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(For candidates admitted from 2007-2008 onwards)


B.Com. DEGREE EXAMINATION,NOVEMBER 2011 Part III-Commerce-Major S.No. 4683 T BANKING AND INSURANCE Time: 3 Hours SECTION A ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1. What is Commercial banks? 10*2=20 NSCM7 Marks:100

2. What is sound lending?

3. What do mean by monetary policy?

4. What is credit control?

5. What is cheque?

6. Describe the meaning of telebanking.

7. What is life insurance?

8. Write short note on IRDA.

9. What do you mean by property insurance?

10. What is crop insurance?



Answer ALL Questions 11. (a). What are the different types of Deposits?

(Or) (b). Explain the Indian commercial banking structure.

12. (a). How does the RBI credit control?

(Or) (b). Define monetary policy. Discuss its objectives.

13. (a). What do you mean by E-banking? State its benefits.

(Or) (b). what are the different types of Crossing?

14. (a). Explain the functions of IRDA?

(Or) (b). Define insurance. Explain its importance.

15. (a). What is life insurance business? Describe .

(Or) (b). What are the advantages of private insurance company?



Answer ALL Questions 16. (a). Explain the functions of commercial banks.


(b). What are the principles of sound lending?

17. (a). Explain the main functions of RBI .

(Or) (b). Discuss the role played by RBI in the provision of agricultural credit.

18. (a). Examine the precautions to be taken by a banker before honouring a cheque .


(b). Explain the statutory protection available to the collecting banker in india.

19. (a). Explain the different types of insurance.

(Or) (b). Discuss the important clauses in marine insurance.

20. (a). Describe personal insurance and state its features and coverage .

(Or) (b). What is Rural insurance? Explain the need for it.


(For candidates admitted from 2007-2008 onwards)


B.Com. DEGREE EXAMINATION,NOVEMBER 2011 Part III-Commerce-Major S.No. 4683 T BANKING AND INSURANCE Time: 3 Hours SECTION A ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1. Who is called banker? 10*2=20 NSCM7 Marks:100

2. What is Universal banking?

3. What is credit control?

4. What is minimum reserve system?

5. What is crossing?

6. What is paying banker?.

7. What is General insurance?

8. Who is called insurance agents?

9. What do you mean by crop insurance?

10. What is poultry insurance?



Answer ALL Questions 11. (a). What are the principles of sound lending?

(Or) (b). what are the different types of advances?

12. (a). Discuss the characteristics of RBI.

(Or) (b). Central bank is the lender of the last resort-Discuss.

13. (a). What are the features of cheque?

(Or) (b). State the significance of special Crossing.

14. (a). Explain the power of IRDA?

(Or) (b). What are the special features of fire insurance?

15. (a). write a note on the types of property insurance policies.

(Or) (b). What is crop insurance? Explain its objectives and special features,



Answer ALL Questions 16. (a). Explain the precautions to be taken by the bank before sanctioning an advance..


(b). Enumerate various modern services rendered by commercial banks.

17. (a). Explain the role of monetary policy in developing country.

(Or) (b). Explain the functions of RBI.

18. (a). Explain the precautions to be taken while opening account in the name of minor.

(Or) (b). Discuss the special relationship between banker and customer.

19. (a). Explain the differences between life insurance and general insurance

(Or) (b). What are the principles of insurance?

20. (a). Privatisation of insurance company is not suitable for the development of the country. Elucidate.

(Or) (b). Explain the meaning of marine insurance and state its types.


(For candidates admitted from 2007-2008 onwards)


B.Com. DEGREE EXAMINATION,NOVEMBER 2011 Part III-Commerce-Allied S.No. 4680 T BUSINESS STATISTICS NSCMY 2 Marks:100 SECTION A ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1. What is secondary data? 10*2=20

Time: 3 Hours

2. What is primary data?

3. What is Harmonic mean?

4. What is standard deviation?

5. Give any two merits of skewness.

6. What do you mean by regression equation?

7. What is correlation?

8. Who is interpolation?

9. What do you mean by cost of living index?

10. What is Time series?



Answer ALL Questions 11. (a). Describe the limitations of statistics.

