Stargate Worlds Jump
Stargate Worlds Jump
Stargate Worlds Jump
Kudos to Mac Ibah and M Johnstone for typo-hunting, Daniel Boese, Stargatelover1938, John Smith and Jarosla Jarmut for suggestions, and many
others for their help.
Ra's death will send shock waves through the ancient, decadent, and cruel civilization of the Goa'uld System
Lords, of whom Ra was the Supreme System Lord. For more than twenty thousand years the alien parasites
known as the Goa'uld have infested humanoid species across the galaxy, using scavenged technology from
long-dead civilizations to pose as deities to their slaves. Dozens of humanoid civilizations - most of them
offshoots of original Terran humans - upon thousands of planets have been kept under their control through
superstition and the thorough suppression of learning and technology. An entire offshoot of humanity called the
Jaffa was genetically engineered to be physically superior to humans yet biologically dependent upon Goa'uld
larvae so as to serve as their masters' enforcers and guards. The Goa'uld way of life and their use of certain
dangerous technology have long-since made the Goa'uld vicious, extremely competitive, hidebound, and
highly prone to mental disorders, and only the absolute power of Ra could maintain long-term peace. With his
death the galaxy will soon fall into chaos especially since the System Lords, the greatest Goa'uld leaders
under Ra, will soon find out who slew their god-king.
It is in this perilous time you'll be inserted, a time of great war and ancient evils far worse than the Goa'uld
waking up. The action will soon spill not over just one but three Galaxies. Take 1000 CP to help you survive.
Choose a race to insert in from the options below. You begin either as an established average (plus perk
benefits) member of the chosen species with a backstory, contacts, records, and memories in this world, or
Drop In out of thin air with none of the above but with the advantage of nobody knowing you exist and thus the
opportunity to take your enemies (or victims) by surprise. You may start in any location that would make sense
for your backstory as long as it doesn't confer immediate advantages or anything that could be bought with CP.
I.e. you could start on an unclaimed planet where you could build up your forces, but you cannot start in an
Ancient facility with a knowledge repository, a superweapon, and a couple of ZPMs, nor could you start behind
Ra's back so you could kill him and take over his host and control of the Goa'uld. (If you need a default starting
place to be picked for you... you can arrive in Jack's closet. You're far from the strangest thing that'll show up
Human: The most numerous and widespread being in multiple galaxies, humans are the distant descendants
of Alterans, the Ancients that first developed civilization, created the stargate network, and ultimately ascended
to a higher plane of existence. Humans from advanced worlds have a well-rounded education and better
understanding of complex concepts, while those from primitive worlds have a better grasp of tactics and
survival, and well-honed instincts and intuition. Human average lifespan ranges from as low as thirty years to
as high as a hundred and twenty.
Jaffa: The genetically-engineered and usually indoctrinated super soldiers of the Goa'uld, all Jaffa warriors
have higher physical abilities than humans, and decades of training in Goa'uld weapons and tactics. On top of
their considerable physical prowess, they have an organ called a prim'ta, a small internal pouch in their bellies
where, once implanted, a larval Goa'uld matures, providing them with an enhanced immune system, slow
regeneration from wounds and toxins, and a further physical boost. However, without the larva their immune
systems are crippled (intentionally so from Goa'uld bio-engineering) and they otherwise need a hard-to-
synthesize chemical to survive. Jaffa must take the "Prim'ta" drawback; they still get CP from it. They have a
natural lifespan of two to three hundred years.
