English Literature Last Moment Preparation Sharif Sir

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English Literature Last Moment Preparation (Sharif Sir)

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RRS BCS English Care 1

BCS Preliminary
English Literature
Last Moment Preparation
(Based on previous question)

Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury
BA (Hons), MA in English, BEd (Professional)
MM (Al Hadith), MBA in Mgt Studies (DU)
Author: A Handbook on English Literature
Presently working under the Ministry of Education
Academic Adviser and English Teacher, BCS Oditi
Ex Senior Teacher, Faculty of English, BCS Confidence
Formerly Lecturer in English, Edinburgh Int’l College, Dhaka
Follow: [email protected]; 01728-395949 (sms)

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2 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

†hfv‡e co‡j Avcwb wcÖwjwgbvwii Bs‡iwR

mvwn‡Z¨ Lye mn‡RB 10 b¤^i †c†Z cv‡ib!
♣ cÖ_g avc:
1) Bs†iwR mvwn†Z¨i ¸iæZ¡c~Y© hyMmgy†ni bvg I mgqmxgv; 2) William Shakespeare (1564-
1616); 3) †ivgvw›UK hy†Mi (1798-1832) mKj Kwe mvwnwZ¨K|
(GB wZbwU Ask Lye fv†jvfv†e co†j c«vq 3/5 b¤^i Kgb cv†eb e†j Avgvi wek¦vm)
♣ wØZxq avc:
GKUy mgq wb†q 25/30 wU Literary Terms (†hgb simile, metaphor, personification,
hyperbole, satire, irony, alliteration, lyric, limeric, ballad, allegory,
euphemism BZ¨vw`) 3/4 Rb wg†j Mªyc K†i co†eb| Ggbfv†e co†eb †hb †KD G¸†jv †_†K
c«kœ Ki†j 1 wgwb†U D`vniYmn ¸wQ†q ej†Z cv†ib|
♣ Z…Zxq avc:
Charles Dickens, George Bernard Shaw, T S Eliot, Earnest Hemingway
(G†`i†K we†kl ¸iyZ¡ w`†q coyb| gvÎ GB PviRb †_†K 1/2 wU c«kœ Kgb cvIqv A¯^vfvweK bq)
♣ PZy_© avc:
Gevi †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU eB †_‡K wewfbœ cix¶vq Avmv weMZ m‡bi c«‡kœvËi¸‡jv UvUKv gyL¯’ K‡i †djyb|
♣ cÂg avc:
wb‡Pi †jLK‡`i m¤ú‡K© we¯ÍvwiZ bv c‡o Zv‡`i e¨vcv‡i me‡P ¸iyZ¡c~Y© Z_¨ ev Zv‡`i †jLv me‡PÕ
weL¨vZ M«‡š’i bvg/Dw³¸‡jv g‡b ivLyb|
Christopher Marlowe 3*, Edmund Spenser*, Ben Jonson*, Francis Bacon
3*, John Donne 3*, John Milton 5*, Alexander Pope 5*, Jonathan Swift 3,
Denial Defoe *, Dr. Samuel Johnson 3*, Henry Fielding 3*, Thomas Gray*,
Edmund Burke, Sir Walter Scott* Theckary*, R L Stevenson*, George
Eliot 3*, Alexander Dumas*, Tennyson, Robert Browning 5*, Oscar
Wilde*, O' Henry 3*, E M Forster*, Virginia Woolf 3*, Thomas Hardy 3*,
Rudyard Kipling*, Virginia Woolf 3*, D H Lawrence 5*, Henrik Ibsen*,
Bertrand Russell 5*, James Joyce 3*, George Orwell 3*, William Somerset
Maugham 3*, A P J Abdul Kalam 3*, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman 3*, Pearl S Buck*, H G Wells 3*, Jules Verne*, Jean Paul Sarte*
+ Important Nobel laureates in Literature, Economics & Peace 5*
♣ lô avc:
mgq my‡hvM †c‡j c«_g wZbwU av‡ci Dci Net †_‡K c«Pyi MCQ †PK Kiyb| (†hgb: MCQ on
Shakespeare/ English Romantic period/ Literary terms Gfv‡e wj‡L ¸M‡j mvP© w`b)
♣ ¯§Z©e¨:
>> wjUv‡iPv‡i 15 cvIqv me‡P KwVb, wKš‘ 10 cvIqv me‡P mnR|
>> Dc‡i ewY©Z avc¸‡jv avivevwnKfv‡e AbymiY Kiyb|
>> †k·wcqi Qvov Avi †Zgb Kv‡iv Rb¥g…Zy¨ ZvwiL gyL¯’ Kivi `iKvi †bB|
♣cybð: GwU Avgvi e¨w³MZ AwfÁZvjä civgk©; †Kvb wbðqZvg~jK P~ovšÍ mv‡Rkb bq|

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RRS BCS English Care 3

Important Periods of English Literature

(এক নজরে ইংরেজজ সাজিরযেে গুরু্ፐপূর্ ণ যুগসমূি)
1. The Old English Period : 450-1066
✓ G hy‡Mi Ab¨ bvg The Anglo Saxon Period
✓ Saxon †`i fvlv Rvg©vb (Gmgq Bsj¨vÛ Rvg©vwbi m¨v·b‡`i Aax‡b wQj)

2. The Middle English Period : 1066-1500

1066-1340: The Anglo Norman Period (fvlv- †d«Â)
✓ G mgq Bsj¨vÛ d«v‡Ýi bg©¨vb‡`i Aax‡b wQj

Ages 1340-1400: The Age of Chaucer (Pmv‡ii hyM)***
(14th Century Gi AšÍM©Z; Pmv‡ii gva¨‡g Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i hvÎv ïiæ)

1400-1485/1500: The Dark/ Barren Period

3. The Renaissance : 1500-1660

(i) 1500-1558: Préparation for Renaissance
G hyM‡K (†i‡bmuvi cÖ¯‘wZ hyM)
(ii) 1558-1603: The Elizabethan Period
✓ GwU 2nd half of 16th Century Gi AšÍM©Z
ejv nq| (iii) 1603-1625: The Jacobean Period
✓ King James (1st) Gi bvgvbymv‡i G hy‡Mi bvgKiY
Shorter ✓ Z‡e, 1590-1616 = Age of Shakespeare Ges
Ages ✓ 1620-1660 = Puritan Period wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ
(wLª÷vb wcDwiUvb‡`i Avwac‡Z¨i Kvi‡Y)
(iv) 1625-1649: The Caroline Period
✓ King Charles (1st) Gi bvgvbymv‡i G hy‡Mi bvgKiY
✓ Zv‡K nZ¨v Kivi gva¨‡g Bsj¨v‡Û cÖ_g ivRZ‡š¿i cZb N‡UwQj
(v) 1649-1660: The Commonwealth Period
✓ G hy‡M England G †Kvb Monarch wQj bv
✓ GwU wQj cÖRvZ‡š¿i hyM; ïay cvj©v‡g›U we`¨gvb wQ‡jv

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4 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

4. The Neo-Classical Period : 1660-1798

1660-1700: The Restoration Period
✓ Restoration ej‡Z ivRZ‡š¿i cybiæ×vi †evSvq
✓ GB hyM‡K Kwe John Dryden Gi hyMI ejv nq
1700-1745: The Augustan Period
✓ GB hyM‡K Kwe Alexander Pope Gi hyMI ejv nq

1745-1785/98: The Age of Sensibility

✓ Ab¨ bvg The Age of Reason/Transition
✓ GwU‡K Dr. Samuel Jhonson Gi hyMI ejv nq

5. The Romantic Period : 1798-1832

✓ †gvU 34 years; GwU Early 19th Century Gi AšÍM©Z

6. The Victorian Period : 1832-1901

✓ GwU 19th Century Gi AšÍM©Z
Shorter 1848-1860: The Pre-Raphaelites (wc«-i¨v‡djvBUm)
Ages 1880-1901: Aestheticism and Decadence
(b›`bZË¡/bv›`wbKZv I ¶wqòyZv)

7. The Modern Period : 1901-1939

✓ GwU 1st half of 20th Century Gi AšÍM©Z

Shorter 1901-1910: The Edwardian Period

Ages 1910-1936: The Georgian Period

8. The Post-Modern Period : 1939-present

✓ GwU 2nd half of 20th century Gi AšÍM©Z

we.`ª.: g~jZ mgmvgwqK †Kvb weL¨vZ ivRv, ivbx ev †Kvb we‡kl mvwnwZ¨‡Ki bvgvbymv‡i
wKsev †Kvb hy‡Mi we‡kl †Kvb ˆewk‡ó¨i bvgvbymv‡i Gme hy‡Mi (Period/Age)
bvgKiY Kiv n‡q‡Q| GRb¨ GKB hy‡Mi wewfbœ bvg cwijwÿZ nq|

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RRS BCS English Care 5

The Old English Period to The Renaissance Period

1. In sheakespeare’s play Hamlet, Hamlet was the prince of- [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) Norway (b) Britain (c) Denmark (d) France Ans. c
2. ‘Shylock’ is a character in the play- [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) Twelfth Night (b) The Marchent of Venice
(c) Romeo and Juliet (d) Measure for Measure Ans. b
3. ‘Why, then, ‘tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad, but
thinking makes it so.’ This extract is taken from the drama. [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) King Lear (b) Macbeth (c) As you like it (d) Hamlet Ans. d
4. Was this the face that launch’d a thousands ships, And burnt the
topless towers of Ilium?’ Who speaks the famous lines? [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) Caeser (b) Antony (c) Faustus (d) Romeo Ans. c
5. ‘To be or not to be’ is a quotation of- [29/35/39Zg wewmGm]
(a) King Lear (b) As You Like It (c) Hamlet (d) Macbeth Ans. c
6. ‘All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand’-
who said? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) Macbeth (b) Lady Macbeth (c) Lady Macduff (d) Macduff Ans. b
7. Who wrote the poem Good-Morrow? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) George Herbert (b) A Marvell (c) John Donne (d) H. Vaughan Ans. c
8. “Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.” The sentence
has taken from the play? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) Romeo & Juliet (b) Cacsar & Cleopetra
(c) Doctor Faustus (d) Antony & Cleopetra Ans. c
9. What's in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other word
would smell as sweet.–- Who said this? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) Juliet (b) Romeo (c) Portia (d) Rosalind Ans. a
10. William Shakespeare was born? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) 1616 (b) 1664 (c) 1564 (d) 1493 Ans.c
11. Which period is known as 'the golden age' of English
Literature? [38Zg wewmGm, cvewjK mvwf©m Kwgk‡bi mnKvix cwiPvjK- 1994]
(a) the Victorian age (b) the Eighteenth century
(c) the Restoration (d) the Elizabethan Age Ans. d
12. Jacobean Period of English Literature refers to-. [38Zg wewmGm]
(a) 1558-1603 (b) 1625-1649 (c) 1603-1625 (d) 1649-1660 Ans. c

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6 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

13. The play ‘Spanish Tragedy’ is written by- [38Zg wewmGm]

(a) Thomas Kyd (b) William Shakespeare
(c) Christopher Marlowe (d) Ben Johnson Ans. a
14. ‘For God’s sake hold your tongue and let me love.’ by- [38Zg wewmGm]
(a) Dickinson (b) T.S Eliot (c) M. Arnold (d) John Donne Ans. d
15. Fill in the blank. '____' is Shakespeare's last play. [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) As you like it (b) Macbeth (c) Tempest (d) Othello Ans. c
16. Who has written the play 'Volpone'? [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) John Webster (b) Ben Jonson
(c) Christopher Marlowe (d) William Shakespeare Ans. b
17. Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse?
(a) Alliterative verse (b) Sonnet form [37Zg wewmGm]
(c) Iambic pentameter (d) Daetylic Haxameter Ans. c
18. Which of the following is not a poetic tradition? [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) The Epic (b) The Comic (c) The Occult (d) The Tragic Ans. c
19. Othello gave Desdemona____ as a token of love: [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) Ring (b) Handkerchief (c) Pendant (d) Bangles Ans. b
20. 'The Merchant of Venice' is a Shakespearean play about-[36Zg wewmGm]
(a) a Jew (b) a Moor (c) a Roman (d) a Turk Ans. a
21. 'Frailty the name is woman'-- is a famous dialogue from. [36Zg wewmGm]
(a) C. Marlowe (b) John Webster (c) Shakespeare (d) T. S Eliot Ans. c
22. Shakespeare's ‘Measure for Measure’ is a successful---[36Zg wewmGm]
(a) tragedy (b) comedy c) Tragi-comedy (d) Melodrama Ans. c
23. The sentence 'Who would have thought Shylock was so
unkind?' expresses— [32Zg wewmGm
(a) hyperbole (b) intreeogation (c) command (d) wonder Ans. d
24. Who wrote the plays “The Tempest’ and “The Mid Summer
Night’s Dream”? [29Zg wewmGm]
(a) Ben Jonson (b) Marlowe (c) John Dryden (d) Shakespeare Ans. d
25. Julius Caesar was the ruler of Rome about— [28Zg wewmGm]
(a) 1000 years ago (b) 1500 years ago
(c) 2000 years ago (d) 3000 years ago Ans. c
26. Othello is a Shakespeare’s play about— [35Zg wewmGm]
(a) Turk b) Ruman (c) Moor (d) Jew Ans. c
27. A Machiavellian character is—[KvwiMwi wkÿv Awa`߇ii Aax‡b wPd Bb÷ªv±i 2003]
(a) an honest person (b) a selfish person
(c) a courageous person (d) a judicious person Ans. b
28. Renaissance is — word.
(a) an Italian (b) a Russian (c) a European (d) a French Ans. d

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RRS BCS English Care 7

29. Where did the Renaissance start from?

(a) England (b) Germany (c) Italy (d) U.S.A Ans. c
30. William Shakespeare is the author of— [ciivóªgš¿Yvjq mvBdvi Awdmvi- 2012]
(a) Pride and Prejudice (b) Waiting for Godot
(c) Sound of Music (d) King Lear Ans. d
31. “Twelfth Night” is— [Kviv ZZ¡veavqK (¯^ivóª gš¿Yvjq) wb‡qvM cixÿv-2012]
(a) a comedy (b) an elegy (c) a novel (d) a tragedy Ans. a
32. Which book is a Tragedy? [mnKvix _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-2012]
(a) Hamlet (b) Measure for Measure
(c) As you like it (d) She stoops to conquer Ans. a
33. ‘Macbeth’ is — [AvBb wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi mve-†iwR÷ªv-2012]
(a) a play (b) a novel (c) an essay (d) a poem Ans. a
34. William Shakespeare is the author of- [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi mvBdi Awdmvi- 2012]
(a) Paradise Lost (b) Old Man & the Sea
(c) Daffodils (d) King Lear Ans. d
35. William Shakespeare is a famous— [cÖevmx Kj¨vY gš¿Yv. mn cwiPvjK-2012]
(a) dramatist (b) novelist (c) essayist (d) critic Ans. a
36. Which is not true of an English sonnet? [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) It has fourteen lines
(b) It has fourteen syllables in each line
(c) It has five feet in each line
(d) It is written in iambic pentameter lines Ans. b
37. The play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written by- [÷¨vÛvW© e¨vsK 2012]
(a) Charles Dickens (b) William Shakespeare
(c) Jane Austen (d) Michael Modhusudon Ans. b
38. Who wrote ‘The Tempest’? [mnKvix _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-2012]
(a) William Wordsworth (b) Ben Jonson
(c) William Shakespeare (d) Tennyson Ans. c
39. Romeo and Juliet is a— [Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) Comedy (b) Tragedy (c) Romance (d) Morality play Ans. b
40. William Shakespeare is not the author of— [Rv.we. fwZ©- 2011-12]
(a) Titus Andronicus (b) Taming of the Shrew
(c) White Devil (d) Hamlet Ans. c
41. The poem ‘Under the Green Wood Tree’ was written by— [Lywe2011-12]
(a) William Wordsworth (b) Robert Browning
(c) William Shakespeare (d) Ralph Hodgson Ans. c
42. Macbeth is a — by Shakespeare. [RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) novel (b) short story (c) verse (d) play Ans. d

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8 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

43. Who is the greatest dramatist of all times? [MYc~Z© Awa.(wmwfj)-2011]

(a) G.B. Shaw (b) William Shakespeare
(c) William Wordsworth (d) Jonathan Swift Ans. b
44. Which of the following is a ‘Comedy’ written by Shakespeare?
(a) Macbeth (b) King Lear (c) As You Like It (d) Hamlet Ans. c
45. Who is the writer of ‘The Merchant of Venice’? [cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v-2010]
(a) Tolstoy (b) Shakespeare (c) Goethe (d) Edmund Spenser Ans. b
46. Which is known as Shakespeare’s Swansong? [Ly.we. fwZ© cix¶v-2009-10]
(a) Hamlet (b) Macbeth (c) The Tempest (d) Twelfth Night Ans. c
47. ‘To be or not to be that is the question’ From which novel the
above sentence has been taken? [ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cix¶v- 2009-10]
(a) Macbeth (b) Merchant of Venice (c) Tempest (d) Hamlet Ans. d
48. One of the following plays is not a tragedy- [mnKvix Dc‡Rjv wk¶v Awdmv-09]
(a) Hamlet (b) Macbeth (c) Othello (d) Tempest Ans. d
49. Who is the 'University Wits' in the following list? [¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi
Aaxb ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2011]
(a) William Shakespeare (b) Thomas Gray
(c) Robert Greene (d) John Dryden Ans. c
50. Elizabethan tragedy is centred on- [kÖg Awa`߇ii Rbkw³, Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwkÿK
ey¨v‡iv Dc-mnKvix cwiPvjK wb‡qvM-2001 / Lyjbv wek¦ we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2010-11]
(a) love (b) war (c) revenge (d) philosophy Ans. c
51. Shakespeare’s King lear’ is a ___ [†mvbvjx, RbZv I AMÖYx e¨vsK- 2008]
(a) Satire (b) comedy (c) Tragedy (d) Historical Play Ans. c
52. In what year did Shakespeare die? [mnKvix AvenvIqvex` c‡` wb‡qvM cix¶v
2004 /kªg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b †gwW‡Kj Awdmvi 2003 / miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡qi cÖavb
wk¶K wb‡qvM cix¶v- 1997]
(a) 1570 AD (b) 1580 AD (c) 1630 AD (d) 1616 AD Ans. D
53. Shakespeare wrote brilliant--- [Dc‡Rjv wbe©vPb Awdmvi wb‡qvM cix¶v- 2004]
(a) poems (b) essays (c) novels (d) dramas Ans. d
54. Hamlet is __ [cÖwZi¶v gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb ¸ß ms‡KZ cwi`߇ii Awdmvi c‡`i wb‡qvM cix¶v- 2005]
(a) a tragedy by Shakespeare (b) a play by G.B Shaw
(c) a poem by Shelley (d) a novel by Hardy Ans. a
55. ‘The Merchant of Venice’ is a drama by __ [mnKvix cÖ‡KŠkjx GjwRBwW-05]
(a) Webster (b) Ben Jonson (c) Shakespeare (d) Marlowe Ans. c
56. Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’ is a -- [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨v‡ivi 2004]
(a) comedy (b) satire (c) tragedy (d) historical play Ans. c
57. Who wrote the world famous tragic play ‘King Lear’? [kªg I
Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿bvj‡qi kªg I cwi`߇ii mnKvix kªg cwiPvjK- 2006]
(a) Shelley (b) Wordsworth (c) Shakespeare (d) Miltion Ans. c

