Compelling Educators' Needs: Graduate Studies Pursuits

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Compelling Educators’ Needs: Graduate

Studies Pursuits
Eljean L. Flores¹; Mary Grace Casing²; Ronel V. Sudaria³
¹Unipace Corporation, Malaybalay, Bukidnon
²Rescue Agency, Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental
³Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon

Abstract:- This study utilized descriptive survey design to practical skills.

explore several factors influencing teachers' decisions to
pursue graduate studies that includes professional According to Bazil T. Sabacajan in her research on the
development, personal fulfillment, career advancement, BE-LCP Implementation: Challenges and Opportunities, the
family and peer influence, and educational attainment. extensive roles and responsibilities of teachers provided them
All gathered data were analyzed using ANOVA as the with significant opportunities to influence the delivery of
researcher’s statistical tool. One hundred secondary educational services to learners.
school teachers from Apyao National High School and
Kiburiao National High School in Quezon, Bukidnon The challenge of elevating teachers’ quality, essential
were surveyed. The research aims to pinpoint if there are for achieving sustainable national development. In DepEd
significant differences on their motivation to pursue Order #42, Series of 2017, the National Adoption and
graduate studies based on demographic variables of Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for
teachers such as age, civil status, gender, school last Teachers is the new professional standard for teachers, and it
attended, years of service as a teacher, current position, has been stated that the quality of learning is dependent on
and monthly income. Findings revealed that teachers the quality of teaching.
were highly motivated to continue postgraduate studies,
but their civil status affected their decision. Singles were The demanding qualifications that applicants in DepEd
motivated to pursue and finish graduate studies and must possess to be hired. In DepEd Order No. 007, Series of
prioritize career stability over the heavy responsibility of 2017, which outlines the new hiring guidelines for teacher
having a family compared to married teachers who applicants, using the pointing and scoring of credentials being
prioritize responsibility to their family. stated there, applicants who completed only a bachelor’s
degree will receive no credited points for their undergraduate
Keywords:- Motivating Factors, Graduate Studies, education. Only those who have master’s and doctor’s
Professional Development. degrees will be credited with points. Thus, pursuing graduate
studies becomes advantageous for gaining points and
I. INTRODUCTION improving competitiveness among applicants.

The Philippine education realm has significantly With major educational reforms that have been adapted
undergone reforms in recent years with the implementation of by education here in our country, there is a necessity to
K-12. To address the short- and long-term problems that encourage teachers to be adequately equipped to achieve the
include unequal educational opportunities across different goal of imparting learning to their students. The need for
regions, poor infrastructure, and low teachers’ compensation, teachers to undergo continuous learning by enrolling in
the budget for education was raised by the government (Fitch graduate studies is essential to effectively influence students
Solutions Country Industry Reports, 2023). in many aspects. This study explores several factors
influencing teachers' decisions to pursue graduate studies
The COVID-19 pandemic brought several problems and including: career advancement, educational attainment,
challenges, including restrictions on face-to-face classroom family influence, professional development, and personal
setups and the suspension of classes due to health risks. In fulfillment.
response, the Department of Education (DepEd) implemented
the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP). Career advancement, the first factor that a teacher
While BE-LCP offered certain advantages, it also presented proceeds to graduate studies, is moving up a ladder in your
challenges that needed to be addressed. These included job. It means getting promotions, taking more
limited access to the internet, which hindered online learning; responsibilities, and climbing higher positions in your career.
limited knowledge among some teachers regarding the use of Career advancement in public and private differs accordingly.
technology; the need for parents to assist their children, In public universities, the analysis found that two factors,
especially in early grade levels, as they navigated online namely personality and organizational support, are
classes; and the requirement for senior high school track significant predictors of career advancement. In other words,
students to have face-to-face or hands-on sessions to learn the career progression of academics in public universities is

