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Life History and Emergence Pattern of Cloeon dipterum

(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) in Korea

Author(s): Cha Young Lee , Dong Gun Kim , Min Jeong Baek , Lak Jung Choe , and
Yeon Jae Bae
Source: Environmental Entomology, 42(6):1149-1156. 2013.
Published By: Entomological Society of America
URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1603/EN13012

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Life History and Emergence Pattern of Cloeon dipterum

(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) in Korea

Environ. Entomol. 42(6): 1149Ð1156 (2013); DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1603/EN13012

ABSTRACT Cloeon dipterum (L.) (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), the common wetland mayßy,
emerges and oviposits every season, except winter, and has overlapping generations in the temperate
region. We investigated the life history of C. dipterum associated with drought. Field experiments and
sampling were conducted in a wetland (25 by 80 m) located in central Korea. Larvae were sampled
weekly within two habitat types (a large, deep wetland and a small, shallow wetland) using a dredge
sampler, and adults were sampled every 2 d with cube emergence traps, from July 2011 to September
2012 (except winter). C. dipterum had an extended emergence period from late April to early October
with four peaks: early May, mid-June, July, and August/September. When the water depth was shallow
because of drought, emergence was suppressed and delayed. The accumulated degree-days and body
length of the overwintering cohort that emerged in spring 2012 were markedly larger and longer than
those of other cohorts. Adults emerged intensively around sunset. C. dipterum has a multivoltine life
cycle with four cohorts per year; its life history and population density can be changed by natural
disturbances such as drought and Þsh predation.

KEY WORDS degree-day, life history variability, mayßy, natural disturbance, voltinism

Cloeon dipterum (L. 1761) (Ephemeroptera: Baeti- showed bivoltinism in Europe (Cayrou and Cereghino
dae) is one of the most common and abundant mayßies, 2003). The North American species Centroptilum
distributed throughout temperate areas of the Eurasian triangulifer, formerly placed in the genus Cloeon
continent, including Europe, Siberia, Mongolia, and (McCafferty 1990), has at least three generations per
Northeast Asia (Sowa 1975, Bae 1997). Larvae of C. year (Sweeney and Vannote 1984).
dipterum, often occurring in abundance, can be of great Mayßies molt many times during the larval stage, de-
ecological importance as an essential link in freshwater pending on temperature and food quality (Brittain
food webs, particularly in lentic systems such as ponds, 1982). The number of molts in C. dipterum is variable and
lakes, and wetlands (Cianciara 1980). The larvae of C. may depend on the feeding conditions (Cianciara 1979).
dipterum are tolerant to changes in environmental con- It is difÞcult to discriminate between instars based on
ditions (Cianciara 1979), and recently, C. dipterum has body length because there is no distinct size difference.
been used to estimate the inßuence of climate change Cloeon species exhibit a variety of life cycle patterns, and
(McKee and Atkinson 2000) and the toxic effects of C. dipterum has no uniform life cycle type; in fact, the
contaminants (Beketov and Liess 2005). populations appear to be quite ßexible, having either
Life history information is fundamental for most univoltine or multivoltine life cycles presumably de-
ecological studies of aquatic insects (Butler 1984). For pending on environmental factors (Clifford 1982). In
several decades, researchers have investigated the life most areas in the temperate region, C. dipterum has
history of C. dipterum, which is generally known to overlapping generations with a prolonged emergence
have two to three generations per year in temperate period from spring to autumn, and there is a high prob-
areas across Europe (Bretschko 1965, Crisp and Gled- ability of multivoltinism. However, no precise studies
hill 1970, Cianciara 1979, Cayrou and Cereghino have been conducted to verify its multivoltinism and
2005). However, in unfavorable climatic conditions, C. how this might be inßuenced by the temperature regime
dipterum has a univoltine life cycle (Kjellberg 1973). and natural disturbances. The purpose of this study was
Cloeon simile Eaton, an allied species of C. dipterum, to investigate the life history and emergence patterns of
C. dipterum in a natural habitat in temperate Asia and
1 Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, School of Life how these are affected by temperature and drought.
Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, 1 Anam-dong, Seong-
buk-gu, Seoul 136-701, Korea.
2 Division of Life Sciences, College of Life Sciences and Biotech- Materials and Methods
nology, Korea University, 1 Anam-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-701,
Korea. Study Area. This study was conducted in wetlands
3 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. at the experimental station of Korea University located

