1 - Easy Learning Plasma Science - Class 1
1 - Easy Learning Plasma Science - Class 1
1 - Easy Learning Plasma Science - Class 1
Teaching Series
Class 1
Part 1 – Introduction about KF
Today we have living proof of this, where simple people from all over Brazil
are saving their lives and the lives of their neighbors by teaching this New
Science. With simple materials that you find around your house, you can
make your own Plasma lab and you will be able to save many lives and learn
at the same time, the knowledge of the Universe.
Class 1
Part 2 – Plasma Teaching
Introducing Plasma Concepts: Plasma can never harm, because you only take from
it what you need, and leave the rest.
The amazing thing about this new science, is that plasma can never harm. This is very
hard for us to understand and accept, because when we hear about fields and rays,
and these kind of things, we immediate think of nuclear radiation and how afraid we
are to even be near it. And how dangerous it is. We don't even want to know about it,
just stay away from it, leave to the "experts."
Before we close today, let's just introduce a little about how plasmas
are formed.
So when they start dancing and their dance reaches the point when they can hold
on to each other. They really love to be together, then there M and G fields find a
balance, and a plasma is formed. There is more to it, but this is the general idea. At
this point in the video, it shows the light of the plasma flash outward.
So, you see, everyone can understand plasma -- if they want to.
From now until the next lesson, ponder over in a soft and gentle way what we have discussed here
today, and what does it mean to you in your life. And if you have a chance, read this lesson again,
maybe a whole new perspective will emerge.