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RRS BCS English Care 9

58. gybxi †PŠayixi ÔgyLiv igYx ekxKiYÕ Kvi †jLvi Abyev`? [cwievi Kj¨vY Kg©KZ©v- 03]
(a) William Wordsworth (b) W. Somerset Maugham
(c) William Shakespeare (d) Charles Dickens Ans. c
59. Hamlet by Shakespeare is ----- [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨v‡ivi cwi`k©K wb‡qvM cix¶v-2003]
(a) a comedy (b) a tragic-comedy (c) an epic (d) a tragedy Ans. d
60. Who is the author of ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ [mve †iwR: c‡` wb‡qvM cix¶v- 2001]
(a) Shaw (b) Shakespeare (c) Ibsen (d) Jonson Ans. b
61. Hamlet is a __ by Shakespeare. [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡q cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvM cix¶v- 2001]
(a) play (b) novel (c) tale (d) story Ans. a
62. Shakespeare lived during the reign of - [ciivóª gš¿Yvjq 2001]
(a) Elizabeth i (b) Elizabeth ii
(c) Queen Victoria (d) King Charles Ans. a
63. Shakespearean play consists of ----- [wmwfj BwÄwbqvwis 1999]
(a) Three acts (b) two acts (c) five acts (d) two acts Ans. c
64. Ck¦iP›`ª we`¨vmvM‡ii ÔåvwšÍwejvmÕ †Kvb MÖ‡š’i Abyev`? [gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mn wk¶K- 1997]
(a) Uncle Tom’s Cabin (b) Doll’s House
(c) Macheth (d) The Comedy of Errors Ans. d
65. ‘The Faerie Queene’ is an---
(a) Elegy (b) Epic (c) Sonnet (d) Poem Ans. b
66. Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a ------ [mnKvix cwiPvjK c‡` wb‡qvM cix¶v-1994]
(a) Comedy (b) Satire (c) Tragedy (d) Low comedy Ans. c
67. ‘Comedy of Errors’… [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wk¶K wb‡qvM cix¶v- 1994]
(a) Ben Johnson (b) G. B Shaw (c) Eliot (d) Shakespeare Ans. d
68. Shakespeare was famous for all but one of the following ----
[hye Dbœqb Awa`߇i mnKvix cwiPvjK wb‡qvM cix¶v- 1994]
(a) Comedies (b) Bourgeois Drama (c) Tragedies (d) Tragi-drama Ans. b
69. ‘Dr. Faustus’ was written by--
(a) Ben Jonson (b) Shakespeare (c) Marlowe (d) John Webster Ans. c
70. Christopher Marlowe is Shakespeare’s [cvm‡cvU© Awa mn cwiPvjK- 2011]
(a) Successor (b) predecessor (c) contemporary (d) mentor Ans. b
71. What is the full name of the tragedy ‘Dr. Faustus’?
[miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨v: mnKvix wk¶K 2006]
(a) The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
(b) The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus
(c) The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus
(d) Doctor Faustus Ans. a
72. The beginning of the Renaissance may be traced to the country
of— [kÖg Awa`߇i Rbkw³, Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwkÿY ey¨‡iv DcmnKvix cwiPvjK wb‡qvM cixÿv-2001]
(a) Germany (b) England (c) France (d) Italy Ans. d

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10 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

73. A great playwright of Shakespeare time was-[mnKvwi AvenvIqvwe`- 2004]

(a) Samuel Johnson (b) Christopher Marlowe
(c) Oliver Goldsmith (d) John Donne Ans. b
74. Francis Bacon is a/an--- [gva¨wgK mnKvwi cÖavb wk¶K wb‡qvM cix¶v- 2003]
(a) Novelist (b) Dramatist (c) Poe (d) Essayist Ans. d
75. Which one of the following is first long poem in English? [miKvwi
gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡qi mnKvix wkÿK- 2006]
(a) The Wanderer (b) Beowulf
(c) The Seafarer (d) Dream of the Road Ans. b
76. Where is expressed the view that 'There is a divinity that
shapes our, ends?' [mve-†iwR÷ªvi wbe©vPbx cixÿv-1992]
(a) In King Lear (b) In Merry Wives of Windsor
(c) In the Tempest (d) In Hamlet Ans. d
77. Who is called the poet of poets?
(a) Chaucer (b) Edmund Spenser (c) Bacon (d) Shakespeare Ans. b
78. Who wrote an epic ‘The Faerie Queen’?
(a) Spenser (b) T. S Eliot (c) Browning (d) Alfred Tennyson Ans. a
79. Macbeth bvUKwU Kvi †jLv? [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wk¶K wb‡qvM 1996]
(a) Wordsworth (b) Shakespeare (c) Milton (d) Bernard Shaw Ans. b
80. Who wrote ‘The Ruins of Time’?
(a) Philip Sidney (b) Chapman (c) Spenser (d) Thomas Hardy Ans. c
81. Who among the following was an English Renaissance Poet?
(a) John Donne (b) Robert Browning
(c) John Milton (d) Sir Philip Sidney Ans. d
82. Who wrote ‘An Apology for Poetry’?
(a) P. B Shelly (b) Samuel Johnson
(c) Sir Philip Sidney (d) John Donne Ans. c
83. Which of the following school of literature is connected with a
medical theory? [15Zg wewmGm]
(a) Comedy of Manners (b) Theatre of Absurd
(c) Heroic Tragedy (d) Comedy of humours Ans. d
84. ‘Silent Woman’ written by--- [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b wb‡qvM cix¶v- 2003]
(a) J. Ruskin (b) Ben Jonson (c) Kalidas (d) Munishi Prem Chand Ans. b
85. ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’ is an example of - [Rvnv½xibMi - 2011-12]
(a) Symbol (b) Metaphor (c) Simile (d) Metonymy Ans. c
86. Why is the poet so sad to see the Daffodils in The Daffodils? [Xvwe-2012-13]
(a) The poet is asd because the flowers have not bloomed fully.
(b) The poet is sad because winter will soon arrive. Ans. c
(c) The poet is sad because the flowers remind him of his own death.

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RRS BCS English Care 11

87. In ‘To Daffodils’, human life is compared with: [Rvnv½xibMi wek¦ 11-12]
(a) “Sunset” (b) “flowing river”
(c) “Morning’s dew” (d) “Graying hair” Ans. c
88. “Hasting day” in To Daffodils means- [XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© c. 2009-10]
(a) fast day (b) quiet day
(c) finishing day (d) hurriedly passing day Ans. d
89. Which two things of nature does Robert Herrick find similar to
human beings and daffodils? [XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cix¶v- 2010-11]
(a) rising sun, moon (b) summer’s morning’s dew
(c) spring, summer (d) hasting day, even song Ans. b
90. In the poem ‘To Daffodils’ the poet weeps over--- [WvK I †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM]
(a) loss of beautiful flower (b) loss caused to environment
(c) loss of sweet scent (d) Short-lived human life Ans. d
91. Which word seems out of place?
(a) rose (b) lily (c) cauliflower (d) daffodil Ans. c
92. The last line of “To daffodils” is [ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cix¶v- 2008-09]
(a) Ne’er to be seen again (b) Vanish like summer’s rain
(c) Ne’re to be found again (d) As quack a growth of meet decay Ans. c
93. Who used the term 'The Metaphysical poet'?
(a) Edmund Spencer (b) John Donne
(c) Samuel Johnson (d) Andrew Marvell Ans. c
94. Who is a Metaphysical poet?
(a) Cowley (b) Thomas Kyd (c) Ben Johnson (d) John Webster Ans. a
95. Who is not called the Metaphysical poet?
(a) John Donne (b) Andrew Marvell (c) G. Herbert (d) Tennyson Ans. d
96. Who was a friend of John Milton?
(a) John Donne (b) John Dryden
(c) Andrew Marvell (d) Alexander Pope Ans. c
97. Who wrote the poem 'The Definition of Love.'
(a) Marvell (b) John Donne (c) W.B Yeats (d) John Keats Ans. a
98. The poem 'To His Coy Mistress' was written by-
(a) Keats (b) Andrew Marvell (c) John Milton (d) Shakespeare Ans. b
99. Who is the representative of the metaphysical poets?
(a) Samuel Johnson (b) John Donne
(c) Geoffrey Chaucer (d) Robert Browning Ans. b
100. 'The Good Morrow' is a poem by-
(a) Marvell (b) W.B. Yeats (c) John Donne (d) Browning Ans. c
101. Who wrote the poem 'The Sun Rising'?
(a) John Donne (b) Lord Byron
(c) William Wordsworth (d) None of them Ans. a

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12 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

102. Who is called the 'poet of love'?

(a) Andrew Marvell (b) John Donne (c) John Keats (d) Shakespeare Ans. b

103. 'The Flea' by John Donne is-

(a) a romantic poem (b) an Elegy
(c) a religious poem (d) an Ode Ans. c
104. Who was both a poet and a Priest?
(a) Andrew Marvell (b) George Herbert
(c) Edmund Spencer (d) Robert Browning Ans. b
105. Who wrote the poem 'The Collar'?
(a) George Herbert (b) John Donne
(c) Edmund Spenser (d) Alfred Tennyson Ans. a
106. The poem 'Easter Wings' written by-
(a) Andrew Marvell (b) G. Herbert (c) John Keats (d) S.T Coleridge Ans. b
107. Choose the right answer: Chaucer is the representative poet of-
[AvBb, wePvi I msm` gš¿Yvj‡qi mve †iwR÷ªvi- 2012]
(a) 17th century (b) 14th century (c) 16 the century (d) 18th century Ans. b
108. Cowards die___ before their death. [PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) much time (b) many time (c) enough time (d) many times Ans. d
109. Who is known as the father of English poetry? Who is called
the father of English Poetry? [PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) Milton (b) Wordsworth (c) Chaucer (d) Charles Dickens Ans. c
110. 'Frailty, Thy name is woman'-- in which of the following plays
you find this? [RvZxq mÂq cwi`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2009/ ciivóª gš¿Yvjq-2012]
(a) Macbeth (b) Romeo and Juliet (c) Hamlet (d) Tempest Ans. c
111. 'Sweet are the uses of adversity' was stated by--- [B. we. 2011-2012]
(a) Valtaire (b) Shakespeare (c) Milton (d) Tolstoy Ans. b
112. 'To be or not to be' is the beginning of a famous soliloquy from-
[kÖg Awa`߇i Rbkw³ Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwkÿY ey¨v‡iv DcmnKvix c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2001]
(a) Paradise Lost (b) Romeo & Juliet (c) Hamlet (d) Shahnama Ans. c
113. 'Good face is the best letter of recommendation' was stated by--
[mnKvix cwiPvjK (cvm‡cvU© GÛ Bwg‡MÖkb) wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2000]
(a) Queen Victoria (b) Queen Elizabeth (c) Anne (d) Queen Marry Ans. b
114. ‘Faerie Queene’ is a/an — [mnKvix _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-2012]
(a) Play (b) short story (c) epic (d) novel Ans. C
115. 'Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; writing
an exact man' Who said this? [†Uwjwfkb cÖ‡KŠkjx †MÖW- 2 c‡`i wb‡qvM 2004]
(a) Shakespeare (b) Bacon (c) Keats (d) Kyd Ans. b

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RRS BCS English Care 13

116. 'Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some

few to be chewed and digestd.' Said- [Dc‡Rjv Awdmvi- 2008]
(a) Joseph (b) Dr. Johnson (c) Charles Lamb (d) Francis Bacon Ans. D
117. 'Veni, Vidi, Vici' this quotation from Shakespeare's- [mve RR wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2007]
(a) Hamlet (b) Otherllo
(c) Merchant of Venice (d) Julius Caesar Ans. d
118. 'Cowards die many times before their death,' evK¨wU †k·wcqv‡ii †Kvb
bvUK n‡Z DØ„Z n‡q‡Q? [¯^ivóªgš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb mn-imvqbwe`- 2001/ _vbv Awdmvi-2005]
(a) Macbeth (b) Julius Caesar
(c) Hamlet (d) Othello Ans. b
119. 'Fair daffodils! We weep to see/ You haste away so soon;
As yet the early rising sun
Has not attained his noon.' [cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2011]
Who is the writer to these beautiful lines?
(a) William Wordsworth (b) Robert Herrick
(c) William Blake (d) John Keats Ans. b
120. 'All the perfumes of Arabian will not sweeten this little hand's
is a quotation from--- [cÖv_wgK I MYwkÿv Awa`ßi mn cwiPvjK- 2001]
(a) Hamlet (b) Othelo
(c) Macbeth (d) King Lear Ans. c
121. Who said 'Cowards die many times before their death. [cÖavbgš¿xi
Kvh©vjq I gwš¿cwil` Kvh©vj‡q cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2004/ P.we. fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) Shakespeare (b) Franklin (c) Carlyle (d) Alexander Pope Ans. a
122. Calliban is a Character in— [`ybx©wZ `gb ey¨‡ivi cwi`k©K c‡` evQvB cixÿv-2003]
(a) King Lear (b) Tempest
(c) Man and Superman (d) Othello Ans. b
123. Brutus is a famous character of Shakespeare in— [¯^ivóªgš¿Yvj‡qi
Aaxb ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2011]
(a) King Lear (b) Julius Caeser
(c) The Tempest (d) Hamlet Ans. b
124. 'Ophelia' is an important character in the Shakespearean play?
[Kviv ZË¡veavqK (¯^ivóª gš¿Yvjq) cixÿv-2010]
(a) Macbeth (b) The Tempest (c) Hamlet (d) King Lear Ans. c
125. 'Blow, Blow thou winter wind/ Thu art not so unkind
As man’s ingratitude;/ They tooth is not so keen,
Although they breath be rude.' [cvewjK mvwf©m Kwgkb mnKvix cwiPvjK- 1998]
These are a few lines of a poem of a great poet. Who is the poet?
(a) J. Webstar (b) C. Marlowe
(c) W. Shakespeare (d) Lord Bacon Ans. c

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14 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

126. Who is called the poet of poets? [gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK- 2006]
(a) Geoffrey Chaucer (b) Edmund Spenser
(c) Francis Bacon (d) William Shakespeare Ans. b
127. Shylock †h bvU‡Ki PwiÎ, †m bvUKwUi bvg— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q cÖavb wkÿK -1998]
(a) Doctor Faustus (b) The Merchant of Venice
(c) The Way of the World (d) Arms and the Man Ans. b
128. Who is known as the father of English poetry? /Who is called
the father of English Poetry? [PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) Milton (b) Wordsworth
(c) Chaucer (d) Charles Dickens Ans. c
129. Who is the father of Modern English Poetry? [Ly.we. fwZ© cixÿv-2010-11]
(a) Cynewulf (b) Geoffrey Chaucer
(c) Robert Browning (d) None of the above Ans. b
130. Who is considered to be the father of English Poem? [moK I Rbc_
Ges MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii Dc-mncÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj) c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2011]
(a) William Langland (b) Thomas More
(c) Francis Bacon (d) Geoffrey Chaucer Ans. d
131. 'There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,/ Than are
dreamt of in our philosophy.’ is taken from- [mn _vbv cwievi cwiKíbv Awd.-
(a) Hamlet (b) King Lear (c) Macbeth (d) Othello Ans. a
132. Who wrote “The Spanish Tragedy”? [gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK-2006]
(a) John Lyly (b) Thomas Kyd
(c) Robert Green (d) Christopher Marlowe Ans. b
133. Robert Herrick was an English-- [‡mvbvjx e¨vsK Awdmvi / (K¨vk)- 2014]
(a) Novelist (b) Historian (c) Poet (d) Dramatist Ans. c
134. A poem of fourteen lines is called— [_vbv wkÿv Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvM cixÿv-1998]
(a) Elege (b) Sonnet (c) Ode (d) Epic Ans. b
135. Who is the father of Modern English Poetry? [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨v. fwZ© c- 2010-11]
(a) Cynewulf (b) Geoffrey Chaucer
(c) Robert Browning (d) None of the above Ans. b
136. ‘The Canterbury Tales’ are told by- [cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mn .cwiPvjK-2011]
(a) Geoffrey Chaucer (b) Wycliffe (c) Boccaccio (d) Thomas Barth Ans. a
137. The Canterbury Tales is as alive and---today as it was nearly
600 years ago. [XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2010-11]
(a) appealing (b) fruitful (c) repelling (d) enhanting Ans. a

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RRS BCS English Care 15

138. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote— [cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2011]

(a) Canterbury Tales (b) Piers Plowman
(c) Morte d’ Arthur (d) The Maid’s Tragedy Ans. a
139. Who is considered to be the father of English Poem? [moK I Rbc_
Ges MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii Dc-mncÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwfj) c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2001]
(a) William Langland (b) Thomas Moore
(c) Rozer Bacon (d) Geoffrey Chaucer Ans. d
140. Who translated the Bible into English for the first time?
[wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK Ges cvm‡cvU© A¨vÛ Bwg‡MÖk‡b mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2016]
(a) Nicolas Udall (b) Thomas Norton Ans. c
(c) John Wycliffe (d) Edmund Spenser
141. Who translated ‘The New Testament’? [WvK I †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM gš¿Yvjq- 2003]
(a) Langland (b) John Wycliffe (c) Layaman (d) Touci Ans. b
142. ‘Renaissance’ means— [PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ©- 2007-08]
(a) regain (b) reborn (c) re-arrange (d) rebirth Ans. d
143. ‘Renaissance’ means — [wnmve iÿY Kg©KZ©v cixÿv- 2004]
(a) the revival of learning (b) the revival of hard task
(c) the revival of life (d) the revival of new country Ans. a
144. Renaissance K_vwUi A_© wK? [gnvwnmve iÿK I wbixÿK Awd‡mi AaxÿK cixÿv- 1998]
(K) g„Zz¨ (L) eva©K¨ (M) †cŠpZ¡ (N) beRxeb DËi: N
145. The beginning of the Renaissance may be traced to the city of—
(a) Venice (b) London (c) Paris (d) Florence Ans. d
146. Soliloquy means - [cÖv_wgK I MYwkÿv Awa`߇i mnKvix cwiPvjK-01]
(a) to memorise (b) talking to oneself
(c) action of speech (d) rehearsal of a play Ans. b
147. What is the meaning of 'Soliloquy'? [wbe©vPb Kwgkb mwPevj‡q mnKvix mwPe-95]
(a) action of body (b) action of speech
(c) to memorira part (d) long self speech by an actor Ans. d
148. A drama is a/an -- [kÖg cwi`߇ii RbmsL¨v I cwievi Kj¨vY Kg©KZ©v-09]
(a) novel retold in dialogue (b) magical performnces on the stage
(c) fairy tale (d) story translated into action Ans. b
149. A tragedy does not have ____ [K.U. (gvbweK ¯‹zj) 05-06]
(a) a tragic hero (b) a plot
(c) an act (d) an octave-sestet division Ans. d
150. Comedy is - [I.U. 06-07]
(a) a light play with a happy ending.
(b) an amusing play with a serious ending.
(c) a serious play with a humorous ending. Ans. a
(d) a plays that shows terrible things in a way that is intended to be funny.

