2024 - PECON Condor
2024 - PECON Condor
2024 - PECON Condor
Supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq
Research Letters
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) is a globally threatened species. Its highly mobile capability presents
Received 22 May 2023 important challenges for conservation planning, especially in extremely geographically complex regions
Accepted 5 May 2024 such as Colombia, where little is known about its ecology. Over the past three decades, financial and tech-
Available online xxx
nical conservation efforts have primarily focussed on reintroduction and local management strategies.
However, these initiatives did not properly prioritize the various conservation measures undertaken.
Keywords: We utilized roosting locations across Colombia to identify suitable roosting distribution with high risk
Vultur gryphus
because of the anthropogenic impact on a Systematic Planning Tool for decision-making based on robust
Decision making tools
Roosting selections
spatial habitat modelling to define where and how should focus the Andean condor conservation actions
Habitat suitability in the country. Specifically, we aimed to develop a conservation planning tool to facilitate spatially explicit
New world vultures decision-making. Our results showed that Colombia has at least 19,571.33 km2 of suitable roosting habi-
tat for this species, but over 30% of this area is currently considered to be under conservation risk due to
severe anthropogenic impacts. Considering this, we suggested different actions for each proposed area
according to potential threats generated by human communities.
© 2024 Associação Brasileira de Ciência Ecológica e Conservação. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.A. Parrado-Vargas), [email protected] (J.F. González-Maya), [email protected] (B. Reu),
[email protected] (A. Margalida), [email protected] (F. Sáenz-Jiménez), [email protected] (F.H. Vargas).
2530-0644/© 2024 Associação Brasileira de Ciência Ecológica e Conservação. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Please cite this article as: M.A. Parrado-Vargas, J.F. González-Maya, B. Reu et al. Identifying priority conservation areas for the Andean
Condor in Colombia, Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pecon.2024.05.002
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M.A. Parrado-Vargas, J.F. González-Maya, B. Reu et al. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
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M.A. Parrado-Vargas, J.F. González-Maya, B. Reu et al. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 1. Study Area. Roosting sites identified, dots in colours represent the origin of the data; polygons correspond to Minimal convex polygons for tagged wild condors. The
Gray area represents potential Andean condor distribution (Sáenz-Jiménez, 2020).
Distribution patterns of potential roosting sites asl within the potential condor distribution in Colombia and ran-
domized the data using the resample function with Package caret
We analysed roosting sites used by condors (denoted 1) and in R (Wickham, 2017). We tested for correlations among all vari-
500 random points (denoted 0) located between 2000 and 5500 m ables and excluded those that were highly correlated (>0.7) (SI 2)
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M.A. Parrado-Vargas, J.F. González-Maya, B. Reu et al. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 1
Summary of the Generalized Linear Model (GLM). The table shows the first ten models obtained, along with their Akaike delta value (AICc), Akaike value (AIC), degrees of
freedom (df), weight, log-likelihood (LogLike), and prediction error for K-fold Cross-validation (K-fold err). The combined value of the variables corresponding to each model
are shown in the variables row. *Indicates the best competitive models.
