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BUli,D{}{CS Cfi.DiNANCE. CI{AFTER. 123




The Building Authority may, under section 16(1X6)of the Buildings

Croinance. Cap. 123 refuse to approve arr1,plans of buiiding works
where, inter alia, the pians are not endorsedu,ith or accompaniedby a
certificirtefrcrn tl"leDirector of Fire Servicescertilling either-

(i) that, having regard to the purpose to rvhich the building is

inienderi to be put no fire serviceinstallation or equipment is
necessar:r/in connerion rvith tire br,rildingthat i,vill result from
ihe carr.iing out ci the building works shoivn on the plans:or

tii) that the plans have been examined and are approved by him
as showing al1 -cuchfire serviceinstailationsand equipment as
in his opinron, having regarci to the purpose to ivhich the
bLriiding is intended to be put, comprise the minimuu fire
ser.riceinstaiiations and equiprnent necessaryf'or the building
in accordancewith the Ccde of Practice published from time
tc time by the Direi;tor oi Fire Servrces.

This Code oi Practice (fulinimum Fire Service Installation.sand

Equipment)is accorcii:rgly publishedfor generalinformation and guidance
on1y.It is nor intendecito lay down any hard and fast rules.Speciaifactors
cr circumstancesmav arise in a particular caservhich necessitate, in the
f)ir;ctor's opinion. the provision oifire serviceinstallaiionsor equipment
not in,licatedin this Code. Aiternativellr',other ibctors and circumstances
may enahle the Director to rela.v,. iir regard to a particuiar building, any
c f t h e i e q u i r e m e n r ss p e c i f i c df o r t h e r c i a s s o r t y p e o f b u i l d i n g . a n d
considerationwill be _eivento al1 representaiionsrnaciefoi relaxalion in
any particular case. Accordingly, this Code of Practice indicates only,
the general principles, considerations, factors and circrimstances rvhich
are normally taken into account and acted upon by the Director of Fire
Servicesin forming his opinion as to the minimurn fire serviceinstallations
anc equipmentnecessaryior certaintypes and classesof builtiings.

Coor ol Pnrciicit (I,fuxrivruuFrnE Srtvicn INSrorLLlrroNS

aNo Eqt"rri,vnNr)



nterprcta- 1. In this Codc, unlessthe context otherwiscrequires-

ton. "dorvncoming
main" means the pipe connecting the supply tank to a
fixed fire pump at a lolver ievel;
"drencher installation"
means an arran_gement of pipes and discharge
heads so positioned that a curtain o[ water may be interposed
betr,veena fire and the property being protected;
riser" meansa vertical r,vatermain which is nornta111, dry, of appro-
priate size, and fitted tvith hydrant outlets which can be char-sed
rvith lvater by Fire Services Department pumps via a fire servibe
alarm installation" meansan installationcapableof warning persons
of an outbreak of fire, this ma1,be either of the type rvhich requires
manual operation, or an automatic heat or snrokedetectionsystem;
hydrant/hose reel installation" means an installation of pipes,
rvater tanks, pumps, hydrant outlets and/or hose reels in a building
to provide a ready meansby lvhich a jet ol water can be deliveredin
any part of the building for the purposesof fire lighting;
fire pump" meahs a permanently primed pump set betrveenthe
reserve source of lvater supply and the various hydrant/hose reel
reel" means any standard type hose reel of a pattern approved by
the Director of Fire Services;
installation" ineans an instaliation of water supplies,pump,
pipes, valves and delivery points so arranged as to automatically
and instantaneouslydetecta fire and attack it with water and sound
an alarm;
has the meaning assignedto it by re_uulation2 of the Building
(Planning) Regulations,Cap. 123;
rneans either ar dry or charged pipe connecting from the
principal water main (either chargedor dry) to a fire hydrant outlet;
tank" means a water tanli containing the specified quantitl, of
\.vaterreserved solely for fire fighting;
rising main" means any permanently charged veriical water rnain
other than a down coming main for fire fighting rvithin the bounclaries
of a buiiding.