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16 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

151. A comedy does not have__ [K.U. (gvbweK ¯‹zj) 07-08]

(a) a happy ending (b) a plot (c) catharsis (d) comic element Ans. c
152. The hero or central character of a literary work is __ [J.U.(C) 14-15]
(a) Villain (b) Protagonist (c) Antagonist (d) Chorus Ans. b
153. 'Protagonist' indicates__ [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi cwi`k©K-03]
(a) the villain in a play (b) the leading character or actor in a play
(c) the clown in a play (d) the stage-director of a play. Ans. b
154. 'Melodrama' is a kind of play of- [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi mntcwi`k©K-04]
(a) violent and sensational themes (b) historical themes
(c) philosophical themes (d) pathetic themes Ans. a
155. What is catastrope? [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi mntcwi`k©K- 04]
(a) The comical end of dramatic events
(b) The tragic end of dramatic events
(c) The comic tragic end of the play
(d) None of the above Ans. b
156. Climax is related to- [K.U. 07-08]
(a) Prose (b) Drama (c) Poetry (d) Novel Ans. b
157. 'Much Ado About Nothing' is written by __
(a) Jane Austen (b) Charles Dickens
(c) William Shakespeare (d) Virginia Woolf Ans. c
158. What is an act in a play? [K.U. (gvbweK ¯‹zj) 07-08]
(a) a unit of act on with no change of place or time
(b) the rising action of a play
(c) a major division in the action of a play
(d) conversation of character is in a play Ans. c
159. Who is the 'Univesrsity Wits' in the following list? [ cvm‡cvU© Awa-11]
(a) Shakespeare (b) Thomas Gray (c) Robert Greene (d) Dryden Ans. c
160. 'Phoenix' is __ [mv‡K©j A¨vWRy‡U›U- 10]
(a) an imaginary bullock (b) a mythical bird
(c) a mythical bird regenerating from ashess
(d) a dead mythical bird Ans. c
161. Andrew Marvell was a- [K.U. (gvbweK ¯‹zj) 05-06]
(a) Metaphysical poet (b) Victorian poet
(c) Romantic poet (d) Modern poet Ans. a
162. Who, among the following playwrights, is Shakespeare's
contemporary/ belong to Elizabethan period? [35Zg wewmGm]
(a) Arthur Miller (b) Marlowe (c) Samuel Beckett (d) Congreve Ans. b
163. Shakespeare was not__.
(a) a dramatist (b) a playwright (c) a poet (d) a story writer Ans. d

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RRS BCS English Care 17

164. Which of the following is not true about Shakespeare?

(a) Poet (b) Playwright (c) Novelist (d) Actor Ans. c
165. William Shakespeare wrote-
(a) sonnets, tragedies and comedies (b) sonnets, plays and essays
(c) sonnets, plays and novels (d) sonnets, novels and epics Ans. a
166. In Shakespearean tragedy, the hero is __ [K.U. (gvbweK ¯‹zj) 06-07]
(a) an ordinary man (b) a high ranking man
(c) a sacrilegious man (d) none of these Ans. b
167. Ben Jonson introduced- [mve-†iwR÷ªvi-16]
(a) allegory (b) heroic drama (c) comedy of manners (d) comedy of humours Ans. d
168. "Better three hours too soon than a minute too late" was said by-
(a) Shakespeare (b) Wordsworth
(c) O Henry (d) Edgar Allan Poe Ans. a
169. When a speaker speaks his thoughts aloud, it is called- [Kviv ZË¡veavqK-05]
(a) aside (b) monody (c) soliloquy (d) negative capability Ans. c
170. A sonnet is a poem having— lines. [mve-†iwRóªvi c‡` wbe©vPbx cixÿv-2004]
(a) sixteen (b) ten (c) twelve (d) fourteen Ans. d
171. Edmund Spenser is a ---. [Kvi ZË¡veavqK (¯^ivó gš¿Yvjq) wb‡qvM cix¶v- 2012]
(a) Scientist (b) Poet (c) Critic (d) Dramatist Ans. b
172. Which is the oldest period in English Literature? [mve-‡iwR÷ªvi- 92]
(a) Anglo-Norman (b) Anglo-Saxon (c) Chaucer's Period (d) Middle Ans. b
173. The main feature of the Renaissance is—
(a) Humanism (b) Utopia (c) Polyolbian (d) Opus Majas Ans. a
174. Shakespeare is known mostly for his- [16Zg we‡kl wewmGm (wkÿv)]
(a) poetry (b) novels (c) autobiography (d) plays Ans. d
175. Which of the following is a play by Shakespeare-. [†mvbvjx e¨vsK '14]
(a) King Lear (b) The Duchess of Malfi
(c) Candida (d) Waiting for Godot Ans. a
176. William Shakespeare was an English dramatist and poet of the-
---- century. [†mvbvjx e¨vsK wmwbqi Awdmvi- 2014]
(a) fifteenth (b) sixteenth (c) fourteenth (d) seventeenth Ans. b
177. Which of the following plays is by William Shakespeare? [†mvbvjx e¨vsK- 2014]
(a) Desire Under the Elms (b) Measure for Measure
(c) Pygmalion (d) Cocktail Party Ans. b
178. ‘Shakespeare’ is the writer of— [ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2012-13]
(a) The Tempest (b) The Idea of University
(c) The Hairy Ape (d) Riders to the Sea Ans. a
179. A sonnet is a lyric poem of— [cÖevmx Kj¨vY gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2012]
(a) 12 lines (b) 24 lines (c) 14 lines (d) 10 lines Ans. c

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18 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

The Neoclassical Period

01. The Rape of the Lock, by Alexander Pope? [40Zg wewmGm]

(a) epic (b) ballad (c) Mock Heroic poem (d) elegy Ans. c
02. Who of the following is a famous epic poet in English
literature? / Of the following authors who wrote an epic? [38Zg
wewmGm/ kÖg Awa`߇ii Rbkw³, Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwkÿY ey¨‡iv DcmnKvix cwiPvjK- 2001]
(a) Jane Mansfield (b) John Milton
(b) William Cowper (d) William Shakespeare Ans. b
03. Who is the most famous satirist in English literature? [38Zg wewmGm/
12Zg wewmGm/ `yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi mnKvix Dc-cwi`k©K c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2004]
(a) Alexander Pope (b) Jonathan Swift
(c) William Wordsworth (d) Butler Ans. b
04. 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' is written by- [36Zg wewmGm]
(a) William Wordsworth (b) Thomas Gray
(c) John Keats (d) W. B. Yeats Ans. b
05. 'Paradise Lost' attempted to---- [14Zg wewmGm]
(a) Justify the ways of man to God
(b) Justify the ways of God to man
(c) Show that the Satan and god have equal power
(d) Explain why good and evil are necessary. Ans. b
06. Who is the composer of 'Paradise Lost'? [cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ˆe‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb
gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2012 / AvBb wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi mve †iwRóªvi-2012]
(a) John Keats (b) Lord Byron
(c) S.T. Coleridge (d) John Milton Ans. d
07. 'Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven.' Who said this
and where? [¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2011]
(a) Satan in "Paradise Lost" (b) Stain in "Paradise Regained"
(c) Adam in 'Paradise Lost' (d) Adam in 'Paradise Regained' Ans. a
08. 'Paradise Lost' is a/an ---- [ciivóªgš¿Yvj‡q cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2001]
(a) short story (b) epic poem (c) play (d) lyrical poem Ans. b
09. 'Paradise Regained' is an epic by- [miKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mn. wkÿK -2011]
(a) John Keats (b) P.B. Shelly
(c) John Milton (d) William Blake Ans. C
10. †kvKMxwZ 'Lycidas' -Gi iPwqZv †K? [gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`ßi mnKvix cwiPvjK-1999]
(a) Thomas Gray (b) Alfred Tennyson
(c) John Milton (d) John Keats Ans. c

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RRS BCS English Care 19

11. Who wrote 'Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise'?

[‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wmwbqi Awdmvi- 2010]
(a) Robert Frost (b) George Orwell
(c) Thomas Gray (d) John Milton Ans. c
12. Who is famous for his elegies? [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2009-10]
(a) Robert Browning (b) Lord Byron
(c) Thomas Gray (d) Thomas Paine Ans. c
13. Who wrote 'Gulliver's Travels'? [AvBb wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿. mve †iwRóªvi- 2012]
(a) R. L. Stevenson (b) Daniel Defoe
(c) Jonathan Swift (d) D. H. Lawrence Ans. c
14. 'A Voyage of Lilliput' is written by-- [Kg©ms¯’vb e¨vsK WvUv Gw›U Acv‡iUi-2011]
(a) R. L Stevenson (b) Thomas Hardy
(c) Jonathan Swift (d) William Wordsworth Ans. c
15. Jonathan Swift is the author of-[kÖg-Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi mn cÖavb cwi`k©K-2009]
(a) The Old man and the Sea (b) A Doll's House
(c) Robinson Crusoe (d) Gulliver's Travels Ans. d
16. The first English Dictionary was compiled by-- [15Zg wewmGm]
(a) Izaak Walton (b) Samuel Johnson
(c) Samuel Butler (d) Sir Thomas Browne Ans. b
17. Edmund Burke belonged to- [eb I cwi‡ek gš¿Yvj‡q mn. cwiPvjK wbe©vPbx cixÿv- 1995]
(a) 16th century (b) 17th century
(c) 18th century (d) 19th century Ans. c
18. The Romantic Age began with the publication of- [Ly.we.-2011-12]
(a) Lyrical Ballads (b) My Last Duchess
(c) A Tale of Two Cities (d) Canonization Ans. a
19. 'To err is human, to forgive is divine' is written by- [_vbv wkÿv
Awdmvi-2005/ mnKvix cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v- 1998]
(a) Tennyson (b) W. Blake (c) Milton (d) Pope Ans. d
20. Who was the famous mock-heroic poet in English literature?
[mve-‡iwRóªvi wbe©vPbx cixÿv- 1992]
(a) Lord Byron (b) John Milton
(c) Alexander Pope (d) Lord Tennyson Ans. c
21. The First English novel, Pamela has been written by-
[Rbkw³ Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwkÿY ey¨‡iv Dc-cwiPvjK- 2007]
(a) Daniel Defoe (b) Henry Fielding
(c) Samuel Richardson (d) Sir Walter Scott Ans. C
22. Tom Jones by Henry Fielding was first published in- [13Zg wewmGm]
(a) the 1st half of 19th century (b) the 2nd half of 18th century
(c) the 1st half of 18th century (d) the 19th century Ans. c

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20 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

23. 'A little learning is a dangerous thing' is a quotation from -

(a) Oscar wilds (b) Alfred Tennyson
(c) Alexander Pope (d) Voltaire Ans. c
24. Who is considered to be the father of English novel?
[‡ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡Û›U c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2000]
(a) Francis Bacon (b) Geoffrey Chaucer
(c) King Alfred the Great (d) Henry Fielding Ans. d
25. Alexander Pope's "An Essay on Man" is a- [MYc~Z© Awa.cÖ‡KŠkjx- 20111]
(a) Novel (b) Treatise
(c) Short Story (d) Poem Ans. d
26. Who wrote first English dictionary?/ Who is the author of the
first English dictionary? [28Zg wewmGm]
(a) Boswell (b) Ben Jonson (c) Samuel Johnson (d) Milton Ans. c
27. Goethe is the greatest poet of___. [cvm‡cvU©/Bwg‡MÖk‡bi mn:cwiPvjK-98]
(a) Germany (b) Russia (c) England (d) France Ans. a
28. Poet Alexander Pope's famous work-- [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b mn cwi- 2003]
(a) The Rape of the Lock (b) Spectator
(c) The Deserted Village (d) Man was made to mourn Ans. A
29. "Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness in the desert air.'- [gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`ßi- 1999]
(a) Shelly (b) Wordsworth (c) Thomas Gray (d) Keats Ans. c
30. A lexicographer is a person who writes-- [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡q mn. cwiPvjK-2003]
(a) Novels (b) Dictionaries (c) Graphs (d) Medical books Ans. b
31. Paradise Regained is an epic written by-- [R.we. fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) Homer (b) Tagore
(c) Dante (d) Milton Ans. D
32. Who was the famous mock-heroic poet in English literature?
[mve-‡iwRóªvi wbe©vPbx cixÿv- 1992]
(a) Lord Byron (b) John Milton
(c) Alexander Pope (d) Lord Tennyson Ans. c
33. Who is considered to be the father of English novel? [‡ijI‡q mn-00]
(a) Francis Bacon (b) Geoffrey Chaucer
(c) King Alfred the Great (d) Henry Fielding Ans. D
34. Who has written the poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"?
(a) Thomas Gray (b) P.B. Shelley
(c) Robert Frost (d) Y.B.Yeats Ans. a
35. 'Restoration period' in English literature refers to - [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) 1560 (b) 1660 c) 1760 d) 1866 Ans. b

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RRS BCS English Care 21

36. A mornful poem written on the death of someone's love is

called__ [J.U. (C) 14-15]
(a) homage (b) ode (c) elegy (d) saga Ans. c
37. Addison and Steele are known for__ [K.U. (gvbweK ¯‹zj) 06-07]
(a) Lyrical Ballad (b) The Mirror
(c) The Spectator (d) Biographia Literaria Ans. c
38. 'A critic and lexicographer' applies to __
(a) Bradly (b) Coleridge (c) Johnson (d) Hazlitt Ans. c
39. An epic is based on__ performed by a hero. [Jn.U. (B) 12-13]
(a) heroic deeds (b) a narrative
(c) intervention (d) trifle subjects Ans. a
40. A 'canto' is - [D.U. (B-EE) 10-11]
(a) an act of a play (b) a part of play
(c) a chapter of a novel (d) a division of an epic Ans. d
41. A novel in the form of letters is called ___. [D.U.(B-EE) 14-15]
(a) picaresque novel (b) novelette
(c) non-fiction novel (d) epistolary novel Ans. d
42. The narrator of a novel written in the third person is called -
narrator. [DU(B-EE) 15-16]
(a) a dedicated (b) an evanscent
(c) a ubiquitous (d) an omniscient Ans. d
43. A work which has a meaning behind the surface meaning is__
[ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-11]
(a) an epic (b) an allegory
(c) a metaphor (d) personification Ans. b
44. What is the meaning of the word 'Dirge'? [_vbv mnKvix wkÿv Awdmvi- 95]
(a) a kind of sonnet sequence
(b) a son expressing patriotic sentiment
(c) a long verse telling about an adventure
(d) a song expressing grief, lamentation and mourning Ans. d
45. Who wrote the famous poetic line 'To err is human, to forgive is
divine'? [Xv.we. fwZ© cixÿv- 2009-2010/ Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-2012]
(a) Pope (b) Shelley (c) Keats (d) Dryden Ans. a

English Grammar এিং English Literature স্ፘরকণ

আপরেট পপরয আমারেে পেসবুক ፇᎎরপ জরেন করুন:

RRS BCS English Care

An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

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22 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

The Romantic Period

01. Who is not a romantic poet?- [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) P. B Shelly (b) S.T Coleridge (c) John Keats (d) T. S Eliot Ans. d
02. Man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart. ’Tis woman’s whole
existence - this taken? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) P. B. Shelley (b) Lord Byron (c) John Keats (d) E. Spenser Ans. b
03. “Where are the songs of spring? Aye, where are they? Think
not of them, thou hast thy music too.” Who wrote this ? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) Willam Wordsworth (b) Robert Browning
(c) Keats’ Poems (d) Samuel Coleridge Ans. c
04. Where do the following lines occur in? [38Zg wewmGm]
‘Alone, alone, all, all alone/ Alone on a wide, wide sea.’
(a) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (b) Kubla Khan
(c) The Nightingle (d) The Dungeon Ans. a
05. Who wrote "Biographia Literaria"? [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) Lord Byron (b) P.B. Shelley
(c) S.T. Coleridge (d) Charles Lamb Ans. c
06. P.B. Shelley's 'Adonais' is an elegy on the death of - [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) John Milton (b) S.T. Coleridge
(c) John Keats (d) Lord Byron Ans. c
07. Who is known as ‘the poet of nature’ in English literature?
[36Zg wewmGm]
(a) Lord Tennyson (b) John Milton
(c) William Wordsworth (d) John Keats Ans. c
08. The poem 'The Solitary Reaper' is written by-[36Zg wewmGm]
(a) W. H. Auden (b) W. Wordsworth
(c) W. B. Yeats (d) Ezra Pound Ans. b
09. Which of the following writers belongs to the Romantic period
in English literature? [36Zg wewmGm]
(a) A. Tennyson (b) Alexander Pope
(c) John Dryden (d) S.T. Coleridge Ans. d
10. The Romantic age in English literature began with the
publication of----.[36Zg wewmGm]
(a) Preface to Shakespeare (b) Preface of Lyrical Ballads
(c) Preface to Ancient Mariners (d) Preface to Dr. Johnson Ans. b
11. Who of the following was both a poet and painter? /wb‡¤œv³‡`i
g‡a¨ †K GKvav‡i Kwe Ges wPÎwkíx wQ‡jb? [15Zg wewmGm/ mnKvix cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v- 1998]
(a) Keats (b) Donne (c) Blake (d) Spenser Ans. c

