Core Capability Framework GOV002420
Core Capability Framework GOV002420
Core Capability Framework GOV002420
Personal attributes Build relationships Results focused Business enablers Leadership and people Professional
Individual behaviours influenced by Shape and maximise relationships Drive and influence successful Boost effective service delivery and management capabilities
our values and ethical compass with colleagues, patients and the organisational outcomes champion change management Inspire, engage and develop our
community people
Act with integrity Demonstrate community Plan and prioritise Understand financial Inspire and lead with purpose
Work in a professional and ethical awareness Efficiently plan and prioritise requirements Communicate our vision, linking
way Provide the highest quality service to workload and adapt to changing Minimise financial risk through organisational priorities and goals to
meet community needs circumstances utilising transparent processes to outcomes
deliver our services
Live our values and embrace Work collaboratively Deliver results Leverage technology Manage through our values
diversity Work together, value others Achieve quality results using Use available technology to Create an organisational culture that
Demonstrate our values through contributions and seek partnership resources efficiently maximise efficiency and deliver reflects our values and beliefs
genuine behaviours, harnessing and opportunities effective services
promoting the diversity of others in
all that we do
Display self-awareness and Communicate effectively Demonstrate accountability Optimise resources Build and develop our people
motivation Communicate with others and Take responsibility for actions and Use resources effectively through Develop a culture of continuous
Display self-awareness and resolve conflict through considered be proactive to address governance service and workforce planning learning and development
commitment to learning conversation and safety risks practices
Show resilience and Influence and negotiate Drive innovation Manage change Make sound and agile
compassion Leverage information and resources Create opportunities to develop Drive and champion change to decisions
Be flexible towards change and to support effective decision making unique solutions to problems support business outcomes Make solution-focused decisions
share views honestly and and negotiations using evidence, consultation and
empathetically adaptability
Step 1 – Identify core capabilities relevant to your level and development need in order to deliver on Gold Coast Health’s Strategic Plan Step 2 – Identify
capabilities relevant
to your role, level
and development
Our four levels of leadership
Leading self An individual at leading self connects how their abilities, attitudes and behaviours affect others and adjust them to achieve
Everyone success
An individual at the leading self level, displays the following attributes:
• is recognised as an individual who is grounded and clear on personal values and the expectations placed on them
• acts authentically, shows integrity and admits when a mistake has been made
• uses tools like self-reflection to identify strengths and areas to improve
• is a contributor to team goals and organisational outcomes
• focuses on personal development and demonstrates self-motivation
• displays self-control and effectively manages time, priorities and decision making
• understands how behaviours affect others and adjusts personal mindsets to be open and transparent with others in their team.
Leading others An individual at leading others coaches others; they are the key to others gaining the knowledge, skills and abilities in order to be
Leader successful
An individual at the leading others level, displays the following attributes:
• is recognised across teams as a leader in their knowledge, skills and professional capability
• supervises or leads a team of individuals irrespective of profession or level
• supports and guides individuals or teams to achieve quality outcomes
• makes independent decisions at an operational level
• models behaviours reflective of our organisations values
• is pivotal in ensuring work is completed through individual or team contribution
• communicates with clarity and honesty.
Leading leaders An individual at leading leaders mentors other leaders and drives managerial expertise while inspiring and motivating others
Senior leader An individual at the leading leaders level, displays the following attributes:
• leads other leaders through the sharing of knowledge, skills and/or people management capability
• is recognised as a senior expert in their field
• manages a service area or unit, branch or service line
• links strategic goals of Gold Coast Health with operational outcomes
• is responsible for coaching and mentoring other leaders
• drives transformational culture change through meaningful activities that include our people and community
• develops strategies, long range goals and action plans that align with the organisation’s vision
• effectively communicates organisational priorities, plans, objectives and goals across the workforce.
Leading organisation An individual at leading organisation empowers others to become leaders, communicating the vision and goals of the
Executive leader organisation and motivating exceptional achievement
An individual at the leading organisation level, displays the following attributes:
• champions positive culture and provides a vision of the future that inspires the workforce
• acts as a critical strategic thinker, aligning operational deliverables and outcomes with our Gold Coast Health strategy
• sets standards and leads a culture that values ethical behaviours
• models the organisational values and leadership behavioural capabilities
• communicates with influence and is sensitive to the political environment
• displays an astute clarity of expression, communicating thoughts at every level of the organisation
• responsible for making decisions for the greater good of the community and the organisation, not for personal ambition.
