High-Protein Dietary Supplementation and Nutrition
High-Protein Dietary Supplementation and Nutrition
High-Protein Dietary Supplementation and Nutrition
Article in The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy · September 2021
DOI: 10.24871/2222021147-153
1 203
12 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Daniel Martin Simadibrata on 10 August 2022.
Corresponding author:
Marcellus Simadibrata. Division of Gastroenterology, Department Internal Medicine, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
General National Hospital. Jl. Diponegoro No. 71 Jakarta Indonesia. Phone: +62-21-3153957;
Facsimile: +62-21-3142454. Email: [email protected].
Hospital malnutrition is common in Indonesia and other developing countries. In Asia, the prevalence of
hospital malnutrition ranges between 27-39%. The causes of malnutrition in hospital care include insufficient
food intake and increased catabolic processes due to underlying causes such as metabolic disease, infection,
and malignancy. Several studies have demonstrated that malnutrition increases the morbidity and mortality of
hospitalized patients, prolongs hospital stay, and delays recovery. Therefore, healthcare providers must recognize
malnutrition early by conducting nutritional screening and assessment to prevent worsening of malnutrition
and administer the optimal nutritional therapy to patients. Apart from giving a standard diet, high-protein food
supplementation in liquid form remains a suitable alternative for patients, especially since it is easily digestible.
A high protein diet is associated with a better mortality rate, better weight gain, and improved SGA score in
Malnutrisi di rumah sakit adalah masalah yang umum ditemukan di Indonesia dan negara-negara
berkembang lainnya. Di Asia, prevalensi malnutrisi di rumah sakit berkisar antara 27-39%. Malnutrisi di
rumah sakit dapat terjadi akibat asupan nutrisi yang tidak mencukupi dan peningkatan proses katabolik yang
disebabkan oleh beberapa penyebab yang mendasari seperti penyakit metabolik, infeksi, dan keganasan.
Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa malnutrisi meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pada pasien yang
dirawat di rumah sakit, memperpanjang durasi rawat di rumah sakit, dan menunda pemulihan. Oleh karena itu,
tenaga kesehatan harus mengidentifikasi malnutrisi sesegera mungkin dengan melakukan skrining nutrisi dan
penilaian untuk mencegah perburukan malnutrisi dan memberikan terapi nutrisi yang optimal kepada pasien.
Selain memberikan diet standard, suplementasi makanan cair tinggi protein masih termasuk alternatif yang
tepat bagi pasien, terlebih karena konsistensinya yang cair sehingga mudah ditelan. Diet tinggi protein berkaitan
dengan tingkat mortalitas yang lebih baik, peningkatan berat badan, dan peningkatan skor SGA pada pasien.
features, or according to objective laboratory values. refeeding syndrome. This syndrome can present as
The ESPEN recommendation (2015) diagnosed and a potentially fatal electrolyte shift when insulin is
classified malnutrition in two different ways (Table 2). released in response to nutritional intake (especially
carbohydrates). Although the evidence suggests
Table 2. Malnutrition diagnosis criteria according to the ESPEN
consensus (2015)14 that refeeding syndrome risk is highest in severely
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 malnourished patients, the low-calorie diet is still
BMI< 18.5 kg/m2 Unintentional weight loss of more than 10% widely and safely adopted.15 However, this approach
within an unspecified time frame or;
Unintentional weight loss of more than 5% may be too conservative for maximizing nutritional
within 3 months, accompanied by at least: (1)
BMI < 20 kg/m2 for aged < 70 years or BMI <22 recovery in most hospitalized patients. In the United
kg/m2 for aged ≥70 years, or; (2) Fat free mass States, administering a high-calorie diet to moderately
index (FFMI) <15 kg/m2 for females or FFMI < 17
kg/m2 for male malnourished adolescents (those with a BMI of about
Note: Before using the ESPEN 2015 criteria for diagnosing malnutrition,
patients must have fulfilled the malnutrition risk criteria according to a
75-85% than required) caused by anorexia nervosa
validated screening tool showed better weight gain than a low-calorie diet.15
A meta-analysis and systematic review are done by
Furthermore, the ASPEN recommendations Gomes F et al to study the association between nutritional
can clinically determine malnutrition if two of the support and clinical outcomes in inpatients who are
following six criteria are present: (1) Inadequate intake. malnourished or at nutritional risk.16 The study collected
Malnutrition can be a result of inadequate intake or 27 clinical trials with a total of 6803 patients included in
assimilation of food and nutrients. The main criterion the study. The patients who are included are all medical
for diagnosing malnutrition requires an analysis of inpatients who are not critically ill with malnutrition or
dietary intake at the onset of illness and comparing at risk of malnutrition and are assigned to nutritional
it with the estimated daily needs. Clinicians need to intervention and control groups with various clinical
gather information about the dietary intake, estimate the conditions. The primary outcome was the mortality and
optimal energy requirements, and compare them with secondary outcome, including non-elective hospital
the estimated consumed energy. Inadequate intake is readmission, length of stay, infection rate, functional
assessed as a percentage of the estimated energy needed outcome, daily caloric, protein intake, and weight change.
