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2009; Murthy & Sontheimer, 1980; Southworth, 2006). The presence of ‘Ashmounds’
(the remnants of large mounds or heaps of highly-fired cattle dung) across most parts
of the southern peninsula indicate existence of a complex agro-pastoral economy
flourishing since the Neolithic era (Allchin & Allchin, 1982; Kennedy, 2000; Korisettar
et al., 2001b; Morrison, 2007; Murthy & Sontheimer, 1980).
The study by Sekhar (2015) indicates that during the pre-colonial period, despite the
availability of permanent village pastures, livestock (cattle and sheep) were regularly
driven inside forests for fodder and water, especially during the periods of scarcity.
However, dung was never collected from forests, which was the possible reason for
improved soil fertility of forests in the region. The pens/corrals were known as patti
in the regional Tamil language. They were called either as “ maattupatti (or)
thondupatti”1 based on the type of livestock enclosed in the penn/corral. There is also
a frequent reference to patti in the old Tamil literature (Sekhar, 2015). However,
scholars have a divided opinion about the specific relevance of heaping and burning
such large piles of dung, as it holds both social and ritual importance (Johansen,
2003; Allchin, 1963) as well as the utilitarian economic value (Paddayya, 1992,
Sheep is one of the earliest domesticated animals (Daly et al., 2021; Nomura et al.,
2013) and nomadic sheep rearing till today remains one of the dominant ways of
rearing. Traditionally, sheep rearing was the primary occupation of a few specific
pastoralist communities of the sub-continent (Somvanshi, 2006). The Dhangars of
Maharashtra, Kuruma of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Kuruba of Karnataka (of the
Deccan Plateau region) (Aerukala, 2020; Murthy & Sontheimer, 1980), the Konar of
Tamil Nadu, the Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir, the Gaddis, Kanets, Kaulis and
Kinnauras of Himachal Pradesh, the Bhotias of Uttarakhand, the Raikas of Gujarat and
Rajasthan are particularly associated with sheep and goat rearing in India and are
well known for sharing an intricate socio-cultural, religious, spiritual, and economic
relationship with them (Koller-Rollefson, 1994; Patil, 2009; Sharma et al., 2003).
Livestock in India produces more than 2600 million tons of dung per year (Kaur et al.,
2017). Penning of sheep and other livestock provides a regular supply of dung that is
used for manure, fuel and building material (Portillo et al., 2015) and also has
cultural and ritualistic significance (Notermans, 2019; Udayavani, 2020; Vedas
Resources, 2012). However, contemporary studies on sheep penning in India remain
mainly focused on its contribution to soil fertility and relevance to organic farming
(Nandhini & Suganthi, 2018; Sriveda & Srihitha, 2020) and economy (Kolay, 2007;
Shivkumara & Kiran, 2019); but very few studies have focused on the farmers’
preference for sheep penning, farmer-pastoralist relationships and sheep penning
economy in the backdrop of the rapidly changing agriculture landscapes in India in
general and Telangana in particular.
.Cattle/buffalo are called Mattu, and livestock is called Thondu, in Tamil, the regional Language mainly spoken
in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
Kanna Kumar Siripurapu 65
Pastures & Pastoralism, 01 (2023), 64-92 Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/pp0105
Telangana is now the second largest producer of cotton and paddy in India
(Government of Telangana, 2022). It was assumed that the changing agriculture
landscapes and shift in crop choices may have some impact on the farmers’ preference
for sheep penning, farmer-pastoralist relationships and sheep penning economy in
Telangana. In this background, an exploratory study was commissioned by Sahjeevan -
Center for Pastoralism (Cfp)2 during 2019-20 to examine famers’ preference for sheep
penning, farmer-pastoralist relationships and economics of sheep penning tradition in
Telangana state (part of the Deccan plateau region of India).
2. Methodology
The study adopted an exploratory study design (Fusch et al., 2017) for scientific
inquiry. Adopting the exploratory study design was appropriate for the present study
for the following reasons. There were a lot of ambiguity surrounding farmer-
pastoralist relationships, negotiations, and economics of sheep penning in Telangana
due to lack of similar detailed studies. The objective of the study was to discover new
findings and ideas for further research (Kurt et al., 2011). Furthermore, the finances
were extremely meagre, and the study coincided with the outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic in the study area, which greatly limited the sample size and rigour of
The study area is geographically located in the Telangana state situated in the semi-arid
Deccan plateau region of India. It experiences a hot and dry tropical weather. Based on
the weather and climatology and soils, the state is broadly divided into three major
agro-climatic zones – the Northern Telangana Zone (NTZ), the Central Telangana Zone
(CTZ), and the Southern Telangana Zone (STZ) (TSDPS & DES, 2021).
