Crossword Z1fWnWe9od Converti
Crossword Z1fWnWe9od Converti
Crossword Z1fWnWe9od Converti
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1. The process of converting waste materials 1. Energy that is collected from renewable
into new materials and objects. resources like the sun, wind etc (phrase of 2Words).
5. Materials that are no longer needed and 2. The blue planet, the one on which we live.
that are thrown away (singular noun). 3. The ability to make something continue for a long
6. A liquid without colour, smell or taste. It period of time without becoming less.
falls as rain and it is used for drinking, 4. Materials found in nature that are used and
washing etc. usable by humans (phrase of 2 Words).
8. Energy that is collected from non-renewable 7. Prevention of wasteful use of resources.
resources like the oil, gas etc (phrase of 9. The hard material that the trunk and branches of
2Words). a tree are made of. It is used to build or make things
with, or as a fuel.