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B U I L D I N G S O R D I N A N C E .C H A P T E R I 2 - 1




The Building Authority may. under section 16(1Xb)of the Buildings

Ordinance,Cap. i23 refuseto approve any plans of building works where,
inter alitt, the plans are not endorsedwith or accompanicdby a certificate
liom the Director of Fire Servicescertifying either,-

(i) that, having regard to the purpose to which the building is

intended to be put no fire serviceinstallation or equipment is
necessarvin connection with the building that will result tiom
the carrying out of the building works shown on the plans;or

(ii) that the plans have been examinedand are approved by him as
showing a1lsuch fire serviceinstallationsand equipmentas in his
opinion. having regard to the purpose to which the building is
intended to be put, comprise the minimum fire serviceinstalla-
tions and equipment necessarvfor the building in accordance
with the Code of Practice published tiom time to time bv the
Director of Fire Services.

This Code of Practice (Minimum Fire Service Installations and

Equipment)is accordinglirpublishedfor generalinlbrmation and guidance
only. It is not intended to lay down any hard and fast rules.Specialfacfors
or circumstancesmay arise in a particular caservhich necessitate, in the
Director's opinion, the provision of fire serviceinstallationsor equipment
not indicatedin this Code. Alternativelv. other I'actorsand circumstances
may enablethe Director to relax. in regard to a particular building, any of
the requirementsspecifiedfbr that classor tirpe of building, an<iconsidera-
tion wiil be given to all representationsmade lor relaxation in any
particular case. Accordingly. this code of Practice indicates only the
general principlcs. considerations,l'actors and circumstanceswhich are
normally taken into account and acted upon by the Director of Fire
Servicesin forming tris opinion as to the minimum fire serviceinstallations
and equipment necessaryfor certain types and classesof buildings.

CooE ol Pnacrlcg (MrNilrrlv FtRe SERvrcuIxsr..+r_lnrroxs

aNo Equtrvlxr)



Interpreta- l. In this Code, unlessthe context otherwiserequires

tlon. "dorvncoming
main" meansthe pipe connectingthe suppiy tank to a fixed
firepump ar a lower level;
installation" means an arrangement of pipes an<i tlischarge
heads so positioned that a curtain of water may be interposad
betweena fire and the property being protected;
riser" means a vertical water main which is normally dry, of
appropriate size, and fitted with hydrant outlets which can be
charged with water by Fire Servic:s Department pumps via a iire
alarm installation" meansan installationcapabieof warning persons
of an outbreak of fire, this may be either of the type which iequires
manual operation, or an automatic heat or smoke detectionsysrem;
hydrantihose rcel installation" meansan installation of pipes,water
tanks, pumps, hydrant outlets ?nd,1q1hose reels in a buiiding to
provide a ready meansby which a jet of water can be deiiveredin an1,
part of the building for the purposes of fire fighting;
fire pump" means a permanently primed pump set between the
reservesource of water supply and the various hydrant/hose reel
reel" means any standard type hose reel of a pattern approved by
the Direotor of Fire Services:
installation" means an installation of water supplies,pump,
p i p e s .v a l v e sa n d d e l i v e r yp o i n r ss o a r r a n g e da s r o a u r o ; a t i c a l i y a n d
instantaneouslydetect a lire and attack it with water and sound an
has the meaning assignedto it by regulation 2 of the Building
(Planning) Regulations,Cap. 123;
means either a dry or char_eedpipe connecting from the
principal water main (either chargedor dry) to a fire hydrant outleq
tank" means a wat€r tank containing the specifiedquantity of
water reservedsolely for fire fighting;
rising main" means any perrnanently charged vertical water main
other tLan a down coming main for fire fighting within the boundaries
of a buildine.


GExen'rl Rnqr.'rnrrreNls

2. At the discretionof the Dircctor of Fire or more of T1'pesof

the tbllowing eight installationsmay be required - instaliations
that mav bc
(1) A firc hydrantihose reel installalion consisting of permanently required.
charged pipes of suitable dimensions leading to one or more
hydrantlhose reel points as approved b.v the Director of Fire
Services.rvith each hydrant point fitted with a standard 70 mm
Hong Kong Fire Service Round male outlet or a
standard63.5 mm instantaneousoutlet and each hose reel point
c o n s i s t i n go 1 ' s m o o t h b o r e l 9 m m i n t e r n a l d i a m e t e r r u b b e r
tubing on a suitabledrum permanentlyconnectedto the hydrant
suppll'main adjacentto th€ hy,clrant.The system to be capable
of continuous and uninterruptcd use by keeping the system
charged by F.S. pumps even after the supply of water in the
water supply tanks has beenexhausted.
(2) A "dry riser" to provide readl''mearns,without recoursein the
early stagesof a fire to firemen running hose up
delil'er a supply of water for fire fighting purposesto each floor.
(3) A ''sprinkler" installation to automatically and instantaneously
deiecta ftre,attack it rvith water f rom suitably'placedpoints and
sound an alarm.
(4)' A "drencher" installation which provides a curtain of warcr for
protection against internal and exlernal "exposure" to fire.
a n d o r t h e p r o i c c r i o no l ' l a r g co p e n i n g s .
(5) A fire alarm installationto either automaticallv warn occupants
of a building of an outbreak of fire in the building and locate by
an annunciatorboard rhe place ofthe actuatedalarm point or in
the case ol' a manual alaram installation to provide a ready
means wherebv anyone discovering a fire can rapidly warn
others in the building of an outbreak.
(6) Hand appliancesandior other preventivemedia ivhich ma-,-be
requiredby the Dircetor of Fire Services.
(1) Fired installationcapableof either automatic or manual opera-
tion or both and designedso as to dischargean extinguishing
media sucit as water. lbam or dry powder or COretc. in any
place fbr the purposeof extinguishingor: preventingthe spread
(8) One or more {ixed pumps rvhrchshall preferably be electricallv
driven, and shall be permanently connectedbetween the water
supply and the hl,drant,ihosereel outlets,and shall be capableof
r e m o t es t a r t i n q .

