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This chapter introduces the topic that has been chosen. It presents

a review of related literature, a theoretical framework, a

conceptual framework, a statement of the problem, the hypothesis

of the study, significance, scope and delimitation, and an

accompanying definition of terminologies.

I. Introduction

In the vast modern age of technology, the world has

increasingly become associated with advancement and innovation,

which has created strong competition among organizations. Along

with that, application software was invented to support various

burdens in the work field, which plays a significant role in

achieving the organization's goals and objectives. Hence, an

accounting tool has been one of the concerns that each organization

wanted to utilize to cope with the challenges and be able to survive

in the ever-changing competitive business world.

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, technological

advancements have become a driving force behind business’

efficiency and productivity. Among the myriad of tools available,

Microsoft Excel has emerged as a versatile software application

used extensively in enterprises worldwide. Excel's ability to

handle complex calculations, organize data, and create insightful

visualizations has made it an indispensable tool for businesses

across various industries.

In fact, based on Coursera (2023), as of April 2023, over 1

million companies worldwide use Microsoft Excel.

Moreover, according to Gillis (2023), Microsoft Excel is a

part of the Microsoft Office suite and was first introduced in 1985

and quickly gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface

and diverse functionalities. Over the years, Microsoft Excel has

evolved into a powerful analytical tool that enables enterprises

to analyze vast amounts of data, create financial models, track

performance metrics, and generate reports. Its widespread adoption

is driven by its accessibility, flexibility, and affordability,

making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.

However, according to Dang et al., (2020), organizing

accounting work in the context of computerization is one of the

most important jobs for enterprises in general and Small to medium

Enterprises (SMEs) in particular. Due to limited financial and

human resources, SMEs still select an appropriate support tool that

is suitable for their financial capacity and low level of human

resources, to achieve productivity and efficiency. The application

of Microsoft Excel in SMEs has benefitted tremendously the quality

of accounting information in businesses. It helps businesses

proactively provide information quickly and effectively, to help

them compete better as to information. It is necessary to determine

how Microsoft Excel software works for SMEs today.

Moreover, according to Rosenberg (2022), Microsoft Excel is a

powerful tool that provides numerous features and functions to

streamline business processes. By studying its application,

enterprises can identify ways to optimize Excel’s usage, automate

tasks, and improve overall efficiency. This can result in time

savings, reduced errors, and increased productivity.

With this study, understanding the application of Microsoft

Excel as accounting tool can further assist enterprises to leverage

Excel's capabilities to make informed decisions. It facilitates

collaboration and communication within an organization particularly

important in teams that heavily rely on Excel for data analysis,

financial modeling, and other activities.

By understanding the application of Microsoft Excel's

features and functionalities, businesses can harness its full

potential to drive success and achieve their goals. That is why

researchers came up with this study to analyze the application of

Microsoft Excel of Small and Medium-sized enterprises based on its

attributes as accounting tool. Discovering the strengths and

weaknesses of Microsoft Excel can guide businesses in optimizing

its usage and identifying areas where alternative solutions may be

more suitable in proposing an action plan. This study enables the

researchers to further assess Microsoft Excel’s attributes based

on the perception of the selected respondents within enterprises.

By that, they relied on the findings of the study to craft the

proposed action plan.

II. Review of Related Literature


According to Nair, Czaja, & Sharit (2007); individual differ

in performing a computer-based task. Their study indicated that age

had an impact on both the initial level of performance and amount

of changes in performance that resulted from practice and



In the study conducted by Boardman (2016), over 880 Employees

in different enterprise, he found that sex was a factor in overall

business success, particularly in analyzing and applying Microsoft


Length of Service

According to Kandhro D. (2014), people with more than three

years of experience are extremely valuable to businesses or



According to Dana Manciagli (2013), author of Cut the Crap,

Get a Job, graduates are necessary to start jobs with sound

functional analytical skills such as proficiency with Microsoft

Excel, therefore becoming more of a prerequisite for employment and

found that students must have not only a proficiency in Microsoft

Excel, but have advanced skills.

Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool based on Management of


The selection of Microsoft Excel as a software for accounting

automation in MSMEs is the right choice because it is designed to

help calculate, tabulate, store, map, and compare data for current

and future reference. Microsoft Excel is also a built-in

application from Microsoft that is included in every personal

computer, which turns out to have an additional editor feature that

makes it a number processing application and accounting data

processor (Kaligis, et al.,2023).

Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool based on Flexibility

Microsoft Excel is software that can automate accounting and

can be done quickly and precisely, it is even much easier to

operate. It is easier to set up. It can be more flexible than a

computerized accounting system Daspit & D’souza (2017). Moreover,

according to Michael Galesso (2017) Microsoft Excel is one of the

software programs offered in the Microsoft Office Suite. The Office

was created and Launched by the Microsoft Corporation and designed

to offer convenience in the completion of everyday calculating and

organizing to users of the Windows, macOS, iOS and Android systems.

Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool based on Information


Microsoft Excel provides stronger security measures when

certain data needs to be kept confidential. Information stored in

a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is highly secure because it offers

multiple options for protecting files - including password

protection and encryption - against unauthorized access or

modifications made by hackers or malicious software viruses and


There's also an audit trail feature within the program which

keeps track of every action taken within the file as well as who

did it - making sure that any changes made are accounted for at all

times. This makes it ideal for businesses handling sensitive

financial data as well as anyone who wants extra peace of mind when

it comes to their private documents stored on their computer system

(Lenovo, 2023).

Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool based on Usability

The design and use of Excel accounting software is relatively

easy. The information is correctly processed and quickly and

reported in a timely manner. The book forms and accounting reports

are designed simply. The design is much lower than for other

accounting software. Excel accounting software for SMEs has been

used by many SMEs (Sang, 2018).

Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool based on Practicality

Based on Noble Desktop (2023), Microsoft Excel is an

affordable and versatile spreadsheet application. It can learn your

patterns the more you use it so that it can organize your data and

ultimately save time. In addition, the web-based version of

Microsoft Excel and all of Office can also be accessed for free on

the internet.

Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool

According to Abhishek Singh (2020), It is important to

understand how the use of Microsoft Excel for small business

accounting has changed over the past few years. Microsoft Excel

continues to be one of the most popular accounting tools used by

small business finance managers. It allows such businesses to focus

on basic accounting tasks, such as budget planning and forecasting.

It has a lot of benefits because it comes with ready-made templates

for all sorts of accounting functions, such as invoices, budgeting,

and more.

According to Glenn San Luis (2020), while many would agree

that Microsoft Excel software is indispensable for large

corporations with teams of finance staff, those who own smaller

businesses might wonder if alternative methods of software might

be more suitable for them. For SMEs and their employees, learning

and mastering Microsoft Excel delivers various processes and

efficiency gains. And note that it is not only used in the

Accounting and Finance departments, but it could also be used in

almost all departments or functional areas of the organization.

Even for SMEs, Microsoft Excel is still one of the major tools that

companies use to retrieve and track information easily, across the


According to Lin (2012), Microsoft Excel is also capable of

being formed for SME business, with Microsoft Excel's ability to

help this type of business become very broad and involved in several

integrated areas. Usually, SME entrepreneurs do not have too much

data, and this makes Excel an ideal solution to have a small

database for SME entrepreneurs and integrate this data into their

business fields.

Moreover, according to Heni, Murti, Tyna, Julianto (2022),

Microsoft Office Excel provides many benefits to simplify

calculations, especially in the case of bookkeeping. Therefore,

this Microsoft office excel activity is expected to help MSME movers

use Microsoft Office Excel optimally and feel the benefits of

implementing the ease of it. Having skills in using Microsoft Office

Excel is very helpful in carrying out business operations, even for

SMEs. Because every day, SMEs must produce datasets with a

reasonably high volume, such as recording income and expenditure

data. From the many data sources, Microsoft Office Excel can help

make it easier to collect, analyze and operate the data quickly and

easily to understand, even for beginners.

III. Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored by The Theory of Evolution of Business

Software (Toan Nguyen, 2015). This theory states that computer

systems have made incredible progress over the last forty years.

From the first primitive machines using punched card input, we have

moved on to connected objects and very broadband wireless networks.

New technologies have boosted processing power and facilitated

access to this power, notably through smartphones and connected

objects. Therefore, system software modernization arises along with

this evolution.

