4; 2020
Received: April 27, 2020 Accepted: June 17, 2020 Online Published: June 18, 2020
doi:10.5430/ijhe.v9n4p206 URL: https://doi.org/10.5430/ijhe.v9n4p206
This study examined the information and communication technology (ICT) skills relevant for effective learning
possessed by undergraduate students. The study made use of descriptive survey research design. The study
participants were 320 undergraduate students of university of Nigeria. The instrument used for data collection was
“Relevant ICT Skills for Effective Learning among Undergraduate Students Questionnaire” (RISELUSQ). The
reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach-Alpha method and a reliability coefficient of 0.84 was
obtained. Four research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The data collected were subjected to analysis,
the mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while the hypotheses were tested using
t-test and ANOVA at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that undergraduate students possessed the
relevant ICT skills that will enhance their learning and that the ICT skills of the male students were not different
from that of the female. The findings also showed that the ICT skills of undergraduate students differ based on their
educational level, particularly, between the 100 level and 500 levels. Equally, the finding reveals that the students
face some ICT challenges like non-functional/limited projectors in classrooms, limited e-learning facilities among
others. Based on the findings, it was recommended that students be encouraged to continue to improve on their ICT
skills as it will enable them strive well academically and that school authorities should ensure adequate and proper
infrastructures/ICT facilities be put in place within the university environment.
Keywords: Information & Communication Technology, assessment, ICT skills for learning, higher education
1. Introduction
The broad purpose of this study is to assess information and communication technology skills relevant for effective
learning possessed by undergraduate students in University of Nigeria, Nsukka. In our contemporary time, the place
of technology cannot be overemphasized, before now people used to think that just like other things come and go,
technology has come and would definitely go. However, information and communication Technology (ICT) has
proved otherwise as it keeps getting better day by day, improving and expanding in various aspects. This
improvement and expansion has continued to improve mankind, facilitate growth and development among others. Of
course, the education sector is never left out ofthe increase brought about by ICT. According to United Nation
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO; 2002),ICT is like the foundation for every other thing
in our contemporary world; hence, a deeper knowledge of this advancement in knowledge is essential for proper
education.ICT as defined by UNESCO (2006) means those forms of technology that are used for transmitting, saving,
creating or sharing information. This definition implies that ICT include various kind of technology like the
telephones, televisions, video, computer hardware and software, DVD among others.Beebe (2004) as cited in Odede
and Enakerakpo (2014) defined ICT as short term for computers, software, networks, satellite links and related
systems that allow people to access, analyze, create, exchange and use data, information and knowledge.
ICT is essential to mankind as it is necessary for improving businesses, economy, social life and meeting the
information needs of modern society as well as the progress of the educational sector of any nation
(Aduwa-Ogiegbaen & Iyamu, 2005). Balasubramanian et al. (2009) stated that the use of ICT in education improves
the quantity of education as well as its quality. This equally agrees with the view of Yushau and Nannim (2018) that
ICT facilitates and enhances teaching and learning; as such, time and space are not obstacles to education any longer.
ICT also creates room for inventive, informed and logical thinking, greateroutput, effectiveness, and informative
results (Adeosun, 2010). This is not far from the view of Jung (2005) that ICT enhances both the method of learning
and behavioral objectives as well as predicting the outcomes of teaching and learning in higher institutions of
learning. Maybe, this is why the knowledge of ICT is very important for undergraduate students as they are part of
the major focus of higher education. Youssef and Dahmani (2008) opined that using ICT enhances personalized and
flexible learning by shifting learning process from the teacher to the students which thus, facilitate and adjust the
classroom, educational institutions, communities and systems. It also facilitates the knowledge acquisition of learners,
improves learners` skills, increases social mobility, empowers citizens to participate in global economy, and as a
result, play a major role in improving the education structure (UNESCO, 2014).It was recommended by (Bakare &
Olaniyi, 2017) that, higher institutions in Nigeria should try to holistically encourage the use of innovative and modern
technology in order to enhance teaching and learning that will enable the students equip themselves for an ideal world
and a challenging environment. Particularly, technology integration in higher institutions in Nigeria must be adopted to
support curricular goals of the institutions for higher quality education.This of course to the researchers is essential for
proper use of ICT since it willfacilitate the acquisition of necessary skills needed by students in higher institutions in
Nigeria for survival in this modern age and sophisticated economy.
