F1 - Chem Assignment

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NAME: …………………………………………............................ ADM NUMBER………………………

Instructions: Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

1. (a) What is the effect of impurities on the melting and boiling point of substances? (2marks)


(b) Explain the following:

i) During extraction of metals from their molten compounds for example calcium chloride is
added to rock salt during the extraction of sodium from sodium chloride. (1mark)


ii) In temperate counties there is spreading of common salt in the roads during winter. (1mark)


2. Give two examples of;

i. Temporary physical change. (2 marks)


ii. Temporary chemical change. (2 marks)


iii. Permanent change. (2 marks)


3. Define:

i) Atom. (1 mark)


ii) Compound. (1mark)


iii) Element. (1mark)


4. The curve below represents the variation of temperature with time when pure and impure
samples of solid were heated separately.

Which curve shows the variation of temperature for the pure solids? Explain. (2marks)


5. The set up below represent the apparatus that may be used to separate ethanol from water.

a) Why is it possible to separate ethanol from water? (2marks)


b) Explain the role played by the fractionating column. (2marks)


c) State the role of the glass beads in the fractionating column. (1mark)

d) At what temperature does ethanol distill off? (1mark)


e) What would happen if the inlet and outlet were exchanged in the Liebig’s condenser?(2marks)


6. (a) What is drug abuse? (1mark)


(b) State THREElong-term effects of drug abuse. (3marks)


(c) State TWO ways of preventing drug abuse. (2marks)


7. Spots of pure pigments A and B, and a mixture Z were placed on a filter paper and allowed to
dry. The paper was then dipped in a solvent. The results obtained were on the paper

a) Which is the:

(i) Base line (1 mark)

(ii) Solvent front (1 mark)

b) Which of the pure pigments was a component of Z? Explain (2 marks)


c) (i) Name a solvent that is used in paper chromatography. (1 mark)


(ii) Why is water not a suitable solvent in paper chromatography? (2 marks)


8. Name the elements present in the following compounds. (5 marks)

a) Sodium bromide


b) Zinc iodide


c) Lead sulphate


d) Magnesium carbonate


e) Potassium iodide


9. Hexane and Ethanol are miscible liquids. Ethanol is soluble iv water while hexane is insoluble.
Explain how water can be used in the separation of hexane and ethanol. (3 marks)

( Density of water is 1.00 g/cm3, ethanol 0.79g/cm3, hexane 0.66g/cm3)


10. Name a method that can be used to separate each of the following substances. (3 marks)

a) A mixture of petrol and diesel.


b) Kerosene and water.


c) Food coloring ingredients in a sauce.


11. Distinguish between temporary physical and permanent chemical changes. (2 marks)


12. Write the names of the elements represented by the following symbols. (5 marks)

i) K …………………………………………………………

ii) Cl ……………………………………………………….

iii) Fe ………………………………………………………

iv) Cu ………………………………………………………

v) Mg ……………………………………………………….

13. State whether solutions with the following pH values are acidic, basic or neutral. (4 marks)

pH 3 – ………………………………………………………………………………………….........

pH 11 – ……………………………………………………………………………………………...

pH 14 – ……………………………………………………………………………………………...

pH 7 – ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

14. Is air a mixture or a compound? Explain (2 marks)


15. Copy and complete the table below. (5 marks)

Element Latin Name Symbol


16. Write the word equation for each of the following reactions. (5 marks)

i) Iron and Sulphur


ii) Carbon and Oxygen


iii) Sulphur and Oxygen


iv) Potassium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid


v) Calcium carbonate sulphuric acid


17a) Copy and complete the table below (5 marks)

Indicator Color in Acid Color in Base Color in Neutral

Litmus Red
Phenolphthalein Pink
Methyl Orange Pink Orange

b) Give FIVE differences between acids and bases (3 marks)


18. Give the TWO major causes of accidents in the laboratory (2 marks)


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