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

notably influenced by their personalities and the support they employees to confront the demands and challenges of their
receive from the organization they work for. On the other work. Organizations can take these factors into account and
hand, in private universities, factors such as personality, establish a suitable work environment to sustain or improve
social network, and organizational support are indicators that motivation, ultimately resulting in enhanced work
affect career advancement. (Maimunah Ismail et al. , 2012) performance. (Melissa Basa Lamug ,2005)

Educational attainment is another factor that a teacher Conducting a study about factors influencing educators
considers in pursuing graduate studies. According to Yvonne in pursuing graduate studies is crucial to the decision to enroll
B. Magsayo in his study about the influence of teacher’s in a graduate program, allocating resources effectively,
quality on student’s performance, there has been a significant preparing teachers for employment, and improving overall
relationship between the teacher’s educational attainment and education quality. This study addresses the realization and
student’s performance. It further stated that those students satisfaction of educators' needs that will benefit not only the
with a teacher with a completed Bachelor’s degree perform teachers but also the nation, community, educational
well in the National Achievement Test (NAT). institutions, and students.

Another factor is family influence. According to the II. METHODOLOGY

study in Northern Negros Philippines. Family greatly
influences their child due to connections with parents and A. Research Context
relatives based on the Filipino culture of “close family ties” The study utilized descriptive survey design.
(Dela Fuente, 2019). A study conducted by (Braza & Guillo Employing ANOVA as statistical tools to address the research
Jr., 2015) in St Joseph Academy, San Jose, Batangas, stated problems. It was conducted at Apyao National High School
that the majority of students thought of their parents as role and Kiburiao National High School, located in the
models in their career path, while some had higher standards Municipality of Quezon, Province of Bukidnon.
despite the chosen career by their parents. Moreover, in
Malaysia the study of (Khoo et al., 2015) states that parents B. Participants
are the most influential and important person because parents The study participants consisted of one hundred
are their source of finance and seek advice from them because teachers from Apyao National High School and Kiburiao
they believe that their parent’s experience and education is a National High School who were randomly selected.
credible source of advice. On the other hand, Lower family
support can result in greater financial stress. (Tran et al., C. Survey Instrument
2018). The primary data-gathering tool for this study was a
survey questionnaire developed by the researchers. Using
Professional development is an ongoing learning and Cronbach’s α, the questionnaire has undergone validation and
training journey that provides opportunities to enhance reliability tests with a score index of 0.95, which means it has
knowledge, skills, competencies, and effectiveness in your a very high level of internal consistency.
career. This can involve various forms such as training
sessions, seminars, or short-term courses. Its main purpose is III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
to develop the performance of teachers in the classroom and
develop student achievement. It is to acquire more This section presents the findings, analyses, and
knowledge, skills, and attitudes centered on the local context conclusions derived from the data collected from respondents.
and, particularly, classroom practice. Educators should
indulge themselves actively in the learning process, work The demographic profile of the respondents was
with their associates, and recognize their specific needs, analyzed to understand the characteristics of teachers
programs, training, and activities, formal and informal, that pursuing graduate studies. The data revealed a diverse group
will improve their practice and the practice of others. in terms of age, civil status, gender, and years of service. This
(Sangalang et al., 2017) diversity is crucial as it allows for a comprehensive
understanding of the motivations across different
Personal fulfillment means feeling happy and satisfied demographics.
with achieving goals or finding meaning in life. It's
accomplishing things and being content by following what
you care about. Everyone's fulfillment is different because it's
connected to what each person wants and believes in. It can
include things like relationships, work, being creative, and
growing personally. It can be self-esteem, life, and workplace
satisfaction. Those three are connected that affect motivation.
Self-esteem and pride in the institution foster intrinsic
motivation. Maintaining a positive outlook on oneself, life,
and the workplace can cultivate the right mindset for

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 1: Age Distribution of Respondents

Frequency Percent
Valid 24-30 26 26.0
31-37 25 25.0
38-44 25 25.0
45-51 16 16.0
52-58 8 8.0
Total 100 100.0

Table 1 presents the age distribution of 100 secondary in younger age groups might indicate a recent influx of new
school teachers surveyed in Quezon, Maramag, Bukidnon. educators. This could be attributed to factors such as
The data reveals a concentration of teachers within the increased enrollment rates or government initiatives to
younger age brackets of 24-30, 31-37, and 38-44, each address teacher shortages (Ingersoll, R. M., & Smith, T. B.
comprising 25% of the sample. A concentration of teachers (2003).