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RRS BCS English Care 23

12. Who wrote 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty'? [15Zg wewmGm / gva¨wgK mnKvix
wkÿK- 2006/ miKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK cixÿv- 2011]
(a) Shakespeare (b) Wordsworth (c) Keats (d) Eliot Ans. c
13. Romanticism is mainly connected with--- [hye Dbœqb Awa`߇i mnKvix
cwiPvjK wb‡qvM cixÿv- 1999/ ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2010-11]
(a) Joy and happiness (b) Expectation and disappointment
(c) Excitement and sensation (d) Love and beauty Ans. d
14. Which is known as Romantic Period of English literature?
[Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) 1550-1558 (b) 1649-1660
(c) 1798-1832 (d) 1910-1936 Ans. c
15. Who of the following was both a poet and painter?/wb‡¤œv³‡`i g‡a¨
†K GKvav‡i Kwe Ges wPÎwkíx wQ‡jb? [15Zg wewmGm / mnKvix cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v-1998]
(a) Keats (b) Donne (c) Blake (d) Spenser Ans. c
16. The author of 'Songs of Innocence and of Experience' is--
[Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2010-11/Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) John Lennon (b) Richard Mark
(c) William Blake (d) John Keats Ans. c
17. Who among the following is not a novelist? [Ly. we. fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) Hardy (b) Joyce (c) Thackeray (d) Blake Ans. d
18. One of the four mentioned below is not poet of Romantic age-
[‡ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡ÛU c‡` wb‡hvM cixÿv- 2000]
(a) William Blake (b) William Wordsworth
(c) P.B. Shelley (d) John Keats Ans. a
19. William Wordsworth was a— [kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cwi`k©K-2009]
(a) Novelist (b) historian (c) Poet (d) dramatist Ans. c
20. Why were The Daffodils in Wordsworth's I wandered Lonely as
a Cloud dancing? [XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq- 2012-13]
(a) The poet was day dreaming
(b) The flowers had cheerful company
(c) The sea waves beside them had gone wild
(d) There was a strong wind. Ans. d
21. In ‘I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud’ Wordsworth compares the
daffodils with— [XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq cixÿv-2012-13]
(a) the stars of the milky way (b) the waves
(c) the trees (d) the milky way Ans. a
22. William Wordsworth is pre-eminently— [cvm‡cvU© I Bwg‡MÖkb Awa`߇ii
mnKvix cwiPvjK-2007/mnKvix _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi cixÿv-2010]
(a) a poet of nature (b) a poet of love
(c) a poet of human nature (d) a poet of liberty Ans. a

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24 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

23. The Daffodils is a poem written by— [cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v- 2010]

(a) William Wordsworth (b) Lewis Carroll
(c) John Keats (d) P.B. Shelly Ans. a
24. Lyrical Ballads was published in the year-. [mÂq cwi`߇ii mn. cwi-2009]
(a) 1798 (b) 1770
(c) 1779 (d) 1775 Ans. a
25. In 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' the daffodils gave the poet.
[XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) a great deal of pleasure (b) very pleasure
(c) many pleasure (d) much pleasure Ans. a/d
26. William Wordsworth Gi mgmvgwqK Kwe †K? [mnKvix cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v wØZxq
†kÖYxi c‡` wb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ evQvB cixÿv-1998]
(a) T.S. Eliot (b) W.B. Yeats
(c) D.G. Rossetti (d) S.T. Coleridge Ans. d
27. Who is known as ‘the poet of nature in English literature’?
[cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq I gwš¿cwil` Kvh©vj‡q cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v-2004/Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev-2008]
(a) Lord Tennyson (b) John Milton
(c) William Wordsworth (d) John Keats Ans. c
28. In ‘The Solitary Reaper’ what does the word solitary mean?
[cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq I gwš¿cwil` Kvh©vj‡q cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvM cixÿv-2004]
(a) classical (b) modern (c) romantic (d) Greek Ans. c
29. Wordsworth is a — poet. [ciivóªgš¿Yvjq cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvM cixÿv-2001]
(a) classical (b) modern (c) romantic (d) Greek Ans. c
30. The Solitary Reaper is a— [_vbv mnKvix wkÿv Awdmvi wb‡qvM cixÿv-1995/Rbkw³,
Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwkÿY ey¨‡iv DcmnKvix cwiPvjK c‡` wb‡qvM-2001]
(a) heroic poem (b) romantic poem
(c) classical poem (d) patriotic poem Ans. b
31. ‘Written in March’ is a poem composed by- [gv. we`¨v mn. wkÿK-2001]
(a) William Wordsworth (b) William Congreve
(c) William Blake (d) William Shakespeare Ans. a
32. Wordsworth was inspired by— [Rbkw³, Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwkÿY ey¨‡iv -2001]
(a) the French Revolution (b) the American Revolution
(c) the Russian Revolution (d) the Industrial Revolution Ans. a
33 Who wrote the poem ‘Solitary Reaper? [Kg©ms¯’vb e¨vsK mn. Awdmvi (K¨vk)- 2001]
(a) Wordsworth (b) Shelley
(c) Keats (d) Shakespeare Ans. a
34. William Wordsworth wrote— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK-1997]
(a) The Rape of the Lock
(b) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
(c) The Lucy Poems

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RRS BCS English Care 25

(d) Absalom and Achitophel Ans. c

35. Who wrote poem about Lucy? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK-1994]
(a) S.T. Coleridge (b) P.B. Shelley
(c) William Wordsworth (d) Lord Byron Ans. c
36. Lucy m¤ú‡K© KweZv †Kvb Kwe iPbv K‡ib? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK wb‡qvM cixÿv-1994]
(a) S.T. Coleridge (b) P.B. Shelley
(c) William Wordsworth (d) Lord Byron Ans. c
37. ‘The Daffodils’ wK RvZxq iPbv? [msm` mwPevj‡qi Aax‡b mnKvix mwPe-1996]
(a) Dcb¨vm (b) KweZv (c) bvUK (d) ågY Kvwnbx Ans. b
38. The literary work ‘Kubla Khan’ is— [13Zg wewmGm]
(a) a history of Vincent Smith (b) a verse by Coleridge
(c) a drama by Oscar Wilde
(d) a short-story by Somerset Maugham Ans. b
39. P.B. Shelley is known as— [we`y¨r Dbœqb †ev‡W©i Dc-mnKvix-2012]
(a) Epic Poet (b) Romantic Poet
(c) Poet of nature (d) Poet of beauty Ans. b
40. Who is the author of ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’? [kÖg
Awa`߇i kÖg Awdmvi-1994/ Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi-2008]
(a) William Wordsworth (b) S.T. Coleridge
(c) W. Somerset Maugham (d) Sir Walter Scott Ans. b
41. Who was English poet addicted to opium?—[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq- 2003]
(a) S.T. Coleridge (b) P.B. Shelley
(c) John Keats (d) Pearl S. Buck Ans. a
42. ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ is a—
[¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2011]
(a) play (b) short story (c) novel (d) poem Ans. d
43. Who wrote Prometheus Unbound? [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi mvBdi Awdmvi-2012]
(a) Coleridge (b) Keats (c) Byron (d) Shelley Ans. d
44. The phrase ‘trunk less legs’ in the poem ‘Ozymandias’ refers
to: [Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) hug legs (b) legs without toes
(c) legs without body (d) beautiful legs Ans. c
45. The statue of Ozymandias is— [Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) on a mountain (b) beside a river
(c) in a desert (d) in a valley Ans. c
46. In ‘Ozymandias’, who saw the statue of Ozymandias?
[Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) the poet (b) an old man (c) a traveler (d) a sculptor Ans. c

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26 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

47. The central idea of ‘Ozymandias’ is that—

[Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) all things, both great and small, will perish
(b) man is mortal, art immortal
(c) imagination is stronger than fact
(d) history repeats Ans. a
48. In Shelly’s ‘Ozymandias’ frown’, and ‘sneer of cold command’
are seen on—. [XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) the pedestal of the staue (b) desert sand
(c) two trunkless legs (d) Shattered visage Ans. d
49. ‘Ode to the west wind’ is by— [cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2011]
(a) Keats (b) Shelley (c) Coleridge (d) Wordsworth Ans. b
50. One of the following was a Romantic poet- [mgvR †mev Awa`ßi cixÿv- 2010]
(a) Tennyson (b) Arnold (c) Shelley (d) Browning Ans. c
51. A famous English poet who was professionally known as man
of medicine is-- [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb Ges weÁvcb AaxKvwiK (‡MÖW-2)-2006]
(a) Shelley (b) Keats (c) Milton (d) Pope Ans. b
52. In Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’ the words, ‘My name is ozymandias,
king of kings’ are inscribed on— [XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2009-2010]
(a) the visage of the nature (b) the pedestal of the statue
(c) the hand of the staue (d) the sand of the antique land Ans. b
53. What lies half sunk in the sand in Shelley’s Ozymandias’?
[XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2008-2009]
(a) broken statue (b) two trunkless legs
(c) an ancient place (d) broken head of a statue Ans. d
54. In ‘Ozymandias’ the poet says, ‘I met a traveller— an—land.’
[XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2007-2008]
(a) by, old (b) going, ancient
(c) from, antique (d) passing, antique Ans. c
55. fiZcÿx I mgxi‡Yi Kwe (Poet of ‘Skylark and Wind’) bv‡g cwiwPZ †K?
[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK wb‡qvM cixÿv- 1993]
(a) Lord Byron (b) John Keats
(c) W. Wordsworth (d) P B Shelley Ans. d
56. Who is called the 'poet of beauty'? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK- 2003/kÖg I
Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi kÖg Awdmvi-2003/ RvZxq †fv³v AwaKvi msiÿY Awa`ßi cixÿv- 2013]
(a) Wordsworth (b) P.B. Shelley c) Keats (d) Shakespeare Ans. c
57. 'Ode to Autumn' was written by--- [_vbv wkÿv Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2011]
(a) Shelley (b) Keats (c) Byron (d) Blake Ans. b

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RRS BCS English Care 27

58. In the poem ‘Ozymandias’ who calls Ozymandias ‘King of

Kings’? [XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2009-10]
(a) The Traveller (b) The speaker
(c) Other kings (d) Ozymandias himself Ans. d
59. Keats belong to - [evsjv‡`k miKvwi Kg© Kwgkb mwPevj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK-2006]
(a) Eighteenth century (b) Nineteenth century
(c) Twentieth century (d) Seventeenth century Ans. b
60. Poet of sensuousness- [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi cwi`k©K c‡` evQvB cixÿv- 2003]
(a) P. B. Shelley (b) William Wordsworth
(c) John Keats (b) Byron Ans. c
61. 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'-- Who is the poet of the poem?
[mnKvix AvenvIqvwe` c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2003]
(a) Wordsworth (b) Shelley (c) Shakespeare (d) Keats Ans. d
62. The poet of 'Romantic Age' is--- (cvm‡cvU© A¨vÛ Bwg‡MÖkb0 c‡` - 2000]
(a) George Orwell (b) D. H. Lawrence
(c) John Milton (d) John Keats Ans. d
63. John Keats is primarily a poet of-
[hye Dbœqb Awa`߇i mnKvix cwiPvjK wb‡qvM cixÿv- 1999]
(a) Beauty (b) Nature (c) Love (d) Revolution Ans. a
64. †Kvb Bs‡iR Kwe h²v †iv‡M g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib? [gv`ªK`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`ßi 1999]
(a) P. B Shelley (b) Robert Burns
(c) S. T. Coleridge (d) John Keats Ans. d
65. Who wrote 'Ode to a Nightingale?'[gva¨wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK wb‡qvM- 1997]
(a) Pope (b) Shelley (c) Wordsworth (d) Keats And. d
66 g„Zz¨ n‡”Q wbQK 'A Short Sleep' Gi Dw³wU Kvi? [hye Dbœqb Awa`ßi mn cwiPvjK- 1994]
(K) evqib (L) wKUm&
(M) gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë (N) myBUg¨vb DËi: L
67. John Keats †Kvb †kÖwYi Kwe?
(a) Romantic (b) Classical (c) Modern (d) Ancient Ans. a
68. John Keats is known as a romantic poet. So is (choose one name)
[‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wmwbqi Awdmvi- 2014]
(a) T. S. Eliot (b) Lord Tennyson
(c) Lord Byron (d) G. M. Hopkins Ans. c
69. Who is the author of 'Heaven and Earth'? [iv. we. fwZ© cixÿv- 2009-10]
(a) Lord Tennyson (b) William Wordsworth
(c) Lord Byron (d) John Keats Ans. c
70. Who is sometimes called 'Rebel Poet?'
(a) S. T. Coleridge (b) Wordsworth (c) Keats (b) Lord Byron Ans. d

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28 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

71. Who wrote the poem 'Don Juan'? [‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wmwbqi Awdmvi-2014]
(a) William Wordsworth (b) William Blake
(c) Lord Byron (d) John Keats Ans. c
72. Who is the author of 'Pride and Prejudice'? / Pride and Prejudice' is
written by-- [Dc‡Rjv wbe©vPb Awdmvi wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2008/ evsjv‡`k e¨vsK K¨vk Awdmvi-2011]
(a) Emily Bronte (b) Charlotte Bronte
(c) Jane Austen (d) Charles Dickens Ans. c
73. Which is not a play? [mÂq cwi`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2009]
(a) The tempest (b) Othello
(c) King Lear (d) Pride and Prejudice Ans. d
74. Jane Austen is the writer of-- [¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU©
Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2011]
(a) Jane Eyre (b) Ramona (c) Emma (d) Rebecca Ans. c
75. 'Essays of Elia' was written by--- [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 1995]
(a) William Hazlitt (b) Emily Dickinson
(c) Charles Lamb (d) Emily Brontee Ans.c
76. Charles Lamb was--- [eb I cwi‡ek gš¿Yvj‡q mnKvix cwiPvjK wbe©vPbx cixÿv-1995]
(a) an essayist (b) a novelist
(c) an epic poet (d) a dramatist Ans. a
77. Ballad is — [`ybx©wZ `gb ey¨‡ivi cwi`k©K c‡` evQvB cixÿv-2003]
(a) a kind of short narrative poem (b) a kind of short condoling poem
(c) a kind of short lyrical poem (d) a rhymic verse Ans. a
78. 'Child is the father of man' is taken from the poem of---. [36Zg wewmGm]
(a) W. Wordsworth (b) S. T. Coleridge
(c) P. B. Shelley (d) A. C. Swinburne Ans. a
79. 'Our Sweetest songs are those that tell of a sadest thoughts is a
quotation from Shelley's [kªg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb †gwWK¨vj Awdmvi- 2003/ Dc‡Rjv
mgvR‡mev Awdmvi-2008/cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ‰e‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK 2012]
(a) Ode to a skylark (b) The cloud
(c) Ode to the west Wind (d) Adonais Ans. a
80. They__ in never-ending-- [XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2009-2010]
(a) Started, show (b) shone, laughter
(c) grow, row (d) stretched, line Ans. d
81. 'The Trumpet of prophecy! O wind. If winter comes, can
spring be far behind?' Who is the poet of these lines? [AvBb wePvi I
msm` welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi mve-†iwRóªvi-2012]
(a) P. B. Shelley (b) William Wordsworth
(c) John Keats (d) Robert Browing Ans. a

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RRS BCS English Care 29

82. 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever' was stated by--- [RvZxq msm`
mwPevj‡q mnKvix M‡elYv Awdmvi-2006/ AvBb wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi mve-‡iwRóªvi- 2012]
(a) John Keats (b) William Shakespeare
(c) Bacon (d) Milton Ans. a
83. 'Nature never did betray the heart that loved her' is a
quotation. [PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-2012]
(a) Wordsworth (b) B. J. Baryon
(c) P. B. Shelly (d) J. Keats Ans. a
84. If Winter comes, can spring be far behind? is a line from---.
[kÖg cwi`߇ii RbmsL¨v I cwievi Kj¨vb Kg©KZ©v- 2009]
(a) Shelley's Ode to West Wind
(b) Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner
(c) Byron's Don Juan
(d) Keats Ode to Autumn Ans. a
85. If Winter comes, can --- be far behind? [mÂq cwi`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2009]
(a) Autumn (b) Spring (c) Summer (d) Rain Ans b
86. 'Ten thousand saw I at a glance' Who said this? [Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi-2007]
(a) Shakespearen (b) Coleridge (c) Keats (d) Wordsworth Ans. d
87. 'The music in my heart I bore/ Long after it was heard no
more.' These lines are from the poem--- [AvBb wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi
mve-‡iwRóªvi- 2012]
(a) The Solitary Reaper by Wordsworth
(b) Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats
(c) To a lady with a guitar by P. B. Shelley
(d) Elegy written in a country churchyard by Thomas Gray Ans. A
88. Identify the Poet of the verse: 'Our sweetest songs are those that
tell of saddest thought.' [kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb †gwWK¨vj Awdmvi- 2003]
(a) John Keats (b) P. B. Shelley
(c) Lord Byron (d) William Wordsworth Ans. b
89. 'Ten thousand saw I at a glance [kªg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb †gwWK¨vj Awd-
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.'
What is the poet William Wordsworth referring to?
(a) birds (b) daffodils (c) leaves (d) bees

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30 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