The NTZ comprises of 10 districts, the CTZ comprises of 12 districts and the STZ
comprises of 11 districts. Two agro-climatic zones and one district from each agro-
climatic zone were selected following the random sampling technique (Bartlett II et
al., 2001; Bryman, 2012). Kamareddy district represents the NTZ and Vikarabad
district represents the STZ of the state. Both the study districts represent different
agro-ecological zones with different precipitation rates, soil and crop profiles and
densities of sheep population. It was assumed that such diversity would provide an
opportunity to investigate the soil fertility management practices and penning
choices of farmers of the study area.
Sahjeevan is a grassroots organisation based in Bhuj, Gujrat, India. 'Sah' means together and 'Jeevan' is living,
implying harmonious-living. The organization envisions a world where pastoral communities will continue their
traditional livelihoods living in harmony with nature. The Centre for Pastoralism is an initiative of Sahjeevan,
with an objective to promote understanding of Indian pastoralism through action-research and advocacy.
Kanna Kumar Siripurapu 66
Pastures & Pastoralism, 01 (2023), 64-92 Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/pp0105
Data was gathered by conducting personal interviews and focus group discussions
(FGDs) (Mukherjee, 2003). As a protocol of an exploratory study, it is necessary to
learn from the communities themselves. In an exploratory study, data collection is a
kind of learning process than collection of evidence for predetermined set of
questions. Therefore, a semi-structured questionnaire with predominantly open-
ended questions was used for data collection (Fusch et al., 2017). Data was collected
through personal interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) while strictly
adhering to the COVID-19 protocols issued by the Government of India during the
pandemic. Data was mixed but predominantly qualitative in nature, consisting of
anecdotes, personal stories and experiences of farmers and pastoralists.
A two phase data collection strategy was adopted to ensure data saturation (Francis
et al., 2010). The two phase sampling strategy comprises of an ‘initial analysis
sample’ and ‘stopping criterion’ (Francis et al., 2010) to achieve data saturation. The
assumption was that data saturation occurs when no new information emerges from
the research subjects. As assumed, data related to farmer-pastoralist interpersonal
relationships, price negotiations related to penning, farmers’ crop choices and soil
management practices reached saturation with the initial analysis sample of 24
respondents and further new information hardly emerged thereafter.
Qualitative data collected through interviews and FGDs was transcribed. Transcripts
were subjected to inductive coding to initiate the coding process (Leech &
Onwuegbuzie, 2007). Codes such as mode of communication between pastoralists
and farmers, choice of farms for penning, terms and conditions for penning, and
change in interpersonal relationships have emerged naturally from the data itself
(Leech & Onwuegbuzie, 2007; Fereday & Muir-Cochrane, 2006). Report was
developed by collating the coded information found to be common among the
transcripts. Quantitative data related to the size of land, size of sheep flock, fee paid
for penning, amount of fertilizer used is analyzed using cross-tabulation for
descriptive purposes (Miles et al., 2019).
3. Results
3.1. Profiles of the Pastoralists and Farmers of the Study
The sheep pastoralists of the study predominantly belong to the Kuruma community
(known also as Dhangar in Maharashtra and Kuruba in Karnataka). The other
community found to have been engaged in sheep pastoralism is Yerra Golla (a sub-
sect of the Golla/Yadava community). Both the communities belong to the other
backward caste3 (OBC) category (Table 1). The average age of the participating
pastoralists in the study is 43.5 years. The average duration for which they were
involved in pastoralism is 24.5 years. Literacy rate among the pastoralists
participated in the study was only 35.7% with 64.3% illiterates. Nuclear family is the
common family structure among the study participants with the average family size
of 4 persons.
Kanna Kumar Siripurapu 67
Pastures & Pastoralism, 01 (2023), 64-92 Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/pp0105
Participant farmers of the study belong to the small and medium landholder category.
The average age of the participant farmers is 43.8 years. The average number of years
they are involved in farming is 18.4 years. Participant farmers of the study belong to
Kuruma, Telugu Mudiraj Matsya and Yerra Golla communities belonging to the other
backward castes (OBC) and Reddy community belongs to the general category (GN)
(Table 2).
Similar to pastoralists, farmers of the study also have nuclear families and the
average size of the family is 4 members. Only 40% of the farmers are found to have
primary level education with 60% illiterates. The average landholding size (own
land) of the studies farmers is 7.4 acres. However, it was found that there is a
difference in the average landholding size (own land) of farmers who are practicing
both penning and chemical fertilizers and farmers who are using only chemical
fertilizers to maintain soil health and enhance productivity.
