CH 07
CH 07
CH 07
Computer-generated animation.
Visual effects such as wipes, fades, zooms, and dissolves are available
in most authoring packages, and some of these can be used for
primitive animation
Cels, or frames, of a rotating logo. When the images are progressively and
rapidly changed, the arrow of the compass is perceived to be spinning.
Principle of Animation
On some projectors, each frame is shown three times before the pull-
down claw moves to the next frame, for a total of 72 flickers per
Animation by Computer
Animation space.
Animation techniques.
Animation Space
3-D space - Complicated and realistic animations are done in 3-D space.
Animation Techniques
Animation process
Cel animation.
Computer animation.
Animation Process
The term "cel" is derived from the clear celluloid sheets that were
used for drawing each frame.
GIF89a allows multiple images to be put into a single file and then
be displayed as an animation in the Web browser.
File compression is very important when preparing animation files for the Web.
Alias|Wavefront's Maya.
NewTek's Lightwave.
Making Animations That Work
(d) To animate the sphere by rolling it across the screen, you first need to
make a number of rotated images of the sphere. Rotate the image in 45-
degree increments to create a total of eight images, rotating a full circle of
360 degrees. Whendisplayed sequentially at the same location, the sphere
Making Animations That Work
A Bouncing Ball
GIF Animation
Making Animations That Work
(a) (c)
Figure 7-7. The upper portion of the
photo was placed behind the
runners (b) and the lower portion in
front of them, to make them appear
to run behind the bridge railing (c)