GENpnal RreurReusNrs

2. At the discretion of the Director of F-ireServiccs,one or ntore Types of

of the follorving eight installationsmav be required- installations
that may be
(l) A fire hydrant/hose reel instaliation consistingof permanently required.
charged pipes of suitable dimensions leading to one or more
hydrant/hose reel points as appr-ovedby the Director of trire
, Services,lvith each hydrant point fitted rvith a standard 70 mm
Hong Kong Fire ScrviceRound Thread male outlet or a standard
63.5mm instantaneousoutlet and eachhosereel point consisting
of smooth bore 19 rnm internal dianreterrubber tubing on a
suitable drum permanenrly connected to the hy<J.rantsupply
main adjacent to the hydrant. The system to be capable of
continuousand rrninterrupteduse by keepingthe systemcharged
by F.S. pumps even alier the supplv of watcr in the water
supply tanks has been exhausted.
(2) A "dry riser" to provide ready means,without recoursein the
early stages of a fire to firemen running hose up
deliver a supply of water fbr fire fighting purposesto eachffoor.
(3) A "sprinkler" installation to automatically and instantaneously
detect a fire, attack it rvith water lrom sriitably placed poinrs
and sound an alarm.
(4) A "drencher" installation which provides a curtain of water for
protection against internal and external "exposure'' to fire,
and/or the protection of large openings.
(5) A fire alarm installation to either automaticailywarn occupants
of a buiiding of an outbreak of fire in the building and locate
by an annunciator board the place of the actuated alarm point
or in the caseof a manual alarm instailation to provide a ready
means rvhereby anyone discovering a fire can rapidly rvarn
others in the building of an oulbreak.
(6) Hand appliancesand/or other preventive media rvhich may be
required by the Director of Fire Services.
(7) Fixed installation capable of either automtrticor manual opera-
tion or both and designedso as to discharrrean extinguishing
media such as water, foant or dry porvder or CO, etc. in any
place for the purpose of extinguishingor preventingthe spread
of fire.
(8) One or more fixed fire pumps which shall preferably be elec-
trically driven, and shall be permanently connected betrveen
the i,vater supply and the hydrant/hose reel out-lets. and shall
be capable of remote starting.

Buildings 3. The type and extent of installation called for ivill depend on a
and type of number of variable factors which are too numerous for any simple scale
generally to be laid down. The main tbctors,holvcver,are occupanc,r,cubic content
of rooms, floor are::sand number of floors. The follorving indicate tire
type of installation that will generaily be required for the builclin-es
(I) Fire hydrantfhosereel instctllation.
(a) Domestic buildings of more than 12 storeys or 30 m in height
rvhicheveris the lower.
(b) Any other building whether by virtue of height, volume, life
risk, accessibiiity, availability of water supplies and nature of
occupancy rvhich in the opinion of the Director of Fire Services
warrants the provision of such instailation.
(c) Commercial buildings as required by the Director of Fire
(r/) Industrial buildings, single storey where the'floor area exceeds
700 mu.
(e) Industrial buildingsof 2 storeyswhere the lst floor area exceeds
460 mz.
(/) Industriai buildings more than 2 storeys, irrespectiveof floor
area factor.
(S) Restaurants, hotels or dance htrlis as required by the Director
of trire Services.
(h) Cinemas, theatres ancl other places of public entertainment
andfor public assembly as required $r7 the Director of Fire
(i) Godowns aucl warehouses where zi fire service installation is
considerednecessaryby the Director of Fire Servicesand in
any case all godowns and warehouscs over 2 storeys in height,
irrespective of floor arca factor.
U) llospitals and clinics that are more than 2 storeys in height
where the floor area of any storey exceeds270 mz.
(k) Hospitals and clinics over 4 storeys in height, irrespectiveof
floor area factor.
Q) Schools.
(2) DtY riser installcttiott.
Domestic buildings of more than 6 storeysand under 13 storeys
in height or 30 m rvhicheveris the iess.
(3) Sprinkler installation.
(a) Bowling alleys, and dressing rooms, scenery docks, stagesand
stage basements of theatres.
(b'l Underground garages and car palks run as a commelcial
enterpiise,in exeesso1'90rn:. Those provided for the convenience
of rhu-occupantsof the buildin.e,in excessof 460 p2, except
n'here para. 26 of the Code of Practice on Means of Escapein
Cese of Fire etc., applies [i.e. the differentiation between
"car-port" "garage"].
(.) Any room or other compartmentof a building exceeding7 000m:.
(r/) Departrnent stores 01'shops that totally exceed7 000 m:.
(e) Basements for storage (except strong rooms, sal-edeposit of
banks) lvhich exceed 460 mz.
(/) A1l commercial buildings and the commercial portions of
composite buildings of more than 30 rn in height or more than
rvhicheveris the less.The height of a building to be
10 store-vs,
measuredfrom street to main roof levels.
(S) Alf industrial buildings including godowns of more than 2
. storeys in height, irrespective of floor area, unless the planned
occupancy would prohibit the use of rvater as a fire-fighting
media. In an industrial buildin-e required to be sprinkiered, such
sprinkler installation must be extended to cover all internal
staircases and common areas forming part of required exit
(h) In certain circumstancesthe provision of a sprinkler installation
may be waived in I'avour of compartmentation, and/or the pro-
vision of an automatic heat or smoke detection fire alarm system.
3(,\) Sntolte andlor lleat Detection Sy.rtem".
(a) A1l commercial buildings not required to be sprinklered under
sub-paragraph 3(3)(/), the commercial portions of composite
buildings as considered necessary b,v the Director of Fire
Services. industrial and godown buildings of two storeys or
less in height as considered necessaryby the Director of Fire
(b) Hotel and Fiospital Buiidings in all areasnot covered by sprinkler
(1/.8. This may, in the case of smoke detection systems,be
incorporated in the Air Conditioning System).
(t) Department stores and shops totaliy exceeding 2 800 m: but
l e s st h a n 7 0 0 0 m r .
Any other building r,vhetherby virtue of height, volume, life
risk, accessibility, availability of water supplies and nature of
occupancv which in the opinion of the Director of Fire Services
warrants the provision of such installation.