The average landholding (own land) of the participant farmers who are practicing
both penning and chemical fertilizers is 9.3 acres (rainfed 7 acres and irrigated 2.3
acres). The average landholding (own land) of farmers applying only chemical
fertilizers is 4.5 acres (rainfed 3.5 acres and 1 acre irrigated). In addition to the own
land, farmers relying exclusively on chemical fertilizers were found to lease-in land
and the average size of lease-in land is 4.2 acres (rainfed) (Table 3). The crops
cultivated by the participant farmers was found to be quite narrow and the major
crops reported were paddy, pigeon pea, cotton, sugarcane and peanut.
Although results of the present study allude to a positive correlation between the
small landholding size and exclusive use of chemical fertilizers (Figure 1), but
observations of the present study remain inconclusive for two reasons: extremely
small dataset and the lack of detailed inquiry in that direction. Further, studies on the
relationship between farm size and the use of chemical fertilizers or adoption of
organic agriculture practices also remain inconclusive.
No. of Bags used per acre
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Farm Size in acres
Figure 1: The Correlations Between the Land Size and Number of Synthetic Fertilizer
Bags Used Per acre
The major livestock species maintained by pastoralists under the study is sheep. The
average flock size of sheep of the study is 139 animals. The pastoralists also keep a
few goats among the sheep and the average number of goats kept in the flock is 8
animals. Pastoralists under the study have reported to leave a few sheep (usually
sick/injured) back home and the average number of such sheep is 28. Pastoralists
under the study also lease in sheep from neighbours/others of their native villages
and the average number of such lease in sheep is 21. The owners of such sheep pay an
agreed amount (cash and kind) to pastoralists for taking care of their sheep.
Poultry also forms an important part of the livestock kept by the pastoralists under
the study and the average number of chicken maintained by pastoralists is 8 birds.
Traditionally, dogs have always been associated with pastoralism and enjoy a very
special place in the culture and traditions of the Kuruma community. They are kept
for herding and guarding the livestock and also as a regular companion to humans.
The average number of dogs kept by pastoralists under the study is 2. In addition,
pastoralists were also found to keeping a few other livestock, usually pony/bullock
kept as pack animals and the average number of such other livestock is 2.
Earlier (some 25–30 years ago), the average size of the sheep flock was 312 animals
(55.4% larger than the present flock size). Traditionally, other livestock of goats,
poultry, pack animals and dogs have been a part of sheep pastoralism in the study
area. Like today, goats were kept among sheep earlier too and the average number of
goats was 42 animals (81% more animals than the present number). Chicken were
kept earlier too and the average number of chicken was 13 birds (33% more birds
than present). The average number of sheep herding/guardian dogs kept earlier was
2. The average number of other livestock kept for pack animals earlier was 3. Similar
to today, sheep were leased in earlier too and the average number of sheep leased in
was 40 (46.2% higher than present) and the average number of goats leased in
earlier was 14.
The inception of seasonal migration in the study area is usually during the month of
November–January. However, pastoralists often linger around their native villages till
the end of November and leave for seasonal migration during the month of
December–January. It was observed that pastoralists of the two study districts prefer
different routes of seasonal migration. For instance, pastoralists of Vikarabad district
migrate south-west towards Sedam in Karnataka, about 100 km from their native
villages. Pastoralists of Kamareddy district tend to migrate north-west towards
Nanded in Maharashtra, about 200 km from their native villages.
The penning season in the study area usually commences during the month of
December–January and concludes during the month of April–June. The average
duration of penning season during the year 2020 was 106.8 days (3.5 months) and
the average number of days spent on penning at each farm was 5.2 days.
The average number of farmers hiring penning services was observed to have been
increasing steadily over the past five years in Telangana study area. For instance, the
average number of farmers hiring penning services in the year 2019 was 43.7 (68%
increase) compared to 26 number of farmers hired the same in the year 2016 (Figure
2). The year 2020 has shown a 66% dip in the number of farmers hiring penning
services in the study area and it can be attributed to the COVID – 19 induced
lockdown (Siripurapu, 2021).
