Rate of Stamp Duty
Rate of Stamp Duty
Rate of Stamp Duty
(a) Where the amount does not exceed Rs.1000. The same duty as Bond No.15
for such amount.
(a) If relating to the sale of a bill of exchange; One rupee for every Rs.10,000
or part thereof.
(b) If relating to the sale of a Government Security or One rupee for every Rs.10000
share in an incorporated company or other body or part thereof the value of the
corporate. security share subject to
maximum Rs.1000
(b) If such loan or debt is repayable not m ore than Half the duty payable under
three months from the date of such sub-clause (a).
(a) Where the amount does not exceed Rs.1000. The same duty as Bottomary
Bond (No.16) for such amount
Instrument of apprenticeship executed by a Magistrate
under the Apprentices Act, 1950, or by which a person
is apprenticed by, or at the change of, any public
(a) When the authorized capital of the company does 0.15% of the Authorised share
not exceed one lac capital with a monetary ceiling
of Rs.25 Lakhs.
(a) Where the amount or value of the property to The same duty as a bond No.15
which the award relates as set forth in such for such amount.
award, does not exceed Rs.1000,
(c) If it exceeds Rs.1000, but does not exceed One rupee for every one
Rs.5000. And for every additional Rs.1000/- or part thousand rupees or part thereof
thereof in excess of Rs.5000/- of the value of the property to
which the award relates.
if the amount of the bill or note does not exceed One rupees twenty five paise.
if it exceeds Rs.500 but does not exceed Rs.1,000; Two rupees fifty paise.
and for every additional Rs.1,000 or part thereof in Two rupees fifty paise
excess of Rs.1,000;
if the amount of the bill or note does not exceed Two rupees fifty paise
if the amount of the bill or note does not exceed Three rupees seventy five
Rs.500; paise.
if it exceeds Rs.500 but does not exceed Rs.1,000; Seven rupees seventy five paise
and for every additional Rs.1,000 or part thereof in Seven rupees fifty paise.
excess of Rs.1,000;
if the amount of the bill or note does not exceed Five rupees
if the amount of the bill or note does not exceed Ten rupees
(a) Bill of lading when the goods therein described are Two rupee.
received at a place within the limits of any port as N.B.- If a bill of lading drawn in
defined under the Indian Ports Act, 1889 (10 of 1889), parts, the proper stamp
and are to be delivered at another place within the therefore must be borne by
limits of the same port; each one of the set.
15 BOND as defined by section 2(5) not being a 2% and 0.5% on bond issued
DBENTURE (No.27) and not being otherwise by the local authority
Provide for by this Act or by the court fees Act, 1870 –
See Administration Bond (No.2) Bottomry Bond
(No.16) Customs Bond (No. 26), Indemnity Bond (No.
34), Respondentia Bond (No. 56), Security Bond (No.
18 CERTIFICATE of sale (in respect of each property put The same duty as Conveyance
up as a separate lot and sold), conveyance duty as to (No.23) for a consideration
the purchaser of any property sold by public auction equal to the amount of the
by a civil of revenue court, or Collector or other purchase money only.
revenue officer
19 CERTIFICATE OR OTHER DOCUMENT evidence the One rupee for every one
right or title of the holder thereof, or any other person, thousand, or a part thereof, of
either to any shares, one thousand stock in or of any the value of the shares, scrip or
incorporated Co. or other body corporate or to become stock.
proprietor of shares, scrip or stock in or of any such
Company or body.
(i) If the original was not chargeable with duty or if Ten rupees
the duty with which it was chargeable does not
exceed two rupees:
(ii) In any other case not falling within the provision Ten rupees
of section 6-A
(a) if the duty with which the original instrument is Ten rupees
chargeable does not exceed two rupees
(b) In any other case not falling within the provision of Ten rupees
Section 6-A
(a) Where the amount does no exceed Rs.1000 the same duty as Bond No 15
for such amount
where the amount or value does not exceed Rs.10; Twenty paise
where it exceeds Rs.10 and does not exceed Rs.50; Forty paise.
