Ilsel 1 Profile

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The integrated leadership system

ILS support tools

Leadership pathway: Individual profile EL1
Executive Level 1 profile

Shapes Achieves Cultivates productive Exemplifies personal Communicates with

strategic thinking results working relationships drive and integrity influence
Inspires a sense of purpose Builds organisational Nurtures internal and external Demonstrates public service Communicates clearly
and direction capability and responsiveness relationships professionalism and probity
Confidently presents messages
Provides direction to others Reviews project performance Builds and sustains relationships Adopts a principled approach in a clear, concise and articulate
regarding the purpose and and focuses on identifying with a network of key people and adheres to the APS Values manner. Focuses on key points
importance of their work. opportunities for continuous internally and externally. and Code of Conduct. Acts and uses appropriate,
Illustrates the relationship improvement. Identifies key Proactively offers assistance for professionally and impartially at unambiguous language. Selects
between operational tasks and talent to support performance. a mutually beneficial relationship. all times and operates within the the most appropriate medium for
organisational goals. Sets work Remains flexible and responsive Anticipates and is responsive to boundaries of organisational conveying information and
tasks that align with the strategic to changes in requirements. internal and external client processes and legal and public structures written and oral
objectives and communicates needs. policy constraints. Operates as communication to ensure clarity.
expected outcomes. Marshals professional an effective representative of the
expertise Facilitates cooperation and organisation in public and Listens, understands and
Focuses strategically partnerships internal forums. adapts to audience
Values specialist expertise and
Understands the organisation's capitalises on the expert Involves people, encourages Engages with risk and shows Seeks to understand the
objectives and aligns operational knowledge and skills of others. them and recognises their personal courage audience and tailors
activities accordingly. Considers Contributes own expertise to contribution. Consults and shares communication style and
the ramifications of issues and achieve outcomes for the information and ensures others Provides impartial and forthright message accordingly. Listens
longer-term impact of own work business unit. are kept informed of issues. advice. Challenges important carefully to others and checks to
and work area. Works collaboratively and issues constructively, and stands ensure their views have been
Steers and implements change
operates as an effective team by own position when understood. Checks own
Harnesses information and and deals with uncertainty
member. challenged. Acknowledges understanding of others’
opportunities mistakes and learns from them, comments and does not allow
Establishes clear plans and Values individual differences
timeframes for project and seeks guidance and advice misunderstandings to linger.
Gathers and investigates and diversity
implementation and outlines when required.
information from a variety of Negotiates persuasively
sources, and explores new ideas specific activities. Responds in a Recognises the positive benefits Commits to action
and different viewpoints. Probes positive and flexible manner to that can be gained from diversity Approaches negotiations with a
information and identifies any change and uncertainty. Shares and encourages the exploration Takes personal responsibility for strong grasp of the key issues,
critical gaps. Maintains an information with others and of diverse views. Harnesses meeting objectives and having prepared in advance.
awareness of the organisation, assists them to adapt. understanding of differences to progressing work. Shows Understands the desired
monitors the context in which the enhance interactions. initiative and proactively steps in objectives and associated
Ensures closure and delivers
organisation operates and finds Recognises the different working and does what is required. strengths and weaknesses.
on intended results
out about best practice styles of individuals, and tries to Commits energy and drive to see Anticipates the position of the
approaches. Sees projects through to see things from different that goals are achieved. other party, and frames
completion. Monitors project perspectives. arguments accordingly.
Shows judgment, intelligence Displays resilience Encourages the support of
and commonsense progress and adjusts plans as Guides, mentors and develops
required. Commits to achieving relevant stakeholders. Strives to
people Persists and focuses on
quality outcomes and ensures achieve an outcome that delivers
Undertakes objective, systematic achieving objectives even in
documentation procedures are benefits for both parties.
analysis and draws accurate Identifies learning opportunities difficult circumstances. Remains
conclusions based on evidence. maintained. Seeks feedback for others and empowers them positive and responds to
Recognises the links between from stakeholders to gauge by delegating tasks. Agrees clear pressure in a controlled manner.
interconnected issues. Breaks satisfaction. performance standards and gives Continues to move forward
through problems and weighs up timely praise and recognition. despite criticism or setbacks.
the options to identify solutions. Makes time for people and offers
Explores possibilities and full support when required. Demonstrates self awareness
innovative alternatives. Delivers constructive, objective and a commitment to personal
feedback in a manner that gains development
acceptance and achieves
Self-evaluates performance and
resolution. Deals with under-
seeks feedback from others.
performance promptly.
Communicates and acts on
strengths and development
needs. Reflects on own
behaviour and recognises the
impact on others. Shows strong
commitment to learning and self-
development, and accepts
challenging new opportunities.