The skills to use computer according to Akintunde (2004) is not the only ICT skill required to make valuable use of
information stored in the internet. In order to make adequate use of these online resources, literacy in ICT or
information is needed. Nikitakis (2007) referred to ICT skill as the ability to totally comprehend and acquire a whole
lot ofcapacities, which include recognizing, spotting, evaluating information as well as making effective use of it.
This may imply that alongside these fundamental skills, the abilities to inquire, communicate and collect information
are essential. Using computers effectively is now a crucial part of every student’s education. Haywood (2003)
mentioned some core ICT skills which include knowledge of: spreadsheet, word processors, database and
presentation. These ICT skills are essential in our present world in order to enable one have access and utilize
information. These ICT skills are required in these contemporary times to enable students function effectively.
UNESCO (2017) reiterated that ICT leads to general access to education, equity in education, transfer of quality
learning and teaching, teachers` professional growth and efficient educative management, governance and
administration. This thus implies that undergraduate students can improve their learning through proper and quality
usage of ICT. As a result, universities, government and employers are expected to pay attention to undergraduates’
ICT skills, because these are the people to restructure tomorrow.
In a study carried out by Siddiquah and Salim (2017), they noted that majority of the students have access to
computers and internet facilities both at home and in the universities, as such, they possess some skills such as
knowledge of Microsoft word, Microsoft PowerPoint, searching and browsing on the internet, social networking,
e-mail, uploading file, and video games. Conversely, amidst these various skills possessed by the students, it is
obvious that they lack other skills such as proper usage of e-library, discussion forums and blogging. Olurinola (2006)
stated that PowerPoint should be used in teaching and learning as it facilitates learning among student. In a study by
(Odede & Enakerakpo, 2014), the researchers stated that undergraduate students possess adequate ICT skills and can
efficiently make use of the internet.
Odede and Enakerakpo (2014) further added however that these skills were acquired by the students themselves
through handbooks and manuals, friends and courses in their variousinstitutions. Consequently, (Siddiquah & Salim,
2017) noted that the students engage themselves in doing other computer related activities instead of focusing on
their academics. This is because, most of the students believed that using ICT ease their learning. Perhaps this is
because everything is now at their fingertips courtesy of ICT.
Studies have however revealed that students face series of challenges in acquiring and utilizing these skills. (Anyim,
2018) stated that some of the challenges of acquiring ICT skills include;lack of funding, failure of the curriculum to
include ICT, poor attitudes toward acquiring ICT skills, unavailability of training opportunities, poor
ICTfacilities,high cost of ICT literacy training and lack of interest in digital information. Adeosun (2010) conducted
a study describing the situation of ICT which was very particular about the state of things in Nigeria, as a great
challenge to effective learning, the researchermentioned poor infrastructure as one of the major issue affecting the
full implementation of ICT; very good internet access, proper and adequate hardware among other infrastructures are
necessary for basic and advanced level of ICT enabled instructions. It is clear that in terms of computer access and
usage, developed, developing and underdeveloped countries are not comparable; the difference is amazing as there
are fewer computers and the usage in underdeveloped countries compared to develop and developing countries. The
term Learner Computer Ratio (LCR) talks about number of learners to a computer for instructional objective in an
educational system. It is almost a difficult practice to see underdeveloped countries build and facilitate the use of
computer facilities compared to developing and developed countries where it is almost a common practice building
and distributing computer and its facilities to educational institutions (UNESCO, 2014). Electricity supply according
to (Aduwa-Ogiegbaen & Iyamu, 2005) is also an infrastructure which supports ICT. This is very essential since no
computer can actually function without power supply; however, this is a big challenge in the country as Nigeria is
faced with the issue of epileptic power supply.Consequently, a good communication means is required for efficient
delivery of information. Communication technology according to UNESCO, (2014) “may includenarrowband or
broadbandfixed telephone line or a cable connection that connects terminal equipment to the telephone, or other
telecommunication network”.These challenges mentioned above are of course similar to the challenges noticed by
Siddiquah and Salim (2017; 4993) they include; low processor speed of computers, weak or signal problem in using
the Internet, virus threat, poor working conditions of computers, load shedding, and lack of access to internet are the
problems faced by the majority of the students. Thus, they suggested that universities should make it a point of duty
by investing more resources in order to improve infrastructures and as well proffer solution to ICT related issues so
as to enable students’ effective leaning. Thus, the reasons for the present study as it sought to find information on
these emerging issues.