Humans, as computer hardware and software users, have also

evolved along with the technologies. For instance, today the

learning process tends to be fast since interfaces are better

designed for humans and more intuitive. As theory illustrates,

technologies are even being developed to allow direct control by

the brain of systems such as video games, thanks to electrodes

inside a virtual reality helmet. It is interesting to note that

people first became familiar with computers only in professional

environments; once the gestures have been mastered, the user can

navigate in his applications. At a higher level, the business

application user must know how to follow the logic of each

screen: which fields should be entered first, which ones are

mandatory and what information needs to be input. It illustrates

that those users of system software in enterprises differ from one

another and can be based on how they are being affected.

As enterprises become more digitized, the process activities

become heavily dependent on the corporate information system and

its tools. Inputting data on a screen is just one step in a workflow

involving other people, each of whom has a well-defined task and

role. This process-based approach has been impacted by modern

system software tools to such a degree that there are now Business

Process Management (BPM) platforms that automate and/or orchestrate

tasks. This is a kind of “Taylorization '' of all corporate

activities, not just factory-type manufacturing ones.

Taylorization is Taylor’s philosophy that focused on a belief

that making people work as hard as they could was not as efficient

as optimizing the way the work was done. (Mind Tools, 2022)

Widespread adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software

is symbolic of these changes, for it is used to manage large numbers

of key business processes (procurement, sales, production,

accounting and other business processes). Many users are struggling

to cope with this revolution. Companies report problems of user

uptake and acceptance of their ERP system. It is by no means rare,

for example, to see staff using Microsoft Excel for order processing

instead of their ERP system because it’s easier to simply cut and

paste a purchase order into a spreadsheet.

It is not easy to impose a “process vision” of software usage.

The main challenge is to make business processes as simple as

possible – which can be difficult in traditional silo-type

organizations – and then make users aware of these issues that may

appear far removed from their own roles and responsibilities.

In this “Big Data” era, collating and analyzing much more

systematically all the data scattered across the organization has

become a veritable competitive challenge. Good quality data is

essential to generate reliable indicators. According to the

accepted “GIGO” (Garbage In, Garbage Out) computer science

paradigm, bad input will always result in bad output. Information

system users provide the inputs, so it is they who determine the

quality, good or bad, of the outputs. Once the user fully

understands his data, he will have made an important step forward

from simply knowing how to use his application: he will in future

contribute to better control of the global business. Data is

valuable to all organizations; therefore, protecting, and securing

data is a top priority.

IV. Conceptual Framework

The first phase is Input, which includes the profile of the

respondents in terms of age, sex, length of service, and degree.

Moreover, applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and

Medium-Sized on enterprises were described based on Management of

Data, Flexibility, Information Security, Usability, and

Practicality and this also analyzed accounting functions performed

in Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-sized


The second phase is Process, including the data gathering

procedure. Researchers utilized a survey type of questionnaire to

obtain data by classifying respondents based on the preference

provided by the researchers within the distributed questionnaire.

Wherein, the statistical treatment or tool applied for the

calculation of the gathered data is frequency and percentage,

weighted mean, Pearson Moment of Correlation, and T-test. Those

data were analyzed and interpreted by means of illustration or


The third phase is Output, where the researchers proposed an

Action Plan to improve the application of Microsoft Excel as

Accounting tool based on the findings of the study.


Profile of the Data Gathering
Enterprise in terms Procedure
of: • The researchers
• Age sought to utilize a
• Sex survey type of
• Length of Service questionnaire to
• Degree obtain data by
classifying Action Plan to Propose
respondents based to improve the
Applying Microsoft on the preference Application of
provided by the Microsoft Excel as
Excel as Accounting
researchers within Accounting Tool
Tool on enterprise in
terms of: the distributed
• Management of Data questionnaire.
• Flexibility
• Information Statistical Treatment
Security or Tool
• Usability • Frequency and
• Practicality Percentage
• Weighted Mean
Accounting Function • Pearson Moment of
performed in Microsoft Correlation
Excel • T-Test
Analysis And
Interpretation of Data

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

V. Statement of the Problem

This study sought to analyze Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting

Tool of Small and Medium – Sized Enterprises in Selected Barangays

of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. Specifically, to provide answers

from the given questions presented below to modify the reasoning

constructed by the researchers.

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms


1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Length of Service; and

1.4 Degree?

2. How may the Application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool

of Small and Medium – Sized Enterprises be described in terms of:

2.1 Management of Data;

2.2 Flexibility;

2.3 Information Security;

2.4 Usability; and

2.4 Practicality?

3. What are the accounting functions performed in Microsoft Excel

as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the age, length

of service, and the application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting

Tool of Small and Medium – Sized Enterprises?

5. Is there a significant difference among the sex, degree, and

the application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and

Medium – Sized Enterprises?

6. Based on the result of the study, what action plan may be

proposed to improve the application of Microsoft Excel as an

Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises?

VI. Hypothesis

The researchers sought to test the following null hypothesis:

Ho1. There is no significant relationship among the age, length of

service, and the application of Microsoft Excel as an Accounting

Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

Ho2. There is no significant difference among the sex, degree, and

the application of Microsoft Excel as an Accounting Tool of Small

and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

VII. Significance of the study

The findings of the study redound to the contribution and

analyzation regarding Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool

of SMEs.

To the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), they are the main

beneficiaries of this study because this served as a key to consider

on how enterprises can leverage its features for accounting

processes. This could provide valuable insights for SMEs seeking

practical and accessible solutions to streamline their potential,

leading to increased productivity. Excel’s user-friendly interface

facilitates accessibility, enabling non-experts to handle basic

accounting tasks efficiently.

To the Students, this equipped the students specifically

College of Management and Accountancy (CMA) Students and Technology

related courses them with practical skills, that can enhance their

data analysis capabilities, prepare them for real-world accounting

practices, impart hands-on learning experience, and foster

adaptability in the dynamic field of Microsoft Excel.

To the PHINMA Araullo University, this study enhanced the

relevance of preparing students for specific set of skills they

might offer to the student before they enter their respective chosen

career. It allowed the school organization to be aware of the

significance of acquiring Microsoft Excel’s skills.

To the Community of Cabanatuan City, In the context of future

business owners is significant as it empowers them with practical

financial management skills through Microsoft Excel. This knowledge

equipped future entrepreneurs to make informed decisions, manage

resources efficiently, navigate the financial intricacies of

running a business and enhance their adaptability to evolving

business by incorporating technology into traditional accounting


To the Researchers, researchers gained knowledge and

background regarding the application of Microsoft Excel as

Accounting Tool. The study served as their guide and basis towards

the improvement of one’s set of skills within an enterprise.

To the Future Researchers, to future researchers, this would

serve as a valuable reference for providing insights into the

integration of Microsoft Excel on SMEs accounting practices.

VIII. Scope and Delimitation

This study is entitled “APPLYING MICROSOFT EXCEL AS



coverage of analysis on Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting tool

of Small and Medium – sized enterprises. This study was conducted

for a period of 1st and 2nd semester, year 2023.

This research focused on the collection of data in selected

barangays of Cabanatuan City such as Barangay Bitas, Mabini, Quezon

District, and Sangitan which are commercial areas. It is where

businesses and economic activities thrive, and based on Define

Business Term of 2023, most small and medium – sized enterprises

and even large enterprises choose this area to deploy sales,

marketing, public relations strategies, and all the effort to

succeed and attract their target customers in this type of area.

Therefore, this research focused within the commercial areas of

Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.

And, according to Jusoh & Ahmad (2019), Microsoft Excel is

still the choice of accounting instruments at SMEs companies that

is why this study focused only on Small and Medium-Sized


Moreover, this study limits the scope of accounting functions

to Data Entry and Storage, Accounting and Budgeting, Data Analysis

and Reporting, Expense Tracking, and Performing Calculation because

based on JavaTpoint (2023), these are the major uses of Microsoft

Excel based on the needs and objectives of the organization.

As the research focused on the Application of Microsoft Excel

as Accounting Tool, the respondents of this study were users of

Microsoft Excel under accounting. Because, according to Rosenberg

(2022), Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool but cannot function

alone. It takes a savvy computer user to take advantage of

everything Excel has to offer to provide the best results for their

company. Therefore, it is either the employees (bookkeeper,

accounting clerk, cashier) or the owner itself which believe to

have enough experience, training, and knowledge needed with the

purpose of the study.