0046-225X/13/1149Ð1156$04.00/0 䉷 2013 Entomological Society of America


Fig. 1. (A) Sampling points and views of the study site at the experimental station of Korea University located in Deokso,
Namyangju city, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (127⬚ 14⬘16.7⬙ E, 37⬚ 35⬘02.1⬙ N); (B) female adult of C. dipterum; (C) larva of C. dipterum.
(Figure in color online only.)

in Deokso, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea a large population of juveniles (10 Ð30 mm in body
(Fig. 1). The wetlands were built in February 2009 and length) was observed during the study period.
subdivided into large and small subunits (Fig. 1). The Environmental Monitoring. Environmental moni-
large wetland had a larger surface area (⬇25 by 80 m) toring and sampling were conducted from July 2011,
and a deeper bed with a maximum depth of 180 cm and 2.5 yr after the wetlands were constructed, to Sep-
a mean depth of ⬇80 cm. The large wetland did not dry tember 2012. Air and water temperatures at the study
up even during the dry season. Shortly after the wet- area were monitored on an hourly basis using the data
lands were constructed, many aquatic plants such as logger Optic StowAway Temp (Onset Computer
Marsilea quadrifolia L., Typha orientalis Presl., and Corporation, Bourne, MA ). Water temperature was
Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms were colonized converted to degree-days using the rectangle
around the edges of the large wetland, while the cen- method (Lee et al. 1999), as shown in the following
ter of the wetland was left open. In contrast, the small equation 1:
wetland, located below the large wetland, had a
smaller surface area (⬇20 by 15 m) and shallower Rectangle DD ⫽ (Tmax ⫹ Tmin)/2 ⫺ Tb [1]
water depth (⬇20 cm overall). It dried up during
droughts, which disturbed its biota. In addition, similar Where DD is degree-days, Tmax and Tmin are daily
aquatic plants were abundant in this small wetland maximum temperature and minimum temperature,
with little open area. The two wetlands were con- and Tb is the base temperature for egg and larval
nected by a small ditch (⬇100 cm in length and 20 cm development. For this study, we estimated the Tb
in width), and water ßowed from the large wetland value to be 0⬚C because Baetis rhodani (Baetidae) eggs
toward the small wetland (only rarely during ßood) can hatch even at the very low water temperature of
because the small wetland was located ⬇100 cm lower 3⬚C (Elliott 1972). In addition, Nagell (1981) found
in elevation. In both the wetlands, the substrate mainly that C. dipterum nymphs can feed (the percentage of
consisted of mud and the surface was covered with ice larvae with food in the gut was almost 100%) and grow
from December to early March. Approximately 60 (although slowly) at 1⬚C. The accurate base temper-
species of aquatic insects and other benthic macroin- ature of C. dipterum was not investigated, and because
vertebrates colonized the wetlands (Y.J.B. and C.Y.L., the temperature of water does not generally drop to
personal observations). One Þsh species, Carassius ⬍0⬚C (Ward 1992), we used an estimated Tb value of
auratus L., was introduced to the wetlands in 2010, and 0⬚C for this study.

Water temperature
40 400
Air temperature
Thermal threshold

Precipitaion (mm)
Temperature ( C)

10 200

Tb = 0 C

-20 0
2011 2012

Fig. 2. Daily mean air and water temperature and precipitation values in the study area during the study period. Tb, base
temperature of the thermal threshold for egg and larval development.