Models AICc df AICw AIC K-fold Err LogLike Intercept Air Density Wind Speed Slope Convergence Radiation Northeness
Mod81* 0 6 0.5 740.87 0.12 −364.43 −0.25 −0.78 0.42 1.9 −0.01 0.55 –
Mod63 1.56 5 0.2 742.45 0.12 −366.22 −0.22 −0.80 0.44 1.9 – 0.56 –
Mod90 2 7 0.2 742.83 0.12 −364.43 −0.22 −0.79 0.42 1.9 −0.01 0.55 −0.02
Mod.all 3.07 8 0.1 743.87 0.12 −363.93 – – – – – – –
Mod64 16.71 5 <0.01 757.6 0.12 −373.8 – – – – – – –
Mod83 18.56 6 <0.01 759.42 0.13 −373.71 – – – – – – –
Mod82 18.64 6 <0.01 759.5 0.12 −373.75 – – – – – – –
Mod39 20.49 4 <0.01 761.4 0.13 −376.7 – – – – – – –
Mod66 22.43 5 <0.01 763.33 0.13 −376.66 – – – – – – –
Mod65 22.46 5 <0.01 763.36 0.13 −376.67 – – – – – – –
Avg Model −0.22 −0.73 0.39 1.75 −0.01 0.51 −0.02
(Hosmer and Lemeshow, 2000). All variables were standardized to II Socio-ecological Actions and Restoration Priority Areas (SERPAs),
mean zero and unit variance. We analysed the potential influence defined as areas with medium anthropogenic pressure and suit-
of variables using the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) approach able roosting sites; and (iii) Type III Socio-ecological Actions and
based on the Binomial Logistic family and logit link to relate the Priority Diagnostic Areas (SEDPAs) (Fig.2), defined as areas with high
species presence-absence, using the ‘glm’ function using Package anthropogenic pressure and suitable roosting sites, probably very
stats in R (Venables and Ripley, 2002) and generated 93 models, close to urban centres or major cities. This final mapping was done
including all the potential variable combinations without interac- using QGis 3.16.16 (Fig. 3). Using the defined PCAs, we proposed
tions. a roadmap for the best conservation actions in each PCA type (SI
We used the Akaike information criterion (AIC) corrected for 4), considering the particular threats affecting condors in Colom-
small samples, Delta AIC, and AIC weight (AICw) values using the bia (Restrepo-Cardona et al., 2022) and South America (Plaza and
bbml R package (Bolker et al., 2009) to choose the most parsi- Lambertucci, 2020), and more generally for other vulture species
monious models based on delta AIC values (AICc < 2) as the elsewhere in the world (Botha et al., 2017).
best-performing models for downstream analyses (Table 1). Where
a predictive model was identified as competitive, we averaged the Results
selected models using AICw and estimated the weighted regression
coefficient values of each variable (Table 1) (Imam and Kushwaha, The satellite data recorded 4640 GPS locations, leading to the
2013). To validate the most competitive models, we used K-fold identification of 461 roost sites in Colombia. Ten of these sites
cross-validation with a training set and data test set (80%–20%), were verified through direct observations and the detailed data for
repeated in 10 cross-validation runs (Yates et al., 2023), and cal- all records are available at doi: 10.17632/trgd5tnwxp.1. Our best
culated the prediction error for GLMs using R Package boot (Canty model indicated that roost sites were predominantly selected on
and Ripley, 2022). After identifying and averaging a group of mod- cliffs with low air density, high wind speed, high radiation, and
els, we extrapolated the model values, considering the coefficient high slope, in areas such as ridges or cliff ledges, and south-facing
of predictor variables, the AICw, and the Intercept (Table 1), using (Table 1 and SI 3). The probability distribution of roosting site selec-
the raster calculator in QGIS 3.16.16 to generate a predictive map of tion in the three categories was: Low, <40%; Medium, 40%–60%;
suitable roosting areas for Andean Condors within their potential High, 61%–80%; and Very High, >80%. The resulting map of poten-
distribution in Colombia. tial roosts within the potential distribution of the Andean Condor
in Colombia is shown in SI 5. The third quartile data (>43%) repre-
Identifying priority roosting sites for conservation sents suitable roosting areas for the Andean Condor and, therefore,
we only considered areas above this threshold as PCAs.
To define priority conservation roosting sites, we first selected
areas with values equal or high to 43% of suitability as areas of Priority conservation areas for the Andean Condor in Colombia
medium and high suitability for roosting (third quartile of the data)
(Allen et al., 2023; De Kerckhove, 2008). Then, we overlapped these The PCAs for Andean Condor conservation in Colombia covered
areas with the HFI identified by Correa Ayram et al. (2020) using an area of 19,571.34 km2 , which represents 23.35% of the study
QGis 3.16.16, with a resolution of 300 m, as a proxy of landscape area. Of this area, 5628.25 km2 (29%) are currently included in
anthropization, such as human population density, land use inten- National Natural Parks, and of this: 13,715.58 km2 (70%) corre-
sity, and other anthropogenic ecosystem impacts (Correa Ayram spond to Type I MPAs; 4757.59 km2 (24.3%) are Type II SERPAs;
et al., 2020). and 1098.16 km2 (5.6%) are Type III SEDPAs (Figs. 2 and 3).
