Filipino JHS Reviewer

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Slide 1: What you need to know about 1.

People or consumers
Consumer Health and its Rights, Information, 2. Consumers' rights
and Frauds 3. Health products

Slide 2: The contents of this presentation will Slide 6: What is Health Information? Health
discuss; Consumer Health, Health Information, information is everything that you see, read or
Health Products hear in relation with human and community
health. It helps in choosing which can be
Slide 3: What is Consumer Health? Consumer
trusted, which is fake or risky advertisements in
health is the intelligent purchase and use of
buying health products and services.
products and services that directly affects one’s
health. We are all consumers. Anyone who Slide 7: What criteria do we follow to evaluate
selects and uses products to fulfill personal health information?
needs and desires is a consumer. Consumer
1. Credibility - this includes the source and up to
health is the intelligent purchase and use of
date of information.
products and services that directly affects one’s
2. Content - this includes accuracy and
health. We are all consumers. Anyone who
completeness of the information as well as an
selects and uses products to fulfill personal
appropriate disclaimer.
needs and desires is a consumer.
3. Disclosure - this includes telling the consumer
Slide 4: There are consumer rights that of the purpose for giving the health information
consumers are entitled to. These are the and whether the source of information is
consumer rights; marketing products and services or a primary
information content provider.
✔ Right to choose – The ability in choosing 4. Interactivity - this includes a feedback
various products and services available at mechanism and means for exchange of
competitive prices with the guarantee of information among the consumers.
satisfying quality.
Slide 8: Reliable vs Unreliable sources:
✔ Right to be heard – The ability to have
consumer well-being advocated when making Reliable:
and implementing government policy and when
developing products and services.  Family doctor or school
 Medical specialists referred by
✔ Right to safety – The protection from
products, services, and production methods  Local health officials of health
that are unhealthy and unsafe. centers
 Management or head of a hospital
✔ Right to be informed – The ability to obtain
 Health teacher or workers
information needed to make educated choices
 Bureau of Food and Drugs
and the protection from false or misleading
 Philippine Dental Association
advertising and labeling.
 National voluntary agencies like the
✔ Right to satisfaction of basic needs – The Philippine National Red Cross
 Department of Health
ability to obtain vital products and services.
 Organizations whose focus are
✔ Right to redress or remedy – The ability to research and teaching the public
reach an acceptable solution for a complainant about specific diseases or conditions,
including compensation for misrepresentation, such as Philippine Cancer Society,
poor quality products, and unsatisfactory AIDS Society of the Philippines,
service Philippine Dental Association etc.

✔ Right to consumer education – The ability to Unreliable:

be aware of consumer rights and
responsibilities and to act on them.  Wikipedia
 Blogs, tweets
✔ Right to environmental health – The ability to  Personal websites
live and work in an environment that is not  Forums
unhealthy to present and future generations.  Sites created by organizations that
may have political or biased agendas
Slide 5: In conclusion, there are three associates
 Sites that provide biased information
of consumer health.
 Self-published sources
 Opinionated articles such as
 Online sources with an URL that
ends in html, which is the basic
building blocks of web pages
 Some online sources with an URL
that end in .com are unreliable:
 Sites of companies that conduct their
business over the internet. Some of
these sites are unreliable because
they have hidden agendas.

Slide 9: What are health products? Filipinos

spend lots of money each year on health
products ranging from over-the- counter drugs
or OTC to cosmetics. Health products help
relieve symptoms, aid in curing illnesses and
provide cosmetic effects. Sadly, many of these
are not needed, do not provide advertised
effect and may have potential harm to health.
Over the Counter Drugs – more than half a
million OTC health care products are available,
varying from mouth washes to pain relievers.

Slide 10: What are health frauds? Health frauds

are articles of unproven effectiveness being
promoted to improve health, well-being or
appearance. These articles/blogs can be drugs,
devices, foods or cosmetics for human use.

Slide 11: Do you know how health frauds are

promoted? Health fraud marketers use some of
the following techniques to promote their
products: one product cures all, personal
testimonials, suggests that a product can bring
quick relief/improvement or quick cure
especially if you have a serious condition or

Slide 12: How to avoid health frauds? To avoid

purchasing products that will bring harm to
your body make sure it is tested. Consult health
professionals and doctors especially if the
product is new. Check with the Food and Drugs
Administration (FDA) and Department of Health
to find out if there are issues/complaints about
the product or manufacturer.

Slide 13: End.

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