90. Which ode begins with the lines?

'My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains.
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk.'
[kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb †gwWK¨vj Awdmvi- 2003]
(a) Ode of the Spring (b) Ode to Duty
(c) Ode to a Nightingale (d) Ode to the West Wind Ans. c
91. Who has written?
'He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things great and small.' [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi mnKvix Dc-cwi`k©K c‡` cixÿv- 2004]
(a) John Keats (b) Lord Byron
(c) P. B Shelley (d) Coleridge Ans. d
92. 'Poet are unacknowledged legislators of the world'-- Who told it?
[eb Dbœqb Awa`ßi mnKvix cwiPvjK- 1994/ _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi -1996]
(a) Browing (b) Shelley
(c) Tennyson (d) Byron Ans. b
93. Who is known as 'the poet of nature in English literature'?
[cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq I gwš¿cwil` Kvh©vjq cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v-2004 / Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi- 2008]
(a) Lord Tennyson (b) John Milton
(c) William Wordsworth (d) John Keats Ans. c
94. Who was a 'poet laureate?
(a) William Wordsworth (b) Robert Browning
(c) T. S Eliot (d) John Keats Ans. a
95. The year 1798 is famous for--- [cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v- 2010]
(a) The French Revolution (b) The American Independence
(c) Publication of lyrical ballads (d) The death of Keats Ans. c
96. Who is called the 'poet of beauty'? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK- 2003]
(a) William Wordsworth (b) P. B. Shelley
(c) John Keats (d) Shakespeare Ans. c
97. Poet of sensuousness-- [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi cwi`k©K c‡` evQvB cixÿv- 2004]
(a) P. B. Shelley (b) William Wordsworth
(c) John Keats (d) Byron Ans. c
98. John Keats is primarily a poet of [hye Dbœqb Awa`߇i mnKvix cwiPvjK wb‡qvM c.- 1999]
(a) Beauty (b) Nature (c) Love (d) Revolution Ans. a
99. The central idea of “I wandered lonely as a cloud” is that:
[Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) nature excites human imagination
(b) nature is harmful for human being
(c) nature is beautiful (d) we can find solace in nature Ans. d

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RRS BCS English Care 31

100. “Ten thousand saw I at a glance” is an example of- [Rvnv. wek¦. f.c.-11-12]
(a) hyperbole (b) symbol
(c) metaphor (d) apostrophe Ans. a
101. “The waves beside them danced’’ (from ‘I wandered lonely as a
cloud’) is an example of: [Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) simile (b) metaphor
(c) metonymy (d) personification Ans. d
102. The speaker of “I wandered lonely as a cloud” saw: [Rvnv½xibMi
wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) wet daffodils (b) yellow daffodils
(c) fair daffodils (d) golden daffodils Ans. d
103. William Hazlitt †K wQ‡jb? [mnKvix _vbv cwievi cwiKíbv Awdmvi- 1998]
(a) Novelist (b) Essayist (c) Dramatist (d) Poet Ans. b
104. Pioneer/s of Romanticism is/are- [_vbv wkÿv Kg©KZ©v cixÿv-2010]
(a) Wordsworth (b) Coleridge
(c) Both a & b (d) None Ans. c
105. Water, water, everywhere, not a drop to drink jvBb †Kvb Kwei †jLv?
[cÖwZiÿv gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b mvBdvi Awdmvi wb‡qvM- 1999]
(a) Wordsworth (b) Gray (c) Coleridge (d) Scott Ans. c
106. "Child is the father of man" is taken from the writings of —
[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK wb‡qvM cixÿv-1992]
(a) P.B Shelly (b) S.T. Coleridge
(c) W. Wordsworth (d) A.C. Swinburne Ans. c
107. Which of the following chronologycally in order
(a) Chaucer, Spenser, Shelley, Swinburae
(b) Shakespeare, Chaucer, Eliot, Donne
(c) Hughes, Eliot, Yeats, Auden
(d) Hopkins, Browings, Wordsworth, Marvell Ans. a
108. Romantic poets are so called because __
(a) they are connected more with heart than with head
(b) they have written romances
(c) they are specially romantic about women
(d) they are not Victorians Ans. a
109. In the poem "Ozymandias", The phrase "king of kings" is an
example of-
(a) exaggeration (b) irony
(c) sarcasm (d) humour Ans. b

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32 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

110. The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as

known to be - [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) metaphor (b) simile
(c) alliteration (d) personification Ans. b
111. Whose dying words were, 'Crito, I owe a cock to Asceleping;
will you remember to the debt’.
(a) Aristotle (b) Tules
(c) Socretes (d) Aristotle Onassis Ans. c
112. The 'merit' in the sentence 'The boy showed his merit by
making twenty mistakes in ten minutes' is an example of -
(a) personification (b) metaphor
(c) pun (d) irony Ans. d
113. The sentence, "Death, thou shalt not die'' is an example of__.
(a) simile (b) metaphor (c) irony (d) parsonification Ans. d
114. Which of the following is a story in verse? [C.U. (B1) 11-12]
(a) elegy (b) ballad (c) ode (d) sonnet Ans. b
115. Prosody signifies the systematic study of __? [K.U. (SS) 04-05]
(a) Drama (b) Short story
(c) Novel (d) Versification Ans. d
116. Most important feature of a romantic poetry is--- [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi
mnKvix Dc-cwi`k©K c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2004]
(a) Beauty (b) Nature
(c) Subjectivity (d) Imagination Ans. c/d
117. 1798-1832 mvj ch©šÍ mgq‡K Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i †Kvb Kvj ejv nq? [_vbv mnKvix
cwievi cwiKíbv Awdmvi-1998]
(a) The Renaissance Period (b) The Elizabethan Age
(c) The Restoration (d) The Romantic Age Ans. D
118. Who wrothe the following lines, All at once I saw a crowd, a
host of golden daffodils. - [35Zg wewmGm]
(a) Wordsworth (b) Shelley (c) Byron (d) Keats Ans. a
119. 'If winter comes, can spring be far behind?' These lines were
written by__ [28Zg wewmGm / Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2009-10]
(a) Keats (b) Frost (c) Eliot (d) Shelley Ans. d

A meaningful silence is better than

thousands of meaningless words.

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RRS BCS English Care 33

The Victorian Period

01. ‘Pip’ is the protagonist in Charles Dickens’ novel- [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) A Christmas Carol (b) A Tale of Two Cities
(c) Oliver Twist (d) Great Expectations Ans. d
02. ‘Vanity Fair’ is a novel written by- [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) D. H Lawrence (b) William Makepeace Thackery
(c) Joseph Conrad (d) Virginia Wolf Ans. b
03. “Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will/ To strive, to speak
to find, and not to yield” - taken from the poem written by- [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) Robert Browning (b) Matthew Arnold
(c) Alfred Tennyson (d) Lord Byron Ans. c
04. A Chrismas Carol is a - by Charlse Dickens. [৩৯ যম জিজসএস]
(a) Historical Novel (b) Short Novel
(c) Ballad (d) Sketch Story Ans. b
05. Tennyson’s “In Memoriam” is an elegy on the death of- [40Zg]
(a) John Milton (b) John Keats
(c) Arthur Henry Hallam (d) Sydney Smith Ans. c
06. “Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam” translate by - [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) Thomas Carlyle (b) Edward Fitzgerald
(c) D. G. Rossetti (d) William Thackeray Ans. b
07. Who is the central character of `Wuthering Heights’-[40Zg]
(a) Mr. Earnshaw (b) Catherine (c) Heathcliff (d) Hindley Earnshaw Ans. c
08. “The old order changeth, yielding place to new”- this line is
extracted from Tennyson’s poem? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) The Lotos-Eaters (b)Tithonus (c)Locksley Hall (d) Morte d Arthur Ans. d
09. Who is not a Victorian poet? [38Zg wewmGm]
(a) Alfred Tennyson (b) Matthew Arnold
(c) Alexander Pope (d) Robert Browning Ans. c
10. Robert Browning was a ___ poet. Fill in the gap with
appropriate word. [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) Romantic (b) Victorian (c) Modern (d) Elizathan Ans. b
11. 'David Copperfield' is a / an ----- novel. [36Zg wewmGm]
(a) Victorian (b) Elizabethan (c) Romantic (d) Modern Ans. a
12. London town is found a living being in the work of- . [36Zg wewmGm]
(a) Thomas Hardy (b) Charles Dickens
(c) W. Congreve (d) D. H. Lawrence Ans. b

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34 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

13. 'A song embodying religious and sacred emotions.' [30Zg wewmGm]
(a) Lyric (b) Ode (c) Hymn (d) Ballad Ans. c
14. In which century was the Victorian period? [16Zg wewmGm]
(a) 17th century (b) 18th century
(c) 19th century (d) 20th century Ans.c
16. Who among the following is not a recipient of the Nobel prize
in Literature? [‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wmwbqi Awdmvi- 2014]
(a) Rabindranath Tagore (b) W.B Yeats
(c) T. S Eliot (d) Robert Browning Ans. d
17. The poem 'The Patriot' is written by-- [mnKvix _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi- 2012]
(a) Alfred Tennyson (b) Robert Browning
(c) Matthew Arnold (d) John Donne And. b
18. Browning wrote-- [_vbv mnKvix wkÿv Awdmvi- 1999]
(a) Rabbi Ben Ezra (b) La Belle Dame Sans Merci
(c) Adonais (d) Don Juan Ans. a
19. Who is a Victorian Poet?
(a) Lord Byron (b) Thomas Gray
(c) Matthew Arnold (d) None of them Ans. c
20. 'The Scholar Gipsy' wrote by-
(a) Matthew Arnold (b) Robert Browning
(c) W. B Yeats (d) Alfred Tnnyson Ans. a
21. One of the following authors is French. Who is he? [‡ijI‡q- 2000]
(a) W. Somerset Maugham (b) Sir Arthur Doyle
(c) Edward Fitzgerald (d) Alexandre Dumas Ans. d
22. Matthew Arnold belongs to--
(a)Romantic Age (b)Victorian Age (c)Puritan Age (d)Modern Age Ans. b
23. Who is the author of the novel 'Three Musketeers? [mgevq `߇i 1997]
(a) R. L. Stevenson (b) William Shakespeare
(c) Sir Walter Scott (d) Alexandre Dumas Ans. d
24. 'Vanity Fair' is a ---- [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi mvBdi Awdmvi-2012]
(a) short story (b) drama (c) Poem (d) novel Ans.d
25. Vanity Fair is a novel by--
(a) Dickens (b) Thackeray (d) Scott (d) Fielding Ans. b
26. The writer of David Copperfield is- [mgvR‡mev Awdmvi (mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvjq)- 2010]
(a) Shakespeare (b) Copperfield c) Charles Dickens (d) Kipling Ans. c
27. Who wrote the two famous novels, 'David Copperfield' and 'A Tale of
Two Cities'? [29Zg wewmGm / ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2010-11]
(a) Thomas Hardy (b) Jane Austen
(a) George Eliot (d) Charles Dickens Ans. d

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RRS BCS English Care 35

28. Charles Dickens was the writer of--- [mgvR †mev Awa`ßi cixÿv- 2010]
(a) Jane Eyre (b) Wuthering Heights
(c) David Copperfield (d) Return of the Native Ans. c
29. A Tale of Two Cities is a novel by- [mn cÖ‡KŠkjx GjwRBwR c‡`i cixÿv- 2005]
(a) Dickens (b) Thackeray (c) Scott (d) Fielding Ans. a
30. Charles Dickens is a great- [`yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi mnKvix cwi`k©K c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2004]
(a) poet (b) critic (c) play-wright (d) novelist Ans. d
31. †Kvb cy¯ÍKwU Charles Dickens- Gi †jLv? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK wb‡qvM 2001]
(a) The Moon and the Sixpence (b) As you Like It
(c) David Copperfield (d) The Old and the Sea Ans. c
32. Charles Dickens is not the novelist for one of the following-
(a) A Tale of Two Cities (b) Treasure Islam
(c) David Copperfield (d) Great Expectations Ans. b
33. Who did not receive Nobel Prize in Literature. [evsjv‡`k e¨vsK - 2013]
(a) Tolstoy (b) Bernard Show (c) T. S Elliot (d) Bertand Russell Ans. a
34. One of the four mentioned below is not a novelist of Modern Age in
English Language. Who is he? [cvewjK mvwf©m Kwgk‡b mnKvix cwiPvjK cixÿv- 1998]
(a) H.G Wells (b) Charles Dickens
(c) Rudyard Kipling (d) T. S Elliot Ans. b
35. Who is the author of the book "War and Peace?' [_vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-10]
(a) Leo Tolstoy (b) William Cowper
(c) Shakespeare (d) John Ruskin Ans. a
36. Leo Tolstoy is a-- novelist. [Rbkw³ Kg©¯’vb I cªwkÿY ey¨‡ivi Dc-cwiPvjK-2007]
(a) British (b) German (c) French (d) Russian Ans. D
37. 'War and Peace' a novel of Napoleonic invasion written by- [ivwe.2010-11]
(a) George Bernard Show (b) Ernest Hemisgway
(c) Leo Tolstoy (d) Anne Frank Ans. c
38. The central idea of 'Under the greenwood tree' is that:
[Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12] Ans. d
(a) life in the forest is dangerous (b) urban life is disgusting
(c) we all should live simple life (d) life in nature is simple and free
39. In 'Under the greenwood tree' which of the following is
mentioned as an 'enemy'? [Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) nature (b) forest (c) sun (d) a big tree Ans. b
40. The Return of the native is written by-- [cvm‡cvU© I Bwg‡MÖkb Awa`ßi-2007]
(a) Aldus Huxley (b) Alexander Dumas
(c) Somerset Maugham (d) Thomas Hardy Ans. d
41. 'Sherlock Holmes' was written by--- [Bmjvgx wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2010-11]
(a) G. K. Cheslerton (b) Macbeth
(c) John Galsworthy (d) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Ans. d

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36 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

42. Who created the detective 'Sherlock Holmes'? [kÖg Awa`ßi - 2003]
(a) John Gay (b) W. B Somerset Maugham
(c) Sir A Conan Doyle (d) Dylan Thomas Ans. C
43. 'Govt. of the people, by the people for the people' was observed by-
[5g we‡RGm (mnKvix RR) cÖv_wgK cixÿv-2010]
(a) Abraham Lincoln (b) Clinton
(c) M. K. Gandhi (d) Yasir Arafat Ans. a
44. 'You may fool some of the people some of the time; you can
even fool some of the people all the time, but you can't fool all
the people all time' was stated by-- [mve †iwR÷ªvi 2001]
(a) George Washington (b) V. V. I Lenin
(c) Abraham Lincoln (d) Churchill Ans. c
45. 'Give me good mothers, I will give you a good nation' was the
observation of- [‡Uwj‡dvb †ev‡W©i mnKvix cwiPvjK/ wnmve iÿY Kg©KZ©v- 2004]
(a) Hitler (b) Abraham Lincoln
(d) Napoleon (d) Sheikh Mojib Ans. c
46. Who is not Poet Laureate?
(a) Alfred Tennyson (b) William Wordsworth
(c) Robert Browning (d) Edmund Spenser Ans. c
47. Who was a peot Laureate after William Wordsworth?
(a) Alfred Tennyson (b) Ben Jonson
(c) John Dryden (d) Edmund Spenser Ans. a
48. Who is the author of “The Origin of Species,” [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mn- 2002]
(a) C. Darwin (b) A. Pope (c) T. Hardy (d) O. Goldsmith Ans. a
49. Who is the author of ‘Arabian Nights’? [¯^ivóªgš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb mn cwiPvjK- 2011]
(a) Sir Richard Burton (b) Alexander Pope
(c) Smith (d) None of them Ans. a
50. The Victorian age is named after-- [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2010-11]
(a) King Victor 1
(b) Victory of the British Empire
(c) The Victors in the war against the French
(d) Queen Victoria Ans. d
51. The appropriate meaning of the word 'monologue' is - [BTV- 06]
(a) a long speech in a play spoken by one actor especially when alone
(b) conversation in a play
(c) a speech in a play in which a character, who is alone on the stae,
speaks his thoughts aloud
(d) a dialogue between the two actors or actresses in a drama Ans. a

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RRS BCS English Care 37

52. Who wrote 'Patriotism'? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK wb‡qvM cixÿv-2002]
(a) William Shakespeare (b) William Wordsworth
(c) Sir Walter Scott (d) Robert Browning Ans.c
53. A novel is not written in ___. [COU (B) 13-14]
(a) prose (b) letter form (c) rhyme (d) third person narrative Ans. c
54. Kv‡K Short story Gi RbK ejv nq?
(a) GW. Gjvb †cv (b) wU. GwjqU (c) mgvi‡mU gg (d) †`qv †bB Ans. A
55. Tennyson’s 'In Memoriam' is- [cvm‡cvU© I Bwg‡MÖkb Awdmvi- 1990]
(a) an elegy (b) an ode
(c) a sonnet (d) None of them Ans. A
56. Who excels in dramatic monologue? [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) John Milton (b) Robert Browning
(c) S.T. Coleridge (d) William Wordsworth Ans. b
57. Who wrote the book 'Ivan Hoe'? [Dc mnKvix cwiPvjK(kÖg) c‡` cixÿv-2001]
(a) O' Henry (b) R L Stevenson
(c) Earnest Hemingway (d) Sir Walter Scott Ans.d
58. Which poetry is written by Sir Walter Scott? [gva¨. we`¨v. mn wkÿK'00]
(a) Patriotism (b) the Patriot
(c) A Frosty Night (d) All of the above Ans.a
59. Who wrote the poem 'Ulysses'? [mnKvix cwiPvjK (Z_¨ gš¿Yvjq-03]
(a) Robert Browning (b) Alfred Tennyson
(c) George Eliot (d) Charles Dickens Ans. B
60. Tennyson wrote-- [_vbv mnKvix wkÿv Awdmvi- 1999]
(a) The Lotus-Eaters (b) Dover Beach
(c) My Last Dutchess (d) The Eve of St. Agnes Ans. a
61. 'The Falcon' is a comedy by-
(a) Emily Bronte (b) Charlotte Bronte
(c) Robert Browning (d) Alfred Tennyson Ans. d
62. Which of the following ages in literary history is the latest?
[wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK Ges cvm‡cvU© A¨vÛ Bwg‡MÖk‡b mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2006]
(a) The Anglo Saxon Age (b) The Renaissance Age
(c) The Romantic Age (d) The Victorian Age Ans. d
63. Browning was the composer of any of the following poems-
(a) Two Voices (b) The Scholar Gipsy
(c) Andrea Del Sarto (d) Oenone Ans. c
64. Who is the poet of the Victorian age?
(a) Helen Keller (b) Matthew Arnold
(c) Shakespeare (d) Robert Browning Ans. b/d

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38 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