Hence, this research shows how applications of Microsoft Excel

enact towards enterprises, which played a significant role in

analyzing its application. It confines itself to gathering data

from the direct users of Microsoft Excel within an enterprise and

relied on the results of the study for the creation of the proposed

action plan.

IX. Definition of Terms

The following terminology is operationally defined to ensure better

concepts and a more transparent understanding of this work.

Accounting Clerk - The term Accounting Clerk refers to keeping

track of finances, creating reports, and documenting a variety of

activities to support accounting operations and help the business

reach its objectives.

Accounting Function - Accounting Function is a term that involves

the systematic recording, analysis, and reporting of financial

transactions. The accounting function serves to provide an

accurate and comprehensive overview of the financial health of the

business, aiding in decision-making, and financial planning.

Accounting Tool - The term refers to software or applications

designed to facilitate and streamline various accounting and

financial tasks. These tools assist in tasks such as bookkeeping,

managing accounts payable and receivable, generating financial

reports, tracking expenses, and ensuring compliance with financial


Enterprise - Enterprise is a term that refers to a business,

enterprise, or group that carries out business, industrial, or

entrepreneurial endeavors. It entails bringing together people,

tools, and procedures with a clear intention to generate things or

services for sale or to achieve particular objectives.

Flexibility - The term flexibility is an open frameworks and

standards. As a result, it can operate on any platform or device

and can be installed anywhere thanks to its foundation in open web

standards. It encompasses databases and operating systems.

Information Security - Information Security is a term that protects

the privacy and safety of all data, including business

transactions, and it secures the data safe from unknown access.

Management of Data - The term Management of Data is the process of

gathering, arranging, storing, and using information efficiently

is known as data management in a commercial setting. It includes

procedures and tools for gathering, storing, protecting, and

analyzing data in order to extract knowledge that can help with

well-informed business decisions.

Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Excel is a term that spreadsheet

software is used extensively in business enterprises for data

organization, analysis, and manipulation. Microsoft Excel is

commonly utilized for budgeting, financial analysis, inventory

management, and a wide range of other tasks, aiding in decision-

making and improving overall efficiency in business operations.

Practicality - Practicality is a term that refers to the approach

or decisions made with a focus on realistic, feasible, and

effective solutions. It involves choosing strategies, actions, or

investments that are sensible, cost-effective, and likely to yield

tangible results within the constraints of resources and


SMEs - Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is a term that refers

to a category of companies that falls between large companies and

micro-enterprise. SMEs are characterized by size, turnover and

number of employees.

Usability - Usability is a term that refers to the extent to which

a system, product, or software is easy to use, efficient, effective,

and satisfying for employees or users within an organizational

setting. It is also to clarify the measurements that Microsoft

Excel uses to assess how simple it is for users to do specific


Research Methodology

This chapter presents an overview of the methodology used in the

research. It shows the research design, research respondents,

research site, sample and sampling, materials and instruments to

be used, validity of the questionnaire, reliability of the

questionnaire, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

I. Research Design

The study employed the quantitative descriptive method of

research. This method of research involves describing, recording,

analyzing, and interpreting conditions that exist. According to

Scates and Goodwin (2017), the descriptive method is concerned with

the identification of the status of events, people, or subjects as

they exist. This research design was chosen since it is the design

suited to the nature of this study. This can best describe and is

the best fit for assessing the Management of Data, Flexibility,

Information Security, Usability, and Practicality of Applying

Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-Sized

Enterprises in Selected Barangay of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.

II. Respondents of the study

The respondents of this study were enterprises within

commercial areas, which are selected in specific barangays of

Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. As the research focused on the

application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool, this study

focused on the users of the accounting tool used in business. It

is either the employees (bookkeeper, accounting clerk, cashier) or

the owner itself who believed they have enough experience,

training, and knowledge needed for the purpose of the study.

Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents per Enterprise




























JCY LUMBER 1 1.28%

3R's Wateryan 1 1.28%




J & T EXPRESS 2 2.56%


WOODSIDE 1 1.28%


PETRON 2 2.56%



















PRAKTICA 2 2.56%


BUBBLE CUP 1 1.28%








J & T EXPRESS 4 5.13%








GABSY 1 1.28%

TOTAL 78 100%

Table 1 shows the respondents of the study on selected

barangays in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. It illustrated the list

of respondents who used Microsoft Excel as their accounting tool

in business and the number of employees of each enterprise that

actually operates and manages Microsoft Excel.

III. Locale of the study

Cabanatuan City is one of the municipalities inside the

province of Nueva Ecija, the largest city in Nueva Ecija. Hence,

the researchers consider the geographical place they conducted the

study. Given the fact that Cabanatuan City has approximately 89

barangays. The researchers chose the barangays that has many

enterprises within commercial areas. Since SME settles in a place

where they can easily recognize and attract their target customer.

The selected barangays were Barangay Bitas, Mabini, Quezon

District, and Sangitan is selected.


IV. Sampling Technique

Total enumeration sampling is the sampling technique used

in this study. It is a type of purposive sampling technique wherein

the researchers chose to examine the entire population based on the

research criteria. The population under consideration comprises

employees of SMEs around Cabanatuan who perform accounting using

Microsoft Excel.

V. Materials and Instrument Applied

1. The Questionnaire. For this study, the researchers used a

printed survey questionnaire to assess the Management of Data,

Flexibility, Information Security, Usability, and Practicality of

Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-

Sized Enterprises in Selected Barangay of Cabanatuan City, Nueva

Ecija. The questionnaire was crafted by the researchers and was

enriched by various sources on this topic.

1.2 Description. The questionnaires have two parts. The first

part deals with the profile of the respondents, while the second

part is to assess the Management of Data, Flexibility, Information

Security, Usability, and Practicality of Applying Microsoft Excel

as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in

Selected Barangay of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.

Scoring. The researchers used the Likert scale as the

instrument for the survey questionnaires. This is a fundamental

tool in gathering data that is needed for this study. The items in

the questionnaire made use of the 4-point Scale for the responses

with the equivalents and verbal interpretations as follows:

Table 2. Table of Equivalence


4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree Highly Applied

3 2.50-3.24 Agree Moderately Applied

2 1.25-2.49 Disagree Not Applied

1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree Irrelevant

Validity of the Questionnaire

The second part of the questionnaire was subject to validation

because it was formulated personally by the researchers with the

help of the advisers and panelists. A draft of this was tried out

among fifth teen (15) random employees. The try-out phase was
personally conducted by the researchers to solicit feedback as to

the complexity of the items answered. The comments and suggestions

given by these respondents were the basis for revising the final


Reliability of the Questionnaire

In testing the reliability of the questionnaire, the

researchers conducted a dry run test after the administration and

checking of the questionnaire. The results from the dry run were

recorded and statistically treated to establish reliability. The

value of Cronbach Alpha was .924, which means that the instrument

is highly reliable for use in this study.

VI. Data Gathering Procedures

Request letter. First, the researchers requested a letter from

the Municipality of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija in order to acquire

a list of enterprises along Maharlika Highway.

Pre-survey. The researchers first conducted a pre-survey to

obtain the total numbers of respondents within an enterprise. Each

enterprise was asked who utilized Microsoft Excel as Accounting

Tool, the total number of employees who performed accounting by

means of Microsoft Excel and classified themselves whether they

classified as Small or Medium-sized enterprises.

Questionnaire. The questionnaire modified by the researchers

were presented, reviewed, and approved by the research adviser

together with the Dean of the College of Management and Accountancy

before distributing to the respondents.

Consent and selection of respondents. The researchers first

sought the approval of the respondents by delivering the letter

previously accepted by the adviser and school dean to know their

availability to participate during the duration of the survey.

Distribution and Collection of Questionnaires. The researchers

distributed the questionnaire through a printed survey

questionnaire to employees who utilized Microsoft Excel as

Accounting Tool within an enterprise.

Tabulation, Interpretation, and Analysis of the Data. After

gathering all the data, the researchers tabulated, interpreted, and

analyzed the data.

VII. Data Analysis

After gathering all the completed questionnaires, the

researchers collated and analyzed the data. The researchers used

statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, weighted mean,

correlation, and difference to facilitate the analysis and

interpretation of the data.

In describing the profile of the respondents, the researchers

utilized frequency and percentage.

Frequency and Percentage distribution – Researchers sought to apply

this type of statistical tool to present data that indicates the

proportion of observations for each data point or set of data

points, specifically the profile of the respondents. When

representing the relative frequency of survey replies and other

data, it is a particularly helpful technique.

