Last Workshop in SSI, moving to Berry Italy in South.
Cosmology of new technology. In the last few workshops have shown the creation of universe but knowledge is not deep enough to understand what is hidden there. (19 min). Nasa has photo of Central Black Hole in Universe, not correct. When the neutron loses its balance it divides and splits into 2 streams, 1 proton and 1 electron, they develop into their own MG field strength. Ejection of plasma from the last Universe. The shape of the new Universe is oval, get formation of matter as field strengths change. This assumption changes everything in world of Physics and Cosmology. (30 min). This shows how "god particles" are formed, interaction leads to ballooning effect. First time we understand the creation of the Universe. Superconductive environments at room temperature. He explains 0 voltage and low amperage. A lot of mysteries solved in Physic with this model, a new dimension to Physics needs to be added. Travel without resistance. Einstein not wrong, but the speed of light is for Matter State. Food going through the stomach is using the same principle. Instantaneously destroy any Cancer cell. In the body, the Energy conversion comes from Plasmatic conversion, not from electron friction. (1:26 ) Questions. Hemoglobin and lymph from Nano coating and gans video. (1:45). Two Materials link up and create an infinity loop (trinity), you don't attract other elements, but can link up to it. Have to look at the total environment. This how thymus and paratarid glands in body change matter into a higher order. Italy needs to reprocess the radioactive waste, use this method. Add neutron to material so it becomes a new material. By adding a Gans to a material, the MG fields adds and proton absorbed into a new neutron and the extra energy adds to total plasma and you get a plasma that behaves like different material, like an isotope. Why nucleus shares the charge, single or double bonds. (2:30) They're creating H2O from the air around CO2 boxes. Keshe experiment, two boxes within boxes, the one that drain energy with LED light produced water outside, the one without produced salt, solid state of matter. (Oasis kit drain current and produce water). (2:52). Think of the hot water and caustic, you added the energy to the top layers to open up and become Nano layers. You do not produce materials you produce the environment the leads to the production to materials you want. Hint, if you keep electrodes near each other no potential difference (voltage), same with plates. As you move them away you get voltage. You create a Gans into a matter. Have to use micro-volt, atomic wattage. You're actually doing cold fusion in you CO2 kits, how can the plasma of a C attract 2 O and make one plasma out of it? You are doing cold fusion at room temperature!! All of you have achieved the dream of man and you don't know it. You're using nano-wattage to light LED. Shocking to Physics world. If you have understood you should be able to convert a Gans to a Matter state. (Lucian joke about Pentagon). You can use a single Gans instead of multiple. Most of the activity of the Reactors is at night (only MG fields of planet and not sun), the sun's MG field affects them in daytime. There are Gans and Gas reactors and nuclear Gans, could use Gans Hydrogen and achieve lift rapidly. No governmental support to do this work, Deuterium single Hydrogen. Brat can get Deuterium out of nowhere from Military. Tritium is needed, through plutonium conversion, then can use single Gans. (3:21) You have to learn the Totality for this technology and governments have to come along. The EU had a high level meeting on what to do with Keshe Foundation in regards to Health side. they decided to leave it, as it might not come to fruition. Damage to the pharmaceutical industry can be horrendous. So Japan is not allowed to use technology to help Fukoshima, because EU against would not allow you to give 2% to Keshe Foundation. So this technology must go through the masses. Italy broke ranks. People are only taking and not giving any donations. Years ago they won 25 million from Richard Branson (Al Gore), not received anything.