In (a) to (c) above the Director of Fire servicesmay require the

detection system to be connecteddirect to the appiopriate Fire
control at the clients' expense.Terminal facilities are available
in Firc Conrrois.

(4) Drencltu installation.

(a) Theatre prosceniumopenin_es.
(b) High fire exposure risks.

(5) Fire alarm installation.

(a) Buildings of over 6 storeysin heieht.
(D) Other buiidings of high fire/life risks, e.g. hotels, schools,
hospitals, olfice blocks, factories, etc.

(6) Ilund appliances or otlrcr preventiye nrcclia.

lVlinimunt Requirentents. '

Buckets (painted red).

Not less than 9 / capacity always filled r,vith rvater.
Not less than three buckets for ea-ch200 m: or part thereof of
floor area but not lessthan six bucketson eachfloor.
Alternatives to the above in portio's of preruisescontaining
only electrical apparatr.rsor in rvhich inflam'rabre liquios
or fats and greascsirrestoredor used.
(a) Buckets may be Iilled ri'ith dr1, santl instea.l of water.

(b) In place of each bucket, either:

(i) 2 kg approved Dry porvder(Gas-expelled)
(ii) An approved B.C.F. typc of 1.3 kg capacityor Cl-rloro_
bromomethane extinguisher of not less than 1 /
(nominal) size. (where electrical apparatus only is
involved) or
(iii) 3 kg approved Carbon l)ioxide extinguisher
(iv) 4.5 / approved Foam Extinguisher.

(.) In one or rlore approved Dry powder (Gas_expelled)

extinguisherscontaining an aggre_eate rmount of nbt less
than 6 kg of dry powder, or in not lessthan trvo anoroved
Carbon Dioxide extinguishers containing an aggregate
amount of not less than 9 kg of CO2 may be allorved as
equivalent to three buckets of r,vater,or as equivaient to
a 9 / extineuisher.

Approvecl Portable Extinguishers having an aggregate
capacity of 9 / for each 200 m2 or part thereof of floor area but
not lessthan 18 / on each floor.
The extinguishers providcci for are those of the Water
(Gas-expelled),or Foam types. Fire extinguishersof thesetypes
are not recommended for use on electrical apparatus. Where
- inflammable liquicis or fats and greasesare stored or used an
approved Dry Porvder (Gas-expelleci)Extinguisher containing
not lessthan 6 kg of dry porvder may be allowed as equivalent
to a9 I Foam Extinguisher.
Note-Any combination of the various appliancesreferred to
the above may bc employecl.
(7) Fixed installatiott.
In any place containing a special or high fire risk as required
by t h e D i r e c t o r o f F i r e S e r v i c e s .
4. There shall be sufficient hydrants and hose reels on each floor Number of
to ensurethat every part of each floor can be reachedby a length of not hydrants&
more than 30 m of Fire Serviceshose or hose reel tubing. hosereels.
5. The minimum quantity of rvaterrequired to be available,having Water
regard to the floor area f'actor of the largest floor is as follows: requirements
for fire
Floor area Water storage r'equired hosereel
Not exceedins.230mz 9000/ (9 m:;
Over 230 mz but not exceeding460 mz 18000/ ( 1 8m r )
Over 460 mz but not exceedine920 mz 27 000 I (2i n'r)
O v e r9 2 0m 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 60 0 0i (36 m:;

6. The pressure and flow available for the fire hydrant/hose reel water
system shall be such as to provide for a pressure of not less than 400 kPa Pi:t:Y.i::l|,
and not more than 700 kPa with a flow of not less than 900 /min for l:-"r"nLo.f''t'
domesticbuilelingsand 1 350//min for all other buildingsfrom any hydrant
outlet of the system.In all buildingswherethe height betweenthe topmost
hydrant and the lowest Fire Service Inlet is in excessof 60 m, the flow
and pressure,where necessaryin the opinion of the Director of Fire
Services,shall be maintainedby boosterpumps and/or water tanks inserted
in the rising main system.