The precipitation data in the Deokso area were tions using 22 size classes. The size classes were
obtained from the Korean Meteorological Adminis- 0.5-mm intervals between 1 and 12 mm. The frequen-
tration (2012). We erected measuring rulers at the cies of each life cycle stage for each sampling date
wetlands near the emergence traps to monitor water were calculated as percentages, and frequency histo-
level and recorded water depth on a weekly basis. grams were constructed to determine the voltinism.
Sampling and Processing. During the study period, The bias of the sex ratio (female/total) of C. dipterum
C. dipterum larvae were sampled almost weekly, ex- was examined using a ␹2 test with the SAS statistical
cept during winter, using a dredge sampler (40 by 25 package (version 9, SAS Institute 2004).
cm; mesh, 0.25 mm) at two points in the large wetland
and one point in the small wetland, for a total of 38
sampling events. Although C. dipterum larvae were
abundant in the wetlands, care was taken to preserve Environmental Conditions. The water temperature
the population despite the frequent sampling times. from the beginning of July 2011 to the end of Sep-
The sampled material was maintained in 500-ml bot- tember 2012 was 16.3 ⫾ 9.6⬚C (mean ⫾ SD). The
tles and Þxed with 95% ethanol, and the larvae were highest water temperature recorded was 29.7⬚C (7
sorted and preserved in 80% ethanol in the laboratory. August 2012) and the lowest was ⫺0.9⬚C (12 January
Fish (C. auratus) inside the dredge sampler were sub- 2012; Fig. 2). The air temperature for the same period
jectively quantiÞed while sampling C. dipterum. was 14.5 ⫾ 10.9⬚C. The highest air temperature re-
If the number of larvae collected was below 100, all corded was 30.7⬚C (4 August 2012) and the lowest was
individuals were measured, while at least 100 larvae ⫺15.2⬚C (2 February 2012; Fig. 2). Total precipitation
were randomly selected to be measured if the number for that period was 2,768.3 mm.
of larvae collected was ⬎100. Larval body length was The water depth of the large wetland during the
measured using a dissecting microscope (SteREO study period was 420.7 ⫾ 62.5 mm. The highest water
Discovery.V12, Carl Zeiss, Gottingen, Germany) level recorded was 480.0 mm and the lowest was 210.0
equipped with an image analyzer (Axio Vision Rel. mm when the wetland was affected by drought in June
4.8.2 program). The larval body length was measured 2012. The water depth of the small wetland during the
from the anterior head to the terminal abdomen (ex- period was 174.2 ⫾ 66.2 mm. The highest water depth
cluding cerci) and separated into 0.5-mm intervals. recorded was 260.0 mm and the lowest was 0 mm when
C. dipterum adults were quantitatively collected the wetland was affected by drought in early Septem-
using Þve emergence traps (1 by 1 by 1 m; mesh, 1 mm) ber 2011.
located at different points in the wetlands (four traps Life History. In total, 11,877 larvae were collected
in the large wetland and one trap in the small wetland) from the wetlands during the study period. The num-
(Fig. 1). Emerged adults were collected every 2 d from ber collected per quantitative sampling (0.1 m3) was
the emergence traps. In addition, the daily emergence the largest on 30 September 2011 (n ⫽ 2,835) and the
pattern was investigated three times in June 2012 (11, smallest was on 16 May 2012 (n ⫽ 2) (Fig. 3). The
15, and 19 June) at 2-h intervals. During the investi- number of larvae sharply increased in the autumn,
gation of daily emergence pattern, an additional three especially in the small wetland where the number of
traps in the large wetland and one trap in the small larvae increased in September 2011 after the water
wetland were used (total number of traps: 9). Col- level had recovered after the drought. In contrast, the
lected adults were counted and sexed in the laboratory number of larvae in the large wetland did not increase
and subsequently preserved in 80% ethanol. to the same level as their previous abundance.
Data Analysis. The life cycle of C. dipterum was The body length of the larvae ranged between 1.1
estimated via analysis of the sizeÐfrequency distribu- and 11.7 mm (Fig. 4). The overwintering generation


No. of individuals. / 0.1m


2500 (B)



2011 2012

Fig. 3. The number of larvae of C. dipterum per 0.1 m3 in the large (A) and small (B) wetlands from 2011 to 2012.

