2024 - 08 - 12 - LIM - LFSC - Pre-Prep Exam - Gr12 - P1 - MG - ENG
2024 - 08 - 12 - LIM - LFSC - Pre-Prep Exam - Gr12 - P1 - MG - ENG
2024 - 08 - 12 - LIM - LFSC - Pre-Prep Exam - Gr12 - P1 - MG - ENG
MARKS: 150
Stop marking when maximum marks are reached and put a wavy line and
2. If, for example, three reasons are required and five are given
Mark the first three irrespective of whether all or some are correct/incorrect.
Where sequence and links are correct, credit. Where sequence and links are incorrect, do
not credit. If sequence and links become correct again, resume credit.
9. Non-recognised abbreviations
Accept if first defined in answer. If not defined, do not credit the unrecognised abbreviation,
but credit the rest of the answer if correct.
If answer fits into the correct sequence of questions, but the wrong number is given, it is
Do not accept.
If recognisable, accept the answer, provided it does not mean something else
14. If only the letter is asked for, but only the name is given (and vice versa)
Do not credit
Candidates will lose marks. Memorandum will allocate marks for units separately.
16. Be sensitive to the sense of an answer, which may be stated in a different way
17. Caption
A single word or two that appear(s) in any official language other than the learner’s
assessment language used to the greatest extent in his/her answers should be credited,
if it is correct. A marker that is proficient in the relevant official language should be
consulted. This is applicable to all official languages
1.1.1 D ✓✓
1.1.2 C ✓✓
1.1.3 B ✓✓
1.1.4 B ✓✓
1.1.5 C ✓✓
1.1.6 C ✓✓
1.1.7 A ✓✓
1.1.8 D ✓✓
1.1.9 B ✓✓
9x2 = [18]
1.4.3 Plant hormones are organic compounds and act as chemical messengers(2)
2.3.2 – ADH helps the body retain water by increasing water reabsorption in the
kidneys✓, which leads to more concentrated urine and less water being lost✓. When
alcohol is consumed, it inhibits the secretion of ADH from the pituitary gland✓. This is
because alcohol interferes with the signals in the brain that would normally trigger the
release of ADH✓ causing dehydration. (4)
(b) C ✓ (1)
2.4.2 The stirrup cannot vibrate ✓ and the vibrations will not be transmitted to the inner
ear ✓. The organ of Corti will not be stimulated ✓ resulting in hearing loss. (3)
2.4.4 A virus or inflammation of the inner ear disrupts the transmission of sensory
information from the ear to the brain ✓. This may result in dizziness, difficulties with
balance, with hearing, and lead to a ringing in the ears (tinnitus) ✓. (2)
2.5.2 - It increase
- The Thickness of the endometrium✓/
- the blood vessels in the endometrium✓/ the
- amount of glandular tissue in the endometrium✓. (3)
2.5.3 (a) Ovulation is the process in the menstrual cycle where a mature egg is released
from the ovary✓, making it available for fertilization✓. (2)
(b) Day 14 ✓ (1)
(c) LH✓ Luteinising hormone (1)
2.5.4 High levels of hormone B✓/ Progesterone will inhabit the secretion of FSH✓
No new ova✓/ matured follicle are required during pregnancy✓ (2)
2.5.5 - The Progesterone✓ level decreases✓ because the corpus luteum has
degenerated✓ (3)
Total question 2: 50
Question 3
3.1.3 The wider/broader the neuron the faster the reflex action would be. ✓✓
The narrower/thinner the neuron the slower the reflex action would be. ✓✓ (2)
(c) Pituitary gland✓/hypophysis
3.2.2 (1)
(a) Kidneys✓
(b) Kidneys✓
3.3.3 -In hyporeflexia damage is between the spinal cord and the skeletal muscles✓
In hyperreflexia damage is between the brain and the spinal cord ✓ (2)
(mark first one only)
(a) D ✓ - epididymis ✓ (2)
(b) G ✓ - urethra ✓ (2)
(c) E ✓ - testes ✓ (2)
3.4.3. A ✓ and B ✓
3.4.4 Sperm is blocked from being released during ejaculation✓sperm cannot reach and
fertilize an egg✓ (2)
3.4.5 HIV is present in semen, not just in sperm✓. The virus can be transmitted through
the fluids that are still released during ejaculation✓ (2)
Total: 150