7. In every building of over 8 floors in rvhich a lift/s is/are installed, Fireman's

a fireman's lift/s shall be provided which shall satisfy the followin* lifts.
. (1) It shali be provided rvith a separatefire-resistinglift shaft.

(2) Lift shaft openings shall bc provided with automatic self-

closins fire-resistingdoors.
(3) It shall be of a minimum size of 1.35mz net internal floor area
of car, with a minimum rated load of 680 kg.

(4) It shall be provided rvith a suitable escapehatch.

(5) Each point of dischargeshall be into a smoke lobbv or similar

protected area.

(6) lt shall be provided with a suitable control switch at ground

floor level to enable the Fire Services Department to gain
immediate control over the lift and return it to ground level,
such control gear isolating the lift from control by the public.
Whilst under such control, all landing call points and control
switches shall be rendered inoperative and sole control vested
in the car control station, ensuring that any collective control
becomes inoperative. No service switch shall overricle the fire
control switches.

(7) Electricity Supply. The electric suppiy to the fireman's lift/s

shall be connectedto a sub-circuitof a sub-mainwhich shall be
exclusiye and independent of any other sub-main circuit. The
cablessupplyingcurrent to lift installationshould be located on
a route of negligible fire risk and where possible within the
lift well.
When a fire lift is one of a battery of lifts, the other lifts may be
fed from the samesupply, provided it is adequatefor this pulpose,
and that arrangements are such that a fault occurring in any
other lift or the battery will not a{Iect in any way the operation
of the fire lift.

(8) Speed. The speed of the lift should be such that it would reach
the top floor of the building in not rlore than one minute.

(9) It shall be suitably indicated by the words ..FIREMAN,S

LIFT" (ierDb'FS,TI
fl-F4ffi)in English and'Chinese.

(10) Where car-golifts are used as a Fireman's Lift the doors shall
be autornatic self-closing, fire resisting and the lift car be con-
tained in a separatefire resisting lift shaft.

Designation 8. Where more than one lift is to be provided in a buiiding of

of Fireman's over
Lifr. 8 floors, the f)irector of Fire Services shall designate which lift/s
is/are to be a fireman's liftis.

9. A fire alarm installationnot of the automrtic type must normaliy Systerrlbr

consist of a push button or break giasssystemso instailedthat eachfloor fire alarm
of the building is provided with one or more actuation points and bells & rviring
to the requirementsof the Director of Fire Services,and they must be so thereof.
wiied that the operation of any one actuation point will operate all the
alarm bells in the building for the purpose of giving alarm of fire to the

10. The Director of Fire Servicesin any particular casemay require Annunciator
boards etc.
a.-fire alarm installation of the automatic type to be provided or also a
non-automatic type to be provided with an annunciator board to indicate
the location of the actuation point which has been operated. The Director
of Fire Servicesmay also require, in the caseof muiti-storey developments
having fixed installations,the provision of a Fire Control Room. Such
room shall be situated on the ground floor adjacent to the Nlain Entrance
and shall contain the annunciator boards, controls, terminals etc. of the
fire protection installations rvithin that building. The Director may
further require in the case of high fire or life risk premises that such
rooms be continuously manned by suitably trained personnel.

11. Except where the Director of Fire Services in any particular Inter-
case specifiesotherwise, the means of operating fire alarms shall be inter-
connccted with the means of operating fixed fire pumps of fire hydrant/
hose reel installations.

12. (1) Every building in which the provision of a fireman's lift Communica-
tion wiring
is required shall also be provided with suitablerviring to enablethe Fire and outlets.
ServicesDepartment to connect and use hand telephone apparatus in
c o n j u n c i i o nr v i t h s u c h w i r i n g .
(2) The wiring shall be affixed inside the lift shaft and shall be
(3) Every floor including the ground floor shall be provided with
a suitable telephone type jack-socket outlet on the external face of the
lift shaft.

13. (1) The fire service installations specified in sub-paragraphs Require-

(l), (2), (3), (4), (6), (7) and (8) of paragraph 2 shall be in accordance menls as to
rvith the specificationsrespectivelylaid dorvn in Part III. tron.

(2) All materials and fittings used in any fire service installation
shall be in accordance rvith the current British Standard Soecifications
for such materials and littines.

14. Where an electricalinstallation is required to comply rvith this Electrical

Code, a primary and secondary source of supply shall be provided to supplies.
the satislaction of the Director of Fire Services,and all electiical devices

s h e l l h c f e C l r o m b o t h t h e p r i m a r y e n d s e c c n d a r vs o u r c e o F s u p p i y .
The seconciarysource may be in lhe fbrm of an independentlypoweled
electrical generator ol sufficient elcctrical capacity to meet essential



Fire hydrantf hose reel installatiorts

Siting of 15. Each hydrant outlet shall be prominently sited in an approach

lobby to er staircaseor in the staircaseenclosure.It should preferably
be recessedinto a wall r,vhichis not a staircaseenclosingrvall or sn-roke
iobby wall. When recessedthere shall be an all round clearancebetween
any part of the hydrant outlet and valve and the enclosingrvalls sufficient
to permit the free use of the hydrant, the fitting of zrn adaptor, and the
empioyment of hose spanners.When not recessedthe hydrant
adequately defended against damage.