rapidly developed during spring, a period during C. dipterum had an extended emergence period
which the Þrst emergence occurred. The next gen- with four peaks from late April to early October. Dur-
eration also rapidly developed and emerged in June. ing 2012, the Þrst emergence during spring started on
Another generation emerged during summer, and 20 April (air temperature, 18.2⬚C) and ended on 15
the last generation of the year emerged during au- May. From 7 June, the second emergence occurred
tumn (Fig. 4). The total number of Þnal instar larvae and continued throughout the summer and autumn.
collected during the study period was 157, with During July and August, small emergence peaks were
peaks in April, June, July, and September (Fig. 5). observed, and emergence ended on 30 September
Emergence Pattern and Accumulated Degree-Days 2012. Emergence was observed within a water tem-
for Development. In total, 1,239 adult C. dipterum perature range of 12.7Ð29.7⬚C, an air temperature
were collected from the study wetlands during the range of 10.4 Ð30.4⬚C, and a day length range of 11.8 Ð
study period, and the sex ratio was 0.5 (number of 14.8 h.
females per total adults), not signiÞcantly different We classiÞed the emerged adults into six emergence
from 0.5 (P ⬎ 0.05). During 2011, 309 adults emerged groups (Table 1) and named the cohort groups (C I to
in the large wetland and 38 adults emerged in the small V) that were the offspring of each emergence group
wetland. In contrast, 218 and 652 adults emerged from (Table 2). We also calculated the median number of
each wetland during 2012. The emergence was di- adults in each emergence group and estimated the ac-
vided into six emergence groups (E I to VI) according cumulated degree-days (ADD) for each cohort during
to the emergence peaks and number of individuals the period between median values (Table 2). The ADD
(Fig. 5). In the large wetland, as the water became of C II, the overwintering group, was the highest (Table
shallow in June 2012, the number of adults that 2), and also the mean body length of the last instar E III,
emerged in the summer and autumn of 2012 was less the adult group of C II, was markedly longer than those
than that in 2011. In the small wetland, E V rarely of the other groups (analysis of variance (ANOVA) with
emerged when the water was almost gone; however, TukeyÕs test, P ⬍ 0.0001) (Table 1).
a large number of adults emerged as E VI after the As a result of the daily emergence pattern of C.
water level had recovered. dipterum, adults emerged intensively around sunset;

: Emergence period

12 2011

Larval body length (mm)

0 29 195 91 76 97 169 140 111 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

12 2012

0 100 100 100 114 100 51 38 4 2 100 100 104 35 85 23 100 100 101 38 65 105 105


Fig. 4. The sizeÐfrequency distribution of C. dipterum. Width of horizontal bars shows the proportion of larvae in each
body length range, and the sum of all bars on each date equals 100%. The numbers of measured individuals are displayed under
the sizeÐfrequency distribution. Arrows indicate the emergence period.


80 Male adults 600

(A) Female adults
Water depth 500

Water depth (mm)

No. of adults


40 300


0 0

Water depth (mm)

No. of adults


40 300


0 0
Large wetland
No. of last instar

(C) Small wetland



2011 2012

Fig. 5. Number of adults and water level at the large (A) and small (B) wetlands and Þsh existence; (C) the number
of last instars per 0.1 m3 in each wetland. (Figure in color online only.)

45.7 ⫾ 13.1 (mean ⫾ SE) adults emerged from 1800 especially in warm temperate and tropical waters
to 2000 hours and 13.3 ⫾ 4.4 adults emerged from (Clifford 1982, Brittain 1990). Mayßies show a remark-
2000 to 2200 hours (sunset: 1950 Ð2000 hours). No C. able variation in life history, even at the species level
dipterum adults emerged at other times. Sex ratios (Clifford 1982). The wide geographic distribution,
were 0.4 ⫾ 0.0 and 0.4 ⫾ 0.1 (mean ⫾ SE) for the abundance, and signiÞcant variation in life history also
two periods. suggest that C. dipterum could be a species complex as
shown by their extensive variations in abdominal
markings between geographical populations (Sowa
1975). Many researchers who investigated the life
Life History. The life history of aquatic insects is history of C. dipterum in Europe stated that this spe-
directly inßuenced by different thermal regimes. Mul- cies generally has two generations per year. In our
tivoltine life cycles are common in Ephemeroptera, study area, however, the combined information of the

