Pakistan Blue Economy

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Pakistan's ‘Blue Economy’: Potential and Prospects

Author(s): Asaf Humayun and Naghmana Zafar

Source: Policy Perspectives , Vol. 11, No. 1 (2014), pp. 57-76
Published by: Pluto Journals
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Pakistan’s ‘Blue Economy’
Potential and Prospects
Asaf Humayun & Naghmana Zafar


[The idea of ‘Blue Economy’ recognizes the seas and oceans as main drivers for the
economic development with great potential for innovation and growth. Pakistan is an
important maritime state in the Indian Ocean blessed with approximately 1,050 km
long coastline and the Exclusive Economic Zone covering about 240,000 sq. km. The
maritime sector acts as the bedrock of the national economy. To optimally benefit
from this natural endowment, there is a need for an integrated National Maritime
Policy. Increasing the awareness and knowledge among the decision-makers as well
as the general public and capacity building through public-private partnerships are
required. Development of effective national compliance mechanism and stimulating
renewal of potential maritime sectors through regional and international collaboration
can usher the country into an era of significant growth. The efficiency of Pakistani
ports should be enhanced by improving the network of rail and road infrastructure.
The role of National Co-ordination bodies should be augmented. Impediments are
there but efforts can surmount them. – Eds.]

The Blue Economy (Factors of Maritime Powers)

The world is facing major challenges to sustainable economic

development. These include the issues of sovereignty and security,
sustaining national development, access to food and energy,
management of natural resources, effects of climate change, and
resilience in the face of natural disasters. With a growing population,
set to rise from seven billion today to over nine billion by 2050,1 these
pressures and impacts are likely to intensify unless the world becomes
more intelligent about managing these essential resources. States are
moving towards seas and oceans to sustain their economic
development and national power and the phenomenon is known as
“Blue Economy”. The idea of Blue Economy recognizes the “seas and
oceans” as main drivers for the economic development with great
potential for innovation and growth. How these Blue waters can help
Pakistan to speed up economic growth? What are the challenges we are
facing to develop as a maritime nation? What are the opportunities
available? And, how can these opportunities work for us?

The trend of “Getting Blue” might be new for the developing

states but history reveals that all “Great Powers” of the world were

Vice Admiral (Retd) Asaf Humayun is Director, General National Centre for
Maritime Policy Research (NCMPR) and Ms Naghmana Zafar is Staff Officer Research
UNEP, Annual Report, 2012.

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truly Maritime states. Nations such as Greeks, Portuguese, Dutch,

British, American and many others learnt to safeguard their maritime
interests at sea, and ruled the world. The point is what factors helped
them to emerge as sea power and maintain their supremacy? Maritime
Historians have defined certain pre-requisites for a nation to emerge as
a sea power. These elements include:2

a. Geography.
b. Resources, which can be devoted to maritime tasks and forces.
c. A strong maritime tradition& community.
d. A maritime mind-set and governance borne out of dependence on

Pakistan’s Maritime Sector

Geography is the fulcrum of Maritime strategy and nations having

access to open seas are the blessed ones. Pakistan’s proximity to oil
rich Gulf region has made us an important maritime state in the Indian
Ocean. The country’s geographic position gives it a strategic advantage
in handling transit trade for landlocked Afghanistan and Central Asian
countries. However, there is a need to implement smart and intelligent
options to exploit this geographical edge. We already find Iran ahead of
Pakistan in creating infrastructure to facilitate transit trade to the
Central Asian region.3

Pakistan is blessed with approximately 1,050 Km long coastline.

In terms of "coastline length” Pakistan is ranked 74th among the 142
coastal states. On the positive side, the sea boundaries of Pakistan are
settled, other than Sir Creek. The land to coast ratio of Pakistan is
1.36.4 The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) covers an area of about
240,000 sq. km. The case of maritime zone extension of the continental
shelf up to 350 nautical miles (approximately 50,000 Sq. Km) from the
coastline was presented before UN in 2009.5 Recently, it has been
handed over to the sub-commission for technical scrutiny and
subsequent approval without any objections.6 However, there is a
misperception that after approval of Pakistan’s claim, our EEZ will
become the largest territorial unit of Pakistan in terms of area. In fact
our total EEZ will still be smaller in size as compared to Balochistan and
our EEZ will be the second largest province of Pakistan.

Till, Maritime Strategy and The Nuclear Age, 13.
Iran launched the Chahbahar Port project supported by Indian investment to
facilitate trade to Afghanistan and Central Asia. Source: Source: Tehran Times
11721, June 2, 2013,
india-aims-to-invest-100m-in-irans-chabahar-port (accessed January 15, 2014).
CIA Fact book -The "coast/area ratio" measures how many meters of coastline
correspond to every square kilometer of land area. The ratio illustrates the ease of
accessibility to the country's coast from every point in its interior.
“Pakistan’s Sea Limit set to be Extended,” Dawn, May 7, 2009.
Ansar Abbasi, “UN takes key step to confirm Pak claim over 50,000 sq kms in
Arabian Sea,” The News , September 01, 2013.

