Health: Quarter 1 - Module 1
Health: Quarter 1 - Module 1
Health: Quarter 1 - Module 1
MELC: Explains the guidelines and criteria in the selection and
evaluation of health information, products, and services.
A. Introduction
All of us are consumers. We acquire health information, purchase health products, and avail of
health services to appraise, improve, and maintain our health. Health information is an idea that we hear
from people around us, read from books and other printed materials, or from the media that influence our
health. Health products are items that we consume to improve our well-being such as medicine, food,
clothes, furniture, electronics, etc. To ensure consumer health, criteria and guidelines in selecting health
products/ services must be considered. Various forms of providers and plans must also be known to a
B. Discussions
Consumer health is not just about buying health products and services. It is also about making
decisions and having a clear and deeper understanding to make wise choices.
Consumer health has three components: health information, health products, and health services. Health
information plays a big role in the life of individuals. It gives details that people can use to make informed
decisions about their health and of others.
Health information is any concept, step, or advice that
various sources give to aid the health status of an individual.
The type of information varies depending on various
considerations such as but not limited to health history, drugs
and alcohol consumption, and eating disorders.
All information about the health products is included in this
area. It gives the materials used in manufacturing the
Figure 1 product, date, uses, expirations, and even cautions.
People acquire health information and products from various sources such as authorized persons,
media, and technology. It is important to identify the reliability of these sources.
Some Unreliable Sources of Health Information
• Outdated customs, practices, and superstitions without scientific basis
• Information based on ignorance and prejudice
• Commercialized health information
• Personal options and incomplete information
• Quack or pseudo healers
Health products are food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biologicals, vaccines, in-vitro diagnostic reagents,
and household/urban hazardous substances and/or a combination of and/or a derivative thereof (FDA Act,
2009). These products may be purchased from various places like supermarkets, pharmacies, and hospitals.
Examples: eyeglasses, appliances, medicines, grooming aids, car, etc.
When evaluating health information and products, you must check for:
1. CREDIBILITY - This tells about the source and recency of the information.
• Who or what is the source of the information/product?
These programs aim to appraise the health conditions of individuals through screening and
examinations, cure and treat disorders, prevent and control the spread of diseases, provide safety, emergency
care, and first aid, and ensure a follow-up program for individuals who have undergone treatments.
Examples: medical and dental consultation and treatment, services from beauty parlors and barber shops,
3. Inquire for more and review if possible – ask direct questions from sales personnel if there are
things about the product that are not clear to you before buying it. Clarifying things will make you more
confident as a consumer. You can also get some information from other consumers regarding the product.
Health services are usually offered by healthcare providers. “A healthcare provider is a trained
professional who provides people with healthcare”. Health services are offered by health service providers.
There are three types, as follows:
1. Health Professionals. These are individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and other allied
health programs and work in the medical profession.
Examples: doctor, nurse, nutritionist, etc.
2. Healthcare Facilities – These are places or institutions that offer healthcare services. Examples:
hospitals, walk-in surgery centers, health centers, extended healthcare facilities.
3. Health Insurance - It is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or
group for the payment of healthcare costs.
C. Readings
What is Engagement?
Engagement (or participation) refers to a range of activities that involve consumers or communities
participating in and sometimes leading, health service decision-making; policy and service design; service
delivery, and evaluation.
D. Examples
A. An example of a basic need of an individual/consumer
Disinfectants Sunscreen
1. Neighbors
2. Vendors
3. Health Magazines
5. Elderly
6. Government agencies
7. Researches
8. Books
9. Pamphlets
10. Wikipedia
Directions: Identity what is best recommended for the consumer according to his/her health needs or
Activity 3: Consumer Health Products
Directions: List down the product needed going to the beach/resort. Select your answer in the box below
and write your answer on the web provided.
Trixie going to
the beach
Activity 1
1. RUN
2. RUN
5. RUN
9. RUN
10. RUN
Activity 2
1.Answers may vary
2. Answers may vary
Activity 3
Answers may vary
A. Direction: FACT OR BLUFF: Write F if the statement is correct and B if it is false. Write
your answer in the space provided.
____ 1. Professionals such as physicians, scientists, and teachers can be sources of health
____ 2. Hair cut from a barbershop is an example of healthcare services.
____ 3. Foods, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biologicals, vaccines, in-vitro diagnostic reagents,
and household/urban hazardous substances are considered health products.
____ 4. Consumer health has three components.
____ 5. Health products are the concepts, steps, or pieces of advice that various sources give
to aid the health status of an individual.
____ 6. Medical and health professionals are examples of non-reliable sources of health
____ 7. As a wise consumer, you should be able to gather information, compare available
products, and inquire for more so all doubts will be erased.
____ 8. Personal options and incomplete information is an example of reliable sources of
health information
____ 9. Health Consumers are people who use health services, as well as their family and careers ____ 10.
A health consumer representative is referring to a range of activities.
B. Directions: Study the poster below and answer the question given. A rubric will use to
rate your answer.
Being one of the consumers, will you
buy the product? Why or why not?
C. Directions: Based on what you have learned, answer the following questions. A rubric will be used to
score your output.
1. You are to buy a health product, especially a facemask. However, you have to choose between
fashion and proper protection against the virus, which one will you prefer to buy?
2. Is there a need for you to know the guidelines in choosing products? Why?
Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor TOTAL
5 4 3 2 1
Ideas and Substantial, Sufficiently Limited Limited There is no
Content specific, develop content content clear or
and/or content with with limited specific
illustrative with adequate elaboration explanation
content adequate elaboration or of the
demonstrating elaboration or explanation. answer to
strong (deep) or explanation. More the
analysis of explanation. Specific specific question.
the topics information information
is needed or is needed or
needed to needed to
follow the follow the
directions directions
more more
closely. closely.
Cipriano, Eduardo, Ma. Karina Melody Hernandez, Gernalyn Solano, Pinky Liberan, Adelina Limos,
Mark Fabella, Ronald Solis, and Ray Ferdinand Limos. 2018. The 21st Century MAPEH in
Action 10. 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Physical Education and Health 10 (Learner’s Material)
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