucurbit crops. Disease pressure varies widely with
Diseases crop and time of year. Most crops receive no supplemental
• Exclude pathogens. Use certified seed and disease-free pesticides for diseases, others require regular protection.
planting materials (see page 1). Compost using disease- Your goal is to anticipate disease and apply materials before
destructive methods. Sanitize equipment. disease starts: pesticides are less effective after diseases start.
• Use resistant varieties when available. • Rogue (remove) affected plants.

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pests and diseases

Dry-farmed Tomatoes: • Scouting and pesticides: Check for mites above any greasy-
looking or bronzed lower leaves and stems every 2–3 days
Pests and Diseases, Prevention, at the stage of crop development when green fruit reaches
1” in diameter. Mark the boundaries of infested areas. Treat
and Management Options immediately if damage symptoms spread. Apply micronized
Main dry-farmed tomato arthropod pests sulfur 7–14 days apart.
Stink bugs: Consperse stink bug, Euschistus conspersus.
Aphids and viruses: Green peach aphid, Myzus persicae and
Redshouldered stink bug, Thyanta pallidovirens (= T.
Potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae
accerra). Say stink bug complex, Chlorochroa sayi and
Aphids can spread many tomato viruses that severely affect Chlorochroa uhleri. Southern green stink bug, Nezara
tomato plants. High aphid populations can cause necrosis, viridula
distort foliar growth, and stunt plants. The honeydew secreted
Several stink bugs feed on and damage tomatoes. All have
by aphid feeding promotes secondary infections of sooty mold
the characteristic shield shape of true bugs, with similar life
on foliage and fruit. Aphid feeding reduces yields most when
histories and damage. Adults are brown or green, some with
aphid populations are high, 6–8 weeks before tomato harvest.
distinct markings. Adults overwinter on the ground under
Yield losses are less significant closer to harvest. However,
leaves of legume crops, blackberries, or certain weeds such as
sunburn of fruit may result if heavy aphid feeding reduces leaf
Russian thistle, malva, and mustards. Adults lay drum-shaped
area. Although green peach aphid feeding is less significant,
eggs in clusters on leaves in March or April. Nymphs resemble
they can transmit viruses such as Alfalfa mosaic virus (calico).
adults, but without wings. On green tomato fruit, feeding
• Exclusion: Plant virus-free seed.
damage looks like pinpricks, and their piercing mouthparts
• Beneficial habitat: Maintain alternate food sources for can insert yeast or other pathogens that can cause fruit to
beneficial insects, such as extrafloral nectaries on fava grow soft and rot.
and bellbeans, and hedgerows with year-round flowers.
• Habitat to foster natural biological control organisms:
Generalist predators are natural enemies that can
Generalist predators and parasites both attack stink bug egg
significantly reduce aphid populations.
masses. Native parasites can parasitize a majority of eggs.
• Weed management: Control weeds in non-crop areas to If parasitized egg masses are found, monitor newly hatched
minimize nearby sources of early season aphid infestation of nymphs. Treatment may be unnecessary.
tomato crops. Important overwintering hosts include tumble
• Weed management: Control overwintering hosts such as
mustard (Sisymbrium altissimum), penny cress (Thlaspi
legumes, blackberries, Russian thistle, mustards, and malva
arvense), and other mustards (Brassica spp.).
around fields that are to be planted to tomatoes in spring.
• Crop rotation/isolation: Avoid planting next to, or
• Scouting and pesticides: Examine stink bug eggs to
downwind of, other crops commonly infested by green
determine levels of parasitization. Parasitized eggs are dark,
peach aphid, such as lettuce.
and emergence holes are irregular, unlike the round holes
• Scouting and pesticides: Allowed pesticide materials can stink bugs leave when they emerge. Monitor for stink bugs
be useful when preventive management strategies are by shaking the vines and checking the ground. Stink bugs
insufficient to control an unusual outbreak. Use high volumes leave brown liquid frass that dries into minute spots on
of water (100–200 gal/acre if possible) and get good leaves and fruit.
coverage. Apply two sprays 5–7 days apart.
• Treatment with kaolin clay or insecticidal soap can deter
• Roguing: Remove plants with virus symptoms as soon as feeding or kill the bugs, respectively: Apply with high
you see them. water volume and slow speed to get canopy penetration
Tomato russet mite, Aculops lycopersici and coverage of bugs on the ground.
Tomato russet mites are tiny, wedge-shaped acarids. Seeing Main dry-farmed tomato diseases
them requires a hand lens. Adults lay clear round eggs on the
underside of leaves, usually in dusty areas, low on the plant. Late Blight, Phytophthora infestans
Nymphs suck the liquid out of plant cells, causing leaves and Late blight is a serious disease that develops rapidly and
stems to bronze, dry up, and die. can destroy an entire tomato field in a few weeks’ time. The
• Weed management: Control weeds, especially alternate disease is common in coastal areas because it develops
hosts such as nightshades and bind weed that can sustain a in humid conditions (foggy, dewy, rainy), and moderate
population of mites to reinfest a subsequent year. temperatures (50–80ºF). The disease survives only in living
tissue. To prevent its spread to new plantings, avoid
• Crop rotation/isolation: Separate tomato plantings. Situate
successional crops upwind of earlier plantings.

