Pollution: Ways To Reduce It in Our Community: Shinas College of Technology
Pollution: Ways To Reduce It in Our Community: Shinas College of Technology
Pollution: Ways To Reduce It in Our Community: Shinas College of Technology
[semester -2]2017-2018
Pollution: Ways to
Reduce it in Our
Submitted by: Manar Mohammed Ali Almamari
ID: 61J17786
Group No: 2
Introduction .3
Nowadays, the world is experiencing pollution in very large scale. Pollution means
the addition of solid, gaseous and liquid materials into the environment, making it
unsafe to live. These materials damage all living organisms on earth. Also, pollution is
very injurious to the health of people, animal and plants, because pollution cause
diseases and infections. It occurs because of throwing rubbish into the environment.
Also, pollution has caused by some new industries. There is pollution of all kinds and
this has caused serious challenges in world. The effects of the activities of pollution
water, soil, land, air and noise. For example, water pollution it occurs because when
people go to the sea and they throw anything into the sea. Another form of pollution is
air pollution it comes from factories, the smoke of car and aircrafts. Also it cause air
pollution to existing organisms. We also have land pollution. Some of the causes of
this pollution are solid waste such as the metal cans, plastic and others. For these
reason, pollution is one of the most serious problems facing our societies in our
.current time
Purpose .3.1
The purpose of this project is try to find a solution to solve this problem in
.communities and reduce this it, also defined the causes of pollution
Objectives .3.2
Literature Review 4.1
Pollution is one of the important problems in our world. We hear about this problem
every day in our schools and colleges. Also, we read about it from newspapers and the
internet. Even though, pollution is an environmental issue, it can cause many health
problems. In this essay, I will explain the different types of pollutions, and its causes
.and effects
?What is pollution
Based on what is stated by Rinkesh, Pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the
natural surroundings; which brings about changes that affect our normal lifestyles
adversely. Pollutants refer to the waste materials of different forms and they are the
key elements of pollution. Besides that, Pollution effects our ecosystem and the
balance in the environment. Pollution has reached its peak; giving rise to global
warming and human illness with modernization and development in our lives . In
addition Pollution occurs in different forms; air, water, soil, radioactive, noise, heat/
thermal and light. Generally, the occurrence of pollution has two sources ; the point
and the whereas the non-point sources are hard to control.
1 . Air Pollution: It considers as the most prominent and dangerous form of pollution.
It happens due to many reasons. Excessive burning of fuel which is a necessity of our
daily lives for cooking, driving and other industrial activities such as: releases a huge
amount of chemical substances in the air every day.
2. Water Pollution: It’s not less dangerous than the air pollution. Almost 60% of the
species live in water bodies. It happens for several reasons; the industrial wastes
dumped into the rivers and other water bodies cause an imbalance in the water leading
to its severe contamination and death of aquatic species. It might be a good idea to
hire an expert to see your options, If you suspect that nearby water sources have been
contaminated by a corporation.
3.Soil pollution: Generally, It occurs because of the incorporation
of unwanted chemicals in the soil due to human activities. For example:
Using of insecticides and pesticides absorb the nitrogen compounds from
the soil making it unfit for plants to derive nutrition from. Also, releasing
of industrial waste, mining and deforestation can exploits the soil. Plants
can’t hold the soil and this leads to soil erosion because they can’t grow
properly .
Ozone Layer Depletion: Ozone layer is the thin shield high up in the .3
sky that stops ultra violet rays from reaching the earth. As a result of
human activities, chemicals, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), were
released to the atmosphere which contributed to the depletion of ozone