Goa'uld: The current masters of the Milky Way Galaxy and self-styled gods are the least physically impressive
of all advanced races. Worm-like amphibians, a mere one to three feet long and lacking tool-using limbs, would
be incapable of higher civilization if not for their multiple unusual abilities. They have perfect genetic memory,
enabling them not only to remember their entire, very-long life, but also to pass on this memory to their
offspring. They have an innate regeneration that extends their lives for centuries and can defeat almost any
pathogen - even those created by Ascended. Most importantly, they can bond with most sapient species and
take over their bodies and minds. Goa'uld must take the "Host requirement" drawback; they still get CP from
Asgard: The ancient foes of the Goa'uld and rulers of the Ida galaxy, the Asgard are the gray-skinned, large-
headed, bulbous-eyed aliens of popular culture. Seeing as one of their number was responsible for the Roswell
incident, that is quite fitting. With technology so advanced it might seem as magic even to other advanced
races and ships shaped like the offspring of a hammer and a flying saucer, they are considered the most
powerful still surviving race. In reality though, they are a dying breed. Cloning errors compounded through
repeated use of such techniques for both procreation and physical immortality have caused widespread
genetic degradation that is incurable through Asgard tech. Unless a solution is found, the entire race might die
out in mere decades. Asgard must take the "Genetic Degradation" drawback for no CP. Their natural
lifespans are shortened as a result.
Wraith: In another galaxy, a great evil dwells. An Alteran bio-weapon experiment gone wrong, a race of
regenerating insectoids was fused with humanoid base stock to create a race of beings physically superior to
most others. Unfortunately, the Alterans' creation proved all too successful as a weapon yet all too flawed as a
species; they feed on the life energy of other sapient beings both to sustain themselves as well as their alien
biotechnology. Thus they harvest countless victims through raids on populated worlds. Unfortunately, you have
dropped into this world as a Wraith; you haven't yet consumed anyone, but the more wraith abilities you have
and the more you use them, the faster your hunger will grow. Take the "Hunger for Life" drawback for no CP.
Android: Technology can achieve miracles in this universe, from traveling between distant stars, to creating
life. And not just biological life, but fully sentient and sapient artificial intelligence. You're not a computer-bound
A.I. but an android mimicking organic, bipedal life. For some reason your unknown creator wanted you to
appear indistinguishable from other humanoids in the galaxy to the point you might not have immediately
realized you weren't human if you hadn't already known. As sapient, sentient technology, you have powerful
options biological beings do not, but being inorganic you are excluded from certain benefits of life. You must
take the "Machine Intelligence" drawback for normal CP.
All perks are discounted for their respective origins, and the 100 cp perks are free to them. Some perks mark
themselves as origin-exclusive, meaning only the respective origin can take them. Some drawbacks modify
how some perks function, or limit what perks you can take. Refer to the relevant drawback in the drawbacks
list. Other than these limitations any origin can take any perk, as usual, though there might be flavor
differences. I.e. a combat training perk might be tradition to a Jaffa, natural instinct to a Wraith, military training
to a human, or remembered skill to a Goa'uld, though the mechanics do not change.
Enlightenment perks are not discounted for any origin, and taking them has certain social, theological, and
drawback-related ramifications; see the "Drawbacks" section if you've taken any.
[100] Fire and Iron
Humanity might be primitive compared to most aliens, but a bullet will still kill you dead if it hits just right, and
understanding relatively primitive tech is sometimes better than fumbling through the capabilities of impossibly
advanced miracle devices. You have a familiarity with 20th century human technology, and an understanding
of concepts such as mass production, modern economics, and logistics that most of the galaxy often does
without. You can share this knowledge with other societies quickly and easily enough that you could uplift a
medieval culture in years instead of the centuries it might normally take. In future jumps, you'll have a similar
understanding of the human civilization of Earth or an alternate homeworld of humanity, assuming it exists.
[100] Survival Expert
Human life is vulnerable even to something as simple as a fall or bad weather, let alone actual weapons of
war. You have grown up with an instinctual understanding of such fragility and as a result became an expert in
survival. Whether it is hostile climates, a wilderness away from technology, or a wasteland left behind by war,
you know how to find your way, gather any food that there is to be found, and improvise tools, weapons, and
shelter. You could live on your own on a dangerous planet for fifty years. This applies to any environment
considered natural in future jumps, but not magical/extradimensional ones.
[100] Multicultural
Humanity is a sea of different cultures, tribes, histories, religions, and languages. As part of it, you have
learned to deal better with such differences, grasp the key parts of foreign civilizations, and use them to your
advantage. You can find common points that help in cooperation between allied cultures and weak points that
help you gain advantage over hostile cultures. You could ally with a slave race and turn them against their god.