over a certain period; (2) Weight loss. Clinicians need Mortality rate in with nutritional intervention group
to evaluate any weight loss, including the presence or and control group was 8.3% (230 of 2,758) and 11.0%
absence of low or high body fluids. Assessment of body (307/2787) respectively and show significant reduction
weight changes over a certain period is necessary, and of mortality rate in intervention group (OR = 0.73;
the percentage of weight loss compared to the initial 95% CI: 0.56-0.97; p = 0.03). Non elective hospital
weight must be calculated; (3) Decreased muscle admission rate also show significant difference between
mass. Loss of muscle mass can be seen in the muscles intervention group 14.7% (280/1903) and control
located in the temporal region, clavicle (pectoral and group 18% (339/1880) with intervention group have
deltoid muscle), interosseous scapula, latissimus dorsi, fewer non elective admissions (RR = 0.76; 95% CI:
trapezius, thigh, and calf muscles; (4) Decreased 0.60-0.96; p = 0.02). The intervention group also is
subcutaneous fat mass. Subcutaneous fat loss can be associated with higher energy intake (1618 kcal in the
seen in the orbital area, triceps, and fat between the intervention group vs. 1331 kcal in the control group;
ribs; (5) Any local or generalized fluid accumulation. mean difference, 365 kcal; 95% CI: 272-458 kcal) and
Clinicians need to evaluate the presence of generalized protein intake (59 g in the intervention group vs. 48
or localized (specifically to the extremities, vulvar/ g in the control group; mean difference, 17.7g; 95%
scrotal edema, and ascites) fluid build-up. Weight loss CI: 12.1-23.3 g). Consequently, there is a significant
often goes undetected due to fluid retention (edema) increase in body weight associated with better muscle
and is often observed as weight gain; (6) Decrease in mass (0.63 kg in the intervention group vs -0.19 kg in
functional status as measured by grip strength. the control group; mean difference, 0.73 kg; 95% CI:
0.32-1.13 kg).However there is no significant difference
HIGH-PROTEIN DIET between control and intervention group in a infection
rate (4.8%[88 of 1817] vs. 5.6%[102 of 1825]; OR =
Current recommendations for malnourished
0.86; 95% CI: 0.64-1.16, functional outcome at follow
patients with refeeding syndrome are conservative.
up 17.3 vs. 16.9 points; mean difference in Barthel index
The recommended diet of 1200 kcal/day with daily
score, 0.32 points; 95% CI: -0.51 to 1.15), and length of
increments of about 200 kcal/day is intended to avoid
stay 11.5 days vs 12.0 days; mean difference, -0.24 days; in the geriatrics population with comorbidities. Exclusion
95% CI: -0.58 to 0.09). Funnel plots test were done and criteria including patients with diabetes mellitus (type
showed no evidence of any publication bias. 1 or 2) due to product composition not intended for
This study suggests an association between patients with diabetes, current active cancer or under
increased protein intake and energy intake in the treatment, impairment of renal and liver function as these
intervention group; consequently, there is an increased patients might have impairment in protein metabolism.
weight which is beneficial for undernutrition patients. Selected patients were randomly allocated to consume
There is also added benefit of reduced mortality and two servings of HP-HMB or placebo for 90 days post-
hospital readmission in the intervention group. discharge for the hospital.
A placebo-controlled double-blinded randomized Both groups are similar in baseline demographic
controlled trial done by Deutz NE et al study and clinical characteristics. Both groups have similar
malnourished geriatric patients with various clinical treatment adherence. Primary endpoint show significant
conditions (congestive heart failure, acute myocardial difference in 90 days mortality with 4.8% and 9.7%
infarction, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).17 (p = 0.018) relative risk 0.49 (95% CI: 0.27-0.90) in
The intervention group was given HP-HMB (high intervention group and control group respectively.
protein enriched with β-hydroxy-β-methyl butyrate) However, both rates of the first readmission and/or death
with standard care (n = 328). The Control group was and readmission in these groups did not differ statistically.
