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Type FL Pressure Reducing Regulators

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Instruction Manual

Form 5733
Type FL
October 2014

Type FL Pressure Reducing Regulators

! Warning

Failure to follow these instructions or

to properly install and maintain this
equipment could result in an explosion
and/or fire causing property damage and
personal injury or death.
Tartarini™ regulators must be installed,
operated and maintained in
accordance with federal, state and
local codes, rules and regulations and
Emerson Process Management
Regulator Technologies, Inc. instructions.

North America Only

If the regulator vents gas or a leak
develops in the system, service to
the unit may be required. Failure
to correct trouble could result in a
hazardous condition.

Call a gas service person to service the

unit. Only a qualified person must install
or service the regulator. Figure 1. Type FL Regulator with PRX Series Pilot


Scope of the Manual capacity distribution systems and power plant feeds.
The Type FL provides smooth, quiet operation, tight
This manual provides instructions for installation, shutoff and long life. The regulator utilizes a main
adjustment, maintenance and parts ordering valve actuator, a Type PRX/120 pressure reducing
information for the Type FL regulators sold in pilot and a Type SA/2 pilot supply pressure regulator.
North America. The Type PRX/120 pilot uses inlet pressure reduced
by a Type SA/2 supply pressure regulator, as loading
pressure to operate the main valve actuator. The
outlet pressure is sensed through a control line on
The Type FL regulators are accurate pilot-operated, the main valve actuator and also on the PRX Series
pressure-balanced, soft-seated regulators designed pilot diaphragm.
for high-pressure transmission/city gate, large

Type FL
The Specifications section gives some general specifications for the Type FL regulators. The nameplates
give detailed information for a particular regulator as it comes from the factory.

Available Configuration Outlet Pressure Ranges

Type FL: Pilot-operated pressure reducing See Table 1
regulator from 14.5 to 1160 psig / 1.00 to 80.0 bar Pressure Registration
outlet pressures External
Body Size Temperature Capabilities(1)(3)
Type FL: NPS 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 / Nitrile (NBR), Fluorocarbon (FKM) or
DN 25, 50, 80, 100, 150, 200 and 250 Polyurethane (PU) Disk:
Type FL with Type SRS Silencer (Inlet x Outlet): -4 to 140°F / -20 to 60°C
NPS 1 x 4, 2 x 6, 3 x 10, 4 x 10, 6 x 12 and 8 x 16 / Nitrile (NBR) or Polyurethane (PU) Disk:
DN 25 x 100, 50 x 150, 80 x 250, 100 x 250, -20 to 140°F / -29 to 60°C(5)
150 x 300 and 200 x 400 Approximate Weights (Including Pilot)
Main Valve End Connection Style and Types FL-SR and FL-SRII
Pressure Ratings(1) NPS 1 / DN 25: 68 lbs / 31 kg
CL300 RF: 740 psig / 51.0 bar(4) NPS 2 / DN 50: 132 lbs / 60 kg
CL600 RF: 1480 psig / 102 bar(4) NPS 3 / DN 80: 326 lbs / 148 kg
NPS 4 / DN 100: 443 lbs / 201 kg
Maximum Inlet and Outlet (Casing) Pressure(1)

North America Only

NPS 6 / DN 150: 1058 lbs / 480 kg
1480 psig / 102 bar(4)
NPS 8 / DN 200: 1367 lbs / 620 kg
Miminum Operating Differential Pressure(2) NPS 10 / DN 250: 2623 lbs / 1190 kg
Start Open: Types FL-SR/SRS and FL-SRII/SRS
NPS 1 to 4 / DN 25 to 100: 7.3 psid / 0.50 bar d NPS 1 x 4 / DN 25 x 100: 99 lbs / 45 kg
NPS 6 and 8 / DN 150 and 200: 3 psid / 0.21 bar d NPS 2 x 6 / DN 50 x 150: 192 lbs / 87 kg
NPS 10 / DN 250: 2.9 psid / 0.2 bar d NPS 3 x 10 / DN 80 x 250: 514 lbs / 233 kg
Full Open: NPS 4 x 10 / DN 100 x 250: 631 lbs / 286 kg
NPS 1 to 4 / DN 25 to 100: 14.5 psid / 1.00 bar d NPS 6 x 12 / DN 150 x 300: 1367 lbs / 620 kg
NPS 6 and 8 / DN 150 and 200: 7.3 psid / 0.50 bar d NPS 8 x 16 / DN 200 x 400: 1984 lbs / 900 kg
NPS 10 / DN 250: 8.7 psid / 0.6 bar d

1. The pressure/temperature limits in this Instruction Manual and any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.
2. When using a Type SA/2 pilot supply filter regulator, the differential pressure across the regulator must be at least 45 psid / 3.1 bar d for optimum regulator performance.
3. Types PRX and SA/2 Fluorocarbon (FKM) elastomer are limited to 0°F / -18°C.
4. At average ambient temperature.
5. Meets or exceeds ANSI/FCI 70-3 Class VI/VII leakage limits at maximum operating differential pressure.

Table 1. Outlet Pressure Ranges

outlet pressure range pILOT cONTROL SPRING iNFORMATION

TYPE ac (accuracy class)
psig bar Spring Color Part Number

14.5 to 26 1.00 to 1.8 2.5% Yellow M0255240X12

23 to 44 1.6 to 3.0 2.5% Green M0255230X12
PRX/120 41 to 80 2.8 to 5.5 2.5% Blue M0255180X12
PRX/125 73 to 123 5.0 to 8.5 2.5% Black M0255220X12
PRX/131 116 to 210 8.0 to 14.5 1% Silver M0255210X12
203 to 334 14.0 to 23.0 1% Gold M0255200X12
319 to 435 22.0 to 30.0 1% Aluminum M0255860X12
435 to 1160 30.0 to 80.0 1% Clear M0273790X12

Type FL




North America Only

type fl

or PRX/125





Type FL with Type PRX/131 Quick Dump Pilot

inlet pressure
outlet pressure type PRX/120:
s - bleed port type sa/2:
Loading pressure
B - supply port v - sensing port
pilot supply pressure L - loading port r - pilot supply port
atmospheric pressure A - sensing port m - inlet port

Figure 2. Type FL Operational Schematics

Type FL



North America Only



SA/2 B B S


inlet pressure
outlet pressure
type prx:
atmospheric pressure
s - bleed port Type sa/2:
Loading pressure
b - supply port v - sensing port
intermediate pressure L - loading port r - pilot sensing port
pilot supply pressure a - sensing port m - inlet port


Figure 3. Installation Schematics

Type FL
TYPE PRX/120 or

or PRX/125 TYPE SA/2






North America Only

inlet pressure
outlet pressure
type prx:
atmospheric pressure s - bleed port Type sa/2:
Loading pressure b - supply port v - sensing port
intermediate pressure L - loading port r - pilot sensing port
pilot supply pressure a - sensing port m - inlet port

Type FL Wide-Open Monitor With Type PRX/131 Quick Dump Pilot

Figure 3. Installation Schematics (continued)

Principle of Operation
The pilot-operated TypePORT
S - BLEED FL (Figure 2) usesSA/2:
TYPE inlet the diaphragm, closing the orifice. The loading pressure
RESSURE pressure as B - SUPPLY
the PORT
operating V - SENSING
medium, which PORT
is reduced acting on the main diaphragm bleeds to the downstream
through pilotLoperation
load the actuator SUPPLY PORTsystem through the exhaust restriction in the pilot.
Outlet or downstream PORT opposes
pressure M - INLET
Figure 2 also shows a Type FL regulator with a
pressure in the actuator and also opposes the pilot Type PRX/131 pilot included. The Type PRX/131 pilot is
control spring. referred to as a quick dump or booster pilot as it helps
When outlet pressure drops below the setting of the to boost the pressure release and allows the Type FL
pilot control spring, pilot control spring force on the regulator to operate faster. When the Type PRX/131
pilot diaphragm opens the pilot valve plug, providing pilot detects an increase in downstream pressure, it
additional loading pressure to the actuator diaphragm. allows the Type FL regulator to release pressure off the
This diaphragm loading pressure opens the main valve downstream side of the diaphragm so it closes faster.
plug, supplying the required flow to the downstream
system. Any excess loading pressure on the actuator
Type SA/2 Pilot Supply Filter Regulator
diaphragm escapes downstream through the exhaust
restriction in the pilot. The PRX Series pilot are usually used together
When the gas demand in the downstream system with the Type SA/2 pilot supply filter regulator. The
has been satisfied, the outlet pressure increases. Type SA/2 acts as a pressure stabilizer that provides
The increased pressure is transmitted through the a constant supply pressure to the PRX Series pilot;
downstream control line and acts on the pilot diaphragm. this value is 45 psi / 3.1 bar over set pressure. It is
This pressure exceeds the pilot spring setting and moves installed on the feed line to the PRX Series pilot and

Type FL
provides the pilot supply pressure to the “B” port on setpoint and tries to increase outlet pressure by
the pilot. The Type SA/2 has an integral 5 micron filter. going wide open. If the working regulator fails, the
The integral filter acts only as an emergency filter; gas monitoring regulator assumes control and holds the
must be cleaned upstream of the regulator. outlet pressure at its outlet pressure setting.
Figure 3 shows a Type FL Wide-Open Monitor
Adjustment configuration with a Type PRX/131 pilot included. The
Type PRX/131 pilot is referred to as a quick dump
The adjustment of the regulator is performed by means or booster pilot as it helps to boost the pressure
of the pilot adjusting screw, which varies the compression release. The Type PRX/131 is fitted to the monitor
of the control spring. Adjustment is performed while the regulator and allows the regulator to operate faster.
regulator is in operation with the aid of a test pressure When the Type PRX/131 detects an increase in
gauge of suitable range. The shut-off valve downstream downstream pressure, it allows the Type FL monitor
of the regulator must not be completely closed; it is regulator to release pressure off the downstream
necessary that a small quantity of gas flows downstream side of the diaphragm so it closes faster. The
to allow the outlet side to vent down, when it is necessary Type PRX/131 pilot is always attached to the monitor
to lower the pressure. regulator in a Wide Open Monitor or Working Monitor
Loosen the locknut and turn the adjusting screw slowly configuration. The Type PRX/131 should have a
to adjust outlet pressure. Use a pressure gauge to check setpoint about 5 to 10 psig / 0.34 to 0.69 bar above
the outlet pressure until the desired pressure is reached. the monitor pilot setpoint.

