ESGB Nearest Neighbor Methods

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Lecture :Nearest neighbor methods

Pr. Fatima Ezzahraa BEN BOUAZZA

[email protected]

1 General idea

2 Nearest neighbor and kernel-based

methods Properties of the NN method
Refinements of the NN method

3 Summary

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Batch-mode Supervised Learning (Notations)

Objects (or observations):

Attribute vector: ∀i = 1, . . . , N.

Outputs: y i = y(oi) ∀i = 1, . . . , N.

LS Table

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Nearest neighbor methods
Intuition: similar objects should have similar output values.
Ø NB: all inputs are numerical scalars
Ø Define distance measure in the input space:

Ø Nearest neighbor:

Ø Extrapolate output from nearest neighbor:

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Nearest neighbor methods: illustration

Qu (Mvars)
3000 learning states
Zoom around state 4984

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Pu (MW)
700. 800. 900. 1000. 1100. 1200. 1300.

Pu=1090MW Nearest neighbor (state 2276)

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1-Nearest Neighbor (1-NN)
(prototype based method, instance based learning, non-parametric
Ø One of the simplest learning algorithm:
ü outputs as a prediction the output associated to the sample
which is the closest to the test object
M1 M2 Y
1 0.32 0.81 Healthy
2 0.15 0.38 Disease
3 0.39 0.34 Healthy
4 0.62 0.11 Disease
? 5 0.92 0.43 ?

üclosest=usually of minimal Euclidian

distance 6
Obvious extension: k-NN

Ø Find the k nearest neighbors (instead of only the first one)

with respect to Euclidian distance
Ø Output the most frequent class (classification) or the
average outputs (regression) among the k neighbors.

Effect of k on the error


Under-fitting Over-fitting

CV error

LS error

Optimal k k
Properties of the NN method

> Training: storage of the LS (n × N )
> Testing: N distance computations ⇒ N × n
> Asymptotically (N → ∞): suboptimal
(except if problem is deterministic)
> Strong dependence on choice of attributes
⇒ weighting of attributes

or attribute selection...

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Refinements of the NN method
1. The k-NN method:
Ø Instead of using only the nearest neighbor, one uses
the k (a number to be determined) nearest neighbors:

Ø Extrapolate from k nearest neighbors, e.g. for regression

and majority class for classification.

Ø k allows to control overfitting (like pruning of trees).

Ø Asymptotically (N → ∞): k(N) → ∞ and k(N ) → 0 ⇒ optimal

method (minimum error)
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Refinements of the NN method

2. Condensing and editing of the LS:

Ø Condensing: remove ‘useless’ objects LS

Ø Editing: remove ‘outliers’ from LS
Ø Apply first editing then condensing (see notes)

3. Automatic tuning of the weight vector w...

4. Parzen windows and/or kernel methods:

where is a measure of similarity

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Nearest neighbor, editing and condensing

Initial LS Edited LS Condensed LS

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ü Advantages:
§ very simple
§ can be adapted to any data type by changing the distance
ü Drawbacks:
§ choosing a good distance measure is a hard problem
§ very sensitive to the presence of noisy variables
§ slow for testing

Frequently asked questions

Ø How to choose a value for k ?

Ø Asymptotic (N → ∞) properties of 1-NN vs k-NN
ü Under which conditions is 1-NN asymptotically consistent?
ü Explain why: k(N ) → ∞ and k(N ) → 0 ⇒ optimal method
(minimum error) N

Ø Discuss computational complexity and interpretability

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