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Pakistan’s ‘Blue Economy’: Potential and Prospects

Pakistan also has mangrove forests of about 160,000 hectors.7

It is positioned at 24th number in the world in terms of mangroves

Allah Ta’ala created Pakistan as a maritime nation. Pakistan is

blessed with extended coastline,
natural harbours, abundant Pakistan is blessed with
marine resources, unhindered
sea trade and committed extended coastline, natural
maritime professionals. harbours, abundant marine
However, it appears that sea is
entirely absent from the national resources, unhindered sea
priorities as reading of this trade and committed
paper will reveal. Indeed a
large portion of our population
maritime professionals.
will pass their entire life without
ever setting their eyes on the blue waters washing Pakistan’s shores.

The maritime sector acts as the bedrock of our national

economy as 95 per cent of trade and 100 per cent of our oil/coal
imports are transported via the sea route.9 Our daily life depends upon
the smooth function of our link to the sea. The electricity that lights
and powers our factories, businesses, offices, homes, and streets,
needs the oil brought to our ports in increasing quantities by huge oil
tankers. The usual daily diet in Pakistan of tea and the food cooked in
oil requires free flow of maritime trade. However, most people in
Pakistan are unaware of our maritime lifeline. We suffer a case of sea

In 2012-13 our exports were about 24.5 billion dollars and

imports nearly 45 billion dollars. According to the World Bank, the
external trade (total import and export) as a share of GDP was 32.9
percent in 2012.10 Pakistan's 95 percent trade (nearly 31% percent of
GDP) takes place through sea11 i.e. nearly 66.5 billion dollars of
Pakistan’s trade is sea borne. Our exports had nearly doubled in volume
at about 17% rise every year till 2007. However, the downward trend is
quite evident after 2008 (Figure: 1). The imports rose at about 7%
every year. Thus, it can be presumed that Pakistan is capable of
achieving good growth in sea-borne trade if the environment is right. In
this perspective, reports suggest that in the year 2013-14, total trade is
anticipated to see a real growth at the rate of 11.3%.12

Food and Agriculture Organization, “World Mangroves Forest.”
S M Hali, ”Pakistan’s Maritime Compulsions,” The Nation, November 21, 2012.
The World Bank, “Merchandise Trade.”
Adeela Khan, “Gwadar Port: Growing beyond,” Pakistan Observer, August 01,
Business Monitor International, Pakistan Shipping Report.

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Figure 1: Imports and Exports of Pakistan

Impediments and Opportunities

The maritime economic domain of Pakistan comprises of a number of

sectors, and the résumé of these sectors with particular focus on the
impediments and hurdles in achieving excellence can highlight the
potential for future growth.

a. Shipping

The state-owned National Shipping Corporation (NSC) had been formed

in 1963. 1971 was the golden era for merchant shipping and Pakistan’s
flag flew from 71 national and privately owned vessels.13 The fleet
strength declined to 57 vessels after the separation of Bangladesh. In
1974, the Government nationalized 10 shipping companies. They were
merged into PSC (Pakistan Shipping Corporation) and NSC– a total of
51 ships.14 In 1979, the 2 shipping companies were merged into PNSC,
which remains today the largest and the only national shipping

At present, PNSC fleet comprises of nine vessels of various

types and sizes (Six Bulk carriers & Three Aframax tankers) with a total
deadweight capacity (cargo carrying capacity) of 642,207 tonnes.15
According to the statistics released by the government almost 99% of
crude oil imports are undertaken by PNSC.16 PNSC is planning for
acquisition of four tankers – two Aframax tankers for transportation of
fuel oil and two product tankers for transportation of white oils. With

UN ESCAP, Country Report from Pakistan.
Highlights Survey of Pakistan 2012-13.
The Economic Survey of Pakistan, “Transportation and Communication.”

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Pakistan’s ‘Blue Economy’: Potential and Prospects

the present capacity (Fleet size) PNSC cannot fulfil the trade
requirement of the country. Most of solid cargo to Pakistan is
transported in containers but PNSC does not possess a single container
vessel due to its business strategy. PNSC has remained profitable for
more than 10 years. (Figure 2)

Figure 2: A comparison of revenue vs. operating expenditure of PNSC

Despite a depressed shipping scenario worldwide, PNSC has

improved its profitability and earned a profit of Rs. 2,558.2 million
during 2011 against Rs 1,466.0 million in the same period last year.
Similarly total cargo lifted during Jul 12 – Mar 13 was 8,730 thousand
tonnes against 6009.7 thousand tonnes last year.17

Pakistani flagged vessels are only handling about 7% of external

dry cargo trade, resulting a substantial economic lose. As 92 percent of
global trade is conducted through ocean vessels, there is huge
opportunity for investors in Pakistan to invest in the shipping industry.
The shipping industry received severe setback due to nationalization
policy in 70s and couldn’t recover. Thus, the private ownership and
public-private competition in this sector diminished forever.