Buitdings antl 3. The type and exient of installation called lor will depenclon a
il'L"91. - number of variable factors rvhich are loo numerous for any simple scale
Lt'"t3lilii:" to be laid dorvn. The main lactors, horvever,are occupancy,-cubiccontent
icquircd o[ rooms, floor areas and number of floors. The lbilowing indicate the
th€rerore' t.vpe of installation thar will generullv bc required for the buildings
(1) Fire hv"drantfltosereel installution.
(a) Domestic buiidings of more than l2 storeys or 30 m in height
w h i c h e v e ri s l h e l o w e r
(b) An1' other building whether by virtue of height,volume,life risk,
accessibilitv. availability of rvater supplies and nature of
occupancylvhich in the opinion of the Director o1'Fire Services
rvarrantsthe provision oi' such installation.
(,J Comrnercial br"riidingsas rcquired by the Director of Fire
(d) Industrial builciings,single storey'rvherethe floor area exceeds
(e) Industrial buildings of 2 store,vsrvhercthe 1stlloor areaexceeds
4 6 0m 2 .
U) Industrial buildings rnorc than 2 storevs. irrespectiveof floor
area factor.
(s) Rcslaurants,hotels or dancehnlls as requiredby the Director of
Fire Services.
(r) Cinernas. theatres and other places ol public entertainment
and,'or public assembly as required by the Director of Fire
(i) Godowns and warehouscsrvhere a fire service instailation is
considercdnecessar)' by the Director of Fire Servicesand in any
case all godowns and warehouses over 2 storeys in height,
irrespectiveof floor area factor.
U) Hospitals and clinics that are more than 2 storeys in height
wher:: thc floor area of any storey exceeds270 m2.
(k) Hospitals and clinics over 4 storeys in height, irrespectiveof
floor area i'actor.
(0 Schools.
/?) D ry riser instullatiort.
Don;eslic builclingsoJ'more than 6 store\'.\ ond Ltntlerl3 store.vs
in height or 30 m n'hicheveris the less.
(3) Spr ink lar inst al lution.
(a) B o w l i n g a l l e y s ,a n d d r e s s i n ur o o m s . s c e n e r ) ' d o c k ss. t a g e sa n d
stagebasementsof theatrcs.

(b) Garagesand car parks run as a excess

of 90 mr. Those provided lbr the convenienceof the occuotrnrs
o f ' t h e b u i i d i n g ,i n e x c e s so f 4 6 0 m 2 . e x c e p rw h c r ep a r a . 1 6 o f t h e
Code of Practiceon N{cansof Escapein Caseof F ire etc.,appiies
"car-port" ..garage"].
[i.e. rhe dif]'erentiationberween and
(c) Any room or other compartment of a building exceeding7 000
(l) Department storesor shops that totally exceed7 000 m3.
(e) Basementsfor storage (except strong rooms, safe deposit of
banks) which exceed.160m2.
(/) All commercial buildings and the commercial portions of
compositebuildingsof more than 30 m in height or morc than i 0
storeys. r.vhicheveris the less.The height of a building ro be
measuredfiom streetto main roof levels.
k) All industrial buildings including godowns of more than 2
storeys in height. irrespectiveof ffoor area. unlessthe planned
occupancy would prohibit the use of rvlter as a fire-fighting
media. In an industrial building required to be sprinklered.such
sprinkler installatiou must be extended to cover all intcrnal
staircasesand common areas forming part of requirecl exit
r ou t e s .
(h) In certain circumstancesthe provision of a sprinkler installation
may be waived in t'avour of compartmentation. anciior the
provision of an automatic heat or smoke detection fire alarm
3(A'1 Sntokeantltor Heat Detection St,stem',.
(a) All commercial buildings not required to be sprinklered under.
sub-paragraph 3(3)(/), rhe commercial portions of composite
buildings as considered necessaryby the Director of Fire
Services,industrial and godown buiidings of two storevsor less
in height as considered necessaryby the Director of Fire
(b) Hotel and , Hospital Buildings in all areas nor covercd by
s p r i n k l c rs y S r e m .
('\.B.This ma1,. in the case ol smoke detection
incorporatedin the Air Conditioning System).
(c) Department storesand shopstotally'exceeding2 800 mr but le:,s
LhanJ 000 m3.
Any other building rvhetherb;' virtue of height. volume, lil'erisk,
accessibility, availabilitv of rvater supplies and nature of
occupancyrvhich in the opinion of the Director of Fire Services
v ' a r r a n t st h e p r o v i s i o no f s u c hi n s t a l l a r i o n

In (a) to (c) above the Director of Fire Serviccsmirv recluirethe

cietectionsysten to be connectedciirectto the appropriate Fire
Control at the clients' crpcnse.Terminal lacilities are available
in Fire Controls.

