B.inggris - Khalistia Yulianita30720027
B.inggris - Khalistia Yulianita30720027
B.inggris - Khalistia Yulianita30720027
NIM : 30720027
Prodi : D3 Kebidanan
Conversation Between The Midewife And The Patient About Pregnancy
To Sir/Madam,
Let me introduce myself, my name is Tesa Prameswari, I am twenty one years old.
I graduated from the Institute of Health Sciences Bhakti Wiyata Kediri on August,
26th 2023.
I consider myself to have qualifications as a Midwife. I have good motivation for
progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work as a team or as an individual.
Besides that, I have adequate computer skills.
With my qualifications, I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope
I luckily got this job.
As a consideration, I attach for supported data:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Photocpy of the last education certificate
3. Photo 3x4
4. Copy ID Card
5. Copy Academic Transcript
6. Copy of Midwifery competency certificate
7. Certificate of Good Healt
I hope to give a chance interview and can explain more about myself. On attention
and I wish to say thank you.
Khalistia Yulianita