Working Monitoring Regulators (Figure 3)

Monitoring Systems

North America Only

In a working monitoring system, the upstream
Monitoring regulation is overpressure protection
regulator requires two pilots and it is always the
by containment, therefore, there is no relief valve
monitoring regulator. The additional pilot permits
to vent to the atmosphere. When the working
the monitoring regulator to act as a series regulator
regulator fails to control the pressure, a monitor
to control an intermediate pressure during normal
regulator installed in series, which has been sensing
operation. In this way, both units are always operating
the downstream and control pressure, goes into
and can be easily checked for proper operation.
operation to maintain the downstream pressure
at a slightly higher than normal pressure. During In normal operation, the working regulator controls
an overpressure situation, monitoring keeps the the outlet pressure of the system. The monitoring
customer on line. Also, testing is relatively easy regulator’s working pilot controls the intermediate
and safe. To perform a periodic test on a monitoring pressure and the monitoring pilot senses the system’s
regulator, increase the outlet set pressure of the outlet pressure. If the working regulator fails, the
working regulator and watch the outlet pressure to monitoring pilot will sense the increase in outlet
determine if the monitoring regulator takes over at pressure and take control.
the appropriate outlet pressure.
Wide-Open Monitoring Systems (Figure 3)
The working regulator must be rated
There are two types of wide-open monitoring for the maximum allowable operating
systems: upstream and downstream. The difference pressure of the system because this will
between upstream and downstream monitoring is be its inlet pressure if the monitoring
that the functions of the regulators are reversed. regulator fails. Also, the outlet pressure
Systems can be changed from upstream to rating of the monitoring pilot and any
downstream monitoring and vice-versa, by simply other components that are exposed to
reversing the setpoints of the two regulators. The the intermediate pressure must be rated
decision to use either an upstream or downstream for full inlet pressure.
monitoring system is largely a matter of personal
preference or company policy. Working monitor installations require a Type FL main
In normal operation of a wide-open configuration, valve with a Type PRX/120 or PRX/120-AP working
the working regulator controls the system’s outlet pilot and a Type PRX/125 or PRX/125-AP monitoring
pressure. With a higher outlet pressure setting, the pilot for the upstream regulator and a Type FL with the
monitor regulator senses a pressure lower than its appropriate Type PRX/120 or PRX/120-AP pilot for the
downstream regulator.

Type FL

SPACER DETAILS spacer details for

FOR SIZES SMALLER THAN NPS 6 to 12 / DN 150 to 300
NPS 6 / DN 150


(KEY 22)



North America Only

(key 19)



(key 4 or 18 depending on size)

Figure 4. Outlet Flange Spacer Installation

Table 2. Maximum Torque Values

BODY SIZE Torque tools needed

Flange Bolt Socket Head Screw Socket Head Screw Socket Head Screw Allen
NPS DN (key 9) (key 5 / 64) (key 25) (key 27) Wrench

Ft-lbs N•m Ft-lbs N•m Ft-lbs N•m Ft-lbs N•m mm mm

1 25 51.6 70 14.7 20 8.11 11 4.42 6.0 18 4, 5, 8

2 50 73.6 100 22.1 30 36.9 50 5.16 7.0 24 5, 8, 10

3 80 258 350 59.0 80 66.4 90 5.16 7.0 34 5, 10, 14

4 100 295 400 73.8 100 66.4 90 11.8 16 41 6, 14

6 150 295 400 51.6 70 147 199 20.0 27 41 8, 17

8 200 295 400 51.6 70 147 199 14.7 20 41 6, 17

10 250 435 590 111 150 148 200 14.7 20 45 6, 17, 19

Type FL
Installation trim before welding and make sure to use
approved welding practices. Use approved piping
! Warning procedures when installing the regulator.
4. The optimal location of the sense and bleed lines
Personal injury or equipment damage, is between the Type FL and the Downstream block
due to bursting of pressure-containing valve. The tap location should be in a straight
parts may result if this regulator is section of pipe that is 8 to 10 pipe diameters
overpressured or is installed where downstream of the outlet flange. These guidelines
service conditions could exceed the are not mandatory but have been used to improve
limits given in the Specification section stability at low flow conditions in some systems.
and on the appropriate nameplate, or
where conditions exceed any rating of the
adjacent piping or piping connections.
To avoid such injury or damage, provide
To prevent damage to the pilot during
pressure-relieving or pressure-limiting
Startup, the sense and bleed lines
devices to prevent service conditions
should be located on the same side of
from exceeding those limits. Also, be
the downstream block valve.
sure the installation is in compliance with
all applicable codes and regulations. 5. Connect inlet supply pressure to the Type SA/2
1/4 NPT inlet, Port M.
Additionally, physical damage to the
regulator could break the pilot off the

North America Only

main valve, causing personal injury ! Warning
and property damage due to bursting
of pressure-containing parts. To avoid A regulator may vent some gas to the
such injury and damage, install the atmosphere. In hazardous or flammable
regulator in a safe location. gas service, vented gas may accumulate,
causing personal injury, death or
All Installations property damage due to bursting of
pressure-retaining parts. Vent a regulator
A Type FL regulator bleeds no gas to atmosphere in hazardous gas service to a remote,
during normal operation, thus making the regulator safe location away from air intakes or
suitable for installation in pits and other enclosed any hazardous location. The vent line or
locations without elaborate venting systems. This stack opening must be protected against
regulator also can be installed in pits subject to condensation or clogging.
flooding by venting the pilot spring case above the
expected flood level so that the pilot setting can be 6. PRX Series pilots have a 1/4 NPT vent connection
referenced to atmospheric pressure. in the spring case. To remotely vent gas from
the spring case, remove the screened vent and
1. Only personnel qualified through training and connect 1/4 in. / 6.4 mm piping or tubing to the
experience should install, operate and maintain a spring case connection. The piping or tubing
regulator. Before installation, make sure that there should vent to a safe location, have as few elbows
is no damage to, or debris in the regulator. Also, as possible and have a screened vent on its
make sure that all tubing and piping are clean exhaust. Install the regulator and any remote vent
and unobstructed. piping or tubing so that the vent is protected from
2. Install the regulator so that the flow arrow on the condensation, freezing or substances that may
main valve matches the flow direction of process clog it.
fluid through the regulator.
3. Apply pipe compound to the external pipeline caution
threads before installing a regulator with threaded
NPT end connections. Use gaskets between To avoid freeze-up because of pressure
pipeline and regulator flanges when installing a drop and moisture in the gas, use anti-
regulator with flanged end connections. When freeze practices, such as heating the
installing butt weld end connections, remove supply gas or adding a de-icing agent to
the supply gas.