To interpret and analyze the data on the Management of Data,

Flexibility, Information Security, Usability, and Practicality of

Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-

Sized Enterprises in Selected Barangay of Cabanatuan City, Nueva

Ecija, a weighted mean was used.

Weighted Mean – To further evaluate the application of Microsoft

Excel as an accounting tool, the researchers utilized this

statistical treatment in calculating a theoretically expected

outcome where each outcome has a distinct probability of occurring.

In establishing a significant relationship between age, length of

service and the application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool

of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Pearson of Moment of

Correlation was used.

Pearson – This was used by the researchers for it is applied to

find the degree of the association or correlation of two sets of

variables to test the significant relationship between variables.

Lastly, in identifying a significant difference between sex,

degree, and Application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, T-test was utilized.

T-test - is a statistical test that is used to compare the means

of two groups. It is often used in hypothesis testing to determine

whether a process or treatment actually has an effect on the

population of interest, or whether two groups are different from

one another.


Interpretation and Analysis of Data

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

Table 3. Distribution of the Respondents According to Age

Frequency Percentage
Age (F) (%)

21- 25 years old 24 31%

26-30 years old 31 40%

31-35 years old 15 19%

36-40 years old 5 6%

41-45 years old 2 3%

46-50 years old 1 1%

TOTAL 78 100%

Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the

profile of the respondents in terms of age.

As may be viewed from the table, out of 78 respondents, there

were 24, or 31%, ages 21-25 years old; 31, or 40%, ages 26-30 years

old; 15, or 19%, ages 31-35 years old, 5 or 6% were ages 36-40

years old, 2 or 3% were ages 41-45 years old and 1 or 1%, were ages

46-50 years old. The data implies that the majority of the

respondents were aged 26-30 years old.

This finding is consistent with the research of Wavestone

(2018), who stated that being the first generation to be born in

a digital era, millennials are tech-savvy and consume technology

in a different way to previous generations. Neilsen identifies

the use of technology as the factor that most makes this generation

unique. As the ages of millennials, it ranges from 27 to 42 which

includes the ages 26 to 30 of the respondents. In general,

millennials, more than any other generation in the workforce, can

rapidly pick up new technology and master it. They can grasp new

business tools much quicker than some senior workers, which is a

real advantage in a fast-paced environment with continuous

changing technology.

1.2 Sex

Table 4. Distribution of the Respondents According to Sex

Frequency Percentage
Sex (F) (%)

Male 39 50%

Female 39 50%

TOTAL 78 100%
Table 4 illustrates that in terms of Sex, out of 78

respondents, there were 39, or 50%, males, while 39, or 50%,

respondents were females. The gathered data shows that both sex are


This finding is aligned with the study of Matthew & William

(2020), which stated that in the workplace, women are now as good

as men when it comes to computer performance. Study participants

were randomly assigned basic, intermediate or advanced problems on

laptops, tablets or mobile devices, while seated, standing or

walking slowly. They found no difference in the performance between

men and women.

1.3 Length of Service

Table 5. Distribution of the Respondents According to Length of


Frequency Percentage
Length of Service (F) (%)

0-6 months 17 22%

6 months to 1 year 11 14%

1-2 years 16 21%

3-4 years 22 28%

5-6 years 8 10%

7-8 years 1 1%

9-10 years 3 4%

TOTAL 78 100%

In table 5, it may be viewed that out of 78 respondents, 17

or 22%, rendered less than six months of service; 11 or 14%

categorized to 6 months to 1 year length of service, 16 or 21%

rendered 1 to 2 years of service, 22 or 28% rendered 3 to 4 years

of service, 8 or 10% rendered 5 to 6 years of service, 1 or 1%

rendered 7 to 8 years of service and lastly, 3 or 4% rendered 9 to

10 years of service. This data implies that the majority of the

respondents rendered 3-4 years of service.

This finding is consistent with Kandhro, D. (2014) which

stated that people with more than three years of experience are

extremely valuable to businesses or organizations. Employees who

have been with the company for more than three years have a higher

likelihood of being inventive and knowledgeable enough to learn

the process of utilizing application software, which leads to the

discovery of breakthroughs that propel the company forward and

generate profits.

1.4 Degree

Table 6. Distribution of the Respondents According to Degree

Frequency Percentage
Degree (F) (%)

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) 8 10%

Bachelor of Science in Management

Accounting (BSMA) 10 13%

Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Information System (BSAIS) 7 9%

Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration (BSBA) 31 40%

Other Courses specified by the Respondents:

Bachelor of Science in Information

Technology (BSIT) 9 28%

Bachelor of Science in Human Resources

Management (BSHRM) 2 3%

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

(BSTM) 1 0.78%

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

(BSCE) 1 0.78%

Bachelor of Industrial Technology (BIT) 1 0.78%

Bachelor of Arts in English (ABE) 1 0.78%

Bachelor of Science in Education (BSED) 3 4%

Automotive 1 0.78%

ICT-Senior High School 2 3%

High School Graduate 1 0.78%

TOTAL 78 100%

As may be viewed from table 6, it shows that out of 78

employees, 8 or 10% graduated from BSA course, 10 or 13% graduated

from BSMA course, 7 or 9% graduated from BSAIS course, and 31 or

40% graduated from BSBA course. While other courses specified by

the respondents are BSIT, BSHRM, BSTM, BSCE, BIT, ABE, BSED,

Automotive, ICT-Senior High School, and High School Graduate has a

22 or 28%. This data implies that the majority of the respondents

graduated from BSBA.

This finding is aligned with the study of Formby, et, al.

(2017) which stated that Microsoft Excel skills are important for

BSBA graduates to have at graduation. The authors acknowledge the

differences of opinion, some strong, on the subject, but take the

position that importance of Microsoft Excel skills is significant

to employers and affects opportunities for BSBA graduates whether

or not one agrees that it is the role of the business school

curriculum to address it. Another question that may be asked is

whether it should be the student’s responsibility to learn these

skills independently thus demonstrating the initiative to bridge

the gap between traditional education and the needs of the

workplace. Regardless of where educators feel the responsibility

lies, employers are placing increasing importance on these skills

at graduation.

2. Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-

Sized Enterprises

2.1 Management of Data

Table 7. Weighted Mean and Qualitative Description under

Management of Data

Statement Weighted Qualitative

Mean Description

S1. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.45 Highly

accounting tool because it helps to Applied
easily enter data into Excel cells, such
as income, expenses, assets,
liabilities, and other accounting data.

S2. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.37 Highly

accounting tool because it makes it easy Applied
to validate the data, ensuring accuracy
and consistency in data entry and cell
formatting to prevent errors.

S3. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.49 Highly

accounting tool because it offers a wide Applied
range of mathematical and financial
functions for accounting purposes and
makes it easy to create formulas to
perform calculations, such as balance
sheets, income statements, financial
ratios, and other accounting data.
S4. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.41 Highly
accounting tool because it easily Applied
visualizes financial data with charts
and graphs to gain insights and make
informed decisions.

S5. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.28 Highly

accounting tool because it organizes and Applied
filters data to isolate specific
information and utilizes Excel's sorting
and filtering features to view data based
on criteria like date, category, or

Average Weighted Mean and Overall 3.40 Highly

Qualitative Description Applied

The table shows that the total weighted mean under Management

of Data has a value of 3.40 which is interpreted as “Highly

Applied”. Therefore, applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool

serves its management of data on enterprise in Selected Barangays

of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija in a highly applied manner.

As observe from the table, the highest weighted mean was

3.49 from statement “The company applies Microsoft Excel as an

accounting tool because it offers a wide range of mathematical and

financial functions for accounting purposes and makes it easy to

create formulas to perform calculations, such as balance sheets,

income statements, financial ratios, and other accounting data,”

which when verbally described as “Highly Applied”. Meanwhile,

statement 5 “The company applies Microsoft Excel as an accounting

tool because it organizes and filters data to isolate specific

information and utilizes Excel's sorting and filtering features to

view data based on criteria like date, category, or amount.” had

a weighted mean of 3.28 which was verbally described as “Highly

Applied”. This statement got the lowest weighted mean under the

parameter of Management of Data.

This finding is consistent with the study of Fedrica Hanks

(2023), which supports statement 3 who has the highest weighted

mean. He stated that Microsoft Excel was designed to support

accounting functions such as budgeting, preparing financial

statements, and creating balance sheets. It comes with basic

spreadsheet functionality and many functions for performing

complex mathematical calculations. It also supports many add-ons

for activities such as modeling and financial forecasting.