Table 2: Civil Status Distribution of Respondents

Frequency Percent
Valid Single 17 17.0
Married 79 79.0
Widow/Widower 4 4.0
Total 100 100.0

Table 2 presents the frequency and percentage majority of participants (79%) are married, followed by
distribution of respondents based on their civil status. The single individuals (17%) and widowed/widowers (4%).

Table 3: Gender Distribution of Respondents

Frequency Percent
Valid Male 21 21.0
Female 79 79.0
Total 100 100.0

Table 3 shows that 79% of the respondents are female, workforce. Several studies have explored the implications of
while 21% are male. This implies the trends in the teaching gender imbalance in education. (UNESCO Institute for
profession, where women have historically dominated the Statistics (UIS), 2023)

Table 4: Teacher Year of Service Distribution

Frequency Percent
Valid 1 - 9 years 63 63.0
10 - 18 years 27 27.0
19 - 27 years 5 5.0
28 - 36 years 5 5.0
Total 100 100.0

Table 4 presents the distribution of teachers based on (27%), with a smaller proportion having 19-27 years (5%) or
their years of service. It shows that the majority of teachers 28-36 years (5%) of experience.
(63%) have 1-9 years of experience, followed by 10-18 years

Table 5: Current Position of Respondents

Frequency Percent
Valid Teacher I 82 82.0
Teacher II 7 7.0
Teacher III 7 7.0
Sub Teacher 2 2.0

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Master Teacher 1 1.0

Administrative Officer 1 1.0

The table presents the distribution of respondents based Teacher III (7% each). A small percentage hold positions
on their current positions within the educational institution. such as Master Teacher, Administrative Officer, and Sub
The majority (82%) are Teacher I, followed by Teacher II and Teachers.

Table 6: Monthly Income Distribution of Respondents

Frequency Percent
Valid Php 20,000 to Php 30,000 79 79.0
Php 30,001 to Php 40,000 6 6.0
Php 40,001 to Php 50,000 14 14.0
Above Php 50,000 1 1.0
Total 100 100.0

The table presents the frequency and percentage and Php 30,000 per month. A smaller proportion earns
distribution of respondents based on their monthly income. between Php 30,001 and Php 40,000 (6%), Php 40,001 and
The majority (79%) of respondents earn between Php 20,000 Php 50,000 (14%), and above Php 50,000 (1%).

Table 7: Career Advancement Motivation Scale

Career Advancement
Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
Continuing a graduate program will increase my chances for job 4.61 0.72 Highly Agree
Graduate studies will help me secure an item in government agencies. 4.47 0.80 Highly Agree
I have an edge over other applicants if I earn a master's or doctoral unit. 4.55 0.74 Highly Agree
In my current career, continuing my postgraduate studies will give me 4.60 0.71 Highly Agree
additional points for promotion.
Many of my colleagues who have advanced in their careers hold graduate 4.57 0.72 Highly Agree
degrees, which motivates me.
OVERALL 4.56 0.74 Highly Agree

Table 7 presents the mean scores and standard Engagement in Teacher Professional Development and
deviations for items related to career advancement as a Career Advancement: A Case Study of Lithuania", career is
motivation for pursuing graduate studies. The high mean one of key factors that influence teachers' motivation and
scores (ranging from 4.47 to 4.61) and low standard engagement. Specifically, the "Career" component focuses
deviations indicate a strong agreement among respondents on providing comprehensive career counseling and guidance
that career advancement is a significant motivation. The data for STEM educators, covering both vertical and horizontal
suggests that career advancement is a highly valued career paths. The study highlights that offering thorough
motivation for pursuing graduate studies among the surveyed career development support and opportunities for
teachers. The items consistently indicate a strong belief that advancement can be a significant motivating factor for
graduate studies will enhance job opportunities, lead to teachers to pursue graduate studies and professional
promotions, and provide a competitive edge in the job market. development. (Anita J., et al. 2024)
According to a study "STEM Teachers' Motivation and

Table 8: Educational Attainment Motivation Scale

Educational Attainment
Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
For me, it’s important to obtain an advanced degree in education to 4.66 0.68 Highly Agree
receive a postgraduate diploma.
Having a graduate degree reflected in my Transcript of Records (TOR) 4.62 0.63 Highly Agree
is satisfying.
Attending graduation with a master's or doctoral degree as my highest 4.66 0.61 Highly Agree
educational attainment is an honor.
Finishing graduate studies means that I submitted and published a thesis 4.70 0.58 Highly Agree
or dissertation, an achievement.
Obtaining postgraduate studies is a significant milestone in my academic 4.63 0.68 Highly Agree
OVERALL 4.65 0.63 Highly Agree

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 8 presents the mean scores and standard seeking graduate studies. These results highlight the
deviations for items related to educational attainment as a importance of providing opportunities for teachers to advance
motivation for pursuing graduate studies. The high mean their education and achieve higher qualifications. A study
scores (ranging from 4.62 to 4.70) and low standard examined academic motivation among graduate nursing
deviations indicate a strong agreement among respondents students in Egypt and found that intrinsic motivation,
that educational attainment is a significant motivation. The including a strong desire for personal growth and knowledge
findings of this table align with existing research, indicating acquisition, was a primary driver for pursuing advanced
that educational attainment is a strong motivator for teachers education. (Mona et al., 2024)

Table 9: Family Influence Motivation Scale

Family Influence
Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
My family or close relatives push me to enroll in a graduate 4.27 0.83 Highly Agree
studies program.
I get support and encouragement from my parents and 4.29 0.81 Highly Agree
siblings in pursuing graduate studies.
Coming from a family of educators who finished graduate 4.24 0.94 Highly Agree
studies, I will strive hard to become one of them.
It motivates me to see my siblings or relatives excel through 4.42 0.71 Highly Agree
postgraduate studies.
I appreciate the importance of pursuing it by witnessing my 4.52 0.75 Highly Agree
family and relatives finish graduate studies.
OVERALL 4.35 0.82 Highly Agree

Table 9 presents the mean scores and standard pursue graduate studies. Respondents reported strong
deviations for items related to family influence as a support, encouragement, and inspiration from family
motivation for pursuing graduate studies. The high mean members. This indicates that family expectations and values
scores (ranging from 4.24 to 4.52) and relatively low standard regarding education have a considerable impact on teachers'
deviations indicate a strong influence of family on the career aspirations. A study of Dan Liu (2015) shows that
decision to pursue graduate studies. The data suggests that families have guided the important decision-making stage of
family plays a significant role in motivating teachers to students about post graduate education.

Table 10: Professional Development Motivation Scale

Professional Development
Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
I will experience continuous learning as I pursue graduate studies. 4.64 0.63 Highly Agree
I will gain advanced skills and knowledge from a graduate program. 4.62 0.62 Highly Agree
I am updated with my field’s current trends and I evolve as a professional. 4.49 0.73 Highly Agree
Graduate studies will expose me to my field’s latest research and developments 4.56 0.70 Highly Agree
Critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills were 4.66 0.62 Highly Agree
developed with the help of graduate studies.
OVERALL 4.59 0.66 Highly Agree

Table 10 presents the mean scores and standard valued motivation for pursuing graduate studies among the
deviations for items related to professional development as a surveyed teachers. Respondents strongly believe that
motivation for pursuing graduate studies. The high mean graduate studies will provide opportunities for continuous
scores (ranging from 4.49 to 4.66) and relatively low standard learning, skill enhancement, and exposure to the latest trends
deviations indicate a strong agreement among respondents and research in their field. A study of Rose Arceño (2018) ,
that professional development is a significant motivation. The states that advanced education will enhance professional
data suggests that professional development is a highly development thus improving quality of profession.

Table 11: Personal Fulfillment Motivation Scale

Personal Fulfillment
Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
I will be satisfied if I finish my graduate studies. 4.56 0.70 Highly Agree
I feel fulfilled to graduate soon as a master’s or doctor. 4.54 0.77 Highly Agree
I find joy in the process of learning and intellectual growth that 4.59 0.70 Highly Agree
graduate studies offer.
I am proud of myself because I am continuing my graduate 4.45 0.85 Highly Agree

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

I feel a sense of accomplishment if I complete my graduate 4.57 0.73 Highly Agree
OVERALL 4.54 0.75 Highly Agree

Table 11 presents the mean scores and standard motivation for pursuing graduate studies among the surveyed
deviations for items related to personal fulfillment as a teachers. Respondents strongly associate graduate studies
motivation for pursuing graduate studies. The high mean with feelings of satisfaction, accomplishment, and
scores (ranging from 4.45 to 4.59) and relatively low standard intellectual growth. Templeton (2016) noted that intrinsic
deviations indicate a strong agreement among respondents motivation, like personal fulfillment is considered a dominant
that personal fulfillment is a significant motivation. The data factor in the stimulation of adult students continuing
suggests that personal fulfillment is a highly valued postgraduate education

Table 12: ANOVA Results for Motivational Factors

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Educational Attainment Between Groups 21.41 4 5.35 0.73 0.57
Within Groups 694.30 95 7.31
Total 715.71 99
Career Advancement Between Groups 29.64 4 7.42 0.70 0.59
Within Groups 1000.95 95 10.54
Total 1030.59 99
Family Influence Between Groups 22.19 4 5.55 0.48 0.75
Within Groups 1107.06 95 11.65
Total 1129.24 99
Professional Development Between Groups 4.77 4 1.19 0.13 0.97
Within Groups 856.14 95 9.01
Total 860.91 99
Personal Fulfillment Between Groups 16.27 4 4.07 0.36 0.84
Within Groups 1086.32 95 11.44
Total 1102.59 99

Table 12 presents the results of a one-way ANOVA influencing teachers' motivation to pursue graduate studies
conducted to determine if there are significant differences in based on the examined factors. This suggests that teachers
motivation levels for pursuing graduate studies based on age. across different age groups have similar priorities and
aspirations regarding advanced education.
Findings revealed that the motivation level of teachers
in pursuing graduate studies based on their age has no The research results indicate that teachers, regardless of
significant differences. The F-values for all motivational their age, have similar motivations for pursuing graduate
factors (Educational Attainment, Career Advancement, studies. A study by Templeton (2016) examined the
Family Influence, Professional Development, and Personal motivation levels of teachers in pursuing graduate studies
Fulfillment) are less than the critical F-value (indicated by the based on their age. The findings revealed that the motivation
p-values greater than 0.05), suggesting that there are no level of teachers in pursuing graduate studies based on their
significant differences in motivation levels across age groups. age has no significant differences
The results indicate that age is not a significant factor

Table 13: ANOVA Results for Motivational Factors by Civil Status

ANOVA (Civil Status)
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Educational Attainment Between Groups 52.82 2 26.41 3.86 0.02
Within Groups 662.89 97 6.83
Total 715.71 99
Career Advancement Between Groups 63.19 2 31.60 3.17 0.05
Within Groups 967.40 97 9.97
Total 1030.59 99
Family Influence Between Groups 40.54 2 20.27 1.81 0.17
Within Groups 1088.70 97 11.22
Total 1129.24 99
Professional Development Between Groups 60.98 2 30.49 3.70 0.03

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Within Groups 799.93 97 8.25

Total 860.91 99
Personal Fulfillment Between Groups 93.57 2 46.79 4.50 0.01
Within Groups 1009.02 97 10.40
Total 1102.59 99

Table13 presents the results of a one-way ANOVA aspirations regarding advanced education. The study shows
conducted to determine if there are significant differences in that teachers' motivations for pursuing graduate studies differ
motivation levels for pursuing graduate studies based on civil based on their civil status. For example, single individuals
status. might prioritize personal fulfillment and career advancement,
while married individuals may focus more on educational
There are significant differences in motivation related to attainment to support their families.
educational attainment (p = 0.024), career advancement (p =
0.046), professional development (p = 0.028), and personal A study titled “Understanding Graduate Student
fulfillment (p = 0.014) between different civil status groups, Parents: Influence of Parental Status, Gender, and Major on
but no significant difference in family influence motivation Graduate Students’ Motivation, Stress, and Satisfaction” that
(p = 0.170). was conducted with set of factorial ANOVAs revealed
significant variations in motivation between graduate
The results indicate that civil status is significantly students who are parents and those who are not. These results
related to motivation for pursuing graduate studies in terms underscore the critical need for tailored support and resources
of educational attainment, career advancement, professional for graduate students based on their parental status. (Jean Yoo
development, and personal fulfillment. This suggests that et al., 2022)
different civil status groups have varying priorities and

Table 14: Independent Samples t-test for Gender Differences in Motivational Factors
Independent Samples Test (Gender)
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence
Difference Difference Interval of the
Lower Upper
Educational Equal variances assumed 0.10 0.75 -0.29 0.69 -1.67 1.09
Equal variances not assumed -0.29 0.65 -1.64 1.06
Career Equal variances assumed 0.08 0.78 -1.33 0.84 -3.01 0.35
Equal variances not assumed -1.33 0.85 -3.09 0.43
Family Equal variances assumed 1.49 0.23 -1.03 0.90 -2.82 0.77
Equal variances not assumed -1.03 0.81 -2.69 0.64
Professional Equal variances assumed 2.35 0.13 -1.12 0.78 -2.67 0.41
Equal variances not assumed -1.13 0.96 -3.13 0.88
Personal Equal variances assumed 0.12 0.73 -0.87 0.87 -2.61 0.86
Equal variances not assumed -0.87 0.88 -2.70 0.96

Table 14 presents the results of independent samples t- A study of Hermundur (2020) suggests that gender does not
tests comparing the mean scores of motivational factors significantly influence the levels of various motivational
(Educational Attainment, Career Advancement, Family factors, such as those related to educational attainment, career
Influence, Professional Development, and Personal advancement, and personal fulfillment.
Fulfillment) between male and female teachers.

Findings revealed that gender differences have no

significance. The t-values for all motivational factors are
relatively small, and the corresponding p-values are greater
than the significance level of 0.05. This indicates that there
are no significant differences in motivation levels for
pursuing graduate studies between male and female teachers.

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Table 15. ANOVA Results for Motivational Factors by Years of Service

ANOVA (Years of Service)
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Educational Attainment Between Groups 23.23 3 7.74 1.07 0.36
Within Groups 692.48 96 7.21
Total 715.71 99
Career Advancement Between Groups 13.56 3 4.52 0.43 0.73
Within Groups 1017.03 96 10.59
Total 1030.59 99
Family Influence Between Groups 35.89 3 11.97 1.05 0.37
Within Groups 1093.35 96 11.39
Total 1129.24 99
Professional Development Between Groups 29.44 3 9.81 1.13 0.34
Within Groups 831.47 96 8.66
Total 860.91 99
Personal Fulfillment Between Groups 34.77 3 11.59 1.04 0.38
Within Groups 1067.82 96 11.12
Total 1102.59 99

Table 15 presents the results of a one-way ANOVA The results indicate that years of service do not appear
conducted to determine if there are significant differences in to be a significant factor influencing teachers' motivation to
motivation levels for pursuing graduate studies based on pursue graduate studies based on the examined factors. This
years of service. suggests that teachers with varying levels of experience
have similar priorities and aspirations regarding advanced
Findings revealed that there is no significance when it education. A meta-synthesis reviewed 118 studies on
comes to the number of services the teacher has already doctoral student attrition and persistence. The authors found
rendered. The F-values for all motivational factors that factors such as financial support, advisor relationships,
(Educational Attainment, Career Advancement, Family and personal/family circumstances were more influential on
Influence, Professional Development, and Personal doctoral student motivation and persistence than
Fulfillment) are less than the critical F-value (indicated by the demographic characteristics like age or years of work
p-values greater than 0.05), suggesting that there are no experience and the number of years in service is not included.
significant differences in motivation levels across different (Bair, C., & Haworth, J., 2004)
years of service groups.

Table 16: ANOVA Results for Motivational Factors by Current Position

ANOVA (Current Position)
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Educational Attainment Between Groups 32.56 6 5.43 0.74 0.62
Within Groups 683.16 93 7.35
Total 715.71 99
Career Advancement Between Groups 40.81 6 6.80 0.64 0.70
Within Groups 989.78 93 10.64
Total 1030.59 99
Family Influence Between Groups 52.82 6 8.80 0.76 0.60
Within Groups 1076.42 93 11.57
Total 1129.24 99
Professional Development Between Groups 30.32 6 5.05 0.57 0.76
Within Groups 830.59 93 8.93
Total 860.91 99
Personal Fulfillment Between Groups 60.11 6 10.02 0.89 0.50
Within Groups 1042.48 93 11.21
Total 1102.59 99

Table 16 presents the results of a one-way ANOVA Findings revealed that there are no significant
conducted to determine if there are significant differences in differences based on the teachers’ current job. The F-values
motivation levels for pursuing graduate studies based on for all motivational factors (Educational Attainment, Career
current position. Advancement, Family Influence, Professional Development,
and Personal Fulfillment) are less than the critical F-value
(indicated by the p-values greater than 0.05), suggesting that

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

there are no significant differences in motivation levels across suggests that teachers in different positions have similar
different current positions. priorities and aspirations regarding advanced education. Bair
and Haworth (2004) noted in their study that employment
The results indicate that current position does not appear status, whether the student was employed full-time, part-time,
to be a significant factor influencing teachers' motivation to or not at all, did not appear to be a significant factor in degree
pursue graduate studies based on the examined factors. This completion.

Table 17: ANOVA Results for Motivational Factors by Monthly Income

ANOVA (Monthly Income)
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Educational Attainment Between Groups 47.29 3 15.76 2.26 0.09
Within Groups 668.42 96 6.96
Total 715.71 99
Career Advancement Between Groups 57.50 3 19.17 1.89 0.14
Within Groups 973.90 96 10.14
Total 1030.59 99
Family Influence Between Groups 14.59 3 4.87 0.42 0.74
Within Groups 1114.64 96 11.61
Total 1129.24 99
Professional Development Between Groups 28.06 3 9.36 1.08 0.36
Within Groups 832.85 96 8.68
Total 860.91 99
Personal Fulfillment Between Groups 14.43 3 4.81 0.42 0.74
Within Groups 1088.16 96 11.33
Total 1102.59 99

Table 17 presents the results of a one-way ANOVA reimbursement programs, and salary increases or bonuses
conducted to determine if there are significant differences in upon completing a graduate degree. This support is
motivation levels for pursuing graduate studies based on particularly important for teachers who face financial
monthly income. constraints, such as those who are married. Additionally,
access to graduate programs should be improved by
Findings revealed that there are no significant establishing satellite campuses, offering online or distance
differences when it comes to the teacher's monthly income. learning options, and scheduling classes during evenings,
The F-values for all motivational factors (Educational weekends, or summers. These strategies can significantly
Attainment, Career Advancement, Family Influence, increase participation and create a supportive environment
Professional Development, and Personal Fulfillment) are that empowers teachers to further their education, ultimately
less than the critical F-value (indicated by the p-values enhancing the quality of education for students.
greater than 0.05), suggesting that there are no significant
differences in motivation levels across different income REFERENCES
[1]. Fitch Solutions Country Industry Reports, Education
The results indicate that monthly income does not Sector Overview, 2023.
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