Organic Pest and Disease Management of Selected Crops on California’s Central Coast | 3
pests and diseases

introduction into the fields or proximity of infected living Powdery Mildew caused by Leveillula taurica (Oidiopsis
hosts, including solanaceaous weeds, and volunteer potatoes taurica)
and tomatoes. Leaves of tomato plants infected by powdery mildew develop
Learn to recognize the disease! See photos of the disease on irregular, bright yellow blotches, where spots of dead tissue
tomato leaves, stems, and fruit (Figure 1; see also Late blight eventually develop; when severely affected, leaves die but
on tomatoes in Additional Resources, page 12). Lesions start usually remain on the plant. Stems and fruit do not develop
as small, dark brown, oily-looking lesions on leaves and stems. lesions. You may see patches of white spores on the upper or
These quickly develop white fungal growth that produces lower surface of affected leaves. Loss of leaf cover may lead to
thousands of spores, which can be spread by the wind in a sunburn damage, fruit cracking, and weakened plants.
matter of hours. • Pathogen exclusion: A small infestation in an early crop
The “Scouting” section of the article Organic management of can provide inoculum for a more serious infestation in later
late blight of potato and tomato (see reference in Additional blocks: remove above-ground growth as soon as harvest is
Resources) describes the importance of acting quickly to over.
salvage what can be harvested of a current crop affected by • Crop rotation/isolation: Tomato powdery mildew also
late blight, and/or destroying foliage to minimize late blight infects peppers and some weeds such as annual sow thistle
survival and spread to crops in future years and neighboring and groundcherry. Planting tomatoes away from, and
fields. upwind of, peppers may be somewhat helpful.
Although certain copper-based products are allowed with • Pesticides: Under favorable conditions and climates,
restrictions in organic production, their use must be limited powdery mildew spreads too rapidly to be controlled after
(to avoid copper build-up in the soil), and used preventively first symptoms appear. Preventive sprays of micronized sulfur
(see reference in Additional Resources). Use of a copper- 7–14 days apart may be necessary, beginning just after the
based fungicide, at best, delays the demise of a susceptible first flowers open, and continuing until two weeks before the
host crop where the inoculum is present and conditions are end of harvest.
favorable to development of the disease.
Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in the tospovirus group
• Field sanitation/Pathogen exclusion: Use clean planting
stock. Eliminate volunteer tomatoes and solanaceous Plants infected with TSWV do not usually produce marketable
weeds. fruit. This virus is not seedborne or spread by physical contact.
It is only transmitted from one plant to another by western
• Resistant varieties: Plant tomato cultivars with late blight
flower thrips (see Tomato spotted wilt virus in Additional
resistance. Organic Seed Alliance trials identified some late
blight resistance in tomato cultivars ‘Stupice’ and ‘Juliet’.
Susceptible hosts include crops, ornamentals, and weeds,
• Crop rotation/isolation: Isolate successive tomato
though the thrip can only complete its entire life cycle on
plantings, and plant as far as possible from other susceptible
certain plants. In California, key crop hosts include tomato,
crops such as potatoes.
pepper, radicchio, and lettuce. Weed hosts include Malva
• Air and humidity management: Stake and prune tomatoes parviflora, sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus), and prickly lettuce
to facilitate air circulation and allow leaves to dry. Consider (Lactuca serriola).
growing under cover in hoophouses.
In areas where it is known to occur, effective management of
tomato spotted wilt includes use of resistant plant varieties,
and an integrated (challenging) approach to managing
western flower thrips and onion thrips, vectors of the virus.
• Pathogen exclusion: Use virus- and thrips-free transplants
(sources that monitor for thrips and inspect for disease).
• TSWV-resistant cultivars: Select varieties with the Sw-5
gene, when practical.
• Vector management: Manage thrips on transplants.
• Crop rotation/isolation/weed management: Isolate new
plantings from older fields (especially those confirmed
to have TSWV infection) with key crop hosts and weeds.
Control weeds and volunteers near fields where tomato
crops will be planted.
• Roguing: Destroy plants infected at the seedling stage to
prevent spread of the disease.

FIGURE 1. Late blight (Phytopthera infestans) on tomato leaves.

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pests and diseases

Potatoes: Pests and

Diseases, Prevention and
Management Options
Main potato insect pests
Cucumber beetle: Western spotted cucumber beetle,
Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata and Western
striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma trivittatum
The spotted cucumber beetle is more common on the Central
Coast than the striped cucumber beetle. However, both may
be present, and potatoes can tolerate a number of either
beetle. Significant damage generally occurs only in warmer
inland areas, surrounded by rangeland, and usually later in the
year. Cucumber beetles do not have effective natural enemies FIGURE 2. Spotted cucumber beetle (at left) and assassin bug eating
in California (although bats can eat large numbers of them). beetle. Photo: Doug O’Brien