In future jumps, this will apply to all cultures humanity has even situationally cooperated with.
[100] Weaponmaster
Decades or perhaps even centuries of practice with your favored weapon or combat style have put you at a
level of skill others may not believe is possible. Your performance with your chosen weapon pushes beyond
even the weapon's normal limits. Make headshots at three times a rifle's effective range, achieve rates of fire
with a handgun as great as an SMG's while maintaining accuracy, deflect projectiles with a melee weapon.
You may pick this perk multiple times for different weapons or styles; such subsequent purchases are
discounted to Jaffa, not free. In future jumps, your skill with those weapons will always be a cut above what is
humanly possible in that jump.
[300] Brotherhood
The Jaffa are the servants and foot soldiers of the gods, warriors of discipline without peer, but above all else
they are family. When you fight side-by-side in a small team with those you consider family or close comrades,
both your and their efficiency increases. You coordinate with little need of communication, watch each other's
backs and offer support in just the right moment, and act as a single unit that is more than the sum of its parts.
Those effects increase the more familiar you are with each other and the more members of the group have this
perk; a small team of veterans that have been through hundreds of battles for many years might be a threat to
the gods themselves.
[100] Genetic Memory
You are the offspring of a goa'uld queen. Like many Goa'uld, you have inherited the full genetic memory of
your parents. You remember their entire lives with perfect clarity, as well as any new memories you make
yourself, and your memory has no capacity limits. While this is a great way to learn all sorts of secrets or train
in skills your parents knew without need of a teacher or books, unless you have a really strong will, your
personality will be influenced by your parents' experiences and actions. In future jumps, this applies to the
parents of your chosen origin. This perk has no effect if you don’t have biological parents.
[100] Regeneration
What brought the Iratus bug the Wraith were created from into the Lanteans' attention was its ability to survive
in extreme environments and recover from anything that did not kill it outright. Wraith share this characteristic
and now so do you: non-lethal weaponry is but an irritant. Bullets, blades and typical energy weapons are like
punches would be to others. Even if critically wounded you will recover, provided your body has energy.
[300] Hybridization
Wraith originated from the blending of the Iratus bug with humanoid genetics through the genius (and insanity)
of Lantean scientists. Studying their genetics has provided knowledge of the creation of further hybrids, either
through conventional means or through specifically-tailored viruses. Those hybrids share traits of both Wraith
and another humanoid species. If applied to a Wraith (including yourself) hybridization can grant the three free
perks of another origin except for Android, and enables shifting into a form that can pass as humanoid. If
applied to a non-Wraith (including yourself), hybridization grants the three free perks of a Wraith and lets the
hybrid further get Wraith-exclusive perks, though without discounts.
[600] Bio-Shaper
Wraith do not use weapons: they are the weapons. Eschewing normal technological practices, they grow
anything from tools to starships out of biomass directly with energy and shape it with psychic power. Such bio-
constructs share the Wraith’s endurance and regeneration. Like the rare Wraith bio-shapers, you can now
create and control all forms of Wraith biotechnology, provided you have either sufficient power sources, or
enough drained life-force, and psychic abilities to direct them. You could even invent new forms of Wraith bio-
weapons given time and effort, or shape your own appearance within the extremes of a humanoid form.
Alternative power-sources of sufficient intensity from this or future jumps can improve the power of this ability
depending on the amount of energy provided: zero-point modules could be used to make wraith hives that
rapidly regenerate from a small fleet's weapons.
[100] Mechanical Body (Android only)
Yer an android, Jumper. While you appear to be a bog standard humanoid, underneath the techno-organic
skin and synthetic muscle wiring lies a metal skeleton, a power distribution network, and other mechanical
systems. As long as you have power, you will not tire, you do not age, you do not need sleep, and do not
require food, water, or air. You are not susceptible to poison, disease, or most parasites, and can resist
temperature, pressure, and acceleration differentials an order of magnitude greater than a human. Perks that
would enhance your biological form are now similar upgrades to your mechanical body. Without other perks
though, you are not any stronger than a human and will need technical skills and spare parts to self-repair as
biological healing abilities or medical skills and technologies don't work on you.