Performing line calculations is a basic accounting task, and Excel

spreadsheets are designed to contain, making Excel more flexible

than an accounting calculator for performing simple calculations

and summations.

2.2 Flexibility

Table 8. Weighted Mean and Qualitative Description under


Statement Weighted Qualitative

Mean Description

S1. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.32 Highly

accounting tool because it is widely Applied
compatible with other software and
tools, making it easy to import and
export data between different accounting
systems and software.

S2. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.35 Highly

accounting tool because it is widely Applied
available and can be installed on both
Windows and Mac operating systems. It's
also available as a web application
through Microsoft, making it accessible
from different devices and platforms.

S3. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.33 Highly

accounting tool because it is user- Applied
friendly and widely taught, as there are
numerous resources, tutorials, and
courses available to help individuals
improve their Excel skills.

S4. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.33 Highly

accounting tool because they can be Applied
easily shared and distributed, and they
can be opened on most devices. This makes
collaboration with colleagues,
accountants, or auditors

S5. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.35 Highly
accounting tool because to create custom Applied
templates that suit specific accounting
needs, designing worksheets, income
statements, balance sheets, and other
financial documents tailored to the
organization's requirements.

Average Weighted Mean and Overall 3.34 Highly

Qualitative Description Applied

The table shows that the total weighted mean under Flexibility

has a value of 3.34 which is interpreted as “Highly Applied”.

Therefore, applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool serves its

flexibility of each enterprise in Selected Barangays of Cabanatuan

City, Nueva Ecija in a highly applied manner.

As observed from the table, the highest weighted mean was 3.35

from statement 2 and 5 “The company applies Microsoft Excel as an

accounting tool because it is widely available and can be installed

on both windows and Mac operating systems. It's also available as

a web application through Microsoft, making it accessible from

different devices and platforms.” and “The company applies

Microsoft Excel as an accounting tool to create custom templates

that suit specific accounting needs, designing worksheets, income

statements, balance sheets, and other financial documents tailored

to the organization's requirements.” from which when verbally

described as “Highly Applied”. Meanwhile, statement 1 “The company

applies Microsoft Excel as an accounting tool because it is widely

compatible with other software and tools, making it easy to import

and export data between different accounting systems and software.”

had a weighted mean of 3.32 which was verbally described as “Highly

Applied”. This statement got the lowest weighted mean under the

parameter of flexibility.

This finding is consistent with the study of Brown, S.(2014)

he stated that Microsoft Excel enables the user to effortlessly

prepare and enter data, make model assumptions, and work

efficiently on any device or operating system, with results shown

immediately in an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Its versatility

makes it an ideal tool for a wide range of applications.

In addition, the finding in statement 5 was supported by the

study of Paun, F. 2015, who stated that the built-in Microsoft

Excel program herein presented allows for automating repeated

tasks; editing and customizing recorded to suit our needs; editing

recorded, viewing and modifying them, reading code, editing and

adding comments to it, finding, replacing, moving and copying code;

providing useful personalized complex programs. This program

enables them to organize and customize their financial data more

simply, do automatic calculations, and show financial information

in a more precise and structured manner. Microsoft Excel built-in

programs, in order to allow entire work as if everything would have

been programmed by Microsoft itself, beginning from raw data input,

intermediate and final processing, until the results presentation,

everything in only one workbook, by a mere click on the customized

buttons of a standard or personalized toolbar, but absolutely

similar to the original Excel toolbars.

2.3 Information Security

Table 9. Weighted Mean and Qualitative Description under

Information Security

Statement Weighted Qualitative

Mean Description

S1. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.41 Highly

accounting tool because it has password- Applied
protecting files and prevents
unauthorized access.

S2. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.31 Highly

accounting tool because it keeps our Applied
system protected with up-to-date
antimalware and antivirus software to
prevent malicious software from
compromising our Excel files.

S3. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.36 Highly

accounting tool because it allows the Applied
user to specify a password and lock the
file, preventing other users from
opening it.

S4. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.26 Highly

accounting tool because it provides Applied
regular updates and patches to address
security and stability issues, further
enhancing data protection.

S5. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.26 Highly

accounting tool because it includes Applied
built-in recovery options, such as auto-
saving and version history, that can
help restore data in the event of
unexpected shutdowns or errors.

Average Weighted Mean and Overall 3.32 Highly

Qualitative Description Applied

The table shows that the total weighted mean under Information

Security has a value of 3.32 which is interpreted as “Highly

Applied”. Therefore, applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool

serves its attribute of protecting the necessary data of each

enterprise in Selected Barangays of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

in a highly applied manner.

As observed from the table, the highest weighted mean was

3.41 from statement 1 “The company applies Microsoft Excel as an

accounting tool because it has password-protecting files and

prevents unauthorized access,” which when verbally described as

“Highly Applied”. Meanwhile, statement 4 and 5 “The company applies

Microsoft Excel as an accounting tool because it provides regular

updates and patches to address security and stability issues,

further enhancing data protection” and “The company applies

Microsoft Excel as an accounting tool because it includes built-

in recovery options, such as auto-saving and version history, that

can help restore data in the event of unexpected shutdowns or

errors,” had equal weighted mean of 3.26 which verbally described

as “Highly Applied”. These two statements got the lowest weighted

mean under the parameter of Information Security.

The finding is consistent with the study of Nishani (2022),

he stated that a company should be aware of where its sensitive

data is; who has access to the data and that the data is maintained

securely when data, employees, and software changes occur. One of

which is understanding the use of Microsoft Excel on implementing

protection and security among micro enterprises, SMEs and

enterprises in other sectors of production and business. And,

Microsoft Excel offers password-protecting security solutions due

to the complexity of the business environment that can prevent any

malicious acts that can be used against the company.

2.4 Usability

Table 10. Weighted Mean and Qualitative Description under


Statement Weighted Qualitative

Mean Descriptions

S1. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.27 Highly

accounting tool because it makes it easy Applied
to sort and filter data, simplifying the
process of focusing on specific subsets
of financial information for analysis
or reporting.

S2. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.40 Highly

accounting tool because it is much Applied
faster than manual calculations while
also being significantly more accurate.

S3. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.29 Highly

accounting tool because it proves Applied
invaluable when handling repetitive
calculations, such as updating our
monthly financial reports with data
changes, and we don't have to overhaul
the entire report each time.

S4. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.33 Highly

accounting tool because it houses Applied
important data, and it's crucial for
decision makers to understand the
narrative within the data to make
critical business decisions.

S5. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.26 Highly
accounting tool because it can be a Applied
valuable accounting tool for businesses
that do not need to comply with standard
accounting principles.

Average Weighted Mean and Overall 3.31 Highly

Qualitative Description Applied

The table shows that the total weighted mean under Usability

has a value of 3.31 which is interpreted as “Highly Applied”.

Therefore, applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool serves its

usability on enterprise in Selected Barangays of Cabanatuan City,

Nueva Ecija in a highly applied manner.

As observed from the table, the highest weighted mean was

3.40 from statement 2 “The company applies Microsoft Excel as

accounting tool because it is faster than manual calculations while

also being significantly more accurate,” which when verbally

described as “Highly Applied”. Meanwhile, statement 1 and 5 “The

company applies Microsoft Excel as an accounting tool because it

makes it easy to sort and filter data, simplifying the process of

focusing on specific subsets of financial information for analysis

or reporting” and “The company applies Microsoft Excel as an

accounting tool because it can be a valuable accounting tool for

businesses that do not need to comply with standard accounting

principles,” had a weighted mean of 3.27 and 3.26 which verbally

described as “Highly Applied”. These two statements got the lowest

weighted mean under the parameter of Usability.

This finding is consistent with the research of Nitin G

(2021), he stated that Microsoft Excel is an important tool that

is usefully used in the field of work these days. The board

advantages of applying excel includes faster and more accurate

decision making, quick computations, seamless data visualization,

and many more. Addition to it, with the formula that excel

contains, users can perform rapid calculations automatically. If

you're excellent at Excel, you won't have to execute massive

numerical computations manually, which are typically time-

consuming and frequently filled with human errors.

2.5 Practicality

Table 11. Weighted Mean and Qualitative Description under


Statement Weighted Qualitative

Mean Description

S1. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.23 Moderately

accounting tool because Microsoft offers Applied
free trial of Excel as part of the
Microsoft 365 suite, allowing you to use
it for limited time without purchasing a
full license.