(4) D r en t'lter irt.s

t aIItttion.
\d) Theatre prosceniumopenings.
(.b) High {ire exposurerisks.

(5) Fire alurm in.ttal lctlion.

(a) Buildings of over 6 storeysin height.
(b) Other buildings of high fireilit'e risks. e.,s. hotels, schools,
hospitals,ofhce blocks. lactories.etc.

(6) LIantl appliutces or other preventivemedia.

trI inimtutt Reqtire ments.
Not lessthan 9 L capacity always filled lvith water.
Not less than three buckets fbr each 200 m2 or part thereof of
floor area but not lessthan sir bucketson each floor.
Alternativesto the above in portions of premisescontaining only
electriczrlapparatusor in rvhich inflammableliquids or lats
and greasesare stored or used.
\a) Bucketsmay be hlled with dr.vsand insteadof,water.
(b) In place of each bucket, either:
(i) 2 kg approvedDry Porvder'(Gas-expelled)
( i i ) A n a p p r o v e dB . C . F . t y p e o f 1 . 3 k g c a p a c i t l ' o r C h l o -
robromomethane extinguisher of not less than 1 Z
(nominal) si;:e.(rvhu'reelcctriculapparatus onli, is in-
volved) or
(iii) 3 kg approved Carbon Dioxide Extinsuisher.
( i v ) 4 . 5 Z a p p r o v e dF o a m E x t i n g u i s h e r .
(c) In one or more approved Dry Porvder (Gas-expelled)
E x t i n g u i s h e r sc o n t a i n i n ga n e g g r e g a t ea m o u n t o f n o t l e s s
than 6 kg of dry powder, or in not lessthan two approved
Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers containing an aggregate
amount of not lt:ss than 9 kg of CO. may be aliowed as
equivalent to three buckets of water. or as equivalent to a
9 I extinguisher.

Approved Portable Extinguishers having an aggregale
capacitl,of 9l, fbr each200 m: or part thereol'of floor area br-rt
n o t l e s st h a n 1 8 L o n e a c hf l o o r .
The extinguishersprovided for are those of the Water
(Gas-expeiled).or Foam types.Fire extinguishersof thesetypes
are not recommendedlbr use on electrical appariltus. Where
. rnflammable liquids or fats and greasesare stored or used an
approved Dry Powder (Gas-expelled)Extinguisher containins
not lessthan 6 kg of dry powder mav be irilowedas equivalentto
Note Any combination of the various appliancesrel'erredto
thc above mav be employed.
Fit'e Blankets
Whenever a fire blanket is required to be provided. the
minimum sizeshould be 1 200 mm x 1 200 mm.

(l) Fi.rt'd instullation.

In any place containing a specialor high fire risk as required by
the Director of Fire Services.

4. There shall be sulicient hydrants and hose reelson each floor to Numberol
ensurethat everypart of eachfloor can be reachedby a length of not more ]rldl+"!t"*
than 30 m of Fire Serviceshose or hose reel tubin_s. ot hose

5. The minimum quantity of rvaterrequired to be available.having Water

regard to the floor area factor of the largestfloor is as tollorvs: requlrements
for lire
Floor ureu (gross) hydrant,.
Wuter storage required hose reel
Not exceeding23l m2 9 000 4 ( 9m')
C v e r 2 3 0 i a 2 b u t n o i c x c e e d i a e4 6 0 m 2 1 8 C 0 0I ( 1 8m 3 )
O v e r 4 6 0 m 2 b u t n o t e x c e e d i n s9 2 0 m 2 . . . . . . ,. 27 000L (27m3)
Over 920 m2 .. 36000l, ( 3 6m 3 )

6. The pressureand flow available lbr the fire hydranti hose reel Water
s-vstemshall be such as to provide for a static pressureof not lessthan 400 pressurefbr
tire hydrant,,
kPa and not more than 700 kPa with a florv olnot lessthan I 350Iimin for hosereel.
industrial buildings and not less than 9()0 Z,''min for all other rypes of
buildingsfrom any hydrant ourlet of the system.In all buildingswhere the
h e i g h tb e t w e e nr h c r o p m o s th \ d r a n r a n d i h e l o r v e s rF i r e S e r v i c eI n l c t i s i n
excessof 60 m, the flow and pressure,where necessaryin the opinion of
the Director of Fire Services. shall be maintained by booster pumps
and/or water tanks inserted in the rising main system.The booster pump
shall be capable to maintain the required flow and pressureat the topmost
hydrant when weater is pumping through the F.S. Inlet at a pressure of
not more than 800 kPa.