Table 1. Number of adults, last instars, and body lengths of last instars for six emergence groups in Gyeonggi-do, Korea, from 2011
to 2012 with relative abundance of fish (C. auratus)

No. adults Last instarsa Fishb

Emergence Mean ⫾ SD
Large wetland Small wetland Total n Large wetland Small wetland
I 151 32 183 26 6.3 ⫾ 0.6bc ⫹⫹ ⫹
II 158 6 164 43 6.1 ⫾ 0.7bc ⫹⫹ ⫺
III 23 154 177 44 8.7 ⫾ 1.0a ⫹⫹⫹ ⫺
IV 51 127 178 23 6.0 ⫾ 0.7bc ⫹ ⫺
V 140 20 160 11 5.8 ⫾ 6.4c ⫹⫹ ⫺
VI 11 351 362 20 6.4 ⫾ 0.5b ⫹⫹ ⫺
Mean 89 115 204 28 6.8 ⫾ 1.4

The body lengths of last instars followed by the same letter are not signiÞcantly different (ANOVA; TukeyÕs test; P ⬍ 0.0001).
Relative abundance subjectively evaluated from the quantitative sampling: (⫹⫹⫹) abundant, (⫹⫹) medium, (⫹) rare, (⫺) absent.

Table 2. Accumulated degree-days (ADD) estimates for five at lower temperatures (Van Voorhies 1996). Macan
cohorts of C. dipterum in Gyeonggi-do, Korea from 2011 to 2012 (1957) showed that species with long emergence pe-
riods and overwintering larvae show a gradual reduc-
Cohort ADD
tion in the size of emerging adults from those at the
I 1,002 beginning of the emergence season. The largest over-
II 2,400
III 987
wintering nymphs tend to produce large early adults,
IV 1,053 and as growth speeds up during spring and early sum-
V 1,338 mer, nymphs reach maturity at successively smaller
Mean 1,356 sizes (Langford 1975).
Effect of Disturbance. Lotic community structure,
in particular, can be strongly inßuenced by physical
developmental size frequency distribution of Þeld- disturbances such as ßoods and droughts (Resh et al.
collected larvae, adult emergence periods and peaks, 1988); however, lentic communities can also be af-
and ADD estimates for egg and larval development fected by these physical disturbances (Freeman and
applied to Þeld temperature data has substantiated Freeman 1985). Our study site was affected by
multivoltinism of C. dipterum with four generations drought in September 2011 and August 2012, and the
per year. In the majority of previous studies, C. dip- drought was more serious in 2012. In the large wet-
terum larvae were sampled monthly with 1- to 2-mm land, there was no signiÞcant inßuence in the C.
interval in body size distribution analysis, but in this dipterum emergence from the drought in 2011 be-
study, we sampled more frequently (weekly), thus cause regular water level was preserved throughout
allowing for a more accurate analysis (0.5-mm inter- the dry season. Owing to the serious drought in the
val). In European countries where winter is warmer summer of 2012, however, adults could not emerge
than in Korea, such as Italy, C. dipterum may have a regularly in the large wetland as well as in the small
multivoltine life cycle. wetland.
Cohort spreading and overlap complicated the in- Drought reduces the habitat size in aquatic ecosys-
terpretation of the C. dipterum life cycle, and delin- tems; therefore, competition and predatorÐprey inter-
eating cohorts was somewhat ambiguous. According actions increase as organisms are concentrated into
to our previous research, C. dipterum eggs and larvae the diminishing habitat space (Ward 1992). We hy-
require 1,221.8 ⫾ 116.0 ADD for development (Lee et pothesized that the C. dipterum population decreased
al. 2012). The use of development size frequencies and could not return to its former size because of
combined with the ADD required for the develop- predation pressure. C. auratus, the most common len-
ment of C. dipterum increased our precision in inter- tic freshwater Þsh in Korea, consumes insect larvae,
preting the cohorts. Ephemeroptera exhibit hetero- including Baetidae larvae (Magalhaes 1993). Field
geneous growth and morphological development data from our quantitative sampling showed that the
and an indeterminate number of instars within or number of C. auratus (body length 10 Ð30 mm) main-
among populations along environmental gradients tained in abundance in the large wetland even during
(Brittain 1990); therefore, simple size frequency the drought season (Table 1). Stemming from this
analysis or its variations can be misleading or inac- observation, it was hypothesized that the predation
curate in determining voltinism (Taylor and Ken- pressure on C. dipterum was higher while the water
nedy 2006). Field-derived data were useful in in- level was low as shown in the large wetland. This could
terpreting the areas of cohort overlap in the be the reason behind the markedly reduced and ir-
development frequency histograms. Because ADD regular emergence pattern in 2012 compared with
is a simpliÞcation of the temperature conditions 2011.
within the wetland microhabitat, it is possible that In the small wetland, however, the number of
it did not include unfavorable conditions that de- emerged adults in 2012 was higher than that in 2011
layed emergence for C II; this may be the reason despite the more serious drought in 2012. In Septem-
why that cohort had a large ADD estimate. ber 2011, the small wetland was dry for a week. Fol-
The body lengths of C II, the overwintering larvae, lowing the drought, we did not observe C. auratus in
were markedly longer than those of the other cohorts. the small wetland. After the wetland recovered from
In general, species with extended emergence show a the drought, the number of adults signiÞcantly in-
gradual decrease in size throughout extended emer- creased. Removal of Þsh from the wetlands led to a
gence periods (Clifford 1974). The winter cohort of C. signiÞcant increase in the density of macroinverte-
dipterum exhibited increased larval growth periods in brates (Williams and Taylor 2003). In addition, resis-
which greater numbers of ADD were accumulated tance to drought is likely to decline with increasing
before emergence. This supports the Þndings of body size because large individuals should have less
Sweeney (1984) that a larger adult size correlates with access to physical refugia in wet benthic sediments
the longer growth period experienced by overwinter- (Lancaster and Hildrew 1993). In contrast, small,
ing generations. Temperature-induced body size dif- short-lived (multivoltine) taxa can quickly recruit in-
ferences in many ectotherms may simply be a conse- dividuals into the space liberated by the disturbance
quence of the effect of temperature on cellular and have a lower probability of exposure than larger
development (Van Voorhies 1996). Numerous ex- univoltine or semivoltine macroinvertebrates (Ledger
periments have shown that ectotherms grow larger and Hildrew 2001). Therefore, C. dipterum, a multi-