Given the lack of spatially explicit information regarding direct Most of the Type I PCAs were in northern Andean region and the
threats to condors in Colombia, the HFI can be estimated either National Natural Park Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (NNP-SNSM).
directly or indirectly from known anthropogenic impacts (Plaza In contrast, Type II and III areas were primarily located outside
and Lambertucci, 2020). While the HFI is a continuous index that the NNP-SNSM and the north-eastern Andean region of Colom-
responds to underlying spatial processes, Correa Ayram et al. (2020) bia (Fig. 3). However, the paramo corridor in the eastern Andes
defined areas with high anthropogenic impacts as those with an Mountain range, spanning the departments of Cundinamarca, Boy-
index >40%. We adopted a discrete division of the HFI into three acá, Santander, and Norte de Santander, serves as a critical region
categories: low (<40%), medium (40%–60%) and high (>60%). with the highest concentration of all PCA types. Our spatial model
Considering the decision tree proposed (Fig. 2), We suggested highlighted the fact that the central and southern regions of the
three types of PCA: (i) Type I Maintenance Priority Areas (MPAs), Colombian Andes offer fewer suitable resting and refuge habitats
defined as suitable areas with only natural threats or minimal and are characterized by a high HFI. Consequently, these areas have
threats according to their HFI (Correa Ayram et al., 2020); (ii) Type fewer Type I PCAs and a higher prevalence of Type II and III PCAs
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M.A. Parrado-Vargas, J.F. González-Maya, B. Reu et al. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Fig. 2. Proposed Decision Tree for Identifying Actions in Priority Conservation Areas (PCAs) for Andean Condor Conservation. The figure shows a decision tree outlining
strategies for Andean Condor conservation within various PCA types. The primary focus is on addressing the intersection of suitable roosting habitats and their Human
Footprint Indexes (HFIs), which pose conservation risks to the species. Green areas signify proposed actions designed for Type I PCAs, Yellow areas indicate strategies
tailored for Type II PCAs, and Red areas represent approaches for Type III PCAs. The priority decisions highlighted in this figure serve as guidelines for potential actions to be
undertaken for the conservation of Andean Condors across various PCAs in Colombia.
due to elevated levels of human impact (Fig. 3). Our prioritization do not coincide with the most suitable areas and many threats,
exercise enabled us to propose a roadmap with recommendations such as poisoning, shooting, and power lines, that have caused
for conservation actions within each PCA type, addressing potential population declines and impacted wild and reintroduced individ-
threats across the territory (SI 4). uals (Restrepo-Cardona et al., 2022). These factors and the limited
information regarding threats and their distribution, have resulted
in ineffective conservation strategies (Carwardine et al., 2008;
Discussion Buechley et al., 2019; Santangeli et al., 2022).
Understanding the conservation and magnitude of the threats
Our study provides baseline ecological and spatial information faced by condors at different scales in the PCAs, and the magnitude
and a systematic planning tool for designing and implementing of the pressures they face (Wallace et al., 2021, 2022), will enable to
conservation strategies for the Andean Condor in Colombia. These focus conservation action at the landscape scale in both the medium
are key for decision-making and action to reduce the extinction risk and long term (Guerrero et al., 2013), and will assist in generating
for this species and represent one of the first systematic approaches Systematic Conservation Planning Tool (Gordon et al., 2011).
to the selection of critical areas for this Critically Endangered
species in Colombia.
We found that south-facing cliffs on high slopes located on Identifying Priority Conservation Areas for the Andean Condor in
ridges and cliff faces with high solar radiation, low air densities, Colombia
and high wind speeds are more likely to be selected for condor
roosting sites (Table 1). Condors seem to choose these condi- Our results indicate that the 19,570 km2 which could be con-
tions to seek refuge from threats and adverse weather conditions sidered for PCA status (PCAs), represents only 23% of the potential
(Lambertucci and Ruggiero, 2013), in accordance with previous distribution of this species in Colombia (Sáenz-Jiménez, 2020). This
findings in Colombia (Sáenz-Jiménez, 2020). Other birds of prey, limitation may stem from our focusing solely on roosting areas,
including vultures such as the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus (Aresu neglecting suitable feeding and flight areas (Perrig et al., 2020). Of
et al., 2022) and the Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus (Margalida the potential PCAs, only 29% are situated within the national pro-
et al., 2008), and other raptors such as Bonelli’s Eagle (Hieraae- tected areas system (Fig. 3), constituting only a small fraction of
tus fasciatus) (López-López et al., 2006), also select resting sites the overall PCAs for the species in Colombia. This is consistent with
based on these criteria. Similarly, Peregrine Falcons Falco pere- previous studies and emphasises the necessity for concerted con-
grinus (Wightman and Fuller, 2005) exhibit a preference for high servation strategies on private lands owned by ranchers, farmers,
cliffs or steep slopes, which provide favourable conditions for ther- and local communities (Sáenz-Jiménez, 2020). A similarly low rep-
moregulation, energy conservation during flight, and refuge from resentation of PCAs in protected areas has been reported in Ecuador
terrestrial predators (Aresu et al., 2022). (Naveda-Rodríguez et al., 2016) and the southern distribution of
Systematic conservation planning tools require ecological condors in Argentina (Perrig et al., 2020; Plaza and Lambertucci,
and biological knowledge at various scales to design informed, 2020). This situation represents a significant challenge for condor
species-specific strategies, resulting in more cost-efficient species conservation, especially considering the importance of well-chosen
conservation over time (Nandintsetseg et al., 2019; Nori et al., protected areas critical for biodiversity conservation (Tittensor
2020). In Colombia, technical and financial efforts have been et al., 2014).