Manda and Mulkangara (2007) as cited in Alakpodia (2014) reported that gender is associated with the use of
electronic information resources; the researchers added that male students were more likely to use e-resources than
female students. Ramayah and Osman (2005) in their study mentioned that themales had more computer usage skills
than their female counterparts. Contrary to numerous opinions that males perform better than females in ICT related
facilities; Basri, Alandejani, & Almadani (2018), carried out a study which revealed that in adopting the use of ICT
the academic performance of girl students stand the chance of being improved more than boys.According to the
study conducted by Kaminski, Switzer and Gloeckner, (2009), it was found that significance difference does not
exist between undergraduate students in terms of the ICT skills of new students and old students. This of course
agrees with (Strømsø, Grottum & Lycke, 2004) that in term of ICT usages, the skills of students do not increase over
time. This would imply that the skills of higher level students are not expected to differ from that of newer or lower
level students in terms of ICT usage. Contradictory findings like these necessitated this study.
The place of ICT has become very essential in the affairs of mankind. The usage of ICT in every sector of life is very
necessary as it facilitates growth; advances knowledge, increases productivity and human resources. ICT is relevant
for improving infrastructures, economy and the education sector of any developing or underdeveloped nation. This of
course has made ICT a pivotal for any undergraduate student that is expected to perform excellently. However, it is
important to understand that to be able to effectively maximize the benefits of ICT towards learning; there are
essential skills that students must possess to effectively do this. Quality learning can never be achieved through ICT
if these skills are not acquired by students. Despite, the relevance of ICT to students learning, the education sector
and the general good of any developing nation, it appears less or no attention is being paid to ICT in higher
institutions of learning in the country which obviously is expected to produce students or individuals who would
better compete with their counterparts in developed countries and as well drive the economy of their own nation.
Several studies have however been carried out to bring these menace under control, yet the challenges persist. There
is a need therefore to embark on this study as it sought to assess the various ICT skills relevant for effective learning
possessed by undergraduate students.
1.1 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this research work is to assess ICT skills relevant for effective learning possessed by undergraduate
students in University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
1.2 Research Questions
1. What are the ICT skills possessed by undergraduate students for effective learning?
2. Do the ICT skills possessed by undergraduate students differ based on gender?
3. Do the ICT skills possessed by undergraduate students differ by educational level?
4. What are the challenges faced by students in utilizing the various ICT skills relevant for effective learning in the
2. Method
2.1 Research Design
This study employed descriptive survey design. The study was conducted at the University of Nigeria Nsukka, South
Eastern Nigeria. University of Nigeria Nsukka was chosen for this study because of her expertise and her rank as one
of the best universities in Nigeria according to National University Commission (NUC) as published by World
Scholastic Forum, 2020.
2.2 Research Participants
This study targeted undergraduate students; because majority of the postgraduate students have already acquired the
necessary ICT skills for learning as part of the requirement for their admission into the university. Allundergraduate
students (100 to 500 levels) made up the population for this study which comprise of 28,843 students (University
Nigeria Nsukka Statistics Unit, 2020). Three hundred and twenty(320) students were sampled for the study as
recommended by (Cozby, 2009). Convenience sampling technique was used to select the sample for the study.
2.3 Measurement Approaches
The instrument “Relevant ICT Skills for Effective Learning among Undergraduate Students Questionnaire”
(RISELUSQ) was used for data collection. The instrument comprised five clusters based on the variables under
consideration by the researchers. The clusters were arranged on a 4-point scale of Strongly Agreed, Agreed, Disagree
and Strongly Disagree.