The Government has tried to lure private parties into shipping

sector. In July 2001, a very liberal Shipping Policy was announced. As
a result, two companies invested in this sector.18 However, their
business plan did not succeed because of slump in shipping industry,
wrong selection of vessels, inability to get guarantee for assured cargo
from the government etc. After 9/11 the scenario has changed and
several Pakistanis have ships registered under Flag of Convenience

MEGA & Forbes, and Dewan Shipping Lines Ltd had registered their vessels in

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(FoC). This is not a bad thing as long as they employ Pakistani crews
and bring their earnings to Pakistan.

Shipping industry , around the globe is not only a source of

foreign exchange for the country but also acts as a catalyst for setting
up of allied industries such as ship management, ship building, ship
repairs and ship breaking, marine surveying, insurance etc. The IMO
reported that world fleet has grown 37 per cent in the last four year.
Pakistan can be part of this trend through private financing and
economic incentives for this industry.

b. Ports and Maritime Infrastructure

Karachi Port Trust was created in 1882 and it was the only port in West
Pakistan. The port of Karachi is Pakistan's largest and busiest seaport,
handling about 60 percent of the nation's cargo.19 It has two container
terminals KICT and PICT, operated by private sector. Karachi Port has a
11.5 kms long approach channel with the depth of 12 meters (being
deepened progressively) and a turning basin of 600 meters. It has 30
dry cargo berths, (13 berths on West Wharves, 17 berths on East
Wharves) and 3 liquid cargo berths.20 Statistics showed that in 2011-
12, KPT managed nearly 38 million tons of dry and wet cargo. It
handled 1.5 million TEUs and more than 1700 ships visited the port.
The Karachi Port provides safe navigation for vessels up to 75,000
metric tonnes deadweight (DWT). About 5000 person are employed in

At the moment Karachi Port Trust is undertaking the biggest

project in its history i.e. Pakistan Deep Water Containers Port (PDWCP).
This project located to the east of oil piers comprises in Phase I, four
berths with 1500 m quay wall. The channel and the basin depth has
been kept as 16 meters, which will be eventually increased to 18
meters (Figure 3). Project is scheduled for completion in 2014. Once
completed, it will be able to handle 3.2 million TEUs per year. The
phase 1 of project was estimated to cost less than 37 billion rupees. In
the 2nd phase of the project a Port bridge and cargo village in the west
of existing harbour will be constructed (yet to start) and the cargo
capacity will be increased to 12 million TEUs per annum. KPT is also
rehabilitating 6 berths on East Wharf. To have maritime cluster of
shipping, multinational companies, stevedoring, banks etc near Karachi
port, KPT has planned to launch Port District Project and KPT -77
Maritime enclave in near future.22 To realize the full benefit of these
projects the rail and road connectivity of Karachi Port need major up-

International Finance Corporation, “An Assessment of Opportunities and Constraints
in the Logistics Industry in Pakistan.”
Ministry of Ports and Shipping, GoP, “Gateway to Pakistan and Beyond.”

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Pakistan’s ‘Blue Economy’: Potential and Prospects

Figure 3: Pakistan Deep Water Containers Port (PDWCP)

Port Qasim is Pakistan's second busiest port, handling about 40

percent of the nation's cargo. It is located in a channel of the Indus
River called Phitti Creek, 35 km east of Karachi.23 The approach to the
port is through a long 45 km navigation channel. One of its major
advantages is its proximity to different national transport facilities. It is
15 km away from the national highway, directly linked to the railway
network through six tracks and 22 km away from the international
airport. Port Qasim has mostly privately owned jetties and terminals for
both liquid and solid cargoes. It also has 2 private container terminals.
Pakistan’s only private petroleum terminal FOTCO is also located at Port
Qasim and second private oil terminal is under construction. More than
1100 Ships visit Port Qasim annually. Port Qasim handled more than 26
million tons of cargo during the financial year 2010-11.24 PQA handled
538,000 TEUs (Twenty Equal Units) in 2012-13. The growth in
container traffic during the nine months of 2012-13 is 6% over July-
March 2011-12.25 In year 2013- 14 tonnage through put at Port Qasim
is forecast to grow to 26.6 mn tonnes and the container traffic will grow
to more than 800,000 TEUs. To meet the future requirements, the
present capacity of PQA is to be increased for ships of more than
75,000 tonnes. Moreover, Government is planning to build 3 privately
owned LNG terminals at PQA.26 Moreover, to enhance the production
and export of textile products a “Textile City” is also being established
in the eastern industrial zone of PQA. The project is expected to be
operational in near future.27

