LA System (Amend11)
LA System (Amend11)
LA System (Amend11)
Date-10-8- 2024
Lightning discharge and sequence of lightning current
Thunderstorms come into existence when warm air masses containing
sufficient moisture are transported to great altitudes. This transport can
occur in a number of ways.
In the case of heat thunderstorms, the ground is heated up locally by
intense isolation. The layers of air near the ground heat up and rise.
For frontal thunderstorms, the invasion of a cold air front causes
cooler air to be pushed below the warm air, forcing it to rise.
Additional physical effects further increase the vertical upsurge of the
air masses. This forms updraught channels with vertical speeds of up
to 100km/h which create towering cumulonimbus clouds with typical
heights of 5- 12 km and diameter of 5-10km.
Electrostatic charge separation process,
e.g. friction and sputtering, are responsible for charging water
droplets and particles of ice in the cloud.
Positively charged particles accumulate in the upper part, and
negatively charged particles in the lower part of thundercloud.
If the space charge densities, which happen to be present in a
thundercloud, produce local field strengths of several 100kV/m,
leader discharges (leaders) are formed which initiate a lightning
discharge. Cloud –to- Cloud flashes result in charge neutralization
between positive and negative cloud charge centers, and do not
directly strike objects on the ground in the process.
Air-termination networks
Down conductors
Earth termination networks
III. External lightning protection
Air-termination systems
The function of the air-termination systems of a lightning
protection system is to prevent direct lightning strikes
from damaging the volume to be protected. They must be
designed to prevent uncontrolled lightning strikes to the
structure to be protected.
b. Mesh Method
When the leader has got close to the earth within a few
tens, to a few hundreds of meters, the electrical
insulation strength of the air near the ground is
exceeded. A further “leader” discharge similar to the
downward leader begins to grow towards the head of
the downward leader: the upward leader
The smallest distance between the head of the
downward leader and the starting point of the upward
leader is called the final striking distance hB
(corresponds to the radius of rolling sphere).
Starting upward leader during the point of strike
Model of a rolling sphere Ref: Prof. Dr A. Kern, Aachen
Lightning protection level Radius of the Rolling Peak value current
LPL Sphere (Final striking KA
distance hB ) r in m
IV 60 15
III 45 10
II 30 5
I 20 3
20 68 72
10 50 99
0 32 (Water) 138
0 32 (Ice) 300
-5 23 790
-15 14 3300
Note that if your soil temperature decreases +20˚C to -5 ˚C, the resistivity
increases more than ten times.
Selecting the Correct Earth Electrode
We have already shown that by reaching permanent
moisture and frost free soil levels, low resistance should be
achieved. Often these levels are some meters below the surface and
the most economical way of reaching them is by extensible deep
driven earth rod electrodes.
Furse recommended the use of deep driven earth rod
electrodes wherever conditions allow.
Where rods lie just below the surface and deep driving is not
possible, parallel driven shorter rods, plates, mats or buried
conductors, or a combination of these can be used. However, these
should still be buried as deep as possible to avoid seasonal variation
and damage from agricultural machinery etc.
Often parallel rods are driven too close together; this decreases
their effectiveness. The distance between rods should be greater than the
rod length, L.
Earth Rod Electrodes
Earth rods are commonly made from the following materials:
- Copper clad steel (including copper bond and sheathed rods)
- Solid copper
- Galvanized steel
- Stainless steel
Furse can supply all four types, but the copper bonded steel
cored rod is by far the most popular.
It offers the installer:
- Excellent corrosion resistance
- Ability to carry high fault current for many years
- Much lower cost than solid copper
- A high strength rigid rod essential for deep driving
Current Carrying Capacity of Furse Copperbond Rods
Bentonite and others’ is basically a natural clay which is dug out of the
ground, cleaned, dried and granulated and reconstituted by adding
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