S2. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.38 Highly

accounting tool because there are free Applied
and open-source spreadsheet programs
available, such as LibreOffice Calc and
Google Sheets, which can be used as
alternatives for basic accounting and
financial tasks without the need to
purchase a subscription.

S3. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.29 Highly

accounting tool because Microsoft 365 Applied
offers various subscription plans, and
the cost can vary depending on the plan
we choose.

S4. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.32 Highly

accounting tool because it offers a wide Applied
range of functions and features, making
it adaptable to various accounting
tasks, from data entry to complex
financial analysis.

S5. The company applies MS Excel as an 3.35 Highly
accounting tool because it tends to Applied
provide support and updates for its
software over an extended period. We can
continue to use older versions of Excel
without needing to upgrade immediately,
saving on software costs.

Average Weighted Mean and Overall 3.32 Highly

Qualitative Description Applied

The table shows that the total weighted mean under

Practicality has a value of 3.32 which is interpreted as “Highly

Applied”. Therefore, applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool

serves its practicality on enterprise in Selected Barangays of

Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija in a highly applied manner.

As observe from the table, the highest weighted mean was 3.38

from statement 2 “The company applies Microsoft Excel as an

accounting tool because there are free and open-source spreadsheet

programs available, such as LibreOffice Calc and Google Sheets,

which can be used as alternatives for basic accounting and

financial tasks without the need to purchase a subscription,” which

when verbally described as “Highly Applied”. Meanwhile, statement

1 “The company applies Microsoft Excel as an accounting tool

because it can be a valuable accounting tool for businesses that

do not need to comply with standard accounting principles.” had a

weighted mean of 3.23 which was verbally described as “Moderately

Applied”. This statement got the lowest weighted mean under the

parameter of Practicality.

This finding is consistent with the study of Vincent Ledbetter

(2023), he stated that both LibreOffice Calc and Google Sheets are

applications that we can use without any limit for free. Excel is

the undisputed king ahead of Calc from LibreOffice and Google

Sheets, since it is an application focused since its birth in 1985

to meet the needs of companies. Absolutely, both LibreOffice Calc

and Google Sheets are excellent alternatives for basic accounting

and financial tasks, providing users with the essential tools

required for managing budgets, tracking expenses, and performing

calculations all without the need for a subscription fee. These

applications offer spreadsheet functionalities that cater to a

wide range of accounting needs, making them accessible and cost-

effective options for individuals and small businesses alike.

Whether you prefer the offline capabilities of LibreOffice Calc or

the collaborative features of Google Sheets, both platforms allow

users to handle fundamental financial tasks efficiently without

the financial commitment associated with subscription-based.

3. Accounting Function performed in Microsoft Excel as Accounting

Tool of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Table 12. Accounting Function performed in Microsoft Excel as

Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Frequency Percentage
Accounting Function (s) (F) (%)

Data Entry and Storage 40 26%

Accounting and Budgeting 27 17%

Data Analysis and Reporting 39 25%

Expense Tracking 27 18%

Performing Calculation 18 12%

Other Accounting function specified by the Respondents:

Employee Listing 2 2%

TOTAL 153 100%

As may be viewed from table 8, out of 78 employees, 40 or 26%

used Microsoft Excel as Data Entry and Storage, 27 or 17% used

Microsoft Excel as Accounting and Budgeting, 39 or 25% used

Microsoft Excel as Data Analysis and Tracking, 27 or 18% used

Microsoft Excel as Expense Tracking, 18 or 12% used Microsoft Excel

as Performing Calculation, and lastly 2 or 2% used Microsoft Excel

on Other Functionality which is employee listing. This data implies

that the majority of the employees used Microsoft Excel as Data

Entry and Storage.

This finding is consistent with the study of Ifire (2023), he

stated that for businesses and companies that need to manage and

store their data quickly and accurately, Microsoft Excel can be a

lifesaver. With its powerful data entry tools and automation

capabilities, Excel can help you enter data faster than ever

before. Excel can be used to quickly enter large amounts of data

accurately with features like AutoFill and Flash Fill. It also has

built-in functions that can help with the verification of data

entry. This makes it an ideal tool for freelancers who need to

ensure accuracy in their data entry as well as storing data. With

Excel, you can easily detect any errors or inconsistencies,

allowing you to make corrections as needed and to keep that data

and have it as accessible as necessary within a storage.

4. Significant relationship among Age, Length of Service and

Application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting tool of Small and

Medium-Sized Enterprises

Table 13. Significant relationship between the Age, Length of

Service and Application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting tool of

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises


Management Flexibility Information Usability Practicality

of data security
Correlation 0.038 0.052 0.011 0.062 -0.011
Age Sig. (2-
tailed) 0.739 0.651 0.921 0.587 0.922
N 78 78 78 78 78
Correlation 0.031 -0.085 -0.173 -0.022 -0.067
Length of Sig. (2-
Service tailed) 0.789 0.459 0.129 0.85 0.561
N 78 78 78 78 78
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 14 shows the results of the analysis to determine if

there is a significant relationship between the age, length of

service, and the application of Microsoft Excel as an Accounting

Tool of Small and Medium – Sized Enterprises.

The data shown above revealed that there is no significant

relationship between the age of the respondents and the management

of data, flexibility, information security, usability and

practicality with a computed value of 0.038, 0.52, 0.11, 0.062,

and -0.011. While the computed values of 0.031, -0.085, -0.173, -

0.022, and -0.067 which indicates that the 5 factors have no

significant correlation to the length of service of the

respondents. Therefore, the null hypothesis number 1 was accepted.

Which states, “There is no significant relationship among the age,

length of service, and the application of Microsoft Excel as an

Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.”

5. Significant difference among Sex, Degree and Application of

Microsoft Excel as Accounting tool of Small and Medium-Sized


Table 14. Significant difference among Sex, Degree and

Application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting tool of Small and

Medium-Sized Enterprises

Paired Samples Test

Sig. (2-
t df tailed)
- There is significant
Sex 27.99 77 <.001 difference
There is significant
Degree 1.94 77 0.056 difference

The table 15 shows analysis of variance revealed that there

is substantial difference among the sex, degree, and the

application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and

Medium – Sized Enterprises. Therefore, null hypothesis number 2

was rejected, which states, “There is no significant difference

among the sex, degree, and the application of Microsoft Excel as

an Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”.

In terms of sex, it is aligned with the study of Burnett, et.

al (2013), it stated that sex differences do not suggest that males

are somehow "better" application software users than females. For

instance, using unfamiliar features is not always better than using

familiar ones, and tinkering is not always productive.

Furthermore, although sex differences in feature usage,

willingness to tinker, and confidence are all implicated in

results, an individual male or female generally does not bear every

trait associated with his or her sex. Although the statistical

analysis revealed sex differences, a portion of the males still

exhibited traits associated with the majority of females, and vice

versa. As the discussion of recent work shows, informing the design

of programming tools based on the differences

revealed investigation need not penalize either gender-doing so

can help everyone. It also found out that several of the results

from Study of generalized to Excel. First, females" self-efficacy

predicted task success, but the same did not hold true for the

males. Second, low self-efficacy females relied more heavily on

the "familiar type of features, particularly value edits: a

relationship that did not hold for males. Third, these results

could not be attributed to females being better judges of their

weaknesses. Females' comprehension of the software features was no

different than the males' and was not predicted by self-efficacy.

And in terms of degree, this finding is aligned with the study

of Grant, D. (2013) which stated that in today's technologically

advanced society, most graduate students are expected to be

computer literate in order to compete in today's global job market.

These computer skills typically include fundamental to advanced

knowledge of word processing, presentation software, and Microsoft

Excel spreadsheet applications. As a result, there may be some

variation in performance. It stated that an employee's literacy to

application software is mainly affected on how they are equipped

to technology during their college and skills can be vary based on

their learnings from college.

6. Action Plan on Applying Management of Data, Flexibility,

Information Security, Usability, and Practicality of Small and

Medium-Sized Enterprises of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.