Pakistan Economic Survey, 2010-2011.
Highlights from the Survey of Pakistan 2012-13.
Hina Mahgul Rind, “LNG Developers Eying Terminals at Port Qasim” The News,
March 23, 2012.
“Textile City Concept to Develop Industrial Estate,” The Nation, September 25,

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The port of Gwadar is a new development located at the

entrance of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Sea and about 460 km west
of Karachi, in the Balochistan province. It became operational in 2008.
It is a deep water port, being constructed in two phases with heavy
investment from China. The government of Pakistan has projected this
port as the first link in the development of an energy and trade corridor
to China and Central Asian Republics, by providing them with short
access route to the markets in the Middle East and Europe. The
Government has sanctioned 330 million dollars recently to create the
Gwadar Kashgar trade and economy corridor, connecting Gwadar to
south-western China.

The total cargo handled at the port up till now is 5.0 million
tonnes. Only 145 Ships have called at Gwadar Port since 2008.28 Why
Gwadar port has been unable to match other ports of Pakistan? The
issues of port connectivity and unstable socio-political situation are the
main reasons that this mega
The issues of port project could not attract required
connectivity and unstable private investments. The road
and rail connectivity of this port
socio-political situation are has not received the high priority
the main reasons that it deserved in the last 6-8 years
and these links remain
Gwadar could not attract incomplete. The government’s
required private premature announcement to
develop another port on Makran
investments. coast in 2007, in Sonmiani closer
to trade-industry hub in Karachi
had also hampered the foreign investment and strategically affected the
competitive image of Gwadar.29

In 1947 Karachi Port could handle only 1.5 million tons of solid
and 1 million ton of liquid cargo. Today Pakistani ports have grown from
2.6 million tons per annum to nearly 65 million tonnes per annum 30
(Figure 1). Still a huge potential for growth exists. The links to all our
Ports need up-gradation. Both ports in Karachi have railway link, which
now-a-days is dormant. Gwadar lacks direct road link to up-country
and to Quetta. Without the routes to rest of the country, ports shrivel.

To facilitate the trade near ports, 2 major export zones (EPZs)

established under the administration of Ministry of Industries and
Production are; Karachi Export Processing Zone (KEPZ) and Gwadar
Export Processing Zone (GEPZ). Moreover, one privately owned EPZ in

Then President of Pakistan stated in the inauguration ceremony of Gwadar port, “I
want to announce that this year Insha Allah Pakistan’s fourth and Balochistan’s
second seaport would be developed in the area of Sonmiani and its ground-work
would start this year.” referred to Documents (January - June 2007), published by
Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad.
Ministry of Ports and Shipping, GoP, op.cit.

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Pakistan’s ‘Blue Economy’: Potential and Prospects

Port Qsim was also established in 2005. Around the globe, export
processing zones are known to be an effective tool for economic growth
and development. Both, KEPZ and GEPZ are static in this role so far.
They are nothing more than a depository or a platform used for
distribution of cargo. To transform our ports into a maritime cluster of
regional competence, an integrated and dynamic EPZ structure is

c. Seafaring

According to International Maritime Organization (IMO) the estimated

shortfall in seafaring is 84,000 personnel.31 Pakistan can contribute a
large number of trained seafarers to fill this gap and gain good
revenue. Nevertheless, it is sad to know that Pakistani seafarers are
gradually losing their share in the international employment market.
Pakistan has around 20,000 registered seafarers. At present
approximately 5,000 seafarers are employed in international fleet,
while in 2001 this number was 7,300.32 Their estimated revenue
contribution in national economy
is roughly US $25 million
annually. The share of Philippines
Pakistan’s declining supply
and India currently stands at of seafarers is actually
around 300,000 and 60,000 indicative of country’s
seafarers respectively and rising
rapidly. Indian seafarers remit US inability to benefit from the
$ 1 billion annually whilst shortage of seafarers at
Philippine seafarers are earning
US$ 4 to 5 billion for their international level.
country. Analysis reveals that
Pakistani seafarers are hardworking, competent and competitive as
compared to other nationalities.33 Pakistan Marine Academy was
established in 1962. Pakistan has always been listed in the
International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) 'White List’ i.e. fulfilling the
criteria of International Convention on Standards of Training,
Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers, (commonly known as
STCW).34 Our seafarers also face difficulty in obtaining visa and in
clearance procedures after 9/11. Pakistan’s declining supply of
seafarers actually indicates country’s inability to benefit from the
shortage of seafarers at international level. To exploit the employment
potential in seafaring it is important that Ministry of Ports and Shipping
should proactively pursue the employment of Pakistani seafarers within

Pervaiz Asghar, “Pakistan Needs to Recognizes Services of its it Sea Farers,”
Pakistan Today, October 2 , 2011.
Waqar Humza, “Pak Seafarers' Jobs Share Reduced ,” The Nation, April 26, 2010.
Waqar Humza, “Worldwide Seafarers Shortage to Double by ‘11’,” The Nation,
August 25, 2009.
Detail of IMO White List is available on the official link appended below: (accessed
January 21, 2014).