Personal attributes
Individual behaviours influenced by our values and ethical compass
Capability Live our values and embrace Display self-awareness and
Act with integrity Show resilience and compassion
level diversity motivation
• be honest, ethical and professional • acknowledge and embrace various • look for opportunities to learn from the feedback of • be open to new ideas and approaches
• work within the limits of your role and delegation experiences, perspectives, values and beliefs others • ask questions and make suggestions with
• acknowledge mistakes and learn from them • value diversity of thought and include everyone • be prepared to challenge yourself and take sensitivity
• seek guidance and advice when required within the team calculated risks • can adapt well to changing situations
• recognise and report misconduct, illegal • be open and respectful to the contributions and • work with your peers and leaders to find capability • don’t give up easily when problems arise, stay calm
behaviour and/or conflict of interest. ideas of others development opportunities to find the right solution
Leading self • endeavour to understand the perspectives of • be open to new opportunities to develop your • listen and consider others when offering an opinion.
Everyone others capabilities that help you reach goals
• recognise the values and differences of people • participate in performance management and
and the benefits diversity can bring to a team’s capability development conversations and commit
culture to a development plan.
• recognise and acknowledge the achievements
of others
• support a culture of diversity, trust, support and
• promote ethical and professional behaviour • promote and encourage the importance of • encourage others to seek opportunity to learn new • demonstrate endurance, can adapt your approach
reflective of the code of conduct and our values varied experiences, values and beliefs skills and develop new capabilities to problems as needed
• role model and work within the boundaries of • support organisational goals by leveraging • show commitment to achieving challenging goals • maintain an optimistic outlook and focus on the
your role and delegation individual difference and including diversity of • seek and respond positively to constructive learning in difficult situations
• provide impartial and honest advice thought in decision making activities feedback and identify areas of strength and • sustain a high level of effort following setbacks
Leading • justify your own views when challenged • recognise, encourage and include individual improvement required • withstand criticism from stakeholders and maintain
others • take responsibility for mistakes and learn from difference and working styles • demonstrate a high level of personal motivation composure when under pressure
them • support initiatives that create an environment of and encourage this in others • listen when your own ideas are challenged and
Leader • act on reported misconduct, illegal behaviour inclusion • support and enable others to achieve their goals. support others when appropriate
and/or conflict of interest issues. • recognise and acknowledge the achievements • deal positively with uncertainty and cope effectively
of others in an environment characterised by change.
• support the progression of talent throughout
leadership pipelines.
• drive a culture of integrity and professionalism • act as a positive role model communicating the • capitalise on the varying strengths of individuals • demonstrate tenacity and persistence when
across Gold Coast Health value of workforce diversity for Gold Coast and adjust behaviours to match colleagues’ championing initiatives
• foster behaviours reflective of our values and the Health expectations • cope with extreme and changing demands from
code of conduct • capitalise on the positive benefits that can be • strive for continual learning and identify new numerous stakeholders and maintain focus on
• align business process to public protocol and gained from workforce diversity challenges to extend your experience objectives
Leading probity • include the differing work styles of others to • regularly seek feedback and translate critical • maintain an optimistic outlook and focus on the
• act as a role model for leadership courage, enhance the operation and delivery of services feedback into performance improvements learning in difficult situations
leaders consistently raising critical and difficult issues • anticipate when differing views and cultural • display self-insight of your own strengths and • remain relaxed, composed and focused during a
Senior leader • accept accountability for mistakes made and perspectives may clash and adopt strategies to limitations crisis
ensure corrective action is taken address these • foster a culture of learning and high achievement. • quickly recover from setbacks and maintain your
• address and act on identified breaches of illegal • acknowledge and celebrate success momentum to sustain high levels of effort toward
and inappropriate behaviour and/or conflict of • support the development of activities relating to the achievement of outcomes
interest issues. inclusion and diversity. • response to high pressured situations is not
emotional or negative.
• display personal commitment to the purpose and • promote and communicate the value and • model the effective management of own personal • demonstrate tenacity and persistence with
philosophy of Gold Coast Health importance of workforce diversity and professional development initiatives that are of benefit to the community and
• lead by example, presenting the highest • harness diversity service delivery outcomes • use self-insight to identify strengths and areas for the organisation
standards of ethical and professional behaviour • adopt strategies to manage differing views and development • quickly recover from setbacks and maintain
Leading • openly challenge personal and organisational cultural perspectives • regularly seek a range of feedback from others to momentum
organisation breaches of values and standards • create an environment of inclusion, fairness, identify development and performance gaps • maintain an optimistic outlook and focus on the
• empower people to report apparent breaches of equity, consistency and trust • actively commit and advocate ongoing learning in difficult situations
Executive conduct, address breaches of protocol and • sponsor programs that celebrate and professional development and high achievement. • monitor your own emotional reactions, remaining
leader probity in a transparent manner acknowledge high performance calm and maintaining focus when faced with
• expect and encourage all leaders to apply the • engage with strategic activities relating to criticism and pressure
same high standards. inclusion and diversity. • demonstrate compassion and empathy when
engaging with others
• display empathy and listen carefully to others.
Build relationships
Shape and maximise relationships with colleagues, patients and the community
Capability Demonstrate community
Work collaboratively Communicate effectively Influence and negotiate
level awareness
• demonstrate an awareness of healthcare • work as a supportive and cooperative team • focus on clear communication of key points • utilise known facts to support a point
services that are provided by Gold Coast Health member, sharing information and acknowledging • limit the use of jargon and abbreviations • contribute to finding solutions that influence
• take responsibility for operational delivery of others’ efforts • actively listen to colleagues and patients positive outcomes
quality services • respond to others who need an explanation or • leverage personal communication strengths and • participate in discussions to resolve differences
Leading self • demonstrate respect, courtesy and fairness direction on a job take account of others’ needs with others
Everyone when interacting with our patients, clients and • take the initiative to step in to help others when • contribute to team discussions and planning • recognise issues that may lead to conflict and
colleagues. workloads are high • ensure stakeholders are kept informed of progress positively address the issues as they arise
• keep your team and supervisor informed of work and issues. • know when to raise an issue to seek advice to a
progress. solution
• work with your team to reach agreement on your
own work schedule and priorities.
• develop and maintain a network with others both • foster teamwork by working together and • translate information for others and focus clearly • ensure that negotiations remain focused on the
internally and externally cooperatively; encouraging, recognising and on communicating key points important issues
• anticipate the needs of our patients and rewarding those behaviours in others • structure messages clearly and concisely, both • acknowledge differences of opinion and address
community, influencing and overseeing the • bring people together and ensure key verbally and in writing and limit jargon disagreements objectively
delivery of prompt and professional services stakeholders are involved in discussions • explain complex information using easy to • offer convincing arguments to make a strong
• use appropriate strategies to resolve conflicts and • encourage people’s input and seek other understand language case without getting personal or aggressive
Leading complaints from patients and the community, contributions • present information effectively, outline the effects • identify potential compromise for everyone
others addressing concerns quickly using appropriate • share information with key stakeholders and ensure key points are conveyed • position your case without bias, acknowledging
controls and protocols. internally and externally • maximise personal communication strengths and risks and potential disadvantages.
Leader • ensure progress and performance updates are recognise own limitations
shared across the team and upwards. • anticipate audience’s responses and prepare to
address concerns and objections
• tailor your communication style and language
according to the audience’s level of knowledge,
skill and experience.
• build and sustain relationships that provide a rich • develop cross divisional approaches to address • engage the audience, using contextual and • position your case by clearly highlighting its merit
network internally and across the community issues relevant examples of key points to bring meaning use various techniques to illustrate the argument
• show commitment to ensure the provision of • establish an effective working relationship with to messages persuasively
prompt, efficient and responsive patient services the executive leaders • state the facts clearly, outlining the implications • share messages in a way that facilitates the
both personally and through the actions of others • communicate the importance of consulting with and ensuring key conclusions are conveyed desired outcomes
• establish cross-agency and community others and recognise when collaboration is • explain complex information using language • identify when negotiations are stalling, and take
Leading partnerships to address issues necessary appropriate to the audience proactive action to ensure effective resolution
• conceptualise the role of the organisation in the • bridge differences in understanding between key • present messages confidently and select the • identify key stakeholders and seek their support
leaders community and consider their expectations. stakeholders appropriate method of communication for early in the negotiation
Senior leader • model effective team working behaviours maximum effect • foresee potential outcomes and possible
• overcome organisational silos • understand comments made by others and ensure compromises required.