Type FL
7. The PRX Series pilot connections are 1/4 NPT. Working Monitor Regulator
Connect a downstream control (sense) line to a
straight run of pipe 6 to 10 pipe diameters from the 1. Follow the procedure in the All Installations
regulator outlet as shown in Figure 3, using section, and then continue with step 2 of
3/8 in. / 9.5 mm or larger outside diameter tubing. this section. The sense line of the upstream
If such a distance is not practical, connect the monitor pilot and the bleed and sense lines of
control line away from elbows, swages, nipples the downstream pilot will be connected to the
or any area where abnormal flow velocities occur. downstream piping (see Figure 3).
Connect the other end of the control line to the “A” 2. Connect an inlet supply line from the upstream
port on the bottom of the PRX Series pilot. piping to the inlet “M” port of the downstream
Type SA/2 pilot supply filter regulator.
caution 3. Connect a control (sense) line from the “A” port
of the upstream working PRX Series pilot to the
To prevent damage to the pilot during intermediate pressure portion of piping, using
startup, the sense and bleed lines 3/8 in. / 9.5 mm or larger outside diameter tubing.
should be located on the same side of 4. Connect a downstream bleed line from the “S” port
the downstream block valve. of the upstream working PRX Series pilot to the
8. The PRX Series pilot connections are 1/4 NPT. intermediate pressure portion of piping, using
Connect a downstream bleed line from the “S” port 3/8 in. / 9.5 mm or larger outside diameter tubing.
on the PRX Series pilot to a straight run of pipe 6
to 10 pipe diameters from the regulator outlet as Startup and Adjustment

North America Only

shown in Figure 3, using 3/8 in. / 9.5 mm or larger
outside diameter tubing.
Pre-startup Considerations
9. Install hand valves in the downstream sense and
bleed lines if desired. If hand valves are installed, Each regulator is factory-set for the outlet pressure
they should be full flow valves, such as a full port specified on the order. If no setting was specified,
ball valve. outlet pressure was factory-set at the mid-range of
10. For optional remote pneumatic loading of a the pilot control spring. Before beginning the startup
PRX Series pilot, make the spring case piping procedure in this section, make sure the following
connections just as they would be made for conditions are in effect:
remote venting. • Block valves isolate the regulator
11. If extra support is needed for the Type FL regulator • Vent valves are closed
due to its weight, then support the regulator using • A bypass, if any, is in operation
a Y-style support underneath the inlet body cover
(key 11) and the outlet body cover (key 13). In all cases, check the control spring setting to make
sure it is correct for the application.
Wide-Open Monitor Regulator
1. Follow the procedures in the All Installations section,
and then continue with step 2 of this section. The
Be sure to slowly introduce pressure
sense and bleed control lines of both the upstream
into the system to prevent downstream
and downstream pilots will be connected to the
overpressure due to potential rapid
downstream piping (see Figure 3).
pressure increase. Pressure gauges
2. Connect the pilot supply line for the downstream should always be used to monitor
regulator to the outlet “R” port of the Type SA/2 downstream pressure during startup.
pilot supply filter regulator (both upstream and Procedures used in putting this
downstream pilots are connected to a single regulator into operation must be planned
Type SA/2). accordingly if the downstream system is
pressurized by another regulator or by a
manual bypass.

Type FL
Note upstream monitor pilot to its desired setpoint. Establish
final desired downstream pressure by adjusting the
When using a Type SA/2 pilot supply filter downstream working regulator pilot.
regulator, the differential pressure across
the regulator must be at least 45 psid / For a wide-open upstream monitor installation
3.1 bar d for optimum regulator with a Type PRX/131 pilot (Figure 3), turn the
performance. The Type SA/2 can be adjusting screw on the Type PRX/131 all the
removed if differential pressure across the way into the spring case. Adjust the downstream
regulator is less than 45 psid / 3.1 bar d Type PRX/120 working pilot to a setpoint higher than
and inlet pressure stays at or below the upstream Type PRX/120 monitor pilot. Set the
200 psig / 13.8 bar. Type PRX/120 monitor pilot to the desired setpoint of
the Type PRX/131 pilot, which should be 5 to 10 psi /
0.34 to 0.69 bar above the monitor pilot setpoint. Open
Startup the “B” port of the Type PRX/131 in order to be able to
1. Make sure all block valves, vent valves and hear when gas starts flowing from the port. Turn the
control line valve(s) are closed. Type PRX/131 adjusting screw out of the spring case
until you hear audible flow, then replace the plug in
2. Back out the pilot adjusting screw(s). the “B” port. Reduce the Type PRX/120 monitor pilot
3. Slowly open the valves in the following order: to the desired monitor takeover pressure. Reduce the
a. Pilot supply and control line valve(s), if used downstream Type PRX/120 working pilot to the normal
outlet pressure setting.
b. Inlet block valves
6. After adjusting the PRX Series pilot(s) to the
4. Crack open the outlet block valve or bypass valve

North America Only

desired pressure setting(s), slowly open the
to allow minimum flow.
downstream block valve wide open.
5. For a single regulator, set the pilot to the desired
7. Close the bypass valve, if used.
outlet (control) pressure according to the Pilot
Adjustment procedure.
Pilot Adjustment
For a single regulator with a Type PRX/131 pilot,
adjust the Type PRX/120 pilot to a setpoint higher than For PRX Series pilot (Figure 10), loosen locknut
the desired takeover pressure of the Type PRX/131. (key 2) and turn the adjusting screw into the spring
Adjust the Type PRX/131 to the desired takeover case to increase (or out of the spring case to
pressure. Then adjust the Type PRX/120 pilot to the decrease) the downstream pressure. When the
desired outlet (control) pressure according to the required downstream pressure is maintained for
Pilot Adjustment procedure. several minutes, tighten the locknut to lock the
adjusting screw in position.
For a wide-open downstream monitor installation,
adjust the upstream working pilot until intermediate
pressure is higher than the desired setpoint of the PRX Series Pilot Restrictor and Damper
monitor pilot. Adjust the downstream monitoring pilot to Screw Adjustment
the desired monitoring takeover pressure. Reduce the
upstream pilot to the normal outlet pressure setting. Note

For a wide-open upstream monitor installation, Recommended initial setting of the

adjust the downstream working pilot to a setpoint restrictor screw is turned completely in
higher than the setpoint of the monitor pilot. Adjust the (clockwise) and then turned out 1/2 turn.
upstream monitoring pilot to the desired monitoring The damper screw initial setting is turned
takeover pressure. Reduce the downstream pilot to the completely out (counterclockwise).
normal outlet pressure setting.
For a working monitor installation, adjust the
setpoint of the upstream monitor pilot to the desired The Type PRX/125 (upstream monitor
maximum pressure. Adjust the upstream working pilot pilot in working monitor installations)
to the desired intermediate pressure setting. Adjust the does not have a restrictor screw.
downstream pilot to a pressure setting slightly above
The Restrictor and Damper screws on the PRX Series
the upstream monitor pilot pressure setting. Adjust the
pilot control the regulator’s proportional band (droop)

Type FL
and speed of response. For additional tuning follow the system, and release all pressure from the
steps outlined below: pilot and main valve before performing
maintenance operations.
1. Start with the restrictor screw 1 turn
counterclockwise from fully seated (turn restrictor To prevent personal injury or damage
fully clockwise then 1 turn counterclockwise) and to the equipment during storage,
the damper screw fully counterclockwise. installation or maintenance operations,
2. Turn damper screw clockwise until desired proper supports shall be used to keep
performance is achieved. This reduces the flow path the Type FL Regulator from rolling while
of the damper. If the damper becomes fully seated it is sitting on a flat surface.
(no longer able to turn clockwise) and the desired
performance has not been achieved, return the Main Valve (Refer to Figure 4)
damper screw to the fully counterclockwise position.
3. Turn the restrictor screw an additional turn Main Valve Pad/Disk Replacement
counterclockwise from fully seated. This increases 1. Disconnect the control lines from the regulator.
the flow path of the restrictor. If additional tuning Pressurize the loading chamber in the regulator
is required, repeat step 2. Follow this method until with 15 psig / 1.0 bar. This will force the spring
desired performance is achieved. back and make it easier to work on the regulator.
2. Remove outlet flange (key 22) by removing socket
Shutdown head cap screws (key 5).
3. Remove pad/disk holder assembly and O-ring

North America Only

(key 18). For NPS 8 and 10 / DN 200 and 250,
the pad/disk holder remains attached to the outlet
If the pilot bleed control line pressure is
flange and no dismounting is necessary.
shut down first, the downstream system
may be subjected to full inlet pressure. 4. Remove pad/disk (key 20) from pad/disk holder
(key 19) by removing cap screw (key 25) and pad/
1. If the pilot setting must be disturbed, be sure to disk retainer (key 21), replace pad/disk if necessary.
keep some tension on the spring. This will prevent
trapping inlet pressure during blow down. 5. Reinstall the pad.

2. Slowly close the valves in the following order: 6. Reassemble in reverse order. Refer to Table 2 for
torque values. Tighten all bolts using a star pattern
   a. Inlet block valve and repeat 2 to 3 times to ensure proper torque.
   b. Outlet block valve 7. Then bleed off the pressure from the
   c. Control line valve(s), if used. loading chamber.
3. Open the vent valves to depressurize the system. 8. Reconnect all of the control lines.

Main Valve Diaphragm Maintenance

1. Place main valve with inlet side up.
The regulator parts are subject to normal wear
and must be inspected periodically and replaced 2. Remove the travel indicator assembly by removing
as necessary. The frequency of inspection and the indicator cover (key 40) and O-ring (key 35).
replacement depends on the severity of service Please see the Travel Indicator Maintenance section
conditions and on applicable federal, state and local on page 12 for the complete maintenance procedure.
codes and regulations. 3. Remove inlet flange (key 1) by removing socket
head cap screws (key 5). Due to force created by the
! Warning spring (key 6), take care when removing inlet flange.
4. Lift out spring (key 6). Remove hex head cap
To avoid personal injury or property screws, washers and nuts (keys 9, 14 and 15).
damage from sudden release of pressure, Lift off the inlet cover (key 11).
isolate the regulator from the pressure

Type FL

38 38
40 40
top view top view

34 34

38 38

36 36
L1 37A
L1 37B

35 L1
35 L1

33 S1
33 S1

North America Only

Legacy travel indicator detail IMPROVED travel indicator detail




1. Lubricant and sealant must be selected such that they meet the temperature requirements.

Figure 5. Type FL Travel Indicator Assembly

5. Remove diaphragm assembly by removing screws the parts list. Figure 5 shows the difference between the
(key 27) to separate the outlet and the inlet plates designs. The spare parts kits will support either design.
(keys 12 and 8). Check diaphragm (key 10) and Take care to use the correct O-ring (key 37A or 37B)
O-rings (keys 26 and 28) for damage and replace when performing maintenance, see parts list for the
if necessary. Check sleeve (key 16) seating appropriate part number.
surface for damage. Check O-rings (keys 3 and 4)
and anti-friction rings (key 2), replace if necessary. 1. Remove plastic travel indicator cover (key 40).