Height of 16. No hydrant outlet shall be less than 800 mm nor more than
hydrant I 200 mm above floor level.

Obstructing 17. (1) The hydrant shall not obstruct rvhoily, pzrrtlyor indirectly,
hydrants. any door opening,or the requiredwidth of any exit route.
(2) The hydrant shail be so sited as not to be concealedby the
leavesof an adjacentdoor lvhen that door is opened.

Hydrant 18. Hydrant outlets shall be of non-corrosive metal. The outlets

outlets. of all hydrants shall be of 70 mm standard Hong Kong Fire Services
Department round thread or a standard 63.5 mm instantaneousoutlet
and be controlled by a wheel operated scrervvaive designedto open by
counter-clockwiserotation. The direction of opening of the valve shall
be clearly engravedin both Englishand Chineseon the wheel of the valve"

Location 19. The hose reel shall be located outside any smoke lobby or
etc. of hose stairiase enclosureto enable the occupantsol the nuildings to attack a
fir'e. The hose reel shall be supplied b), metal piping from the charged
side of the hydrant supply main and a simpie on-off control valve shall
be provided in this piping by the hose reel. The dischargenozzle shall
not be fixed nore than 1 350 mm above floor level.

Hose reel 20. (1) The tubing of every hose reel rnust be capable of being
tubing. readily wound rountl a drum of 180 rnm diameter without kinking, must
not kink rvhen led around sharp obstructions,and shali be capablewhen
fitted with branch pipe and nozzle,of projecting a jet not lessthan 6 m in

(2) The tubing of every hose reel shall have a bursting pressureof
not less than 2 700 kPa and sliali not be porous nor exhibit anv signs
of percolation below 2 000 kPa.

21. The hose reel branch nozzle shall have a 4.-5mm orifice and be Hosereel
fitteclwith a sin-rpletwo way valve to open or shut offjet; the valve *rrr1 branch'
not be springloaded.

22. The design of the hose reel shall be such that the tubing is Designof
r permanently connected, via pipes in the drum of the hose reel and such nosereer'
stuffing boxes as may be necessary,to the hydrant supply main.

23. An"vhosereel sitedin any Exit way shallbe carried on a swinging
cradle so recessedinto the wall that when not in use the outer face of the rnExrtwavs'
reel is flush r,viththe lvali and rvhen required for use the cradle may srving
out into the corridor or passage,without undue obstruction and without
seriousinterferencewith anv exit point.

24. (1) The reservewater supply for fire fighting shall be contained Watersup-
in a supplvtank. f;i::"T,i*
hose reel
(2) Supply tanks shall be fed from such source of supply as the installation.
Water Authority and the Director of Fire Servicesmay approve.

(3) Where the installation of a supply tank is impracticable or

undesirable then an alternative supply may be provided. subject to the
aporoval of the Director of Fire Services.

25. It"is preferable to site supply tanks at roof level. Siting of


26. Fire pumps provided shall be permanentlyprimed. Provision of

fixed fire

21- The r'vater supplied through the fixed fire pump shall feed a wetrisins
wet rising main to all fire hydrants and hose reels. maln.

28. The wet rising main must be provided with a standard Fire Inlet of wet
ServiceInlet at ground floor level. Where the pump is interposedbetween risingmains'
the Fire Service Inlet and the hydrant delivery valves, provision must be
made for the water supplied to the Inlet to by--pass the fire pump in the
event of f-ailure of the pump.

29. All rvet rising and dorvncomingmains shall be fitted with suit- 411y11y65.
able ail relief valves to Dreventairlocks in the installation.

Speciiication 30. (1) The quantity of water specified need noi necessarily be
respecting containeclin one tank provided that where more than one tank is installed
tanKs. that all the rvater will florv b;, gravlty
rhe tanks shall be so inter-connected
t o t h e d o w n c o m i n gm a i n .

(2) The connexion between the base oi the tank and the down-
coming main to the fixed fire pump must be provided with a non-ferrous
non-return valve and a non-ferrous filter having a mesh of not iess than
minimum 2x2 mm mesh.