• encourage collaborative and cooperative work misunderstanding is addressed
practices, recognising those behaviours in • listen carefully to others and ensure their views
others. have been understood
• anticipate reactions and prepare a response to
address the audience’s concerns.
• stimulate excellence in a service culture • advocate and orchestrate cross-divisional • promote open communication throughout the • approach negotiations with a strong grasp of the
• champion and drive a sense of shared purpose cooperation and collaboration organisation key issues
and direction to deliver prompt, efficient and • encourage stakeholders to work together • clearly communicate the big picture to a broad • anticipate, acknowledge and address
responsive patient services • recognise and capitalise on opportunities for audience disagreements to facilitate mutually beneficial
• leverage community relationships to drive mutual benefit • adapt your approach to the audience to optimise solutions
Leading change and deliver outcomes • leverage creative partnerships to develop impact and understanding • develop long-term, complex and multi-phased
organisation • consider strategic options in conjunction with strategic and operational requirements, • display empathy and listen carefully to others and plans which influence others
emerging trends and community expectations underpinned by risk management principles check to ensure their view has been understood • focus on the desired objectives and ensure
Executive • use informed judgement when incorporating • work collaboratively and cooperatively and • scan the environment and consider other advice to negotiations remain on track
leader areas of political sensitivity within state and recognise and reward those behaviours in others determine best approach for change to planned • use a variety of approaches tailored to different
national healthcare services • establish effective relationships with the Minister initiatives. clients, stakeholders and stakeholder groups.
• seek to understand views and incorporate in and Gold Coast Health’s Board and Senior
organisational strategies accordingly. Leadership Team.
Results focused
Drive and influence successful organisational outcomes
Plan and prioritise Deliver results Demonstrate accountability Drive innovation
• take an organised and logical approach to your • focus on your own performance, working under • take responsibility for your actions, acknowledge • confirm work tasks to be done and identify any
work relevant standards and timelines mistakes and learn from the experience issues in completing these tasks
• discuss and agree your work plans, timelines and • seek direction when required and respond to • be aware of your responsibilities and act within • identify and inform your supervisor of issues that
goals with your direct lead changing priorities your level of authority may impact you achieving outcomes
Leading self • perform work under set guidelines and • take the lead to progress work and identify • be aware of team goals and their influence on • share ideas about ways to continuously improve
procedures improvements to processes day to day activities work and solve problems
Everyone • regularly track your progress on work tasks and • identify resources needed to complete allocated • follow safe work practices and take reasonable • suggest improvements to team and individual
adjust work priorities accordingly work care for yourself and others’ health and safety tasks, processes and procedures, looking for
• provide input to the development of team work • readily share your knowledge and support peers • escalate issues when they are identified using better ways to achieve the right outcome.
plans and goals in skill development, providing positive and the provided tools and systems
• understand your team’s objectives and how your helpful feedback when necessary. • seek opportunities and additional responsibility to
own work relates to achieving these. develop, learn and grow your capability.
• construct project and work plans that have clear • deal positively with uncertainty and cope • evaluate your own and the team’s work • research and analyse information, identifying
appropriate goals and measurable objectives effectively in a changing environment performance, identifying and sharing your common issues and making recommendations
• anticipate change and build contingencies • identify and engage key people who will learnings to determine future activities • anticipate and address issues by selecting the
• evaluate projects to understand critical factors to contribute to deliver the best results • focus on aligning team priorities to organisational most effective solution from a range of options
achieve success • contribute to achieving team outcomes by outcomes • coordinate and manage team initiatives to
Leading • monitor progression of projects, team sharing your knowledge, skill and ability to • exercise delegations appropriate to role resolve common issues to achieve goals
others achievements against work plans and goals develop your team • understand and apply relevant standards of • strengthen the team’s creative problem solving
• manage priorities and agree to adjustments to • consult internal and external experts financial probity while using public monies and through collaboration, consultation and inclusion
Leader achieve goals and objectives. • help others to adapt to change to ensure a resources • provide and encourage a work place where the
smooth transition and deliver outcomes. • implement safe work practices using systematic team can try new ways of doing something while
risk management approaches not always getting it right.