6. Reassemble in reverse order. Refer to Table 2 for 2. Loosen travel indicator bushing (key 38) and
torque values. Tighten all bolts using a star pattern remove it by sliding it over the travel indicator stem
and repeat 2 to 3 times to ensure proper torque. (key 34).
3. Remove indicator fitting (key 36) and inspect o-ring
(key 35). Remove O-ring (key 37B) and back-
Type FL Travel Indicator Maintenance
up rings (key 66). Replace and lubricate o-ring
A new and improved version of the travel indicator has if damaged. Pull up on the travel indicator stem
been phased in during 2013. The new version improves (key 34) to force the spring collet (key 33) out of the
the O-ring stem seal to minimize leakage and extend diaphragm head groove. Examine these parts and
service life. The components of the legacy and new the stem for wear and replace if necessary.
versions are not interchangeable. If maintenance is 4. Insert the travel indicator stem (key 34) and
performed on the travel indicator, it is recommended to spring collet (key 33) back into the diaphragm
replace the entire travel indicator assembly with the new head groove. Replace the indicator fitting
version. Part numbers for the assemblies are shown in (key 36) and O-ring (key 35) and tighten with a
reference torque of 3.7 ft-lbs / 5.0 N•m.
Type FL
5. Lubricate the O-ring (key 37B) and back-up rings 9. Place the washer (key 11) and stem nut (key 20)
(key 66, 2 required). Place one back-up ring on on the stem (key 23) and tighten. If also performing
the stem (key 34) followed by the O-ring and then Upper Case Maintenance, skip to step 2 of the
the other back-up ring. Push into groove of the Upper Case Maintenance section.
indicator fitting (key 36). 10. Insert machine screws (key 10) in the lower
6. Slide the travel indicator bushing (key 38) over cover (key 21) and tighten uniformly to ensure
the travel indicator stem (key 34) and tighten proper seal.
firmly in place.
7. Replace the travel indicator cover (key 40) and Upper Case Maintenance
tighten firmly in place. 1. Remove pressure from the pilot.
2. Loosen locknut (key 2) and back out adjusting
PRX Series Pilot Maintenance screw (key 1) until compression is removed from
the spring. Remove cap (key 3).
caution 3. Lift the upper spring seat (key 6), spring (key 7)
and O-ring (key 4) out of the upper cover (key 8).
Always remove spring (key 7) tension Inspect O-ring and replace if necessary.
before performing maintenance on this 4. Remove machine screws (key 10) from lower
unit. To remove spring tension, loosen cover (key 21) and the separate lower cover from
locknut (key 2) and back out adjusting the body (key 16), unless removed during lower
screw (key 1) until compression is diaphragm maintenance. Use a wrench to hold

North America Only

removed from the spring. stem (key 23) securely while removing the stem
nut (key 26).
5. Remove remaining loose components: washer,
Apply an anti-seize compound to the upper diaphragm plate, diaphragm, lower
adjusting screw threads and other areas diaphragm plate and O-rings (keys 11, 13, 14, 15,
as needed. 18 and 25). Inspect diaphragm and O-rings for
damage or wear, and replace if necessary.
Lower Case Maintenance 6. Lightly lubricate the O-ring (key 25). Place O-ring
1. Remove pressure from the pilot. over the stem (key 23) and press it down into the
body (key 16).
2. Remove screws (key 10) from lower cover (key 21)
and the separate lower cover from the body (key 16). 7. Set the lower diaphragm plate (key 15) into the
body (key 16).
3. Use a wrench to hold the stem (key 23) and break
loose the stem nut (key 20). Remove the stem nut 8. Lightly lubricate the rims of the diaphragm (key 14)
and washer (key 11). and place it in the body (key 16) on top of the lower
diaphragm plate (key 15).
4. Remove the upper diaphragm plate (key 13),
diaphragm (key 14), pad holder (key 22) and 9. Set the upper diaphragm plate (key 13) on top of
O-ring (key 18). Inspect the parts for damage or the diaphragm (key 14).
wear, and replace if necessary. 10. Place washer (key 11) and stem nut (key 26) on
5. Remove orifice (key 19) and O-ring (key 17). the stem (key 23) and tighten using a wrench to
Inspect the parts for damage or wear, and replace hold the stem.
if necessary. Lightly lubricate the O-ring and place 11. Place the lower spring seat (key 9) on the upper
in the body (key 16). Install the orifice. diaphragm nut (key 26) and mount the upper
6. Set the pad holder (key 22) in the body (key 16). cover (key 8) on top of the body (key 24) and the
diaphragm (key 14).
7. Lightly lubricate the rims of the diaphragm (key 14)
and place it on top of the pad holder (key 22). 12. Place and uniformly tighten the machine
Set the upper diaphragm plate (key 13) on the screws (key 10) to hold the body (key 24) and
diaphragm (key 14). upper cover (key 8) together. Position the
diaphragm convolution facing down and make
8. Lightly lubricate the O-ring (key 18) and place it in sure that the diaphragm is not deformed and is
the lower case (key 21). properly installed.

Type FL
13. Install spring (key 7) and upper spring seat (key 6) 3. Remove and inspect O-ring (key 13) for damage or
on top of the lower spring seat (key 9) inside the wear, and replace if necessary. Lightly lubricate the
upper cover (key 8). Install cap (key 3). O-ring before placing it back in the cover (key 11).
14. Screw in adjusting screw (key 1) at desired spring 4. Clean screens (key 8). Replace filter pad (key 12).
compression and use the lock nut (key 2) to lock 5. Inspect diaphragm (key 18) for damage or wear,
the adjusting screws position. Refer to and replace if necessary. Check the seating
Pilot Adjustment section (page 10) to adjust surface of the orifice in the screw unit (key 17) for
pilot settings. erosion, scratches, spurs or other damage, and
replace if necessary.
Damper and Restrictor Maintenance
6. Unscrew and remove the seat (key 5). Inspect
1. Remove screw (key 31) and plate (key 29). O-ring (key 6) for damage or wear, and replace if
2. Remove ring nuts (key 30). necessary. Lightly lubricate the O-ring and place it
on the seat (key 5).
3. Remove damper adjusting screw (key 27).
Remove and inspect O-ring (key 28) for damage 7. Pull the pad holder unit (key 15) out of the body
or wear, and replace if necessary. Lightly lubricate (key 7). Inspect the seat for damage, and replace
O-ring before placing on the adjusting screw. if necessary.
Insert damper adjusting screw into the body 8. Set the pad holder unit (key 15) on the spring
(key 16) and tighten. Insert ring nut (key 30) and (key 14) and insert the seat (key 5). Tighten the
tighten. Back out damper adjusting screw until seat (key 5) until it stops.
it stops.
9. Lightly lubricate the outer and inner rims of the

North America Only

Note diaphragm (key 18). Place the diaphragm assembly
on top of the seat (key 5). The screw unit (key 17)
When using a Type PRX/120 pilot with a
will slide into the seat (key 5). Use care to avoid
Type PRX/125 pilot as a monitor, use the
damage to parts when reassembling.
following settings:
10. Set the spring (key 1) on top of the nut (key 21).
• Restrictor - completely tighten and
then back out three full turns. 11. Align the cover (key 19) over the body (key 7)
• Damper - back out until it stops. with the sensing port (V) opposite the pilot supply
port (R).
4. Remove restrictor adjusting screw (key 32).
Remove and inspect O-ring (key 28) for damage 12. Place the filter pad (key 12) and screens
or wear, and replace if necessary. Lightly lubricate (key 8), one on each side of the filter pad, on the
O-ring before placing on the adjusting screw. inlet cover (key 11).
Insert restrictor adjusting screw into the body 13. Pick up the body (key 7) and place it on the inlet
(key 16) and completely tighten. Insert ring nut cover (key 11) with the inlet port (M) aligned
(key 30) and completely tighten. Back out restrictor vertically with the sensing port (V).
adjusting screw 1/2 turn. 14. Insert bolts (key 2). Place washers (key 9) and nuts
5. Install plate (key 29) and screw (key 31). (key 10) on the end of the bolts. Tighten the nuts.

