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Easy Learning Plasma

Teaching Series

Class 1
Part 1 – Introduction about KF

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Welcome everyone, to this introductory class about
the new plasma science developed by the Keshe
Foundation. This class is intended for ordinary
people and those who do not necessarily have a
background in science. So everyone please take
ease and don't worry about big sounding words like
advanced technology and that only a few, what we
call, "smart people," can understand it. This
technology is so easy to understand that everyone
can learn regardless of your background. It only
requires openness of heart, and willingness to share.
The beauty of this technology is that we see it and
use all the time without ever having known about it.
And now it is the time for us as humanity to learn
about the mysteries of life, and begin a whole new
era on planet Earth.

In this first class we will give you an introduction

about the New Plasma Science, developed by the
Nuclear Physicist Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, and about
the Keshe Foundation, a Spaceship Institute

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First of I would like to invite all of
you that are here in this class to
freely join in the weekly KF
Knowledge Seekers Workshop
that are presented to the public
every Thursday without fail for
something like 7 years now. The
number is up to 370 KSW which
are from 3 to 5 hours each and
sometimes 10. It is phenomenal
how this massive amount of
"beyond imagination" knowledge
is being freely transferred to
humanity at this time in our
evolution. You can watch all
these workshops free on
Youtube… Whatever I we pass
to you in these classes will be
very limited in comparison what
you will find on the Keshe
Foundation website.
https://keshe.foundation/ https://kfssi.education/ https://spaceship.institute/
The Keshe Foundation is a scientific and non-religious organization
that works in the development of plasma technology for space travel
through positioning of magnetic and gravitational fields and not
through burning fuels. This research has lead to amazingly new
developments in Energy, Agriculture, Health, Transportation,
Environmental Cleanup and Care, and many others. It is a new view,
not only in what we know today, as Science and Technology, but a
whole different view of how we can live our lives in a peaceful manner
with the intention of unconditional giving.
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The KF has been freely sharing this knowledge across the world for more
than 10 years, The only thing it asks in return is that people live peacefully
and end all wars and stop the production of all tools of war, and to share the
knowledge freely with each other. There should be no discrimination based
on race, color, religion, economic status, and no one should be left out
including animals and other creatures on our planet. The beauty of this New
Science is the simplicity of it, anyone can learn it, from a housewife to a
scientist at the University.

Today we have living proof of this, where simple people from all over Brazil
are saving their lives and the lives of their neighbors by teaching this New
Science. With simple materials that you find around your house, you can
make your own Plasma lab and you will be able to save many lives and learn
at the same time, the knowledge of the Universe.

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The Nuclear Physicist M. T.
Keshe discovered this new
science more then 40 years ago
and through it he has been able
to fill in all the gaps that were
missing in our current
understanding of science and

A few years ago in the Rome

peace conference with world
ambassadors, Mr. Keshe offered
the technology free to all the
governments. The patented
technology was put on a USB
stick. Later President Obama
wrote to Mr. Keshe requesting
the USB stick.

https://keshe.foundation/ https://kfssi.education/ https://spaceship.institute/

The Foundation has been working for
years in cooperation with a lot of
entities and governments throughout
the world. All this information has been
well documented on the Keshe
Foundation website, please visit to find
out more. Just to name a few of the
things we have been involved in:
radiation decontamination in
Fukoshima after the nuclear accident
in Japan, The Ebola outbreak in Sierra
Leone, Disaster relief in Italian
earthquake, The African Swine Flu
outbreak in China, and much more.
Also, huge agricultural trials have been
going on now, in China for over a year
or two, showing the technology can
dramatically increase harvest
production without the use of fertilizers
or pesticides.

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In addition, Mr. Keshe
has been personally
involved in the following
peace processes in
Northern Ireland, the
conversion of industries
from war to peace
production in the
Eastern Bloc after the
fall of the Soviet Union,
the 5 plus 1 peace treaty
between Iran and United

https://keshe.foundation/ https://kfssi.education/ https://spaceship.institute/

The plasma technology
was used in the downing
of the most advanced
American drone by Iran
during the Obama
administration, and the
total disabling of the
American battleship in
the Black Sea as
Russian planes did a fly
over and 27 American
officers resigned their
commission. During
these demonstrations no
harm came to anybody.

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On the KF
website we have
thousands of
related to Health.