• conduct and report on quality controls
• identify risks and implement control measures.
• lead a work environment that values • review the progress of key programs, staying • develop strategies and work through • leverage technology and implement continuous
achievement with a focus on delivering quality focused on achieving outcomes contingencies to manage strategic risks improvement activities
services • consult internal and external experts to ensure • monitor information channels to understand new • develop and capitalise on innovative solutions to
• enable the achievement of outcomes by you strive to effectively utilise resources to issues of importance impacting healthcare effectively resolve complex problems
identifying and removing barriers achieve results services in the public sector • use results to position the organisation to
• implement strategies to achieve operational • focus on sustainability to deliver effective results • implement, integrate and streamline strategies capitalise on emerging opportunities and
Leading efficiencies and improved performance in the long term. and processes to achieve operational minimise threats
• develop organisational plans that define effectiveness • engage in high-level critical thinking to identify
leaders objectives and outcomes • understand and operate within legal and public connections between complex issues and
Senior leader • progress strategies that implement risk mitigation policy constraints and limitations solutions.
and contingency management. • take ownership for your decisions and accept
• design and develop systems to establish and
measure accountability
• ensure accountability is practiced in line with
organisational goals.
• drive a culture of success and create a sense of • foster a quality focus across the organisation and • identify relationships between issues and • draw on information, the latest research and
urgency and commitment to achieve excellence accept accountability for achieving agreed determine key implications for the organisation in alternative viewpoints to understand the impact
in delivering our healthcare services outcomes the context of priorities of organisational policy, practices and decisions
• manage urgent demands with measured and • optimise outcomes by anticipating and removing • translate our vision into meaningful performance • explore new ideas with an open mind
reasoned responses barriers to success expectations for internal and external • weigh up options and apply sound judgement to
Leading • use professional standing in guiding others to • scrutinise resourcing pressures and sponsor stakeholders develop realistic solutions for the organisation
take calculated risks to improve organisational strategies to maximise outcomes • oversee the implementation of performance • think conceptually about long-term opportunities
organisation performance • advocate evaluation as a quality control to management and accountability frameworks and risks
Executive • demonstrate a drive to achieve beyond improve performance. throughout the organisation • challenge the status quo to improve
leader expectations. • ensure the organisation has integrated, reliable organisational effectiveness in delivering
information and knowledge management services.
systems to support decisions
• promote a culture of accountability with a clear
line of sight to organisational goals.
Business enablers
Boost effective service delivery and champion change management
Understand financial requirements Leverage technology Optimise resources Manage change
• show an awareness that budgets are limited and • be familiar and confident in using office software • work with team members to make effective use • support and participate in change initiatives,
can only be used for intended purposes applications and technology of resources to maximise service outcomes assisting others to understand their purpose
• appreciate the importance of accuracy in • understand the function of the technology • work with team members to ensure a combined • recognise your doubts about change in the
estimating costs, analysing financial data and currently used in your role and accurate understanding of processes and workplace and be open to transparent
Leading self recording transactions • understand and comply with information, practices for the work place conversations about your doubts
• be aware of your financial delegations and the communication and document control policies, • work with team members to identify team • recognise barriers to change, both yours and
Everyone processes related to those delegations systems and security protocols expectations and standards with a focus on your colleagues, support each other to accept
• understand and comply with individual • comply with mandatory training regarding efficiency and facilitate change.
obligations to use all resources wisely and information technology. • work with colleagues to achieve team goals and
efficiently objectives.
• comply with legislative requirements regarding
fraud awareness training.