Fireman's 7" In every building of over 8 floors or 24 m in height in which a

lifts. liftis is/are installed, a fireman's lift/s shall be provided which shall satisfy
the following conditions-
(l) It shall be provided with a separarefire-resistinglift shaft.
(2) Lift shaft openings shall be provided with auromatic self-closing
(3) It shall be of a minimum sizeof 1.35m' net internal floor area of
car, with a minimum rated load of 680 kg.
(4) It shall be provided with a suitable escapehatch.
(5) Each point of dischargeshall be into a smoke lobby or similar
protected area.
(6) It shall be provided with a suitable control switch at ground floor
level to enable the Fire ServicesDepartment to gain immediate
control over the lift and return it to ground level, such control
gear isolating the lift from control by rhe public. Whiist under
such control, all landing call points and control switchesshall be
rendered inoperative and sole control vested in the car control
station, ensuring that any collectivecontrol becomesinoperative.
No serviceswitch shall override the fire control switches.
(7) Electricity Supply. The electric supply to the fireman's lift/s shall
be connected to a sub-circuit of a sub-main which shall be
exclusive and independent of any other sub-main circuit. The
cablessupplying current to lift installation should be located on a
route of negligible fire risk and where possibiewithin the lift well.
When a fireman's lift is one of a battery of lifts, the other lifts
may be fed from the same supply, provided it is adequate for this
purpose, and that arrangements are such that a fault occurring
in any other lift or the battery will not affect in any way the
operation of the fireman's lift.
(8) Speed.The speed of the lift should be such that it would reach
the top floor of the building in not more than one minute.
(9) It shall be suitably indicatedby the words "FIREMAN'S LIFT"
( ie'Deem+E# ) in English and Chinese.
(10) Where cargo lifts are used as a Fireman'sLift the doors shall be
automatic self-closing,fire resisting and the lift car be contained
in a separatefire resisting lift shaft.

8" Where more than one lift is to be provided in a building of over 8 Designation
floors or 24 m in height, the Director of Fire Servicesshall designatewhich of Fireman's
lift/s is/are to be a fireman's lift.

9. (1) A fire alarm installation not of the automatic type must System lor
normally consist of a push button or break glass system so installed that fire alarm
instailation &
each floor of the building is provided with one or more actuation points wiring
and bells to the requirements of the Director of Fire Services,and they thereof.
must be so wired that the operation of any one actuation point will
normaily operate all the alarm bells in the building for the purpose of
giving alarm of fire to the occupants and should continue to ring until
manualiy silenced.
(2) The alann bells circuit shall be so arranged that a short circuit or
disconnection at a single point in the wiring does not result in the silencing
of all alarm bells on any one floor in the building.

10. The Director of Fire Servicesin any particuiar casemay require Annunciator
a fire alarm installation of rhe automatic typi to be provided or also a boards etc.
non-automatic type to be provided with an annunciator board to indicate
the location of the actuation point which has been operated. The Director
of Fire Servicesmay also require, in the caseof multi-storey developments
having fixed installations,the provision of a Fire Control Room. Such
room shall be situated on the ground floor adjacent to the Main Entrance
and shall contain the annunciator boards, controls, terminals etc. of the
fire protection installations within that building. The Director may further
require in the case of high fire or life risk premises that such rooms be
continuously manned by suitably trained personnel.

11. Except where the Director of Fire Servicesin any particular case Inter-
specifiesotherwise, the means of operating fire alarms shall be intercon- connectlons.
nected with the means of operating fixed fire pumps of fire hydrant/hose
reel installations.

12. (1) Every building in which the provision of a fireman's lift is Communica-
required shali also be provided with suitable wiring to enable the Fire tion wiring
and outlets.
Services Department to connect and use hand telephone apparatus in
conjunction with such wiring.
(2) The wiring shall be affixed inside the lift shaft and shail be
(3) Every floor including the ground floor shail be provided with a
suitable telephone type jack-socket outlet on the external face of the lift

13. (l) The fire serviceinstallations specifiedin sub-paragraphs(l), Requirements

(2), (3), (4), (6), (7), and (8) of paragraph 2 shall be in accordancewith th.
specificationsrespectivelylaid down in Part III.

(l) ,.\ii rr-rater:iais and fittin_gs

userlin anr' fire serviceinstallationshall
be in accordancewith the currenr British standard Specificationslbr such
m a t e r i a l sa n d f i t t i n g s .

Electlical 14. (l) Wherc an elecrricalinstallation is required to complv with

supplies. this Code. a primary and secon<jarysourceof supply shall be provided to
the satislactionof the Director of Fire Servicesand all electricaldevices
shall be fed from both the primarl'and sccondarysourceof'supply.
(.2) Where the sccondarysourceol supply is in the form of a fixed,
independently por.veredemergency electrical generalor it shall be of
su{ficient electrical capacity ro meet essentialservices.including one
(3) llmergency electricalgencratorsr,villbe required to be provided
(i) Ali industrial and commercialbuildinss of over 8 floors or 24 m
in height.
(ii) All composite buildings wherc the commercial portion of such
compositebuilding e.xceeds 8 floors or 24 m in hei_qht.
(iii) All other buildings r.vherelarge compartment volumes or other
specialhazard considerationsso dictaie, irrespectiveof building
height, as considerednecessary' by thc Director of Fire Ser',ices.
(4) Emergencvelectricalgeneratorsare stronglyrecomrnendedto be
provided in all domesticbLrildingsof over 8 Uoorsor 24 m in height.
(5) Emergencyelectricalgeneratorsprovided to buildings lbrm part
of the fire service installation and will therefore be subject to the
provisions of the Fire Service(Installation and Equipment) Regulations
and the Fire Service(Installation Contractors)RegulationsCap. 95, Laws
of HongKong.


Fit'e ht,clranti hose r eeI insral Iu ri otts
Siting of 15, Each hvdrant outler shall be prominently sited in an approach
hvdrirnts lobby to a staircaseor in the staircaseenclosure.It should preferably be
recessedinto a rvall rvhich is not a staircascenclosingrvall or smoke lobby
wall. When recessedthere shall be an all round clearancebetweenany part
of tlie hydrant outlet and r,ah'e and the enclosing walis suffrcientto
permit the liee use ol the hydrant, the fitting of an adaptor, and the
employment of hose spanners.When not recesscdthe hyd.ranrshall be
adequatelydefendedagainst damage.