Insecticides allowed for use in organic production are mostly

ineffective. available insecticides allowed for use in organic production are
ineffective against this pest.
• Crop rotation/isolation: Cucumber beetles are strong
fliers. Isolate potatoes and other highly susceptible crops, The adult moth is brown with black markings, with a wingspan
such as cucurbits and corn. Separate sequential plantings of about half an inch, and rests with its wings folded next to
of the same crop; plant new blocks upwind and away from its body. Moths lay pale oval eggs on potato leaves or directly
older blocks. In areas where pressure is high, consider on tubers that are exposed or accessible through cracks in
planting after a recent cash crop instead of a cover crop, as the soil. Caterpillar larvae have brown heads and pale bodies
cucumber beetle larvae infest cover crop roots, and adults up to half an inch long. When eggs hatch, larvae may feed
emerge to feed on crops. on stems or leaves, then drop to the soil and burrow into the
• Row covers: Exclude new entry of cucumber beetles tubers. Webbing and frass (excrement) may be visible where
by securing row cover over the crop when it is young. a larvae has entered the potato and begun to tunnel. Larvae
Effective prevention of entry must be weighed against feed mostly just below the potato surface, but occasionally go
risk of enclosing beetles already infesting the field, as well deeper. They leave a dark tunnel (“dirty” because it is filled
as the cost of the fabric and the labor to keep it in place with frass, unlike “clean” tunnels of wireworms).
(more difficult in windy areas). Another downside is that • Field sanitation/exclusion: Prevent introduction of pests by
row cover may protect early aphid and mite infestations using certified seed. Certified seed means the planting stock
from the natural enemies that could otherwise reduce is certified to be free of certain pests and diseases. Seed
their populations. However, mites and aphids are easier to certification is distinct from, but complimentary to organic
control than cucumber beetles, using cultural practices such certification. Organic producers should seek both, as well as
as sprinkler irrigation, biological control with insect releases, varieties that are well adapted to local growing conditions,
or pesticides approved for use in organic crop production. and resistant to common pests and diseases. Eliminate pest
• Bug vacuum: Vacuum several times per week during the reservoirs by managing weeds and eliminating volunteer
warmest time of the day when the beetles are most active. potatoes, both of which can increase populations and be a
source of early season infestation.
• Scouting: Scout by inspecting the undersides of plants.
Depending on the stage of the crop, one beetle per plant • Temporal crop rotation: Plant early, especially in warmer
may be an action threshold. Younger plants are most inland areas; late plantings are more susceptible to
vulnerable. tuberworm.
• Monitoring: Sample potatoes directly. If you find one
Tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella tuberworm feeding hole in 10 tubers, harvest potatoes as
Tuber moth larvae, or tuberworms, cause economic damage soon as possible. Pheromone traps also detect tuber moth
when they tunnel into potato tubers, both in the field and activity.
in storage. This pest is most problematic in warmer climates • Minimize exposure of tubers: Plant potatoes deep in the
where temperatures do not drop below 50ºF, such that all soil. Maintain hilling so that tubers are always covered with
stages—eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults, can overwinter at least 2” of soil. If soil is prone to cracking, use sprinkler
in potatoes either in the soil or after harvest. Tubers that irrigation to help close cracks in the soil, and prevent potato
are exposed to the air or close to the soil surface are most tuber moths from access to potatoes on which to lay their
vulnerable to infestation. Prevention is key, since currently eggs.

Organic Pest and Disease Management of Selected Crops on California’s Central Coast | 5
pests and diseases

• Prompt, thorough harvest: Harvest potatoes a few days indicates a future risk of economic damage by larval feeding
after vine kill or dieback. Do not leave harvested potatoes in on the tubers. After feeding for several days, adults lay eggs
the field overnight; moths can lay eggs on them. Clean bins in the soil at the base of plants. Slender white larvae hatch
and storage areas before storing potatoes. Destroy culls by and feed on roots, underground stems, and tubers. Damage
burying them deeply or feeding them to livestock. Avoid appears as a pimply surface and small brown tunnels in the
piles of cull potatoes that provide a year-round tuber moth tubers.
breeding site. • Crop rotation: Plant potatoes in a field previously planted
Aphids and viruses: Green peach aphid, Myzus persicae to a non-susceptible plant family such as legumes or
and Potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae grasses, not solanums or brassicas. Avoid planting potatoes
soon after potatoes or other susceptible crops, such as
Aphid feeding on potatoes is a problem mainly because they
are vectors that transmit plant viruses. Potato Leaf Roll Virus
• Weed management: Manage weeds (especially those in the
(PLRV), cucumber mosaic and alfalfa mosaic (calico) viruses are
brassica family) in and around potato fields.
spread by both green peach and potato aphids, the former
being the more effective vector. Early season PLRV infection • Row cover: Exclude flea beetles by covering crops
stunts plants. Infected russet and yellow-skinned potatoes immediately after planting, provided that the field is not
develop phloem net necrosis, a brown discoloration that already infested. Seal the edges of row cover well to keep
diminishes market quality. Other viruses spread by aphids these very small and persistent insects out.
include cucumber mosaic and alfalfa mosaic (calico). • Bug vacuum: Vacuum beetles into fine mesh nets because
• Sanitation: Purchase clean, certified seed. Plants grown flea beetles are small and resistant to dying.
from infected seed potatoes will not produce marketable Wireworms. Common local species of wireworms include:
potatoes. Pacific coast wireworm, Limonius canus. Sugarbeet
• Habitat enhancement and biological control: Manage wireworm, Limonius californicus. Dryland wireworm,
habitat to foster natural biological control by beneficial Ctenicera pruinina
insects (generalist predators), or release beneficial insects. Wireworms are click beetle larvae that live in the soil. They
• Weed management: Control weeds, especially malva and cause economic damage by eating potato seed pieces or
brassicas, in non-crop areas that host overwintering aphids roots of young plants, or burrowing into developing tubers.
and facilitate early season aphid infestation. Adult click beetles mate in early summer and lay eggs just
• Crop rotation/isolation: Plant upwind of other potato below the soil surface in grassy or weedy areas. Wireworms
plantings or other crops that are commonly infested by begin as small white larvae, feed on many different crops, and
green peach aphid, such as lettuce. mature over 3–5 years into hard (wiry) cylindrical orange-brown
• Allowed pesticides: Use high water volume (100–200 gal/ worms. Feeding damage is worst in years 2–3.
acre) to maximize coverage. Two sprays 5–7 days apart are Wireworms are more prevalent in sandy soils previously in
most effective (preferable to additional sprays or a longer pasture or apple orchard. To assess their presence, monitor
interval between sprays). by direct observation during normal tillage operations, or
• Roguing: Remove plants with virus symptoms as soon as by baiting with carrot or potato pieces placed 4–6” deep
you see them. when soil temperatures warm up above 50ºF. Small, localized
infestations may be reduced by manually killing wireworms
Tuber Flea Beetles, Epitrix tuberis
eating this bait. Using this as a damage predictor for the
Sporadic outbreaks of flea beetles occur in potatoes on the current season is relatively impractical, since it needs to
Central Coast, mostly in warmer inland areas, after dry winters, be done when soils are warm. Early planting of potatoes is
and late in the season. The adults are small (1/16”) and jump preferable.
like fleas. Several species of shiny flea beetles cause economic • Crop rotation/location: Avoid planting potatoes after sod
damage to leafy crops such as brassicas when the adults eat or in fields where populations are high.
many tiny holes “shot-holes” in the foliage.
• Biological control: The fungus Metarhizium anisopliae holds
It is the Tuber Flea Beetle whose larvae feed on tubers that promise as a biocontrol, but commercial products may not
causes economic damage to potatoes. Preventive strategies, yet be available.
such as crop rotation and weed host management, are key to
Many other management options have downsides. E.g.,
organic flea beetle management. Allowed pesticides are not
tillage, disking, cultivation, and summer fallow reduce
very effective against flea beetle, which tends to hide in the
wireworm populations, but some of these practices also
diminish soil structure and organic matter. Flooding for one
Flea beetles overwinter as adults in weeds and field borders, week during warm weather will kill all stages in the soil, yet
emerging when temperatures reach about 50°F. Adult flea this may not be practical given the value of water on the
beetle feeding on potato foliage is of concern only because it Central Coast.