• be familiar with financial terminology, polices and • demonstrate a strong knowledge and use of • initiate and develop goals and plans to guide the • actively promote change processes and engage
processes technology relevant to the work unit work of the team, aligning to organisational in the communication of change initiatives across
• understand the impacts of funding allocations on • identify opportunities to use a broad range of objectives the workforce
team planning and budgets, including value for communication technologies to deliver effective • allocate resources to ensure achievement of • provide guidance, coaching and direction to
money expectations messages service outcomes others while managing uncertainty and change
Leading • understand and apply financial auditing, reporting • use existing technology and identify ways to • ensure team members base their decisions on • engage employees in change processes and
and compliance obligations according to your leverage its value in achieving team/unit goals reliable and relevant information provide clear guidance and support
others role accountability • support compliance with records, information and • monitor success against expectations and take • identify barriers to change, creating and
Leader • seek financial specialist advice and support when knowledge management requirements. corrective action when required implementing strategies to address these.
needed • keep stakeholders informed about progress and
• make decisions and prepare business cases achievements
paying attention to financial considerations. • contribute to workforce plans that effectively
distribute resources in delivering health services.
• apply a thorough understanding of financial • show commitment to the use of existing and new • create workforce and resource plans that • clarify purpose and benefits of continuous
terminology, policies and processes to plan, technologies in the workplace effectively distribute organisational resources to improvement for employees
forecast and budget for organisational outcomes • oversee the implementation of controls to ensure achieve organisational goals • provide coaching and leadership in times of
• model the highest standards of financial probity compliance with information and communications • plan for strategic use of human resources that uncertainty
in allocating public monies security link to wider organisational objectives and • assist others to address emerging challenges and
• understand and promote the role of sound • maintain a level of currency regarding emerging outcomes risks, generating support for change initiatives
Leading financial management technologies • encourage others to strive for ongoing • translate change initiatives into practical
• include specialist financial advice in reviewing • seek advice from appropriate technical experts to performance improvement strategies, explaining these to employees and
leaders and evaluating systems and processes to identify leverage information, communication and other • align systems and processes to encourage their role in implementing them
Senior leader improvement technologies in achieving organisational improved performance and outcomes • endorse and oversee the implementation of
• respond to financial risk management audit outcomes • engage in flexible resource management to structured change management models and
outcomes, addressing areas of non-compliance. • implement and monitor appropriate records, reach optimum service delivery and practices
information and knowledge management sustainability. • drive the change agenda and influence
systems. organisational focus when required
• accept and embrace the ongoing nature of
• advocate strategic management of financial and • promote research and the engagement of expert • cultivate an organisational structure that is • inspire a continuous improvement agenda,
budgetary compliance and governance advice on the application of emerging aligned to the organisational goals and responds defining high level objectives
• define organisational direction, priorities and technologies to changes over time • advocate employees support and commitment to
business plans with reference to key financial • advocate and drive the use of effective • advocate and promote strategic workforce and announced change, directing planning and
indicators governance frameworks to enable efficient and succession planning that support organisational preparation for long term organisational change
• anticipate and communicate operational needs effective application of information and sustainability, operational efficiency and flexible with a focus on the wider political, social and
Leading and support the most appropriate funding communications technology resource management environmental context
organisation strategies • cultivate a risk management culture where • endorse the alignment of workforce resources • cultivate an organisational culture that actively
• inspire a culture which respects the obligation to effective governance with information security and talent with organisational priorities seeks opportunities to improve
Executive manage public monies requirements are applied • identify sustainable labour and non-labour • anticipate, plan and address barriers to change at
leader • advocate effective governance to ensure the • sponsor the introduction of technology solutions resource appointments to deliver efficient the organisational level
ethical and honest use of financial resources that improve efficiencies to healthcare services business outcomes. • openly question established approaches and acts
• actively pursue financial risk minimisation and patient outcomes. on opportunities for change.
strategies and plans to meet organisational
Leadership and people management
Inspire, engage and develop our people
Inspire and lead with purpose Manage through our values Build and develop our people Make sound and agile decisions
• support others to understand organisational • model expected behaviours identified in the code • clarify and confirm expected behaviours in • make and implement routine decisions on daily
direction of conduct and our values providing services work in a timely manner
• contribute to the development of team goals and • contribute to decisions without favouritism or bias • contribute to developing yours and the team’s • consult and seek necessary information as a
help others to do the same • treat people fairly and equally capability to deliver services basis for your decisions
• help team members understand how their work • respond flexibly to changing demands • give support and regular useful feedback to • identify issues and assess significance, take
Leading self supports team and organisational goals and • focus on excellence in delivering our services others appropriate action to resolve the issue
Everyone influences overall performance • help others to identify development opportunities • engage and participate in performance and • explore various possibilities and generate
• recognise and acknowledge team members to increase capability. capability development conversations innovative solutions
achievements and successes. • identify and support learning opportunities for • select the best option from a range of potential
team members solutions; demonstrating how recommendations
• recognise your capability and performance solve the key problems identified.