Ditto 50 Ditto 100; Seventy five paise
Ditto 100 Ditto 200; One rupee fifty paise
Ditto 200 Ditto 300; Two rupee twenty five paise
Ditto 300 Ditto 400; Three rupees
Ditto 400 Ditto 500; Three rupees seventy five paise
Ditto 500 Ditto 600; Four rupees fifty paise.
Ditto 600 Ditto 700; Five rupees twentyfive paise.
Ditto 700 Ditto 800; Six rupees
Ditto 800 Ditto 900 Six rupees seventy five paise
Ditto 900 Ditto 1000 Seven rupees fifty paise
And for every Rs.500 or part thereof in excess of Rs.1000 Three rupees seventy five paise
(b) by delivery –
where the amount or value of the consideration for Seventy five paise
such debenture and set forth therein does not exceed
where it exceeds Rs .50 but does not exceed Rs.100 One rupees fifty paise
And for every Rs.500 or part thereof in excess of Rs.1000. Seven rupees fifty paise
(a) When the original mortgage is one of the The same as a Conveyance (No.
description referred to in clause (a) of Article 23) for the value equal to the
No.40 that is, without possession; amount of further charge
secured by such instrument.
(b) When such mortgage is one of the description
referred to in clause (b) of Article No.40 (that is,
without possession)-
(i) If at the time of execution of the instrument of The same as conveyance No.23
further charges possession of the property is given for a value equal to the total
or agreed to be given under such instrument; amount of charge (including the
original mortgage and any
further charge already made)
less the duty already paid on
such mortgage and further
33. GIFT - Instrument of, not being a settlement (No.58), The same duty as Conveyance
or will or transfer (No. 62) (No.23) on the value of
HIRING AGREEMENT or agreement for service – see
Agreement (No. 5)
(i) Where the lease purports to be for a term of The same duty as Bond (No.15)
less than one year; for the whole amount payable
or deliverable under such lease.
(ii) Where the lease purports to be for a term of The same duty as bond (No.15)
not less than one year, but not more than five for the amount/value of the
years; average annual rent received.
(iii) Where the lease purports to be for a term The same duty as Conveyance
exceeding five years, but not exceeding ten years; (No.23) as levied by this Act for
a consideration equal to the
amount / value of the average
annual rent received.
(iv) Where the lease purports to be for a term The same duty as Conveyance
exceeding ten years but not exceeding twenty (No.23) as levied by this Act for
yeas; a consideration equal to twice
the amount / value of the
average annual rent received.
(v) Where the lease purports to be for a term The same duty as Conveyance
exceeding twenty years but not exceeding thirty (No.23) as levied by this Act for
years; a consideration equal to thrice
the amount / value of the
average annual rent received.
(vi) Where the lease purports to be for a term The same duty as Conveyance
exceeding 100 years (No.23) as levied by this Act for
a consideration equal to 4 times
amount / value of the average
annual rent received.
(vii) where the lease purports to be for a term The same duty as conveyance
exceeding 100 years or in perpetuity (No.23)
(viii) Where the lease does not purport to be for The same duty as Conveyance
ay definite term; (No.23) as levied by this Act for
a consideration equal to 3 times
amount / value of the average
annual rent which would be
paid or delivered for the first
ten years if the lease continued
so long.
(b) Where lease is granted for al line or premium The same duty as Conveyance
or for money advanced and where no rent is (No.23) as levied by this Act for
reserved. a consideration equal to the
amount / value of such fine or
premium or advance as set
forth in the lease.
(c) where the lease is granted for a line or The same duty as Conveyance
premium or for money advanced, in addition to No. 23 as levied by this Act for
rent reserved. a consideration equal to the
amount / value of such fine or
premium or advance as set
forth in the lease, in addit ion to
the duty which would have
been payable on such lease, if
no fine or premium or advance
had been paid or delivered.
(a) When possession of the property or any part of Same duty as Conveyance Deed
the property comprised in such deed is given by No.23
the mortgagor or agreed to be given-
And for every Rs.1000 or part thereof secured in Two rupees per thousand or
excess of Rs.1000/- part thereof
And for every Rs.200 or part thereof secured in excess One rupees for rupees two
of Rs.200 or part thereof secured in excess of Rs.200 hundred and part thereof.