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pests and diseases

Main potato diseases • Resistant varieties: Choose Verticillium-tolerant cultivars.

Yellow Finn is susceptible.
Late Blight, Phytophthora infestans
• Crop rotation: Use a 2–3 year rotation grasses and legumes
Late blight caused the Irish Potato famine in the mid-1800s. before planting potatoes and other susceptible crops.
The disease is common in coastal areas because it develops
• Timing: Avoid late plantings, when temperatures favor the
in humid conditions (foggy, dewy, rainy), and moderate
temperatures (50º–80ºF). Late blight develops rapidly, and
can defoliate a crop within a few weeks. The disease survives Scab, Streptomyces spp.
only in living tissue. To prevent its spread to new plantings, Scab causes potato tubers to be unmarketable. Common
avoid introduction/proximity of infected living hosts, including scab may look similar to tuber lesions caused by Spongospora
volunteer potatoes and tomatoes, and solanaceous weeds. subterranea or russetting caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Scab
Although certain copper-based products are allowed with inoculum, or fungal spores, may persist in soil on decaying
restrictions in organic production, their use must be limited (to organic matter, or be brought into the field on infected seed
avoid copper build-up in the soil), well timed, and preventive tubers. New young tubers may be infected as soon as they
(see Organic management of late blight of potato and tomato begin growing; mature tubers are not susceptible. Implement
with copper products in Additional Resources). At best, use long crop rotation to break this disease cycle.
of copper-based fungicides delays the demise of a crop • Sanitation/Pathogen exclusion: Plant certified seed
where the inoculum is present and conditions are favorable to potatoes free from common scab.
development of the disease on a susceptible host plant. • Soil amendment: More alkaline soils favor scab
Lesions on infected leaves start as small, irregular, water- development. Acidify with soil amendments such as sulfur
soaked spots, but expand quickly to dark, dead tissue. and gypsum to decrease soil pH and reduce favorability to
Infected tubers show a firm, brown decay on the outside. See disease development.
photos of the disease on potatoes at Late blight on potatoes • Resistance: Plant resistant varieties
in Additional Resources.
• Crop rotation: Choose cover crops such as rye and oats.
• Field sanitation/pathogen exclusion: Plant certified Avoid rotations with carrots, beets, spinach, turnips, or
disease-free seed. Eliminate volunteer potatoes and radishes.
solanaceous weeds. Destroy potato culls by burying or
• Irrigation management: Maintain high soil moisture
feeding to livestock.
(80–90% of available water storage) during tuber initiation
• Resistant varieties: Plant potato cultivars with late blight and the following 6–8 weeks.
resistance, such as ‘Defender,’ (russet type), ‘Jacqueline Lee’
(round yellow), ‘Ozette’ (white fingerling) or other emerging
varieties resistant to late blight that may become available
Winter Squash: Pests and
(see Diseases, Prevention and
• Crop rotation/isolation: Isolate successive potato plantings,
and plant as far as possible from other susceptible crops
Management Options
such as tomatoes. Main winter squash insect pests
• Timing: Plant only in April–May near the coast; later and
Cucumber beetle: Western spotted cucumber beetle,
earlier plantings are more likely to be damaged by blight.
Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata and Western
Verticillium Wilt, Verticillium dahliae striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma trivittatum
Verticillium wilt infestation appears as yellowing (chlorosis) and The spotted cucumber beetle is most common and does more
death (necrosis) of lower leaves. These wilt symptoms progress damage to squash foliage, but the smaller striped cucumber
up the plant, causing plants to senesce and die early, resulting beetle may feed on the fruits, making them unmarketable.
in very low yields. The fungus can persists in soil for years, Expect more damage during warm weather, in warmer
and infects many broad-leaved crops, including strawberries. climates, in areas surrounded by rangeland, and later in the
Infection occurs most in cool weather, but high temperatures year. Cucumber beetles do not have effective natural enemies
favors disease development, such that this disease is more of in California (though bats can eat large numbers). Currently,
a problem on potatoes grown inland. The disease interferes organically-approved insecticides are mostly ineffective
with the plant water transport (vascular) system, so the impact against this beetle.
becomes visible quickly in hot weather. • Crop rotation/timing: Avoid planting squash where
• Pest and disease avoidance: Do not plant potatoes in infestations of cucumber beetle have been heavy or
fields known to be infested with problematic potato pests, common. Plant early. Rotate crops. Cucumber beetles
including Verticillium, but also wireworm or tuberworm are strong fliers—plant upwind and separated from older
(discussed on page 6). sequential blocks, and other highly susceptible crops, such
as potatoes, cucurbits, beans, and corn.

Organic Pest and Disease Management of Selected Crops on California’s Central Coast | 7
pests and diseases

• Row covers: Consider excluding new entry of cucumber squash such as spaghetti, acorn, and kabocha varieties. Some
beetles by covering young crops with row cover. Weigh other varieties (e.g., butternut) are more resistant.
potential benefits against the costs of material and labor to Powdery mildew begins as pale yellow spots, then its
secure the fabric in place, and the risks of enclosing beetles mycelium spreads quickly over plant surfaces, producing
already in the field and excluding natural enemies of pests. spores that have a powdery appearance (Figure 3). Infected
Row covers must be removed when the plants flower to leaves lose vigor, and eventually die and turn papery brown.
allow pollination, and thus do not help with a late season When leaves no longer shade the fruit, it will not mature
infestation. Note that cucumber beetles can completely properly, and dark-skinned squashes can be badly sunburned.
kill young seedlings; if heavy cucumber beetle populations
• Resistance: Plant resistant cultivars.
are likely, apply row covers before seedlings emerge and
• Manage weeds and residue: Eliminate sources of above-
remove them when plants are at the 4-true leaf stage.
ground inoculum that can readily infect a crop. Incorporate
• Bug vacuum: While bug vacuuming may be used to
crop residue as soon as harvest is complete.
manage beetles in other crops, it may not be practical or
• Crop rotation: Plant squash where the crop will have full sun
cost-effective in squash.
exposure and good air circulation. Rotate crops.
• Scouting: Monitor for beetles at growing points and
• Sprinkler irrigation: Sprinkler water inhibits germination
undersides of young plants.
and kills spores of powdery mildew, but can only provide
Melon Aphid, Aphis gossypii and other aphids early season control; it must stop when fruits form or they
The melon or cotton aphid may be yellow, green, or black, will rot on the damp ground. Early season control with
winged or wingless (see Melon aphid or cotton aphid in sprinkler water sometimes delays the epidemic long enough
Additional Resources). A pest with many host plants, they for fruit to mature. Late season prevention with sulfur may
are problematic with high temperatures later in the season be needed if the weather is favorable for powdery mildew;
(September and October), feeding on the underside of older growers usually do one sulfur spray after the sprinklers are
leaves. The plants may lose vigor, become stunted, or die. turned off, compared with 2–3 sprays for fields that start on
Fruits coated with sticky honeydew can develop secondary drip irrigation. Where weeds are problematic, growers often
infections of sooty mold and become unmarketable. Aphids prefer drip irrigation combined with multiple sulfur sprays for
can also transmit plant viruses. powdery mildew, rather than fewer sprays and more hand
• Weed and residue management: Manage common weeds labor to control weeds in fields with sprinklers.
that harbor aphids. Incorporate crop residues as soon as • Pesticides: When conditions are favorable for powdery
harvest is finished. mildew, the disease spreads too fast to be controlled after
• Crop rotation/isolation: Rotate crops. Locate new symptoms appear. Pesticides may be effective as preventive
sequential plantings upwind of older squash plantings, or or suppressive, not curative. Apply a biorational material,
other crops that are frequently infested by melon aphids such as micronized sulfur, bicarbonate, or biological
such as chard, beets, and other cucurbits. materials beginning just after the first flowers open until
three weeks before the end of harvest. Backpack spraying
• Scouting: Scout for pests, taking note of beneficial insects
may be necessary for vining varieties.
and mummified aphids. Very often, natural enemies will
control aphids. Verticillium Wilt, Verticillium dahliae
• Pesticides: Pesticides allowed for use in organic production Verticillium wilt affects all cucurbits, but varieties vary in their
can be useful when cultural practices and natural enemies susceptibility. Symptoms begin as chlorosis (yellowing) on the
are insufficient. Apply two sprays 5–7 days apart, using high
volumes of water (100–200 gal/acre if possible) to get good
• Roguing: Rogue out plants with virus symptoms as soon as
you see them.
Main winter squash diseases
Powdery mildew: Sphaerotheca fuliginea (=Podosphaera
xanthii) and Erysiphe cichoracearum (=Golovinomyces
Powdery mildew is caused by several different organisms,
and affects leaves and stems of older, fruit-bearing plants. It
is most common in the fall, when humidity is high (50–90%),
days are warm (60–80ºF), and nights are cool. Spores
overwinter on weeds, and carry long distances on the wind.
Powdery mildew is especially damaging to highly susceptible FIGURE 3. Powdery mildew on winter squash.