improvement opportunities and seek advice and
• express a sense of purpose and coach others • lead by example and maintain high standards of • define and clearly communicate roles and • make time sensitive decisions even when only
how to link organisational strategy with professionalism and impartiality responsibilities to achieve team outcomes limited information may be available
operational outcomes • encourage individual behaviour according to the • share clear performance standards and • acknowledge personal responsibility for
• lead the implementation of strategies aligned to code of conduct and our values expectations outcomes of decisions made due to urgency
organisational goals • make recommendations based on evidence and • develop work plans that consider team • make clear, well-reasoned decisions, balance
Leading • encourage and lead collaborative initiatives to without favouritism or bias capabilities, strengths and opportunities for intuition and reason to form effective
achieve goals • deal positively with uncertainty and cope development judgements
others • recognise, acknowledge and reward individual effectively in a changing environment • provide regular useful feedback to build • apply lateral and creative thinking to generate
Leader and team achievements. • act as a coach and mentor, working with others strengths and achieve goals ideas and solutions and decide actions
to facilitate continuous improvement. • identify potential successors in supporting • work effectively in situations of ambiguity and
succession planning with issues that cannot be immediately resolved.
• address and resolve team and individual
performance issues, including under-
• drive a sense of purpose and encourage others • drive a culture that exceeds expectations and • refine roles and responsibilities over time to • make and implement decisions where required
to understand links between organisational upholds high standards of professionalism achieve better business and service outcomes information is incomplete, contradictory and/or
strategy and operational outcomes • make informed and evidence based decisions, • recognise talent and enable organisational ambiguous
• influence and oversee the implementation of placing the goals of the organisation above capability development programs • make decisions having significant
strategies aligned to the organisation’s vision personal ambition • undertake succession planning activities to consequences which can withstand public
Leading and purpose • nurture talent and engage in succession sustain business and service continuity scrutiny
• build a sense of direction, clarify priorities and planning; focusing on activities that support • provide timely, constructive and objective • anticipate problems and address them quickly
leaders inspire others to achieve them organisational and service sustainability. feedback to others • develop and capitalise on innovative solutions to
Senior leader • work to remove barriers and communicate • address and resolve team and individual effectively resolve complex problems
organisational standards and expectations performance issues, including serious • implement ideas and approaches that will add
• create opportunities for recognising and unsatisfactory performance, in a timely and value.
celebrating high performance. effective way
• implement organisational performance
development frameworks.
• champion the organisation’s vision and goals • advocate a culture that exceeds expectations • advocate participation within an employee • steer a culture of ethical and evidence based
• articulate and drive the implementation of and upholds high standards of professionalism capability development framework solutions; taking educated risks and making
strategies that align to the organisations vision • cultivate impartiality, honesty and ethical • sponsor executive capability development innovative and creative decisions
and purpose behaviour as the norm programs • champion initiatives with significant potential to
Leading • cultivate a culture of confidence and trust in the • make decisions without favouritism or bias • drive effective succession management the delivery of quality health services
organisation future direction of the organisation • place goals of the organisation above personal practices to sustain workforce capability • anticipate problems and address them by
Executive • generate enthusiasm and commitment to ambition • cultivate a culture of continuous learning and developing strategies and thinking through
achieve sustainable and evidence based • drive a culture of success and foster a focus on leadership development contingencies to manage long-term and
leader healthcare to the community excellence • instil a sense of urgency around addressing and strategic risks
• share organisational philosophy • inspire and motivate others, empowering them to resolving performance issues, cascading this • make and direct strategic decisions based on
• sponsor programs that celebrate high identify and take up development opportunities. throughout the organisation. principles, values and sound business acumen.
performance and empowers people.
Our Core Capability Framework
Developed by
Gold Coast Health
Human Resource Services
Organisational Capability Unit
December 2017