Islamiyat o Levels Passages
Islamiyat o Levels Passages
Islamiyat o Levels Passages
Theme of this long verse is God himself. It’s a verse of sura al-Baqarah, a
Madni sura. It begins with the expression of the shahada (declaration of
oneness of God) and then elaborates various aspects of unity of God that
make him matchless God is fee from all weaknesses and limitations, has
perfect knowledge of all times, is not dependent on anyone for his survival
and enjoys autonomy in exercising His authority. His authority and his rule
encompass the entire universe. This makes God not only unique but also
elevates him to the heights, we just can’t imagine and that is mentioned in
the Quran as: “then he established himself on the throne” (10:3, 13:2)
Importance of the Theme:
This passage tells Muslims to believe in Tawhid in terms of God’s
uniqueness, majesty and glory. The theme is important for Muslims as it
crystallizes the belief of Tawhid and trains them to condemn shirk. There is
repetitive mention of God’s authority, unlimited knowledge and powers in
order to strengthen the faith of its readers. For example, it says “He is
exalted in power, Wise. He created the heavens without any pillars”31:9-10,
luqman) and “but God is the one free of all wants “(35:15,Fatir). The
objective is to remind Muslims that God alone is to be worshipped and no
authority can be compared with him. Many Muslims recite this verse
regularly to reiterate God’s power and high position as compared to any
worldly authority.
2: Surah: 6. 101—103 (Al-
A: Theme:
Theme of this passage is God in Himself. It elaborates some of the
fundamental aspects of unity of God (Tawhid). It describes God as the
originator of universe and rejects any kind of misconception of God having
any family. It also refers to His unbounded knowledge, power and grasp on
His created world. The passage further stresses on the sublime nature of
God and inability of human imagination to encompass God’s person, though
He himself can see to the unfathomable depths, as endorsed elsewhere in
the Quran: “for God is He Who understands the finest mysteries” (22:63).
B: Importance of the theme
This passage is important for Muslims to clearly understand the doctrine of
Tawhid in terms of God’s nature and powers. Muslims need to learn that
though God is too sublime to be perceived, He is everywhere and all
powerful. The Quran reminds Muslims this repeatedly: “and He is with you
where ever you are” (57:04, Al-hadid), and “for We are nearer to him (man)
than his jugular vein” (50:16, Qaf). The passage also categorically negates
the false belief of God having any wife or children and thus, it strikes at the
roots of shirk (associating partners with God). Muslims, in this way, develop
a clearer concept of tawhid and feel themselves bound to adore God only.
They remember that shirk is the only unpardonable sin in the sight of God.
This passage, like surah 93, teaches Muslims to have faith in God’s support
that surely teaches the noble people. The holy prophet was assured of
“abundance” in the face of persecutions in Makkah. This “abundance” came
in the form of his countless followers and his descendants through his
daughter Fatima. His insulters, on the other hand, perished forever. So, a
noble mission always survives though it is rejected by the misguided people.
The Quran testifies to it: “rejected were the Messengers before you; with
patience and constancy they bore their rejection“ (6:34, al-An’aam). The
passage teaches Muslims to develop spirit of sacrifice and establish prayer
as these are the best means of getting closer to their lord, as is endorsed by
the Quran: “and establish regular prayer in order to remember Me” (20:14,