8 | Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems

pests and diseases

edges of leaves and progress into wilting and necrosis (dying) • Plant in-field insectaries: Cilantro and dill are good
out to the ends of runners. The disease grows in the vascular insectary plants for slow maturing peppers. Natural
system (xylem), where it interferes with water transport; enemies, nourished by the insectaries, will often control
symptoms show up as brown streaks. The progression of the aphids in peppers.
disease depends on the host’s susceptibility. It may kill the • Crop rotation/isolation: Avoid planting peppers next to, or
plant in a matter of weeks, or, in more resistant hard squashes, downwind of, other crops such as lettuce that are frequently
merely reduce yield and quality. infested by green peach aphid.
Verticillium dahliae can survive dormant in the soil for years, • Row covers: Row covers may be used to exclude aphids,
and affects a wide host range. Infection happens in cool but they also exclude natural enemies that may otherwise
weather, but symptoms show up when temperatures are high control aphids.
and the plant is stressed, often after fruit set. It is more of a • Scouting and pesticides: Scout early and frequently. Apply
problem in inland areas. two sprays, 5–7 days apart, of a minimally toxic pesticide
• Resistance: Plant resistant crop varieties. to prevent harm to beneficial insects. Use high volumes of
• Crop rotation/location: Use long rotations (2–3 years or water (100–200 gal/acre if possible) and get good coverage.
more) out of susceptible crops such as cucurbits, solanums,
Cucumber beetle: Western spotted cucumber beetle,
and strawberries to non-susceptible crops, such as grasses
Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata and Western
and legumes. Microsclerocia persist in the soil. Do not plant
striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma trivittatum
where soils are heavily infested and therefore unsuitable to
susceptible crops. The spotted cucumber beetle is more common and does
• Timing: Plant early in the season; avoid late plantings when more damage to foliage, but the smaller striped cucumber
high temperatures favor the disease. beetle may feed on fruit calyxes, making fruit unmarketable.
Scout early. Expect more damage during warm weather, in
• Fertility/irrigation: Manage fertility and irrigation to avoid
warmer climates, in areas surrounded by rangeland, and
excess of nitrogen or moisture. Where weather warm
later in the year. Cucumber beetles do not have effective
enough for it to be effective, consider soil solarization.
natural enemies in California. Currently, organically-approved
insecticides are mostly ineffective.
Peppers: Pests and • Location/timing: Avoid planting peppers where infestations
Diseases, Prevention and of cucumber beetle have been heavy or common. Plant
early. Rotate crops. Cucumber beetles are strong fliers—
Management Options plant upwind and separated from older sequential blocks,
and other highly susceptible crops, such as potatoes,
Main pepper insect pests
cucurbits, beans, and corn.
Thrips. Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis. • Monitoring: Scout by inspecting the undersides of plants.
Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci. Chili thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Depending on the stage of the crop, one beetle per plant
and other species. may be an action threshold. Younger plants are most
Thrips can be vectors of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV; vulnerable.
see disease section, page 10). Scout early by looking for the • Row covers: Exclude new entry of cucumber beetles
tiny insects on growing tips with a hand lens. Apart from virus by securing row cover over the crop when it is young.
transmission, thrips cause the most damage to peppers before Benefits of excluding the pest must be weighed against
first fruits form, and as temperatures warm up. They feed on risk of enclosing beetles already infesting the field, as well
young growing tips, causing young leaves to distort, discolor, as the cost of the fabric and the labor to keep it in place
and stunt. Tolerance is low: one thrips per growing tip. A (more difficult in windy areas). Another downside is that
heavy infestation can stunt plants and lower yields. Natural row cover may protect early aphid and mite infestations
enemies can be helpful, but may not control populations early from the natural enemies that could otherwise reduce
enough to prevent economic damage. their populations. However, mites and aphids are easier to
• Site management: Mow field borders to reduce thrips control than cucumber beetles, using cultural practices such
habitat and prevent their migration to young peppers. as sprinkler irrigation, biological control with insect releases,
• Pesticides: Apply pesticides if scouting shows more than or pesticides approve for use in organic crop production.
one insect per plant tip. • Bug vacuum: Vacuum removal of cucumber beetle can be
effective if done frequently during the warmest time of the
Aphids: Green peach aphid, Myzus persicae day when the beetles are most active. The lack of natural
Peppers can tolerate a small population of aphids, particularly enemies makes vacuuming one of the best strategies.
if natural enemies are abundant nearby. However, heavy
infestations will coat fruit with sticky aphid exudates that are
difficult to remove.

Organic Pest and Disease Management of Selected Crops on California’s Central Coast | 9
pests and diseases