(b) When the loan is repayable in more than three
months, but not more than eighteen months from
date of the instrument-
And for every Rs.100 or part thereof secured in One rupees for rupees one
excess of Rs.100 hundred and part thereof
(b) Of any stock or marketable security exceeding in One rupee for every Rs. 10, 000
value of twenty rupees; or part thereof, of the value of
security at the time of its
purchase or sale, as the case
may be.
45 PARTITION instrument of, as defined by section 2(15) The same duty as a Bond (No.
15), for the amount of the value
of the separated share or
shares of the property.
a) when an instrument of
partition containing an
agreement to divide property in
severally is executed and a
partition is effected in
pursuance of such agreement,
the duty chargeable upon the
instrument effecting such
partition shall be reduced by the
amount of duty paid in respect
of first instrument, but shall not
be less than ten rupees.
A Instrument of-
a) Where the capital of the partnership does not One percent with a ceiling of
exceed Rs.500 Rs.5000/-
b) In any other case
(i) Where the premium or consideration does not Ten paise Five paise
exceed the rate of one-eighth per centum of the
amount insured by the policy;
(ii) In any other case, in respect of every full sum of Ten paise Five paise
one thousand five hundred rupees and also any
fractional part of one thousand five hundred
rupees insured by the policy;
Where the insurance shall be made for any time Twenty five paise Fifteen
exceeding six months and not exceeding twelve paise
(i) when the sum insured does not exceed Rs.5000; Fifty paise
(2) in respect of each receipt for any payment of a premium One half of the duty payable in
on any renewal of an original policy. respect of the original policy in
addition to the amount, in any,
chargeable under No. 53
(a) against railway accident, valid for a single journey only. Ten paise
(b) in any other case – for the maximum amount which may Fifteen paise
become payable in the case of any single accident or
sickness where such amount does not exceed Rs.1000, and
also where such amount exceeds Rs.1000 or part thereof.
(i) for every sum insured not exceeding Rs.250; Fifteen paise Ten paise.
(ii) for every sum insured exceeding Rs.250 but not Twenty five paise Fifteen
exceeding Rs.500; paise.
(iii) for every sum insured exceeding Rs.500 but not Forty paise Twenty
exceeding Rs.1,000 and also for every Rs.1,000 or part paise.
thereof in excess of Rs.1,000.
f) When given for consideration and authorizing the Same duty as conveyance
attorney to sell and immovable property. No.23 as levied by this Act for
the amount of consideration
Explanation-for the purpose of this Article more N.B.- The term “registration”
persons than one when belonging to the same includes every operation
firm shall be deemed to be one person. incidental to registration under
the Indian Registration Act,
(i) when the amount or value does not exceed Rs.250; Ten paise.
(ii) when the amount or value exceeds Rs.250 but does Fifteen paise
not exceed Rs.1,000;
(b) when payable otherwise than on demand The same duty as a Bill of
Exchange (No.13) for same
amount payable otherwise than
on demand.
50. PROTEST OF BILL OR NOTE that is to say, any Ten rupees
declaration in writing made by a Notary Public,
or other person lawfully acting as such, attesting
the dishonor of a Bill of Exchange or promissory
a) If the consideration for which the property was Same duty as conveyance
mortgaged does not exceed Rs.1000 No.23 as levied by this Act for
the amount of consideration as
set forth in the Re-conveyance
a) If the amount or value of the claim does not Same duty as a Bond No.15 for
exceed Rs.1000 such amount of value as set
forth in the release
56. RESPONDENTIA BOND that is to say, any Same duty as a Bottomary Bond
instrument securing a loan on the cargo laden or No.16 for the amount of the
to be laden on board a ship and making loan secured.
repayment contingent on the arrival of the cargo
at the port of destination
Bond or other instrument, when executed
59. SHARE WARRANTS to bearer issued under the One and a half times the duty
Companie s Act, 1956 payable on a mortgage deed
with possession No.40(a) for he
amount equal to the nominal
amount of the share specified in
the warrant.