(Or) (b). calculate mean from the following data: R. No 1 Marks 40 2 50 3 55 4 78 5 58 6 60 7 73 8 35 9 43 10 48

1 40

2 50

3 55

4 78

5 58

6 60

7 73

8 35

9 43

10 48

12. (a). Distinguish between mean deviation and standard deviation.

(Or) (b). Calculate mean deviation from the following series: X F 10 3 11 12 12 18 13 12 14 3


10 3

11 12

12 18

13 12

14 3

13. (a). What are the uses of regression analysics?

(Or) (b). Find the correlation between the heights and weights given below: Height Weight 57 113 59 117 62 126 63 126 64 130 65 129 55 111 58 116 57 112

57 113

59 117

62 126

63 126

64 130

65 129

55 111

58 116

57 112

14. (a). what are the different types of index numbers?

(Or) (b). Extrapolate the profit for the year 1997 from the following data: Year : 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 31 42 51 65 80 Profit (000) :

: (000) :

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 31 42 51 65 80

15. (a). Enumerate the uses of time series.

(Or) (b). Draw a trend line by the method of semi-averages. Year : 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 75 81 110 106 120 Sales (000) :60

:1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 (000) :60 75 81 110 106 120 5*10=50


Answer ALL Questions 16. (a). Define statistics. Explain its functions.

(Or) (b). Calculate H.M of the following data: Marks: Frequency 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 15 13 8 6 15 7 6

30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 15 13 8 6 15 7 6

17. (a). Calculate the mean deviation from mean for the following data. Class interval: 2-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 Frequency : 3 4 2 1 : : 2-4 3 4-6 4 6-8 2 (Or) (b). Find the coefficient of skewness from the data given below Size Frequency : : 3 7 4 10 5 14 6 35 7 102 8 136 9 43 10 8 8-10 1

: :

3 7

4 10

5 14

6 35

7 102

8 136

9 43

10 8

18. (a). Calculate the two regression equation of X on Y and Y on X from the data given below Price(Rs.) Amt demand 10 40 12 38 13 43 12 45 16 37 15 43

10 40

12 38

13 43

12 45 (Or)

16 37

15 43

(b). A random sample of 5 college students is selected and their grades in mathematics and statistics given below: 1 Mathematics: Statistics : 85 93 2 60 75 3 73 65 4 40 50 5 90 80

1 : 85

2 60

3 73

4 40

5 90






19. (a). Calculate all the possible index numbers. 1995 Commodity 20 50 40 20 Price 8 10 15 20 Quantity 40 60 50 20 Price 6 5 15 25 2005 Quantity

1995 20 50 40 20 8 10 15 20 (Or) 40 60 50 20

2005 6 5 15 25

(b). Interpolation the production for 2003 from the data given below: Year Production 2000 2002 2004 2006 100 112 136 180

2000 2002 2004 2006 100 112 136 180

20. (a). Fit a straight line trend by the .method of least square method and find out the sales for the year 2001 Year Sales 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 70 74 80 86 90

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 70 74 80 86 90 (Or) (b). What are the methods of fore casting? .


(For candidates admitted from 2007-2008 onwards)


B.Com. DEGREE EXAMINATION,NOVEMBER 2011 Part III-Commerce-Allied S.No. 4680 T BUSINESS STATISTICS NSCMY 2 Marks:100 SECTION A ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1. Define the term statistics. 10*2=20

Time: 3 Hours

2. What is Secondary data?

3. What is geometric mean?

4. What is mean deviation?

5. What is rank correlation?

6. What do you mean by Quartile deviation ?

7. What do you mean by regression analysis ?

8. What is index number?

9. What is extrapolation?

10. What is business forecasting?



Answer ALL Questions 11. (a). What are the sources of secondary data?

