II Sem - Mid Questions

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Tech I Year II Semester I Mid Examinations

MTCSE1201 Machine learning (5 x 5M = 25M)
1. Define well-posed problems and explain their significance in machine learning.
2. Discuss the application of machine learning in healthcare and finance.
3. Compare and contrast supervised learning and unsupervised learning.
4. Explain the process of semi-supervised learning and its applications.
5. Describe Bayesian reasoning and its application in probabilistic inference.

MTCSE1202 MEAN Stack Technologies (5 X 5M = 25M)

1. Explain the differences between the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW).
2. Describe the role and working of Domain Name System (DNS) in web technologies.
3. Describe the architecture and components of Node.js and its advantages for server-side development.
4. Explain the concept and benefits of non-blocking I/O in Node.js.
5. Discuss the features and use cases of Express.js in web application development.

MTCSE1203 Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks (5 X 5M = 25M)

1. Discuss the fundamentals of wireless communication technology and its significance in ad hoc
2. Explain the key design challenges in ad hoc and sensor networks.
3. List and explain the design goals of a MAC protocol for ad hoc networks.
4. Discuss the classification of MAC protocols with examples.
5. Explain the role of on-demand routing protocols in ad hoc wireless networks with examples.

MTCSE1204 Cloud Computing ( 5 X 5M=25M)

1. Describe the ethical issues associated with cloud computing.
2. Explain the major challenges faced in cloud computing and how they are addressed.
3. Discuss the ecological impact of cloud computing and the responsibility sharing among stakeholders.
4. Explain the software licensing issues in the context of cloud computing.
5. Explain the architectural styles commonly used in cloud computing applications.
M.Tech I Year II Semester II Mid Examinations
MTCSE1201 Machine learning (5 x 5M = 25M)
1. Explain the concept of resampling techniques and their importance in model evaluation.
2. Discuss the differences between linear and quadratic discriminant analysis.
3. Explain the key components and working principle of the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier.
4. Discuss the various metrics used for assessing the performance of classification models.
5. Explain the concept of ROC-AUC and its application in evaluating classifier performance.

MTCSE1202 MEAN Stack Technologies (5 X 5M = 25M)

1. Explain the concept of dependency injection in Angular and its advantages.
2. Describe the process of CRUD operations in MongoDB with examples.
3. Explain the indexing and aggregation framework in MongoDB.
4. Describe the process of deploying a MEAN stack application on a cloud platform.
5. Explain the challenges and solutions in scaling MEAN stack applications.

MTCSE1203 Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks (5 X 5M = 25M)

1. Describe the geographic routing protocols and their advantages in ad hoc networks.
2. Describe the types of attacks on ad hoc wireless networks and their impact.
3. Discuss the importance of key management in securing ad hoc networks.
4. Explain the significance of Quality of Service (QoS) frameworks in ad hoc networks.
5. Discuss the challenges in providing QoS in wireless sensor networks.

MTCSE1204 Cloud Computing ( 5 X 5M=25M)

1. Explain the role of the Zookeeper in managing distributed applications in the cloud.
2. Describe the services provided by Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and its advantages.
3. Explain the structure and components of Microsoft Azure's cloud services.
4. Describe the factors that influence user experience in cloud computing environments.
5. Discuss the strategies for optimizing energy use and ensuring efficiency in cloud data centers.

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