Starting & 31. (l) The pump should preferably be eiectrically driven but,
ol fixed
whatever mode of power for driving the pump is empioyed, means shall
lire pumps. be provided for starting the pump by electric remote control button.
Where the motive po*ir for any pump is not electricity, alternative
neans of starting the pump motor manually, in addition to remote control
buttons. shall be provided and directions for so starting prominently
displayedin the pump house.Remote starting points shall be wired solely
foistarting the pump and operating the manual alarm system. Means of
stopping th" p.t*p rhutt U. by switches of the press button type which
re-set the remote control start switches.The inclusion of flow switches on
the pipe lines is acceptableas an addition to push button type switches,
so thal the pump will start on flow and stop when the flow ceases'

(2) Where fixed fire pumps other than the pump fed direct by the
suppiy tank are providecl in wet rising mains, suitable stopfstart switches
rt uit i. provided ro enable the trire Servicesto exercisecontrol of such
booster iu*pt indepen<lentlyof the switches required by sub-paragraph
( 1). Such swifchesmust be situated at or near the Fire ServicesDepartment
Inlet and clearly indicated.

Remotecon- 32. Remote control buttons for fixed fire pumps shall be sited near
trol buttons the hose reel. Starter buttons shall be enclosed in an independent glass
for fixed fire
pumps. fronted cabinet and must be clearly marked in English and Chinese

Housing of 33. A1l fixed fire pumps shall be housed in suitable enclosures,
fixed fire preferably brick or concrete, desi-rnedsolely for occupation by the pump'
pump houses shall lie ciear of any exit or normal communication
routes through the premises and shall be clearly marked in English and
Chinese characters

Fire service 34. (l) Each wet rising main shall be connected to an independent
inlets. Fire Service Inlet.

(2) Each fire service inlet shall be located in a prominent position


cn exterior of the buiiding, suitably recessedanci may be enclosed

b;vgiazing.The function of the inlet i.e.
(rz) Fire Service Inlet (iHiDhzK.fl)
(b) Sprinkler Inlet (/EiEAfr4t)
(.) Drencher Inlet (/KfiF. /(4)
,- oR
(d) FoamInlet (i0AzKH)
shall be indicated on a metal plate in both English and Chinesecharacters,
using raised lettering, and fixed to the wall immediately behind the
inlet(s) as appropriate. When eiazing is employed to enclose the inlet
recessbox, the indication of the function of the inlet must also be clearly
marked and visible in both Engiish and Chinesecharacterson the glazing.
(3) The inlet couplings shall be not less than 600 mm nor more
than I 000 mm above the ground levol and shall be of a standard pattern
approved by the Fire Services.
(4) There shall be a non-return valve behind each inlet to prevent
flow" of water.
(5) The fire service inlet shall be so situated as to be within easy
reach of, a fire appliance parked in a thoroughfare adjacent to the building

34A. (i) The internal diameter of the rising main shall, in the case
ol industrial buildings be not less than 100 mm. Each rising
main shall supply two hydrant outlets per floor.
(ii) The internal diameter of rising mains in all other types of
buildings shall normally be not less than 80 mm and each
rising main shall supply one hydrant outlet per floor.
(iii) The Director of Fire Services may require the risin_u main
specificationcontained in Para. 34A (D to be provided in build-
ings other than industrial when in his opinion the risk so justifies
s u c hp r o v i s i o n .

Drv riser installations

35. (l) The number and position of hydrant outlets shall be as Specifica-
specifiedby the Director of Fire Services. tions
(2) Hydrant outlets shall be fitted with a suitable lockins device to dry riser
prevent unauthorized opening of the valve. installations.

(3) No equipment should be provided at hydrant points other than


a blank cap rvirich shaii be kept connectedto the outlet and shall be
held captive by a suiLablechain to discouragetheil.
(4) Dry risin-u mains should be normally sited either rvithin a
ventiiated lobby ol a staircaselobby approach or, rvhere this is not
practicable, in the staircaseenciosure.
(5) Where only one outlet per floor is specifiedthe internal diameter
of the riser shall be not lessthan 80 mm. Where two or more outlets per
floor are specifiedand are supplied from one dry riser the internal diameter
of the riser shall be not lessthan 100 mm.
(6) The riser shall be provided with a standard pattern inlet fitted
lvith non-return valves and approved by the Fire Services.
(7) The dry rising mains shall be effectivelyelectrically earthed'
(8) A1l dry rising mains shali be fitted rvith suitableair relief valves
to prevent air locks.

Sprinkler Installations

lnstallations. 36. (l) Sprinkler installations shall be installed in accordance

with the RuleJ of the Fire Ollices Committee for Automatic Sprinkler
Installations with the exception that the Rules governing
"Town's Water", (29th Edition) shall be replaced by
Supplies" and
paragraph 3T of this Code.
(2) Any reference in the aforesaid Rules to electrical installations
shall be subjectto the provisions of paragraph 14 of this Code'

Water 37. Sprinkler installations shall be provicled with two separate and
supplyfor adequate sources of water supply always available.
installations. The following are acceptedsourcesof water supply:-
(a) Town's main.
(b\ Elevated tank.
(c) Pressuretank.
(d) Pump.
(c) Elevatedprivate reservoir.
(,f) Satt water mains, as approved.