2.4 Validity of the Instrument
The instrument was validated by three experts, one from ICT unit of the university and two from Educational
Measurement and Evaluation unit. Thirty eight (38) items were constructed before the validation, during the
validation, some items were found to be irrelevant while others werefound to be double-barreled; moderations were
made and after the validation, a total of 30 items were gotten.
2.5 Reliability of the Instrument
The instrument was trial test on undergraduate students with similar attributes from a nearby university.
Cronbach-Alpha method was employed to estimate the internal consistency of the instrument since it is most suitable
for polytomously scored items. A reliability index of 0.84 was obtained which shows that the instrument was
2.6 Administration of the Instrument
The instrument was administered on a face to face base so as to ensure maximum return. This was done by the
2.7 Data Analysis
The data gathered from the participants was evaluated with the statistics package program SPSS 23.0. The data were
analyzed using Mean and Standard Deviation, t-test and ANOVA (p<0.05).
3. Results
Table 1. Mean and Standard Deviation on ICT skills possessed by undergraduate students.
Item Statements N Mean SD Decision
Knowledge of Word Processing/Excel
1. I have appropriate skills in using Ms-Word 321 3.38 .69 A
2. I have adequate skills to type my assignments using MS-Word 321 3.45 .68 A
3. I have the skills to present and organize my assignments using 321 3.40 .62 A
4. I have the appropriate skills to correct my errors, spellings and 321 3.47 .61 A
grammatical structures in Ms-Word
5. I have adequate skills to input information into Excel accurately 321 2.95 .76 A
6. I have the skills to perform some basic operations using Excel 321 2.92 .78 A
7. I have the skills to carryout calculations using Excel 321 2.65 .92 A
8. I possess adequate skills to analyze data set using Excel 321 2.61 .91 A
Cluster Mean 3.11 .75 Agree
Knowledge of PowerPoint
9. I have the required skills to use the PowerPoint 321 3.01 .84 A
10. I possess the skills to make my presentations easier using 321 A
3.23 .76
11. When my lecturers use PowerPoint, it makes the lecture so 321 3.31 .74 A
12. PowerPoint simplifies learning as it concretizes abstract concepts 321 3.26 .68 A
13. Using the PowerPoint increases my skills to summaries as I learn 321 3.17 .79 A
to present only key points
Cluster Mean 3.20 .76 Agree
Knowledge of Search Engine
14. I know a lot of search engine (e.g Google, Ask.com, Bing etc.) 321 3.56 .61 A
15. I possess adequate skills on several search engines in gathering 321 3.49 .68 A
information for learning on the internet
16. Using Google and other search engines make my search on the 321 3.67 .53 A
internet easy
17. I have the skills to search for keyword when I need information 321 3.55 .58 A
18 I can bookmark pages for later use on many search engines 321 3.44 .67 A
19. I possess the skills to manage several tabs at a time while 321 3.39 .71 A
searching for information
Cluster Mean 3.52 .63 Agree
Knowledge of the Internet
20. I possess adequate skills to find study materials online 321 3.58 .58 A
21. I have the skillsto make use of YouTube when studying at home 321 3.22 .79 A
22. I have the skills to search for solutions to my assignments on the 321 3.49 .61 A
23. I learn new things using social media platforms 321 3.39 .67 A
24. I have adequate skills in usingonline classrooms to study ahead of 321 2.74 .82 A
my lecturers
25. I can download PDF (Portable Document Format) files from the 321 3.61 .58 A
internet for studying
26. I know how to email my assignments to my lecturers 321 3.37 .80 A
Cluster Mean 3.34 .69 Agree
Disagree (D) = (1.5-2.49); Agree (A) = (2.50-4.00)
The result from the table 1 above incluster A (Knowledge of MS-Word/Excel) on ICT skill possessed by students for
effective learning shows that all the items has mean above 2.50 and a ground mean of 3.11 with a standard deviation
of 0.75 which is equally above the benchmark mean of 2.50. It is therefore agreed that undergraduate students
possess adequate knowledge of MS-Word/Excel which will enable them to learn effectively. Equally, in cluster B
(Knowledge of PowerPoint) the mean responses for each the items are above 2.50 with a cluster grand mean of 3.20
and standard deviation of 0.76 which are all above the benchmark mean of 2.50, hence it isagreed that undergraduate
students in UNN possess the knowledge of PowerPoint. Again, in cluster C (Knowledge of Search Engine) the result
shows that all the items means are above the threshold mean with a grand mean of 3.52 and a standard deviation of
0.63, indicating an agreement that undergraduate students possess the knowledge of different search engines which
can be used for learning effectively. Consequently, the result from cluster D (Knowledge of the Internet) indicates
that undergraduate students possess the knowledge of internet as the mean of each item stands above the benchmark
mean with a cluster grand mean of 3.34 and standard deviation of 0.69 which equally stands above the benchmark
mean.Thus, it is agreed that undergraduate students of the university possess knowledge of basic ICT skills
(knowledge of MS-word/Excel, PowerPoint, Search Engine and the Internet) which are relevant for them to study
and learn effectively.