Main pepper diseases infection) with key crop hosts and weeds. Control weeds and
volunteers near fields where peppers will be planted.
Powdery mildew caused by Leveillula taurica (Oidiopsis
taurica) • Monitoring: TSWV can be identified in 5–10 minutes using
dipsticks smeared with prepared plant sap samples (ELISA,
Powdery mildew can be a serious disease of peppers, immunostrip tests that recognize TSWV proteins; PCR tests
especially in warm climates, in late season plantings, in high detect the virus’s genetic material). TSWV immunostrip
tunnels, and with drip irrigation. The diseases affects older supplies are from companies such as AgDia (www.agdia.
leaves most, showing up as patchy white spots that can spread com) and EnviroLogix (
rapidly under favorable conditions. Infected leaves curl up and
• Roguing: To prevent spread of the disease, destroy plants
leave fruit vulnerable to sunburn.
infected at the seedling stage.
Prevention and management options:
• Field sanitation/pathogen exclusion: Even small
infestations early in the crop cycle can be sources of
Beans: Pests and Diseases,
inoculum and cause a serious infestation. Incorporate all Prevention and Management
crop residue as soon as harvest is over.
• Crop rotation: Rotate peppers with crops not susceptible
to powdery mildew. Avoid planting in close proximity to Main bean insect pests
susceptible crops.
Aphids: Cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora. Black bean aphid,
• Irrigation: Sprinkler irrigating can delay the development
Aphis fabae. Pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Green peach
of powdery mildew long enough to harvest the crop, or
aphid, Myzus persicae
to avoid one or more prevention sprays. Although they
grow best in high humidity, unlike most fungal diseases, Aphids suck plant juices, weakening and distorting crops, and
powdery mildews are suppressed by overhead irrigation. feed on many different host plants. Their piercing mouthparts
Time irrigation carefully—start later in the season, after transmit viruses. Presence of aphids makes some crops
the canopy shades the ground, to minimize weed growth. unmarketable.
Discontinue use of sprinkler irrigation when fruit is mature The black bean aphid is the most common and problematic
enough to touch the ground and rot. of the aphid pests of beans. These, and other aphids, can
• Pesticides: If other management methods are insufficient proliferate rapidly.
to control powdery mildew, apply micronized sulfur when • Encourage beneficials: Prevent outbreaks by planting and
mildew is anticipated just after flowers open, and continue maintaining in-field insectaries to sustain beneficial insects.
until two weeks before the end of harvest. If sprinkler Generalist predators such as ladybeetles, green lacewing
irrigation is used, at least one of the early sprays can be larvae, and syrphid fly larvae eat many aphids. Plant white
eliminated. alyssum for fast-maturing bush beans, and a mix of alyssum
and cilantro for pole beans.
Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in the tospovirus group
• Timing/isolation: Plant early in the season, as late plantings
This disease is sporadic, but serious, since plants infected with may suffer more damage. Avoid planting near, or downwind
TSWV usually do not produce marketable fruit. Symptoms in from other susceptible crops such as fava bean, chard, and
peppers vary with the stage of growth infected, the cultivar, cucurbits.
other viruses, and environmental conditions, but typically
• Scouting: Scout early and frequently by looking on the
include spotting, bronzing, dying leaves, and ringspots
undersides of leaves. Look also for hollow brown aphid
on fruit. In areas where it is known to occur, effective
“mummies”. Parasitoide wasps, Lysiphlebus testaceipes, lay
management of tomato spotted wilt includes use of resistant
their eggs in aphids. Their developing larvae eat out their
plant varieties, and an integrated (challenging) approach
insides, leaving an empty brown shell (see photo http://ipm.
to managing western flower thrips and onion thrips, which Their activity
are key vectors of the virus (see Tomato spotted wilt virus in
may be sufficient to prevent a serious outbreak.
Additional Resources).
• Irrigation/pesticides: If you do not see mummified aphids,
• TSWV-resistant cultivars: Select varieties with the Sw-5
take action quickly to control infestations. Water spray
gene, when practical.
or sprinkler irrigation can help dislodge aphids and also
• Pathogen exclusion: Use virus- and thrips-free transplants favors beneficial fungus as biological control to kill aphids.
(from sources that monitor for thrips and inspect for disease). Pesticides can be useful to treat early infestations on small
• Vector management: Manage thrips on transplants. plants. Choose least toxic materials (see Biorationals:
• Site selection/Spatial crop rotation: Isolate new plantings Ecological Pest Management Database) to prevent harming
from older fields (especially those confirmed to have TSWV natural enemies that can help control aphids. Apply two
sprays 5–7 days apart, using high volumes of water (100–200
gal/acre if possible) to get good coverage.

10 | Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems

pests and diseases

Cucumber beetle: Western spotted cucumber beetle, Powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe polygoni
Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata and Western Powdery mildew can be a problem in dry beans, pole beans,
striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma trivittatum late season plantings, warm areas, and with drip irrigation. It
The spotted cucumber beetle is more common on the Central affects all above-ground parts of bean plants. Initial symptoms
Coast and most serious. Tolerance for this pest in beans is low; are small, white spots on the upper surface of leaves. Spots
even one bite can render a bean pod unmarketable. Damage grow and run together in a whitish growth that gradually
is worst in warmer inland areas, near rangeland, and later in the spreads over a large area of the leaves. Severe infestation
year. Cucumber beetles do not have effective natural enemies reduces yields and shortens the productive life of plants.
in California (although bats can eat large numbers of them), • Exclude pathogens: A small infestation in an early crop
and insecticides allowed for use in organic production are can provide inoculum for a more serious infestation in later
mostly ineffective against this beetle. blocks: incorporate above-ground growth as soon as harvest
• Timing/isolation/crop rotation: Plant early. Avoid planting is over.
beans where infestations of cucumber beetle have been • Irrigation: Sprinkle irrigate once, just before flowering, to
heavy or common. Rotate crops. Cucumber beetles are delay powdery mildew long enough to harvest the crop.
strong fliers—plant upwind and separated from older Unlike most fungal diseases of plants, powdery mildews are
sequential blocks, and other highly susceptible crops, such as damaged by overhead irrigation. Time/apply this sprinkler
potatoes, cucurbits, beans, and corn. irrigation carefully. If too early in the crop cycle, it promotes
• Row covers: Exclude new entry of cucumber beetles weed growth; if too much, it may favor growth of Botrytis
by securing row cover over the crop when it is young. mold.
Benefits of excluding the pest must be weighed against • Pesticides: If other management methods are insufficient,
risk of enclosing beetles already infesting the field, as well apply micronized sulfur once as soon as symptoms are
as the cost of the fabric and the labor to keep it in place anticipated or first seen. Symptoms usually appear just
(more difficult in windy areas). Another downside is that before flowering. Application of sulfur after beans are
row covers may protect early aphid and mite infestations half formed may not improve harvest, and may result in
from the natural enemies that could otherwise reduce their undesirable residue on the pods.
populations. However, mites and aphids are easier to control
than cucumber beetles, using cultural practices such as
sprinkler irrigation, biological control with insect releases, or GROWER GUIDE SERIES
pesticides approved for use in organic crop production.
Grower Guides for beginning specialty crop
• Bug vacuum: Vacuum removal of cucumber beetle can be growers
effective if done 4–5 times per week during the warmest time
• Organic Cut Flower Production on California’s
of the day when the beetles are most active, starting 3 weeks
Central Coast
before harvest.
• Organic Dry-Farmed Tomato Production on
Main bean diseases California’s Central Coast
Damping off caused by Pythium spp., Fusarium spp., • Organic Fresh Market and Dry Bean Production on
Rhizoctonia solani, and Thielaviopsis basicola California’s Central Coast
Damping off is the most serious disease of beans in the • Organic Mixed Production Blocks for Direct
Monterey Bay area, resulting in pre-emergent rot of the Markets on California’s Central Coast
whole seed, emerging plant, or the first true leaves. Although • Organic Pepper Production on California’s Central
symptoms are somewhat different depending on the Coast
organism, exact diagnosis is not usually important because all • Organic Potato Production on California’s Central
damping-off fungi are managed the same way. Cool soil is the Coast
most common reason for damping off, followed by oxygen • Organic Winter Squash Production on California’s
deprivation caused by too much water. Central Coast
• Timing/location: Plant after soil has warmed sufficiently. • Tillage, Bed Formation, and Planting to Moisture
Design fields and rows with aspect in mind, using south-
facing slopes for spring planting. Available from the Center for Agroecology &
Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS), UC Santa
• Irrigation: Manage irrigation—for best results, follow the
Cruz. Download for free from
instructions for planting beans to moisture (see Organic
publications or contact [email protected], 831.459-3240.
Fresh Market and Dry Bean Production in this Grower Guide

