CHF Stop Light Tool

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Heart Failure Self-Management Plan

Name _____________________________________________________ Date _______________________________

Every day: Weigh yourself in the morning Take your medications Eat low salt foods Balance activity with rest periods

Green Zone: All Clear What this could mean:

If you have: Your symptoms are under control
No shortness of breath
Continue to take your medications as ordered
Weight gain less than two pounds
(although a 1–2 pound gain may occur some days) Follow healthy eating habits
No swelling of your feet, ankles, legs, or stomach Keep all physician appointments
No chest pain
Ability to do usual activities

Yellow Zone: Caution What this could mean:

If you have any of the following: Your symptoms may indicate that you need an adjustment of your
A weight gain of two or more pounds in one day or 3–5 medications
pounds in one week Call your home care nurse or primary care doctor and your cardiologist
Increased shortness of breath
Doctor: _____________________________________________
Increased swelling of your feet, ankles, legs, or stomach
Fatigue or lack of energy Phone: ______________________________________________
Dry hacking cough Instructions: __________________________________________
Cardiologist: _________________________________________
An uneasy feeling—you know something is not right
Difficulty breathing when lying down or you sleep sitting Phone: ______________________________________________
up with extra pillows Instructions: __________________________________________
New or frequent chest pain or tightness
If you notice a Yellow Zone Caution, work closely with your healthcare team

Red Zone: Medical Alert! Stop and Think What this could mean:
If you:
Are struggling to breathe or have unrelieved You need to be evaluated by a healthcare
shortness of breath while sitting still professional immediately
Have chest pain not relieved or reoccurs after
taking three nitro tablets
Call 9-1-1
Have confusion or can’t think clearly Notify your healthcare provider’s office
This material was prepared by Aging and Disabilities Services and adapted for use with permission by Health Services Advisory Group, the Medicare Quality Innovation Network-Quality
Improvement Organization for Arizona, California, Florida, Ohio, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. The contents presented do not necessarily reflect CMS policy. Publication No. QN-11SOW-C.3-11062018-04

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