Table 2. Mean and Standard Deviation of ICT skills possessed by undergraduate students based on gender
Gender of Students N Mean Std. Deviation
Male 186 3.31 .34
Female 135 3.30 .33
Table 2 above shows that the mean of the male undergraduate student is only slightly different from that of their
female counterparts. However, both means of the male and female students show that the undergraduate students
possess adequate ICT skills that enable them to learn effectively.
Table 3. Mean and Standard Deviation of ICT skills possessed by undergraduate students based on educational level
Academic Level of students N Mean Std. Deviation
100 Level 28 3.12 .32
200 Level 55 3.29 .30
300 Level 130 3.30 .34
400 Level 60 3.31 .33
500 Level 48 3.46 .30
The result from table 3 above shows that the ICT skills of undergraduate students differ based on their educational
level. The 500 level students have the highest skills, followed by 400 levels, 300 levels, 200 levels and 100 levels
which have the least mean. Notwithstanding, the various means indicated that all the levels possess enough ICT
skills that will help them to learn properly.
Table 4. Mean and Standard Deviation on the Challenges faced by students in utilizing ICT skills needed by
undergraduate students for effective learning
Item Statement N Mean Standard
The result from table 4 above shows that there are limited e-learning facilities as agreed by the students in item 1.
Responses to item 2 show that there is free-Wi-Fi all over the university environment, as such, it is not a challenge.
Also, responses to item 3 show that projectors are non-functional and lacking in the classrooms within the school
environment. Item 4 shows that there are e-learning classrooms/libraries within the school, as such; it does not pose
as a challenge. Finally, item 5 shows that the issue of power supply is not a challenge as responded to by the
Table 5. t-test analysis of the difference in the mean response of male and female undergraduate students on their
ICT skills
Group N Mean Std. Deviation Df t-cal Sig. (2-tailed) Decision
Male 186 3.31 .34 319 .46 .75 Not Sig.
Female 135 3.30 .33
The table above show that the there is no significant difference in the mean response of male and female UNN
undergraduate students in terms of the ICT skills they possess. This is because the table 5 shows that the probability
associated with the t-value .46 for the difference in mean of ICT skills of male and female Undergraduate students of
the University is .75. Thus, the Ho is upheld.
Table 6. ANOVA Summary table for mean response on ICT skills based on educational level
Variables Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. Decision
Between Groups 2027.79 4 506.95 4.976 .001 Sig.
Within Groups 32193.57 316 101.88
From the table 6 above, it is seen that the F-value (4.976) is significant at 0.001. This level is less than the 0.05 level
of significance which the Ho hypothesis was tested at. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and there is therefore a
significant difference in the ICT skills of undergraduate students in terms of their academic levels. This result was
followed by a Post hoc test (Scheffe test) in table 7 to identify where the difference lie.