invested in Andean Condor conservation for over 30 years, includ- Previous studies have found that anthropogenic pressures
ing public policies, localized conservation programs, (Rodríguez clearly influence the presence of condors (Lambertucci et al., 2009;
et al., 2006), and reintroductions of captive-bred individuals Lambertucci and Ruggiero, 2013; Perrig et al., 2020). The HFI in
(Sáenz-Jiménez, 2020). However, the repopulation nuclei defined Colombia has increased from 1979 to 2015 and caused consider-
for the species between 1989 and 2013 (Sáenz-Jiménez, 2020) able loss of natural areas, resulting in many ecosystems becoming
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Fig. 3. Priority Conservation Areas (PCAs) for Andean Condor Conservation in Colombia. Colours represent priority areas at the landscape scale. Green: low-risk areas with a
high probability of roost selection >43% (Type I PCAs); Yellow: areas with medium-risks for conservation and a high-probability of roost selection (>43%) and areas between
40–60% of anthropogenic pressure overlap (Type II PCAs); Red: high-risk areas for Andean Condor conservation where there is a high probability of roost selection (>43%)
and high anthropogenic pressure (>60%) (Type III PCAs).
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M.A. Parrado-Vargas, J.F. González-Maya, B. Reu et al. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
vulnerable (Correa Ayram et al., 2020). These conditions are more ing trips, selecting high quality food patches and predictable food
pronounced in the geographically and climatically diverse Colom- resources such as feeding sites (Perrig et al., 2020). In this context,
bian Caribbean and Andean regions because of human population it is essential to reiterate that while very little is known regard-
growth and urban expansion and the resulting increase in land ing the movement ecology of the Andean Condor in Colombia, this
devoted to providing food security for human communities (Etter study was based on the most complete dataset available. The data
and Wyngaarden, 2016). This increasing human footprint may in this set clustered within isolated patches in the northern part of
have caused the Andean Condor decline in the Colombian Andes Colombia, potentially introducing bias into our model. This cluster-
(Rodríguez et al., 2006). Because of the local population extinctions ing phenomenon has also been observed in studies of species with
of condors in Colombia, a reintroduction program was developed, low population densities confined to specific habitat patches, and
with 71 individuals bring released between 1989 and 2013 (Sáenz- any bias may intensify in habitats which decline in quality due to
Jiménez, 2020). However, only 55% of the condors released survived human intervention (Greene and Stamps, 2001).
to 2010 (Sáenz-Jiménez, 2020) and many died from anthropogenic Future research endeavours should investigate additional facets
causes (Restrepo-Cardona et al., 2022). This high mortality rate of the species’ habitat and behaviour, including foraging and nest-
could be due to poor planning and a lack of proper identifica- ing sites, to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of its
tion of suitable areas for condor reintroduction. Better spatially conservation requirements (Frans et al., 2018; Perrig et al., 2020).
explicit models guiding reintroductions could reduce the risks due Consequently, we urge international collaboration to consolidate
to human persecution and ensure that birds are released into more data gathered throughout South America pertaining to all areas
suitable habitats and have better survival chances (Coz and Young, suitable for Andean Condors. Such a collaborative effort is essential
2020). to predict Andean Condor PCAs across the whole of South America
Our strategy for identifying PCAs for Andean Condors in Colom- and to develop a continent-wide spatial decision-making roadmap
bia centres on pinpointing suitable roosting sites in areas where the for the implementation of conservation actions throughout the geo-
species is more vulnerable. Roosting sites in PCAs in Colombia serve graphical distribution of the species (Jahn et al., 2017; H.J. Williams
as vital refuges (Lambertucci and Ruggiero, 2013), safeguarding et al., 2020).