voltine species, was able to recruit in the small wetland Elliott, J. M. 1972. Effect of temperature on the time of
when the water level was restored after the drought. hatching in Baetis rhodani (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae).
For these reasons, after the drought in September Oecologia 9: 47Ð51.
2011, the number of larvae rapidly increased in the Freeman, B. J., and M. C. Freeman. 1985. Production of
small wetland. As a result, the number of E III and E Þshes in a subtropical blackwater ecosystem: the Okefe-
IV adults greatly increased. During July and early nokee swamp. Limnol. Oceanogr. 30: 686 Ð 692.
Kjellberg, G. 1973. Growth of Leptophlebia vespertina L.,
August 2012, we assumed that E V could not emerge
Cloeon dipterum L. and Ephemera vulgate L. (Ephemer-
on time because the water was shallow in the large optera) in a small woodland Lake. Entomol. Tidskr. 94:
wetland and the small wetland was almost dry. After 8 Ð14.
the water level of the small wetland was restored, the Korean Meteorological Administration. 2012. Observations.
C. dipterum cohort renewed its emergence that had (http://www.kma.go.kr/weather/observation/data_
been delayed during the drought disturbance. Con- monthly.jsp).
sequently, a massive emergence occurred in Septem- Lancaster, J., and A. G. Hildrew. 1993. Flow refugia and the
ber 2012. microdistribution of lotic macroinvertebrates. J. N. Am.
Benthol. Soc. 12: 385Ð393.
Langford, T. E. 1975. The emergence of insects from a
Acknowledgments British river warmed by power station cooling water.
Part II. The emergence patterns of some species of
This work is supported by the Eco-Innovation project of Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, and Megaloptera in re-
the Ministry of Environment, Korea. lation to water temperature and river ßow, upstream
and downstream of the cooling water outfalls. Hydro-
biologia 47: 91Ð133.
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