Type SA/2 Parts Ordering

Note Each regulator is assigned a serial number, which
can be found on the nameplate. Refer to the number
The ports marked H in the top view of when contacting your local Sales Office for technical
Figure 11 are optional heating ports. information or when ordering parts.
1. Remove pressure from the Type SA/2. When ordering replacement parts, reference the key
2. Remove bolts, washers and nuts (keys 2, 9 and number of each needed part as found in the following
10) from body (key 7) and the separate upper parts list. Separate kit containing all recommended
and lower covers (keys 11 and 19) from the body spare parts is available.
(key 7). When separating the covers from the
body, be aware of loose components: (keys 1, 3,
4, 8, 12, 18, 20 and 21).

Type FL
Parts List
Type FL Main Valve (Figure 6)
Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

Start-Up Repair Kit (includes keys 4,18, 20, 46, 5 Socket Head Screw
47 and 66. Key 46 is only used for   NPS 1 / DN 25 (16 required) M5011044X12
Type SR/SRII-SRS. Not all parts are used   NPS 2 / DN 50 (16 required) M5011062X12
for all sizes.) See Table 3   NPS 3 / DN 80 (16 required) M5011086X12
Parts kit (includes keys 2, 3, 4, 10,   NPS 4 / DN 100 (16 required) M5011094X12
18, 20, 26, 28, 35, 37B, 46, 47 and 66.   NPS 6 / DN 150 (16 required) M5011115X12
Key 46 is only used for Type SR/SRII-SRS.   NPS 8 / DN 200 (24 required) M5011115X12
Not all parts are used for all sizes.) See Table 4   NPS 10 / DN 250 (24 required) ERCA04502A0
Travel Indicator Kit (includes keys 33, 34, 35, 6 Spring
36, 37B, 38, 39, 40 and 66) See Table 5   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0194590X12
Conversion Kit (includes keys 19, 20, 21, 25,   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0191440X12
48 and 67. Not all parts are used for all sizes.) See Table 6   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0192240X12
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M0194880X12
1 Inlet Flange
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M0249030X12
  CL300 RF
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M0296460X12
   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0268280X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01214A0
   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0268410X12
7 Tube Fitting -----------
   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0268520X12
8 Inlet Plate
   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0268580X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M0194440X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0298170X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M0194620X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M0298330X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M0192080X12
   NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01166A0
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M0194740X12
  CL600 RF
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M0302910X12

North America Only

   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0268260X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M0302950X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M0268430X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01164A0
   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0268540X12
9 Flange Bolt
   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0268600X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 (16 required) M5007026X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0298160X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 (16 required) M5007045X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M0296890X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 (16 required) M5007077X12
   NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01168A0
  NPS 4 / DN 100 (16 required) M5007100X12
2* Anti-Friction Ring, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
  NPS 6 / DN 150 (24 required) M5007141X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 (6 required) M0194530X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 (30 required) M5007193X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 (6 required) M0194690X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 (36 required) ERCA04503A0
  NPS 3 / DN 80 (6 required) M0192170X12
10* Diaphragm, PVC Coated Nitrile (NBR)
  NPS 4 / DN 100 (6 required) M0194830X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M0194450X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 (6 required) M0207640X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M0194630X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 (6 required) M0296300X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M0192090X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 (6 required) ERCA01177A0
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M0194750X12
3* O-ring, Fluorocarbon (FKM)
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M0238490X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 (3 required) M6020019X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M0296620X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 (3 required) M6020029X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01228A0
  NPS 3 / DN 80 (3 required) M6020036X12
11 Inlet Body Cover
  NPS 4 / DN 100 (3 required) M6020044X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M0268640X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 (3 required) M6020050X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M0268680X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 (3 required) M6020053X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M0268720X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 (3 required) ERCA04451A0
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M0268740X12
4* Body O-ring
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M0302930X12
  Nitrile (NBR)
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M0302970X12
   NPS 1 / DN 25 (2 required) M6010108X12
12 Outlet Plate
   NPS 2 / DN 50 (2 required) M6010119X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M0194480X12
   NPS 3 / DN 80 (2 required) M6010195X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M0194660X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 (2 required) M6010157X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M0192120X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M6010084X12
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M0194780X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M6010084X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M0302920X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM)
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M0302960X12
   NPS 1 / DN 25 (2 required) M6020084X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01135A0
   NPS 2 / DN 50 (2 required) M6020101X12
13 Outlet Body Cover
   NPS 3 / DN 80 (2 required) M6020128X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M0268650X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 (2 required) M6020090X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M0268690X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M6020072X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M0268730X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M6020072X12
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M0268750X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M0302940X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M0302980X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01124A0

*Recommended Spare Part

Type FL
Type FL Main Valve (Figure 6) (continued)
Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

14 Washer 20* Disk (continued)

  NPS 1 / DN 25 (16 required) M5001007X12   Fluorocarbon (FKM)
  NPS 2 / DN 50 (16 required) M5001009X12    NPS 1 / DN 25 M0276650X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 (16 required) M5001012X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 M0276670X12
  NPS 4 / DN 100 (16 required) M5001015X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 M0276690X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 (24 required) M5001015X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0276700X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 (30 required) M5001015X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M0276710X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 (36 required) ERCA00477A0    NPS 8 / DN 200 M0298670X12
15 Nut    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01209A0
  NPS 1 / DN 25 (16 required) M5002007X12   Polyurethane (PU)
  NPS 2 / DN 50 (16 required) M5002009X12   NPS 1 / DN 25 ERAA02034A0
  NPS 3 / DN 80 (16 required) M5002012X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 ERAA02050A0
  NPS 4 / DN 100 (16 required) M5002014X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 ERAA02073A0
  NPS 6 / DN 150 (24 required) M5002014X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 ERAA02078A0
  NPS 8 / DN 200 (30 required) M5002014X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 ERAA02098A0
  NPS 10 / DN 250 (36 required) ERCA04504A0    NPS 8 / DN 200 ERAA02102A0
16 Sleeve    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERAA02105A0
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M0247720X12 Disk for Type SRII only
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M0230761X12   Nitrile (NBR)
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M0230621X12    NPS 1 / DN 25 ERCA00849A1
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M0230631X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 ERCA00854A1
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M0238340X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 ERCA00856A1
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M0296700X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0304560X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01107A0    NPS 6 / DN 150 M0305120X12
17 Tube Fitting -----------    NPS 8 / DN 200 M0304580X12

North America Only

18* O-ring    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01204A0
  Nitrile (NBR)   Fluorocarbon (FKM)
   NPS 1 to 4 / DN 25 to 100 See Key 4    NPS 1 / DN 25 ERCA00849A0
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M6010083X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 ERCA00854A0
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M6010087X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 ERCA00856A0
   NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA04457A0    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0304550X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM)    NPS 6 / DN 150 M0304570X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M6020122X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 M0304370X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M6020167X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01209A0
   NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA04457A1 21 Disk Retainer
19 Disk Holder   Type FL
  Type FL    NPS 1 / DN 25 M0194520X12
   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0250720X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 M0230750X12
   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0242810X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 M0230591X12
   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0251580X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0230601X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0251640X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M0238350X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0250550X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 M0296670X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M0296660X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01114A0
   NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01119A0   Type FL-SR or FL-SR/SRS
  Type FL-SR, FL-SRII, FL-SR/SRS or FL-SRII/SRS    NPS 1 / DN 25 M0264370X12
   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0274770X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 M0264390X12
   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0274750X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 M0269090X12
   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0269210X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0264400X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0274320X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M0264410X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0274780X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 -----------
   NPS 8 / DN 200(1) M0304410X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 -----------
   NPS 10 / DN 250(1) ERCA01119A0   Type FL-SRII or FL-SRII/SRS
20* Disk    NPS 1 / DN 25 ERCA00754A0
  Nitrile (NBR)    NPS 2 / DN 50 ERCA00755A0
   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0250770X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 ERCA00756A0
   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0242820X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0304590X12
   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0251650X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M0304600X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0251600X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 M0304390X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0250560X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01114A0
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M0296690X12   For regulator with Polyurethane (PU) disk
   NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01204A0    NPS 1 / DN 25 ERAA02007A0
   NPS 2 / DN 50 ERAA02047A0
   NPS 3 / DN 80 ERAA02072A0
   NPS 4 / DN 100 ERAA02077A0
   NPS 6 / DN 150 ERAA02097A0
   NPS 8 / DN 200 ERAA02101A0
   NPS 10 / DN 250 ERAA02104A0

*Recommended Spare Part

1. N
 PS 8 and 10 / DN 200 and 250 are available only with Types SRII and SRII/SRS silencers.

Type FL
Type FL Main Valve (Figure 6) (continued)
Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