Page 49
Capability descriptions and behavioural indicators

Shapes strategic thinking EL1

Inspires a sense of Focuses strategically Harnesses information Shows judgement,


purpose and direction and opportunities intelligence and


Provides direction to others Understands the organisation's Gathers and investigates Undertakes objective, systematic
regarding the purpose and objectives and aligns operational information from a variety of analysis and draws accurate
importance of their work. Illustrates activities accordingly. Considers sources, and explores new ideas conclusions based on evidence.

the relationship between the ramifications of issues and and different viewpoints. Probes Recognises the links between
operational tasks and longer-term impact of own work information and identifies any interconnected issues. Breaks
organisational goals. Sets work and work area. critical gaps. Maintains an through problems and weighs up
tasks that align with the strategic awareness of the organisation, the options to identify solutions.
objectives and communicates monitors the context in which the Explores possibilities and
expected outcomes. organisation operates and finds innovative alternatives.
out about best practice

* Communicates with others * Demonstrates an awareness of * Identifies critical information gaps * Systematically analyses
regarding the purpose of their work the implications of issues for own and asks a range of questions to information to identify relationships
and the relationship between work and work area. uncover valuable information. between factors.
operational activities and * Thinks about the future and * Sources information on best * Identifies problems and assesses
organisational goals. considers the longer-term practice approaches adopted in their significance; takes
Behavioural indicators

* Translates high-level goals and implications of own work. both the public and private sectors. appropriate action to resolve them.
outcomes into appropriate tasks * Understands the strategic * Scans the organisational * Checks and clarifies information
for others. objectives of the organisation and environment; monitors the and avoids unwarranted
* Conveys expectations regarding develops work plans accordingly. corporate priorities, business assumptions; draws accurate
outcomes and the timely context and organisational culture. conclusions and presents logical
achievement of objectives. * Gathers and investigates arguments.
information and alternate * Explores various possibilities and
viewpoints from a variety of generates innovative alternatives.
sources through formal and * Selects the best option from a
informal means; explores new range of potential solutions;
ideas with an open mind. demonstrates how
recommendations solve the key
problems identified.

Page 50
Achieves results EL1

Builds organisational Marshals professional Steers and implements Ensures closure and

capability and expertise change and deals with delivers on intended

responsiveness uncertainty results

Reviews project performance and Values specialist expertise and Establishes clear plans and Sees projects through to
focuses on identifying capitalises on the expert timeframes for project completion. Monitors project

opportunities for continuous knowledge and skills of others. implementation and outlines progress and adjusts plans as
improvement. Identifies key talent Contributes own expertise to specific activities. Responds in a required. Commits to achieving
to support performance. Remains achieve outcomes for the business positive and flexible manner to quality outcomes and ensures
flexible and responsive to changes unit. change and uncertainty. Shares documentation procedures are
in requirements. information with others and assists maintained. Seeks feedback from
them to adapt. stakeholders to gauge satisfaction.

