Course Outline Grade 11 (A-Level)
Course Outline Grade 11 (A-Level)
Course Outline Grade 11 (A-Level)
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am so excited about having your son/daughter in my Mathematics class. I look forward to working
with him/her during this academic year.
Please find the attached course outline, grading policy and classroom rules that all students are
expected to follow to ensure a better learning atmosphere.
Please review the attached syllabus, sign and return the agreement that states you have read and
understood the course and its requirements. And also, please encourage your son or daughter to
actively participate in class, complete all assignments thoughtfully and on time, and to study
regularly outside of class.
If you have any questions or concerns in regards to your child’s education, behavior, or progress you
can reach me through email at [email protected]
Shani Rahmawati
Mathematics Teacher
Instructor Information
Shani Rahmawati
[email protected]
WhatsApp: +6281573744600
SMA Pribadi Bandung
Monday-Friday, 07.00-16.00
General Information
All students studying Mathematics Cambridge AS & A Level Curriculum have the opportunity to acquire
thorough knowledge and understanding of the key principle in mathematics and to understand how
they can be applied to real life situations. An essential subject for all learners, Mathematics Cambridge
AS & A Level Curriculum encourages the development of mathematical knowledge as a key life skill,
and as a strong basis for more advanced study.
The syllabus aims to build learners' confidence by helping them develop competence and fluency with
mathematical concepts, methods and skills, as well as a feel for numbers, patterns and relationships.
The syllabus also places a strong emphasis on solving problems and presenting and interpreting
results. Learners also gain an understanding of how to communicate and reason using mathematical
concepts. Mathematics Cambridge AS & A Level Curriculum learners gain lifelong benefits, including
the development of their mathematical knowledge:
• confidence, by developing a feel for numbers, patterns and relationships
• an ability to consider and solve problems and present and interpret results
• skills in communication and reasoning using mathematical concepts
• a solid foundation for further study
Course Materials
Required Materials
Text book
● Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics: Pure Mathematic 1 Coursebook
● Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics: Probability and Statistics 1
● Cambridge Online Mathematics :
In every math class students should bring a grid book, scientific calculator, ruler, protractor,
compass, pen and pencil.
Course Outline:
2.7 Stretches
Aug 19
2.8 Combined transformation
6-10 May AS & A Level Pure Mathematics 1: Paper 1
AS & A Level Statistics & Probability 1: Paper 5
13-17 May Mathematics
17-24 May EASE 4
Exam Schedule
Student Evaluation
The grading system for this Mathematics Course at Pribadi Bandung is as follow:
1. Midterm Report
Homework/Exercise 30%
Participation 30%
2. Final Report
Knowledge: Skill:
Homework/Exercise 30% Projects 70%
Unit Test 25% Participation 30%
Participation 30%
EASE Exam 15%
Every week you will have assignment/homework that will be announced in the class. The assignments
need to be turned in on time during the given time, and will be graded and returned by the teacher. The
assignments are meant to increase student engagement to the course and improve your problem solve
Class Participation
Be prepared for class each day. Respect others’ right to hear and participate during discussions. Your
attention is important in this class: keep your head up and eyes open. Also do not hesitate to share
your ideas with the class. Good participation includes asking and answering questions in class based
upon your preparation, undertaking and completing assigned activities, cleaning up materials as
requested, and being a good classroom citizen. Your test scores are affectless on your participation
grade. That means, even if you are not good at tests, home-works, quizzes...etc., you still have a
chance to get a full participation grade.
Attendance Policy
Regular and prompt class attendance is an essential part of the educational experience. Pribadi
Bandung School expects students to exercise good judgment regarding attendance and absences.
Students will accept full responsibility for ensuring their work does not suffer because of absences. All
students are expected to attend every scheduled class on time. Exceptions may be made for illness
and valid emergencies.
Classroom Expectations
In order to be a member of this class, you and your parent/guardian will be asked to read and sign a
safety contract. It is required that you maintain a notebook (physically or digitally) OR binder
specifically for Mathematics. I will periodically be checking to see that you 1) have your notebook OR
binder in your possession and 2) that you are regularly completing the note or assignments.
Plagiarism is the practice of copying words, sentences, images, or ideas for use in written or oral
assessments without giving proper credit to the source. Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving
of illegal help on anything that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort. Both are
considered serious offenses and will significantly affect your course grade.
Please, sign and return the following affidavit to Ms. Shani Rahmawati
My signature below indicates that I have read and understood Mathematics syllabus for Cambridge
AS level Mathematics and have been given a copy of my own to keep.