Table 7. Post Hoc multiple Comparison tables of ICT skills of undergraduate students based on educational level
(I) Academic Level of (J) Academic Level of Mean Std. Error Sig.
students students Difference(I-J)
100 Level 200 Level -5.34156 2.34326 .270
300 Level -5.50659 2.10290 .147
400 Level -5.84762 2.31008 .174
500 Level -10.50595* 2.40020 .001
200 Level 100 Level 5.34156 2.34326 .270
300 Level -.16503 1.62358 1.000
400 Level -.50606 1.88423 .999
500 Level -5.16439 1.99369 .155
300 Level 100 Level 5.50659 2.10290 .147
200 Level .16503 1.62358 1.000
400 Level -.34103 1.57533 1.000
500 Level -4.99936 1.70474 .075
400 Level 100 Level 5.84762 2.31008 .174
200 Level .50606 1.88423 .999
300 Level .34103 1.57533 1.000
500 Level -4.65833 1.95459 .227
500 Level 100 Level 10.50595* 2.40020 .001
200 Level 5.16439 1.99369 .155
300 Level 4.99936 1.70474 .075
400 Level 4.65833 1.95459 .227
* The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level
The Post Hoc result in table 7 above shows the significance difference is only between the 100 level students and the
500 level students,whereas, no difference exist among other levels.
4. Discussion
The result of the analysis from table one showed that the students possess knowledge of Microsoft world/Excel,
PowerPoint, Search Engines and the Internet. This shows that these skills are paramount for effective learning to take
place in this ICT age. This agrees with the finding of the study carried out by Siddiquah and Salim (2017) that
students possess basic knowledge on ICT skills such as knowledge of MS Word, MS Power Point, searching and
browsing the internet and among others. This agreement is perhaps due to the reason that ICT has been found to be
the driving force of this modern age and also enhances learning.
The result from table two revealed that there was no difference in the ICT skills possessed by both male and female
students which would enhance their easy learning. This implies that both gender realized the crucial role ICT plays in
facilitating learning. This is in disagreement with the findings of (Alakpodia, 2014; Ramayah & Osman, 2005) who
reported higher ICT skills in favor of male and also Manda and Mulkangara as cited in Basri, Aladejani and
Almadani (2018) who reported that ICT adoption is more likely to favor the female than the male. Perhaps, this
disparity is due to the fact that the studies were carried out in different location.
The result of the analysis from table three indicated that there exists a difference among the levels. An ANOVA
result conducted further revealed that the difference was significant in the ICT skills possessed by the students. A
Post Hoc (Scheffe) test was conducted to find out where the difference lies; it was found that the difference was only
between 100 level and 500 level students. This could imply that as the students progress in their academics, they feel
the need to continue to improve on their ICT skills so as to be able to meet up with the demands of each level in
terms of ICT usage. This finding contradicts the findings of Kaminski, Switzer & Gloeckner, (2009), who in their
study reported that no difference exists between new and old undergraduate students in terms of their ICT skills and
(Stromso, Grottum & Lycke, 2004), who also stated that the usage of ICT does not increase with time among
students. Perhaps, this difference is due to the reason that the studies were done in different environment and
different skills were probably measured.
The result fromtable fourshows that students do not experience challenges in the area of Wi-Fi network,
e-classrooms/libraries and in the area of power supply. However, students reported having challenges of limited
e-classroom facilities and problem of non-functional/limited projectors in classrooms. This agrees with the results of
(Ayim, 2005; Odede & Enakerakpo, 2010) who reported infrastructures and facilities are a challenge of ICT among
students and as such needs to be provided.
5. Conclusions
This study investigated the relevant ICT skills possessed by UNN undergraduate students that are relevant for
effective learning. The result obtained and analysis of the data gotten led to the rejection of one null hypothesis and
failure to reject one null hypothesis formulated in the study. The conclusion thus from this study is that UNN
undergraduate students possess ICT skills that are useful for easy learning among the students. Based on gender,
these skills do not differ significantly. Thus, gender has no significance influence on the ICT skills of male and
female undergraduate students. However, in terms of the students` academic level, there is a significant difference in
favor of the highest level. Hence, the ICT skills of undergraduate students are supposed to be increasing as they go
higher in their academics. Consequently, it was shown that students face some challenges of infrastructures/facilities
with respect to ICT in the university. It is therefore recommended that students be encouraged to continue to improve
on their ICT skills as it will enable them strive well academically and that school authorities should ensure adequate
and proper infrastructures/ICT facilities be put in place within the university environment. Also government should
see to it that school development and ICT improvement funds be duly utilized by university bodies.
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