Organic Pest and Disease Management of Selected Crops on California’s Central Coast | 11
pests and diseases


Biorationals: Ecological pest Late blight on tomatoes. College of Pesticide Safety Information Series
management database, by Rex Dufour. Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell (PSIS), California Department of Food and University. Agriculture.
Use database to search for individual tomato/tomato-late-blight/ psisenglish.htm (En Español: http://www.
pests and diseases, e.g., powdery mildew, Photos of late blight at various stages on
Verticillium wilt. tomatoes. Potato scab, by Rosemary Loria. Vegetable
Bug vacuums for organic crop Melon aphid or cotton aphid. Featured MD Online, Cornell University, 1991.
protection, by George Kuepper and Creatures, Entomology and Nematology. http://vegetablemdonline.ppath.cornell.
Raeven Thomas. NCAT IP194, 2002. University of Florida. edu/factsheets/Potato_Scab.htm Thrips in Pests in gardens and
summaries/summary.php?pub=128 aphid/melon_aphid.htm landscapes, UC IPM, Statewide Integrated
Farmscaping to enhance biological Organic IPM field guide, by Ann Baier et Pest Management Program.
control, by Rex Dufour. NAT CT065, al. 2006. NCAT.
2000. pn7429.html
summaries/summary.php?pub=145 summaries/summary.php?pub=148 Tipsheet: Organic pest management, by
Hedgerows for California agriculture: Useful photos to identify symptoms of Rex Dufour. NCAT IP404, 2015.
A resource guide, by Sam Earnshaw. many different diseases and pests.
Community Alliance with Family Farmers summary.php?pub=518
Organic management of late blight
(CAFF), 2004. of potato and tomato with copper For general pest management strategies products, by Alex Stone and Brian Baker. that are compliant with USDA organic
uploads/2010/07/Hedgerow_manual.pdf eOrganic, 2010. regulations.
Late blight management in tomato with Tomato russet mite in Florida tomato
resistant varieties, by Margaret Tuttle organic-management-of-late-blight-of- scouting guide. University of Florida, 2008.
McGrath. eOrganic, 2015. potato-and-tomato-with-copper-products Organic management of late blight guide/bugs/tomato-russet-mite.shtml
pages/72678/late-blight-management- of potato and tomato (Phytophthora Tomato spotted wilt virus, by T.A. Zitter,
in-tomato-with-resistant-varieties#. infestans), by Alex Stone. eOrganic, 2015. M. L. Daughtrey, and J. P. Sanderson.
VRNfGkZwfsM Vegetable MD Online, Cornell University,
Late blight management on organic organic-management-of-late-blight- 1989.
farms: 2010 Webinar. eOrganic, 2014. of-potato-and-tomato-phytophthora- http://vegetablemdonline.ppath.cornell. infestans edu/factsheets/Virus_SpottedWilt.htm
pages/28346/late-blight-management-on- Pest management strategic plan for Verticillium wilt. UC IPM, 2012.
organic-farms:-2010-webinar organic potato production in the west.
Late blight on potatoes. College of Summary of workshops held on February html
Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell 16, 2006, Buhl, Idaho and January 9,
University. 2008, Portland, Oregon. Jennifer Miller, Ronda Hirnyck, Lisa Downey-Blecker. Issue
potatoes/late-blight/ Date, December 19, 2008.
Photos of late blight at various stages on
see pages 7–9

Organic Pest and Disease Management of Selected Crops on California’s Central Coast: A Guide for
Beginning Specialty Crop Growers by Doug O’Brien and Ann Baier.
© 2017 Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS), University of California, Santa Cruz.
This information was developed for beginning specialty crop on California’s Central Coast. Any mention of
commercial products does not constitute an endorsement. This information is not intended to take the place 1156 High Street
of advice provided by professional pest and disease management experts or organic certification personnel. Santa Cruz, CA 95064
CASFS is a research, education, and public service program at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Learn
more about our work at, or contact us at [email protected], (831) 459-3240. Additional Grower
[email protected]
Guides are available online at
This publication was supported by the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program at the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA) through Grant 14-SCBGP-CA-0006. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official views of the USDA.

12 | Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems

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