16. Nc. hydrani outlet shall be lessthan 800 mrn nor nrore than I 2C0 Hei,qhtof
inrn above tloor level. outlct.

17. (1) The hydrant shall not obstruct '"vholiy,partly or indirectiy, Obstructing
any door opening. or the required width of ant' ,:xit route.
(2) The hydrant shall be so sited as not to be concealedby thc leaves
of an adjacentdoor when that door is opened.

. 18. Hydrant outlets shall be of non-corrosivemetal. The outlets of H y d r a n t

all hydrants shall be of 70 mm standard Hong Kong Fire Servrces
Department round thread or a standard 63.5 mm instantaneousoutlet
and each outlct shall be controlled by a wheel operated screw valve
designedto open by counter-clockwiserotation. The directronof opening
of the valve shall be clearly engravedin both English and Chineseon the
wheel of the valve.

19. The hose reel shall be located outside any smoke lobby or Locatron gtc
of hose reel"
staircaseenclosurc to enable the occupantsof the buildings to attack a
{ire.The hose reel shall be suppliedby metal piping liom the chargedside
of the hydrant supply main and a simple on-off control valve shall be
provided in this piping by the hose reel.The dischargenoz,zleshall not be
fixed more than I 350 mm above floor level.

20. (i) The tubing of every hose reel must be capable of being Hose rcel
readily wound round a drum of 180 mm diameter without kinking, must
not kink when led around sharp obstructions,and shall be qapablewhen
fitted with branch pipe and nozzle,of projecting a jet not lessthan 6 m in
(2) The tubing of every hose reel shall have a bursting pressureof
not less than2 700 kPa and shall not be porous nor exhibit any signs of
percolationbelow 2 000 kPa.

21. The hose reel branch nozzle shall have a 4.5 mm orihce and be Hose reel
fitted with a simpie two way valve ti; open or shrrt off jet; the vaive must
n o t b e s p r i n gl o a d c d .

22. The design of the hose reel shall be such that the tubing is Desi-{:nof
permanentlyconnected,via pipes in the drum of the hose reei and sush hose reei.

stuling boxes as may be necessary,to the hydrant supply main.

23. Any hosereel sitedin any Exit way shall be carried on a swinging Flose reels in
cradle so recessedinto the rvall that when not in use the outer face of the Exit rvavs.

reel is flush with the wall and when required tor use the cra<llemay swing
out into the corridor or passage,without undue obstruction and without
seriousinterferencewith 4ov exit ooint.
Weter ?4. (t) Tae reservero,". ,uptp]u f-or fire fighting shall be contained
supplies to in a suppllr tank.
fire hydrantl
hose reei (2) Suppiy lanks shall be fed from such source of supply as the
Water Authority and the Director of Fire Servicesmay approve.
(3) Where the installation of a supply tank is impracticable or
undesirable then an alternative supply may be provided subject to the
approval of the Director of Fire Services.

Sitino nf 25. h is preferableto site suppiy tanks at roof level.


Provision of 26. Fire pumps provided shall be pernanently primed.

fixed fire

Wet rising 27. The water supplied through the fixed fire pump shall feed a wet
maln. rising main to all fire hydrants and hose reeis.

Inlet of wet 28. The wet rising main must be provided with a standard Fire
rising mains. ServiceInlet at ground floor level. Where the pump is interposed between
the Fire Service Inlet and the hydant delivery valves, provision must be
made for the water supplied to the Inlet to by-pass the fire pump in the
event of t'ailure of the pump.

Air valves. 29. All wet rising and downcoming mains shail be fitted with
suitableair relief valvesto prevent airlocks in the installation.

Speci{ication 30. (1) The quantity of water specified need not necessarilybe
respecting contained in one tank provided that rvheremore than one tank is instailed
the tanks shall be so inter-connectedthat all the water will flow by gravity
t o t h e d o w n c o m i n gm a i n .
(2\ The connection between the. base of the tank and the down-
coming main to the fixed fire pump must be provided with a non-ferrous
non-return valve and a non-f'errousfilter having a mesh of not less than

31. (1) Thc pump should preferably be electricaily driven but,
motivation of whatever mode of power for driving the pump is employed, means shali be
lixed fire
pumps. provided for starting the pump by electric remote control button. Where
the motive power for any pump is not electricity, alternative means of
starting the pump motor manually, in addition to remote control buttons,
shall be provided and directions for so starting prominently displayed in
the pump house. Remote starting points shall be wired soleiy for starting
the pump and operating the manual alarm system.Means of stopping the
pump shail be by switchesof the pressbutton type which re-set the remote
control start switches.The inclusion of flow switches on the pipe lines is
acceptableas an addition to push button type switches, so that the pump
wili start on flow and stop when the flow cease".
(2) Where lixed fire pumps other than the pump fed dircct by the
suppiy tank are provided in wet rising mains, sr-ritable
stop/start srvitches
shall be provided to enable the Fire Servicesto exercisecontrol ol such
booster pumps independentl;rof the srvitchesrequired by sub-paragraph
( 1).Such switchesmust be situatedat or near the Fire ServicesDepartment
lnlet and clearly indicated.