Share Warrant when issued by a company in
pursuance of the Companies Act, 1956, Section
114 to have effect only upon payment, as
composition for that duty, to the Collector of
Stamps-Revenue of-
a) When the duty with which the lease is The duty with which such lease
chargeable does not exce3ed ten rupees; is chargeable.
Surrender of lease, when such lease is exempted
from duty.
63. TRANSFER OF LEASE by way of assignment and The same duty as conveyance
not by way of under lease No.23 as levied by this Act, for
a consideration for the transfer
Transfer of any lease exempt from duty
64. TRUST-
B. Revocation of – of, or concerning any property The same duty as a Bond No.15
when made by any instrument other than a Will. for a sum equal to the amount
or value of the property
concerned as set forth in the
instrument but not exceeding
one hundred rupees.
(S. R. Maheshwari),
Under Secretary (Law & Judicial)
S. R. Maheshwari
Under Secretary (L&J)
Govt. of Delhi,
(Law & Judl. Deptt.)
Delhi Sachivalaya,
New Delhi.
[To be published in Part II, Section 3, subsection (ii) of the Gazette
or India, Extraordinary dated the 28th January, 2004 / 8 Magha,
1925 (Saka)]
where the amount or value does not exceed Rs.10; Ten paise.
where it exceeds Rs.10 and does not exceed Rs.50; Twenty paise.
Ditto 50 Ditto 100; Thirty five paise
Ditto 100 Ditto 200; Seventy five paise
Ditto 200 Ditto 300; One rupee ten paise
Ditto 300 Ditto 400; One rupee fifty paise
Ditto 400 Ditto 500; One rupee eighty five paise.
Ditto 500 Ditto 600; Two rupees twenty five paise.
Ditto 600 Ditto 700; Two rupees sixty paise.
Ditto 700 Ditto 800; Three rupees.
Ditto 800 Ditto 900 Three rupees forty
Ditto 900 Ditto 1000 Three rupees seventy five paise
And for every Rs 500 or part therof in excess of Rs. 1000 One rupee eighty five paise.
(b) by delivery –
where the amount or value of the consideration for such Thirty five paise
debenture and set forth therein does not exceed Rs.50
where it exceeds Rs.50 but does not exceed Rs .100 Seventy five paise
37. Letter of Credit that is to say, any instrument by which One rupees
one person authorizes another to give credit to the person in
whose favour it is drawn
(iv) Where the premium or consideration does not Five paise Five paise
exceed the rate of one-eighth per centum of the
amount insured by the policy;
(v) In any other case, in respect of every full sum of Five paise Five paise
one thousand five hundred rupees and also any
fractional part of one thousand five hundred
rupees insured by the policy;
Where the insurance shall be made for any time Ten paise Five paise
exceeding six months and not exceeding twelve months
(iv) when the sum insured does not exceed Rs.5000; Twenty five paise
(2) in respect of each receipt for any payment of a premium One half of duty payable in
on any renewal of an original policy. respect of the original policy in
addition to the almunt, in any,
chargeable under No. 53
(i) for every sum insured not exceeding Rs.250; Ten paise Five paise.
(ii) for every sum insured exceeding Rs.250 but not Ten paise Five paise.
exceeding Rs.500;
(iii) for every sum insured exceeding Rs.500 but not Twenty paise Ten paise.
exceeding Rs.1,000 and also for every Rs.1,000 or part
thereof in excess of Rs.1,000.
(b) when payable otherwise than on demand The same duty as a Bill of
Exchange (No.13) for same
amount payable otherwise than
on demand.
52. Proxy empowering any person to vote at any one Fifteen paise
election of the members of a district or local board or
of a body of municipal Commissioners, or at any one
meeting of (a) member of an incorporated company or
other body corporate whose stock or fund is or are
divided into shares and transferable, (b) a local
authority, or (c) proprietor, members or contributors to
the funds of any institution.
62. Transfer (whether with or without consideration)- Twenty Five paise for every
(a) of shares in an incorporated company or other body hundred rupeed or part thereof
corporate; of the value of the share:
Sudhir Rajpal,
Deputy Secretary to
Government of India