TLE HE DR7-8 w6
TLE HE DR7-8 w6
TLE HE DR7-8 w6
B. For those who don’t have available sewing machine at home or at the
community, consider watching the video on how to clean and lubricate
machine using the link:
Answer the questions below. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Based on the video, explain the procedures on how to clean and lubricate
sewing machine.
2. Why is there a need to put oil on slots after dusting the sewing machine?
3. Why is there a need to perform regular maintenance of your sewing
Criteria 5 3 1
Response does not
Response provides an Response provides an
provide an analysis of
in-depth analysis of the analysis of the
the questions given.
Analysis questions given. Shows questions given. Shows
Shows no
an understanding of a little understanding of
understanding of the
the lesson content. the lesson content.
lesson content.
The thoughts were The thoughts were
The thoughts were
clearly expressed. The slightly clear. The
unclear. There is no
Clarity organization of words in organization of words in
organization of words in
a sentence was clearly a sentence was not
a sentence.
exemplified. exemplified clearly.
Clear writing, complete Unclear writing,
Clear writing, complete
Writing sentence, with minimal complete sentence,
sentence, no errors in
Skills errors in grammar and ample errors in
grammar and spelling.
spelling. grammar and spelling.
D. Assimilation 60 minutes Learning Task 3
Paglalapat Observe the proper handling done on the parts of the sewing machine
below. List down the importance of performing the task regularly and write
your answers in your answer sheet.
V. ASSESSMENT Directions: Analyze the following statement and choose the letter of the
(Learning Activity Sheets for correct answer. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Enrichment, Remediation or
Assessment to be given on Weeks 1. Emma is about to clean her grandmother’s sewing machine. Which of the
3 and 6) following tools will she use to clean the sewing machine?
A. Quality oil, knife, pliers, brush
B. Quality oil, glitter, scissors, paint brush
C. Quality oil, screw drivers, scissors, paint brush
D. Quality oil, lint brush, dry paint brush, screw drivers
2. You are experiencing machine jams while you are sewing. The following
are the remedies that you need to do when you encounter this type of
machine trouble, EXCEPT ONE.
A. Rewind thread to bobbin.
B. Entangle thread or change thread.
C. Remove caught threads from bobbin.
D. Adjust the stitch length to standard size.
3. Mrs. Liza needs to replace some of the spare parts of her sewing machine
because it is not totally functioning. What do you think are the classification
of Mrs. Liza’s machine troubles?
A. Thread machine trouble. C. Major sewing machine trouble.
B. Needle machine trouble. D. Minor sewing machine trouble.
4. Since we are experiencing pandemic and one of your friends are having a
hard time to find someone who can fix the trouble of his/her sewing machine
which is the breaking of threads. Which of the following technique would you
recommend to him/her in checking the troubles?
A. Check if the stitch length may be too long.
B. Check if size of needle too big or too small.
C. Check if the needle position may be wrong.
D. Check if the fabric may have too many layers or may be too thick.