[100] Self-Adjustment
While a machine, you have been built in the image of your humanoid creators. Thanks to techno-organic skin
and synthetic muscle you both appear and feel indistinguishable from humans, and in-depth scans are
required to tell you apart from organics. Furthermore, your artificial skin and musculature are malleable to an
extent. They can bruise, scrape, and even bleed seemingly like organics if you want them to, and heal from
surface damage rapidly when needed. Given time and a template, they might even adjust to other images,
letting you change your appearance and coloration. Finally, you can self-repair at about the same rate as a
normal human. More advanced forms of androids can take this self-adjustment to much greater heights.
Enlightenment is the path the precursor races of the Stargate universe used to Ascend into immortal energy
beings. Effects depend on the total number and cost of perks from this list. Ascension draws attention from
other Ascended factions however; for every 600 cp in Enlightenment (rounded up), you must take one of the
Ascended-related drawbacks - you still get points for them.
Items are discounted to the respective origin. Multiple discounts stack. Items costing 50 cp are free the first
time bought if discounted. Items bought here are fiat-backed to work on other jumps even if you haven't bought
the relevant technology perk, and are restored at the end of every jump if lost/destroyed. If you do have the
relevant technology perk(s), they will be repaired/restocked at the end of the week (for personal items), within
three months (for ships/stations), or within one year (for larger installations) unless otherwise noted. Copying
requires the relevant tech perks and materials to maintain fiat-backing.
[50] Guns, Lots of Guns
Tau'ri love their firearms and so do you. This provides a depot of a thousand 20th century infantry weapons of
your choice. Each additional purchase adds a zero to that number. This can be a warehouse attachment.
[50] Kara'kesh
You get your own personal Goa'uld Hand Device, a piece of jewelry that fits around your hand with an inch-
wide crimson crystal resting on your palm. It can project short-range energy arcs to torture or kill, a gravitic
shockwave to damage and knock back enemies, create a bubble shield around you and a few other people
that can stand up to the firepower of a platoon's worth of firearms or standard energy weapons, or
communicate with any receiver and act as a remote control for technology you own (or can breach its security)
within planetary distances. It can perform only one function at a time though, but is controlled mentally and
calibrated to work only for you. Curiously, it will always turn up when you need it, even if lost or taken from you,
and nothing can hack it or prevent it from working. Must be some sort of Alteran tech.
[100] Sarcophagus
You have one of the famous healing sarcophagi for your own now. Capable of healing all injuries and even of
bringing back the recently dead, this device can restore a full person from nothing more than the head. It’s rare
even among the Goa’uld, and yours is better than most in that no matter how many times it’s used, it causes
no mental harm in the long or the short term. It still has limits though; while brain damage can be restored,
you’ll need other ways to recover lost memories from it.
[600] Mothership
Goa’uld System Lords often employ special Flagships, such as the Super Ha’tak employed by Apophis and
designed by Sokar or the massive 5000 meter wide mothership of Anubis. With this purchase you get one such
ship; the biggest, most powerful ship that could be built with technology purchased here and designed with
your and your companions’ or followers’ technical skills. At minimum this is a ship as capable as Apophis’ and
counts as a base even with no other purchases, and gets better from there. In future jumps it is upgraded with
what tech you got in the beginning of each jump.
[50] Asgard Hand Device (
You get a pack of five of these. They are small handheld medical devices which specializes in fixing
issues of the brain. It has a mental interface and connects to the user's mind and informs them of any
issues found in the patient's brain. It’s designed for medical usage and is limited to only therapeutic
usage. This can be used to remove things like PTSD, memetic mental infections, foreign or exterior
mental influences and foreign knowledge. It can also fix brain damage caused by a wide variety of
things like strokes, Alzheimer's/dementia, brain cancer etc. It can also be used to stop and reverse the
process of ascension and can restore lost memories. These devices are fully and independently
powered and require no maintenance. You can purchase this multiple times and each additional
purchase doubles the number of them that you receive.
