House Rules

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In order to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the Boarding House, tenants are expected to follow the House Rules as listed

Within the premises KITCHEN

 The house is a designated peace zone; all tenants  Please keep kitchen counters clean at all times
must promote and maintain a harmonious and  Practice CLAYGO or Clean As You Go. Your fellow
conflict-free environment boarders are not your personal house cleaners
 NO SMOKING, NO burning CANDLES inside  throw your garbage in the bin
 NO weapons, illegal substances, or hazardous COMMON AREAS
materials  Shared Spaces: Respect shared spaces by cleaning
 NO DRUNK TENANTS & VISITORS up after yourself and not leaving personal items
 Visitors are allowed but NO staying overnight. unattended.
 CURFEW is 10:00 PM.  Kitchen Use: cleaning up after cooking and labeling
 Do not commit major violations to ensure you will your food items.
not be evicted from the house  Laundry Facilities: Use laundry facilities
responsibly. Do not leave clothes in machines for
ROOM extended periods.
 Please switch the lights off when not in use
 Unplug any appliances/chargers when not in use PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
 Unplug all chargers before you sleep, avoid overnight  Respect Privacy: Respect the privacy of others by
charging that may cause overheating and may lead to knocking before entering and avoid gossiping
fire  Health and Hygiene: Maintain personal hygiene and
 Report any damage to the property immediately. inform management of any health issues that could
Tenants are held responsible for damages caused by affect the rest.
negligence or misuse
 Always lock your door and windows when leaving RAISING ISSUES/CONCERNS
your room  Please do not hesitate to raise any
 Be appropriately dressed all the time; issues/concerns/worries regarding the Boarding
House/ fellow roommates to the owner. They are here
TOILET & BATHROOM to help you address your concerns
 Please clean up after use. (Ex: Remove fallen hair
from blocking the drainage) VACATING THE BOARDING HOUSE
 Be mindful of your time inside the CR  Tenants are requested to notify management at least 1
 Switch off lights when not in use month before terminating the contract
 Make sure to turn off the faucets off after use
 Do Not Flush any tissues / napkins. Throw any trash MONTHLY RENTAL PAYMENTS
in the waste bin  Rent is due on the ___ day of each month.


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