Farmers in the study area pay both in cash and kind (food grains) to pastoralists in
return for penning at their farms. The average penning fee per night collected from
farmers was INR 985.7 (USD 9.55) for an average flock size of 600-800 sheep during
the year 2020. On an average, pastoralists in the study area charge INR 1.5–2 per
sheep for penning per night. Author’s personal observations of penning economy of
cattle pastoralists in four districts of Kamareddy, Nagarkurnool, Nizamabad and
Rajanna-sircilla of Telangana also indicate that cattle pastoralists charge between INR
8-10 per animal per night for penning (Siripurapu et al., 2020). It was observed that
there has been a steady increase in the average penning fee per night in the study
area. For instance, the average fees collected from farmers for penning a flock of the
size between 600-800 sheep per night during the year 2016 and 2020 were INR
535.7 (USD 6.51) and INR 985.7 (USD 9.55), respectively (Figure 3). There has been
84% increase in the average penning fee per night from the year 2016 to 2020. As per
the response of the participant farmers and pastoralists, one of the major drivers
behind the increase in penning fee is the increase in the demand for organic farm
inputs and agriculture area and the decrease in number of households rearing
livestock (both large and small ruminants). However, further in-depth studies are
required to ascertain this.
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Avg. no. of farmers
26 31.57 38.21 43.78 14.57
Figure 2: The Average Number of Farmers Hiring Penning Services for the Past Five
Years in the Study Area
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Penning fee (INR) / Day 535.71 669.28 782.14 910.71 985.71
Figure 3: Sheep Penning Fee (INR) /night in the Study Area
Pastoralism is the mainstay of pastoralists of the study area. The household (HH)
income of pastoralists is derived from multiple sources that include the sale of
livestock, penning, sale of dung, agriculture and others (usually wage labour and
occasional sale of small quantities of wool and wool-based products). The mainstay of
pastoralist HH income however is the sale of livestock. The average annual pastoralist
HH income from the sale of livestock in the year 2020 was INR 199,143 (USD 2,420).
It was observed that the average annual HH income from penning in the year 2020
was INR 99,357 (USD 1,207), accounting to the second major source of the pastoralist
HH income in the study area (Figure 4).
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Agri. 26,200 32,071 35,500 39,929 46,071
Liv. sale 1,26,214 1,46,286 1,61,500 1,76,786 1,99,143
Penn. 61,014 69,493 77,614 85,857 99,357
Dun. Sale 8,427 8,888 21,342 11,208 12,393
Others 4,893 4,786 6,550 7,467 9,017
Figure 4: The Different Sources of Annual Pastoralist Household Income in the Study Area
Liv. Sale
Dun. Sale
It was observed that the percentage share of penning, sale of dung and other sources
of pastoralist’s annual HH income remains fairly static in the financial year 2016 and
2020. However, a slight (1%) variation was observed in the percentage of share of
pastoralist annual HH income from agriculture and livestock. The percentage share of
annual HH income from agriculture has increased by 1% and the percentage share of
livestock of the HH income has decreased by 1% during the period 2016 – 2020
(Figure 6).
4% 11%
27% Liv. sale
Dun. Sale
On an average, farmers have been practicing in penning for 20 years in the study
area. Farmers of the study area have reported that pastoralists charge anywhere
between INR 500 (USD 6.08) and INR 1,450 (USD 17.62) for penning for a night. On
an average, a farmer pays INR 850 (USD 10.33) for penning for a night. Farmers in
the study area usually prefer a flock with more than 500 sheep and an ideal flock
should have anywhere between 600 and 800 sheep. The average number of days
farmers hire penning services is 5.2 days; however, a few farmers would not mind
having the flocks at their farms for a bit longer.
The average investment on penning per acre is INR 2,465 (USD 29.96) in the study
area. However, penning is usually practiced in a three year cycle, which means,
farmers would invite flocks for penning on the same piece of land only once in three
years. Farmers reported that approximately 60% of farmers of the studied villages
apply chemical fertilizers as well as practice penning to maintain soil health and
enhance yields. It was also reported that approximately 40% of farmers of the
studied villages almost exclusively rely on chemical fertilizers for the same. It was
found that farmers of Vikarabad district seem to have a strong preference for sheep
penning while the farmers of Kamareddy district have shown interest in both
penning the cattle and sheep.