22 Outlet Flange 24 Spacer (continued)

  Type FL, FL-SR or FL-SRII only   Type FL-SR/SRS or FL-SRII/SRS(2)
   CL300 RF    CL300 RF
    NPS 1 / DN 25 M0268290X12     NPS 1 x 4 / DN 25 x 100 M0208100X12
    NPS 2 / DN 50 M0268420X12     NPS 2 x 6 / DN 50 x 150 M2007602X12
    NPS 3 / DN 80 M0268530X12     NPS 3 x 10 / DN 80 x 250 M2007606X12
    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0268590X12     NPS 4 x 10 / DN 100 x 250 M2007606X12
    NPS 6 / DN 150 M0298190X12     NPS 6 x 12 / DN 150 x 300 M0299740X12
    NPS 8 / DN 200 M0298310X12    CL600 RF
    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01138A0     NPS 1 x 4 / DN 25 x 100 M0267260X12
   CL600 RF     NPS 2 x 6 / DN 50 x 150 M2007603X12
    NPS 1 / DN 25 M0268270X12     NPS 3 x 10 / DN 80 x 250 M2007607X12
    NPS 2 / DN 50 M0268440X12     NPS 4 x 10 / DN 100 x 250 M2007607X12
    NPS 3 / DN 80 M0268550X12     NPS 6 x 12 / DN 150 x 300 M0299750X12
    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0268610X12 25 Socket Head Screw
    NPS 6 / DN 150 M0298180X12   Type FL
    NPS 8 / DN 200 M0296880X12    NPS 1 / DN 25 M5011015X12
    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01157A0    NPS 2 / DN 50 M5011044X12
  Type FL-SR/SRS or FL-SRII/SRS    NPS 3 / DN 80 M5011061X12
   CL300 RF    NPS 4 / DN 100 M5011139X12
    NPS 1 x 4 / DN 25 x 100 M2006489X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M5011103X12
    NPS 2 x 6 / DN 50 x 150 M2006493X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 M5011105X12
    NPS 3 x 10 / DN 80 x 250 M2006497X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 M5011150X12
    NPS 4 x 10 / DN 100 x 250 M2006499X12   Type FL-SR or FL-SR/SRS
    NPS 6 x 12 / DN 150 x 300 M2007260X12   NPS 1 / DN 25 M5009010X12

North America Only

    NPS 8 x 16 / DN 200 x 400 M2007622X22    NPS 2 / DN 50 M5009028X12
   CL600 RF    NPS 3 / DN 80 M5009037X12
    NPS 1 x 4 / DN 25 x 100 M2006490X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M5009080X12
    NPS 2 x 6 / DN 50 x 150 M2006494X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M5009095X12
    NPS 3 x 10 / DN 80 x 250 M2006498X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 -----------
    NPS 4 x 10 / DN 100 x 250 M2006500X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 -----------
    NPS 6 x 12 / DN 150 x 300 M2007261X12   Type FL-SRII or FL-SRII/SRS
    NPS 8 x 16 / DN 200 x 400 M2007621X22    NPS 1 / DN 25 M5009009X12
23 Gasket    NPS 2 / DN 50 M5009027X12
  Type FL, FL-SR or FL-SRII only    NPS 3 / DN 80 M5009035X12
   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0136180X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M5009047X12
   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0136210X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M5009059X12
   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0136230X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 M5011105X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0136250X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 M5011150X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0136270X12 26* O-ring
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M0136280X12   Nitrile (NBR)
   NPS 10 / DN 250 M0136290X12    NPS 1 / DN 25 M6010029X12
  Type FL-SR/SRS or FL-SRII/SRS    NPS 2 / DN 50 M6010105X12
   NPS 1 x 4 / DN 25 x 100 M0136250X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 M6010115X12
   NPS 2 x 6 / DN 50 x 150 M0136270X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M6010121X12
   NPS 3 x 10 / DN 80 x 250 M0136290X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M6010226X12
   NPS 4 x 10 / DN 100 x 250 M0136290X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 M6010140X12
   NPS 6 x 12 / DN 150 x 300 M0136300X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA04464A0
24 Spacer   Fluorocarbon (FKM)
  Type FL, FL-SR or FL-SRII only    NPS 1 / DN 25 M6020021X12
   CL300 RF    NPS 2 / DN 50 M6020095X12
    NPS 1 / DN 25 M0267180X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 M6020073X12
    NPS 2 / DN 50 M0208080X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M6020098X12
    NPS 3 / DN 80 M0208090X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M6020116X12
    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0208100X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 M6020117X12
    NPS 6 / DN 150 M2007602X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA04464A1
    NPS 8 / DN 200 M2007604X12 27 Socket Head Screw
    NPS 10 / DN 250 M2007606X12   NPS 1 / DN 25 (6 required) M5011005X12
   CL600 RF   NPS 2 / DN 50 (6 required) M5011014X12
    NPS 1 / DN 25 M0267210X12   NPS 3 / DN 80 (12 required) M5011140X12
    NPS 2 / DN 50 M0267230X12   NPS 4 / DN 100 (12 required) M5011125X12
    NPS 3 / DN 80 M0267250X12   NPS 6 / DN 150 (8 required) M5011043X12
    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0267260X12   NPS 8 / DN 200 (16 required) M5011125X12
    NPS 6 / DN 150 M2007603X12   NPS 10 / DN 250 (20 required) M5011125X12
    NPS 8 / DN 200 M2007605X12
    NPS 10 / DN 250 M2007607X12

*Recommended Spare Part

2. F
 or NPS 8 / DN 200 Type FL with Type SRS, the spacer will be installed upstream and
not downstream. Please see NPS 8 / DN 200 for Part Number.

Type FL
Type FL Main Valve (Figure 6) (continued)
Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

28* O-ring 38 Indicator Bushing ERSA02798A0

  Nitrile (NBR) 39 Indicator Scale M0201990X12
   NPS 1 / DN 25 M6010104X12 40 Indicator Cover
   NPS 2 / DN 50 M6010116X12   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0194580X12
   NPS 3 / DN 80 M6010126X12   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0194710X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 M6010132X12   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0192220X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M6010140X12   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0194870X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M6010212X12   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0210910X12
   NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA04500A0   NPS 8 / DN 200 M0210910X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM) 43 Type SR Silencer
   NPS 1 / DN 25 M6020120X12   Type FL-SR or FL-SR/SRS
   NPS 2 / DN 50 M6020096X12    NPS 1 / DN 25 M0258950X12
   NPS 3 / DN 80 M6020127X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 M0258930X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 M6020097X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 M0258390X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M6020117X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0258900X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 M6020168X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M0258990X12
   NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA04500A1    NPS 8 / DN 200 -----------
29 Nameplate -----------    NPS 10 / DN 250 -----------
30 Nameplate Sticker -----------   Type FL-SRII or FL-SRII/SRS
31 Drive Screw (4 required)    NPS 1 / DN 25 ERCA00859A0
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M4500027X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 ERCA00862A0
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M4500027X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 ERCA00865A0
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M4500027X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 ERCA00868A0
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M4500027X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 M0304830X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M4500027X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 M0305110X12

North America Only

  NPS 8 / DN 200 M4500027X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01140A0
  NPS 10 / DN 250 M4500027X12 46* O-ring
32 Flow Arrow -----------   Type FL-SR, FL-SRII, FL-SR/SRS,
33 Spring Collet    or FL-SRII/SRS, Nitrile (NBR)
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M0192180X12     NPS 1 / DN 25 M6010014X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M0192180X12     NPS 2 / DN 50 M6010026X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M0192180X12     NPS 3 / DN 80 M6010193X12
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M0192180X12     NPS 4 / DN 100 M6010108X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M0192180X12     NPS 6 / DN 150 M6010052X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M0296750X12   Type FL-SR, FL-SRII, FL-SR/SRS,
34 Indicator Stem    or FL-SRII/SRS, Fluorocarbon (FKM)
  NPS 1 / DN 25 ERSA01798A0     NPS 1 / DN 25 M6020007X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 ERSA01788A0     NPS 2 / DN 50 M6020019X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 ERSA01804A0     NPS 3 / DN 80 M6020131X12
  NPS 4 / DN 100 ERSA01796A0     NPS 4 / DN 100 M6020084X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 ERSA01805A0     NPS 6 / DN 150 M6020041X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 ERSA01797A0 47* O-ring
35* O-ring   Nitrile (NBR)
  Nitrile (NBR)    NPS 1 / DN 25 -----------
   NPS 1 to 4 / DN 25 to 100 M6010010X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 -----------
   NPS 6 and 8 / DN 150 and 200 M6010012X12    NPS 3 / DN 80 M6010102X12
   NPS 10 / DN 250 M6010174X12    NPS 4 / DN 100 M6010113X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM)    NPS 6 / DN 150 M6010123X12
   NPS 1 to 4 / DN 25 to 100 M6020004X12    NPS 8 / DN 200 M6010136X12
   NPS 6 and 8 / DN 150 and 200 M6020005X12    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA04501A0
36 Indicator Fitting   Fluorocarbon (FKM)
  NPS 1 / DN 25 ERSA01820A0    NPS 1 / DN 25 -----------
  NPS 2 / DN 50 ERSA01820A0    NPS 2 / DN 50 -----------
  NPS 3 / DN 80 ERSA01822A0    NPS 3 / DN 80 M6020082X12
  NPS 4 / DN 100 ERSA01822A0    NPS 4 / DN 100 M6020124X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 ERSA02569A0    NPS 6 / DN 150 M6020123X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 ERSA01823A0    NPS 8 / DN 200 M6020166X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA01198A0    NPS 10 / DN 250 ERCA04501A1
37A* O-ring 48 Washer
  Fluorocarbon (FKM) M6020066X12 Type FL-SR, FL-SRII, FL-SR/SRS or FL-SRII/SRS
  Nitrile (NBR) M6010001X12    NPS 1 / DN 25 M5055001X12
37B* O-ring    NPS 2 / DN 50 M5055003X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM) 1H2926X0022    NPS 3 / DN 80 M5055004X12
  Nitrile (NBR) 1H2926X0032    NPS 4 / DN 100 M5055005X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M5055006X12