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the major seafaring hubs such as Greece, Cyprus, Singapore and other
countries. It is imperative that the issue of difficulties and delays in the
issuance of visas to Pakistani seafarers should be taken up by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs with foreign missions in Pakistan and a viable
solution like pre-screening and pre-scrutinizing of our seafarers should
be worked out as soon as possible. It is expected through concerted
efforts, this sector can earn remittances of up to US $0.5 billion per

c. Ship breaking and Recycling

Ninety two per cent of ship recycling in 2011 took place in India, China,
Bangladesh and Pakistan36 (Table 1). The table shows that the top
recycling states, India, China, and Bangladesh, have a larger share of
the world's ship-recycling industry.

Rest of the
India China Bangladesh Pakistan Turkey Total

Tankers 1811 610 830 1485 98 157 4992

Bulk carriers 3215 4367 4527 1240 205 114 13668

Container and
3370 1318 464 176 830 353 6511
other passenger

Offshore and
other work 366 59 136 548 18 260 1388

Total 8762 6354 5957 3449 1152 884 26558

Table 1: Top countries handling the types and number of

demolished ships (IHS 2011)

Pakistan, despite its capacity, has a smaller share of just 11%.37

The only shipbreaking yard of Pakistan is located in Gadani on
Balochistan coast. There are 127 shipbreaking plots in Gadani from
where the scrap metal and other materials are trucked to Karachi for
recycling. This sector provides employment opportunities to about
15,000 workers.38 This industry indirectly facilitates the livelihood of
more than 400,000 individuals. In the 1980s, the Gadani ship breaking
yard was known to be the world’s largest, with more than 30,000 direct
employees.39 However, in 2011, the ship recycling industry provided
only 27 percent of the melting steel scrap40 (Figure 4). High sales tax,

UNCTAD, “Review of Maritime Transport.”
Mikelis, “Ship Recycling Markets and the Impact of the Hong Kong Convention.”
“Two Laborers Die at Gadani Ship-breaking yard,”The News , July 2, 2013.
Ramapati, “Ship Dismantling - A Status Report on South Asia.”
Mikelis, op.cit.

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Pakistan’s ‘Blue Economy’: Potential and Prospects

income tax etc. and competition from ship breaking yards in India and
Bangladesh have reduced Gadani’s output.

Figure 4: Annual volume of recycled tonnage by

country of recycling (IHS Fairply)

Looking at global shipping scenario, this industry can enjoy good

growth for at least next 5 years. The government needs to make
long term taxation policies so that this sector can contribute in
employment as well as revenue generation in the province of
Balochistan. If the sustenance of this industry can be assured,
Pakistan can turn attention to improvement of facilities such as
water supply, electricity for the industry, workers training, better
living conditions, environmental protection etc.

d. Fishing and sea food industry

According to an estimate, Pakistan has fish and seafood industry

worth $1.2 billion. Exports alone fetch about US$ 240 million per
annum.41 The industry’s contribution in GDP is about 1 per cent.42
The fishing sector provides employment to an estimated 1.5 million
persons with more than half the workforce in the coastal areas of
Sindh and Baluchistan.43 Fishing fleet of the country comprises of
14,000 large and small boats.44 In terms of fish production Pakistan
is ranked 28th in the world.45 Total fish catch in Pakistan is about
600,000 tonnes, out of which 400,000 tonnes is contributed by
marine fisheries. Nevertheless; only 10 per cent of the total catch is

According to Dr. Nasim’s Report on Fisheries Sector of Pakistan- 2011, the export
of sea food products increased from US$ 213 in year 2007-08 to US$ 240 in year
Alam, “Fisheries Sector of Pakistan.”
Khan, “Impact of Somali Piracy on the Fisheries of Pakistan.”
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Live Stock, “National Policy and Strategy for
Fisheries and Aqua Culture Development in Pakistan,” 2007.

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exported. While 60 per cent is used to produce fish meal and

remaining 30 percent is consumed locally.46

Figure 5: Total Fish Production in Pakistan (FAO)

The seafood industry is under threat from two sides, one is from
indiscriminate & unsound fishing practices, which may reduce the
resource base and hence the yields. The other is from poor quality
control, which means that the value of the catch is not being maximized
and a lot is wasted. The post harvest handling and trash fish is one of
the main issues hampering the quality control.