32. Remote control buttons for fixed fire pun-rpsshall be sited near Remote
the hose reei. Starter buttons shali be enclosedin an independentglass ::ljl?i " _
fronted cabinet and must be clearly marked in English-and Chines" ;::hl]:.t"
"FIRE pumps.
characters PUMP STARTER" ( +iltAaSrq ).

33. All lixed fire pumps shall be housed in suitable enclosures. Housing ol
preferablybrick or concrete,designedsolely tor occupationby the pump. !i*-1,.
Such pump housesshall lie cleai of ,rny .*it or normal communication P'-P''
routes through the premisesand shall be clearly marked in English and
Chinesecharacters"FIXED FIRE PUMP" ( ett,trrt+ ).

34. (l) Each wet rising main shall be connectedto an independent F-ire
F i r e S e r v i c eI n l c t . inlets.

(2) Each fire serviceinlet shall be locatedin a prominent position on

the exterior of the building, suitably recessedand may be enclosedby
glazing.The function of the inlet i.e.
(a) Fire ServiceInlet ( inrrr,,.,t<e).
(b) Sprinkler Inlet ( /tiffi.^,zr$l).
(c) Drencher Inlet ( zl<AF
,izk 4t ).
(d) Foam-water Spray Inlet ( t,iiffiitri,lr.*-"p
(e) Water Spray Inlet ( p€uK?$,tz1rH
shall be indicatedon a metal plate in both Englishand Chinesecharacters,
using raisedlettering,and fixed to the wall immediatelybehind the inlet(s)
as appropriate.When glazing is employed to enclosethe inlet recessbox,
the indication of the tunction of the inlet must also be clearly marked and
visible in both English and Chinesecharacterson the glazing.
(3) The inlet couplings shall be not lessthan 600 mm nor rnore than
1 000 mm above the ground level and shall be of a srandarci pattern
approved by the Fire Services.

(1) There shall be a non-return valve behind each inlet to pl'event

florv" of water.

(5) The flre service inlet shall be so situated as to be within easy

reach ofa fire applianceparked in a thoroughfareadjacenlto the building

34A. (i) The internal diameter of the rising main shall, in the caseof
industrial buidings be not lessthan 100 mm. Each rising main
shall supply trvo hydrarrt outiets per floor.

(ii) The internal diameter of rising mains in all other types of

buildings shall normally be not lessthan 80 mm and each rising
main shall supply one hydrant outlet per floor.
(iii) The Director of Fire Servicesmay require the rising main
specification contained in Para. 31A (i) to be provided in
buildings other than industrial when in his opinion the risk so
j u s t i f i e ss u c h p r o r i s i o n .

D r -r-rlser inst allat io rts

Specifica- 35. (1) Ti:re number and position of hydrant outlets shall be as
tions specifiedby the Director of Fire Services.
dry riser
installations. (2) Hydrant outlets shall be fitted rvith a suitablelocking device to
prevent unauthorized opening of the valve.

(3) No equipmentshould be provided at hydrant points other than a

blank cap which shall be kept connectedto the outlet and shall be held
captive by a suitablechain to discouragetheft.
(4) Dry rising mains should be normally sited either within a
ventilated lobby of a staircaselobby approach or, where this is not
practicable"in the staircaseenclosure.

(5) Where only one outlet per floor is specifiedthe internal diameter
of the riser shall be not lessthan 80 mm. Where two or more outlets pei
floor are specifred and are supplied liom one dry riser the internal
diameter of the riser shall be not lessthan 100mrn.
(6) The riser shall be provided with a standard pattern inlet {itted
with non-return valvesand approved by the Fire Services.
(1) The dry rising mains shal1be effectivelyelectricallyeartired.

(8) A1l dry rising mains shall be fitted with suitableair relief valves
to Dreventair locks.

Sprink ler Inst ol Iat ions

36. (l) Sprinkler installationsshall be installed in accordancewith Installations.

thc Rules ol'the Fire Ofhces'Committee lor Automatic Sprinkler Installa-
tions with the exceptionthat the Rules governing Supplies" and
Water'', (29th Edition) shall be replacedbv paragraph 37 of this
(2) Any referencein the aforesaid Rules to electrical installations
shall be subjectto the provisionsof paragraph l4 of this Code.

37. Sprinkler installationsshall be provrded with two sepilrateand Watersuppiy

adequatesourcesof r.vatersupply always available. fbr sprinkler
The lbllowing are acccptedsourcesof lvater supply:
(u) Town's main.
(D Elevatedtank.
(,') Prcssure
(c/) Pump.
( e ) E l c ra t e d p r i v i l t c r e s e r v o i r .
(l) Salt rvatermains, as approved.
it{otel: An elevated private reservoir shall have a capacitv of about
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 L ( 1 0 0 0 m 3 ) i f p r o p o s e da s a s u b s t i t u t ef o r t o w n ' s
main, but reservoirsof somcwhat lesscaprieity may possibly be
approved if the conditions are exceptionallyfavourable.
t\'[ote2: The normal acceptedsourcesof water supply will be an elevated
tank and torvn'smains, including approved salt water mains.