*Recommended Spare Part

Type FL
Type FL Main Valve (Figure 6) (continued)
Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

59 Eyebolt 204 Spring Pin

  NPS 6 / DN 150 (2 required) M5040008X12   NPS 1 / DN 25 (2 required) M4501106X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 (2 required) M5040007X12   NPS 2 / DN 50 (2 required) M4501106X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 (2 required) ERCA00481A0   NPS 3 / DN 80 (2 required) M4501106X12
61 Pin (NPS 6 / DN 150 only) (8 required) M0249050X12   NPS 4 / DN 100 M4501106X12
62 Screw   NPS 6 / DN 150 -----------
  NPS 8 / DN 200 only (6 required) M5007160X12 205 Ring
  NPS 10 / DN 250 (6 required) ERCA04505A0   CL300 RF
63 Washer    NPS 1 / DN 25 M0272890X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 only (6 required) M5077001X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 M0273000X12
  NPS 10 / DN 250 (6 required) ERCA00478A0    NPS 3 / DN 80 M0273330X12
64 Socket Head Screw    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0273330X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 (16 required) M5011150X12    NPS 6 / DN 150 -----------
  NPS 8 / DN 200 (20 required) M5011117X12   CL600 RF
65 Spring Pin    NPS 1 / DN 25 M0272900X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 and NPS 10 / DN 250 M4501106X12    NPS 2 / DN 50 M0273010X12
66* Back-up Rings (2 required) 1N659106242    NPS 3 / DN 80 M0273340X12
67 Disk Support (2 required)    NPS 4 / DN 100 M0273340X12
   NPS 1 / DN 25 ERAA02042A0    NPS 6 / DN 150 -----------
   NPS 2 / DN 50 ERAA02067A0 206 Nut (3 required)
   NPS 3 / DN 80 ERAA02074A0   NPS 1 / DN 25 M5006014X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 ERAA02080A0   NPS 2 / DN 50 M5006002X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 ERAA02100A0   NPS 3 / DN 80 M5006003X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 ERAA02103A0   NPS 4 / DN 100 M5006003X12
   NPS 10 / DN 250 ERAA02106A0   NPS 6 / DN 150 M5006003X12

North America Only

206 Spacer
  NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA00809A0
Type SRS Main Valve (Figure 8) 207 Attenuator Plate
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M0272910X12
Key Description Part Number   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0273130X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M0273350X12
200 Body   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0273480X12
  CL300 RF   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0273570X12
   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0272850X12   NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA00805A0
   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0273070X12 208 Attenuator Plate
   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0273290X12   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0272920X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0273420X12   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0273140X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0298210X12   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0273360X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA01012A0   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0273490X12
  CL600 RF   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0273580X12
   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0272860X12   NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA00804A0
   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0273080X12 209 Spacer
   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0273300X12   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0272930X12
   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0273430X12   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0273150X12
   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0298240X12   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0273370X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA00802A0   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0273500X12
201 Retainer   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0273590X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M0272870X12 209 Stud Bolt
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M0273090X12   NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA00811A0
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M0273310X12 210 Spring Cage
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M0273440X12   NPS 1 / DN 25 M0272940X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M0273550X12   NPS 2 / DN 50 M0273160X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA00803A0   NPS 3 / DN 80 M0273380X12
202 Stud   NPS 4 / DN 100 M0273510X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M5002004X12   NPS 6 / DN 150 M0273600X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M5002006X12 210 Spacer
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M5002007X12   NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA00807A0
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M5002007X12 211 Spring
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M5002007X12   NPS 1 / DN 25 (50 required) M0273680X12
202 Nut   NPS 2 / DN 50 (50 required) M0273680X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M5085005X12   NPS 3 / DN 80 (600 required) M0273680X12
203 Attenuator Plate   NPS 4 / DN 100 (3250 required) M0273680X12
  NPS 1 / DN 25 M0272880X12   NPS 6 / DN 150 (3250 required) M0273680X12
  NPS 2 / DN 50 M0273100X12   NPS 8 / DN 200 (3250 required) M0273680X12
  NPS 3 / DN 80 M0290400X12
  NPS 4 / DN 100 M0282670X12
  NPS 6 / DN 150 M0286300X12

*Recommended Spare Part

Type FL
Type SRS Main Valve (Figure 8) (continued)
Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

213 Attenuator Plate 23 Stem M0253430X12

  CL300 RF 24 Nameplate M0268080X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA01000A0 25* Stem O-ring
  CL600 RF   Nitrile (NBR) M6010223X12
   NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA00806A0   Fluorocarbon (FKM) M6020133X12
215 O-ring 26 Upper Diaphragm Nut M5028005X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M6020192X12 27 Damper Adjusting Screw with Hole M0253480X12
216 Spacer 28* Restrictor/Damper O-ring M6020054X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA00808A0 29 Damper/Restrictor Plate
217 Spacer   Types PRX/120 and PRX/120-AP M0254400X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 ERCA00810A0   Types PRX/125 and PRX/125-AP M0257930X12
218 O-ring 30 Ring Nut M0253490X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M6020193X12 31 Nameplate Screw M5061001X12
219 Screw 32 Restrictor Adjusting Screw with Hole M0253480X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M5011045X12 33 Plug (Types PRX/125 and PRX/125-AP only) M0257920X12
220 Washer 34 Plug (Types PRX/125 and PRX/125-AP only) M4500328X12
  NPS 8 / DN 200 M5055005X12 35 Spring Barrel Extension for AP M0274100X12

PRX Series Pilot (Figure 10) Mounting Parts (Figure 9)

Key Description Part Number
Standard Configurations for Single Pilot
Parts Kits
Elastomer Parts Kits (includes keys 4, 5, 14, Key Description Part Number
17, 18, 25 and 28)

North America Only

  Types PRX/120 and PRX/125 50 Mounting Bracket -----------
   Nitrile (NBR) RPRX00X0N12 51 Lifting Bracket -----------
   Fluorocarbon (FKM) RPRX00X0F12 52 Pipe Nipple (4 required) -----------
  Types PRX/120-AP and PRX/125-AP 53 Tube Elbow (2 required) -----------
   Nitrile (NBR) RPRX00X0N12 54 Tube Connector (4 required) -----------
   Fluorocarbon (FKM) RPRX00X0F12 55 Pipe Cross -----------
1 Adjusting Screw M0253340X12 56 Tubing -----------
2 Locknut M5036008X12 57 45° Pipe Elbow (2 required) -----------
3 Cap M0253350X12
4* Upper Cover O-ring
  Nitrile (NBR) M6010178X12 Type SA/2 Pilot Supply Filter Regulator
  Fluorocarbon (FKM) M6020112X12
5* O-ring (Figure 11)
  Nitrile (NBR) M6010005X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM) M6020001X12 Key Description Part Number
6 Upper Spring Seat M0253360X12
Parts Kits
7 Spring See Table 1
Elastomer Parts Kits
8 Upper Cover M0298540X12
(includes keys 6, 12, 13, 15 and 18)
9 Lower Spring Seat M0253380X12
  Nitrile (NBR) GD89995X012
10 Machine Screw M5011018X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM) GD89995X022
11 Washer M5055001X12
1 Spring M0192560X12
12 Filter M4500367X12
2 Socket Head Cap Screw M5058003X12
13 Upper Diaphragm Plate M0253390X12
3 Washer M0248490X12
14* Diaphragm
4 Plate M0174470X12
  Nitrile (NBR) GG05785X012
5 Regulator Seat M0200830X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM) GG05785X022
6* O-ring M6010013X12
15 Lower Diaphragm Plate M0253410X12
7 Body M0297920X12
16 Body M0253310X12
8 Filter Net M0102200X12
17* Orifice O-ring
9 Washer M5057002X12
  Nitrile (NBR) M6010003X12
10 Nut M5060005X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM) M6020126X12
11 Filter Cover M0174411X12
18* Lower Cover O-ring
12* Felt M0102210X12
  Nitrile (NBR) M6010098X12
13* O-ring M6010095X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM) M6020132X12
14 Spring M0105970X12
19 Orifice M0253440X12
15* Pad Holder Unit M0233370X12
20 Nut M5002004X12
16 Nameplate M0300470X12
21 Lower Cover M0298600X12
17 Screw Unit M0200790X12
22* Pad Holder
18* Diaphragm M0174460X12
  Polyurethane (PU) M0253400X12
19 Regulator Cover M0239890X12
  Fluorocarbon (FKM) M0279950X12
20 Spring Washer M5001003X12
21 Nut M5006012X12