Note 1.. An elevated private reservoir shall have a capacity of about

1 000 000 / (f 000 p:) if proposeclas a substitute for town's
main, but reservoirsof somewhatlesscapacity may possibly be
approved if the conditions are exceptionally favourable'

Note 2: The normal acceptedsourcesof rvater supply rvill be an elevated

tank an<1town's mains. including approved salt water mains-

Drencher ancl Fixed Instolltttions

38. Drencher and Fixed Installations shall be installed in accord- Installations'

ance rvith the requirements of the Director of Fire Serviceshaving re-uard
to the risk to be protected.

fland Appliances antl other Preventive fuIeclia

39. Any hand appliances or other preventive media must be of a Equipment

type approv"a Uy ttt"^nirector of Fire Services. i?Ji*u.



40. The inspection and testing of fire service installations and Inspection
qnd testing.
equipment is dealt with in a separateCode called the Code of Practjce
(Inspection and Testing of Installations and Equipment) published by
the Director of Fire Services.

41. For the avoidanceof doubt it is hereby declaredthat the Director Director of
Fire Services
of Fire Servicesmay, in the case of any particular building, vary any of may vary
the requirementsof this Code (whether by requiring the provision of any requirements
fire servicesinstallation or equipment not indicated in this Cocle either of Code in
in addition to or in substituiion for any installation or equipment so cases.
indicatedor by reiaxingany of the requirementsin tiris Code or otherrvise)
where, in his opinion, suclr a variation is required in order to ensurethe
provision of all such fire service installations and equipment as, having
regardto the purposefor rvhichthe building is inteniledto be put, comprise
the minimum fire service installations and equipment necessaryfor that
building, or, as the casemay be, rvheresuch a variation is not inconsistent
with the provision for the building of all such fire serviceinstallations
and equipment as afbresaid.

F. N{. WlrsoN,
Director of Fire Services.

FtRn Ssnvrcrs DrpannreNT HEADeUARTERS,

30th Noternber 1979.





Pnu.mrwanv }Iorr
Where the plans of a building have been certified by the Director
of Fire Servicesunder s. 16B(lXrXii) of the Buildings Ordinance as
shor'vingall such lire serviceinstallationsand equipmentas in his opinion,
having regard to the purpose to which the building is intendedto be put,
comprrisethe mininium fire serviceinstallations ancl equipment necessary
for such building, the Building Authority may, under s.21(6)(ri)of that
Ordinance,refuseto issuea temporary occupationpermit or an occupalion
permit (which is necessarybeforethe building can be occupiedin any way
except by not more than two caretakers) unless the applicant for the
permit produces a certificate from the Director of Fire Servicescertifying
that he is satisfiedthat the fire service installations and equipment shown
on the plans have been provided and are in efficient working order and
satisfactory condition.

This Code of Practice (inspection and Testing of Installations and

Equipment) is published for informzrtion only, to indicate the type and
nature of inspectionsand tests r,vhichinstallations and equipment must
normally pass in order so to satisfy the Director of Fire Services.and to
give guidanceas to the conduct of inspectionsand tests.It does not lay
ciorvn any hard and fast rules. Special factors and circumstancesmay
require variations in respectof any particular building, and in particular
casesthe Director may require additional inspectionsor tests before he
is so satisfied.

Copu or.pnacrrcl (IxsprcrroN AND TEsrrNGoF

IlisrarurroNs AND EeutpurN"r)


1. Inspections and testing shali be carried out by an inspecting Inspection
ollicer of the Fire ServicesDepartment by arrangementl,viththe company, and testing
by oficer of
firm or individr.ral rvho installed the installations and equipment. Fire Services
2. Applications for inspection and testing, proposing a time and Application
day therefor, should be made in r'vriting to the Director of Fire services for inspec-
and should be given so as to allor,v at least seven days betbre the date tion and

proposed fbr the inspection and testing and should be accompaniedby

a certificate from the company, firm or person who installed the installa-
tions that the installations are in accordance.,viththe provisions of the
Code of Practice (Minimum Fire ServiceInstallations and equipment)
applicable thereto (which Code is obtainable from the Director of Fire

written 3. Written notice will be given to the applicant of the time and
notlce to date mutually accepta"bleto him and the Fire Services Department for
€onlirming any such inspection and testing.
time and date
of inspection
and testing.

Responsible 4. A responsible engineer of the company or firm concerned, or

person may
the individual who installed the installation and equipment, shall be at
inspection liberty to attend the inspection and testing.
and testing.