(Or) (b). calculate mean from the following data: Less than Frequency 10 4 20 10 30 15 40 25 50 30 60 35 70 45 80 65

10 4

20 10

30 15

40 25

50 30

60 35

70 45

80 65

12. (a). What do you understand by co-efficient of skewness? What are the various methods of measuring skewness?.

(Or) (b). Calculate standard deviation from the following series:


1 43

2 48

3 65

4 57

5 31

6 60

7 37

8 48

9 78

10 59


1 43

2 48

3 65

4 57

5 31

6 60

7 37

8 48

9 78

10 59

13. (a). What are the methods of correlation?

(Or) (b). Calculate coefficient of correlation from the following data: X Y 12 14 9 8 8 6 10 9 11 11 13 12 7 3


12 14

9 8

8 6

10 9

11 11

13 12

7 3

14. (a). what are the steps in the construction of cost of living index number?

(Or) (b). Calculate all the possible index numbers. 1995 Commodity 20 50 40 20 Price 8 10 15 20 Quantity 40 60 50 20 Price 6 5 15 25 2005 Quantity

1995 20 8 50 10 40 15 20 20 15. (a). what are the steps in forecasting?. 40 60 50 20

2005 6 5 15 25

(Or) (b). Draw a trend line by the method of semi-averages. Year : 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 110 105 115 112 120 118 130 Sales (000) :

: (000) :

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 110 105 115 112 120 118 130

SECTION C Answer ALL Questions 16. (a). Describe the methods of collecting primary data.


(Or) (b). Calculate the Mean, Median and Mode for the following data: Daily earnings(Rs): 50-53 53-56 56-59 59-62 62-65 65-68 68-71 71-74 74-77 No of persons :3 8 14 30 36 28 16 10 5

(Rs): 50-53 53-56 56-59 59-62 62-65 65-68 68-71 71-74 74-77 : 3 8 14 30 36 28 16 10 17. (a). Calculate Bowleys measure of skewness from the following data. Payment of commission (Rs) 1000-1200 1200-1400 1400-1600 1600-1800 1800-2000 2000-2200 2200-2400 2400-2600 2600-2800 2800-3000 No of Salesman 4 10 16 29 52 80 32 23 17 7 5

1000-1200 1200-1400 1400-1600 1600-1800 1800-2000 2000-2200 2200-2400 2400-2600 2600-2800 2800-3000

4 10 16 29 52 80 32 23 17 7 (Or)

(b). Calculate standard deviation from the following Marks No of students : : 10 8 20 12 30 20 40 10 50 7 60 3

: :

10 8

20 12

30 20

40 10

50 7

60 3

18. (a). Determine the equation of a straight line which best fits data: X Y : : 10 10 12 22 13 24 16 27 17 29 20 33 25 37


: :

10 10

12 22

13 24

16 27

17 29 (Or)

20 33

25 37

(b). Calculate the coefficient of correlation by Karl Pearsons method: X Y 6 9 2 11 10 ? 4 8 8 7

Arithmetic mean of X and Y series are 6 and 8 respectively.


6 9

2 11

10 ?

4 8

8 7

19. (a). Taking 1999 as base, the index numbers of wholesale prices of a commodity are given below: Year: Index 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 100 120 190 200 206 230 300

Construct a new series taking 2002 as base.

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 100 120 190 200 206 230 300

(Or) (b) Calculate the money wages and cost of living index numbers based on 1999: Year Wages(Rs): 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 65 70 110 75 120 80 130 90 150 100 200 120 250

Cost of living index 100

Calculate the real wages index numbers.

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 (Rs): 65 100 70 110 75 120 80 130 90 150 100 200 120 250

20. (a). Calculate trend value from the following data using the method of least square Year Production 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 7 9 12 15 18 23

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 7 9 12 15 (Or) (b). What is sampling? What are the methods of sampling? &&&&&& 18 23

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