given a placebo with standard care (n = 324). The Secondary endpoints show a significant difference in 30
primary end point was 90-day post-discharge incidence and 60 day mortality rate (2.9% vs. 6.2%; p = 0.049)
of death or non-elective readmission. Secondary and (4.2% vs.8.7%; p = 0.020) respectively. On day 90
endpoints included 30- and 60-day post-discharge intervention group had a higher proportion of patients
incidence of death or readmission, length of stay, SGA with SGA-A (well-nourished) in comparison to the
class, body weight, and activities of daily living score. control group and this resulted in significantly higher odds
Patient selection criteria were aged ≥ 65 years old (OR ¼ 2.04; 95% CI: 1.28 - 3.25; p = 0.009) (Figure 1).
with recent hospital admission with a primary diagnosis In addition, there is also a significant weight gain in
of CHF, AMI, or COPD with SGA class of B. These the intervention group compared to the control group on
patients were screened due to higher risk of malnutrition day 30. No significant effects were seen in the length of
stay and average daily living score. Post hoc analysis on The Rationale for Giving High-protein Liquid Food
COPD subgroups shows an improvement of handgrip Supplementation
strength in intervention groups compared to the control
Malnutrition is positively associated with poor
group. (1.56 ± 0.67 vs. 0.34 ± 0.63, p = 0.0413)
patient outcomes. However, this condition remains
Similar to the previous meta-analysis, this study has
treatable, mainly when there is adequate nutritional
shown a significant reduction of the mortality rate in the
management. Identifying patients with malnutrition or at
group with high protein intake compared to the control
risk of malnutrition is the first step in the multidiscipline
group. An increased nutritional status, as shown by
treatment process. It is crucial to identify such patients
SGA score, is an improvement. Followed by increase
as early as possible so that nutrition therapy can be
weight which is shown to improved malnutrition
started in a timely and effective manner. A quick and
status in geriatric patients. Increase handgrip strength
accurate assessment method is helpful, especially in an
is also an indicator of nutrition status and is strongly
interdisciplinary approach (Figure 1).
associated with favourable clinical outcomes. Overall
Therefore, screening for the risk of malnutrition
this study also supports giving a high protein diet to
with a rapid and straightforward tool should be carried
improve the patient's condition.
out systematically in hospitalized patients. A detailed
High-protein Liquid Supplementations currently
and comprehensive malnutrition assessment should
available on the market include commercial and hospital
be performed in all patients with malnutrition or at
liquid foods. Examples of commercial high-protein liquid
risk of developing the condition. Trained workers
food include Peptisol (Kalbe Farma), which contains 14 g
should perform this screening using subjective and
of protein/200 mL. New Ensure Enlive (Abbott) contains
objective parameters such as clinical history, physical
20 g of protein and 350 kcal per bottle. Protein (Otsuka),
examination, BMI measurement, assessing the body's
which contains 10 g of protein and 212 kcal per 200 ml
function, and laboratory values. This systematic and
of serving).18,19,20 Liquid food formula produced in Cipto
standardized screening will ultimately reduce treatment
Mangunkusumo Hospital includes the CLLM milk with
60 g of protein per 1000 kcal (Table 3).21
Nutrition is an effective treatment option to prevent
Table 3. Composition of liquid food formula CLLM (Cipto and/or treat malnutrition, thus reducing morbidity and
Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta)21
mortality. The results of a study in Asia suggested
CLLM 60-gram Formula Content Per 1000 kcal
Carbohydrate 126 grams that providing nutritional support to patients at risk of
Protein 60.3 grams malnutrition and patients who are already experiencing
Total Fat 32.7 grams
Cholesterol 330 milligrams malnutrition can reduce morbidity and mortality,
Vitamin improve quality of life and/or function; and reduce
Vitamin A 2209 RE
Vitamin E 5.89 grams the length of stay in the hospital, use of resources,
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 680 milligrams
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 847 milligrams
and cost of care.23 Oral nutritional therapy was also
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 4.27 milligrams reported to increase the body weight and BMI of
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) 2.66 milligrams
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 508 milligrams postoperative gastrointestinal cancer patients despite
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) 47.5 micrograms no significant improvement in the patient's quality of
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) 1.22 micrograms
Vitamin C 57.5 milligrams life. Several preliminary studies in Indonesia showed
that providing adequate high-protein nutrition could malnutrition. Furthermore, nutritional therapy with
improve nutritional status and immunity, thereby high-protein liquid food supplementation can be an
accelerating the healing process and shortening the effective alternative therapy for malnourished patients
length of stay.25 in the hospital. However, it must be highlighted that
To date, not much is known regarding the cost- not all patients benefited from a high protein diet;
effectiveness of administering nutritional therapy to for example, in patients with chronic kidney disease
such patients. Thus, this warrants further research in with end-stage renal disease, protein intake must be
the area before clinical implementation. Additionally, restricted because it can damage the kidney further.
it may also be essential to study the metabolic system
and the gut microbiome diversity in patients given
nutritional therapy.26
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