Issue or 5. The inspecting ofhcer of the Fire Services Department will

rcfusal of
make his report on any such inspection and testing to the Director of
Fire Services who will thereupon either issue required certificate or,
where he is not satisfiedin the terms indicated in section21(6)(d)of the
Buildings Ordinance,he shall in writing notify the applicant of the reason
why he is not so satisfied, and may advise the applicant what further
work is necessarybefore he lvould be so satisfied.

Inspection 6. The provisionsof paragraphs1 to 5 will apply, so far as possible

and testing to any further inspection and testing arising from additional work done
after further
work. pursuant to paragraph 5.


INSppctIoNSlNo Tesrs

Hose reel 7. (1) The tubing of every hose reel must be capable of being
tubing. readily wound round a drum of 180 mm diameter rvithout kinking. must
not kink rvhen led around sharp obstructions, and shall be capabie when
fitted with branch pipe and nozzle,of projecting a jet not lessthan 6 m in

(2) The tubing of every hose reel shall have a bursting pressure of
not less than 2 700 kPa and shall not be porous nor exhibit any signsof
percolation below 2 000 kPa.

Flose reel 8. The hose reel branch nozzle shall have a 4.5 mm oriflce and be
branch. litted with a simple two rvay valve to open or shut off jet; the valve rnust
not be spring loaded.

9 . T h e r l e s i g no f t h e h o s e r e e l s h a l l b c s u c h t h a t t h e t u b i n g i s D e s i g n o f
permanentlyconnected,via pipes in the drum of the hose reel and such hosereel'
stuffing boxes as may be necessary,to the hydrant suppiy main.

10. The testing of sprinkler installations rvill be carried out accordins Tes.tins of
to the tcsts specifiedfrom time ro time by the Fire Offices Committee. ifj,1l,Tjn.r.

11. The testing of drencher and fixed installations will be carried Testingof
out according to such tests as the Director of Fire Servicesmay require iiffif;!:
having regard to the nature and purpose of the instailation. installarions.

12. The tests for fire hvdrant/hose reel installations shall consist Testingof
of- *:ll"ti"'/
(r) visual examination of installation;

(2) test of water tightness to a maximum of 1 700 kPa persquare

ineh;static pressure;

(3) a capacity and pressuretest;

(4) the "static" pressure, without pump, at the topmost hydrant

will be taken;

(5) a flow meter and pressuregaugewill then be fitted to the hydrant

the fixed fire pump or pumps started, and readings taken;

(6) a practical charging and supply of water through the wet rising
urain via the fire service inlet.

13. The tests for dry r:iserinstallations shall consist of-

(1) a vidual examinationof the fittings and piping and their location;

(2) a practical charging of the rising main to show that the system
can be easily cirargedvia the iire serviceiniei within a reasonable
time having' regard to the size of the installation and with
particular attention to the efficiencyof air relief valves;

(3) the installation must prove clear of percolation and leakage for
10 minutes after beins chareed with water.

14. The tests for hand appliances and other preventive media shall Testingof
be in accordancewith the testi specifiedby the Diiector of Fire Services apptlances'
from time to time. Pamphiets describing testing procedure can be
obtained from the Director of Fire Services.


Codeof 15. This Code deals oniy rvith the inspection and testing of hre
Practice service installations and equipment after the same have been provided
Fire Service for a buildin-e.The general requir-ementsas to what installations and
Installations eqtiiprnentare to be provided in buildingsare dealt rvith in another Code
called the Code of Practice (Minimum Fire Service Installations and
Equipment), published by the Director of Fire Services.

Director of 16. For the avoidanceof doubt it is herebydeclaredthat the Director

Fire Services
may vaq/ of Fire Services,in his absolutediscretion,filitl, in any particular case,
requirement vary any of the requirements of this Code and in particular may require
of Code in different inspections or tests in regard to any installation or equipment
cases. than the inspectionsor testsinclicatedin this Code, either in addition to
or in substitr.rtion
for the inspectionsand testsso indicated.

F. IrL W.a.rsoN,
Direclor o.l'Fire Sert,ices.

Flnr SrnvtcEs DEpARTrvteNr

30th November 1979.



Reference fuIetric Expression .,1cr:eptable non-metric equivalent

2.(t) 70 mm 2f " (coupling)

3.(6) 9l 2-gallon

3.(6XbXi) 5-ib

3.(6XDXii) 1 . 3k g 3-1b
1 l one quart

3.(6XbXiii) JKg 7-tb

3.(6)(6)(iv) 4.5 I 1-gallon

3.(6)(c) 6kg 15-lb

9kg 20-tb
9 l two gallons
r 8/ four gallons
6kg 15lbs
9l 2-gallon
70 mnt 2f," (coupling)

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