CW2 TMUC TimedTestPaper - docx+-+Google+Docs
CW2 TMUC TimedTestPaper - docx+-+Google+Docs
CW2 TMUC TimedTestPaper - docx+-+Google+Docs
Session: 2022/2023
Word counts exclude the following: title page, contents list, references and the contents of
any table or diagram and words used to label graphs etc.
(a) introduces the business that your syndicate selected for implementa on in Coursework 1:
Investment Case.
(b) describes the Business Model for this idea in detail, using the 9 building blocks of the
Business Model Canvas (see Appendix A for a summary of the building blocks). You should
write in report format, using the building blocks e.g. Key Resources, Channels etc. as
(35 marks) Maximum total word count for ques on: 750 words.
Write a report for your allocated func onal area i.e. Sales and Marke ng, Human Resources,
Opera ons or IT & Digital, that:
(a) iden fies and jus fies the resources and ac vi es that your allocated func on will need
in order to implement the business idea that your syndicate selected for implementa on
in Coursework 1: Investment Case, e.g. staffing, training, real estate, adver sing, IT,
website, etc. Allocate the total available budget for your func on of $18.75 million, to
these resources and ac vi es.
(b) explains the importance of ONE of the following: me-plan, stakeholder plan or risk plan,
to the implementa on of your business idea AND provides a detailed me-plan,
stakeholder plan or risk plan (select one), for your recommended business idea. This can
take account of your func on, as well as rela ng to the wider business. Use charts and
tables as necessary.
(50 marks) Maximum total word count for ques on: 750 words.
With reference to some of the stages of Gibbs Reflec ve Cycle (see Appendix B), write a
short essay that reflects on what you learnt from your experience of group working up to
the submission of the Investment Case, including the impact of ‘uncertainty events’.
(15 Marks) Maximum total word count for ques on: 500 words.
Appendix A: Business Model Canvas
****** END******