[50] Holoprojector
A small handheld device which projects a full-color hologram and sound up to the size of a car, these
can be used as both a communication device like a cell-phone, and output device from computer
systems or as independent recording and playback devices. The cell-phone “communication” between
holoprojectors has unlimited range between other holoprojectors. You can also project false images,
enabling you to “take calls” while appearing to be something else. These also have a substantial
hologram-broadcast range enabling you to broadcast the hologram at a 10km range and you also
receive audio and holo-video from around the projection point, you can also project these holograms
through shields. By default these also have individual digital keys which can help them work with the
“Comms Suppressors”. These devices are fully and independently powered and require no
maintenance. You can purchase this multiple times and you get a pack of fifty of these along with
digitized blueprints and software, each additional purchase doubles the number you receive.
You can fully integrate these into ships or facilities, in which case you will get a new one (replacing the
integrated one) a year later.
[50] Spear Gun
The spear gun is a weapon made to stun, to help the wraith paralyze their victims before they feed on
them. This purchase gives you, all soldiers ,companions, followers and individuals under you a basic
spear gun: The spear gun is only able to stun, but it does have a fairly impressive range and can be
fired at a fairly fast rate. It can also be used as a melee weapon as the spear portion of the gun is an
actual functional spear with the gun portion recessed so as to avoid damage.
Each subsequent purchase can add one of the following upgrades: a rapid-fire mode, enough range
extension and accuracy to engage small aircraft, a firepower upgrade that gives the gun a lethal mode
that lets each shot blast through several feet of stone or a few inches of metal, or a size reduction to
make them easier to aim, carry, and conceal. This can be either a warehouse attachment that
stockpiles the weapons, or the resources and automated facilities to produce them in-jump. This can
take the form of a small factory on a planet under either your direct control, or it’s a asteroid based
factory (with automated asteroid-mining drones) you own or it is at some other location which you
know about and can receive the product from it.
[200] Interdictor
[400] Hive Group
[400] Wraith Gene Therapy
[600] Herd of Worshippers
[600] Superhive
[50] Portable Generator
[50] Energy Pistol
[50] Integrated Tools
[50] Integrated Ports
[100] Android Fabricator
[100] Asuran Probes
[100] Wireless Power System
[200] Asuran Cruisers
[200] Stargate Satellite
[400] Replicator Cruisers
[400] Asuran Battleships
Tired of being in a hostile galaxy on your own? Here you can bring in companions to your adventures. Different
companion types have different CP allotments and can't take further drawbacks on their own, but they gain half
the points for any world-state drawbacks you picked. The total companion limit and what happens if a
companion dies depends on what jumpchain rules you use. As a rule of thumb the limit is eight, and
companions reappear in your warehouse a day after being killed.
[200] SG-X
SG teams are awesome, and this purchase lets you get one for your own. Four companions of Human or Jaffa
origin, the freebie perks and items of their origin, 600 cp to spend on perks with those two origins discounted,
with the standard equipment SG teams get in the show. You may buy perks or items for them with your own
CP if you want them to be more powerful or to get things beyond the above restriction. If you are part of the
Stargate program then the team is also officially part of it, with papers and backstories to prove it. Otherwise,
they have an origin related to mercenary or special forces work that would not cause immediate suspicion to
the natives if they're seen working for you. You may buy this companion option twice.
[200] Minions!
No, not the short yellow ones from the Despicable Me animation. This option allows you to create custom
companions from your own origin, effectively subordinates native to the Stargate universe. You get four, with
the freebie perks/items of that origin and 800 cp each to spend on perks with that origin discounted. You may
buy perks or items for them with your own CP if you want them to be more powerful or to get things beyond the
above restriction. They have backgrounds and positions appropriate for the perks and abilities they get,
complete with in-setting reasons for being your subordinates or allies. You may buy this companion option
[free] World Toggle
Did you want to go to a fanfic or canon alternate timeline? Maybe a different property such as a game or a
comic based off Stargate? This toggle enables you to do just that, with two caveats. First, all bought perks and
items work as per canon. And second, drawbacks and scenarios are adjusted to be at least as difficult to deal
with as they would have been in the canon timeline.