* Identifies and utilises key * Consults internal and external * Constructs project plans that * Regularly seeks feedback from
individuals who will contribute to experts; taps into their technical have clear and appropriate goals, stakeholders to gauge their
deliver the best results. and professional knowledge and timeframes and budgets; satisfaction; ensures work is
experience to improve work anticipates change and builds delivered to a high standard.
Behavioural indicators

* Evaluates projects to understand

critical factors for success, and outcomes. contingencies into plans. * Maintains focus on quality to
engages in activities to achieve * Contributes own expertise for the * Deals positively with uncertainty achieve key outcomes; adheres to
continuous improvement. benefit of the business unit; and copes effectively in an documentation procedures and
* Responds flexibly to changing encourages others to draw upon environment characterised by sees tasks through to completion.
demands whilst maintaining sight this knowledge. change; determines a course of * Monitors projects against plans;
of the end goal. action despite lack of clarity. manages priorities and agrees
* Shares appropriate information adjustments to milestones as
with staff and colleagues during required.
times of change; helps others
adapt to ensure a smooth

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Cultivates productive working relationships EL1
Nurtures internal and Facilitates cooperation Values individual Guides, mentors and

external relationships and partnerships differences and diversity develops people

Builds and sustains relationships Involves people, encourages them Recognises the positive benefits Identifies learning opportunities for
with a network of key people and recognises their contribution. that can be gained from diversity others and empowers them by
internally and externally. Consults and shares information and encourages the exploration of delegating tasks. Agrees clear
Proactively offers assistance for a and ensures others are kept diverse views. Harnesses performance standards and gives

mutually beneficial relationship. informed of issues. Works understanding of differences to timely praise and recognition.
Anticipates and is responsive to collaboratively and operates as an enhance interactions. Recognises Makes time for people and offers
internal and external client needs. effective team member. the different working styles of full support when required.
individuals, and tries to see things Delivers constructive, objective
from different perspectives. feedback in a manner that gains
acceptance and achieves
resolution. Deals with under-
performance promptly.

* Develops and maintains a * Operates as an effective member * Discerns the differing and * Makes time for people despite
network with others internally and of the team; works collaboratively preferred working styles of competing priorities; provides
externally. and cooperatively; draws on team individuals and factors this into the guidance and offers full support
* Builds and sustains relationships; strengths. management of people and tasks. when required.
liaises with a range of * Involves others and encourages * Recognises that others have * Encourages staff to engage in
stakeholders including other their input; recognises the different views and experience; development opportunities;
teams, peers and colleagues contributions made by other explores their contributions and identifies knowledge gaps and
across the organisation, and in people. capitalises on the differing works with them to determine
other organisations. * Consults and shares information perspectives. appropriate development activities.
Behavioural indicators

* Offers reciprocal assistance in with own team and upwards; * Tries to see things from the other * Delegates tasks effectively;
achieving mutually beneficial ensures people are kept informed person's perspective. provides clear direction and
outcomes. of progress and issues. * Maintains an awareness of the articulates parameters.
* Anticipates the needs of clients personalities, motivations and * Congratulates people on
and provides courteous, prompt other diverse qualities of people, achievements and gives timely
and professional service to them. and uses this to enhance recognition for good performance.
interactions. * Provides clear, constructive and
timely feedback (both positive and
negative) in a manner that
encourages learning and achieves
any required resolution.
* Agrees on performance
standards and conducts regular
reviews; addresses under-
performance promptly, identifies
causes and agrees on
improvement targets.

Page 52
Exemplifies personal drive and integrity EL1
Demonstrates public Engages with risk Commits to action Displays resilience Demonstrates self

service and shows personal awareness and a

professionalism and courage commitment to
probity personal
Adopts a principled Provides impartial and Takes personal Persists and focuses on Self-evaluates
approach and adheres to forthright advice. responsibility for meeting achieving objectives even performance and seeks
the APS Values and Code Challenges important objectives and progressing in difficult circumstances. feedback from others.
of Conduct. Acts issues constructively, and work. Shows initiative and Remains positive and Communicates and acts on
professionally and stands by own position proactively steps in and responds to pressure in a strengths and development

impartially at all times and when challenged. does what is required. controlled manner. needs. Reflects on own
operates within the Acknowledges mistakes Commits energy and drive Continues to move forward behaviour and recognises
boundaries of and learns from them, and to see that goals are despite criticism or the impact on others.
organisational processes seeks guidance and advice achieved. setbacks. Shows strong commitment
and legal and public policy when required. to learning and self-
constraints. Operates as development, and accepts
an effective representative challenging new
of the organisation in opportunities.
public and internal forums.

