Riddles Guess The Fruit or Vegetable

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Can you guess the

answer to the fruit or

riddle below?
I am a big round fruit
that is red on the
inside with lots of
seeds. I am very juicy
because I have got lots
of sweet water. What
am I?
Im an orange
vegetable that is good
for your eyesight. I
grow under the ground
and have a green top.
I am a beautiful red
color with a green top,
and grow in Huelva at
the beginning of the
summer. I taste great
with cream. I am sweet
and am shaped lie a
I loo lie a fu!!y little
oval"shaped ball on the
outside and when you
cut me in half, you can
eat my green insides
with a spoon. What am
I am a fruit that comes
in many colors and
many names. I grow on
trees and I am also a
tasty juice. #ometimes
you $nd half of a worm
inside of me.
%rab one of these
foods for a meal,
snac, or energy
I am a crunchy
vegetable, with a lot of
vitamin C and $ber.
#ome ids thin that I
loo lie a little green
tree& What am I?
I am a red or purple
fruit that can stain
your hands when you
eat me. I grow on
bushes. 'ry putting me
on your cereal& What
am I?
Fruit and
I am a tropical fruit. I
am many di(erent
colors on the outside.
'o say my name, say
the opposite of
)W*+,-. and then
say the opposite of
)#'*/.. What am I?

+any people thin that
I am a vegetable, but I
am actually a fruit.
/eople lie to use me
to mae spaghetti
sauce and pi!!a sauce.
What am I?
I am a round fruit with
a peel. I am also a
color. I have a lot of
vitamin C for your
body, and you can also
drin me anytime.
What am I?
I am a fruit that grows
on a tree, and come in
many di(erent colors.
+y name rhymes with
)/,I0. and you need a
)CH,I0. to pic me&
What am I?
I am a tropical fruit
that is very spiy on
the outside and yellow,
soft and juicy on the
inside. I have ),//12.
in my name, but I am
not an apple& What am
I have got a purple or
green sin and sweet
3esh inside. 4rom my
juice becomes wine.
What am I?
I am a yellow fruit with
three of the letter ),.
in my name. I have a
lot of potassium to
help your muscles
wor better. I am tough
on the outside and soft
on the inside.
I am a small fruit that
comes in a variety of
colors, lie purple,
blue, red, yellow and
green. I have a hard pit
inside of me. I rhyme
with )H5+..
What is round? What is
orange? 6ou can mae
a pie, or a jac"o"
lantern. What am I?
4ruits 7 vegetables
give you energy 7 help
you loo and feel your
: 4rantudela ;<=;

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