The Modern & The Post Modern Periods

Nobel Prize in Literature winners:
1) Rudyard Kipling (1907): UK (born in British India)
2) Rabindranath Tagore (1913): India
3) W. B. Yeats (1923): Ireland
4) George Bernard Shaw (1925): Ireland
5) Sinclair Lewis (1930): US
6) John Galsworthy (1932): UK
7) Eugene O'Neill (1936): US
8) Pearl S. Buck (1938): US
9) T. S. Eliot (1948): UK (born in US)
10) William Faulkner (1949): US
11) Bertrand Russell (1950): UK
12) Winston Churchill (1953): UK
13) Ernest Hemingway (1954): US
14) John Steinbeck (1962): US
15) Samuel Beckett (1969): Ireland (lived in France much of his life)
16) Patrick White (1973): Australia
17) Saul Bellow (1976): US
18) Isaac Bashevis Singer (1978): US (born in Poland)
19) William Golding (1983): UK
20) Wole Soyinka (1986): Nigeria
21) Joseph Brodsky (1987): US (born in Russia)
22) Nadine Gordimer (1991): South Africa
23) Derek Walcott (1992): St Lucia, West Indies
24) Toni Morrison (1993): US
25) Seamus Heaney (1995): Ireland
26) V. S. Naipaul (2001): UK (born in Trinidad)
27) J. M. Coetzee (2003): South Africa
28) Harold Pinter (2005): UK
29) Doris Lessing (2007): UK (grew-up in Zimbabwe)
30) Alice Munro (2013): Canada
31) Abdulrazak Gurnah (2021): Tanzania

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RRS BCS English Care 39

The Modern & The Post Modern Periods

01. The poem Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is written by- [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) W. B Yeats (b) T. S Eliot (c) Walter Scoot (d) Robert Browning Ans. b
02. Lady Chatterley’s Lover was written by the author of- [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) Lord Jim (b) The Rainbow (c) Ulysses (d) A Passage to India Ans. b
03. The play ‘The Birthday Party’ is written by -[৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) Samuel Backet (b) Henry Livings
(c) Harold Pinter (d) Arthur Miller Ans. c
04. Who is the author of the first scientific romance ‘The Time Machine’?
(a) H. G Wells (b) Samuel Batler -[৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(c) Henry James (d) George More Ans. a
05. Adela Quested and Mrs. Moore are characters from the novel-[৪১ যম]
(a) David Cooperfield (b) The Return of the Native
(c) A Passage to India (d) Adam Bede Ans. c
06. ‘Time held me green and dying/ Though I sang in my chains like the
sea.’ These lines have been quoted from Dylan Thomas’ poem-[৪১ যম]
(a) The Flower (b) Fern Hill (c) By Fire (d) After the Funeral Ans. b
07. This character ‘Alfred Doolittle’ is taken from Shaw’s play
titled- [৪১ যম জিজসএস]
(a) Pygmalion (b) Britain (c) Denmark (d) France Ans. a
08. “Ulyses” is a novel written by? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) Joseph Conrad (b) Thomas Hardy
(c) Charlse Dickens (d) James Joyce Ans. d
09. Which of the following is not American? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) Robert Frost (b) W. B Yeats
(c) Emily Dickinson (d) Langston Hughes Ans. b
10. “The Diamond Necklace” was written by? [40Zg wewmGm]
(a) Guy de Maupassant (b) O Henry
(c) Sumerset Maugh (d) George Orwell Ans. a
11. Who among the Indian English writers is a famous novelist?
(a) J.L. Nehru (b) R K Narayan [38Zg wewmGm]
(c) Galls Worth (d) Kamala Das Ans. b
12. Who wrote the book ‘Imperialism, the Highest Stage of
Capitalism’? [38Zg wewmGm]
(a) Karl Marx (b) V I Lenin
(c) Thomas Hobson (d) Rudyard Kipling Ans. b

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40 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

13. A speech of too many words is called- [38Zg wewmGm]

(a) A big speech (b) Maiden speech
(c) An unimportant speech (d) A verbose speech Ans. d
14. "Gerontion" is a poem by - ? [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) T.S. Eliot (b) W.B. Yeats
(c) Matthew Arnold (d) Robert Browning Ans. a
15. The repetition of beginning consonant sound is known as -[37Zg
(a) personification (b) onomatopoeia (c) alliteration (d) rhyme Ans. c
16. What is a funny poem of five lines called? [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) Quartet (b) Limerick (c) Sixtet (d) haiku Ans. b
17. 'The Sun Also Rises' is a novel written by - [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) Charles Dickens (b) Hermanne Melville
(c) Earnest Hemingway (d) Thomas Hardy Ans. c
18. The phrase 'Ahilles' heel' means: [37Zg wewmGm]
(a) A strong point (b) A weak point
(c) A permanent solution (d) A serious idea Ans. b
19. The play ‘Candida' is by-[36Zg wewmGm]
(a) James Joyce (b) Shakespeare
(c) G. B. Shaw (d) Arthur Miller Ans. c
20. The Climax of a plot is what happens---[35/36Zg wewmGm]
(a) in the beginning (b) at the height
(c) at the end (d) in the confrontation Ans. b
21 Which of the following books is written by Thomas Hardy? [36Zg wewmGm]
(a) Vanity Fair (b) The Return of the Native
(c) Pride and Prejudice (d) Oliver Twist Ans. b
22. ‘Man is a Political animal’-- who said this? [36Zg wewmGm]
(a) Dante (b) Plato (c) Aristotle (d) Socrates Ans. c
23. ‘A Passage to India’ is written by--- [36Zg wewmGm]
(a) E. M. Forster (b) Rudyard Kipling
(c) Galls Worth (d) A. H. Auden Ans. a
24. Who of the following writers was not a novelist? [36Zg wewmGm]
(a) Charles Dickens (b) W. B. Yeats
(c) James Joyce (d) Jane Austen Ans. b
25. The Asian Drama MÖ‡š’i iPwqZv †K? [23Zg wewmGm]
(a) AgZ©¨ †mb (b) ¸bvi wgiWvj (c) gvB‡Kj wjdUb (d) DBwjqvg i‡÷v Ans. b
26. Any one of the following pairs is literary collaborators- [17Zg wewmGm]
(a) Eliot and Pound (b) Yeats and Eliot
(c) Pope and Dryden (d) Shelley and Keats Ans. a

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RRS BCS English Care 41

27. The 'Poet Laureate' is- [15Zg wewmGm]

(a) the best poet of the country (b) a winner of the Noble Prize in poetry
(c) the Court Poet of England (d) a classical poet. Ans. c
28. 'The Rainbow' is---. [13Zg wewmGm]
(a) a poem by Wordsworth (b) a short story by Maugham
(c) a novel by D. H. Lawrence (d) a verse by Coleridge Ans. c
29. What was the real name of the great American short-story
writer, 'O Henry'? [13Zg wewmGm]
(a) Samuel L. Clemens (b) William Sydney Porter
(c) Fitz-James O Brien (d) William Huntington Wright Ans. b
30 'Caesar and Cleopatra' is -- [12Zg wewmGm/ miKvwi gva¨wgK mn wkÿK-2011]
(a) a tragedy by Shakespeare (b) a play By G.B Shaw
(c) a poem by lord Byron (d) a novel by S.T. Coleridge Ans. b
31. Who is the greatest English dramatist? [12Zg wewmGm]
(a) P. B. Shelley (b) Virginia Wolff
(c) G. B. Shaw (d) T. S. Eliot Ans. c
32. Who is the modern philosopher who was awarded Nobel Prize
for literature? [12Zg wewmGm]
(a) James Baker (b) Dr. Kissinger (c) Bertrand Russell (d) Lenin Ans. c
33. Who is the author of 'For Whom the Bell Tolls'? [11Zg wewmGm]
(a) Charles Dickens (b) Homer
(c) Lord Tennyson (d) Ernest Hemingway Ans. d
34. In which poem do you find Hindu allusion of philosophy?
(a) Kubla Khan (b) The Patriot
(c) The Waste Land (d) The Cloud Ans. c
35. Who wrote 'The waste Land'? [Rbkw³ Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwkÿY ey¨‡ivi Dc-cwiPvjK- 2007]
(a) W. B. Yeats (b) Robert Forst
(c) W. H. Auden (d) T. S. Eliot Ans. d
36. According to most of the critics who is not a romantic poet?
(a) Keats (b) T. S. Eliot (c) Rabindranath (d) Wordsworth Ans. b
37. 'Murder in the Cathedral' is written by--- [ÎvY I cybe©vmb Awa -2006]
(a) Harold Pinter (b) T. S Eliot
(c) G. B. Shaw (d) Samuel Beckett Ans. b
38. Who is famous for the theory of 'Objective Co-relative'?
(a) Virginia Woolf (b) William Somerset Maugham
(c) Edward Morgan Forster (d) T. S Eliot Ans. d
39. Who of the following was a poet? [WvK I †Uwj. gš¿Yvjq- 2003]
(a) T. S Eliot (b) Charles Dickens
(c) Jane Austen (d) G. B Shaw Ans. a

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42 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

40. T. S. Eliot is an English poet who is famous for the

sensuousness. What do. T. S stand for? [gva¨. mn cÖavb wkÿK c-03]
(a) Thomas Stearns (b) Thompson Simson
(c) Thomas Stewart (d) Thomas Stephen Ans. a
41. T. S Eliot is a---- poet. [mve †iwRóªvi c‡` wbe©vPbx cixÿv-2001]
(a) Romantic (b) Victorian
(c) Modern (d) Post-modern Ans. c
42. 'The Waste Land' is- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK wb‡qvM cixÿv- 1992]
(a) a drama (b) a poem (c) a novel (d) an essay Ans. b
43. A Russian author who refused Nobel Prize [¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Kviv ZË¡veavqK- 2010]
(a) Maxim Gorky (b) Ruskin
(c) Alexander Solzhenitsyn (d) Boris Pasternak Ans. d
44. Dr. Zivago- eB‡qi †jL‡Ki bvg †KvbwU? [cÖavbgš¿x Kvh©vjq cv‡m©vbvj Awdmvi- 2004]
(a) Boris Pasternak (b) Leo Tolstoy (c) Rabindranath Tagore(d) Dante Ans. a
45. 'The Good Earth' has been written by-[evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡ÛU- 2007]
(a) Viginia Wolff (b) George Eliot
(c) Charles (d) Pearl S. Buck Ans. d
46. George Bernard Shaw is a--- [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v- 2001]
(a) Playwright (b) film-maker (c) historian (d) modern painter Ans. a
47. American female novelist Pearl S. Buck got Nobel Prize in 1938
for the book--- [cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq I gwš¿cwil` Kvh©vj‡q cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v- 2004]
(a) The Good Earth (b) House Divided
(c) The Patriot (d) De Cameron Ans. a
48. Nobel Prize winner American woman novelist is- [Z_¨ gš¿. 2006]
(a) Bronte (b) Austen (c) Woolf (d) Pearl S. Buck Ans. d
49. "Into the ___ of death rode the six hundred".
(a) city (b) tunnel (c) road (d) valley Ans. d
50. 'Melodrama' is a kind of play of—[`ybx©wZ `gb ey¨‡iv- 2004]
(a) violent and sensational themes (b) historical themes
(c) philosophical themes (d) pathetics themes Ans. a
51. What is an epic? [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK wb‡qvM cixÿv-1997]
(a) a prose composition (b) a romance
(c) a novel (d) a long poem Ans. d
52. A Fantasy is—PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2010-2011]
(a) An imaginary story (b) A funny film
(c) A real life event (d) A funny place Ans. a
53. Readers who have electic tastes in literature— [Xvwe- 2010-2011]
(a) read strange books (b) read a wide variety of books
(c) read books on just one topic (d) do not read books Ans. b

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RRS BCS English Care 43

54. Choose the one which does not fit in—[Xvwe. fwZ© cixÿv- 2010-2011]
(a) sonnet (b) ode (c) stanza (d) elegy Ans. c
55. 'Blank Verse' is a kind of verse— [/¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Kviv ZË¡veavqK-2010]
(a) having blanks in the verse (b) having no rhyming end
(c) having no significance (d) having no rhythmic flow Ans. b
56. Blank Verse A_©— [mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvj‡qi mgvR‡mev Awa. mgvR‡mev Awdmvi-2010]
(a) AbycÖvm (b) AwgÎvÿi (c) cqvi (d) gnvKve¨ Ans. b
57. A drama is a/an [kÖg cwi`߇ii RbmsL¨v I cwievi Kj¨vY Kg©KZ©v-2009]
(a) novel retold in dialogue (b) magical performances on the stage
(c) fairy tale (d) story translated into action Ans. b
58. Which word does not relate to literature?— [kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Y]
(a) epilogue (b) monologue (c) prologue (d) demagogue Ans. d
59. Canto ej‡Z wK eySv hvq? [mnKvix _vbv cwievi cwiKíbv Awdmvi-1998]
(a) `xN© KweZvi GKwU ¯ÍeK (b) bvU‡Ki A¼
(c) gnvKv‡e¨i wefvM (d) AwgÎvÿi Q‡›` iwPZ KweZv Ans. c
60. Earnest Hemingway is a famous-- [mnKvix _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi cixÿv- 2010]
(a) British novelist (b) Irish novelist
(c) American Novelist (d) Latin American Novelist Ans. c
61. Earnest Hemingway is the author of--
(a) The old man and the sea (b) the Invisible Man
(c) Arms and the Man (d) A doll's House Ans. a
62. Who writes 'Waiting for Godot'? [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2099-10]
(a) Bertolt Brecht (b) Samuel Beckett
(c) Henric Ibsen (d) Samuel Bulter Ans. b
63. Who Wrote 'The Birthday Party'? [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2009-10]
(a) James Joyce (b) G. B. Shaw
(c) Harold Pinter (d) Jane Austen Ans. c
64. Who authored that statement "Injustice anywhere is a threat
to justice everywhere"? [PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) Harold Laski (b) Martin Luther King
(c) Tocqueville (d) Abraham Lincoln Ans. b
65. "I have a ___ that one day this nation will live out the true
meaning of its creed that all man are created equal." [29Zg wewmGm]
(a) desire (b) hope (c) dream (d) wish Ans. c
66. Who is the author of 'The Old Man and the Sea'?
[kÖg Awa`߇i kÖg Awdmvi 1994/ewikvj wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2010-2011]
(a) H. Melvile (b) George Orwell
(c) Charles Dickens (d) E. Hemingway Ans. d

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44 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

67. Who is the author of the novel 'The Sun also Rises'? [‡mvbvjx e¨vsK- 2010]
(a) H. G. Wells (b) George Orwell
(c) Ernest Hemingway (d) Thomas Hardy Ans. c
68. Nobel Prize winner in literature 'Harold Pinter' is from- [cwiKíbv
Ges cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ‰e‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2006]
(a) Us (b) Australia (c) UK (d) Canada Ans. c
69. Who among the following is a dramatist? [cÖevmx Kj¨vY mn cwi- 2012]
(a) George Bernard Shaw (b) E. M. Forster
(c) T. S. Eliot (d) Stephen Spender Ans. a
70. 'But I have promises to keep [Dc-mnKvix cwiPvjK(kÖg) c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv-
And miles to go before I sleep'- was written by-
(a) T. S Eliot (b) W. B
(c) Robert Frost (d) Ted Huges Ans. c
71. Who authored the statement 'The government is the best which
governs least'?
(a) Hobart Spancer (b) Harold Laski
(c) Tocqueville (d) Henry David Thoreau Ans. d
72. Who said 'Man is a political animal'? [PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© - 2011-2012]
(a) Dante (b) Aristotle (c) Voltaire (d) Plato Ans. b
73. Whose dying words were, 'Crito, I owe a cock to Ascleping;
will you remember to the debt?' [Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi- 2008]
(a) Aristotle (b) Tules (c) Socretes (d) Robert Louis Strvenson Ans. c
74. "Achilles" was--
(a) a great Trojan fighter (b) a great Greek fighter
(c) a great Roman fighter (d) husband of Helen Ans. b
75. Who said 'An unexamined life is not worth living'?
[AvenvIqv Awa`߇ii Aax‡b mnKvix AvenvIqvwe` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 1995]
(a) Socrates (b) Plato (c) Aristotle (d) Zeno Ans. a
76. England expects every man to do his duty- Who told it?
(a) Nelson (b) Churchill (c) Wilson (d) Thatcher Ans. a
77. Adela is character in a novel written by— [gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿K Awa`ßi-2013]
(a) Joseph Conrad (b) James Joyce
(c) E.M. Forster (d) Rudyard Kipling Ans. c
78. A Russian author who refused Nobel Prize -[¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Kviv ZË¡veavqK- 2010]
(a) Maxim Gorky (b) Ruskin
(c) Alexander Solzhenitsyn (d) Boris Pasternak Ans. d

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RRS BCS English Care 45

79. Who was a statesman but awarded Nobel Prize in English

(a) Stalin (b) Nixon (c) Churchill (d) Roosevelt Ans. c
80. Who was the first husband of Helen of Troy? [Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi- 2008]
(a) Paris (b) Agamemnon
(c) Achilles (d) Menelaus Ans. d
81. According to the writer of 'A Mother in Mannville' which of
the following word best describes the character of Jerry-
[‡eMg †iv‡Kqv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) Brave (b) Honesty (c) Independence (d) Integrity Ans. d
82. Who is the modern philosopher who was awarded Nobel Prize
for literature?
(a) James Baker (b) Dr. Kissinger
(c) Bertrand Russell (d) Lenin Ans. c
83. Who among the following is not a recipient of the Nobel Prize
in Literature? [†mvbvjx e¨vsK wmwbqi Awdmvi- 2014]
(a) Rabindranath Togore (b) W. B Yeats
(c) T. S Eliot (d) Robert Browning Ans. d
84. Who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2013?
[‡mvbvjx e¨vsK Awdmvi / Awdmvi K¨vk)- 2014]
(a) Alce Munro (b) Gunter Grass
(c) Nadine Gordimer (d) V. S Naipaul Ans. a
85. Helen of Troy was the wife of---
(a) Agamemnon (b) Achilles
(c) Menelaus (d) Ulysses Ans. c
86. Award of Nobel Prize in Literature was started from the year-
[cÖv_wgK I MYwkÿv wefv‡M mnKvix cwiPvjK c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2001]
(a) 1901 (b) 1911 (c) 1913 (d) 1917 Ans. a
87. American female novelist Pearl S. Buck got Nobel Prize in 1938
for the book. [cÖavbgš¿x Kvh©vjq I gwš¿cwil` Kvh©vj‡q cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v- 2004]
(a) The Good Earth (b) House Divided
(c) The Patriot (d) De Cameron Ans. a
88. Nobel Prize winner in literature 'Harold Pinter' is from-
[cwiKíbv Ges cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ˆe‡`wkK Kg©¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2006]
(a) US (b) Australia (c) UK (d) Canada Ans. c
89. Who was not awarded the Nobel Prize? [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) John Galsworthy (b) Orthan Pamuk
(c) Winston Churchill (d) Elizabeth Barrett Ans. d

