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School: Grade Level: 11


DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and WEEK 1

Quarter: FIRST
In PERSONAL Time: Monday-Thursday 1:00-2:00



A. Content
The learners demonstrate an understanding of himself/herself during middle and late adolescence.
B. Performance
The learners shall be able to conduct self-exploration and simple disclosure.
1.1 Explain that knowing oneself person accept his/her strengths and limitations and dealing with others better (EsP-
C. Learning
1.2 Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences (EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.2)
1.3 Maintain a journal (EsP-PD11/12KO-Ib-1.3)

Introduction to the Module 1: Knowing Oneself
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages 2-21
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning http://www.ted.com/talkshetain_patel_who_a
Resources http://lighthouse8.com/wp-

A. Reviewing • Welcoming The teacher will ask the students Quiz: To recall the previous lesson,
previous students in the following questions to recall 1. Your ____ is the self that the teacher will ask the following
lesson or Personal the previous lesson: you aspire to be. questions:
presenting the Development 2. ____ refers to your
new lesson class 1. What is Personal awareness of yourself. 1. What does it mean to become
(ELICIT) • Setting the Development? 3. ____ is built on self- a scriptwriter of your own
mood 2. What do we intend to get knowledge. movie?
out from the course? 4. True or False: You can
3. How can understanding achieve your goals by 2. What are your key strengths
yourself pave the way to knowing who you are and weakness? How can we
self-acceptance and and what your purpose overcome them?
better relationship with is.
others? 5. True or False: You have
(5mins) multiple skills that you
can use in order to
achieve your dreams.
B. Establishing a Students will be asked Activity: SELF-CONCEPT Activity: MY BANNER - THE Write on the board:
purpose for about their learning Inventory TREASURE WITHIN ME
the lesson expectations in their Instructions: Write down the following: “A pen is certainly is certainly an
(ENGAGE) Personal Development 1. Look at your own self-concept 1 and 2 two things I do very well excellent instrument to fix a
subject. and answer the following self- 3 and 4 my two greatest man's attention and inflame his
concept inventory in your journal achievements in life ambition" - John Adams
(refer to the learner's guide). 5 what in myself am I proudest
2. Give yourself a rating of Get interpretations from the
using the scale: 0 = very 6 my happiest moment class.
weak; 1 = weak; 2 =
somewhat weak or somewhat 7 positive words that my friends Validate the answers by sharing
strong; 3 = use to describe me inputs.
strong; 4 = very strong. 8 a personal goal that I have
3. Look at the results of your already achieved
self-concept inventory and 9 three blessings for which I am
answer the following questions. most thankful to God
10 three of my positive qualities
11 difficulties, challenges and
problems that I was able to solve
and overcome