Table 15. Action Plan on Applying Management of Data,

Flexibility, Information Security, Usability, and Practicality

of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of Cabanatuan City, Nueva



Areas of Plans/Strategi Persons Time Expected

Concern es/ Involved Frame Outcome

The To enhance the Owner/ Regular By enhancing

company use of Accounting ly the use of
applies Microsoft assigned for Microsoft
Microsoft Excel as an accounting, Excel as
Excel as accounting IT Experts accounting
an tool, the tool through
accountin company can training
g tool implement programs will
because training result to a
it programs to higher
organizes educate performance
and employees on and improved
filters advanced Excel skills of
data to functionalitie their
isolate s. employees
specific Additionally, especially in
informati creating utilizing
on and standardized application
utilizes templates for software like

Excel’s financial Microsoft
sorting reporting and Excel in
and encouraging terms of
filtering the use of managing
features pivot tables various
to view can streamline necessary
data data data. This
based on organization. will assist
criteria Regularly them to
like updating Excel navigate
data, skills through sorting and
category, workshops and filtering
or tutorials features it
amount. ensures had to
employees stay further
proficient in maximize it
leveraging for
sorting and accounting
filtering purposes.
features for
efficient data
analysis and


Areas of Plans/Strategi Persons Time Expected

Concern es/ Involved Frame Outcome

The Enterprises Owners/ Twice Knowledge and

company should further Employees in a understanding
applies seek for an IT assigned for week. are power, IT
Microsoft expert in accounting, professionals
Excel as order to IT Experts can instruct
an understand how you in the
accountin compatibility best way
g tool of Microsoft possible. By
because Excel with their
it is other software guidance and
widely and tools be expertise,

compatibl possible owners,
e with especially especially
other when importing employees,
software and exporting can acquire a
and data with set of
tools, various Microsoft
making it accounting Excel's
easy to systems and skills
import software. They specifically
and must be in finding
export confused when and
data dealing with understanding
between its how it can be
different compatibility compatible in
accountin but it is best other
g systems to ask for systems. This
and professionals can avoid
software. and let them confusion and
guide you on can improve
how it works, their
correctly. utilization
of Microsoft


Areas of Plans/Strategi Persons Time Expected

Concern es/ Involved Frame Outcome

The To enhance Owner/ Regular Employees

company Microsoft Accounting ly become more
applies Excel as an Staff/Users aware of
Microsoft accounting security
Excel as tool, the threats and
an organization the
accountin can establish importance of
g tool a keeping
because comprehensive accounting
it training tasks secure.
provides program, Proactive
regular emphasizing software

updates the latest updates and
and features and security
patches security policies
to protocols. reduce the
address Encouraging a risk of data
security proactive breaches,
and approach to protecting
stability software employees and
issues, updates, the
further particularly organization
enhancing for data from
data protection, potential
protectio and security
n and it implementing incidents.
includes stringent data Additionally,
built-in security knowing that
recovery policies software is
options, within Excel. up to date
such as The and security
auto- multifaceted policies are
saving strategy also in place
and involves fosters
version fostering a employee
history, culture of confidence
that can awareness and when using
help conducting Excel for
restore periodic accounting
data in security tasks.
the event audits to Employees can
of address constantly
unexpecte potential update their
d vulnerabilitie skills and
shutdowns s, aiming to knowledge,
or optimize staying up to
errors. Excel's date on the
capabilities latest
for accounting security
tasks with features and
robust best
security practices.

The The IT Owner/ Regular
company department can Accounting ly Employees who
applies enhance Staff/Users have been
Microsoft employees' use trained in
Excel as of Microsoft Excel's
an Excel as an recovery
accountin accounting features gain
g tool tool by confidence in
because implementing using the
it focused application
includes strategies. because they
built-in This includes know their
recovery specialized data is
options, training on secure and
such as Excel's recoverable.
auto- recovery They also
saving features, adapt to
and emphasizing changes in
version auto-saving Excel's
history, and version interface,
that can history for ensuring that
help data they are
restore restoration. aware of and
data in Establishing can use new
the event regular backup functionaliti
of protocols es.
unexpecte complements Additionally,
d. these instead of
shutdowns features, manually
or bolstering creating
errors. overall data multiple
resilience. copies or
Documentation backups,
and resources employees can
outlining best save time by
practices for utilizing
utilizing auto-saving.
recovery Employees can
features help work more
mitigate the efficiently,
impact of reduce risks,

unexpected and ensure
disruptions. A the integrity
proactive of their
approach to valuable
system updates data.
ensures that
both Excel and
benefit from
the latest
The IT
department can
channels for
addressing any
data recovery
issues within
Excel. These
employees to
Excel's built-
in recovery
disruptions in


Areas of Plans/Strategi Persons Time Expected

Concern es/ Involved Frame Outcome

The To optimize Owner / Regular By

company Microsoft Accounting ly transforming
applies Excel for non- Staff Microsoft
Microsoft traditional Excel into a
Excel as accounting valuable
an practices, the accounting
accountin company can tool that may
g tool develop not require
because specialized strict
it can be templates for adherence to
a precise data standard
valuable entry and accounting
accountin offer focused principles,
g tool training Business
for programs enterprise
businesse emphasizing could
s that do relevant specialize
not need features. templates and
to comply Encouraging focused
with customization training that
standard of Excel can result in
accountin functions more accurate
g enhances and efficient
principle adaptability data entry in
s. to specific their
reporting organization.
needs. Regular Encouraging
audits ensure customization
data accuracy enhances
and compliance adaptability,
with internal while regular
accounting audits ensure
standards. compliance
Promoting with internal
collaboration standards and
among promoting
employees collaboration
fosters the fosters the
sharing of sharing of
innovative innovative
Excel practices,
practices. and exploring
Exploring integration
integration possibilities
possibilities with other
with other tools
tools streamlines
streamlines processes.
accounting Ultimately,
processes, can lead to
tailoring improved
Microsoft efficiency,
Excel to meet better
the unique decision-
needs of making, and
businesses enhanced
operating overall
outside performance
standard for their
accounting businesses
principles. operating
and standards
within their


Areas of Plans/Strategi Persons Time Expected

Concern es/ Involved Frame Outcome

The Enterprises Accounting Regular The

company will use the Staff/Users/Ow ly accounting
applies trial period ner staff/users
Microsoft to evaluate by
Excel as whether Excel approaching
an within the the trial can
accountin Microsoft 365

g tool suite meets get a
because the specific comprehensive
Microsoft requirements understanding
offers a of the of Excel's
free company. Use features and
trial of the trial to determining
Excel as enhance areas if Microsoft
part of you want to Excel within
the improve, such the Microsoft
Microsoft as formulas, 365 suite
365 data analysis, aligns with
suite, or chart your workflow
allowing creation. and business
you to Consider needs before
use it factors like deciding on a
for a ease of use, full license
limited features, and purchase.
time integration Having full
without capabilities. license
purchasin The provides
g a full performance of unrestricted
license. Microsoft access to all
Excel meets features and
your functionaliti
satisfaction es of
to try to Microsoft
avail a full Excel without
license. any time
and allows
beyond trial

Chapter IV

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

I. Summary of Findings

This study was conducted to determine how enterprises applied

Microsoft Excel as accounting tool of Small and Medium-sized

Enterprises in selected barangays of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.

A quantitative type of research was utilized, and the survey

questionnaire from the adapted study was modified in accordance

with the objectives of this study in gathering the data from

seventy-eight (78) respondents.

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

In terms of age, respondents were mostly 26-30 years old,

with a frequency of 31 or 40% of the total number of respondents.

There were 24 respondents or 31%, who belong to 21-25 years old.

15 respondents, or 19%, range from 31-35 years old. The 6%, or 5

respondents, belong to 36-40 years old. 2 respondents or 3%, range

from 41-45 years old and one respondent or 1%, belong to 46-50

years old.

1.2 Sex

In terms of sex, 39 or 50% of the respondents were males,

while the remaining 39 respondents or 50% of the total number of

respondents were females.

1.3 Length of Service

In terms of length of service, 22 respondents or 28% have

been working for 3 to 4 years. Meanwhile, 17 respondents or 22%

have been working less than 6 months. 16 respondents or 21% belong

in the bracket of 1 to 2 years. 11 or 14% have been working for 6

months to 1 year. 8 respondents or 10% belong in the bracket of

5 to 6 years. 3 or 4% have been working for 7 months to 8 years.

Lastly, 1 respondent or 1% have been working for 7 to 8 years.

1.4 Degree

In terms of degree, most of the respondents graduated from

BSBA course with a frequency of 31 or 40%. 10 respondents or 13%

graduated from BSMA course. 8 or 10% graduated from BSA course.