Use of banned nets and fishing in the closed season are the
illegal and unauthorised activities that cause devastating loss to fish
breeding. Moreover, bycatch produced due to deleterious fishing
practices is simply pillage of marine resources. It is a critical issue
threatening the ecosystem and survival of endangered species. These
wrongful fishing practices are attributed to lack of awareness among
fishermen community, ineffective regulatory framework and poor
enforcement mechanism. Furthermore, unreported fishing and
smuggling of catch is causing substantial drain of our marine resources.
Nearly 200 tonnes of prime fish species are smuggled from Pakistan
daily. Only through strict control, monitoring, and implementation of
laws all these issues can be curbed. Lack of co-ordination among the
various stakeholders is the main hurdle that affects the administrative
control of fisheries.

Alam, op.cit., 13.
UNIDO, “Enterprises Based Fisheries Sector Study and Strategic Plan for
Bycatch refers to unintentional catch while fishing. It includes wrong size species
or specie that are not eaten or have less/no market, banned or endangered species
such as certain birds, turtles and marine mammals.

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Pakistan’s ‘Blue Economy’: Potential and Prospects

Pakistan has enjoyed strong export performance in fish products

for about 20 years. This performance has been aided by natural
advantages resulting directly from the high fish production capabilities
of the Arabian Sea. However, an in-depth comparison shows that,
Pakistan is not a low cost producer compared to countries like Thailand
and Indonesia which rely on aquaculture and can undercut Pakistani
price by more than 20%. The high cost is attributable to high cost of
fishing (fuel) plus an absence of a comprehensive current survey and
knowledge of fish stocks.

Every year poaching by Indian fishermen causes a loss of Rs 8.1

billion.50 The availability of high-priced catch forces these intruders to
take this risk. According to sources of Pakistan Maritime Security
Agency, from January 2012 to March 2013, 184 boats with 606 Indian
fishermen were apprehended. However, only 12 Pakistani boats were
caught by the Indian authorities across maritime boundary during the
same period.51

Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production sector

around the globe. United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) reported the growing share (around 35%) of aquaculture in fish
production. However, aquaculture is relatively a recent activity in
Pakistan. Only 15 % of the fish is produced through aquaculture and
out of which the share of salt-water fish is almost negligible. The
provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan have only 32 and 100 farms
respectively. The aquaculture production of Pakistan is negligible when
compared with regional states including India and Bangladesh.
However, development prospects of this sector appear promising. It is
estimated that an export potential of US $1.00 billion per annum can be
realised.53 There is a strong need to enhance fisheries and aquaculture
development to increase its contribution to national economic growth,
poverty alleviation and food security. Awareness, training and
appropriate support are essential for this progress.

e. Ship Building

Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Limited (KSEW) is the only

shipyard in Pakistan that is catering for country’s ship building, ship
repairing and heavy / general engineering requirements. KSEW has two
dry docks of 18,000 tons dead weight (DWT) and 26,000 DWT capacity
respectively. There are three Ship Building berths, each equipped with
heavy machinery and allied facilities where construction of vessels can
be undertaken simultaneously.

Akram, “Sustainable Management of Marine Fisheries and Roles of PMSA.”
Khalid Khokhar, “Facts About Illegal Indian Fishing Activity Inside Pakistan EEZ,”
The News, April 15, 2013.
Iftikhar, “Aquaculture Development in Pakistan.”

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KSEW was designed to build and repair ships for the local and
foreign customers in early 1950s. The yard commenced its commercial
production in 1957. SS AL-ABBAS of about 13,000 DWT was the first
major ship to be built at the Karachi Shipyard in 1967. So far, it has
built over 430 vessels of different
types, repaired 5000 vessels of all
In view of the potential, nationalities and built over 2000
there is a strong need heavy engineering units.54 It is a
to focus on fisheries government owned entity and has the
capability for building mid-sized
and aquaculture vessels including submarines, Cargo
development. Ships, Oil Tankers, Bulk Carriers and
Warships, and other small or large
craft. KSEW is now mainly engaged in
warship construction. The facilities at KSEW are being upgraded.
However, due to physical limitations KSEW cannot handle construction
or repair of most ships calling at Karachi Port.

The world has witnessed a steep rise in sea borne trade with the
growth in population and economic activity. Following the trend, some
of the global states have set their eyes on shipbuilding industry such as
China, South Korea, Japan and others. Pakistan can only exploit the
economic potential of ship building by creating investment opportunities
for private sector and proper marketing strategy. Recently, the
government has decided to build a new ship construction and repair
yard at Gwadar, which will initially be able to service ships of up to
100,000 tonnes. The plans are being finalised.55 Although we can
operate with a comparative cost advantage, but shipbuilding also
requires advance training and education in ship designing and
technologically sound manpower. The capacity building in this field
needs attention.

f. Offshore Resources

Offshore area of Pakistan comprises of two basins; Indus and Makran.

