Diabetes: Health Education Library For People

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Diabetes Management
Diabetes management Exercise: Physical activity is another sugar levels. But if your liver is busy
important part of your diabetes metabolizing alcohol, your blood sugar
management plan. When you exercise, level may not get the boost it needs. If you
your muscles use sugar (glucose) for take insulin or oral diabetes medications,
energy. Regular physical activity also even as little as 2 ounces (59 milliliters) of
improves your body's response to insulin. alcohol — the equivalent of two shots of
These factors work together to lower your hard liquor — can cause low blood sugar.
blood sugar level. The more strenuous
your workout, the longer the effect lasts. What to do: Get your doctor's OK to drink
But even light activities — such as alcohol, Choose your drinks carefully,
housework, gardening or being on your Tally your calories.
When it comes to diabetes management, feet for extended periods can lower your
blood sugar control is often the central blood sugar level. Hormone levels: Hormone levels
theme. Keeping your blood sugar level fluctuate for women during their menstrual
within your target range can help you live What to do: Get your doctor's OK to cycle, as can blood sugar levels —
a long and healthy life with diabetes. But exercise, Adjust your diabetes treatment particularly in the week before a period.
do you know what makes your blood sugar plan as needed, Exercise good judgment. Menopause may trigger fluctuations in
level rise and fall? The list is sometimes blood sugar levels as well.
surprising. Medication: Insulin and other diabetes
medications are designed to lower your What to do: Look for patterns, Adjust your
Food: Healthy eating is a cornerstone of blood sugar level. But the effectiveness of diabetes treatment plan as needed.
any diabetes management plan. But it's these medications depends on the timing
not just what you eat that affects your and size of the dose. And any medicines Stress: If you're stressed, it's easy to
blood sugar level. How much you eat and you take for conditions other than diabetes abandon your usual diabetes management
when you eat matters, too. can affect your blood sugar level, too. routine. You might exercise less, eat fewer
healthy foods or test your blood sugar less
What to do: Store insulin properly, Report often — and lose control of your blood
problems to your doctor, Be cautious with sugar in the process. The hormones your
new medications. body may produce in response to
prolonged stress may even prevent insulin
from working properly, which only makes
Illness: When you're sick, your body
matters worse.
produces hormones to help fight the
illness. These hormones raise your blood
sugar level by preventing insulin from What to do: Look for patterns, Take
working effectively. This can help promote control.
healing and wreak havoc with your
diabetes management plan.

What to do: Plan ahead, Continue to take

What to do: Be consistent, Even out your your diabetes medication, Stick to your
carbohydrates, Coordinate your meals and diabetes meal plan.
Alcohol: The liver normally releases
stored sugar to counter act falling blood

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