ITECH3002 - Assignment 2 - Entrepreneurship Project
ITECH3002 - Assignment 2 - Entrepreneurship Project
ITECH3002 - Assignment 2 - Entrepreneurship Project
This assessment enables students to develop their report writing skills, information presentation
skills, oral communication skills, video recording and editing skills, as well as an opportunity to
research and plan an IT business concept.
Assessment Details
The entrepreneurial process includes all the functions, activities and actions that are part
of perceiving opportunities and creating organisations to pursue them. Bill Gates and
Steve Jobs are examples of entrepreneurial leaders who drove the information technology
revolution that transformed the way in which we live, work, and play (Zacharakis, Bygrave
& Corbett, 2016).
Moore (1986) and Bygrave (2004) developed a four-stage model depicting the
entrepreneurial process. The process begins with recognising an opportunity from a
business problem and creating a business concept that articulates it. For the first steps,
the entrepreneur (1) builds a concept to solve the business challenge; (2) fashions a story
that conveys the meaning of the new venture, and (3) prepares a presentation that tells
the story and explains the concept to potential customers, investors and partners. After
testing the concept with stakeholders, the entrepreneur may go on to develop a complete
business plan.
a) undertake ideation and research then create a written report of 4-6 pages with 12pt
fonts (do not break page limit, no need for cover page, TOC and separate reference page)
and around 1,000 words, which champions a new ITbusiness concept, and
Specifically, you are to invent/imagine a new business that you might want to set-up.
This business should have something to do with Information Technology – for
• You want to create a business that sells computers with Linux installed
instead of Windows, and which provides a limited degree of support to
• You want to set up a company which sells its own-created software, which is
software designed to help primary school children learn to read by having
words/phrases/characters appear on the screen with pictures, etc.
• You want to create a business that first creates an app that allows for mobile-phone
issued tickets to sporting events, so that paper tickets are not needed by the
spectators, and then the company looks for interested “customers” such as the
companies which run sporting leagues to get those companies to adopt this ticketing
Once you have decided the topic of your business, you need to investigate how you would
be able to set-up that business. You need to develop a set of plans (as mentioned in the
lecture), for how you would start the business. You need to create a presentation in the form
of a recording, topresent key aspects of what is included in your report.
The written report should be in the format of a business report including the following sections:
• Operations plan – Identify the problem and discuss the business opportunity that
may address it, showing an understanding of the market and potential customers.
Also discuss (as appropriate) business details, registration details, premises,
organisational chart, management and ownership, key personnel, products and/or
• Marketing and social entrepreneurship plan – Define your marketing strategy this
should include: target market, market segmentation, unique value proposition, SWOT
analysis, marketing mix and marketing communication and social media (includes
details of marketingtools and advertising approach).
• Financial plan – Explain the business/revenue model that your will utilise to realise the
opportunity. Produce a projected budget, this should include all revenue/income and
expense projections for the first 12 months. Indicate all sample costs such as
registrations, insurance, plant and equipment, office equipment etc. (as appropriate).
A high quality report will include detailed accurate descriptions of all elements of the
business plan. It will demonstrate clear and concise language and provide evidence of
research from quality authentic sources.
For the best presentation of your business plan, you should adopt ‘writing for scanning’
by making use of the following formats (do not write long paragraphs):
• dot lists or numbered lists
• key word headings
• tables
• graphs or images
Video Presentation
You will be required to make 5 ppt slides and do a 5 minute presentation for week 11 tutorial
class. The ppt document will be posted in week 11 tutorial forum (NOT to be submitted with
your report). You may record the 5 minutes video using Kaltura or some other appropriate
video editing software in which you will discuss your business idea. You can then post your
video to YouTube and link the video to your ppt slide. Alternatively, you may do a voice
recording over your ppt slides, that will also be regarded as a video recording.
Academic Presentation
For assistance in report writing techniques, see:
This assignment will be marked by the course coordinator, lecturer and/or tutors. Feedback
andmarks will be provided individually in Moodle. Marks will also be available in FDL Marks.
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is
one's own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy
your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the
plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at
The work you submit must not have been created for a previous assessment inyour degree.
Please refer to the Course Description for information regarding late assignments, extensions, and
special consideration.
1. Bygrave, W., & Zacharakis, A. (Eds.). (2009). The portable MBA in entrepreneurship (4th ed.).
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
2. Moore, C. F. (1986). Understanding Entrepreneurial Behavior: A Definition and Model. In
Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 1986, No. 1, pp. 66-70). Briarcliff Manor, NY:
Academy of Management.
3. Zacharakis, A., Bygrave, W., & Corbett, A. (2016). Entrepreneurship (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: