B.inggris - Khalistia Yulianita30720027

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Nama : Khalistia Yulianita

NIM : 30720027
Prodi : D3 Kebidanan

Conversation Between The Midewife And The Patient About Pregnancy

Patient : Good morning, Mrs. Midwife.

Midwife : Good morning, is there anything I can help you with?
Patient : Yes, midwife
Midwife : oh yes, but before that may I know what's his name and where did he
come from?
Patient : My name is Mardiana Bu from the next village.
Midwife : How old are you?
Patient : 24 Mrs. Midwife
Midwife : what job do you do?
Patient : I am a housewife, ma'am
Midwife : so now what do you feel?
Patient : I'm currently pregnant Miss midwife, so every day I often feel
nauseous and don't like to eat.
Midwife : don't you vomit, ma'am?
Patient : no, midwife, just nauseous, ma'am.
Midwife : what date is the first day of the last menstruation, ma'am?
Patient : April 6, 2023 Mrs. midwife.
Midwife : ok, may I know how long have you been married? And do you want to
have children?
Patient : I have been married for 7 months, Mrs. Midwife, and I really want to
have children
Midwife : oo I see, wait a minute I'll check first, ma'am
Patient : ok ma'am, so how is the state of my pregnancy midwife?
Midwife : Well, Ma'am, you are already 6 weeks pregnant, and this is the first
trimester of pregnancy. At this gestational age, it is very natural for
nausea to occur, because it is caused by the increased production of
the hormone estrogen which provokes an increase in your stomach
acidity. Patient : oh I see ma'am, okay I understand ma'am, then how
do you reduce the nausea madam? Midwife: the first thing you need to
do is avoid foods that trigger nausea, eat as often as possible in small
portions, provide enough rest time, avoid lying down after eating,
adjust your eating pattern, do relaxation, and don't forget to meet your
body's fluid needs, ma'am. Is my explanation clear enough?
Patient : very clear ma'am, I understand and will do as the midwife advises.
Midwife : ok, then is there anything you want to ask again?
Patient : maybe that's enough ma'am, thank you for the explanation.
Midwife : yes ma'am you're welcome. Always be healthy, ma'am.
Application Latter
Kediri, 15th May 2023
Dear : Head Manager Dr.Soetomo Hospital
Jl. Mayjen Prof. Dr.Moestopo No.6-8,Surabaya

To Sir/Madam,
Let me introduce myself, my name is Tesa Prameswari, I am twenty one years old.
I graduated from the Institute of Health Sciences Bhakti Wiyata Kediri on August,
26th 2023.
I consider myself to have qualifications as a Midwife. I have good motivation for
progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work as a team or as an individual.
Besides that, I have adequate computer skills.
With my qualifications, I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope
I luckily got this job.
As a consideration, I attach for supported data:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Photocpy of the last education certificate
3. Photo 3x4
4. Copy ID Card
5. Copy Academic Transcript
6. Copy of Midwifery competency certificate
7. Certificate of Good Healt
I hope to give a chance interview and can explain more about myself. On attention
and I wish to say thank you.


Khalistia Yulianita

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