UV Photochemical Reactor
UV Photochemical Reactor
UV Photochemical Reactor
To determinethe first order rate constant for the Photocatalytic oxidation of HCOOH
UV Photo catalytic detoxification has shown great promise for the treatment of ground water.
industrial wastewater and contaminated air and soil. In some cases such as removal of colour and
reduction of COD in industrial wastewater is one of the most effective treatments available.
Indoor experiments can be conducted with UV lamps using Ti0; as catalyst and UV radiations
from 300 to 400 nm wavelength.
Photocatalytic oxidation is a process were a semiconductor upon adsorption of a photon acts as a
catalyst in producing reactive radicals, mainly hydroxyl radicals, which in turn, can oxidize
organic compounds and totally mineralize thein. This way organic molecules get decomposed to
CO H,0 and mineral acids.Ti0; is one of the most favoured photo catalysts due to its excellent
activity, insolubility under most-conditions, non-toxicity and photo stability.
The energy needed to activate T0: is 3.2 ev, which corresponds to near UV radiation of a
wavelength of 380 nm or less.
Pathways and mechanism for photocatalytic oxidation and reduction are given below:
When a photon with an energy equal to or more than the band gap of Ti02 is absorbed on its
surface, it causes excitation of an electron from the valence band (vb) to the conduction band
(cb). forming a 'positive hole' in the valence band. Both the hole and the electron are highly
energetic and hence highly reactive. The excited electron and the positive hole,either recombine
and release heat, or migrate to the surface, where they react with adsorbed molecules and either
causes a reduction or oxidation of the adsorbate.
O2+ e cb O:
O+ 2H ag H0,+ 02
Oxidation of organics:
OH + Organics + O > Products (CO, H20etc)
The rate of photolytic degradation depends on:
Illumination intensity
Catalyst type and dosage
Oxvgen congentration
Cone, of organic reactant
Effect of temperature is small
Destruction rates of organics in photo catalytic oxidation can be modelled by Langmuir
Hinshelwood kinetic model expressed as:
dc KjK, C
dt 1+K,C
Where o VR Volume of reactor
V Volume of Tank
= KapCt
S-dc, =Kap S, dt
in the
The set-up is used to study a photo' photo catalytic reaction using a UV source provided
form of an UV tube. This set-up can be used to carry out a parameter study under
continuous flow condition. A photo catalyst like TO; can be used. This set-up can also be used
to study the mineralization of liquid effluent industrial streams & for purification of water.
set-up consists of reactor with inside reflecting surface. An UV source surrounding glass/ quartz
cylinder is placed centrally in the reactor.
1. Water supply and drain
2. Electricity-0.5kw, Single 0
3. Instruments, laboratory wares and chemicals required for analysis a per the system
1. Formic Acid
2. Titanium dioxide
3. Hydrogen peroxide
I. Prepare a 5 Lsolution of 500 ppm HCOOH by dissolving 2.5 gm of HCOOH in 5
distilled water.
determine the
2. Using standard N/10 NaOH solution and pheno phthalein as indicator,
with standard
exact concentration of HCOOH in water by titrating 50 ml of sample
in the tank (TO2 =0.6%
3. Weight 3gm of T02 and mix it with the 5 1 of acid solution
appropriate level (5 LPH to 20
4. Start the pump and fix the flow rate of acid water at some
to the UV
LPH) and allowthe liquid to pass though the reactor. Start the power supply
tubes and simultaneously start thestopwatch.
and mix it thoroughly
5. Once the liquid comes out of the reactor, direct it to the acid tank
with tank fluid.
time and determine the
6. Collect 50 ml sample form the tank fluid at regular interval of
concentration of HCOOH by titrating it with standard N/ 10NaOH.
7. Repeat step 6, by collecting samples at 15-30 minutes interval.
8. You may repeat step 3 to 7for different TiO2 loading (0.2% to 0.05%)
ppm to l00
9. You may repeat steps I to 7 for different initial acid concentrations (500
Steps 8 and 9 will help youo study the effect of T¡0; loading and initial feed concentration (Co)
UV Source 30 W/ 16 W
'R/o= min
Initial concentration of HCOOH in feed = Co
= Nx 46= gms/1
Plot in (Cor C) vs t
Slope = Kap
And o =VR/ VT
K = Kap X (1l+oc) /x
:K min-!
Mol. Wt of HCOOH = 46
Mol. Wt of NaOH = 40
NËx 46 = gms/1
Run No-1: Record
Draw a straight line through the origin. Determine the slope of the line.
Slope= Kap=
shake it
concentration of sample is fluctuating it means mixing is not proper so
1. If the
after 2-3 min.
shown on the panel so change that.
2. If anytube was fused simply