The Indus basin is the second largest offshore basin in the world56 and
exploration in this region was first carried out in 1961 by Sun Oil
Company. At present about 17 companies are operating in the offshore
area of Pakistan to exploit the potential reservoir of hydrocarbon
resources57 without visible results. The cover area of offshore
sedimentary region is about 300,000 sq kms, which is highly under-
explored. Recorded drilling density for oil and gas finding in this area is
a meagre 0.4 per 10,000 sq kms when compared with exploration in

“On the Voyage of Sinking,” Dawn, September 17, 2006.
“PN Fleet Tanker Project Launched,” Dawn, November 27, 2013.
“Pakistan Offshore Hydrocarbon Prospective,” Business Recorder, November 13,
Official statistics available at the website of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural
Resources Government of Pakistan.

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Pakistan’s ‘Blue Economy’: Potential and Prospects

other parts of the world.58 Other than that, Oil and Gas Company
limited (OGDCL) carried out intensive surveys to undertake Pakistan
Basin Study Project.59 The study revealed that Pakistan’s offshore area
holds promising potential for hydrocarbon discoveries. The survey
conducted by National Institute of Oceanography for the assessment of
gas reserves in deep sea revealed that Pakistan is among the top 7
countries of the world in terms of methane gas reserves.60
Nevertheless, improved policy incentives and globally competitive
investment regulations by the government can unlock the offshore
petroleum prospects of Pakistan.

Pakistan’s coastal area is also rich in living and mineral

resources. Coastal seaweeds (marine vegetation) are available in great
abundance in the Arabian Sea,
particularly in the sedimentary region Policy incentives and
of the Makran coast. The expected
value is as high as 112 ton/hectare globally competitive
(UN ESCAP Report 1996). The investment regulations
seabed plants are termed as high
export value item not only for their
can unlock the off-shore
universal use as food but also for petroleum prospects.
medicines.61 The exploration and
exploitation of offshore resources require heavy investment and
expertise. At present, Pakistan may not be able to probe these options
but with proper environmental management we can sustain these
resources without harm for the future generations.

g. Coastal Tourism

Globally, tourism is the largest market segment and is growing rapidly.

The tourism economy represents 5 per cent of the world GDP and
provides 6-7 per cent of the global employment. In almost 150
countries of the world, it is one of the five top earning industries. It is
the main source of foreign exchange for one-half of developing
nations.62 The global trends suggest rapid growth of this industry over
the next 20 years. However, in Pakistan no comprehensive assessment
of the potential of coastal and marine tourism exists. It is limited to
local populace only and has never been considered as a potential
source of revenue by public or private sector. Coastal tourism
development can support local economy and reduce poverty. The
private sector must be mobilised to support sustainable tourism along
our coast as well as sea cruise industry.

“OGDCL Releases Pakistan Basin Study Report,” The News, July 21, 2011.
Faiza Ilyas, “Report Highlights Gas Hydrate Resource Potential,” Dawn, October 6,
Khan, “Marine Resources in Pakistan,” 838.
UNEP, “Green Economy in Blue World,” 17.

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Policy Perspectives

Policy Framework

Apart from the strengths, weaknesses, potential and impediments

discussed in each sphere of maritime economic sector of Pakistan,
some emerging challenges tend to effect maritime development and
economic policies around the globe.
a. Growing Environmental Concerns

“A worldwide transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient Green

Economy will not be possible unless the seas and oceans are a key part
of these urgently needed transformations”63

The environmental threats to the Arabian Sea and coastal

ecosystem are increasing as a result of unchecked pollution, climate
change, in the form of ocean acidification, frequent and extreme natural
disasters, sea level rise etc. These will also impact our coastal and
maritime infrastructure. Dumping of waste in sea causes depletion of
marine resources and also threatens the fish production in Pakistan.
Through international conventions and legislations, the maritime
industry is being compelled to follow rules for “Eco-friendly” operations.

b. International Regulatory framework

The global trends show that contribution of maritime sector will

increase with expansion in population, economic activity on land,
development of new
opportunities like renewable
Global trends show that energy (wind, waves, tides
contribution of maritime etc.) and food (aquaculture,
under-exploited wild-catch
sector will increase with fisheries). To ensure
expansion in population, sustainable maritime
economic activity on land, development and
management, the global
development of new regulatory framework for the
opportunities like renewable maritime sector is provided by
several international
energy. organisations but mainly by
the International Maritime
Organization (IMO), through nearly 52 International
treaties/regulations. The most important of them are concerning the
safety of life at sea, the protection of the ocean environment, ship
design and recycling etc. As per estimates these regulation are
applicable on 99% of the world’s merchant fleet and maritime areas.
Pakistan is party to all important codes and conventions pertinent to
maritime sector. Details are:



