Quality Kpi's USQC

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Quality Metrics (KPI's)

Customer Quality KPI's

KPI Calculation Method Ideal Range

No of Defective Parts Minimum

Customer PPM /
1 (-------------------------------------) X 1 million (Lower the
External PPM Better)
No of Parts supplied

No of Defective Parts Minimum

Customer Rejection
2 (-------------------------------------) X 100 (Lower the
(%) Better)
No of Parts supplied

No of Customer Minimum
Total Complaints during
3 Complaints per (Lower the
the defined time Better)

Time between complaint Minimum

Average Time to
4 receipt and complaint closure - (Lower the
solve (Hrs. / Days) Better)
Correction, CAPA.

Average Time to Time between complaint Minimum

5 Respond receipt and response provided to (Lower the
(Hrs. / Days) customer Better)

Satisfaction / Net Maximum
6 NPS = % Promoter - % Detractors
Promoter Score (Higher the Better)

Supplier Quality KPI's
KPI Calculation Method Ideal Range

No of Defective Parts
7 Supplier PPM (-------------------------------------) X 1 million
(Lower the Better)
No of Parts Received

No of Defective Parts
Supplier Rejection / Minimum
8 (-------------------------------------) X 100
Defect Rate (%) (Lower the Better)
No of Parts Received

Total deliveries on time

OTD - On time Maximum
9 (-----------------------------------------------) X100
Delivery (Higher the Better)
Total deliveries made

Total deliveries on time in full

10 OTIF - On Time in Full (-----------------------------------------------) X100
(Higher the Better)
Total deliveries made

Average Time to Time between complaint / Query Minimum

Respond (Hrs. / Days) receipt and response provided (Lower the Better)

Time between complaint

Average Time to solve Minimum
12 receipt and closure - Correction,
(Hrs. / Days) (Lower the Better)

Incoming / Receiving Quality - IQC KPI's

KPI Calculation Method Ideal Range

Average Time to Time between Part receipt and Minimum

Inspect (Hrs. / Days) Inspection Completion (Lower the Better)

Average Time to raise Time between physical material

14 rejection note / QN rejection and Rejection Note / QN- Minimum
(Lower the Better)
(Hrs. / Days) Quality Notification Creation
General - Quality Planning, Management & Improvement

Sr. Ideal
No. KPI Calculation Method

Cost of Good (Appraisal Cost + Prevention Cost) Minimum

15 Quality - --------------------------------------------------- (Lower the
COGQ Total Company Revenue Better)

Cost of Poor (Internal Failure Cost + External Failure Cost) Minimum

16 Quality - -------------------------------------------------------------------- (Lower the
COPQ Total Company Revenue Better)

(COPQ + COGQ) Minimum

Cost of Quality
17 ------------------------------------------------- (Lower the
- COQ Better)
Total Company Revenue

No of Training Total Trainings completed in the Targeted Maximum

18 (Higher the
completed Time Better)

No of Non-
Total NC's observed in the External &
Conformance Minimum
Internal Audits (Certification Body's,
19 NC’s per area (Lower the
Customers, Regulatory etc) in the Targeted Better)
(Internal /
External Audit)

Average Days
for closing Time between Audit observation and Closure Minimum
20 (Lower the
Audit of Observations. Better)
In-process Quality KPI's
Sr. No. KPI Calculation Method Ideal Range

No of Defective Parts
21 Internal PPM (-------------------------------------) X 1 million Minimum
(Lower the Better)
No of Parts Produced

No of Defective Parts
Rejection / Minimum
22 (-------------------------------------) X 100
Defect Rate (%) (Lower the Better)
No of Parts Produced

Total Scrap
23 Scrap Rate % (-------------------------------) X 100 Minimum
(Lower the Better)
Total Product

Yeild = (I)(G) + (I)(1-G)(R)

I = planned production Maximum
24 Yield / Efficiency
G = correct parts [%] (Higher the Better)

R = reworked parts [%]

Correct Part
25 Throughout (----------------------------------------) X 100 Target
Total Production Time


+1 732-354-1094

www.USQC.US [email protected]

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