* Adheres to the APS * Listens when own ideas * Takes the initiative; * Maintains effective * Reflects on own
Values and Code of are challenged; stands progresses work, and performance levels in behaviours and work style
Conduct and consistently ground and defends own engages in additional tasks highly charged or high- and considers how they
behaves in an honest, views when appropriate. as required. pressure situations. impact on others and on
ethical and professional * Challenges issues and * Gets on with the job at * Demonstrates job performance.
way. raises objections hand and applies self with persistence and works * Demonstrates
* Treats people fairly and constructively; discusses energy and drive; commits hard to achieve objectives. commitment to self-
equitably and is alternatives to find a way to meeting the objectives. * Maintains an optimistic development and
transparent in dealings forward. * Recognises and seeks to outlook and focuses on the capitalises on opportunities
Behavioural indicators

with them. * Provides impartial and resolve issues impacting positives in difficult to extend skills and
* Makes decisions for the forthright advice. on the achievement of situations. knowledge; accepts
corporate good without desired outcomes. challenging new
* Takes responsibility for * Stays controlled when opportunities.
favouritism or bias; places mistakes and learns from under pressure; does not
the aims of the them; acknowledges when react personally to * Communicates areas of
organisation above in the wrong. criticism. strength, and
personal ambitions. acknowledges
* Seeks advice and development needs.
* Understands and assistance from colleagues
operates within legal and and senior managers when * Seeks feedback on
public policy constraints uncertain. behaviour and work
and limitations. performance and is
* Operates in a responsive to guidance.
professional manner when * Spends time critically
representing the analysing own
organisation in public and performance and identifies
internal forums. strengths as well as
development needs.

Page 53
Communicates with influence EL1
Communicates clearly Listens, understands and adapts to Negotiates persuasively


Confidently presents messages in a clear, Seeks to understand the audience and tailors Approaches negotiations with a strong grasp of
concise and articulate manner. Focuses on key communication style and message accordingly. the key issues, having prepared in advance.

points and uses appropriate, unambiguous Listens carefully to others and checks to ensure Understands the desired objectives and
language. Selects the most appropriate their views have been understood. Checks own associated strengths and weaknesses.
medium for conveying information and understanding of others’ comments and does Anticipates the position of the other party, and
structures written and oral communication to not allow misunderstandings to linger. frames arguments accordingly. Encourages the
ensure clarity. support of relevant stakeholders. Strives to
achieve an outcome that delivers benefits for
both parties.

* Focuses on clearly communicating key points. * Adjusts presentation style on the basis of * Presents persuasive counter-arguments.
* Limits the use of jargon and abbreviations; subtle non-verbal cues. * Puts forward a case firmly, without getting
Behavioural indicators

explains complex information using language * Maximises personal communication strengths personal or aggressive.
appropriate for the audience. and takes into account shortcomings. * Encourages relevant stakeholders in
* Presents messages confidently and selects * Focuses on gaining a clear understanding of supporting the position.
the appropriate medium for maximum effect. others’ comments by listening, asking clarifying * Anticipates the stance of other parties in
* Structures messages clearly and succinctly, questions and reflecting back. advance and positions own case accordingly.
both orally and in writing. * Understands and addresses the key concerns * Commences negotiations with a clear
of the audience. understanding of the organisation's objectives
* Tailors communication style and language and desired outcomes.
according to the audience’s level of knowledge,
skill and experience.

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