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Pakistan’s ‘Blue Economy’: Potential and Prospects

S No International Regulatory Frameworks Area

Rights and responsibilities of
United Nations Convention on the Law of
1 states for utilization of
the Sea (UNCLOS)
Oceans & Seas
International Convention on Standards of Training of seafarers,
Training, Certification and Watch-keeping Maritime Labour Rights and
for Seafarers (STCW), Maritime Labour Safety of life at sea
Convention (MLC) and SOLAS
Control of Trans-boundary
3 Basel Convention Movements of Hazardous
Wastes and Their Disposal
International Convention for
the Prevention of Pollution
From Ships Operation (Deal
with discharge of pollution)
Deals with the protection
5 Biodiversity Convention-1992 and conservation of marine

In Pakistan, formulation of compliance framework for the

implementation of these international regulations and national
jurisdiction is one of the weak areas that need attention.

c. Need for integrated National Maritime Policy

In Pakistan, we tend to view the maritime sector as sea transport or

ports. This mind-set has contributed to a lack of understating of the
issues and economically sound maritime policies. In year 2002 the first
National Maritime Policy was adopted. However, with the changing
global scenario, it requires to be updated. Work has already
commenced on revision of the national maritime policy and strategy for
the entire maritime sector. The revision sets out guidelines for
overarching vision and directs stakeholders towards an integrated
approach to maritime affairs at the national level. In line with the 18th
amendment, the national maritime strategy will allow provinces to
establish their own policies under an integrated structure to promote
sustainable maritime development.

The Way Forward

After an overview, description of the various components of maritime

sector of Pakistan, and the issues highlighted, some of the
recommendations are:

 Implementation of comprehensive maritime policy and strategy

 Increasing the awareness and knowledge among the decision-
makers as well as the general public.
 Capacity building through public-private partnerships.
 Rational financial support through the activities and smart
banking polices for loans (particularly in Aquaculture and
fisheries sector)


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Policy Perspectives

 Development of effective national compliance mechanism for

implementation of international regulation/conventions.
 Stimulating renewal of potential maritime sectors through
regional and international collaboration.
 Port Infrastructure: The efficiency of Pakistani ports should
be enhanced by improving the network of rail and road
 Marine Pollution: For the protection of fish resources and
coastal installations, Provincial Governments should take all
necessary steps to address marine pollution on war footing.
 Fisheries: The provincial governments must ban all illegal
fishing nets and methods. At the same time better preservation
techniques onboard fishing vessels as well as inside fisheries
can increase the value of the sea food.
 Seafaring: Government of Pakistan needs to pursue inter-
ministerial and inter- governmental options for the employment
opportunities for the seafarer community.
 Maritime Affairs: Role of National Co-ordination bodies
(National Maritime Affairs Coordination Committee and Joint
Maritime Informational Coordination Centre)64 should be

To conclude, it may be asserted that God has created Pakistan as a

maritime country. The largest city and economic hub of the state
“Karachi” is situated on the coast. Pakistan has a rich but untapped
maritime potential. Our population growth and the global trends
demand that we turn from a brown economy to “Blue Economy”. This
vision demands both expertise and credibility. Impediments are many
but our coordinated and concerted efforts can surmount them.

National Maritime Affairs Coordination Committee (NMACC) was constituted in
1986 for the consideration of maritime related issues, while the Joint Maritime
Information & Co-ordination Centre (JMICC) was established by Pakistan Navy, in
Feb. 2013, as Interagency Coordination Body. All national and provincial maritime
stakeholders are members of JMICC.


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Pakistan’s ‘Blue Economy’: Potential and Prospects


Akram, Waseem. “Sustainable Management of Marine Fisheries and

Roles of PMSA.” Paper presented on the occasion of World
Fisheries Day, at National Centre for Maritime Policy Research
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Pakistan Business Review. (January 2011).

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Euroconsult Mott MacDonald and WWF-India. (2009).

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Kong Convention.” Paper presented in International Conference
on Ship Recycling World in Maritime University Malmo on April
7-9, 2013.

Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Live Stock. “National Policy and

Strategy for Fisheries and Aqua Culture Development in
Pakistan.” (2007).


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Policy Perspectives

Ministry of Ports and Shipping, Government of Pakistan. “Gateway to

Pakistan and Beyond.” (2013).

The Economic Survey of Pakistan. “Transportation and Communication.”

Chapter 13 (2012-13)
_13/13-Transport%20final.pdf (accessed January 17, 2014).

The World Bank. “Merchandise Trade.” (2009-2013) http://data. (accessed January
20, 2014).

Till, Geoffrey. Maritime Strategy and The Nuclear Age. London:

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United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. “Review of

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