,,lutomulir:Smoke undior Heat DetectictnSystem

38. (1) Automatic smoke and/or heat detection system shall be Installations.
installed in accordancewith the Fire Offices' Committee Rules (11th
Edition) for .A.utomaticFire Alarm Installations.
(2) Any referencein the atbresaid Rules to electrical installations
shall be subjectto the provisions ofparagraph 14 ofthis Code.
(3) The systemshall be linked to the appropriate Fire ServicesFire
Control bv direct teleohonelines.

D r encher Installtttions

39. Drencher Installationsshall be installed in accordancewith the

Rules of the trire Offices' Committee (Foreign) for the Installation of
External Drencirers.Fourth Edition.

Fixed Installtttiorts

40. Frxed Installations shall be installed in accordance with the

requirementsof the Director of Fire Serviceshaving regard to the risk to
be protected.

Hantl Appliantes antl olher PreventiveMedia

Equipmenr 41. Any hand appliancesor othsr preventive media mtrst be of a
beapprovcd type approved by the Director of Fire Services.



Inspectior.r 42. The inspection and testing ol fire service installations and
and tcstine equipment is ciealt rvith in a separateCode called the Code of Practice
(Inspectionand Testing of Installationsand Equipment) publishedby the
Director of Fire Services.

Director ot' 43. F-or the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that the
l:irc Serviccs Director of'Fire Servicesmay, in the caseof any particular building, var;-
requlrem9nts any of the requirementsof this Code (rvhetherby requiring the prolision
of Code in of any fire servicesinstallation or equipment not indicated in this Code
either in addition to or in substitutionfbr an1,installationor equipmentso
indicatedor by reiaxingan.vof the requirementsin this Code or otherwise)
where, in his opir-rion.such a variation is required in order to ensurethe
provision of all such fire senice installationsand equipment as, having
regard io the purpose for rvhich the building is intended to be put.
comprise the minimum fire serviceinstallationsand equipment necessary
fbr that building, or, as the case ma-vbe. where such a variation is not
inconsistentwith the provision for the building of all such fire senice
instaiiationsand euuiomenras aioresaid.

F. M. WarsoN,
Director of Lire Services.

Exr H r,r oqu.rRteRS,

F rae SenvrcEsD ep,.\.nr\,r
A t t g u s t1 9 8 2 .






PnrlrivrrNany NorE

where the plans of a building have been certifiedby the Director of

Fire Servicesunder s. 16B(lXrxii) oithe Buildingsordinance as showing
all such fire serviceinstallationsand equipment as in his opinion. having
regard to the purposeto which the building is intendedto be put. comprisi
the minimum fire serviceinstallationsand equipment necessarl,' for such
building, the Building Authority may, under s. 2l(6)(d) of thar ordinance.
r c f u s et o i s s u ea t e m p o r a r yo c c u p a t i o np e r m i t o r a n o c c u p a r i o np e r m i t
(which is necessarybeibre the building can be occupiedin any *ay L*cepr
by not more ihan two caretakers)unless the applicant for the permit
producesa ccrtificatefrom the Director of Fire Sen icescertifying fhat he
is satisfiedthat thc fire serviceinstallationsand equipment shown on the
plans have been provided and are in elficient workinc order and satis-
factory condition.
This code of Practice (Inspection and resting of' Installations and
Equipment) is published for information only, to indicate the type and
nature of inspectionsand tests which installationsand equipment must
normally passin order so to satisfy the Director of Fire Services,and to
give guidanceas to the conduct of inspectionsand tests.It does not lay
down any hard and fast rules. Special lactors and circumstancesmav
require variations in respectof any particular building, and in particular
casethe Director may require additional inspectionsor testsbefbre he is
so satisfied.

Coor op Pnecucp (IxsercrroN ,rNnTEsrlNc or-

INsr,trlerroNs lNo EqurllrENr)

' GeNene.l

l. Inspectionsand testing shall be carried out by a Fire Services I n s p e c t l o n

Inspecting Oficer by arrangementwith the Authorised Person and the and testing
by of)icer of
Fire Servicelnstallation Contractor. Fire Services

2. Applications lbr initial inspectionand testingshould be made on Application

the prescribed form to the Director of Fire Services.The form must be for inspection
and testing.
signedby both the Fire ServiceInstallationContractor and the Authorised

Application 3. Applicatious should onl,vbe submittedby the Authorised Person

to be rvhen the installation iind equiprnent has been installed.completed.and
submitted by
Authoriscci certifiedas being in eiicient working order bir the Fire ServiceInstallation
Person. Contractor.

Date and 4. Upon receipt of an application the F'ire ServicesInspecting

time of Oficer will contact the Authorised Person(Not the Fire ServiceInstallatin
and resting Contractor) at the telephonenumber shown on the prescribedform. and
to be arrangea rnutually convenientinspectiondate.The Authorised
confirmed by
telephone and
the co-ordinator of the project. should attend the inspectionand it is also
Authorised his responsibility to contact and inform the Fire Service Installation
P e r s o ns h o u l d Conlractor of the arrangementsmade.
Recording 5. A further prescribedform will be used to record the result of lhe
result of inspectionand will be completed and signed on site by the Fire Services
InspectingOficer. The Authorised Personand the Contractor rvill also be
required to sign this fbrm confirming that the results of the inspection
have been brought to their attention.

Inspection 6. In respect of minor items requiring a further inspection the

and testlng Authorised Person will. afler the defects have been rectified, arranse a
aticr further
work- re-inspection date with the Assistant Divisional Officer, Fire Service
lnstallartionsDivision. A further formal application for inspectionon the
prescribedf orm will only be required when a reflsal letter has beenissued
subsequentto an inspection.

