Draft Resolution 1.1
Draft Resolution 1.1
Draft Resolution 1.1
G ided b he Uni ed Na ion Cha e and i inci le of omo ing ocial og e , ali of
life, and ba ic h man igh ;
Recogni ing UNESCO manda e of Ed ca ion fo Al, Ca aci B ilding and S ainable
De elo men , E hical S anda d in Science and Technolog ;
i. The requirement will include several points such as a commitment by operators to ensure
responsible data security in accordance with applicable laws;
ii. AI companies must provide broad explanation of electronic system s operation;
3; Supports the development of ethical guidelines and standards for the use of AI in education
taking into account diverse cultural and societal contexts by the following mechanisms such as
through BERR (Building AI ethics curricula, Ethics research, Researchers training, Implement
a. Building AI Ethics Curricula through the collaboration with UNICEF to promote the
integration of AI ethics education and research by integrating AI ethics into national
education programmes at all levels; This includes creating AI ethics curricula that cover
the technical aspects of AI and that are sensitive to local cultures and values, ensuring
that educational materials are available in local and indigenous languages, and ensuring
accessible for students such as through websites;
b. Support AI thics research by creating incentives for both the public and private sectors
to invest in AI ethics research through;
i. Funding Allocation: Allocate multilateral funds to support AI ethics research
projects, both within national research institutions and in collaboration with
international partner;
ii. Grants and Awards: Establish grants and awards for outstanding achievements in
AI ethics research to recognize and reward individuals and organizations that
make significant contributions to the field;
iii. Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
Facilitate PPP and CSR that focus on AI ethics research, leveraging the strengths
of both sectors to drive innovation and ethical standards in AI; Through this,
projects will be finished faster;
iv. Capacity Building: Invest in capacity building programs to train researchers and
professionals in AI ethics, ensuring a skilled workforce that can address the
ethical challenges of AI;
4; Encourages the program for esearchers training to ensure that AI researchers receive training
in research ethics as part of their education and professional development; This training should
equip researchers with the knowledge and skills necessary to incorporate ethical considerations
into every stage of their work, from the design of AI systems to the publication of their research
5; Encourages member states to conduct E I A (EIA) which considers the
entire process of designing, developing and deploying an AI system allowing for assessment of
the risks before and after the system is released to the public; EIA is very important in ensuring
the ethical design and use of AI; AI systems and tools have often been released to users without
clear and transparent analysis of the potential risks, risk mitigation, and addressing unintended
consequences; EIA aims to fix that problem by furnishing both private and public sectors with
the set of questions to ask in order to ensure that the AI systems they are purchasing or
developing are aligned with the ethical standards set out in UNESCO s Recommendation on
Ethics of AI; This includes several activities such as but not limited to regulatory sandbox and
risk assessments;