Journey Baptism TestimonyTips

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We’re sure that you have been thinking about what you want to say in your baptism video.
The Bible instructs us as Christians to be prepared to clearly share about Christ being your
personal Lord and Savior.

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone
who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
1Peter 3:15a (NIV)

We know it can seem intimidating, but we hope that it will be a fun and exciting time for you
as well. Below is a list of things that we hope will be helpful for you as you think of what you
want to say.


Keep it around 300 words when written out fully.

Make sure you time yourself as you practice saying it from memory. It needs to be no longer
than 1 minute 30 seconds. I know this may seem like a very short amount of time but you will
be amazed at how much you can share in that time frame!


1. Introduce yourself with your first and last name
2. Tell a few sentences about your life before accepting Christ
3. Explain how and when you accepted Christ as your personal Savior
4. Tell a few sentences about how He has affected your life since then
5. Optional, thank one or two people who have helped you in your walk
6. Finish with your declaration of faith (for example, “I’m here today to let you know that
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.” or “I’m excited to be baptized and share with all of
you that I love Jesus, and He is my Lord and Savior.”



Your walk with Christ is definitely a process, but you need to be able to express a point
in time that you recognized that you are a sinner in need of a Savior. You don’t have to
know the exact date and time, but there was a point when you gave your life to Christ
and made the choice to follow him, and you need to express that clearly.


Our desire is that you are able to be as clear as possible about who Christ is and what
baptism is all about. It is most helpful for those listening to focus on the main things.
Following these tips can help:

1. Not too much detail about drug use, pornography, abortion, sex or divorce.

2. Please don’t talk about the sins of someone else.

3. Please do not mention previous denominations.

4. Feel free to mention if you were in a previous religion

(Mormon, Buddhist, Jehovah’s Witness, Jewish, etc.)

5. Please do not mention your infant christening. Our focus is what God has been doing
to bring you to the point you are at today, and why you want to be baptized now.

6. Please do not say that you have “always been a Christian”. This gives the idea that it is
something that you can inherit. Becoming a Christian is about making the decision to
accept Christ’s death on the cross as payment for your sin, not just growing up in a
Christian home.


We look forward to walking through the baptism process with you!

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