3.7. The Impact of Penning on the use of Chemical Fertilizers in the Study Area
Observations of the study indicate that the average amount (in INR) spent per acre on
chemical fertilizers by farmers practicing penning and applying chemical fertilizers is
relatively lower (47.6%) than the average amount spent by farmers applying only
chemical fertilizers (Figure 7). While the average amount spent on chemical
fertilizers per acre by farmers practicing penning and applying chemical fertilizers
and farmers using only chemical fertilizers in the year 2020 was found to be INR
4,900 (USD 59.55) and INR 7,472 (USD 90.81), respectively. It was however,
observed that there is no significant difference in the amount spent on application of
pesticides between both the groups. The amount spent per acre on pesticides by
farmers practicing penning and applying chemical fertilizers and farmers using only
chemical fertilizers in the year 2020 were found to be INR 1,352 (USD 16.43) and INR
1,340 (USD 16.29), respectively. Farmers who practice penning have reported that
dung and urine deposited by sheep (or cattle) enriches soil fertility (Immanuel et al.,
2010). The fertility of the soil treated with penning usually lasts for three years (or
three cropping seasons), because of which the need for application of chemical
fertilizers decreases considerably. Farmers in the study area usually treat a piece of
land with dung or penning once in three years (or three cropping seasons) to
maintain soil fertility.
Avg. Inv. ferti./ Avg. Exp.
ac Pesticide / ac
Penning & Synthetic
4900 1352
Only Synthetic Fertilizers 7472 1340
Figure 7: Difference in the Amount Spent (in INR)/per acre on Synthetic Fertilizers
and Pesticides by Farmers Practicing Penning and Synthetic Fertilizers and Farmers
Applying only Synthetic Fertilizers in the FY 2020
It was evident from observations of the study that both the groups of farmers use
chemical fertilizers and pesticides for maintenance of soil health and control pests
and diseases. It was however noticed that the average number of bags of urea + DAP
(di-ammonium phosphate) used by both the groups vary. Farmers practicing penning
and applying chemical fertilizers seem to be applying 60% less number of bags when
compared with the farmers using only chemical fertilizers. The average number of
bags of chemical fertilizers per acre by farmers practicing penning and applying
chemical fertilizers and farmers using only chemical fertilizers in the year 2020 was
found to be 5 and 8, respectively (Figure 8).
Usually, one of the members of the pastoralist group (Melam) or a family member
goes out in search of potential farms for grazing and penning. Likewise, farmers also
go out in search of pastoralists and invite them to stop by their farmlands for
penning. Farmers and pastoralists keep in touch and communicate with each other
over the phone or social networks. It was found that farmers and pastoralists of the
study area are acquainted with each other for over 20 years, on an average.
Penning & Only
Synthetic Synthetic
Fertilizers Fertilizers
No. of bags / ac 5 8
Figure 8: Difference in the No. of Bags (Urea + DAP) used per acre by Farmers Practicing
Penning and Synthetic Fertilizers and Farmers Applying only Synthetic Fertilizers
It was noticed that pastoralists use an elaborate set of criteria for choosing a potential
farm for penning. The criteria used by pastoralists include availability of sufficient
fodder and water for their livestock, potential duration of their stay at a farm, existing
crops both at the farm chosen for penning and the adjacent farms, character of the
farmer and their history of payment for penning, safety of the livestock, presence and
convenience of route that they may use for onward journey, safety of the route, and
presence of other flocks along the way on the onward journey to avoid any potential
competition or conflict among the pastoralists.
Pastoralists under the study have reported to have a few unwritten terms and
conditions for penning at a farm. They would confirm the number of days of stay at a
farm and the amount paid by a farmer for penning for a night. They would confirm
whether a farmer expects a goat/sheep ram in exchange to allow grazing and staying
at a farm. They would also consider the availability of enough fodder and water for
the flock. Usually nothing takes place in written form and pastoralists often get into
oral agreement with farmers in the presence of a third person (mediator/witness).
The oral agreements over penning include payments in cash and kind from farmers
and donation of a lamb (goat or sheep) to farmers by the pastoralists.
Farmers in the study area decide the penning fee based on the size of the flock/herd.
Farmers usually prefer a flock having about 600 – 800 sheep and do not find a flock
with less than 500 sheep desirable for penning. In case of cattle, farmers prefer a herd
with 200-400 cattle heads. The average cycle of penning at the farm in the study area
is 3 years. In addition, farmers of the study area often lay down a few conditions to
allow flocks for grazing and penning at their farms. Pastoralists are asked to prevent
their flocks from going astray and raid crops on their own farm or the neighbouring
farms. Pastoralists are asked to take their flocks for drinking water at water bodies of
the village without letting out their livestock into farms along the route and prevent
any potential crop raiding. Pastoralists are asked to use water from the bore-well and
straw heaps at a farm judiciously. Pastoralists are asked not to cut or pollard trees at
the farm or neighbouring farms to feed their flocks. Farmers often make it clear that
in case of any crop raiding by the flock, either on own farm or neighbouring farms,
the compensation will be borne by the pastoralists.
