LP Week 16 Wednesday
LP Week 16 Wednesday
LP Week 16 Wednesday
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: What I’m looking for (WILF):
Understand independently specific information 1. Pupils can complete 6 sentences.
and details in simple longer texts on a range of 2. Pupils can complete 5 gap fills in the notes.
familiar topics by completing 6 sentences and 3. Pupils can answer 6 comprehension
answering 6 comprehension questions. questions.
Understand independently the main ideas in
simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics by
completing 5 gap fills in the notes.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: What I’m looking for (WILF):
write the past participle for 9 verbs 1. Pupils can write the past participle for 9
choose the correct words for 5 sentences. verbs.
complete 4 sentences with either “gone” or 2. Pupils can choose the correct words for 5
OBJECTIVES CRITERIA 3. Pupils can complete 4 sentences with either
complete 7 gap fills in the short paragraph
“gone” or “been”.
4. Pupils can complete 7 gap fills in the short
NOTE Lesson was postponed because teacher is on medical leave.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: What I’m looking for (WILF):
Narrate factual and imagined events and 1. Pupils can complete a flowchart using 6
experiences by writing a short paragraph (100 phrases
words) about the routine of a stay-at-home mum. 2. Pupils can write a draft of about 50 words.
3. Pupils can write a short paragraph of about
Use capitals, full stops, commas in lists, question 100 words.
marks and speech marks appropriately at 4. Pupils can rewrite a paragraph using the
LEARNING discourse level by rewriting a paragraph using the SUCCESS
correct punctuation marks.
OBJECTIVES correct punctuation marks. CRITERIA
15. A few pairs share their discussion with the class.
REFLECTION pupils were able to achieve the objectives. ATTENDANCE /39