Optional: Play the video to the

class if time permits.
C. Presenting Students will be given Say: Reading: BUILD ON YOUR Say:
examples/ an overview of the A lady can say "I'm ugly" yet STRENGTHS AND WORK ON Today, will give you the entire
instances of subject to be taken: other consider her very YOUR WEAKNESSES session to create your own
the new lesson • Topics charming. Or conversely, one Discuss: journal.
(EXPLORE) • Student can have the illusion of saying "I 1. What do you consider as your Explain:
Assessment am very intelligent or competent" weaknesses, abilities and The purpose of journal writing is
when most of his ideas sound talents? to help you become the
unreasonable or illogical to most 2. What are the remedies you Scriptwriter of your
of the people. There is indeed a will take to improve or life. There are four (4) practical
big difference between what you compensate for your weakness? reasons to maintain a journal:
see in yourself (real self-image) 3. How can you further enrich 1. It is cost-efficient and
and what is projected in the your assets and strengths? available. Emotional stress can
eyes of the others (your social 4. Where and how do you use it be dealt in many ways
image). to your best advantage? like talking to a friend over a cup
Discuss: of coffee, eating, travelling,
1. How realistic is your self- shopping, painting and many
image? more but writing is the most
2. To what extent does it reflect inexpensive. Notebook and pens
your real self? are easy to find, available and
do not cost so much.
2. It is preventive and pro-active.
Writing yields self-awareness.
When you write, you can
discover your strengths and
limitations. You will know what
your reactions are in different
situations and what better ways
to prevent, avoid, or face your
3. It is creative and productive.
Journal writing expounds your
imagination. You can see
various dimensions of your
problem, different points of view
and better solutions.
4. Lastly, it is personal and
private. Unless you want to
share your stories, you
have the choice to keep them to
yourself. Writing is your time
alone. It is your way of loving
yourself. You will not be judged
by your writing.
D. Discussing Setting of the New Concepts: Reading: YOU NEED TO TAKE Say:
new concepts classroom rules and The actual self is built on self- CHARGE OF YOUR FUTURE You just need one (1) notebook
and practicing teacher’s reminders knowledge. a. Movie goer to maintain a personal journal.
new skills #1 • Attendance Self-knowledge is derived from b. Actor You may use these questions as
and Tardiness social interactions that provide c. Scriptwriter you write in your journal:
• Class insight into how others react to 1. How do you find this day?
performance you. The actual self is who we What are the positive things that
• Attitude and are. It is how we think, how we happened?
Behavior feel, look, and act. The actual What
• Prohibition on self can be seen by others, but are those things that made you
Cellphone because we have no way of truly irritated or upset?
usage during knowing how others view us, the 2. As you reflect the ups and
class hours actual self is our self-image. downs of your day, what may be
The ideal self is how we want to the greatest lesson you can
be. It is an idealized image that learn from them? What actions
we have developed over time, have you done well and what
based on what we have learned actions you can do better?
and experienced. 3. What do you really want in
(15 mins) life? What do you want to
achieve for yourself, your family,
your community, and your
4. As you close the day, what
are the small and big things you
are thankful of? Who are the
people that made your day extra
E. Discussing Course Introduction Say: Ask: Allot time for journal writing
new concepts 1. Write PERSONAL Here are some skills that will 1. Who are you among these
and practicing DEVELOPMENT on greatly increase the efficiency of three people?
new skills #2 the board. Explain the any person who owns them: 2. Do you merely watch your life
root word "person" 1. Determination go by? Or do you act out a script
and "develop." 2. Self-confidence that you feel has been handed
2. Seek participation 3. Persistence to you? Or do you write the
by asking students 4. Managing stress script and make your life
what their 5. Problem-solving skills beautiful?
understanding is 6. Creativity Say:
about the subject. 7. Generating ideas The Producer of the movie is
3. Highlight the God. He tells you, "Make the
following concepts: movie beautiful, and I will give
a. Knowing yourself you all that you need for
will help you set a success."
b. Success in life
depends largely on
how you know
c. Personal
Development is done
through a holistic
approach - mind,
heart/soul, and body.
F. Developing Q and A Ask: To be done through a journal Allot time for journal writing
mastery (leads • Teacher- Out of the 7 skills, choose one activity that will be
to formative student that you would like to be accomplished next session.
assessment) interaction developed and explain how will
(EXPLAIN) Follow up it help you achieve your
personal goals?
G. Finding Students will be asked Give the situation and To be done through a journal Allot time for journal writing
practical to cite situations encourage responses: activity that will be
applications of where Personal What do you want to be in the accomplished next session.
concepts and Development is future? What do you want to
skills in daily commonly observed achieve in the next 2 years? 5
living and practiced. years? 10 years?
H. Making Valuing: Ask: Ask: Process:
generalizations • How can 1. How do you know yourself? 1. How important is it for you to 1. What have you discovered in
and Personal 2. What ways will you learn to know the things that you are yourself?
abstractness Development know yourself? good at and the things that you 2. What are your core strengths?
to the lesson subject be 3. How can you achieve your still can work on? 3. What are the qualities you
(ELABORATE) helpful and ideal self with your actual self? 2. In your journey in life, how want to hone and improve on?
beneficial to can you make sure you live your
you? purpose?
I. Evaluating To be done before the start of To be done through a journal Check compliance to journal
learning the next session in a form of a activity that will be writing, as follows:
(EVALUATION) review. accomplished next session. 1. At least 3 paragraphs
2. Substance - answers the
questions mentioned above
J. Additional Subject
activities for Requirement:
application • 1 notebook as
and a journal


A. Number of learners
who earned 80% in the
evaluation: _________

B. Number of learners
who scored below 80%
who needs additional
activities for
remediation: _________

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson:
D. Number of learners
who continue to require
remediation: __________

E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked
well? Why did this

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher Principal School President

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