3.12. Changes in Interpersonal Relationships and Terms and Conditions over Time
The changes in cropping pattern, increase in area under agriculture, and decrease of
commons, among others have brought quite a few changes not only in the livestock
population and seasonal migration, but also in the interpersonal relationships
between farmers and pastoralists in the study area. It was said that the area under
cultivation has increased and livestock has decreased in the study area. This shift has
led to farmers actively pursuing pastoralists to pen at their farms in exchange for
Unlike earlier, pastoralists are now migrating further away from their native villages
and relatively spending very little time at each farm, leading to disruption of long-
term relationships that they have enjoyed traditionally. Penning has now become
more of a commercial activity than a co-dependent relationship. Earlier, money was
not a part of the penning tradition, but now it has turned into a major income
generation activity for pastoralists of the study area. Agreements over payment or
exchange of livestock are made first before entering a farm for grazing or penning.
4. Discussion
Factors influencing farmers’ fertilizer input behaviour with regards to farmers’ own
characteristics, land size, land tenure, education, gender, neighbouring effect,
resource endowment, cropping structure, among others, have been discussed
extensively in the existing literature (Brunelle et al., 2015; Takeshima & Liverpool-
Tasie, 2015; Takeshima et al., 2017; Yanggen et al., 1998). Most studies on land size
suggest that the intensity of chemical fertilizer application decreases as land size
increases without any impact on the yield, as large-scale farms are more likely to
substitute advanced farm machinery and agricultural technologies for chemical
fertilizer use (Ju et al., 2016). However, Aryal et al. (2021) in the study on the factors
affecting farmers’ use of organic and inorganic fertilizers across the Indo-Gangetic
Plains in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh found that large farm size is positively
associated with the amount of application of both urea and DAP in paddy cultivation.
The study suggests that wealthier households (HHs) and HHs with more livestock in
all study locations, except the Indian state of Haryana, were found to apply more of
the same. The same study also found that the likelihood of application of manure has
increased with the increase in land size, but the rate of application was inversely
small-scale farmers is significantly higher than that of the large-scale farmers. The
general notion is that small farmers are usually resource poor, therefore, cannot
afford to buy sufficient amount of chemical fertilizers, and also more likely to apply
less or an unbalanced use of chemical fertilizers (Singh et al., 2014). However, studies
have also found that chemical fertilizer use efficiency is inversely proportional to
farm size i.e., the smaller the farm size, the higher the fertilizer use efficiency (Hu et
al., 2019).
Wu et al. (2021b) in the study on the impact of land transfer on the intensity of
chemical fertilizer application in China found that men farmers with smaller arable
land, and long years of farming experience, as well as younger farmers and farmers
with higher awareness of low-carbon agriculture or membership in specialized
farmer cooperatives tend to apply less amounts of chemical fertilizers (Chen et al.,
Land ownership rights and tenure security also play a major role in farmers’ choices
and behaviour. The property rights theory suggests that a stable, clear, and long-term
land rights will encourage farmers to make responsible investments, such as the
application of organic fertilizer that can lead to soil improvement in the long term
(Bungau et al., 2021; Liang et al., 2020; Ya-Hui et al., 2019). Conversely, short and
unclear tenures and unstable land rights can provoke predatory short-term
production behaviour of farmers Wu et al. (2021) submit that farmers may apply
more fertilizer on the transferred land, especially when the contract duration and
stability are unclear and apply more chemical fertilizer on the transferred land
(Otsuka et al., 2001).
Kolay (2007) found that a sheep produces about 0.5 kg of droppings and 1.2 litres of
urine every day. The nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus (NPK) content of sheep
droppings is N= 0.7%, P=0.51% and K=0.29 % and that of urine is N=1.5%,
P=0.05% and K=1.96%. Studies suggest that penning of 100 sheep for 6 nights can
fertilize around 2.5 acres of farmland (Nandhini & Suganthi, 2018). Telangana has
17.4 million sheep, providing about 9 million kg of manure and about 21 million litres
of urine every day. Farmers of the study area reportedly pay an average INR 1.5 – 2.0
per sheep for penning per night, which could generate a revenue of an estimated INR
26 million (USD 316,843) per day in the state (Nandhini & Suganthi, 2018; Sriveda &
Srihita, 2020). The average duration of sheep penning in Telangana state is 107 days
and the estimated revenue generated from sheep penning alone could be
approximately INR 2.7 billion (USD 327,240) within a span of 3.5 months (107 days).
If the revenue generated from the sale of dung of sheep, goat, cattle and buffalo and
penning of cattle is calculated, then the figure would be even higher.
