SupplyChain Benchmarking
SupplyChain Benchmarking
SupplyChain Benchmarking
Inventory Inventory
AP Total Obsolescence AR
Supplier Supplier RM Purchase Material
Quality On-Time Inventory Costs Costs
5 Industry Sectors
Chemicals Consumer High-Tech/ and General Life Sciences
Products Electronics Manufacturing and Healthcare
Start with what your customer values. Optimize the whole, not the parts.
Segment and measure your multiple supply chains. The metrics are
the same its the targets that differ by segments.
Benchmarks should not be used as targets. They can be useful as one
of the inputs, directionally, to set improvement targets.
Implementing consistent metrics should be approached as
a multiyear project.
How it works
yourself with Gartner research and
benchmarking best practices
Submit your supply chain data to the Gartner research team
Analyst team prepares customized benchmarking
report and recommendations
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