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46 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

90. Nobel Prize winner American woman novelist is- [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb
evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfkb Ges weÁvcb AaxKvwiK (†MÖW-2) 2006]
(a) Bronte (b) Austen
(c) Woolf (d) Pearl S. Buck Ans. d
91. Who was awarded Nobel Prize for the poem 'The Waste Land'?
[wbe©vPbx cixÿv- 1992]
(a) D. H. Lawrence (b) Lord Tennyson
(c) T. S Eliot (d) William Wordsworth Ans. c
92. Who is the author of the drama 'Joan of Arc?' [PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ©
cixÿv- 2009-10/ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2010-11]
(a) G. B. Shaw (b) Lord Byron
(c) Charles Dickens (d) P. B. Shelly Ans. a
93. Of the following authors, one is American. Who is he?
[‡ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡ÛU c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2000]
(a) Alexander Pope (b) Daniel Defoe
(c) William Faulkner (d) Robert Browning Ans. c
94. Of the following who is the most translated author of the
world? [weGmwmi mnKvwi cwiPvjK- 2006]
(a) V. I. Lenin (b) Leo Tolsoty
(c) Agatha Cristie (d) Mao Tse Tung Ans. c
95. Who is the father of Modern English Literature? cÖv_wgK we`¨v- 2005]
(a) G. B. Shaw (b) Shakespare
(c) P.B. Shelley (d) William Wordswroth Ans. a
96. Who wrote Madame Bovary? [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi mvBdi Awdmvi-2012]
(a) Leo Tolstoy (b) James Joyce
(c) E.M/ Forster (d) Gustave Elaubert Ans. d
97. A Doll’s House is written by— [†eMg †iv‡Kqv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) Francis Bacon (b) Henrick Ibsen
(c) E.M. Forster (d) R.K. Narayan Ans. b
98. ‘My Experiments with Truth’ was written by- [PÆMÖvg wek¦ fwZ©- 2011-12]
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Michael Anderson
(c) Winston Chrchill (d) James Morris Ans. a
99. The author of the book ‘The Sense of an Ending’-[Lyjbv wek¦.fwZ©-11-12]
(a) Julian Barnes (b) Henry Fielding
(c) R.K. Narayan (d) Toas Transtromer Ans. a
100. Among the following who is not a poet? [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© c.-2011-12]
(a) Arnold (b) Robert Frost (c) John Donne (d) Doris Lessing Ans. d

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101. Who was not awarded the Nobel Prize? [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) John Galsworthy (b) Orhan Pamuk
(c) Winston Churchill (d) Elizabeth Barrett Ans. d
102. Who wrote ‘Crime and Punishment’? [Bm. wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) George Eliot (b) Dostoyevsky
(c) Anglo Saxon (d) John Keats Ans. b
103. ‘The Rape of Bangladesh’ [cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡q cv‡m©vbvj Awdmvi-2004]
(a) Anthony Mascarenhas (b) Matthew Arnold
(c) G.B. Shaw (d) Alexander Dumas Ans. a
104. The author of the famous book ‘The Judgement’ is— [Pwe 2011-12]
(a) Anthony Mascarenhas (b) Kuldip Nayer
(c) R. Venkataraman (d) Amrtya Sen Ans. b
105. Which phrase would best describe ‘the cuckoo’?
[RMbœv_ wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2011-12]
(a) ‘the scavenger of Nature’ (b) ‘a bird that does not sleep at night’
(c) ‘the harbinger of spring’ (d) ‘the queen of the forest’ Ans. c
106. 'Man and Superman' eBwU Kvi †jLv [kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvjq: 2010-11]
(a) William Shakespeare (b) G. B Shaw
(c) Leo Tolstoy (d) Gharles Dickens Ans. b
107. Bertrand Russell was a British--- [kÖg Awa`߇i kÖg Kg©KZ©v -2003]
(a) Journalist (b) Scientist
(c) Philosopher (d) Astronaut Ans. c
108. Who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2013? [†mvbvjx 2014]
(a) Alice Munro (b) Gunter Grass
(c) Nadine Gordimer (d) V.S. Naipaul Ans. a
109. Who wrote ‘Wuthering Heights’? [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi mvBdi Awdmvi-2012]
(a) Jane Austen (b) Emily Bronte
(c) Thomas Hardy (d) D.H. Lawrence Ans. b
110. Epics are divided into — types. [RMbœv_ wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) six (b) four (c) two (d) five Ans. c
111. The word ‘Limerick’ means [PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) a form of light verse (b) a form of dramatic monologue
(c) a kind of long narrative poem (d) A kind of historical play Ans. a
112. An epic based on—performed by a hero [RMbœv_ wek¦: fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) heroic deeds (b) a narrative
(c) intervention (d) trifle subjects Ans. a
113. Rabindranath Tagore wrote—. [RMbœv_ wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) Balaka (b) Banalata sen (c) Bidrahi (d) Chhar Patra Ans. a

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48 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

114. The epic ‘Odyssey’ was written by— [†eMg †iv‡Kqv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) Milton (b) Tennyson
(c) Homer (d) Shakespeare Ans. c
115. The only medium of literature is— [RMbœv_ wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) language (b) painting (c) sculpture (d) architecture Ans. a
116. Kazi Nazrul Islam is the—poet of Bangladesh. [RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) national (b) love (c) romantic (d) mystic Ans. a
117. Who is the author of the novel ‘A Golden Age’? [PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv- 2012-13]
(a) Parl S. Bark (b) Tahmima Anam
(c) Virginia Wolf (d) Tony Morrison Ans. b
118. Emily Bronte is a — [cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2011]
(a) poet (b) critic (c) novelist (d) scientist Ans. c
119. ‘There is no one so poor as a wealthy miser.’ This is an example
of— [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) paradox (b) synecdoche (c) consonance (d) caesura Ans. a
120. The Wrath of Achilles is the theme of— [¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb ewnivMgb I
cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2011]
(a) Aeneid (b) Iliad (c) Odyssey (d) Don Juan Ans. b
121. Who is the author of ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’?
[Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi-2008/gnvwnmve wbixÿK I wbqš¿‡Ki Kvh©¨vj‡qi Aaxb AwWUi-2011]
(a) Sir A. Canon Doyle (b) Jules Verne
(c) Daniel Defoe (d) Robert Louis Stevenson Ans. b
122. Which Indian English Writer wrote ‘A Suitable Boy’’? [¯^ivóª
gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2011]
(a) Nirod C. Chanudhuri (b) Jhumpa Lehri
(c) Anita Desai (d) Vikram Seth Ans. d
123. Victor Hugo was a — [miKvix gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK wb‡qvM cixÿv-2011]
(a) English novelist (b) American novelist
(c) Scottish novelist (d) French novelist Ans. d
124. Phoenix is— [¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii mv‡K©j A¨vWRyU¨v›U- 2010]
(a) an imaginery bullock (b) a mythical bird regenerating from ashes
(c) a dead mythical bird (d) a mythical goat Ans. b
125. Socrates believed that an angry man was— [UCB-2010]
(a) not superior (b) equal to a beast
(c) disliked by all (d) less human than beast Ans. b
126. Which one of the following is not true for Socrates’ wife?
(a) She disturbed her husband (b) She was not reasonable
(c) She would lose her temper frequently
(d) She did not insult Socrates Ans. d

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127. Which of the following is a story in verse? [PÆMÖvg wek¦. fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) elegy (b) ballad (c) ode (d) sonnet Ans. b
128. ‘Captive Lady’ Kvi iPbv? [cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †evW© mn cwiPvjK (A_©) c‡` cixÿv-2010]
(a) DBwjqvg IqvW©mI_© (b) wc.we. †kjx
(c) gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë (d) jW© evqib Ans. c
129. ‘After thunder comes rain’. Here thunder means— [UCB-2010]
(a) a thunder bolt
(b) the loud and angry scolding of Socrates wife
(c) the laughter of the passersby
(d) a loud noise which usually follows a flash of lightening Ans. b
130. A mournful poem written on the death of someone love and
lost— [b¨vkbvj e¨vsK-2010]
(a) Homage (b) Ode (c) Saga (d) Elegy Ans. d
131. Nissim Ezekiel is a famous poet of— [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2009-10]
(a) Israel (b) America (c) India (d) Nepal Ans. c
132. Kazi Nazrul Islam is a—poet. [RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) revolting (b) rebel (c) rebellious (d) rebelling Ans. b
133. King Lear banished his youngest daughter Cordelia from his
Kingdom; but in the end, she became her only shelter. This is
an example of- [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv -2011-12]
(a) sarcasm (b) irony (c) hyperbole (d) metaphor Ans. b
134. When a poem has a speaker, what does a novel have?
(a) narrator (b) character (c) author (d) speaker Ans. a
5. Rabindranath Tagore won Nobel Prize for writing-[RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq-12]
(a) plays (b) novels (c) poetry (d) short stories Ans. c
136. ‘Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince’ eBwUi iPwqZ †K?
(a) J.K Rowling (b) Sir Walter Scott
(c) Verginia (d) Alexander Dumas Ans. a
137. “The hungry judges soon the sentence sign, And wretches hang
that jurymen may dine.” This is an example of— [Lywe cixÿv-2011-12]
(a) a satire (b) an irony (c) a metaphor (d) a metonymy Ans. a
138. Who wrote the book ‘The Kite Runner’? [ivwe. fwZ© cixÿv-2009-10]
(a) Salman Rushide (b) Khaled Hosseini
(c) Orhan Pamuk (d) None Ans. b
139. ‘Things Fall Apart’ was written by— [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© cixÿv-2009-10]
(a) W.B. Yeats (b) Chinua Achebe
(c) Wole Soyinka (d) V.S. Naipaul Ans. b

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140. Homer’s Iliad is a/an— [kÖg cwi`߇ii RbmsL¨v I cwievi Kj¨vY Kg©KZ©v-2009]
(a) Novel (b) Drama (c) Epic (d) Epilogue Ans. c
141. ‘Satanic Verses’ is written by— [kÖg cwi. RbmsL¨v I cwievi Kj¨vY Kg©KZ©v-2009]
(a) Arundhati Roy (b) R.K. Narayan
(c) Salman Rushdie (d) Thumpa Lathiri Ans. c
142. 'Mending Wall' KweZvwUi iPwqZv †K? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK-2001]
(a) William Shakespeare (b) William Wordworth
(c) Robert Frost (d) Henry Longfellow Ans. c
143. What is the salient feature of all literatures?
[†Uwj‡dvb †ev‡W©I mnKvix cwiPvjK/ wnmveiÿY Kg©KZ©v wb‡qvM-2004]
(a) Artistic Quality (b) Sensuous quality
(c) Suggestive quality (d) Reflective quality Ans. a
144. Who is well known for his translation of ‘The Rubaiyat of
Omar Khayyam’ into English. [kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿. Aax‡b mn. kÖg Awd.-2003]
(a) Rose Macaulay (b) Edward Fitzerald
(c) George Bernard Shaw (d) D.H. Lawrence Ans. b
145. Author of The Picture of Dorian Gray— [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi cixÿv-2003]
(a) Boris Pasernauk (b) Fitzerald
(c) Aldous Huxley (d) Oscar Wilde Ans. d
146. A famous short story of Maupassant is— [kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvjq-2003]
(a) Gift of the Magi (b) Tropic of Cancer
(c) The Diamond Necklace (d) The Prince Ans. c
147. Who wrote the book ‘Cancer Ward’? [MYgva¨g Bbw÷wUD‡Ui mn. cwi. 2003]
(a) Alexander Solzhenitsyn (b) Alexander Pope
(c) Boris Pasternak (d) Leo Tolstoy Ans. a
148. Goethe is the greatest poet of— [kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿. Aax‡b mn. kÖg Awd.-2003]
(a) Germany (b) Russia (c) England (d) France Ans. a
149. What type book ‘The Woman’ is— [Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b (mnKvix cwiPvjK,
†MÖW-2) wb‡qvM cixÿv-2003]
(a) Novel (b) Story (c) Essay (d) Drama Ans. a
150. A.S. Hornby is famous for— [gva¨wgK mnKvix wkÿK wb‡qvM cixÿv- 2001]
(a) writing dictionaries (b) writing poems
(c) writing songs (d) writing texbooks Ans. a
151. Who is the author of 'The Jungle Book'? [kÖg Awa`߇i kÖg Kg©KZ©v Ges
RbmsL¨v I cwieviKj¨vY Kg©KZ©v-2003]
(a) Hans Christain Anderson (b) Enid Blyton
(c) Rudyard Kipling (d) H.G. Wells Ans. c

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152. ‘A Passage to India’ is written by— [Dc‡Rjv/_vbv wbe©vPb Awdmvi-2008]

(a) E.M. Forster (b) Saadat Hossan Minto
(c) Rudyard Kipling (d) Gallsworthy Ans. a
153. Who is the author of the drama, ‘You never can tell’ [RvZxq msm‡`
mwePvj‡q mnKvix M‡elYv Awdmvi- 2006]
(a) William Shakespeare (b) George Bernard Shaw
(c) Christopher Marlowe (d) Ben Jonson Ans. b
154. 'A Brief History of Time' eBwUi †jLK— [kÖg Awa`߇i Rbkw³, Kg©ms¯’vb I
cÖwkÿY ey¨‡iv mnKvix cwiPvjK c‡` wb‡qvM-2001]
(a) AvjevU© AvBb÷vBb (b) AvBR¨vK wbDUb
(c) RM`xk P›`ª emy (d) w÷‡db nwKs Ans. d
155. 'The End of History and the Last Man' [mve †iwR÷ªvi-2001]
(a) Samuel Huntington (b) Robert Frost
(c) David Lynn (d) M. Francis Fukuyama Ans. a
156. Author of 'The Time Machine' is— [mnKvix cwiPvjK (cvm‡cvU© A¨vÛ Bwg‡MÖkb)
c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv-2000]
(a) T.S. Eliot (b) Kyd (c) Robert Herrick (d) H.G. Wells Ans. d
157. ‘Point Counterpoint’- Gi †jLK †K? [gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`߇i mn. cwi.-2000]
(a) C. Bronte (b) H.G. Wells (c) Galsworthy (d) Huxley Ans. d
158. Uncle Tom's Cabin-Gi †jLK †K? [mnKvix _vbv cwievi cwiKíbv Awdmvi-1998]
(a) Tennyson (b) Pearl S. Buck
(c) Mrs. Harriet Stowe (d) Thomas Hardy Ans. c
159. 'Time, You Old Gipsy Man' KweZvwU Kvi †jLv? [cwimsL¨vb Kg©KZ©v 1998]
(a) Ralph Hodgson (b) Laurence Binya
(c) W.B. Keats (d) Robert Frost Ans. a
160. ‘The God of Small Things’ is written by- [cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vj‡q cÖkv. Kg©KZ©v-04]
(a) Vikram Seth (b) John Galsworthy
(c) Aroundhuti Roy (d) E.M. Forster Ans. c
161. Who was the tutor of Alexander the Great— [Dc‡Rjv m. Awdmvi-2008]
(a) Aristotle (b) Socrates (c) Galileo (d) Sophocles Ans. a
162. Guy de Maupassant is a famous— short story writer.
[evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡ÛU-2007]
(a) French (b) Italian (c) German (d) Russian Ans. a
163. Brick Lane is Written by— [evsjv‡`k †ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡ÛU- 2007]
(a) Monica Ali (b) R. K. Narayan
(c) Harold Pinter (d) Elizabeth Bowen Ans. a

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52 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

164. ‘Alice in the Wonderland’ belongs to— [cvm‡cvU© Awdm mn. cwiPvjK-2007]
(a) Detective literature (b) Satirical Literature
(c) Juvenile Literature (d) Religious Literature Ans. c
165. Of the following who is the most translated author of the
world? [wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK- 2006]
(a) V.I. Lenin (b) Leo Tolsoty
(c) Agatha Cristie (d) Mao Tse tung Ans. c
166. Who wrote the book ‘Lord Jim: A Tale’? [gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK-2006]
(a) Joseph Conrad (b) Oscar Wilde
(c) Thomas Hardy (d) Rudyard Kipling Ans. a
167. Who is the writer of the critical work ‘Aspects of Novel’?
[gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK- 2006]
(a) George Eliot (b) George Herbert
(c) Virgina Woolf (d) Edward Morgan Forster Ans. d
168. Who is the only Laureate to refuse the Nobel Prize?
[cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq I gwš¿cwil` Kvh©vj‡q cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v-2004]
(a) Jea- Paul Sartre (b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Leo Tolstoy (d) T.S. Eliot Ans. a
169. 'The Affluent Society' eBwUi †jLK †K? [mn. _vbv cwievi cwiv Awdmvi-1998]
(a) H.G. Wells (b) J.K. Galbrath (c) Eliot (d) David Hume Ans. b
170. RR© Bwjq‡Ui cÖK…Z bvg wK wQj? — [_vbv mn-cwievi cwiKíbv Awdmvi-1998]
(a) T.S. Eliot (b) Jane Austen
(c) Mary Anne Evans (d) William Hazlitt Ans. c
171. The novel 'Roots' was written by— [mgevq `߇i wØZxq †kÖYxi †M‡R‡UW Awdmvi-1997]
(a) Henry Miller (b) H.G. Wells (c) Alex Haley (d) P.B. Shelley Ans. c
172. Who is the author of 'Spirit of Islam? [Zzjv Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v-1997]
(a) Abul Monsur Ahmed (b) Syed Amir Ali
(c) Sir Syed Ahmed (d) Abul Kalam Azad Ans. b
173. †nvqvBU‡n‡Wi myweL¨vZ cy¯ÍKwUi bvg wK? [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mn.wkÿK cixÿv-1996]
(a) The Social Contract (b) The Aim of Education
(c) The Rythm of Education (d) Education and Democracy Ans. b
174. 'Lorna Doone' is— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK wb‡qvM cixÿv- 1992]
(a) a drama by Shakespeare (b) a poem of Tennyson
(c) a novel by Blackmore (d) an allegory by Bunyan Ans. c
175. What is Limerick? [miKvwi gva¨wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK-2006]
(a) A form of light verse (b) A form of one-act play
(c) A kind of short narrative poem
(d) A kind of love poem Ans. a