*Recommended Spare Part

Type FL
Table 3. Type FL Start-Up Repair Kit Part Numbers

DESCRIPTION DISK MATERIAL NPS 1 / DN 25 NPS 2 / DN 50 NPS 3 / DN 80 NPS 4 / DN 100 NPS 6 / DN 150 NPS 8 / DN 200 NPS 10 / DN 250

Nitrile (NBR) M2600750X12 M2600754X12 M2600758X12 M2600762X12 M2600766X12 M2600948X12 ERCA00598A0

Type FL or FL-SR
Fluorocarbon (FKM) M2600751X12 M2600755X12 M2600759X12 M2600763X12 M2600767X12 M2600988X12 ERCA00571A0

Nitrile (NBR) M2601115X12 M2601118X12 M2601121X12 M2601124X12 M2601127X12 M2601130X12 ERCA00598A0

Type FL-SRII or
Fluorocarbon (FKM) M2601114X12 M2601117X12 M2601120X12 M2601097X12 M2601098X12 M2601099X12 ERCA00571A0

Type FL or FL-SR
or FL-SR/SRS or
Polyurethane (PU) rfl1xnfpu12 rfl2xnfpu12 rfl3xnfpu12 rfl4xnfpu12 rfl6xnfpu12 rfl8xnfpu12 -----------

Table 4. Type FL Parts Kit Part Numbers

DESCRIPTION DISK MATERIAL NPS 1 / DN 25 NPS 2 / DN 50 NPS 3 / DN 80 NPS 4 / DN 100 NPS 6 / DN 150 NPS 8 / DN 200 NPS 10 / DN 250

Nitrile (NBR) M2200750X12 M2200754X12 M2200758X12 M2200762X12 M2200766X12 M2200948X12 ERCA00558A0

Type FL or FL-SR

North America Only

Fluorocarbon (FKM) M2200751X12 M2200755X12 M2200759X12 M2200763X12 M2200767X12 M2200988X12 ERCA00525A0

Nitrile (NBR) M2201115X12 M2201118X12 M2201121X12 M2201124X12 M2201127X12 M2201130X12 ERCA00558A0

Type FL-SRII or
Fluorocarbon (FKM) M2201114X12 M2201117X12 M2201120X12 M2201097X12 M2201098X12 M2201099X12 ERCA00525A0

Type FL or FL-SRII rfl8xnfpu22

Polyurethane (PU) rfl1xnfpu22 rfl2xnfpu22 rfl3xnfpu22 rfl4xnfpu22 rfl6xnfpu22 -----------
Type FL-SRII/SRS rfl8xnfpu32

Table 5. Type FL Travel Indicator Assemblies Part Numbers

NPS 4 / NPS 6 / NPS 8 /

DESCRIPTION MATERIAL NPS 1 / DN 25 NPS 2 / DN 50 NPS 3 / DN 80 NPS 10 / DN 250
DN 100 DN 150 DN 200

Travel Indicator Fluorocarbon (FKM) ERSA01557A0 ERSA01558A0 ERSA01559A0 ERSA01561A0 ERSA01569A0 ERSA01572A0 ERCA00489A0

Plug: M0305570X12 Plug: ERCA04404A0

Plug Only ---- M2007253X12
O-ring: M6020004X12 O-ring: ERCA00488A0

Table 6. Polyurethane (PU) Seat Conversion Kit Part Numbers

DESCRIPTION NPS 1 / DN 25 NPS 2 / DN 50 NPS 3 / DN 80 NPS 4 / DN 100 NPS 6 / DN 150 NPS 8 / DN 200

No Silencer RFL1PUX0012 RFL2PUX0012 RFL3PUX0012 RFL4PUX0012 RFL6PUX0012 RFL8PUX0012

With Silencer RFL1PUX0022 RFL2PUX0022 RFL3PUX0022 RFL4PUX0022 RFL6PUX0022 RFL8PUX0022

Type FL
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
5 2 3
4 2 22 23 24
2 3 2
2 5 18





North America Only


36 66 37B 35 33 32 31 30 29

NPS 1 to 4 / DN 25 to 100

8 10 11 12 13 14 15
4 64 17
6 7
2 2
3 5 22 23 24

2 20 19
1 21

61 26




36 32 31 30 29
66 37B 35 31

NPS 6 / DN 150

Figure 6. Type FL Main Valve Assembly

Type FL

4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 18 2 3 5 2


3 24

North America Only





40 34 38 36 66 37B 35 33 31 32 31 30 29


NPS 8 / dn 200

Figure 6. Type FL Main Valve Assembly (continued)

Type FL

9 31 32 29 30 31 13 14 15



59 59

34 10

40 22

3 23 24
1 18

27 3

2 6 16 8 26 12 2

North America Only


7 17

NPS 10 / dn 250

Figure 6. Type FL Main Valve Assembly (continued)

Type FL
62 27 62 62 62
20 63 19 19 20
63 28 63
47 20 47
19 12 20
19 19
21 19 19 43 21
21 21
20 25 20 21 20 25
20 25
31 32 30 29
21 21 25 21 21
48 48
43 43
25 25 46
25 47 25

47 47 47

nps 1 and 2 / DN 25 and 50 nps 3, 4 and 6 / nps 8 / dn 200 nps 10 / dn 250

WITHOUT SILENCER DN 80, 100 and 150 WITHout silencer without silencer

19 19 19
20 20 19
20 43
43 21 20
43 21 43

North America Only

21 43
25 25 21
25 48 25
48 48
47 46 46

nps 1 and 2 / DN 25 and 50 nps 3, 4 and 6 / DN 80, 100 and 150 nps 1 and 2 / DN 25 and 50 nps 3 / DN 80
with Type SR with Type SR with Type SRii with Type SRII

62 62
20 63 20 63
19 63
43 47
20 19
21 21 19 21 19
25 20 25
48 48 43
47 47


nps 4 and 6 / DN 100 and 150 nps 8 / DN 200 nps 10 / dn 250


For Nitrile (NBR) and Fluorocarbon (FKM) Disks

Figure 6. Type FL Main Valve Assembly (continued)

Type FL


20 21


ersa03388 ersa03393

nps 1 and 2 / dn 25 and 50
without silencer

nps 3 to 6 / dn 80 to 150
20 without silencer

47 62

North America Only





NPS 8 to 10 / DN 200 to 250
43 47
without silencer


20 25

21 48

20 67


nps 1 and 2 / dn 25 and 50 nps 3 to 6 / dn 80 to 150

with Type sr with Type sr

Figure 7. Polyurethane (PU) Main Valve Assembly

Type FL

19 43

43 67 67



20 47


nps 1 and 2 / dn 25 and 50 nps 3 to 6 / dn 80 to 150

with Type srII with type srii

North America Only


20 63


43 19



25 25

21 48

20 67


nps 4 and 6 / dn 100 and 150

NPS 8 to 10 / DN 200 to 250
with type srii
with type srii

Figure 7. Polyurethane (PU) Main Valve Assembly (continued)


Type FL

200 201 202 203 204 205 23 24

North America Only

211 210 206 209 208 206 207 206

spacer details spacer details

for sizes smaller for NPS 6 to 12 /
than NPS 6 / dn 150 DN 150 to 300

Nps 1 to 6 / dn 25 to 150

Figure 8. Type SRS Assembly

Type FL

206 207
200 202 201 206 208



North America Only




215 210 211 216 216

Nps 8 / DN 200

Figure 8. Type SRS Assembly (continued)

Type FL




North America Only




“L” PORT 55



NPS 1 AND 2 / DN 25 and 50

Figure 9. Type FL Single Pilot Mounting Assembly

Type FL




North America Only






NPS 3 AND 4 / DN 80 and 100

Figure 9. Type FL Single Pilot Mounting Assembly (continued)

Type FL




North America Only






NPS 6 AND 8 / DN 150 AND 200

Figure 9. Type FL Single Pilot Mounting Assembly (continued)

Type FL








North America Only



NOTE: Type PRX/131 booster valve is installed as standard for NPS 10 / dn 250

NPS 10 / DN 250

Figure 9. Type FL Single Pilot Mounting Assembly (continued)

Type FL 1

26 9
11 10 13
18 11 18
25 12 14
A 13 A B

North America Only

24 14 22
11 10
23 15 19
18 11
22 25 16 17
21 17 16
11 A 14 A 18
24 14
10 20 11 13 19 18 13 14 15
23 15
Type PRX/131 or PRX/131-AP assembly
22 16

S21 17 S
11 14

10 20 11 1328 19 18
33 B
Type PRX/120 or PRX/125 B

34 34

29 28

28 34 31 28 34 31 29
Section a-a

Figure 10. PRX Series Pilot Assembly

Type FL

33 L
S 27

27 28



D 30

28 31
R 30


North America Only



Type PRX/120-AP or PRX/125-AP

Figure 10. PRX Series Pilot Assembly (continued)

Table 9. Type PRX/120 Connections


A Downstream Sense Line
B Pilot feed
S Outlet discharge
L To regulator loading pressure chamber

Type FL


19 20 21

sensing 3

V 4

18 6
17 port 7
16 8

H 10


9 20 21 inlet
2 port
13 12 11

North America Only


4 Figure 11. Type SA/2 Pilot Supply Filter Assembly


R 7
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