Re-inspe ction 7. Re-inspectionswill be carried out as convenient.subjectonly to

sr"rbjectlo the availability of Inspecting Oiicers and provided that previous
a v a i i a b i l i t vo f
lnspecting confirmed appointmentsare not aflected.

l s s u a n c eo f 8. Subsequentto a satisf-actoryinspection,the Authorised Person

Certilicate. will be notified by telephoneas soon as the Fire ServiceCertificate(FS
172)isready for collection.Ifunable to be contactedby telephonea
for collection" letter will be despatched.

Certificatc of 9. The Certificate of Completion by Waterworks Office in respect

Completion of Fire Scrvicc Installatioriorequiring Governmer,l water mains connec-
by Water-
rvorks Office tion will be sentdirect to the Building OrdinanceOllice by the Waterworks
sent direct to Office, copied to the appiicant. after the installation has been inspected
and approved by the Waterrvorks Inspectorate and the fire service
Cffice. c o n n c c t i o nc o m p l e t e d .

Ixspr,crrousrxu Trsrs
[Jose reel 10. (1) The lubing of every hose reel must be capableof being
readilywound round a drum of 180mm diameterwithoutkrnking,m"st

not kink when led around sharp obstrtictions.ani shail be capabieli'hen

fitted r,vithbrancl-rpipe anci noz.zle,of projc-ctinga jer not lessrhan 6 m in
(2) Thc tubing of every hose reel shall have a bursting pressureof
not lessthan 2 700 kPa and shall not be porous nor exhibit irny signs of
p e r c o l a i i o nb e l o w 2 0 0 0 k P a .

11. The hose rcel branch nozzle shall have a 4.5 mm orifice and be Hosercel
fitted with a simple two way valve to open or shut offjet; the valve pu51 branch.
not be spring loaded.

12. The design of the hose reel shall be such that the tubing is Dcsrgn of
permanentll,connected,viir pipes in the drum of the hose reel and ru.1', hoserecl.
stuffing bores as may be necessary,to the hydrant supply main.

13. The testingof sprinkler installationswill be carriedout according Testing of

to the testsspecifiedfiom time ro rime by rhe F-ireO1trces'Commirtee.
14. The testingof drencherand fixed installationsrvill be carried out restingof
accordingto such testsas the Director of Fire Servicesmay require having dr.nchel
regard to the nature and purposc of the installation.
l5' The tests tbr fire hydrant,/hoscreel installations shall consist r;srinctrr'
or: ir:',.1i.1;.'"'
( I ) visual examination of installation; installations.
(2) test of water tightness to a ma.ximum ot' 1 700 kpa staLic
(3) a capacitltand pressuretest;
(4) the "static" pressure,without pump, at thc topmost hydrant will
be taken;
(5) a flow meter and pressuregaugewill then be fitted to the hvdrant
the fixed fire pump or pumps started,and readingstaken;
(5) a praciical chaigir,g ancl supplv of water through the wet rrsing
main via the fire serviceinlet.

16. The teststbr drv riser installationsshall consistof . T e s t i n go i '

( t ) a v i s u a l c x a m i n u r i o no l t h e l i r L i n e sa n d p i p i n g a n d t h e i r I o c a r i o n : * J , i i i l l , , ^ .
(2) a practical char_uirrg of the rising main to show that the svstem
can be easilychargedvia the hre serviceinlet within a reasonable
time having regard ro rhe size of the installation and with
particular attention to the efficiencyof air reliel'valves:
(3) the installation must prove clear of pe.colation and leakagefor
10 minutes after being chargedwith water.
/ n

Testing 17. The testsfor hand appliancesand other preventivemedia shall

of hand be in accordancewith the testsspecifiedby the Director of Fire Services
efc. from time to time. Pamphletsdescribingtestingprocedurecan be obtained
from the Director of Frre Services.



Code of 18. This Code deals only with the inspection and testing of fire
Praclice serviceinstallationsand equipment after the samehave beenprovided for
Fire Service a building. The general requirements as to what installations and
Instailations equipment are to be provided in buildings are deait with in another Code
called the Code of Practice (Minimum Fire Service Installations and
Equipment), publishedby the Director of Fire Services.

Director of 19. For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that the
Fire Services Director of Fire Services,in his absolutediscretion,may. in any particular
may vary
requlrement case, vary any of the requirementsof this Code and in particular may
of Code in require different inspections or tests in regard to any installation or
-^ -+;^,,1^ -

equipment than the inspectionsor testsindicated in this Code, either in
addition to or in substitution for the inspectionsand testsso indicated.

F. M. WersoN,
Directorof Fire Services

Frne SeRvrcs
Drpenrnrrxr Hr,c.peuA,nrrns.


ReJerente tVetric Expression A ccep t able non-met r i c ec1uit,

alen t
2(t) 70 mm 2j" (coupling)
3.(6) 9L 2-gallon
3 (6XbXi) 2kg 5-lb
3.(6X6Xii) 1 . 3k g 3-lb
I L one quart
3.(6XbXiii) 3kg 7-lb
3.(6)(6)(iv) 4 . 5L I -gallon
3.(6)(c) 6kg I 5-lb
9kg 20-lb
9 L two gallons
18r four gallons
6kg l5-lbs
9L 2-gallon
70 mm 2f" (coupling)

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