Nandhini & Suganthi (2018, p.371) hypothetically put forward the “penning theory”,
which elucidates that “…….the sheep get their feed from field and field is enriched
with nutrients and loads of microorganisms act on them to turn the soil more fertile
than before”. It may open new research opportunities to investigate how this
hypothetical theory behaves in the different and dynamic socio-cultural, economic,
agricultural, land tenure regimes and climate change settings.
5. Conclusion
Penning and sale of dung accounts to the second major source of HH income of
pastoralists who participated in the study. Results of the study indicate a steady
increase in the average HH income of pastoralists from penning during the period
2016 - 2020. However, it is seldom considered as an important livelihood and income
generation activity, therefore, remains out of the purview of the Telangana state
machinery. Perhaps, the promotion of penning and dung sale should be
institutionalized as “manure economy” and included as a mandate of both the state
agriculture and animal husbandry departments. The Government of India and few
Indian states like Chhattisgarh, have already initiated schemes for institutionalization
and streamlining of the dung economy.
Godhan Nyay Yojana is the flagship scheme of the Indian state of Chhattisgarh
(Pandey et al., 2022). The objective of the scheme is to “facilitate rapid strengthening
of the rural economy” by giving “a boost to the dairy business and organic farming”
while improving the rural environment. Chhattisgarh is the first state in the country
to procure cattle dung and establish a system for procurement in a profit oriented
approach. Currently, cattle dung procured under the scheme is used for the
production of vermi-compost. GOBARdhan4, a centrally sponsored scheme by the
Government of India, supports the villages in safely managing the livestock and
agriculture waste and converting them into bio-gas and manure through rural
enterprises. Similarly, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) has
already launched the "Sustainable Alternative towards Affordable Transportation"
(SATAT)5, to boost the renewable energy sector and technologies. The SATAT
provides the necessary opportunities for effective management of bio-waste and
conversion of the same into economically viable models such as the production of
compressed-biogas and manure. The Ministry, under this scheme promotes
marketing of bio-compressed natural gas (Bio-CNG) in the country.
With regards to farm input costs, observations of the present study indicate that
farmers who are practicing penning tend to incur relatively lower expenses on chemical
fertilizers when compared with the farmers who rely exclusively on chemical fertilizers
for enhancement of soil fertility and production. However, results of the study assume
that land ownership rights and tenure security may also play a major role in farmers’
interest in more environmental friendly choices like sheep penning.
Other services of sheep and other livestock include trampling of soils and application
of manure directly to farmlands without any transportation and application costs,
free services for rejuvenation of commons, pastures, and forests, control of weeds,
recycling of nutrients, seed dispersal, among others, in-lieu of grazing throughout the
year, are not even accounted. Such dimensions of penning in the context of India need
further investigation.
6. Acknowledgment
I would like to thank Ms. Sushma Iyengar of Sahjeevan for conceptualizing and
commissioning the present study and Centre for Pastoralism for funding the study. I
GOBARdhan: https://sbm.gov.in/gbdw20/
SATAT: https://mopng.gov.in/en/pdc/investible-projects/alternate-fuels/sustainable-alternative-towards-
Kanna Kumar Siripurapu 78
Pastures & Pastoralism, 01 (2023), 64-92 Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/pp0105
would like thank Mr. Megavardhan Reddy of WASSAN for field support and data
collection. I would remain grateful to farmers and pastoralists who agreed to spend
their valuable time and share their experiences especially during the COVID-19
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for not reporting
Study design 1 For each experiment, provide brief details of study design including: The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
confinement, and use of any animals (either
a. The groups being compared, including control groups. If no control group has
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
tissues or genetic material.
Sample size 2 a. Specify the exact number of experimental units allocated to each group, and the The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
total number in each experiment. Also indicate the total number of animals used. confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
tissues or genetic material.
b. Explain how the sample size was decided. Provide details of any a priori sample The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
size calculation, if done. confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
tissues or genetic material.
Inclusion and 3 a. Describe any criteria used for including and excluding animals (or experimental The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
exclusion units) during the experiment, and data points during the analysis. Specify if these confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
criteria criteria were established a priori. If no criteria were set, state this explicitly.
tissues or genetic material.
Randomisation 4 a. State whether randomisation was used to allocate experimental units to control The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
and treatment groups. If done, provide the method used to generate the confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
randomisation sequence.
tissues or genetic material.
b. Describe the strategy used to minimise potential confounders such as the order The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
of treatments and measurements, or animal/cage location. If confounders were confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
not controlled, state this explicitly. tissues or genetic material.