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Recently, there was a Chinese
man who was in a wheelchair
for 4 years with both
Alzheimer, and Parkinson’s,
and was taking handfuls of
pills, and was at the point of
no return. I think it was, within
30 days he was walking and
60 days running. You can see
the video for the details. He
was a very rich man who
owned a couple hospitals.

https://keshe.foundation/ https://kfssi.education/ https://spaceship.institute/

Other testimonials include
a person who recovered
their vision that had been
lost due to diabetes, and a
young woman with a brain
injury where the doctors
couldn't do anything for
her, as she lay in coma.
She was brought back
and parts of her brain
were re-grown, without
any surgical intervention.

https://keshe.foundation/ https://kfssi.education/ https://spaceship.institute/

You may be asking
yourself, why don't we
hear about it in the
mainstream media.
Quite simply, when this
technology comes out,
and it will come out, it
will completely change
the world as we know it.

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Or you may be thinking,
how can I learn about
such a knowledge, this
seems to be something
just for big scientists?

As it was said in the

beginning of this class,
the beauty of this New
Science and
Technology is that
anyone can learn it and
teach others.

Why don't we start from

the very beginning.

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Easy Learning Plasma
Teaching Series

Class 1
Part 2 – Plasma Teaching

https://keshe.foundation/ https://kfssi.education/ https://spaceship.institute/

First of all these teachings are not certified teachings from KF, they are just a
Knowledge Seekers own understanding that is being shared. Please do not memorize,
but rather ponder.

Introducing Plasma Concepts: Plasma can never harm, because you only take from
it what you need, and leave the rest.

The amazing thing about this new science, is that plasma can never harm. This is very
hard for us to understand and accept, because when we hear about fields and rays,
and these kind of things, we immediate think of nuclear radiation and how afraid we
are to even be near it. And how dangerous it is. We don't even want to know about it,
just stay away from it, leave to the "experts."

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We are not going to explain all that in the first go, but gradually, over time, you'll come
to realize that matter state physics, which nuclear belongs to, and Plasma, as in the
Knowledge of the Universe, are different levels of understanding in the evolution of
science on this planet. And that plasma can never be dangerous. It's like this, imagine
you were standing in front of Hiroshima when the bomb went off, that is matter state
physics. And then imagine the sunrise this morning, and you are standing and
watching, and enjoying the beauty of it. This is plasma science. And you feel the
emotion of love for the Sun, and you also feel that the Sun loves you. This is plasma
science. And this is what we want to share with you, so that you don't have to be afraid
anymore in life. And when you open up to the knowledge you become more and more
content inside, and you feel the freedom and power within. The power to do good to
yourself and others, the power to express what you always wanted to express, but
were afraid to. With this knowledge you become equal with the scientist, and all other
beings on the planet.

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This is what we want to help you to learn in these classes. We don't
want to get lost in mathematical formulas and complex ideas. We want
that you engage in the studies yourself, and that you open your heart
to it, become part of it. It's no good filling your mind with yet, more
"facts and figures." So please don't be afraid to experience something
new, something beyond your current boundaries. And please let us
know how we can help you to learn.

Before we close today, let's just introduce a little about how plasmas
are formed.

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As in the video, you have all kinds of rays and fields traveling through the Universe.
But what is it that make them come together and dance with each other?
Think about this.
Why do 2 rays suddenly come together, and start interacting with each other?
They may dance with each other, but they may not reach to the point of becoming
a plasma.
Then what happens?
If they can't hold together then they continue on their journey as rays, until they
meet another ray that suits them.

So when they start dancing and their dance reaches the point when they can hold
on to each other. They really love to be together, then there M and G fields find a
balance, and a plasma is formed. There is more to it, but this is the general idea. At
this point in the video, it shows the light of the plasma flash outward.

https://keshe.foundation/ https://kfssi.education/ https://spaceship.institute/

One way we can think of it is, try to imagine being a child and having to go to a new school where you
didn't know anybody. And then imagine that all the other children were in the same situation. So
nobody knew each other, all were just rays moving through space. And then the school has an
introduction event where everybody comes together to meet for the first time. Then imagine moving
around the auditorium not knowing anybody, but bumping into other rays, introducing yourself, others
starting to talk to you, hearing loud talking, laughter, people getting to know each other. And out of this
so called, "chaos," relationships are born. There are some people whom you can't stand to be near,
others you would like to meet but are maybe a little afraid to make the first move, and still others you
have an immediate attraction to. The emotions are like those rays in the video, they go out and bump
into other rays they feel attracted to. And when that dance gets strong enough, a plasma is born. We
call it a relationship, but isn't it really the same thing that is going on all over the Universe.
Is this what we call, the macro in the micro?
The repetition of an essential pattern?

So, you see, everyone can understand plasma -- if they want to.

From now until the next lesson, ponder over in a soft and gentle way what we have discussed here
today, and what does it mean to you in your life. And if you have a chance, read this lesson again,
maybe a whole new perspective will emerge.

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