Glossary Unit 2 - Gat 1

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Abusive Violento / agresivo
Air rage Furia del pasajero
Aircraft Avión
Ash Ceniza
Ashore Hacia la orilla
Attempt Intento
Backpacker Mochilero/a
Baggage claim Zona de recogida de equipajes
Bedding Ropa de cama
Berth Litera
Blanket Manta
Budget Presupuesto
Car hire Alquiler de coches
Carriage (train car) Vagón
Carriageway Autovía
Carry-on baggage Equipaje de mano
Coach (railway carriage) Vagón o coche de tren
Coach (tour bus) Autobús turístico
Commitment Compromiso
Complaint Queja
Crowd Multitud
Crowded Abarrotado
Cuddles Mimos
Damage Daño
Deck Cubierta
Delay Retraso
Departure lounge (airport: waiting room) Zona de preembarque
Dining car Vagón restaurante
Domestic journey Trayecto/viaje nacional
Entry level Puesto básico
Estate car Ranchera o coche familiar
Fare Precio
Fare Precio
Fee Tasas
Fog Niebla
Gap Hueco
Gate Puerta de embarque
Harbour Puerto
Helpdesk Servicio de asistencia
Inflatable neck pillow Almohada de cuello hinchable
Junction Cruce / salida / intersección
Lack of sth La falta de algo
Landing card Tarjeta de inmigración
Likely Probable
Lock Cerrojo
Lorry Camion
Means of transport Medio de transporte
Motorway (or highway) Autopista
Northbound En dirección norte
On duty De servicio
Outrageous Indignante / intolerable
Overweight Sobrepeso
Owing to (to owe) Debido a / a causa de (deber)
Painless Indoloro
Paperwork Papeleo
Petrol station Gasolinera
Platform Andén
Puddle Charco
Purser Auxiliar de vuelo
Queue Cola
Rage Ira / furia
Refund Reembolso
Roundabout Rotonda
Row Fila
Runway (at airport) Pista
Schedule Horario
Self-serve kiosk Terminal de auto check-in
Short haul flight Vuelo corto
Shortage Escasez
Smartly dressed Elegantemente vestido
Socket Enchufe
Spare De más / de sobra
Starboard Estribor
Stopover (or layover) Escala
Straight Todo recto
Tablecloth Mantel
Threat Amenaza
To be liable for/to Ser responsable de
To be stranded (unable to leave) Tirado/a / encallado
To blame Culpar
To break down Averiarse
To bury [sth] Enterrar / ocultar / seconder
To charter Alquilar / fletar
To cope with [sth] Lidiar con
To deal with Lidiar con
To disrupt Interrumpido
To divert to Desviar
To drop off Dejar a alguien en algún sitio
To ensure Asegurarse
To fill in Rellenar
To get on (to board) Subirse a
To get on well with Llevarse bien con
To get through (to reach) Localizar
To hang around (UK: hang about) Hacer tiempo
To hang around with Estar con o andar con alguien
To hold up Retrasar a / demorar a
To lift Levantar
To look for Buscar
To look forward to Estar esperando a
To offload Descargar
To pick up Recoger algo o a alguien
To put [sb] up Alojar
To remain Permanecer
To set off Salir / partir
To soak Empapar
To state Declarar / exponer
To stretch Estirarse
To take off Despegar
To turn up Aparecer / presentarse
Toll bridge Peaje
Track (railway line) Vía
Traffic light semáforo
Unrealiable (person) Que no se puede confiar en ella
Valuables Objetos de valor
Voucher Cupón

The signals themselves are the lineside pieces of equipment that tell train drivers when it is
safe to proceed and what route their train will take.

A standby ticket for something such as the theatre or a plane journey is a cheap ticket that you
buy just before the performance starts or the plane takes off, if there are still some seats left.

Difference between think on, in, of and about:

Think Of/ About. Most of the times you can use both when talking about people.

To think of: when it marks an occurrence in time, for example: "I've just thought of an idea." "If
you can think of a reason why it won't work then call me."

To think about: when it's an idea or preoccupation that is being turned over in someone's mind
a bit more comprehensively, such as: "I was thinking about what you said." or "He was thinking
about her for weeks."

Both Think On and Think In are less used.

To think on: is a bit archaic and it is much close to the meaning of think about. Ex.: Think on
your sins.

To think in: is very easy to differentiate as it is only used with the verb to speak. Ex: Do you
think in Spanish when you speak in English?

The Hard seat or Semi-cushioned seat, abbreviated YZ, is the cheapest class of seating in China
Railway. It is available on non-high-speed trains. If you want to learn more visit:

Cuddle class: A category of airline ticket in which two passengers purchase an additional seat
so that they may recline together along a row of three seats

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