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176. 'Debut' Means— [cÖevmx Kj¨vY I ˆe‡`wkK Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK-2012]
(a) conclusion (b) contradiction
(c) gracious response (d) first appearance Ans. d
177. Someone who writes plays is called a [cwi‡ek Awa. mnKvix cwiPvjK-2011]
(a) play writer (b) dramatizer (c) playwright (d) playwrite Ans. c
178. A work which has a meaning behind the surface meaning is—
[¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU© Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-2011]
(a) an epic (b) an allegory (c) a metaphor (d) personification Ans. b
179. The sentence, 'Death, thou shalt not die.' is an example of-[ Xvwe2007-08]
(a) Simile (b) metaphor (c) irony (d) paradox Ans. d
180. Writing one's own life story is known as— [mnKvix AvevIqvwe`-2007]
(a) Biography (b) Autobiography
(c) Autography (d) Life history Ans. b
181. When a person writes the story of his own life it is called— [Lv`¨
I `~‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb ÎvY I cybe©vmb Awa`߇ii cÖKí ev¯Íevqb Kg©KZ©v-2006]
(a) an autobiography (b) a biography
(c) a diary (d) a chronology Ans. a
182. Protagonist indicates [`ybx©wZ `gb ey¨‡ivi mnKvix Dc-cwi`k©K c‡` wb‡qvM cixÿv-
2004/wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK Ges cvm‡cvU© A¨vÛ Bwg‡MÖk‡b mnKvix cwiPvjK-2006]
(a) the villain in a play (b) the clown in a play
(c) the leading character or actor in a play
(d) the stage-director of a play Ans. c
183. What is 'Sonnet'? [†Uwj‡dvb †ev‡W©i mnKvix cwiPvjK/wnmveiÿY Kg©KZ©v-2004]
(a) A prose of special nature (b) A sacred poem of reputed poet
(c) A poem of fourteen lines (d) A criticism of a poet Ans. c
184. A climax is - [COU(D) 12-13]
(a) a climbing apparatus (b) point of greatest intesity
(c) a crisis in a drama (d) the latest scene in a drama Ans. b
185. What is 'Linguistics' [_vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-2005]
(a) The study of history (b) The study of literature
(c) The scientific study of language (d) The study of prose Ans. c
186. Elegy wK? [cÖv_wgK I MYwkÿv Awa`ßi mn-cwiPvjK-2001]
(a) historical poem (b) figurative story
(c) enemy (d) song of Lamentation Ans. d
187. What is an epic wK? [cÖv_wgK gva¨wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK wb‡qvM cixÿv-1997]
(a) a prose composition (b) a romance
(c) a sonnet (d) a long poem Ans. d
188. What is the meaning the word 'Dirge'? [_vbv mnKvix wkÿv Awdmvi wb‡qvM cixÿv-1995]
(a) a kind of sonnet sequence

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(b) a song expressing patriotic sentiment

(c) a long verse telling about an adventure
(d) a song expressing grief, lamentation and mourning Ans. d
189. What is the meaning of the word 'euphemism'? [`ybxwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi cwi`k©K -1992]
(a) vague idea (b) inoffensive expression
(c) verbal play (d) wise saying Ans. b
190. If a part of speech or writing breaks the theme, it is called-- [33Zg wewmGm]
(a) pomposity (b) digression (c) exaggeration (d) anti-climax Ans. b
191. What is catastrophy? [`ybx©wZ `gb ey¨‡ivi mnKvix Dc-cwi`k©K c‡` evQvB cixÿv-2004]
(a) The comical end of dramatic events
(b) The tragic end of dramatic events
(c) The comic and tragic end of the play
(d) None of the above Ans. b
192. Allegorical means- [Z_¨ gš¿. Aaxb MY‡hvMv‡hvM Awa`߇ii mnKvix Z_¨ Awdmvi-2013]
(a) poetry (b) written in verse
(c) having symbolic meaning (d) with timely significant Ans. c
193. Which one is a Metaphor? [kÖg cwi`߇ii RbmsL¨v I cwievi Kj¨vY Kg©KZ©v-2009]
(a) He is as good as his father (b) He is the sort of the family
(c) The boy takes after his father (d) She sing like a cuckoo Ans. b
194. Award of Nobel Prize in Literature was started from the year-
(a) 1901 (b) 1911 (c) 1913 (d) 1917 Ans. a
195. The author of 'Road to Freedom' is- [‡mvbvjx, RbZv I AMÖYx e¨vsK-2008]
(a) J. Baker (b) Kissinger (c) Bertrand Russell (d) Lenin Ans. c
196. History of the II world war is written by-- [_vbv wkÿv Awdmvi- 2005]
(a) Keats (b) W. Churchill (c) Clinton (d) None of them Ans. b
197. Who wrote the short story 'The Gift of the Magi'?
(a) Wordsworth (b) Nixon (c) Jane Austen (d) O' Henry Ans. d
198. O' Henry is famous for- [kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b mnKvix kÖg Awdmvi- 2003]
(a) Drama (b) Short Story (c) Novel (d) France Ans. b
199. Who was the greatest modern American short story writer?
(a) E. Hemingway (b) S. Bellow
(c) W. A Longfellow (d) O' Henry Ans. d
200. Who wrote the Introduction to Rabindranath Tagore's Songs
Offerings? [†mvbvjx e¨vsK wmwbqi Awdmvi-2014]
(a) T. S Eliot (b) Auden (c) Ezra Found (d) W. B Yeats Ans. d
201. Famous Irish poet and dramatist is---- [M„nvqb I MYc~Z© gš¿Yvjq- 2006]
(a) H. G. Wells (b) Alexander (c) Tolstoy (d) W. B. Yeats Ans. d
202. Who translated 'Gitanjoli' of Rabindranath Tagore in English?
(a) W. B. Yeats (b) John Keats (c) Robert Frost (d) Ralph Hodgson

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(g~jZ, Bs‡iwR Abyev`wU Kwe¸iy wb‡RB K‡iwQ‡jb)

203. 'The Sacred Flame' is written by--- [wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK 2006]
(a) William Somerset Maugham (b) G B Shaw
(c) Ernest Hemingway (d) Oscar Wilde Ans. a
204. Who is the author of the book 'Of Human Bondage'?
(a) Charles Dickens (b) Somerset Maugham
(c) Jane Austen (d) D. H. Lawrence Ans. b
205. What kind of literary work is ‘The Luncheon’ by Somerset
Maugham? [‡Rjv `yb©xwZ `gb Awdmvi c‡` wbe©vPbx cixÿv- 1994]
(a) A novel (b) A short story
(c) A poem (d) A scientific article Ans. b
206. A 'Prologue' is- [K.U. 08-09]
(a) a poem or speech at the end of a play.
(b) an introduction to a play or a literary work.
(c) a song of mourning (d) the science of versification Ans. b
207. A closing speech in a play, often delivered after the completion
of the main action is called - [D.U. (B-EE) 14-15]
(a) a monologue (b) an epilogue
(c) a prologue (d) dialogue Ans. b
208. A long speech by one actor in a play or movie is called- [SUST (A) 12-13]
(a) Dialogue (b) Monologue
(c) Prologue (d) Epilogue Ans. b
209. Which one does not relate to literature? [RvZxq ivR¯^ †ev‡W©i B݇c±i]
(a) Epilogue (b) Monologue
(c) Demagogue (d) Prologue Ans. c
210. Which composition emphasizes on author's witnesses and
experiences rather than his/her own personality or life ? [K.U. 07-08]
(a) Poem (b) Paragraph
(c) Letter (d) memoir Ans. d
211. What is trimeter [K.U. (Kjv I gvbweK) 09-10]
(a) a line of a poem consisting of three feet
(b) a line of a poem consisting three syllables
(c) a poem consisting of three rhymes
(d) all are correct Ans. a
212. Lines of a song or a poem repeated at the end of each verse is
called a-
(a) simile (b) metaphor (c) quatrain (d) refrain Ans. d
213. A 'dirge' is a song to be sung at -- [D.U. (B-EE) 15-16]
(a) weddings (b) reunions (c) funerals (d) temples Ans. c

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56 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

214. A funny imitation of a poem__ [Social Islami Bank-10]

(a) Counterfeit (b) Sonnet (c) Caricature (d) Parody Ans. d
215. A story, with animals as the main characters, and a moral, is
called a__ [C.U.(B) 08-09]
(a) legend (b) fiction (c) parody (d) fable Ans. d
216. 'Myth' means __. [I.U.(C) 09-10]
(a) The story of the old time heroes (b) The story of the civilization
(c) The story the childhood (d) the story of the ancient history Ans. d
217. Mythology is the study of various beliefs about__ [C.U.(B) 08-09]
(a) monsters and fairies (b) kings and queens
(c) gods and goddesses (d) knights and acquires Ans. c
218. 'Poetic Licence' means [R.U. (A- we‡Rvo) 14-15]
(a) freedom to write poetry (b) freedom to read poetry
(c) freedom to change the normal rules of language in a special
piece of writing (d) doing what one likes Ans. c
219. Guy de Maupassant is a famous_shory writer. [†ijI‡q mnKvix Kgv‡ÛU-07]
(a) French (b) Italian
(c) German (d) Russian Ans. a
220. Earnest Hemingway is a famous - [mn:_vbv/Dc‡Rjv wkÿv Awdmvi-10]
(a) British novelist (b) Irish novelist
(c) American novelist (d) Latin American novelist Ans. c
221. "Langston Hughes" is- [J.U. (M) 11-12]
(a) Russian poet (b) British poet
(c) American poet (d) Rumanian poet Ans. c
222. Of the following authors, one is American. Who is he?
(a) Alexander Pope (b) Daniel Defoe
(c) William Faulkner (d) Robert Browning Ans. c
223. Among the following who is not a poet?
(a) Matthew Arnold (b) Robert Frost
(c) John Donne (d) Doris Lessing Ans. d
224. Among the following who is not a novelist?
(a) Hardy (b) Joyce
(c) Thackeray (d) Blake Ans. d
225. Who is regarded as the 'Father of the Science Fiction'?
(a) Isaac Asimov (b) Jules Verne
(c) H.G. Wells (d) Arthur C.Clarke Ans. b
226. The only medium of literature is -
(a) language (b) painting
(c) sculptor (d) architecture Ans. a

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RRS BCS English Care 57

227. What is the salient feature of all literatures?

(a) Artistic quality (b) Sensuous quality
(c) Joyous/Suggestive quality (d) Reflective quality Ans. a
228. Which of the Bronte sisters wrote Jane Eyre ?
(a) Anne (b) Charlotte
(c) Emily (d) Louise Ans. b
229. Virginia Woolf was a contemporary of__
(a) Jane Austen (b) Arnold
(c) Browning (d) Joyce Ans. d
230. Who is known as an "Icon of peace and reconciliation" ?
(a) Malala Yousafzai (b) Dr. Muhammad Yunus
(c) Nelson Mandela (d) Kailash Satyarthi Ans. c
231. Who was not awarded the Nobel Prize?
(a) John Galsworthy (b) Orhan Pamuk
(c) Winston Churchill (d) Elizabeth Barrett Ans. d
232. A senator and a poet who won the Nobel prize for literature was __.
(a) Winston Churchill (b) Matthew Arnold
(c) J M Synge (d) W.B. Yeats Ans. d
233. 'Alice in Wonderland' is written by -
Who is the author of Alice Adventures in Wonderland __
(a) G.B. Shaw (b) Lewis Carrol
(c) John Keats (d) P. B. Shelley Ans. b
234. 'Alice in Wonderland' belongs to -
(a) detective literature (b) satirical literature
(c) juvenile literature (d) religious literature Ans. c
235. The book "Glimpses of World History" was written by-
(a) Rabindranath Tagore (b) Carlyle
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Karl Marx Ans. c
236. Who is the author of Les Miserables?
(a) Victor Hugo (b) Alexander Dumas
(c) Emile Zola (d) Jean de La Fontaine Ans. a
237. The epic 'Odyssey' was written by__
(a) Milton (b) Tennyson (c) Homer (d) Shakespeare Ans. c
238. The novel ‘Roots’ was written by__
(a) Henry Miller (b) H.G. Wells
(c) Alex Haley (d) P.B.Shelley Ans. c
239. "The dairy of a young girl" is written by-
(a) Otto Frank (b) James Frank (c) Anne Frank (d) Henry Frank Ans. c

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58 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

240. Who is the author of the novel 'The Trial’?

(a) Ernest Hemingway (b) Leo Tolstoy
(c) Gabriel Garica Marquez (d) Franz Kafka Ans. d
241. A Thousand Splendid Suns is a novel written by__
(a) Khaled Hosseini (b) Adeep Khan
(c) Mawlana Jalal Uddin Rumi (d) Monsur Hallaj Ans. a
242. Adela is a character in a novel written by-
(a) Joseph Conrad (b) James Joyce
(c) E.M.Forster (d) Bertrand Russell Ans. c
243. "Be You Ever So High, the Law is Above You" G Dw³wU Kvi?
(a) Justice Atkinson (b) Justice Marshal
(c) Lord Denning (d) Justice Coke Ans. c
244. Who authored the statement 'The government is the best which
governs least'?
(a) Herber Spencer (b) Harold Lasky
(c) Henry David Thoreau (d) Alexander Pope Ans. c
245. In the sentence, "Death lays his icy hands on kings", "Death" is
an example of__.
(a) symbolism (b) metaphor (c) hyperbole (d) personification Ans. d
246. The technique of treating non-living things as humans is called-
(a) Living (b) Description (c) Feeding d) Personification Ans. d
247. 'Paradox' is ____
(a) A statement which is false
(b) A statement which is apparently self-contradictory
(c) A statement which is apparently false
(d) A statement which is apparently true Ans. b
248. In the sentence "The man is a mad dog." "mad dog" is an
example of a/an-
(a) simile (b) metaphor (c) assonance (d) alliteration Ans. b
249. 'Metaphor' is a word or phrase that is applied to an object or
action to which it is not literally applicable. Which one is an
example of metaphor?
(a) He is the eternal summer (b) He is youthful and happy
(c) Death will never touch him (d) He will live forever Ans. a
250. Assonance refers to the repetition of similar vowel sounds.
Which of the following is an example of assonance?
(a) the rain in Spain falls (b) burning broom
(c) cawing crow (d) buzzing bell Ans. a

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RRS BCS English Care 59

251. Apostrophe is an exclamatory addressing of imagianry person

or abstract idea. Ans. d
Which of the following is not an example of apostrophe?
(a) Death! be not proud (b) Roll on thou dark deep ocean
(c) Where, O Death! the sting? (d) Is Science a Daughter of Art
252. Oxymoron refers to a term made of two words that contradict
each other. Which of the following is an example of oxymoron?
(a) screaming bull (b) bluest eyes (c) big sleep (d) open sercret Ans. d
253. What figure of speech do you find in "budding beauty"?
(a) Assonance (b) Alliteration (c) Simile (d) Metaphor Ans. b
254. In which year Winston Churchill got the Novel prize in
literature? [‡Rjv `yb©xwZ `gb Awdmvi c‡` wbe©vPbx cixÿv- 1994]
(a) 1943 (b) 1945 (c) 1948 (d) 1953 Ans. d
255. "Justice delayed is justice denied" was state by___ [11Zg wewmGm]
(a) Shakespeare (b) Emerson
(c) Gladstone (d) John Keats Ans. c
256. What is the work of Winston Churchill? [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© - 2011-12]
(a) History of the Second World War
(b) History of the English Speaking People
(c) Life in Marlborough
(d) Far from the Madding Crowd Ans. a
257. Who was a statesman but awarded Nobel Prize in English Literature?
(a) Stalin (b) Nixon (c) Churchill (d) Roosevelt Ans. c
258. Who is the author of ‘India Wins Freedom’? [10Zg wewmGm]
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) J.L. Nehru
(c) Abul Kalam Azad (d) Moulana Akram Khan Ans. c
259. 'To the light house' eBwUi iPwqZv †K?
(a) Jane Austen (b) Shakespeare
(c) S. T. Coleridge (d) Virginia Woolf Ans. d
260. The play Arms and the Man is by? [35Zg wewmGm]
(a) James Joyce (b) Arthur Miller
(c) G. B. Shaw (d) Samuel Beckett Ans. C
261. Riders to the Sea is an---? [35Zg wewmGm]
(a) an epic poem (b) a novella
(c) an one act play (d) a poem Ans. c
262. One of the four mentioned below is not a novelist of Victorian Age-
(a) Charles Dickens (b) George Eliot
(c) James Joyce (d) Thomas Hardy Ans.c

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60 An online initiative by Sharif Hossain Ahmad Chowdhury

263. 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' is a novel written by- [ciivóª gš¿Yvjq- 2012]
(a) William Somerset Maugham (b) Thomas Hardy
(c) Charles Dickens (d) D. H. Lawrence Ans. d
264. The most striking feature of D.H. Lawrence's character is that-
(a) they almost portray himself (b) they live a very simple life
(c) they live a very simple life (d) they are sly of themselves Ans. a
265. D. H. Lawrence a famous novelist of Modern Age is not the author of
one of the four novels mentioned below: [wcGmwm mn-cwiPvjK 1998]
(a) The Rainbow (b) Lady Chatterley's Lover
(c) Sons and Lovers (d) Ulysses Ans. d
266. What was the first novel of Virginia Woolf? [miKvwi gva¨ we`¨v wkÿK- 2009]
(a) The Waves (b) To the light house
(c) The voyage out (d) Jacob's Room Ans. c
267. T. S. Eliot was born in----
(a) Ireland (b) England (c) Wales (d) USA Ans. d
268. The literary work 'The Waste Land' is a- [Lyjbv wek¦we`¨vjq fwZ© -2011-12]
(a) poem by T.S Eliot (b) historical work by Charles Dickens
(c) play by P.B. Shelley (d) None Ans. a

An Important Dua for Attaining Humility

The Holy Quran says that the servants of The Most
Merciful should walk with humility upon the earth.
Hence we should ask Allah to instil this humility deep in
our hearts and allow it to be reflected in all our actions, and we
should inculcate the same in our children.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to supplicate:
"Allahumma ‘aj’alni saburan, waj’alni
shakuran, waj ‘alni fi ‘ayni sagheera
wa fi a’ayuni an-naasi kabeera."
"0 Allah! Make me greatly patient
and highly thankful to You, and
make me small in my own eyes,
but great in the eyes of others."

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