[100/200] Ugly
The population of most inhabited galaxies is primarily humanoid in the Stargate Universe, with mostly human
standards of beauty. Normally you’d be quite pretty by those standards, even if you were an alien, but by
taking the first level of this you are quite ugly and possibly inhuman, depending on your race. By taking this a
second time you guarantee you’ll be positively monstrous during your stay here. No power or ability will
improve your own appearance and even forms you shapeshift into will remain revolting. Better find a way to
conceal your form entirely - maybe use illusions or wear somebody else’s face?
[200/400] Plaguebearers
Not all humans are as short-sighted, technologically backwards, and limited to a single planet as the Tauri. The
Aschen Confederation are masters of subterfuge and biological weapons and through deceit and sterility
plagues they have managed to take over a significant number of worlds. In other timelines they have managed
to exterminate both the Goa'uld and the nations of Earth and by taking this drawback you ensure they will turn
against you. They became aware of your existence somehow and will be subtly trying to destroy or enslave
you for the duration of your jump. Unlike with the Terrans, no time-travel, plot armor, luck, or social perks will
work against them, unless they come from this jump.
You may take this drawback twice. In that case it will be the Aschen from the timeline of their victory that will be
coming after you, having taken over the artifact cache of the Stargate program and being capable of limited
temporal/dimensional travel. Because surprises are fun, you will also forget that you have taken this drawback.
[200/400/600] Stranded
Due to freak accident or sabotage you did not appear in your starting location or even time! You arrived instead
to a remote deserted planet, with no useful remnants of civilization except a stargate, half a century before
your normal arrival in-jump. Any items, companions, followers, your warehouse, and basically anything not
innate to your person except for your current host will arrive at the normal start date and location. The gate’s
DHD has run out of power and nobody else will arrive on planet or look for you until the jump’s normal start.
You will basically have to survive on your own with resources you gather and tools you build unless you can
leave in some way. For an extra 200 CP, the planet is slowly but steadily deteriorating; decaying orbit, volcanic
activity, or some other disaster will completely destroy it only a few months after the jump normally starts, and
will make the environment dangerous long before that. Unless you can survive long enough to be rescued you
should look into escaping early. For the final 200 CP, the planet is under warped time near the event horizon of
a back hole instead, and nobody can reach or escape from it through normal space, or enter hyperspace or
similar dimensions, or use any special abilities through the event horizon with the exception of stargate-style
wormholes or equally long-range portals, and even then they will require far more power than normal. Good
[300] Prim'ta
The one weakness of the Jaffa was intentionally added by their Goa’uld creators as a means of population
control and to ensure their unbreakable loyalty through dependence. Now you too share this weakness. Your
immune system has largely atrophied and requires a chemical boost from a Goa’uld symbiote to work. To
better host one you have an open flesh pouch over your belly button that offers the perfect environment for
such a larva to grow, but is also gross and a vulnerable area that will horribly kill you if damaged by more than
a punch.
[400] De-Ascended
Ascended beings do not like others meddling in their affairs and their disproportionate reactions to such
attempts are the stuff of legends. Fortunately, you have not yet received their attention or the full weight of their
displeasure. Perhaps due to passive interference from them or because you willingly limited yourself to better
attempt the Paths of Enlightenment available in this universe, you have given up all your superhuman perks,
abilities and powers from prior jumps. This does not affect pure knowledge or skill, mere physical ability. This is
an Ascended-related drawback you can take along with Enlightenment.
Scenarios modify starting conditions and provide challenges for Jumpers seeking victory without too many
handouts. They provide an incentive for attempting the scenario at all, and a reward for successfully
completing the scenario. Scenarios are origin-specific; you may only attempt scenarios from your origin. You
may attempt more than one scenario at a time. Failing the scenario forfeits both the incentive and the reward.
[Human] SG-1
[Human] The Fifth Race
[Jaffa] Seeds of Rebellion
[Jaffa] Servant of the Gods
[Goa'uld] Supreme System Lord
[Goa'uld] Daughter of Heaven
[Asgard] Ragnarok Denied
[Asgard] Safeguarding the Future
[Wraith] Food for the Masses
[Wraith] War In Heaven
[Android] For the Swarm!!!
[Android] Vengeance of the Servants