against low genetic variability (Padró et al., 2020) and facilitat- While our model effectively identified a combination of geo-
ing connectivity and gene flow between robust populations within morphological and climatic variables related to roost selection,
Colombia and across the continent (Padró et al., 2023). the exploration of ecological and biological factors remains largely
Our findings show that Type II and III PCAs in the central uncharted. For instance, information on food availability, micro-
and southern Colombian Andes lie outside the national protected climatic variables, and other biological factors could significantly
areas scheme and have medium and high HFIs (Fig. 3), which enrich the model’s predictive power, because these variables influ-
could explain the species’ decline in these localities (Renjifo et al., ence population distribution and dynamics (Perrig et al., 2020).
2016). Conserving roosts in southern Colombia could facilitate Despite the large information gaps, we identified condor PCAs in
gene flow between populations north and south of the equator, Colombia for the first time, and proposed conservation actions
potentially reducing the genetic impoverishment observed in the appropriate to the conditions in each PCA type, which will serve
country’s condors (Padró et al., 2023, 2020). The Type I PCAs in as both regional and national decision-making tools.
the north-eastern Andes are located in the NNP-SNSM, which is
home to the largest wild Andean Condor population in Colombia
(Rodríguez et al., 2006) and is under the protection of the Kogui, Conflict of interest
Wiwa, Arhuaco, and Kankuamo indigenous people. Multicultural
and community actions to reduce the threats inside these terri- The authors declare no conflict of interests.
tories should be considered (Prieto, 2014). Furthermore, satellite
tracking data has shown that condors move between the NNP-
Funding sources
SNSM and the NNP El Cocuy, using a dispersal corridor of paramo
complexes throughout Boyacá, Santander, Norte de Santander, and
This work corresponds to the results of the first author’s master’s
Cesar, where over 70% of the human persecution events for Andean
research, and was supported by The Peregrine Fund, [Grant num-
Condor have been reported (Restrepo-Cardona et al., 2022).
ber TPF-COL-1- FY21-FY22); Alejandro Ángel Escobar Fund [Grant
To avoid misguided conservation actions, the definition of PCAs
Colombia Biodiversa number 2020-I) and Neotropical Ornitholog-
should vary based on the measures to be implemented in them
ical Society [Grant Francoise Vieullimer number, FFV 2020).
(Carwardine et al., 2008). For this reason, we developed a roadmap
with strategies for maintaining or improving the conditions in the
various PCA types (SI 4). Suitable roosting areas with low HFIs were Acknowledgments
termed Type I MPAs, where action should prioritize to maintain
viable natural low-risk conditions. Type II SERPAs, where socio- We acknowledge The Peregrine Fund and GeoTrak Inc (Keith
ecological and community programs are essential, especially on LeSage) for the donation of satellite trackers and technical advice
private land, and Type III SEDPAs (Fig. 2), should focus efforts on in obtaining the data on the movement ecology for the south
assessing population and habitat status to determine the viability and north of the Colombian Andes. We also thank Juan Sebastián
of direct technical and financial condor conservation (refer to Fig. 3, Restrepo for providing the Condor roosting sites monitored in the
SI 4). Central Andes region and Francisco Ciri for taking this research into
While our study has provided valuable insights into the con- account in the initial design of the update of the Andean Condor
servation of the Andean Condor in Colombia, it is important to Conservation Program in Colombia 2021-2035.
recognize certain limitations inherent in our approach. One notable
limitation is our exclusive focus on roosting sites, which may not
encompass the entirety of suitable condor habitats (Frans et al., Appendix A. Supplementary data
2018). Our analysis did not include supplementary feeding sites, or
take account of the fact that, in common with most obligate avian Supplementary material related to this article can be
scavengers (Moreno-Opo et al., 2015; Delgado-González et al., found, in the online version, at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016
2022), Andean Condors can cover large distances in their forag- /j.pecon.2024.05.002.
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M.A. Parrado-Vargas, J.F. González-Maya, B. Reu et al. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
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