Blinding 5 Describe who was aware of the group allocation at the different stages of the The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
experiment (during the allocation, the conduct of the experiment, the outcome confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
Outcome 6 a. Clearly define all outcome measures assessed (e.g. cell death, molecular markers, The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
b. For hypothesis-testing studies, specify the primary outcome measure, i.e. the The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
outcome measure that was used to determine the sample size. confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
tissues or genetic material.
Statistical 7 a. Provide details of the statistical methods used for each analysis, including The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
b. Describe any methods used to assess whether the data met the assumptions of The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
the statistical approach, and what was done if the assumptions were not met. confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
tissues or genetic material.
Experimental 8 a. Provide species-appropriate details of the animals used, including species, strain The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
animals and substrain, sex, age or developmental stage, and, if relevant, weight. confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
tissues or genetic material.
b. Provide further relevant information on the provenance of animals, health/immune The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
status, genetic modification status, genotype, and any previous procedures. confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
tissues or genetic material.
Experimental 9 For each experimental group, including controls, describe the procedures in enough The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
procedures detail to allow others to replicate them, including: confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
tissues or genetic material.
The study does not involve experiments on
a. What was done, how it was done and what was used. any animals either living or dead, capture,
confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
d. Why (provide rationale for procedures). any animals either living or dead, capture,
confinement, and use of any animals (either
living or dead), collection of their body parts,
tissues or genetic material.
Results 10 For each experiment conducted, including independent replications, report: The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
confinement, and use of any animals (either
variability where applicable (e.g. mean and SD, or median and range). The study does not involve experiments on
any animals either living or dead, capture,
confinement, and use of any animals (either
b. If applicable, the effect size with a confidence interval. living or dead), collection of their body parts,
tissues or genetic material.
1.1 Was or will the research (be) conducted on (an) Indigenous land, including reserve, settlement, and
land governed under a self-government rule/agreement or?
1.2 Did/does any of the criteria for participation include membership in an Indigenous community,
group of communities, or organization, including urban Indigenous populations?
1.3 Did/does the research seek inputs from participants (members of the Indigenous community)
regarding a community’s cultural heritage, artifacts, traditional knowledge, biocultural or biological
resources or unique characteristics/practices?
2. Community Engagement
2.1 If you answered “Yes” to questions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4, have you initiated or do you intend to
initiate an engagement process with the Indigenous collective, community or communities for this
No Applicable
2.2 If you answered “Yes” to question 2.1, describe the process that you have followed or will follow
with to community engagement. Include any documentation of consultations (i.e., formal research
agreement, letter of approval, PIC, email communications, etc.) and the role or position of those
consulted, including their names if appropriate:
Not Applicable.
The present study titled: “The Traditional Sheep Penning System: An Exploratory Study
on Farmers’ Preferences, Farmer-Pastoralist Relationships and Economics of Sheep
Penning in Telangana, India”, involves community participation, however, the research
participants of the present study does not belong to any Aboriginal/ Indigenous
communities, which were officially classified and identified as the “Scheduled Tribes”,
by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs – The Government of India.
Declaration: Submitting this note by email to any journal published by The Grassroots Institute is your
confirmation that the information declared above is correct and devoid of any manipulation.
(Non-Indigenous or Indigenous Respondents)
*This form was translated into local language for the respondents*
2. Participation in research
The researcher will ask you several pertinent questions. This interview will be recorded in written form and
should last about 50-60 minutes. The location and timing of the interview will be determined by you,
depending on your availability and convenience.
5. Confidentiality
Personal information you give us will be kept confidential. No information identifying you in any way will be
published. In addition, each participant in the research will be assigned a code and only the researcher will
know your identity.
6. Right of withdrawal
Your participation in this project is entirely voluntary and you can at any time withdraw from the research on
simple verbal notice and without having to justify your decision, without consequence to you. If you decide to
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opt out of the research, please contact the researcher at the telephone number or email listed below. At your
request, all information concerning you can also be destroyed. However, after the outbreak of the publishing
process, it is impossible to destroy the analyses and results on the data collected.
Researcher engagement
I explained to the participant the conditions for participation in the research project. I answered to the best of
my knowledge the questions asked and I made sure of the participant's understanding. I, along with the
research team, agree to abide by what was agreed to in this information and consent form.
Should you have any questions regarding this study, or to withdraw from the research, please contact
Mr. Kanna Kumar Siripurapu by e-mail [email protected]
If you have any concerns about your rights or about the responsibilities of researchers concerning
your participation in this project, you can contact the Sahjeevan, Hospital Rd., Jalaram Society,
Vijay Nagar, Bhuj - 370001, Gujarat, India by email [email protected]
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