Application Update
Application Update
Application Update
Ref: 3434-6772-5704-0567
This notice sets out all of the conditions of your permission to stay
in the UK so please read it carefully.
Your conditions
The following are all the conditions of your permission to stay as a
Study conditions
You cannot study at a state funded school.
Work conditions
You can work in the UK (except for employment as a professional
sportsperson, including as a sports coach); including paid and
unpaid employment, self-employment and engaging in business or
any professional activity.
Note on conditions
Failure to comply with the conditions of your permission is a
criminal offence and may also lead to your permission being
cancelled and future applications being refused.
You will need to prove your identity and sign for the BRP when it is
delivered to you. If you do not receive your BRP within 10 working
days, please visit
You can find more information about the BRP including what to do
if your BRP is lost or stolen or if your personal details change
(such as your name) at:
The BRP card should be cut in half and posted (in a windowless
plain envelope) to BRP Returns, P.O. Box 195, Bristol, BS20 1BT.
You may have to pay a penalty of up to £1,000 if you fail to return
an invalid BRP.
Your BRP is an important document and you should look after it
carefully. It is proof of your right to stay, work or study in the UK
and may be used as a form of identification (for example, when
setting up a bank account). You will need your BRP (as well as
your passport) for travel to and from the UK.
The expiry of the BRP card before the expiry of your permission
does not change your entitlement to work, access services or
benefits, or travel.
You only have 10 days from the date of receiving your BRP to let
us know about an error. Otherwise you may have to apply and pay
for a replacement.
Your UK Visas and Immigration Account
As part of our move to ‘digital by default’ we are changing how the
UK immigration system works. This means that you will be able to
do more things online and remotely.
You can use our online services to prove your right to work
( or prove your right to rent
( and share that information
with other people. You’ll need to select the option to share your
information and you’ll then get a share code to give to them. This
share code will give them time-limited access to view your right to
work, or right to rent. You’ll also need to give them your date of
birth, to prove they have your permission to check your
Check eVisa
Your eVisa is a secure record and proof of your immigration status
which is held digitally by the Home Office and which is available to
you at all times. Employers, landlords or other organisation may
need to check your immigration status to see if you are allowed
to work, rent property or access services.
From the View and Prove service you can choose to share
relevant information about your permission to stay with someone
else. You will need to select the reason why you are sharing your
status information, to ensure the right information is shared (for
example to prove right to work or right to rent). You will then be
provided with a share code to give to the person with whom you
want to share your information. This share code will give that
person time limited access to the relevant information. More
details on how to use this service can be found at: https://
Once you have updated your BRP, you can update your online
details at