Meanwhile, 7 respondents or 9% graduated from BSAIS course and

other courses specified by the respondents are BSIT, BSHRM, BSTM,

BSCE, BIT, ABE, BSSE, Automotive, ICT-Senior High School, and High

School Graduate with frequency of 22 or 28%.

2. Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-

Sized Enterprises

In terms of Management of Data, it has a general weighted

mean 3.40, which, when verbally described as “Highly Applied”.

Therefore, applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool serves its

management of data on enterprise in Selected Barangays of

Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija in a highly applied manner.

In terms of Flexibility, it has a general weighted mean 3.34,

which is interpreted as “Highly Applied”. Therefore, applying

Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool serves its attribute of

protecting the necessary data of each enterprise in Selected

Barangays of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija in a highly applied


In terms of Information Security, applying Microsoft Excel as

Accounting Tool serves its attribute of protecting the necessary

data of each enterprise in Selected Barangays of Cabanatuan City,

Nueva Ecija in a highly applied manner with a general weighted

mean of 3.32 which is interpreted as “Highly Applied”.

In terms of Usability, it has a general weighted mean of 3.31

which is interpreted as “Highly Applied”. Therefore, applying

Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool serves its usability on

enterprise in Selected Barangays of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

in a highly applied manner.

In terms of Practicality, it has a general weighted mean of

3.32, which, when verbally described as “Highly Applied”.

Therefore, applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool serves its

practicality on enterprise in Selected Barangays of Cabanatuan

City, Nueva Ecija in a highly applied manner.

3. Accounting Functions performed in Microsoft Excel as Accounting

Tool of Small and Medium-sized enterprises.

In terms of accounting function, 40 respondents or 51% use

Microsoft Excel as data entry and storage. The 39 respondents or

50% use Microsoft Excel as data analysis and tracking. Meanwhile,

27 respondents or 35% use Microsoft Excel as accounting and

budgeting. Also, 27 respondents or 35% use Microsoft Excel as

expense tracking. 17 respondents or 22% use Microsoft Excel as

Performing Calculation. Lastly 2 or 4% used Microsoft Excel on

other functionality which is employee listing.

3. Relationship between the Age, Length of Service, and the

Application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and

Medium – Sized Enterprises.

It may be reflected from the table that the profile of the

respondents in terms of age and length of service do not yield any

significant relationship to the respondents’ Management of data,

Flexibility, Information Security, Usability, Practicality under

application of Microsoft Excel as an Accounting Tool of Small and

Medium – Sized Enterprises.

4. Difference among the Sex, Degree, and the Application of

Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium – Sized


The finding revealed that there are significant differences

between sex and the degree of the respondents with the application

of Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium – Sized


5. Action Plan proposed to improve the Application of Microsoft

Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

The action plan that is hereby proposed focuses on the

strategies on how to sustain the application of Microsoft Excel as

an Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. The said

action plan sought to help the organization identify areas for

sustaining and take targeted actions. This comes in 5 phases

namely, areas of concern, plan/strategies/activities, person

involved, time frame, and expected outcome.

II. Conclusions

1. Small and Medium-Sized enterprises' accounting employees' ages,

ranges from 26 to 30 years old which is equally distributed to

male and female and have been in the service for 3 to 4 years.

Also, most of them took Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration and they commonly utilized Microsoft Excel for Data

Entry and Storage.

2. Applying Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-

Sized Enterprises' parameters such as Management of Data,

Flexibility, Information Security, Usability and Practicality of

Microsoft Excel were highly applied. Therefore, enterprises were

able to utilized Microsoft Excel's attributes to further maximize

the wide range of mathematical and financial functions of it for

accounting purposes to makes it easy to create formulas to perform

calculations, such as balance sheets, income statements, financial

ratios, and other accounting data. They highly applied it with a

reason that it is widely available and can be installed on both

Windows and Mac operating systems. It is also available as a web

application through Microsoft, making it accessible from different

devices and platforms along with custom templates that suit

specific accounting needs, designing worksheets, income

statements, balance sheets, and other financial documents tailored

to the organization's requirements. The password-protecting files

which prevents unauthorized access made it also these enterprises

to highly applied Microsoft Excel. Moreover, Microsoft Excel as an

accounting tool is much faster than manual calculations while also

being significantly more accurate. That is why enterprises highly

applied the usability of it. And, lastly, Microsoft Excel offers

free and open-source spreadsheet programs available, such as

LibreOffice Calc and Google Sheets, which can be used as

alternatives for basic accounting and financial tasks without the

need to purchase a subscription. Therefore, Microsoft Excel is

inevitably highly applied in all aspects of each variable.

3. Based on the findings of the study out of all the presented

accounting functions, data entry and storage are the most commonly

performed accounting function in Microsoft Excel as Accounting

Tool of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Additionally,

respondents specified employee listing as other accounting


4. The profile variables such as age and length of service were

not correlated with the Application of Microsoft Excel as

accounting tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Thus, the

null hypothesis "There is no significant relationship among the

age, length of service, and the application of Microsoft Excel as

an Accounting Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" is


5. The profile variables such as sex and degree had significant

differences with the Application of Microsoft Excel as Accounting

Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Thus, the null

hypothesis "There is no significant difference among the sex,

degree, and the application of Microsoft Excel as an Accounting

Tool of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' is rejected.

6. The action plan was crafted based on the lowest weighted mean

to further recommend and suggest to those enterprises on how they

can apply Microsoft Excel as Accounting Tool in the most effective

and improved ways possible.

III. Recommendations

To Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise. To enhance the use of

Microsoft Excel as an accounting tool, the company can implement

training programs to educate employees on advanced Excel

functionalities. Additionally, creating standardized templates for

financial reporting and encouraging the use of pivot tables can

streamline data organization. Regularly updating Excel skills

through workshops and tutorials ensures employees stay proficient

in leveraging sorting and filtering features for efficient data

analysis and reporting.

Secondly, Enterprises should further seek for an IT expert

in order to understand how compatibility of Microsoft Excel with

other software and tools be possible especially when importing and

exporting data with various accounting systems and software. They

must be confused when dealing with its compatibility but it is

best to ask for professionals and let them guide you on how it

will work, correctly.

Third, to enhance Microsoft Excel as an accounting tool,

the organization can establish a comprehensive training program,

emphasizing the latest features and security protocols.

Encouraging a proactive approach to software updates, particularly

for data protection, and implementing stringent data security

policies within Excel. The multifaceted strategy also involves

fostering a culture of awareness and conducting periodic security

audits to address potential vulnerabilities, aiming to optimize

Excel's capabilities for accounting tasks with robust security


Fourth, the IT department can enhance employees' use of

Microsoft Excel as an accounting tool by implementing focused

strategies. This includes specialized training on Excel's recovery

features, emphasizing auto-saving and version history for data

restoration. Establishing regular backup protocols complements

these features, bolstering overall data resilience. Documentation

and resources outlining best practices for utilizing recovery

features help mitigate the impact of unexpected disruptions. A

proactive approach to system updates ensures that both Excel and

related software benefit from the latest recovery enhancements.

The IT department can provide technical support channels for

addressing any data recovery issues within Excel. These integrated

strategies empower employees to effectively utilize Excel's built-

in recovery options, minimizing disruptions in accounting tasks.

Lastly, enterprises will use the trial period to evaluate

whether Excel within the Microsoft 365 suite meets the specific

requirements of the company. Use the trial to enhance areas you

want to improve, such as formulas, data analysis, or chart

creation. Consider factors like ease of use, features, and

integration capabilities. The performance of Microsoft Excel meets

your satisfaction to try to avail a full license version of it.

To the students. Researchers recommend that students under

CMA and other technology related courses should focus in improving

their expertise in utilizing Microsoft Excel since in their chosen

career, this is a fundamental skill they should acquire.

To the PHINMA Araullo University. Researchers recommend

that the school should further develop the program of the above

stated students in acquiring skills especially in harnessing full

knowledge and skills in Microsoft Excel.

To the Community of Cabanatuan City. Researchers recommend

that future entrepreneurs should consider the profile of their

employees and assess rightfully who can contribute to the success

of their organization, especially that technology literate is a


To the Researchers. It is highly recommended that they

should optimize the knowledge that they gained from their conducted

study since it can be a valuable one especially in their chosen


To the Future Researchers. Researchers recommend that

future researchers can focus on other attributes that Microsoft

Excel possessed to further assess how it is utilized or applied.


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